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A method to control the propagation of a frequency-modulated wave packet in the ionosphere with the use of the dispersive refraction effect is considered. The problem is solved in the spectral domain on the basis of the superposition principle. In this spectral approach, the dispersive refraction is considered as space–time focusing of the spectral components of the wave packet. Numerical results demonstrate the possibility to use the dispersive properties of the ionosphere for the creation of controlled radio channels.  相似文献   

Summary A method of propagating the components of the displacement across interfaces in a multi-layered spherical earth model is presented. It is useful both for explosion sources and tangential dislocation sources, buried in an arbitrary layer of the model. Combined with known techniques, our method yields a useful tool for generating synthetic seismograms for earthquake sources in realistic earth models.  相似文献   

It has been indicated how a complex ionogram of topside sounding near the outer slope of the winter southern crest of the equatorial anomaly, where a large NmF2, gradient and a deep hmF2, minimum are observed, is formed. The model latitudinal cross-sectio n of the ionosphere, used to perform trajectory calculations, has been constructed based on the corrected Intercosmos-19 data. The ray trajectories have been modeled using the method of characteristics. It has been indicated that a complex Intercosmos-19 ionogram is formed by an oblique reflection from the equatorial anomaly crest slope (the main trace) and by a strongly oblique reflection from the crest bottom as a result of the wave capture by a large-scale inhomogeneity (the additional trace).  相似文献   

Summary Parameterization schemes for single islands, island chains and archipelagos are described. It is shown that their utilization within the framework of a global tidal model leads not only to local peculiarities in the spatial structure of tidal characteristics, but also to cardinal restructuring of the tidal pattern far beyond the islands and an appreciable increase (about 0.5·1012W) of the global tidal energy dissipation. The latter is commensurable by the order of magnitude with the imbalance between estimates of tidal energy dissipation in the World Ocean as a whole and on the continental shelf.
Modellierung der Gezeiten der weltmeere unter Berücksichtigung von Inseleffekten
Zusammenfassung Es werden parametrisierte Darstellungen von einzelnen Inseln, Inselketten und Inselgruppen beschrieben. Es wird gezeigt, daß ihre Anwendung bei einem globalen Gezeitenmodell nicht nur zu lokalen Besonderheiten in der geographischen Struktur der Gezeiten führt, sondern auch zur grundsätzlichen Restrukturierung des Gezeitenmusters weit über die Inseln hinaus und zu einer deutlichen Zunahme (etwa 0,5·1012 W) des globalen Gezeiten-Energieverlusts für die M2-Tide. Dieser hat etwa die Größenordnung des Unterschiedes zwischen dem Gezeiten-Energieverlust des gesamten Weltmeeres und dem auf dem Kontinentalschelf.

A theory of electromagnetic radiation generation by random electric discharges in the troposphere and VHF radiowave scattering by these discharges has been developed. The discharge model, which makes it possible to calculate the spatiotemporal distribution of the discharge channel conductivity depending on the electric current value in this discharge, has been obtained. The electromagnetic radiation spectrum in the troposphere occupied by random discharges has been calculated. VHF electromagnetic wave scattering by random electric discharges in the troposphere has been considered. Equations have been derived, and the method for calculating the average value of the electromagnetic wave field scattered by random discharges has been developed. The calculations indicated that the scattered wave field amplitude is much larger than the diffraction wave field amplitude behind the horizon. The theoretical results agree with the observations of the electromagnetic radiation and VHF transmitter signals behind the horizon relative to the earthquake epicenter during the earthquake preparation.  相似文献   

The results of a comparison of the critical frequency values measured by an ionosonde of the Mir manned station (MS) and ground-based automatic ionospheric stations in various regions of the globe are presented in the paper. A comparison with European stations showed a coincidence of the results with a high significance level. The distributions of the critical frequencies in the regions of the equator in South America and in Southeast Asia obtained on the basis of the Mir results are qualitatively compared with the data of the International GPS Service (IGS) for the determination of the total electron content. The picture of the electron density distribution coincides qualitatively with the IGS data. The intervals of the strongest changes in the electron density in these regions were accompanied by the appearance of extra traces with large group delays in ionograms.  相似文献   

We present the results of complex experiments dealing with the impact of powerful HF radiowaves on the high-latitude ionosphere using the European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association (EISCAT) facilities. During the ionospheric F-region heating by powerful extraordinary (X-mode) polarized HF radiowaves under the conditions of heating near the critical f H frequency f Hf x F2 of the extraordinary wave of the F2-layer, we were first to detect the excitation of intense artificial small-scale ionospheric irregularities (ASIs), accompanied by electron temperature increases by approximately 50%. The results of coordinated satellite and ground-based observations of the powerful HF radiowave impact on the high-latitude ionosphere are considered. During ionospheric F-region heating by powerful HF radiowaves of ordinary polarization (O-mode) during evening hours, the phenomenon of ion outflow accompanied by electron temperature increases and thermal plasma expansion was revealed. Concurrent DMSP-F15 satellite measurements at a height of about 850 km indicate an O+ ion density increase. The CHAMP satellite observations identified ULF emissions at the modulation frequency (3 Hz) of the powerful HF radiowave, generated during modulated emissions of the powerful HF radiowave of O-polarization and accompanied by a substantial increase in the electron temperature and ASI generation.  相似文献   

