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The concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni and Fe were determined in the surface sediment and marine gastropod Nerita lineata collected in May 2005 from the intertidal zone of Dumai, Sumatera, Indonesia and Johor, Peninsular Malaysia. The results showed that metal concentrations in sediment and the soft tissue of N. lineata varied at different sampling stations. Mean heavy metal concentrations were 0. 92 μg/g(Cd) ;6.40 μg/g(Cu) ;32.77 μg/g(Pb) ;54.41μg/g(Zn) ;11.56 μg/g(Ni) and 2.97%(Fe) in sediment from Dumai and 1.15 μg(Cd) ;26.73 μg/g(Cu) ;53.45μg/g(Pb) ;130.77 μg/g(Zn) ;20.79 μg/g( Ni ) and 2.72% (Fe) in sediment from Johor. Concentrations of metals in gastropod N. lineata were 0.71 μg/g(Cd) ;15.16 μg(Cu) ;9.35 μg/g(Pb) ;94.69 μg/g(Zn) ;5.08 μg/g(Ni) and 397.97 μg/g(Fe) in samples from Dumai and 1.24 μg(Cd) ;18.02 μg/g(Cu) ;19.75 μg/g(Pb) ;95.09 μg/g(Zn) ;5.57 μg/g ( Ni ) and 473. 56 μg/g (Fe) in samples from Johor. Although they were not statistically significant (p >0.05), heavy metal concentrations in N. lineata were correlated with the concentrations of respective metals in sediment in both samples from Dumai and Johor. In general, samples of sediment and gastropod from Johor accumulated significantly higher heavy metal concentrations when compared to samples from Dumai(p < 0. 05). Higher concentrations of metals were recorded in samples collected from the stations close to the industrial and anthropogenic activities in both Dumai and Johor areas. However, most of the concentrations were still comparable to the previous reported studies from other geographical areas.  相似文献   

The snails (Pomacea insularum) were collected from polluted and unpolluted sites at Juru River and the Universiti Putra Malaysia Lake, respectively. Besides the shells, the soft tissues of snails were dissected into 6 different parts: intestine, operculum, foot, pennial sac, lung sac and the remainder. They were analyzed for the concentrations of Cu, Cd, Zn, Pb, Ni and Fe. The present study found 6 interesting points. First, all the metal levels found in the different parts of P. insularum collected from Juru River were significantly (p<0.05) higher than those in the snails of unpolluted lake. These results were also supported by the sediment data in which the Juru River sediment had significantly (p<0.05) higher levels of metal than those in the unpolluted lake. Second, the high levels of Cd and Pb were found in the shell of P. insularum, indicating that it is a potential biomonitoring material for these metals. Third, intestine accumulated elevated levels of Zn, Ni and Fe and thus is a potential biomonitoring organ for the 3 metals. Fourth, high levels of Cu were found in the lung sac and this phenomenon could be related to this metal binding to metallothionein in this organ. Fifth, elevated level of Pb found in the soft tissues of P. insularum indicated that this snail is not suitable for human consumption since its pollution level was higher than the food safety guideline for Pb. Sixth, there was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the different sizes (small sizes: 30.5-33.2 mm; large sizes: 37.7-40.4 mm) of P. insularum. The first 5 points supported the use of different soft tissues of P. insularum as biomonitoring organs of heavy metal pollution in the freshwater ecosystem in Malaysia although further validation is required.  相似文献   

利用ArcGIS对1977—2004年不同时段的长江口崇明岛向海侧水下地形测量资料进行处理,并结合该区的潮滩历史遥感图片、现场高程测量以及同期大通站输沙率资料,探讨三角洲前缘岸滩冲淤演变对河流来沙减少响应的敏感性。结果表明:研究区岸滩的淤涨速率总体上在年代以上时间尺度随着长江来沙减少而下降,但由于局部滩—槽演变和海洋动力条件的影响,某些年代内和某些部位可能出现相反的趋势,使岸滩演变对河流来沙减少的响应变得复杂化。在此基础上预测今后几十年研究区的冲淤趋势。  相似文献   

优化、高效的区域产业结构是区域社会经济发展的必备条件.本研究基于传统偏离-份额分析法(SSM)以及动态偏离-份额分析法对区域产业结构进行横向对比与纵向测度,从福建省的视角进行实证分析,旨在为区域产业结构优化升级、经济发展方式转变提供科学指导.研究表明:1)中国沿海地区的产业结构份额和产业竞争份额大部分大于全国平均水平,说明沿海地区相对于其他地区具有产业结构的优势;2)福建的经济增长主要是依靠全国经济增长的作用,而不是靠产业结构和产业竞争力的优势;3)相对于其他沿海地区,福建省的发展速度相对落后;4)福建省应利用区位优势,承接台湾地区的产业转移,促进福建省的产业结构优化升级.  相似文献   

