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Al-Kharrar Lagoon is a fossil back-reef basin with hypersaline waters, situated 10 km northwest of Rabigh city, central of the eastern Red Sea coast, Saudi Arabia. About 130 stations were selected for measurements of the lagoon’s water temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, and water depths during March 2014. The common macro-algae, flora, and fauna were also sampled and identified. The present study aims to investigate the prevailing environmental parameters and their impact on the macro-fauna/flora of the lagoon. The average water depth of the lagoon was around 5 m and reached maximum values of 8 and 16 at the lagoon centre and inlet, respectively. The results showed that the lagoon’s surface water temperature and salinity have mean values of 25 °C and 40‰, but with extreme values of 30 °C and 45‰ that occurred only at the enclosed intertidal areas, respectively. Their dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH were 6.5 mg/l and 8.3, respectively and the latter showing the highest values up to 8.5 in the intertidal areas dominated by the green cyanobacteria. These physicochemical conditions make the lagoon as a favorite place for the mangrove Avicennia marina, macro-algae, seagrasses (Halophila stipulacea and Cymodocea rotundata), and algal mats (Cyanobacteria) which dominate the intertidal and supratidal areas of the lagoon, tolerating extremely high-salinity and high-temperature conditions. On the other hand, corals were observed alive at the southern part of the lagoon, immediately south of the Al-Ultah Islet. Vertical profiles of temperature, salinity, and density in the lagoon’s water indicated that the water column consists of two layers throughout the year.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of 10 years of water quality monitoring in the Indian River Lagoon Florida, with special emphasis on the relationships between trends in climatic conditions and the distribution, composition, and abundance of the phytoplankton community. The Indian River Lagoon, which spans 220 km of Florida’s east coast, is a region of particular concern because of the rapid rate of human development throughout the region and the hydrologically restricted character of the lagoon, which heightens the potential for algal bloom. Water sampling was carried out on a monthly to twice-monthly basis at six sites located in the northern and central lagoon. The 10-year study included both extended periods of below and above average rainfall. A number of ecologically distinct regions exist within the lagoon, which differ considerably in water exchange properties and watershed inputs. The northern lagoon is characterized by longer water residence times, lower phosphorus concentrations, higher nitrogen concentrations, and more stable salinity conditions than the central lagoon. Mean phytoplankton biovolumes were substantially higher at the sites in the northern lagoon than at the sites in the central lagoon, and algal blooms were more common and intense in the former region. Inter-annual patterns of phytoplankton biovolume were also different in the northern and central lagoon. In the northern lagoon, phytoplankton biovolumes were lowest during the drought period, from the autumn of 1998 to the spring of 2001. By contrast, algal bloom events in the central lagoon were not only less frequent but were not tied to periods of high rainfall. The most widespread and common bloom formers were the potentially toxic dinoflagellate Pyrodinium bahamense var. bahamense and two centric diatoms, Dactyliosolen fragilissimus and Cerataulina pelagica. Many of the biovolume peaks observed over the study period were attributable to these three species. The results of time series modeling of phytoplankton dynamics further highlighted the disparities between the two regions of the lagoon in terms of the suite of parameters that best predict the observed trends in the biomass of phytoplankton. Overall, the outcome of this initial modeling effort in the Indian River Lagoon suggests that time series approaches can help define the factors that influence phytoplankton dynamics.  相似文献   

The identified mollusks from the Burullus lagoon of Egypt (Eastern Mediterranean) are represented by four bivalve species and four gastropod species. Sources of heavy metals pollution in the Burullus lagoon include phosphate fertilizers, sewage and oil spills from fishing boats.The Cerastoderma glaucum species has a wide distribution in the central part of the studied area with satisfying criteria required for good bio-monitors of pollution. High concentrations of heavy metals are found in water, at the eastern side of the lagoon, while low concentrations were detected in the central and western sides of the lagoon. Pirenella conica constitutes the total gastropods assemblages, reflecting this species tolerance to the high concentration of heavy metals. Meanwhile, the total pelecypods in bottom lagoon sediments are completely absent in the eastern parts of the lagoon, which may be due to the sensitivity of pelecypods to the accumulation of heavy metals.  相似文献   