本文分析了现行固体潮地震研究中的历史影响,对比研究了固体潮地震预测研究和固体潮地球动力学研究二者在振动频率、振动源体积、传输距离与介质等方面的地球物理特点与本质区别,强调了固体潮地震预测研究中最根本的工作是建立地震预测的目标和基本概念.  相似文献   

Summary The numerical properties of the low-frequency expansions for the reflection and transmission coefficients of SH-waves from transition layers, derived in [1], are studied. It is shown that the expansions are suitable for computations only when the thickness d of the transition layer is small in comparison with the wavelength of the incident wave (d0.5). For thicker transition layers, certain modifications of the method are suggested.  相似文献   

地球介质的非定常参数黏弹模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
用开尔文黏弹模型对实验蠕变曲线和冰后期地面抬升观测曲线进行反演,得到相关的黏弹参数,发现所有的黏弹参数都随实验(或观测)时间长度发生有规律的变化, 表明黏弹参数是实验(或观测)时间的函数.在此基础上提出非定常参数的黏弹模型,将通常采用的剪切模量μ2、弛豫时间τ 和黏度η 相应地从常数修正为时间的函数μ2(t)、τ(t) 和η(t),检验表明修正后的开尔文模型可以更好地符合实测蠕变曲线.用修正后的μ2(t)对软流层的黏度进行估算,其值约为4.6×1020 Pa·s.  相似文献   

Earth resistivity estimates from frequency domain airborne electromagnetic data can vary over more than two orders of magnitude depending on the half-space estimation method used. Lookup tables are fast methods for estimating half-space resistivities, and can be based on in-phase and quadrature measurements for a specified frequency, or on quadrature and sensor height. Inverse methods are slower, but allow sensor height to be incorporated more directly. Extreme topographic relief can affect estimates from each of the methods, particularly if the portion of the line over the topographic feature is not at a constant height above ground level. Quadrature–sensor height lookup table estimates are generally too low over narrow valleys. The other methods are also affected, but behave less predictably. Over very good conductors, quadrature–sensor height tables can yield resistivity estimates that are too high. In-phase–quadrature tables and inverse methods yield resistivity estimates that are too high when the earth has high magnetic susceptibility, whereas quadrature–sensor height methods are unaffected. However, it is possible to incorporate magnetic susceptibility into the in-phase–quadrature lookup table. In-phase–quadrature lookup tables can give different results according to whether the tables are ordered according to the in-phase component or the quadrature component. The rules for handling negative in-phase measurements are particularly critical. Although resistivity maps produced from the different methods tend to be similar, details can vary considerably, calling into question the ability to make detailed interpretations based on half-space models.  相似文献   

Summary This paper considers a number of questions concerning the interpretation of infrared pictures of the earth taken from space. Long period mean statistical values of the contrasts in radiation temperature between the earth's surface and clouds for a number of points in the U.S.S.R. in different seasons have been calculated which makes it possible to conclude when and where clouds against the underlying surface can be detected as well as to formulate the requirements which the instruments mounted on a satellite are to satisfy. The blackness coefficients of clouds at different layers have been theoretically determined, the investigation of the problem of the spectral regions selection for satellite observations has been conducted. The worked out calculation scheme has been used in the solution of the problem of the possibility of satellite detection of such thermal non-homogeneities as sea currents and jet streams in the atmosphere. Examples of the synoptical analysis of the infrared pictures of the cloud cover obtained with the help of the NIMBUS-1 and COSMOS-122 satellites have been considered. , . , , , , . , . , , . , -1 -122.  相似文献   

Quasi-wave disturbances in the topside daytime ionosphere, related to auroral activity, have been detected using the data of radiosounding onboard the Intercosmos-19 satellite on April 28, 1979. A disturbance was caused by an abrupt enhancement of the eastward electrojet, which was not reflected in the variations in the AE and AU indices. According to the estimates, the period of electron density disturbances was about 0.5 h, the velocity was 350 m/s, and the length along the meridian was several hundreds of kilometers, which corresponds to medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs). The disturbance amplitude was only 30 km in the hmF2 variations and 0.20–0.25 MHz in the foF2 variations but increased to 0.25–0.30 MHz in the plasma frequency variations at satellite altitudes of 520–580 km with increasing altitude. It is impossible to register so weak short-period variations during ground-based sounding. The method for detecting disturbance spatial characteristics has been proposed. The disturbance spectrum including three quasiperiodic structures has been revealed using this method. The optimal estimates have been made for the trend, described by the polynomial of the third degree, and for the expansion of the residuals in terms of three harmonics.  相似文献   

