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In this article the meaning of the quantity and quality of environmental flows of river in dualistic water cycle is discussed, and compared with the meaning of unitary water cycle. Based on the analysis of the relationship between environmental flows of river requirements, the efficiency of water resource usage, the consumption coefficient, and the concentration of waste water elimination, the water quantity and water quality calculation method of the environmental flows of river requirements in dualistic water cycle is developed, and the criteria for environmental flows of river requirements are established, and therefore the water quantity-quality combined evaluation of natural river flows requirements are realized Taking the Liaohe River as a model, the environmental flows of river requirements for Xiliao River, Dongliao River, mainstream Liaohe River, Huntai River and northeast rivers along the coasts of the Yellow and Bohai seas in unitary water cycle are calculated, each taking up 39.3%, 63.0%, 43.9%, 43.3% and 43.5% of runoff respectively. Evaluated according to Tennant recommended flow, the results show that: except Xiliao River is "median", the rest are all upon "good", the Dongliao River is even "very good". The corresponding results in dualistic water cycle are that, the proportion of natural flows for each river is 57.5%, 74.1%, 60.8%, 60.3% and 60.4%; while the combined evaluation results show that: considering "quantity", except Xiliao River, the rest rivers can all achieve the "quantity" criteria of the en- vironmental flows of river requirements, but if considering the aspect of "quality", only Dongliao River can reach the "quality" standard. By water quantity-quality combined evaluation method, only Dongliao River can achieve the criteria. So the water quality is the main factor that determines whether the environmental flows can meet the river ecosystem demands.  相似文献   

Situated at an elevation of 905 m above sea level in the Province of North Sumatra, Lake Toba and its surrounding landscapes are regarded as a natural heritage in a certain extent, as a quoted national treasure. Unfortunately degradation of the land and water resources in the watershed along Lake Toba is taking place at an alarming and totally unacceptable rate. The quality of the lake is partly depended on input the quality of the rivers. When compared to the control area the water quality that influenced by the piggeries are highly polluted. It can be concluded that the Salbe River at the downstream of the piggeries has been polluted and apparently it is a serious problem to the catchment area management. It should be noted that the polluted river would influence the water quality of the Lake Toba. Based on calculation, the permissible BOD5 according to B- river standard is 238 mg/L, it means the river still in B standard but the condition and quality are decreasing continuously. Following the Indonesian health standard the permissible BOD is - 461 mg/L. It means BOD in the river should be reduced 461 mg/L or clean program is needed.  相似文献   

Waterfront resources are important and special kind of natural resources in the marginal area between land and water.The Yangtze River,the longest river in China,is not only rich in waterfront resources,but also has favorable development conditions with great potentiality.Aided by large-scale underwater topographic map,the major factors of the waterfront resources in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River,such as the stability,the water depth and the natural conditions for port construction,are assessed in this paper rspectively on the basis of the overall investigations.The results show that:(1)the waterfront resources are abundant in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River,but lack of perfectly combined high grade waterfront;(2)there exists and obvious regional difference in the natural quality of the waterfront along the Yangtze;(3)the fore-bank water depth and waterfront stability are the main natural factors related to the waterfront auality in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River;(4)the waterfronts along the Yangtze are mainly used for port,warehouse and industrial pruposes; and (5)the waterfronts near important cities are highly used,especially the high-quality waterfronts.In addition,some suggestions for the development and utilization of the waterfront resources are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

