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基础和屋顶隔震混凝土结构的地震振动台实验研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
通过使用平面尺寸为4.0m×4.0m的地震模拟器即振动台,对基础和屋顶隔震体系的控制性能进行了比较研究。试验包括三个三层无隔震、基础隔震和屋顶隔震混凝土框架结构模型。屋顶隔震包括板和叠层橡胶支座(LRB)。输入振动台的模拟地震动分别是1940N-S地震动、人工模拟山东地震动和人工模拟上海地震动。通过分析三个三层模型在白噪音扫描下的动力特性,首先评价了基础隔震与屋顶隔震体系的控制性能。实验结果显示,尽管基础隔震与屋顶隔震有着不同的工作原理,但基础隔震和屋顶隔震体系都能够明显地减小结构的位移和加速度响应(包括层间位移)。而且前者有更好的有效性。值得注意的是,屋顶隔震体系由于实施相对方便,因而可能成为减小中低层建筑结构地震损伤的优先选择。  相似文献   

The study reported in this paper investigates the feasibility of developing an active base isolation system for the protection of bridges subjected to earthquakes. The proposed system incorporates spherical supports, cams and springs which can be optimally designed to minimize the transmissibility of the seismic disturbances to the bridge. The considered example shows that the proposed design is implementable and can provide an order of magnitude reduction in the maximum stress resulting from seismic waves acting on the bridge in the transverse or longitudinal direction. Since the system performance is highly dependent on the rapid unlocking of the cams in the event of a seismic disturbance, careful consideration should be given to the design of a reliable cam release control. This can be achieved by spring loading each cam such that it would be normally unlocked. A hydraulic actuator would be used to force it to rotate to the locking position under fluid pressure which would be constantly maintained at the design level during normal conditions. The actuator would be equipped with a quick response release valve for rapidly releasing the pressure and consequently unlocking the cam as soon as an earthquake is detected. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A base isolation system composed of low‐damping isolation bearings and magnetorheological (MR) fluid dampers is described. The MR fluid changes its properties under the influence of a magnetic field resulting in a damper with characteristics that may be modified in real time. This feature enables optimal control under changing excitations in a stable and cost‐effective manner. The voltage is applied according to a selective control strategy. According to the proposed approach the dampers are activated only within a given range of the base displacements. The selective control improves the efficiency of the system and significantly reduces the control forces required for an optimal structural behaviour. Models of five‐ and eight‐storey buildings are used to study the efficiency of the proposed system. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

磁流变智能基础隔震系统研究   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
本文将磁流变(MR)阻尼器与普通橡胶隔震支座相结合,组成智能基础隔震系统应用到结构控制中。在详细介绍了系统的各部分与整体运行情况后,采用LQR经典线性最优控制算法对结构进行了振动台试验研究。试验结果表明,由MR阻尼器提供可调阻尼力的智能隔震控制系统,能有效克服被动隔震最优控制频带窄的缺点,对较宽频域范围地震激励能进行有效的振动控制。其相对一般被动隔震装置,能同时减小上部结构加速度和隔震层位移.  相似文献   

立式储液罐橡胶基底隔震体系的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文针对弹性圆柱钢制储液容器地震响应问题,建立了基底加橡胶斩力学分析模型,建立了橡胶基底体系的分析方程,给出了求解基底剪力和倾覆力矩的分析方法。  相似文献   

组合基础隔震在建筑工程中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
隔震作为一种新的抗震技术,已广泛应用于新建和加固的建筑工程,同时,许多新型式的支座得到了开发和应用。组合基础隔震是一种新的隔震设计思想,能充分应用不同类型隔震支座的特性,有效降低上部结构地震反应。本文介绍了组合基础隔震在某一工程中的应用,工程中使用的支座包括普通橡胶隔震支座、铅芯橡胶隔震支座和弹性滑板支座三种类型,对全部使用支座进行了常规检测,结构计算采用等效线性法、能量包络法和时程反应分析等方法,计算结果表明:组合基础隔震能有效降低上部结构的反应,隔震层的变形控制在安全范围之内。  相似文献   

立式储罐基础隔震动力反应特性分析   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
本文基于文献[1]建立的立式储罐基础隔震体系,针对阻尼,波高,隔震震频率等因素,进行了分析和研究,给出了工程设计所需的隔震频率、阻尼比并分析了隔震周期对波高控制的影响。  相似文献   

