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Poisson's ratios of the upper and lower crust and the sub-Moho mantle beneath central Honshu, Japan, are investigated using three independent methods that are based on S to P ratios of apparent velocities, the Wadati diagrams and an inversion of P and S arrivals. Shallow earthquakes at distances of 200—500 km from the Nagoya University Telemeter Network are used for the apparent velocity ratio method. Crustal and subcrustal earth-quakes under the network are used for the other two methods. The network consists of wide-band seismometers with three components which are particularly suitable for detecting S waves. The three different methods give a consistent result for Poisson's ratio σ, that is, (1) σ = 0.23 ± 0.01 in the upper crust, (2) σ = 0.26−0.28 in both the lower crust and in the sub-Moho mantle. The result indicates a sharp contrast in σ between the upper and the lower crust rather than at the Moho. The low σ in the upper crust can only be explained by the presence of a substantial amount of free quartz, indicating granitic rocks. A higher σ in the lower crust suggests that this portion is presumably less saturated in silica and may be even undersaturated, pointing to intermediate to mafic rocks. The sub-Moho σ is almost equal to the σ averaged over the entire upper mantle that has been estimated from the Wadati diagrams of deep shocks beneath Japan but is higher than those calculated from Pn and Sn velocities in oceanic and stable continental regions.  相似文献   

The previously published results of a deep seismic refraction study of the Dead Sea—Gulf of Elat rift show crustal thinning underneath the rift and the presence of a 5 km thick velocity transition zone in the lower crust along the rift. The structural interpretation of the first-arrival data was revised using the detailed velocity-depth distribution.The revised crustal thicknesses are 35 km near Elat and 27 km, 160 km south of Elat.The crustal thinning and the presence of the velocity transition zone are interpreted as being the result of intrusion of upper mantle material into the lower crust, possibly representing the initial shape of the processes which have been active further south in the Red Sea since earlier times.  相似文献   

The seismic probing of the crust and upper mantle in Canada started in 1938 and since then has involved many government and university groups using a wide variety of techniques. These have included simple profiling with both wide and narrow station spacing, areal time-term surveys, detailed deep reflection experiments, very long-range refraction studies and the analysis of surface wave dispersion between stations of the Canadian Standard Network.

A review of the published interpretation leads to the general conclusion that:

1. (1) Pn-velocities vary from a value possibly as low as 7.7 km/sec under Vancouver Island to 8.6 km/sec and higher in the extreme eastern part of the shield and some parts of the Atlantic coast.

2. (2) Large areas of Canada have a crustal thickness of 30–40 km, with Vancouver Island, the southwestern Prairies, the Lake Superior basin and parts of the eastern shield of Quebec being thicker. No continental area in Canada is known to have a crust thinner than 29 km.

3. (3) The Riel discontinuity — a deep intra-crustal reflector and sometime refractor, is widely reported in the Prairies and Manitoba. It is not seen to the north in the vicinity of Great Slave Lake, nor in the Hudson Bay, Lake Superior and Maritime regions, nor in the interior of British Columbia. It may be present in some areas of the eastern shield.

4. (4) As experiments have become more detailed, crustal structures of greater complexity have been revealed. The concept that crustal structure becomes simpler with increasing depth is apparently unfounded.

Long-range refraction studies suggest that the Gutenberg P-wave low-velocity channel is poorly developed under the Canadian Shield. The analysis of the dispersion of surface waves, however, suggests that the channel is better developed for S-waves, and is present throughout the country. The lid of the channel is deepest under the central shield and shallowest under the Cordillera.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,26(4):1690-1699
The continental collision between the Indian and Asian plates plays a key role in the geologic and tectonic evolution of the Tibetan plateau. In this article we present high-resolution tomographic images of the crust and upper mantle derived from a large number of high-quality seismic data from the ANTILOPE project in western Tibet. Both local and distant earthquakes were used in this study and 35,115 P-wave arrival times were manually picked from the original seismograms. Geological and geochemical results suggested that the subducting Indian plate has reached northward to the Lhasa terrane, whereas our new tomography shows that the Indian plate is currently sub-horizontal and underthrusting to the Jinsha river suture at depths of ~ 100 to ~ 250 km, suggesting that the subduction process has evolved over time. The Asian plate is also imaged clearly from the surface to a depth of ~ 100 km by our tomography, and it is located under the Tarim Basin north of the Altyn Tagh Fault. There is no obvious evidence to show that the Asian plate has subducted beneath western Tibet. The Indian and Asian plates are separated by a prominent low-velocity zone under northern Tibet. We attribute the low-velocity zone to mantle upwelling, which may account for the warm crust and upper mantle beneath that region, and thus explain the different features of magmatism between southern and northern Tibet. But the upwelling may not penetrate through the whole crust. We propose a revised geodynamic model and suggest that the high-velocity zones under Lhasa terrane may reflect a cold crust which has interrupted the crustal flow under the westernmost Tibetan plateau.  相似文献   