The present study is an attempt to assess the impact of a saline waste lagoon on the near subsurface through electrical resistivity tomography (ERT). Resistivity and IP imaging data have been collected on profiles close to the lagoon and at a far off location (control location). Water samples have been collected from the lagoon and a municipality drinking well close to it and analysed for the water chemistry. The geoelectrical sections indicate very low resistivity formations in the near subsurface in the vicinity of the lagoon as compared to the control profile. The water chemistry data from the monitoring well close to the profile also indicates very high total dissolved solids (8658 mg/L) and qualitatively supports the contamination of the near subsurface. The conductive formations in the vicinity of the lagoon can be attributed to the overflow from the lagoon or the seepage.  相似文献   

We have modeled the distribution of nine toxic metals in the surface sediments from 163 stations in the Venice lagoon using published data. Three entrances from the Adriatic Sea control the circulation in the lagoon and divide it into three basins. We assume, for purposes of modeling, that Porto Marghera at the head of the Industrial Zone area is the single source of toxic metals in the Venice lagoon. In a standing body of lagoon water, concentration of pollutants at distancex from the source (C 0) may be given byC=C 0e–kx wherek is the rate constant of dispersal. We calculatedk empirically using concentrations at the source, and those farthest from it, that is the end points of the lagoon. Averagek values (ppm/km) in the lagoon are: Zn 0.165, Cd 0.116, Hg 0.110, Cu 0.105, Co 0.072, Pb 0.058, Ni 0.008, Cr (0.011) and Fe (0.018 percent/km), and they have complex distributions. Given thek values, concentration at source (C 0), and the distancex of any point in the lagoon from the source, we have calculated the model concentrations of the nine metals at each sampling station. Tides, currents, floor morphology, additional sources, and continued dumping perturb model distributions causing anomalies (observed minus model concentrations). Positive anomalies are found near the source, where continued dumping perturbs initial boundary conditions, and in areas of sluggish circulation. Negative anomalies are found in areas with strong currents that may flush sediments out of the lagoon. We have thus identified areas in the lagoon where higher rate of sediment removal and exchange may lessen pollution.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have suggested that submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) occurs in the Venice lagoon with discharge rates on the same order or larger than the surface runoff, as demonstrated previously in several other coastal zones around the world. Here, the first set of 222Rn data, along with new 226Ra data are reported, in order to investigate the occurrence and magnitude of SGD specifically in the southern basin of the lagoon. The independent connection with the Adriatic Sea (at the Chioggia inlet), in addition to the relative isolation of the water body from the main lagoon, make this area an interesting case study. There is probably only minimal fresh groundwater flux to the lagoon because the surrounding aquifer is subsiding and mainly has a lower hydraulic head than seawater.The data show that the Ra and Rn activities are in slight excess in the lagoon compared to the open sea, with values on the same order as those observed in the northern and central basins. Taking into account the water exchange rate between the lagoon and adjacent seawater provided by previous hydrodynamic numerical modelling, it is shown that this excess cannot be supported at steady state by only riverine input and by diffusive release from the sediment interstitial water. High activities observed in groundwater samples collected from 16 piezometers tapping into the shallow aquifer over the coastal lowland substantiate that the excess radioactivity in the lagoon may indeed be due to the advection of groundwater directly into the lagoon bottom water through the sediment interface. However, the data show that the groundwater composition is extremely heterogeneous, with high Ra activities concentrated within a narrow coastal strip where the contact between fresh and saline water takes place, while Rn strongly decreases when approaching the lagoon shore across the 20 km coastal plain. Assuming that the average groundwater activities measured in the coastal strip are representative of the SGD composition, a SGD flux of 7.7 ± 3.5 × 105 and 2.5 ± 2 × 106 m3/d is calculated using a 226Ra and 222Rn budget, respectively, (i.e. about 1-3 times the surface runoff), substantially lower than in previous studies. The influence of all assumptions on SGD estimates (groundwater heterogeneity, diffusive sediment flux, one-box versus multi-boxes model calculations) is discussed, and a sensitivity analysis of the influence of imperfect exchange and mixing at the lagoon outlets that affects the lagoon composition is provided. Finally, the results confirm that the SGD flux, calculated with these assumptions, is largely (∼80%) composed of saline lagoon water circulating through the sediment under the lagoon margin, and that the fresh water discharge associated with SGD is at most a minor term in the lagoon hydrologic balance.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relations between watershed precipitation, upstream channel slope, and the geomorphology of 19 small (40 to 18,658 m2), fluvial-incised lagoons in the actively uplifting piedmont near Santa Barbara, CA. Lagoons in the study are funnel-shaped, shallow (<2 m), river-dominated, and enclosed by a sandy to cobble-sized beach barrier for much of the year. Results indicate a strong link between watershed processes and lagoon geomorphology, such that a significant portion of the variability in lagoon area, length, volume, average width, circularity, and lagoon width expansion can be explained by the variability of watershed precipitation and channel slope upstream of the lagoons. Performing multiple regression analysis with watershed precipitation and channel slope as independent variables, coefficients of determination for the power function regressions are 0.88 (lagoon area), 0.88 (lagoon volume), 0.83 (lagoon volume), and 0.74 (average width). Upstream slope is the best single predictor of lagoon geomorphology.  相似文献   