Based on the synergetic development of new industrialization, rapid urbanization and agricultural modernization(IUAM), and from the viewpoint of interactive relationships between water resources and regional population, eco-environment, economy and society, the concepts of water resources intensity(WRI), water environment intensity(WEI), water resources relative efficiency(WRRE) and water environment relative efficiency(WERE) are defined with reference to energy intensity, resources efficiency and environment efficiency theory. On the basis of benchmarking theory, the quantitative characterization and evaluation method of "Three Red Lines"(the upper limit of water resources allocation, the baseline of utilization efficiency of water resources and the upper limit of sewage discharge) is proposed. According to these concepts and models, an empirical analysis of the Three Red Lines of water resources on the Chinese mainland between 2003 and 2012 was carried out. The results showed that total water consumption in eastern, central and western parts of China possesses "club convergence" characteristics, which means these areas have similar internal conditions appeared convergence in the development. Inter-provincial differences in water consumption continue to decrease, but the north–south differentiation characteristics in the eastern and central regions were still relatively obvious, while provincial differences in the eastern part were at a minimum and the central region had the largest. Water Resources Efficiency(WRE) of all four sectors in the Southwest rivers and Huaihe River basins were generally high. Industrial WRRE in the Songhua River, Yangtze River and Pearl River basins, agricultural WRRE in the Songhua River, Yellow River and northwestern river basins and domestic WRRE in the Liaohe River, Yangtze River and Pearl River basins were all low. Eco-environmental WRRE in the southeastern rivers and Yangtze River basins were low but showed an upward trend. Other river basins, except for the Northwestern rivers basin, had high eco-environmental WRRE with a downward trend. Western China, especially the northwestern part,had a low relative intensity of the water environment(WERI) and high integrated water environment management(IWEM) performance, but the relative intensities of the water resources(WRRI) were fairly high, and the comprehensive performance of integrated water resources management(IWRM) in these regions was low. In southern China, especially the southeastern part, the IWEM was fairly high, but the overall IWRM was lower.  相似文献   

Theoretical difficulties for mapping and for estimating river regime characteristics in a large-scale basin remain because of the nature of the variable under study: river flows are related to a specific area, i.e. the drainage basin, and are hierarchically organized in space through the river network with upstream-downstream dependencies. Another limitation is there are not enough gauge stations in developing countries. This presentation aims at de-veloping the hydro-stochastic approach for producing choropleth maps of average annual runoff and computing mean discharge along the main river network for a large-scale basin. The approach applied to mean annual runoff is based on geostatistical interpolation proce-dures coupled with water balance and data uncertainty analyses. It is proved by an applica-tion in the upstream at Bengbu in the Huaihe River Basin, a typical large-scale basin in China. Hydro-stochasitic approach in a first step interpolates to a regular grid net and in a second step the grid values are integrated along rivers. The interpolation scheme includes a con-straint to be able to account for the lateral water balance along the rivers. Grid runoff map with 10 km × 10 km resolution and the discharge map along the river with the 1 km basic length unit are the main results in this study. This kind of statistic approach can be widely used be-cause it avoids the complexity of hydrological models and does not depend on the meteoro-logical data.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionRiver system, to some extent, can be regarded as an independent eco-system, which includes river channels, lakes and the lands near the water bodies. In the engineering view, river system can be defined as the flooded area with a flood frequency of 1%[1,2]. The major aspects of the river system may be its water quantity, water quality and aquatic species. The three aspects of the system have a close relation with each other. The river system has a lot of functions, of which in g…  相似文献   

This note analyzes the change in water renewal time characteristics based on res-ervoir action and then establishes calculation models for the water renewal time in the Yellow River mainstream. The results indicate that the amount of renewable water with reservoir action can meet the annual water demand and that water flows naturally at the Lijin station near estuary. Initial storage dynamics is an important factor in water resource renewable capacity at a certain time, and rational reservoir action can promote sustainable water re-source utilization. When the initial storages in the Longyang Gorge reservoir are 9.343 and 5.343 billion m3, the water renewal times are 28 and 33.9 d, respectively. Flow stoppage ap-pears in April and May.  相似文献   