Variations of HF probe radio wave parameters caused by the influence on the ionosphere of oblique powerful HF radiowaves are analysed. The analysis is made on the data obtained from the original experiments carried out on single-hop paths in the middle and subauroral latitudes. Powerful and probe waves with some difference in frequency were chosen near MUF and were transmitted in the same direction. The polar diagrams of both transmitting systems overlapped in both the horizontal and vertical planes. The results obtained indicate that the ionospheric plasma parameters can be varied by powerful oblique HF radiowaves under certain geophysical conditions.  相似文献   

各向同性薄层反射理论地震图   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文在各向同性介质假设下,计算了薄层顶、底反射P波和PS波的理论地震图.理论模拟发现薄层的反射P波与PS波是一复合波,包括层内的多次透射和反射转换波型,且具有类似单一界面反射的、脉冲式的波形特征.两类薄层反射整体振幅随着薄层厚度的降低而缩小;在地震子波主频40 Hz条件下,2 m左右厚度的薄层反射相比单一界面反射具有等同的振幅水平.1 m以下极薄层仅有弱反射甚至无反射;薄层反射复合波振幅与炮检距的关系依然成立,但不惟一;单界面反射AVO原理、方法不适用于薄层反射解释与反演.  相似文献   

The complexity of the crust from refraction/wide-angle reflection data   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
ThePmP wide-angle reflected signal from the Moho shows a wide variation in its characteristics when cornpared from region to region. If the earth's crust is simple and homogeneous and the Moho is a sharp discontinuity, supercriticalPmP wavelets are large and isolated in the 100 km to 300 km distance range when compared to the preceding signals on the seismic traces. If the crust itself has numerous short reflectors and the Moho transition zone is thick or badly disrupted from past tectonic disturbances, thenPmP is often poorly defined and difficult to identify in the coda of earlier arriving signals. These signals are poorly correlated because the reflectors themselves are in general not only discontinuous but tend to be distributed at various depths within the crust. The effect of the vertical velocity gradient in the crust is to make the reflective field for downgoing waves much greater than for upgoing waves. The large variations in reflection coefficients wiht angle of incidence has the effect of making the coda generated by a reflective machanism distance dependent. The reflected signals are also contaminated with scattered signals from smaller scale heterogeneities which may be distributed more uniformly within the crust.In conventional seismic inversion methods applied to crustal refraction experiments, emphasis is usually placed on obtaining a velocity model of the subsurface structure. These models are relatively simple and are limited in the amount of complexity which can be uniquely inferred from the data. The main problem arises because of the difficulties in the identification of the origin of the signals which are themselves often incoherent from trace to trace.In this paper it is shown how the conventional record section may be complemented with a normal moveout corrected intensity section which emphasizes areas of large signal complexities. Data from this intensity section is then used as input to obtain a quantitative measurement of a complexity parameter. These measurements may be used to infer or compare differences in crustal heterogeneity from one region to another. The discussion is illustrated with both numerical modeling data as well as data from recent crustal experiments which were conducted over the Canadian Shield.  相似文献   

Summary Propagation of dilational waves in radial directions from a spherical cavity in a medium with velocity varying periodically with distance has been considered. It has been shown that when the wave-length of the propagating wave is twice the wave-length of variation of the velocity in the medium the displacement even at a large distance is very great.  相似文献   

伪随机编码源电磁响应的精细辨识   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
与传统阶跃源激励方式相比, 采用m序列伪随机编码对发射源波形进行编码, 提高了电磁探测的深度和分辨能力.然而受这种编码源发射波形自相关旁瓣效应的影响, 使得对大地冲激响应的精细辨识效果受到一定限制.为了解决这一问题, 在以往相关辨识方法研究的基础上, 进一步考虑发射自相关旁瓣的影响, 首先提出一种由收发互相关中高精度提取大地冲激响应的数学方法; 然后通过数值模拟给出了m序列编码源大地冲激响应的精细辨识结果; 同时对以m序列为发射波形的勘探系统相关参数选择进行了分析; 最后利用本文提出的方法对野外实测数据进行辨识处理, 通过与其他EM方法结果进行对比, 证明了本文提出方法的可靠性.  相似文献   

地球去气作用   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
利用地质学、天文学、地球物理学、古生物学资料进行约束,对地球的去气作用进行研究发现:太阳系的部分冷物质,通过吸积作用形成早期地球.在碰撞动能转变的热能作用下,造成了早期地球的表面熔融.在熔融状态的高温高压作用下,构成地球表面物质的结晶水排出地表进入原始大气;在高温高压下分解的碳酸盐、硫酸盐、卤化物等产生的二氧化碳、硫化氢、二氧化硫、氯化氢、氟化氢等气体进入原始大气,和水蒸汽一道共同组成原始大气.当地球内部在重力势能和放射能的作用下继续熔融时,地球表面固化为原始岩石圈.后来,地球除表面岩石圈外,整个地球完全熔融.地球内部物质熔融形成的水和二氧化碳等气体,被岩石圈圈闭.只有当冰川形成和消融,引起造海和造陆作用,导致火山喷发和地震时,这些气体才可能排出地表.这些气体的排出,受地球内部的熔融状态、冰川形成的位置(是在海洋或是在陆地)、生物的演化、太阳光的强度等因素的综合影响.  相似文献   

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