The eastern edge of the Djerba Island represents an important tourist pole. However, studies describing the environmental processes affecting this Island are scarce. Although never studied before, the peculiar Djerba lagoon is well known by the local population and by tourists. In July 2014, surface sediment and seawater samples were collected in this lagoon to measure grain size, organic matter content and living foraminiferal assemblages to describe environmental conditions. Seawater samples were also collected and the concentration of 17 chemical elements were measured by ICP-OES. The results show that a salinity gradient along the studied transect clearly impacts seagrass distribution, creating different environmental conditions inside the Djerba lagoon. Biotic and abiotic parameters reflect a transitional environment from hypersaline to normal marine conditions. Living benthic foraminifera show an adaptation to changing conditions within the different parts of the lagoon. In particular, the presence of Ammonia spp. and Haynesina depressula correlates with hypersaline waters, whilst Brizalina striatula characterizes the parts of the lagoon colonized by seagrass. Epifaunal species, such as Rosalina vilardeboana and Amphistegina spp. colonize hard substrata present at the transition between the lagoon and the open sea.  相似文献   

The low-frequency transport processes in a small, shallow coastal lagoon (Indian River Bay, Delaware) are examined based on a set of data derived from tide gauges, near-bottom current meter measurements, and drifter releases. The subtidal sea-level fluctuations in the interior of the lagoon are forced primarily by the coastal sea-level fluctuations off the mouth of the inlet, which connects the lagoon with the coastal ocean. The effect of local wind plays a secondary role in modifying the coastally forced sea level inside the lagoon. Given the continuity constraint which links sea-level fluctuations to the depth and laterally integrated barotropic transport, the coastal pumping effect would be expected to be the dominant factor in controlling the subtidal barotropic exchange within the bay. However, the dominance of the coastal pumping effect on the barotropic exchange does not readily translate into the dominance of this effect on the transport and distribution of waterborne material in the bay at subtidal frequencies. The observed nearbottom subtidal current fluctuations are not coherent with the coastal sea-level fluctuations. The observed current is also much stronger than the barotropic current inferred from the continuity constraint. This suggests the presence of a depth-dependent flow field, with current in the upper layer fluctuating in opposite direction to that at depth. Furthermore, the observed near-bottom current also shows significant spatial variability within the bay. As for the mean current, the residual flow field shows distinctly different patterns between the surface and the bottom. The residual current at the surface exhibits a consistent mean flow out of the bay. At the bottom, the residual current shows a mean flow into the estuary in the upper part of the lagoon and a spatially variable flow in the lower part of the lagoon. A competition between gravitational circulation and tidally rectified current may contribute to the observed vertical and horizontal variabilities in the residual flow field.  相似文献   

Four, 32-day current meter records from the Indian River lagoon, Florida, are used to characterize flow patterns along the Intracoastal Waterway in a coastal lagoon. The M2 tidal constituent amplitude decreases from 58 cm per s near the Fort Pierce Inlet to only 7 cm per s in the interior of the lagoon. The relative importance of the nontidal variance in the current meter records increases from 0.6% to 26.6% of the total over the same distance. Plots of net displacement over time intervals of one to 16 days suggest relatively rapid flushing near the inlet, but in the interior of the lagoon periods of little or no net movement are increasingly common. Low-frequency motions at all four sites are coherent with windstress over time scales in excess of approximately two days.  相似文献   