Stable oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions (δ18O and δD) of soil water and shallow groundwater of a riparian forest, an artificial shrub forest, and Gobi of the lower reaches of the Heihe River Basin are used to study the recharge water sources of those ecosystems. IsoSource software is used to determine the δ180 values for root water of Populous euphratica and Tamarix ramosissima in the riparian forest ecosystem, Haloxylon ammodendron in the artificial shrub forest, and Reaumuria soongorica in the Gobi, as well as for local soil water and groundwater, and precipitation in the upper reaches of the Heihe River Basin. Our results showed that soil water and shallow groundwater of the riparian forest and the artificial shrub forest were recharged by river water which originated from precipitation in the upper reaches, and strong evaporation occurred in the artificial shrub forest. Soil water of the Gobi was not affected by Heihe River water due to this area being far away from the river channel. The main water sources of Populous euphratica were from 40-60-cm soil water and groundwater, and of Tamarix ramosissima were from 40-80-cm soil water in the riparian forest ecosystem. In the artificial forest, Haloxylon ammodendron used 200-cm saturated-layer soil water and shallow groundwater. The Reaumuria soongorica mainly used soil water from the 175-200-cm depth in the Gobi. Therefore, soil water and groundwater are the main water sources which maintain survival and growth of the plants in the extremely arid regions of the lower reaches of the Heihe River Basin.  相似文献   

This study applies a hydroeconomic optimization method for water resources management in the highly water stressed Haihe River basin. A multi-objective, multi-temporal deterministic hydroeconomic optimization model has been built to quantify the economic trade-offs and reveal "minimum cost strategies" when reducing groundwater abstraction to sustainable levels. A complex basin representation, with ~140,000 decision variables is formulated where each decision variable represents a flow-path from a water source to a sink. Available water sources are runoff generated by the sub-basins upstream the nine major surface water reservoirs, the inter-basin transfers from Yellow River and South to North Water Transfer Project(SNWTP) and the natural groundwater recharge to the three main groundwater aquifers. Water demands, i.e. sinks, are aggregated for each model sub-basin in categories of the major agricultural users, domestic, industrial and ecological water demands. Each demand is associated with a curtailment cost and groundwater abstraction with a pumping cost. Groundwater overdraft is constrained in each model scenario, ranging from unlimited overdraft in the plain area groundwater aquifer to sustainable abstractions over an 8-year period. Inflow upstream Yuqiao reservoir, and the inter-basin transfers from SNWTP and Yellow River are identified as the water resources with the highest increase in average shadow prices when limiting groundwater overdraft. An increase in inflow shadow prices of 37.5% indicates that these water sources will be most valuable if sustainable groundwater abstraction should be achieved. The shadow prices of water sources reveal when and where in the Haihe River basin users are curtailed if water resources are managed in the most optimal way. Average shadow prices of 1.6 yuan/m3 for all surface water sources in the sustainable abstraction scenarios shows that overdraft can be avoided by curtailment of users with a willingness-to-pay ≤1.6 yuan/m3. The shadow prices of the existing surface water res-ervoirs represented in the model shows that no costs can be saved from expanding their capacities. Finally, the cost of achieving sustainable groundwater abstraction with present water resource availability is found to be minimum 8.2 billion yuan/year.  相似文献   

王西琴  刘昌明  张远 《地理学报》2006,61(11):1132-1140
通过考虑水的自然循环与水在人类活动影响下的循环 (二元水循环),后者包括水资源开发利用率、耗水率、污水排放浓度影响,探讨了二元水循环下河流生态需水“质”与“量”的综合评价,以区别以往仅从自然水循环 (一元) 出发评价河流生态需水的缺陷。建立了二元水循环下的河流生态需水的水量与水质计算方法,并确定了河流生态需水的“质”与“量”的评价标准,实现了河流生态需水水量与水质的综合评价。以辽河流域为例进行实证分析,计算了一元水循环下西辽河、东辽河、辽河干流、浑太河、东北沿黄渤海诸河等水资源分区的河流生态需水,分别占径流的39.3%、63.0%、43.9%、43.3%、43.5%,采用Tennant推荐流量及等级进行评价,结果是:除西辽河属于“中”等级外,东辽河、浑太河、辽河干流、东北沿黄诸河等均在“好”等级以上,东辽河达到“极好”等级。与之对应的二元水循环下的河流生态需水比例分别是57.5%、74.1%、60.8%、60.3%、60.4%,综合评价结果显示:从水量角度评价,西辽河不能达到生态需水“量”的标准,其余能够达标,从水质角度评价,西辽河、浑太河、辽河干流、东北沿黄诸河等均不能够达到“质”的标准,东辽河可以达标。从“量”与“质”相结合的角度评价,仅有东辽河可以达标。因此,水质状况是决定辽河流域河流生态需水是否满足生态系统需求的主要问题。  相似文献   