Relative SV and SH wave speeds are generally attributed to radial seismic anisotropy which can be used as the indicator of crust/mantle deformation styles. Surface wave data were initially collected from events of magnitude Ms  5.0 and shallow or moderate focal depth occurring between 1980 and 2002: 713 of them generated Rayleigh waves and 660 Love waves, which were recorded by 13 broadband digital stations in Eurasia and India. Up to 1525 source-station Rayleigh waveforms and 1464 Love wave trains were earlier analysed by multiple filtering to obtain Love- and Rayleigh wave group velocity curves in the broad period range 10–105 s. We have performed tomographic inversion to obtain period-dependent group velocity and further shear wave velocity at 2° × 2°-sized grid-cells of a mesh covering the model region, after averaging azimuthal effects. Horizontally and vertically varying shear-wave velocities are observed, but the models of isotropic seismic velocity in the crust and upper mantle cannot fit simultaneously the inverted group-velocity dispersion curves due to the discrepancy in the transmission velocities of Love and Rayleigh waves, whose likely origin is the existence of radial anisotropy in the continental crust and topmost mantle. The strength of radial anisotropy computed from the Love–Rayleigh discrepancy and its spatial extent beneath the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are shown as maps of percentage anisotropy at various depths down to 170 km and cross-sections along five profiles of reference. Areas in which radial anisotropy is in excess of 6% are found in the crust and upper mantle underlying most of the plateau, and even up to 10% in some places. The strength and spatial configuration of radial anisotropy seem to indicate the existence of a regime of horizontal compressive forces in the frame of the convergent Himalayan–Tibetan orogen, the laterally variation of the lithospheric rheology and the differential movement as regards the compressive driving forces.  相似文献   

Many geophysical characteristics of the Caspian and Black Seas' deep basins are similar, having: suboceanic type of the crust, low average seismic velocity, absence of earthquakes and relatively small variation of magnetic anomalies. However, the sediments in the Caspian Sea deep basin are folded whereas in the Black Sea they are approximately horizontal. The Caspian Sea also has a far greater thickness of sediment accumulation.

The deep basins of the Caspian, Black and Mediterranean seas represent a sequence having similar crustal structures but with a decreasing thickness of sediments and consolidated layer, in that order. It is possible that the intensive sinking and accumulation of sediments began earliest in the Caspian Sea and spreaded continuously to the Black Sea and then the Mediterranean Sea. The Caspian and Black Sea deep basins have existed for long time (perhaps from Paleozoic time or even earlier) as areas with a specific and related type of evolution.  相似文献   

Models of continental crust and of geosynclinal processes, in their historical perspective, and generalized views on composition and structure of the tectonosphere are presented and discussed, particularly in reference to the local inversion stage, regional metamorphism, and granitization in geosynclines. Because of the known variations of the tectonosphere, depending on its position (e.g., under geosynclines, platforms, or zones of tectonic activation), it stands to reason that it varies also depending on the stage of the evolution of the overlying zones. -- V.P. Sokoloff.  相似文献   