自然和人类活动作用下月湖沉积物有机质来源及其演变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
潟湖海湾可以保存环境演化和人类活动的良好记录,碳氮元素含量及同位素特征可用来有效地反演这些演化。对位于山东半岛的月湖柱状样和沿岸表层样总有机碳、总氮、稳定碳氮同位素的分析表明,陆源物质对月湖沉积物和有机质的贡献很小,其沉积物中有机质的主要来源是维管植物大叶藻和各种海洋藻类。在2002年前大约140 a的沉积历史中,大叶藻对沉积物有机质的贡献比例呈上升趋势,其中在约1930年和1980年有两次明显的上升,前者可能因为种群的快速繁育,后者则可能是1979年口门筑坝后由于湾内环境恶化,大叶藻开始大量死亡的表现。月湖海洋藻类的有机碳埋藏通量在沉积记录中保持相对稳定,而大叶藻则增加了一倍,但两者都有一定程度的波动。研究结果表明自然环境演变(如沙嘴生长、口门缩小)和人类活动(如筑坝、修筑虾池)对月湖生态环境及有机碳埋藏的影响在沉积物中有清晰的记录。  相似文献   

Holocene evolution of a coastal lagoon, Lake of Tunis, Tunisia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Historical records demonstrate that the Lake of Tunis, Tunisia, was an open bay that became separated from the Mediterranean by an accreting barrier spit, forming a lagoon. Closure of the lagoon was caused by increased sedimentation as a consequence of Roman deforestation of the Medjerda River drainage basin to the north and subsequent accelerated longshore transport. The separation of the lagoon from the Mediterranean was completed in the early 1500s. At present, the 48 km2 lagoon averages less than 1 m in depth and reaches eutrophic conditions in the late summer. Consistent with the historical records, the lagoon sedimentary column shows three distinct successive environments of deposition: (1) an arid continental environment; (2) an open marine bay; and (3) the present brackish to hypersaline lagoon. These depositional environments are represented by the lower grey layer, which is less than 0-5 m thick, the middle olive-grey layer, which varies from 1 to 5 m in thickness, and the upper black layer, which is 1 m thick. All of the strata are predominantly silt plus clay, but usually contain at least 10% sand. The lower grey layer consists of pitted quartz sand, with very few abraded, broken molluscan fragments and benthic foraminifera with thick tests. An arid, subaerial depositional environment of latest Pleistocene time best explains these sediment and fossil assemblages. In the middle olive-grey layer, coral, coralline algae, open marine graeses and the dominance of foraminifera over ostracods (expressed as a low percentage of ostracods/ostracods plus foraminifera) attest to a depositional environment of an open marine bay. A sharp increase in the percentage of ostracods/ostracods plus foraminifera and organic carbon from the middle olive-grey layer to the upper black layer signifies a major change in depositional environment. The predominance of ostracods over foraminifera, abundance of gastropods characteristic of eutrophic conditions, high organic carbon content and absence of macro-fossils characteristic of open marine conditions clearly indicate that the upper black layer was deposited in a brackish to hypersaline, eutrophic lagoon which has persisted to the present. Seismic records indicate a karstic bedrock surface underlying the lagoon. The surface is marked by considerable relief, and shows a linear depression which may represent an early sixteenth century ship canal. Heavy metal analyses of total samples in five cores demonstrate that Mn and Fe vary randomly, and are apparently derived from natural sources only. Cd, Cr, Pb, Cu and Zn are typically highest in the uppermost unit, which reflects levels of human contamination since closure of the lagoon.  相似文献   

