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The rent gap is the difference between the actual and potential ground rent of a site. This paper estimates the rent gap into two ways: gaps estimated using actual and potential ground rents at the same scale, and those based on different scales, and unpacks the relationship between renovation and both of these rent gaps via logistic regression. Using the suburb of Point Chevalier in Auckland as a case study, we find that the rent gap at a single scale is a more appropriate proxy for Smith’s rent gap concept in this particular case. A comparison between Point Chevalier and other neighborhoods in Auckland suggests that the co-occurrence between renovation events and rent gap derives from capital flows and class struggle in gentrification and that the rent gap is both an outcome of the social relations that produce gentrification, and a symptom of it.  相似文献   

纽约产业结构高级化及其对上海的启示   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
20世纪50年代以来,纽约的产业结构高级化不断发展,制造业急剧衰落,以生产性服务业为代表的第三产业迅速崛起。从90年代末期开始,与全美平均相比,纽约的证券业、工程管理、制药业、出版业、制衣业呈现较大的发展潜力,而房地产、银行业、健康服务业增长相对缓慢,服务业与制造业相互融合的趋势十分明显。此外,纽约城市空间差异日益扩大,曼哈顿人均收入比布朗克斯、布鲁克林高出一倍以上。纽约发展经验表明,以竞争优势代替比较成本优势、优先支持生产性服务业的发展、注重与产业之间的融合是推动城市产业高级化的有效手段。有鉴于此,笔者建议在上海市新一轮产业结构调整中应重点支持知识型服务业发展、加强产业间联系,以增强城市产业国际竞争力。  相似文献   

What were politicians, planners, and activists able to make of market concepts and market devices as they crafted congestion pricing plans in the context of New York City’s regional governance structure, its transportation infrastructure, and its physical geography? The answer challenges typical assumptions about the use of market mechanisms in restructuring urban space. Market mechanisms and market rationality created a platform for political debate about citywide mobility and its costs. From 2003 to 2014, through five formal plans, advocates and detractors opened up a political space for debating the interests of actors, from drivers, to pedestrians, to the local and global environment to citywide mobility. Market rationality was a provisional assemblage into which actors sought to embed values like sustainability and fairness. These values became more important in each new plan as advocates sought to address the political vulnerabilities of the one that had come before. The changes from plan to plan show challenges, liabilities, and possibilities for using market tools to address ecological and justice issues.  相似文献   

Kate Manzo 《Area》2005,37(4):393-401
This paper analyses child trafficking and slavery in relation to media coverage of West African children, international law and academic research within geography and development studies. The meaning and practice of child trafficking is examined in the context of related debates about child labour, exploitation and uneven development. The analysis highlights key differences between trafficking and slavery, thereby illuminating the varying forms of exploitation at work in different relations of power.  相似文献   

New York City has developed recent policy initiatives under the rubric of resilience. I consider the implications of extending the concept of resilience beyond the physical environment, analyze the effect of planning for adaptation rather than prevention, and finally examine the positive role played by community groups organized for environmental justice in responding to resiliency planning. My argument is that use of the term resilience tends to obscure distributional impacts and, even under a progressive mayor, supports neoliberal policy initiatives.  相似文献   

住房市场化与较高住房需求带来住房价格的迅速提升,进而引发住房可负担性下降等问题,租赁住房逐步成为居民的另一主要择居方式。城市交通作为重要因素之一,对住宅租赁价格的影响仍需深入探讨。论文以北京市为例,运用交通网络中心性指标,研究道路网络及公共交通网络对住宅租赁价格影响的空间差异。结果表明:① 以出行时间为基础构建交通网络,公交网络总体拟合程度高于道路网络;公交网络中邻近中心性即相对可达性拟合程度最高,而道路网络中介中心性即中转功能拟合程度最高;② 城市中心-城市中部-城市外围的环状结构中,中心性影响程度存在空间差异,道路邻近中心性及公交各类中心性对城市中心及中部具有重要影响,城市外围主要受道路邻近中心性及介中心性影响;③ 基于拟合程度最高的公交网络邻近中心性的影响模式分析,综合交通枢纽、轨道交通换乘站点、轨道交通站点、重要地面公交站点等在城市中心及中部对租赁价格影响较高,而城市外围仅轨道交通站点及换乘站点影响较高;④ 道路设施网络与公交组织网络结构特性导向下的驱动力差异、交通网络各功能空间效应的区位指向、城市不同空间重要基础设施建设的外部效应差异促进了道路与公交网络中心性对租赁价格影响的空间分异。  相似文献   