Summary We present a detailed textural and compositional study of two orthopyroxene-rich olivine websterites. One occurs as a vein in a harzburgite xenolith and the other is an individual xenolith, both found at Szentbékkálla in the Bakony–Balaton Highland Volcanic Field (central Pannonian Basin, western Hungary). The textural features of these orthopyroxene-rich rocks suggest that they crystallized from silicate melts to form veins in peridotite mantle rock. Their geochemical features, such as the presence of Al2O3-poor orthopyroxenes, Cr-rich spinels, and clinopyroxenes with U-shaped chondrite-normalized REE-patterns, indicate that the vein material formed from Mg-rich silicic (boninitic) melts at mantle depths. The olivine fabric investigation of both the veins and the wall-rock suggest that the development of the veins was followed by subsequent recrystallization during the Cenozoic evolution of the Carpathian–Pannonian region.  相似文献   

 Xenoliths of lower crustal and upper mantle rocks from the Cima volcanic field (CVF) commonly contain glass pockets, veins, and planar trains of glass and/or fluid inclusions in primary minerals. Glass pockets occupy spaces formerly occupied by primary minerals of the host rocks, but there is a general lack of correspondence between the composition of the glass and that of the replaced primary minerals. The melting is considered to have been induced by infiltration of basaltic magma and differentiates of basaltic magma from complex conduits formed by hydraulic fracturing of the mantle and crustal rocks, and to have occurred during the episode of CVF magmatism between ∼7.5 Ma and present. Variable compositions of quenched melts resulted from mixing of introduced melts and products of melting of primary minerals, reaction with primary minerals, partial crystallization, and fractionation resulting from melt and volatile expulsion upon entrainment of the xenoliths. High silica melts ( >∼60% SiO2) may result by mixing introduced melts with siliceous melts produced by reaction of orthopyroxene. Other quenched melt compositions range from those comparable to the host basalts to those with intermediate Si compositions and elevated Al, alkalis, Ti, P, and S; groundmass compositions of CVF basalts are consistent with infiltration of fractionates of those basalts, but near-solidus melting may also contribute to formation of glass with intermediate silica contents with infiltration only of volatile constituents. Received: 15 June 1995 / Accepted: 13 December 1995  相似文献   

A rheological model of the Indian shield has been constructed using the thermal structure derived from available surface heat flow and heat generation data and the flow properties of characteristic minerals and rocks like quartz, diabase and olivine which respectively represent the upper crust, lower crust and upper mantle. Lateral variations in the thicknesses of the brittle and ductile crust and of the brittle upper mantle have thus been obtained for different tectonic environments. Implications of these results to interpretation of the seismic structure of the Indian shield have been pointed out.  相似文献   

Using inversion of SV receiver functions, defined for various directions at each of the three broad-band stations located in the Baikal rift zone, detailed S velocity models of the crust and upper mantle down to 260 km have been obtained. These models reflect peculiarities of the velocity structure beneath Baikal depressions and mountains.  相似文献   

A synthesis of the heat-flow data for Romania enabled a study of the thermal regime of the crust and upper mantle to be made. This showed lateral thermal differences between various tectonic units. The thermal structure of the crust and upper mantle appears to be mainly the result of mantle convection and plate interaction in the studied area.  相似文献   

青藏高原隆升对新疆天山山脉地壳-上地幔构造的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据地震层析和接收函数的结果获得了天山山脉东段和西段的深部构造的速度图像,探讨了印度板块向北推进和青藏高原隆升对天山山脉造山作用的影响以及天山山脉不同地段的地壳上地幔构造的差异。克拉玛依—库车剖面上清楚地展示出,天山是由高速和低速的地体拼合而成。来自塔里木的高速体向北俯冲到天山达200km以下的深度,而来自准噶尔盆地的高速体则没有明显地向南推进,说明由南向北的推进是很强的,它是造成天山山脉继续隆升的主要动力,从而造就了天山山脉。天山山脉在Moho面以上的部分是中天山北缘断裂和中天山南缘断裂之间的低速体与两侧的高速体拼合成的,其南北宽度约350km,向深度延伸越过200km。塔里木盆地和准噶尔盆地均为高速体的范围,天山山脉东段Moho面以上的地壳部分,南部高速体有向北推进和俯冲的特征,但不明显。夹在两盆地之间的天山主要为低速体,仅在乌鲁木齐和北天山山前断裂以南有残留的高速体,深度不超过30km,这表明天山是由速度不同的地质体挤压而拼合成的。天山延伸到乌鲁木齐以东,向深部的延伸仅仅100km上下。在富蕴—库尔勒剖面上,塔里木板块向北的推进相对于克拉玛依—库车剖面有所减弱。天山西段表现出强烈的造山作用,向东逐步减缓,到达天山的东段,虽然天山深部的构造活动仍然在继续进行,地震活动频繁,可是,活动区域集中在天山底部不过100km上下。说明山根的范围比西部减少了近一半。  相似文献   