优化、高效的区域产业结构是区域社会经济发展的必备条件.本研究基于传统偏离-份额分析法(SSM)以及动态偏离-份额分析法对区域产业结构进行横向对比与纵向测度,从福建省的视角进行实证分析,旨在为区域产业结构优化升级、经济发展方式转变提供科学指导.研究表明:1)中国沿海地区的产业结构份额和产业竞争份额大部分大于全国平均水平,...  相似文献   

运用土地利用变化强度、土地利用程度变化率、生态系统服务价值以及G IS软件对榆林市土地利用时空格局演变及其生态响应进行了分析。结果表明,1990—2005年榆林市土地利用类型转换较快,耕地、林地、园地、城镇用地的土地利用变化强度分别达-0.46%,0.39%,0.09%,0.03%。1990—2005年榆林市生态系统服务价值呈现逐年增长态势,16年间增加了19.26亿元,同期耕地生态价值减少了8.19亿元,林地、草地生态价值分别增加了27.25和0.27亿元。县域生态系统服务价值结果显示,16年间靖边县生态系统服务价值下降了0.27亿元,其他各县均呈现增长态势。  相似文献   

湿地生态旅游区以其生态多样性、景观多样性和物种多样性,成为许多珍稀濒危鸟类的主要栖息地和繁殖地。随着旅游开发的深入,鸟类栖息地保护及观鸟旅游已成为湿地旅游开发的两个重要方面。为确保湿地生态旅游区的可持续发展,选取盐城丹顶鹤湿地生态旅游区为研究对象,根据鸟类的栖息要求,营建相应的栖息生境,并对观鸟旅游方式做了初浅的探讨,以期对以鸟类栖息地保护为主的湿地规划提供借鉴。  相似文献   

利用遥感监测和实地调查研究相结合的办法,研究分析了中国北方草原沙漠化动态变化趋势和发展原因。结果表明:苏尼特左旗沙漠化形势非常严峻,包括北部广阔草原地区的沙漠化和南部沙丘活化两大类型。苏尼特左旗在过去30余年里,沙漠化土地总面积在增加,而沙漠化指数(ADI)在2000—2005年间略有减小,反映出2000—2005年间研究区沙漠化程度略有恢复。研究区两大类沙漠化土地发展变化趋势并不相同,草原沙漠化在过去30余年里一直在发展,由斑块状向片状发展;而沙丘活化则在1973—1987年间强烈发展,在1987年以后则呈现出恢复逆转的态势,沙丘活化对气候变化表现出较高的响应,揭示出苏尼特左旗南部沙漠化的发展受人类活动影响较小,主要与气候变化有关。北部大面积的草原沙漠化与气候变化趋势不完全一致,主要随着人类过渡放牧活动或者大规模保护恢复活动,而发生沙漠化严重程度的加剧或减缓。苏尼特左旗的沙漠化发展状况表明,中国北方草原沙漠化发展以人类活动占主导地位,且以斑块状向连片发展为主要形式,其中围绕居民点和水源的沙漠化发展最为突出。实践表明,科学管理人类活动完全可以减缓甚至恢复中国北方草原区的沙漠化土地。  相似文献   

在全球变暖背景下,树轮宽度与气候因子关系的地域差异研究,将为预测森林生产力、种群分布等变化提供重要信息。以中国东南地区马尾松为例,利用其分布中心区九岭山和分布南缘九连山两地的树轮样本,分别建立了树轮宽度差值年表,并与两地平均气温、降水量、相对湿度和日照时数4个气候因子做相关分析。结果表明:两地年表均与冬春季(1—3月)平均气温显著正相关,与上一年11月日照时数显著负相关,验证了在中国东南地区利用树轮宽度重建冬春季平均气温的可行性;九岭山年表与上一年气候因子的相关性显著高于九连山地区,表现出气候对分布中心区的马尾松生长产生更为明显的滞后效应,对该差异从两地树轮早材率角度进行了合理的解释;在不区分上一年和当年的前提下,九连山年表与生长季中晚期(7—10月)气温显著负相关,与降水和相对湿度显著正相关,而九岭山年表在该时段内与气温和日照时数显著正相关,与降水和相对湿度显著负相关,这说明生长季中晚期由高温干旱而导致的水分胁迫作用是南界马尾松径向生长的主要气候限制因子,而分布中心区的马尾松径向生长可能受到一定程度的高湿环境制约。  相似文献   

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