Imaginative geography is lived. It is grounded in everyday life, embedded in local context, and influences place identity and place making. By using Chinese immigrants in Flushing, New York City, as an example, this article will explore the formation of multi‐scalar imaginative geographies of the receiving nation, city, and neighborhood among immigrants in their everyday work and travel. The study demonstrates that after migration, physical distance is replaced by the social and cultural distance across which imaginative geographies are formed, reconstructed, and contested. In the case of Flushing, the easy access to ethnic resources leads to a superficial exposure to the world outside the community, thus the geographic knowledge among the Chinese immigrants largely remains imaginative. The imaginative community nurtures a sense of insider‐ness that stands in large contrast with the sense of the outsider‐ness beyond the community, reflected in daily language, racial consciousness, perceived boundaries, and the sense of place among the Chinese immigrants in Flushing.  相似文献   

Social impact investing differentiates itself from traditional investing by claiming to create public social benefits alongside private profits. Globally, municipal governments are increasingly looking to this model to fund urban social services and poverty management. Through a case study of social impact investing in affordable housing in the San Francisco Bay Area, I deconstruct the financial and ideological underpinnings of this model to understand how private profits are drawn from local geographies of impoverishment. Analyzing social impact investing as a poverty politics reveals how it places preexisting, state-subsidized systems of poverty management into social impact investing portfolios, dividing impoverished spaces into new hierarchies of deservingness by incorporating private investors’ visions of what will help low-income tenants. But these processes also fail to subsume social life within housing financed in this manner, as tenant practices subverting those idealized by the state and investors persist alongside the generation of private profits.  相似文献   

The divergent city: unequal and uneven development in St. Louis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In St. Louis, as in many other cities, decline and displacement occurred when key policies, prejudices, and plans interacted with broad economic restructuring to devastate poor and minority communities, while leaving White and middle-class communities largely intact. Amidst overall population loss and neighborhood decline are pockets of prosperity and gentrification within the central city. In this article, we analyze three significant planning interventions in St. Louis, Missouri, that spurred displacement of populations—urban renewal, triage, and the foreclosure crisis. We argue that the differential experiences of Black and White during each of these periods represent two faces of development: one in the north of the city that is largely Black, experiencing vacant land, high crime, and crumbling infrastructure; another in the south of the city that is largely White, enjoying pockets of vibrant commercial development, larger homes, and stable real estate markets. We analyze each period through a framework of uneven and unequal development and displacement, which we call the Divergent City Theory. Based on this theory, planners face an ethical obligation to plan for the future of their cities in a way that seeks to reconcile the structured race and class inequalities of the divergent city.  相似文献   

Immigration and community development in New York City   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Community development corporations play a central role in the provision of affordable housing and social services in the contemporary American welfare state. This organizational form, however, emerged in the distinctive, historical political-economic context of the Black Power Movement and America's Great Society. American cities are now very different places, transformed by immigration from spaces of Black–White separation to much more heterogeneous and diverse spaces. In this article, our central question is whether, and how, these vital service organizations are incorporating immigrants into their work. We find that the answer varies, and such variations indicate differential access, or “differential citizenship”—in the urban structure of the contemporary American welfare state.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):208-227
Theories of place have yet to be developed to explore societal responses to terrorism in the post-9/11 city. Urban geographers have shown the relevance of place for understanding the way people live in cities, including conceptualizations of the way people perceive those places. Geographers working on environmental risk have also conceptualized perception, but only in regard to hazard perception. They have not focused on the city itself as a hazard site, nor have they studied how the contours of place affect hazard perception. Joining urban geography and risk-hazards scholarship, this study argues for a terrorism-place nexus that links terrorism hazard perception to urban place. Using survey and interview data collected from 79 financial service executives in New York City, it will be shown that terrorism has created a place-based ontological dissonance among financial executives, and we speculate about the implications for the city should these workers restore ontological order by moving away their establishments.  相似文献   