In this article the meaning of the quantity and quality of environmental flows of river in dualistic water cycle is discussed, and compared with the meaning of unitary water cycle. Based on the analysis of the relationship between environmental flows of river re-quirements, the efficiency of water resource usage, the consumption coefficient, and the concentration of waste water elimination, the water quantity and water quality calculation method of the environmental flows of river requirements in dualistic water cycle is developed, and the criteria for environmental flows of river requirements are established, and therefore the water quantity-quality combined evaluation of natural river flows requirements are realized. Taking the Liaohe River as a model, the environmental flows of river requirements for Xiliao River, Dongliao River, mainstream Liaohe River, Huntai River and northeast rivers along the coasts of the Yellow and Bohai seas in unitary water cycle are calculated, each taking up 39.3%, 63.0%, 43.9%, 43.3% and 43.5% of runoff respectively. Evaluated according to Tennant recommended flow, the results show that: except Xiliao River is “median”, the rest are all upon “good”, the Dongliao River is even “very good”. The corresponding results in dualistic water cycle are that, the proportion of natural flows for each river is 57.5%, 74.1%, 60.8%, 60.3% and 60.4%; while the combined evaluation results show that: considering “quantity”, except Xiliao River, the rest rivers can all achieve the “quantity” criteria of the en-vironmental flows of river requirements, but if considering the aspect of “quality”, only Dongliao River can reach the “quality” standard. By water quantity-quality combined evalua-tion method, only Dongliao River can achieve the criteria. So the water quality is the main factor that determines whether the environmental flows can meet the river ecosystem de-mands.  相似文献   

辽河流域生态需水估算   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
从辽河流域存在的环境问题出发,在确定主要生态需水类型的基础上,基于水资源分区,分别估算各水资源分区的不同类型的生态需水,包括枯季河道生态需水、汛期输沙需水、入海需水、地下水恢复需补充的水量、河口湿地生态需水等。针对辽河流域季节性河流的特点,提出了枯水季节最小流量法的枯季河道生态需水计算方法。计算结果表明,辽河流域生态需水总量为130.44×108m3,占地表径流的48.3%,其中浑太河、东辽河2个水资源分区的生态需水量占地表径流的比例在60%以上,辽河干流生态需水量占地表径流的53.5%,其余水资源分区生态需水量占地表径流的比例均在50%以下。研究结果为流域水资源配置及水环境保护与恢复提供科学依据。  相似文献   

黄淮海平原河道基本环境需水研究   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:27  
王西琴  刘昌明  张远 《地理研究》2003,22(2):169-176
针对我国北方地区水环境中最突出的污染问题,以满足河流最基本的稀释自净功能为目的,提出了一种计算河道基本环境需水量的方法,即月(年)保证率设定法,并以黄淮海平原为例,进行实证分析。结果是黄淮海平原总的河道环境需水最小为2176亿m3,约占多年平均径流量的15%,其中海河流域309亿m3、黄河下游52亿m3、淮河流域片1347亿m3。通过Tennant法验证,说明计算结果可靠。本文的研究不仅丰富了生态(环境)需水的理论内涵,为河道生态(环境)需水的进一步研究打下了良好的基础,同时为研究区水资源规划、水环境保护提供了有力的依据  相似文献   