Metal fluxes to the sediments of the Moulay Bousselham lagoon,Morocco   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The metal content in surface sediments (0–2 cm, 26 samples), in a sediment core (120, 1 cm slices), taken from Moulay Bousselham (Morocco) was investigated. Concentrations of Al, Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Cd, As, and Hg were evaluated in surface and cored sediments of Moulay Bousselham lagoon. Significantly high concentrations in μg g−1 dw of Pb (31.7–6.2), Zn (758.9–167), Cu (310.7–22), Ni (96–10.5), Cr (113–18.9), Cd (0.84–0.02), As (1–0.1), and Hg (0.61–0.02) were found in sediment samples from Moulay Bousselham lagoon. Calculated enrichment factors [EFMe = (Me/Al)sample/(Me/Al)background], using Al as a normalizer, and correlation matrices showed that metal pollution in Merja Zerga of Moulay Bousselham lagoon was the product of anthropogenic sources, while the metal content in Merja Kehla was of natural origins. The results suggest that a major change in the sedimentary regime of the lagoon, associated with internal trapping and re-distribution of heavy metal, has been occurring in the past few decades. The cause would appear to be the construction of a Nador Canal at the lagoon. Probable effects concentrations (PEC) were often exceeded for heavy metals in the lagoon sediments, especially for Zn, Cu, Ni, and Cr, and four stations, stations MZ-11, MZ-12, MZ-13, MZ-14, MZ-16, and MZ-17, had multiple metals at presumptively toxic levels. These comparisons suggest that sediment metal levels in the river are clearly high and probably pose an environmental risk at some stations. The levels of most of the metals were not greatly enriched, a consideration that is of the utmost importance when contamination issues are at stake. Metal concentrations found in Moulay Bousselham lagoon were comparable to aquatic systems classified as contaminated from other regions of the world.  相似文献   

根据镜下薄片统计结果,参照野外观察,采用R型和Q型聚类分析方法对贵州省紫云县宗地乡上石炭统达拉阶—下二叠统隆林阶的沉积环境进行了研究。分析结果表明,贵州宗地达拉阶—隆林阶存在11种微相类型,分别为深水局限泻湖、浅水局限泻湖、深水藻丘、接近浅滩的洼地、台地边缘浅滩、深水泻湖、浅水藻丘、浅水泻湖或潮坪、潮汐砂坝、局限浅滩或泻湖和深水斜坡等环境的沉积。不同的微相类型在剖面纵向上构成了6个微相组合,代表了沉积环境依时间变化的6个基本过程:浅滩或潮坪—开阔台地—藻丘—局限台地—深水斜坡—局限藻丘。  相似文献   

Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr and Co pollution of El Melah lagoon waters near the city of Slimane in northwestern Tunisia was evaluated relative to identified human activity and waste repositories in the neighborhood. These metals were measured in lagoon waters and sediments, and in the potential pollutants, during two consecutive years for evaluation of their impact on the lagoon waters. A sequential extraction of the metals from sediments was designed to distinguish those potentially anthropogenic from those naturally scavenged by the sediments. This procedure allowed identification and quantification of the metals that are temporarily trapped, therefore contributing directly to the ecotoxicity of the lagoon waters, from those incorporated in the sediments. The highest supplies of Cr and Co to the lagoon waters come from El-Bey creek waters, while the wastewater treatment plant contributes for most of the Zn, and the urban garbage deposit for most of the Ni. Alternatively, the impact of the cultivated soils is minimal for the studied metals. In fact, Zn and Ni contents of the sediments amount 100 to 20 times less than in the present water, which is negligible. Cr is potentially the most polluting with contents up to ten times more in the sediments of the eastern lagoon pool and next to the outlet of the wastewater plant than in the waters. Potentially, contents of the anthropogenic Cu of the sediments amount 3–15 times less than in the lagoon waters.  相似文献   

全新世我国华南沿海广泛发育障壁海岸,此环境下发育独特的障壁海岸三角洲沉积.基于对潮汕地区的现代地质考察,并总结前人的研究认识,得出该地区韩江三角洲形成演化的主要控制因素为海平面变化、障壁-潟湖体系、河流搬运能力;明确了不同时期三角洲演化的特征及砂体的展布规律;然后,结合螺河三角洲和万宁小海的发育特点,划分出障壁海岸三角洲演化的三大阶段,即形成期:障壁-潟湖体系形成,潟湖内开始形成三角洲;发展期:潟湖内水体稳定,三角洲前积较快,障壁沙坝向海迁移;改造期:潟湖逐渐消失,沉积物开始在障壁沙坝外侧沉积,三角洲向海推进;最后,建立了潮汕地区早期潟湖内河流作用为主、后期障壁外多种动力共同作用下的障壁海岸三角洲的沉积模式.  相似文献   