Regional development has evolved in response to shifting local and global priorities. These shifts have transformed both the way we think about regions, their role and how that shapes the outcomes and benefits that might occur from engaging in regional development. Key debates centre around the ability (or desirability) of regional development interventions to unsettle path dependence and “lock‐in” created by past approaches and to create opportunities for alternative development futures and to provide choices between sectoral‐based investments to support economic activity in contrast to a more place‐based approach to regional development. This paper overviews the dynamic nature of regional development to offer reasons for its recent resurgence by highlighting the key debates about the purpose and function of regions and what regional development can or should do. We then discuss the New Zealand context specifically and use the first year of Provincial Growth Fund investments to reflect on how the processes, objectives and goals reflect particular interpretations of the meaning and purpose of regional development. We conclude that a strong adherence to a growth imperative has the potential to reinforce path dependencies at the expense of alternative development pathways.  相似文献   

南京市住房困难人群职住关系及影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
吴翔华  陈昕雨  袁丰 《地理科学进展》2019,38(12):1890-1902
居住和就业的空间关系,既是城市居民日常生活的空间反映,也是评判城市空间合理性的重要准则。新就业大学生(取得专科及以上学历且工作未满3 a,在南京无自有住房且租房居住)、外来务工人员(收入低于2016年南京市人均可支配收入4166元/月,在南京无自有住房且租房居住)和中低收入人群(南京户籍,家庭人均可支配收入低于3074元/月,人均住房面积不大于20 m 2)等住房困难人群,普遍面临住房机会不平等的问题,职住关系也呈现出特殊性。论文基于南京市这3类住房困难人群的873份问卷数据,采用两步聚类法对通勤流向模式进行划分,基于多项Logistic回归模型探究通勤时间和通勤方式的影响因素,并以南京鼓楼区为案例解析住房困难人群的职住关系。结果表明:新就业大学生通勤流向主要为内部通勤,通勤时间最短,职住关系受通勤流向和工作单位影响;外来务工人员通勤流向主要为侧向通勤,通勤方式机动化程度最低,职住关系受通勤流向、工作单位和性别显著影响;中低收入人群通勤流向主要为侧向通勤,职住分离程度最高,职住关系主要受到住房类型的显著影响。以鼓楼区为例,论文进一步发现新就业大学生以交通条件为导向、外来务工人员以工作地为导向和中低收入人群以居住地为导向的职住关系。  相似文献   

为揭示中国特大城市住房市场中,不同购房群体在住房价格空间特征上的差异,论文对购房人群的户籍归属地进行划分,以“本地—外来”的视角分别刻画了长沙本地与外来(长沙户籍与非长沙户籍)2类购房者房价格局的时空演进。采取动态空间滞后特征模型(STAR-Hedonic)分析了区位、景观、邻里等因素对2类购房者房价的影响。研究发现:(1)长沙外来购房者房价梯度下降更快,空间更平滑。(2)长沙房价空间一江两岸双中心的总体格局逐步成型。传统CBD五一广场对城市房价的重要性在下降,但是对本地人房价梯度和价格弹性程度维持较高水平,副中心梅溪湖新城对外来人群房价的影响因子的提升幅度更大。(3)外来购房者对住宅品质和邻近配套有更高的支付倾向。(4)楼市的繁荣期和调控期,周边交易价格对2类购房者的影响程度不同。论文从功能需求、主观因素、政策区别和经济动机4个方面探究了2类购房者房价空间分异的成因。在“房住不炒”背景下,关注不同人群房价空间演进和影响因素的变化趋势,有助于特大城市房地产市场“精准调控”的实施。  相似文献   

时尚产业作为后工业时代城市发展的新方向而备受瞩目。纽约是公认的全球时尚之都之一,在多方力量的共同推动下,从最初的"血汗工厂"发展至今,其中的经验值得借鉴和学习。产业的发展伴随其空间组织的演化,最终影响城市结构形态。本文对纽约时尚产业经历的四个发展阶段:成衣兴起阶段、产业集聚阶段、设计显露阶段、时尚进化阶段的产业形态和空间组织进行了归纳,并从政府、行业协会、企业和个人四个行为主体出发,探讨了这一过程的动力机制。最后还对中国城市的时尚产业发展提供了政策建议。  相似文献   