We studied the 3D velocity structure of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath the Baikal region using tomographic inversion of ∼25,000 P and S arrivals from more than 1200 events recorded by 86 stations of three local seismological networks. Simultaneous iterative inversion with a new source location algorithm yielded 3D images of P and S velocity anomalies in the crust and upper mantle, a 2D model of Moho depths, and corrections to source coordinates and origin times. The resolving power of the algorithm, its stability against variations in the starting model, and the reliability of the final results were checked in several tests. The 3D velocity structure shows a well-pronounced low-velocity zone in the crust and uppermost mantle beneath the southwestern flank of the Baikal rift which matches the area of Cenozoic volcanism and a high velocity zone beneath the Siberian craton. The Moho depth pattern fits the surface tectonic elements with thinner crust along Lake Baikal and under the Busiyngol and Tunka basins and thicker crust beneath the East Sayan and Transbaikalian mountains and under the Primorsky ridge on the southern craton border.  相似文献   

利用中国地震台网和ISC台站记录的P波到时数据,采用球坐标系有限差分地震层析成像方法反演了南海东北部及其邻近地区壳幔三维P波速度结构,并分析了不同地质单元的构造差异及其深部特征。结果表明:南海东北部表现出陆架地区的岩石层特性,属于华南大陆向海区的延伸,岩石层厚度较大,现今不存在大规模的地幔热流活动,推测大陆边缘张裂作用仅限于地壳内部而没有延伸进入上地幔,具有非火山型大陆边缘的深部特点。中央海盆附近上地幔P波速度明显降低,与海盆下方地幔热流活动密切相关。不同的速度异常特征表明:华南大陆暨台湾地区属于欧亚大陆的正常地壳或是与菲律宾海板块相互作用产生的增厚型地壳,冲绳海槽则是弧后扩张产生的减薄型地壳。滨海断裂带作为华南大陆高速异常和南海北部高速异常的分界,代表了一定地质时期华南地块和南海地块的拼合边界。断裂附近的上地幔低速异常揭示了闽粤沿海岩浆作用的深层动力机制。吕宋岛弧、马尼拉海沟、东吕宋海槽的速度异常与其所处的特殊构造位置有密切的关系,清晰地反映出岛弧俯冲带的地壳结构差异;台湾南部至吕宋岛弧的上地幔低速异常揭示了两个重要火山链的深部构造特征,北吕宋海脊下方100 km深度的条带状高速异常有可能代表了俯冲下沉的岩石层板片。  相似文献   

Three-dimensional seismic mapping of the upper mantle beneath Fennoscandia (Baltic Shield) using an ACH-type of inversion technique in combination with P-wave travel-time residual observations from the local seismograph network gave the following results. The central parts of the Baltic Shield are characterized by relatively high seismic velocities down to approximately 300 km. Those parts of the shield most affected by the Caledonide orogeny exhibit relatively low velocities particularly in the uppermost 100 km depth interval. The lower part of the upper mantle (300–600 km) does not exhibit pronounced seismic velocity anomalies and in this respect is in contrast to results from similar studies in regions subjected to neotectonic processes like parts of central and southeastern Europe. The seismic anomaly pattern in the presumed thickened lithosphere is in quantitative agreement with similar ones derived from surface wave dispersion analysis and inversion of electrical measurements. The general orientation of these anomalies coincides with that of the glacial uplift.  相似文献   