In the present work, we evaluated the origin of organic matter in the tropical estuarine-lagoon system of Mundaú–Manguaba, NE Brazil, by considering the bulk (organic carbon and chlorophyll-a) and lipidic (n-alcohols and sterols) composition of suspended particles. Water samples were collected in August 2006 from 24 stations covering the salinity gradient from the rivers down to the sea outlet. Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) varied from 22.7 to 134.1 μg L−1 in the lagoons, indicating eutrophic to hypertrophic conditions at the time of sampling. The high correlation between Chl-a and phytol together with the molar C:N ratio indicated the presence of fresh and recently produced autochthonous particulate organic matter throughout the system, except for the river samples. The elevated concentrations of short-chain n-alcohols and phytosterols, mainly 24-methylcholesta-5,24(28)-dien-3β-ol, also corroborated the predominance of autochthonous organic matter in the lagoons but were generated by distinct sources: cianobacteria in the freshwater Manguaba lagoon and diatoms in the brackish Mundaú lagoon compartments. Input of terrestrial organic matter was only detected in the rivers themselves or at the upper river–lagoon interfaces. Coprostanol indicated contamination by sewage in Mundaú lagoon and in some rivers, but at lower levels when compared to other Brazilian coastal lagoons and estuaries.  相似文献   

The Patos Lagoon is a choked, microtidal coastal laggon situated in southern Brazil between 30°S and 32°S. The response of the lagoon to tidal oscillations is studied through data analysis and numerical modeling experiments. Two types of high frequency oscillations are observed in the tidal frequency band: mixed tides, predominantly diurnal; and forced oscillations having a period of 24 h occurring in the inner lagoon. In the southern portion of the lagoon, tides are selectively filtered by the entrance channel. The main diurnal constituent O1 is linearly attenuated as it progresses landwards. In the inner parts of the lagoon, 24-h oscillations are mainly forced by the combined effect of diurnal tides and sea breeze action. They are tied with a natural period of oscillation of 24 h. Results also indicate that these are not inertial frequency oscillations, despite the lagoon being placed in a critical 30°S area. The interaction between astronomical tides and meteorological effects produces a complicated picture for tidal forecasting derived from data collected inside the lagoon.  相似文献   

The macrobenthic fauna in the large, hypersaline, shallow Keta lagoon in Ghana was sampled at 20 stations in the wet (September 2002) and dry seasons (March 2003) to elucidate the effects of abiotic factors on community patterns. The macrobenthic fauna was low in density and species diversity and numerically dominated by bivalves and capitellid polychaetes. These organisms appear able to withstand physical disturbance (when lagoon water levels become extremely low) and osmotic stress (when salinities are extremely high) and tend to redistribute along environmental gradients. Parallel seasonal differences in several environmental variables and the macrobenthic fauna indicate a highly dynamic system. Species richness and diversity were higher in the wet season than the dry season. Salinity, percent clay, pH, and turbidity in that order were the major significant variables structuring the macrobenthic faunal assemblage in Keta lagoon. The strong effect of seasonal salinity changes on macrobenthic faunal assemblages may have trophic consequences for higher organisms of commercial importance, such as fishes and shorebirds, in the Keta lagoon.  相似文献   

通过对辽东半岛西部的长兴岛八岔沟古泻湖平原进行钻孔调查取样,对由海向陆4个不同地点的100余个钻孔样品,进行粘土混浊水导电率测定,区分了八岔沟古泻湖平原的海陆相沉积层,查明了该古泻湖平原的海相层上限的高度.结果表明:该平原各孔的海相层上限高度具有明显的一致性,大约为海拔4.0~4.2 m,此高度代表了该古泻湖平原全新世最高海平面期间海水所达到的平均高潮线的高度.通过测定和讨论覆盖在海相层上的泥炭底部14C年代,明确了该区略早于5 800 cal.aB.P.达到全新世最高海平面.全新世最高海面期的平均海平面高度约为海拔3.4~3.6 m.将此高度与辽东半岛东部大孤山一带的全新世高海平面期(6 000~5 500 cal.aB.P.)的平均海平面的高度值约2 m相对比,显示出在全新世期间辽东半岛西部八岔沟一带较东部的大洋河平原有相对上升的趋势.深达9 m的B3孔的导电率有两个高峰值,反映该平原全新世曾发生过两次海侵,较晚一次海侵的最大范围达到距现代海岸线约1.2 km处.  相似文献   

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