王萍  杜德斌  胡志丁 《地理学报》2023,78(1):214-229
随着气候变化、人口增长和经济发展,全球水资源供需矛盾日益突出,国际河流跨境水冲突不断加剧。地处中东的约旦河是世界上跨境水冲突最严重的河流。1948—2008年约旦河跨境水冲突事件数量占全球总量的1/5,战争性跨境水冲突数量占同级别总量的2/3。本文以地缘价值、地缘关系和地缘结构为模块构建国际河流跨境水冲突地缘环境分析框架,考察约旦河跨境水冲突事件的时空演化及其形成的地缘机制。研究发现,约旦河跨境水冲突的地缘目标集中于水资源战略要地,且按水资源地“主要→核心→次要”空间转移;跨境水冲突事件在时序上呈现从以色列争夺水权为主向域内阿拉伯国家讨还水权为主演化;跨境水冲突地缘体结构中以色列主动发起的跨境水冲突占六成多,域内阿拉伯国家和域外地缘体发起的各约占二成。基于地缘环境分析框架的研究得出以下结论:约旦河流域区位的地缘价值吸引域外大国直接介入,促成跨境水冲突向有利于美国—以色列利益的方向发展;域内地缘体的“水资源地”竞争地缘关系强于“水量”竞争地缘关系,对约旦河跨境水冲突具有强化作用;以色列作为约旦河地缘结构中的水霸权,对该流域跨境水冲突的基本态势和时空分布格局具有主导作用。  相似文献   

河流健康理论初探   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:26  
刘昌明  刘晓燕 《地理学报》2008,63(7):683-692
健康河流是指在相应一定时期其社会功能与自然功能和谐并能够均衡发挥的河流, 其标志是具有良好的水质、水沙流畅的河床与可维系的河流生态系统。河流健康的指示性因子应是能够基本反映河流自然功能的因子, 包括河床形态、水质、河流生态和河川基流, 但因子的种类和数量因河而异, 其量化标准的确定则要充分考虑河流自然功能和社会功能均衡发挥 的需要和河流水情背景条件的变化。河流健康的核心是有相应足够而洁净的河川径流, 因此 保障河流一定的环境流量对维护河流健康十分重要。人类过多抽取河川径流和开发水电、不当地调控洪水和泥沙、过多向河流排污和过多改变关键物种栖息地水流环境的活动, 均会对河流健康造成严重伤害。本文以黄河为例, 对河流健康指标和低限健康指标的确定方法进行了阐述。  相似文献   

Based on the author’s practice in river harnessing, this paper defines that a healthy river is a river whose social and natural functions can be balanced or compromised in terms of the socio-economic, ecological and environmental values associated with the river. The environmental values of river systems should be judged according to the following criteria: the signal of a healthy river should be associated with favorable riverbed, acceptable water quality, sustainable river ecosystem and compatible runoff. The river health criterion should reflect the river’s natural function status which includes the riverbed, water quality, river ecosystem and runoff. But, the variety and quantity would be different for different rivers depending on different natural features and social background. The standards to be adopted for a healthy river should be determined according to the requirements for maintaining river’s normal natural functions and the extent whether the social and natural functions could perform in a balanced way, and also the standards adopted should be adjusted according to the change of the given conditions. The key factor of river health is the enough and clean flow. The authors stressed that human activities would hurt the river health which include excessive water diversion and excessive power generation from the river, improper regulation of flood and sediment, and over discharge of sewage into the river and over change in fish habitat. Taking the Yellow River as a case, this paper also discussed the method to identify what are the standards of a healthy river as well as environmental flows.  相似文献   

新疆地表水资源质量及变化趋势分析   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
根据实测资料对新疆主要河流和湖泊、水库的天然水化学特征及水资源质量现状进行了分析。在多年监测资料的基础上选择能反映新疆主要河流水质特点的水质参数,采用剔除了水质浓度受流量季节性影响的肯达尔非参数检验方法,对新疆主要河流1993~2000年间的水质变化趋势进行了定性、定量分析,对污染产生的原因进行了分析,提出了防止水污染的对策与建议。  相似文献   

淮河(安徽段)南岸诸河流水质标识指数评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩曦  王丽  周平  孙庆业 《湿地科学》2012,10(1):46-57
2010年夏季,对淮河(安徽段)南岸诸河流水质进行调查,共设置采样点160个,选取总氮、总磷、氨氮和化学需氧量4项水质指标,利用综合水质标识指数评价法(WQI)对淮河(安徽段)南岸诸河流水质进行评价。结果表明,淮河(安徽段)南岸诸河流水质达标率77%,超标的评价因子为氮营养盐和化学需氧量。污染物主要来自农业面源和生产、生活废水;水流流速、沉积物性质和周围环境对水质产生一定影响。  相似文献   

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