The state of the upper mantle beneath southern Africa   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
We present a new upper mantle seismic model for southern Africa based on the fitting of a large (3622 waveforms) multi-mode surface wave data set with propagation paths significantly shorter (≤ 6000 km) than those in globally-derived surface wave models. The seismic lithosphere beneath the cratonic region of southern Africa in this model is about 175 ± 25 km thick, consistent with other recent surface wave models, but significantly thinner than indicated by teleseismic body-wave tomography. We determine the in situ geotherm from kimberlite nodules from beneath the same region and find the thermal lithosphere model that best fits the nodule data has a mechanical boundary layer thickness of 186 km and a thermal lithosphere thickness of 204 km, in very good agreement with the seismic measurement. The shear wave velocity determined from analyzes of the kimberlite nodule compositions agree with the seismic shear wave velocity to a depth of 150 km. However, the shear wave velocity decrease at the base of the lid seen in the seismic model does not correspond to a change in mineralogy. Recent experimental studies of the shear wave velocity in olivine as a function of temperature and period of oscillation demonstrate that this wave speed decrease can result from grain boundary relaxation at high temperatures at the period of seismic waves. This decrease in velocity occurs where the mantle temperature is close to the melting temperature (within 100 °C).  相似文献   

喜马拉雅造山带的地壳上地幔结构——近震反射观测结果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002-2005年完成了穿越喜马拉雅山的宽频地震探测,采用了沿剖面紧密排列的台站布置并获得了近震中的反射波资料,这对地壳和岩石圈内部速度界面的研究有重要意义.地震数据及研究结果表明,青藏高原的地震主要发生于上地壳范围内,高原莫霍面反射波的纵波PmP与横波SmS波至清晰可辨且有很强的能量,在跨越雅鲁藏布江时PmP和SmS均发生了错动,表现为北深南浅.在改则至鲁谷沿线所记录到的发生在拉萨地块的Fw21事件的地震数据中,拉萨地块内部的莫霍面反射波,尤其是SmS波至非常清晰连续,地壳纵波平均速度为Vp=6.3km/s,表明拉萨地块内部Moho面平坦、连续,不存在突起与错位.在此Moho面之前出现壳内较强反射界面,埋深45kin可能正是下地壳的顶界面.P208事件中PmP和SmS均清晰可见,然而在距震中450km及其以远地段存在两个清晰的震相PLt及SLt,并且其能量很强,可能是位于160km深处的岩石圈底界面的反映.根据对近震资料的分析研究,本文建立了该地区的地壳上地幔的结构模型.  相似文献   

通过贝加尔裂谷系统北穆伊斯克(Severomuysk)段的密集地震台站线性网络获得的远距离强震记录,并利用P波接收函数技术,揭示了地壳和上地幔顶部的复杂分层块状结构。横波速度的分布表明构成北穆伊斯克地壳的地块具有不同性质。这些地块的西部聚散和地壳下部的分层证实了该地区隆起的堆积-碰撞起源。位于西伯利亚克拉通变薄的倾斜边缘上的北穆伊斯克段解释了该地区地壳碰撞效应的强度。2015年地震的震中深度与Muyakan 凹陷地壳上部的明显速度差异存在令人信服的相关性。  相似文献   

Wencai Yang 《Tectonophysics》2009,475(2):226-234
All results from integrated geophysical investigations in the Sulu region are summarized in this paper, trying to reconstruct the Sulu UHPM processes. New seismic S-wave tomographic results suggest a velocity-abnormal zone occurs beneath the Sulu crust, revealing detailed upper mantle structures that high-velocity lumps within the abnormal zone are sequentially distributed beneath the bottom of the asthenosphere. These high-velocity lumps might represent delaminated eclogites or residuals of the subducted oceanic plate. Based on integrated interpretation of the geophysical data, we propose a working model for tectonic reconstruction of the Sulu UHPM processes, which can explain the crust and upper mantle structures of the area. The involved tectonic processes are related to north-eastward escaping of the Sulu terrane, subduction and delamination cycles of the Dabie-Sulu oceanic plate, and post-orogenic lithospheric thinning and magma underplating. The UHPM rocks are believed to have syn-subduction delaminated down to the bottom of the asthenosphere during 245-180 Ma, and the delamination process seemed smooth and nearly continuous without extensive violence.  相似文献   

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