中国地级市房地产开发与人居环境耦合发展空间格局   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国房地产业历经近30年的发展,主要集中于经济较活跃、环境较适宜、基础设施与公共服务较完善、人居环境较适宜的城市,房地产开发的地域差异逐渐突出。科学适度的房地产开发能为人们提供良好的人居环境,而过度的房地产开发则会抑制人居环境质量的提升。基于房地产开发与人居环境耦合发展视角,建立了中国城市房地产开发与人居环境耦合度评价指标体系,运用耦合协调度模型和耦合发展度模型,对286个地级市单元的房地产开发进行空间格局分析。结果显示:① 中国地级单元城市房地产开发与人居环境整体协调度处于磨合阶段,虽未达到协调水平,但相互作用与影响力较强,其中协调度最高的为南京市;② 房地产开发与人居环境整体发展度处于较低水平,且空间分布非常不均衡,耦合发展度最高的为深圳市;③ 基于耦合协调度和发展度可将中国地级行政单元划分为9个类型,政府应根据不同类型采取差别化的房地产开发调控政策。  相似文献   

小区是居民日常生活和构建社会关系的重要场所,由于居住环境差异,导致剥夺现象发生。为探究居住环境剥夺对房价的作用机制,构建居住环境剥夺测度体系,创新了居住环境剥夺指数计算方法,运用混合地理加权回归模型和地理探测器分析居住环境剥夺与房价的关系。结果表明:(1) 兰州市平均房价为12566.93元·m-2,空间上呈现出多核心、组团式分布格局,表现为从核心向外逐级递减的趋势。(2) 基于6个维度服务设施数量和种类差异,居住环境剥夺也呈现出不同空间分布格局。(3) 所有服务剥夺均与房价呈负相关,教育服务剥夺对房价影响力最强,生活服务剥夺对房价影响力最弱,教育和交通服务剥夺交互作用对房价解释力最强。研究结果对促进资源配置公平和城市健康快速发展至关重要。  相似文献   

An economic census and a survey of seventy-nine firms revealed a changing geography of financial services after 11 September 2001. Although the suburbs benefited from the outward relocation of financial services from Manhattan immediately afterward, they lost considerably two years later, demonstrating the interdependence of the central city and its suburbs. Executives of financial services firms ranked highly locational attributes such as prestige, public transportation, and proximity to clients and other financial services before 11 September, but terrorism also emerged as a major locational factor after 11 September. The impact of terrorism and how it interacts with agglomeration economies, technological changes, and globalization to shape the geography of financial services is examined under the framework of quaternary place theory.  相似文献   

With the explosive growth of Uber and other mobility service providers, their influences on urban mobility have attracted attention from both researchers and policy circles alike, yet few quantitative studies have been conducted on the topic. Using Uber pickup data in New York City in 2014, this article investigates the spatiotemporal relationship between Uber and public transit using buffer analysis and spatial cross-correlation analysis and assesses Uber’s impact on urban transportation equity with the Gini coefficient and correlation analysis. Our results confirm previous arguments that Uber both complements and competes with public transit, but competition is more prevalent in New York City. Specifically, Uber competes with public transit during most hours of the day and in areas with good public transit coverage, whereas it complements public transit at midnight and in places with insufficient public transit services. The distribution of Uber services is highly unequal, and Uber’s role in improving transport equity is insignificant. Correlation analysis shows that there tend to be fewer Uber pickups in low-income areas, which diverges from previous studies suggesting that Uber serves low-income areas well. In addition, a weak negative correlation is detected between the number of Uber pickups and the percentage of minorities.  相似文献   

晁勐  张俊  刘翔 《干旱区地理》2022,45(6):2004-2012
以2021年兰州市主城区678个居住小区房价数据为基础,引入地理场模型量化影响房价的外部因素,通过空间自相关分析、多尺度地理加权回归等模型对房价分异的空间格局及驱动因素的作用机理、带宽差异展开研究,以期为推动河谷型城市房产市场的公平发展提供参考。结果表明:(1)兰州市主城区平均房价为13739元·m-2,空间上呈现“一主三副”的带状多中心组团式分布格局,房价由多中心向四周递减,价格相似的小区在地理空间上邻近分布,具有“小集中、大分散”的局部空间特征。(2)房价分异是多种驱动因素共同作用的结果,区位特征中的主商圈对房价的影响居于首位,建筑特征中的房龄、容积率和邻里特征中的中学数量、绿化率等对房价的影响较大,城市地理特征对房价具有显著影响,愈靠近黄河的小区、房价越高。(3)各驱动因素的带宽差异明显,主商圈、医院等小尺度变量存在高度空间异质性,而容积率、黄河等全局变量基本不存在空间异质性。  相似文献   

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