一座空旷砖混厂房结构的隔震加固   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍一栋砖混单层厂房的隔震加固方案,对加固后结构与原结构的地震反应作了对比分析,分析结果表明隔震加固大大提高了原结构的抗震性能。对加固所用的隔震支座性能作了具体分析,提供了支座的设计与试验对比结果,并对砌体结构隔震加固中采用的“夹梁托墙”技术的可行性作了试验研究,结果表明:支座的设计分析结果与试验结果吻合较好,夹梁具有良好的工作性能。  相似文献   

立式储液罐橡胶基底隔震模型实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对立式储液罐地震响应问题,引伸土木结构控制思想,建立了立式储液罐橡胶基底隔震体系的试验模型,进行了地震动试验,试验结果表明,隔震体系对减轻短周期的地震影响是有效的,但对长周期的地震影响是无效的。  相似文献   

基础隔震房屋模型振动台试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文结合日本在建的基础隔震实际工程,采用中国有关工厂生产的铅芯橡胶支座的作为基础隔震支座,进行了基础隔震房屋模型和基础固家房屋模型模拟地震动台试验,并引入能量分析方法对两种试验结果进行了分析比较。结果表明,基础隔震模型隔震效果明显,隔震层滞回变能有效吸收地震动入能量,减小模型结构的塑性变形和累积损伤。  相似文献   

基础隔震结构随机地震响应分析的复模态法   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
本文对多自由度基础隔震结构的随机地震响应问题进行了系统研究,首先建立了运动方程,然后用第一振型将上部结构展开,针对所得方程为非经典阻尼、非对称质量和非对称刚度情况,用复模态法解耦,获得了以第一振型表示的结构地震响应的解析解,对单自由度体系,此解即为结构响应的精确解,从而建立了两自由度体系在任意非经典阻尼与非对称质量和刚度情况下随机地震响应解析解分析的一般方法。本文方法也可用于带TMD减震结构、无损伤“加层减震”加固结构的随机地震响应分析与优化设计。  相似文献   

新型单自由度基础隔震体系简化计算方法研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文建立了一种新型的单自由度体系基础隔震结构实用设计方法,该方法考虑了上部结构的变形、简便,合理,可靠,与传统抗震设计方法概念比较接近,便于在工程应用中推广。  相似文献   

土-结构动力相互作用对基础隔震的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
本文研究土-结构动力相互作用对基础隔震的影响。文中根据间接边界元方法,推导了空间域中的格林函数公式,并建立了地基土的动力刚度矩阵;进而在频域内采用子结构法,建立了考虑土-结构动力相互作用的隔震结构的运动方程;通过数值仿真某具有埋置刚性基础的剪切型基础隔震结构的地震反应,分析了地基土的刚度对隔震效果以及结构地震反应的影响,得到了一些有意义的结论。  相似文献   

基础滑移隔震结构振动特性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对基础滑移隔震体系等代模型自振特性的分析,就多自由度剪切型隔震结构振动特性进行了较为全面的探讨,从而为滑移隔震结构的动力计算建立了合理的理论依据。  相似文献   

建筑结构基础隔震标准化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
收集整理了世界主要国家(如中国、美国、日本以及欧洲的国家)最新修订的建筑结构规范中对建筑结构基础隔震标准化研究的情况及具体规定,并做了相互的对比分析,内容包括:基础隔震的设计标准、产品标准与维护标准等。在分析比较的基础上,指出了建筑结构基础隔震标准化进程中需要进一步研究的问题以及发展的趋势。  相似文献   

Real‐time hybrid testing is a very effective technique for evaluating the dynamic responses of rate‐dependent structural systems subjected to earthquake excitation. A smart base isolation system has been proposed by others using conventional low‐damping isolators and controllable damping devices such as magnetorheological (MR) dampers to achieve specified control target performance. In this paper, real‐time hybrid tests of a smart base isolation system are conducted. The simulation is for a base‐isolated two‐degrees‐of‐freedom building model where the superstructure and the low‐damping base isolator are numerically simulated, and the MR damper is physically tested. The target displacement obtained from the step‐by‐step integration of the numerical substructure is imposed on the MR damper, which is driven by three different control algorithms in real‐time. To compensate the actuator delay and improve the accuracy of the test, an adaptive phase‐lead compensator is implemented. The accuracy of each test is investigated by using the root mean square error and the tracking indicator. Experimental results demonstrate that the hybrid testing procedure using the proposed actuator compensation techniques is effective for investigating the control performance of the MR damper in a smart base isolation system. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

根据基础隔震理论,在钢筋沥青隔震礅的基础上,提出一种新型钢结构隔震礅,设计和制作了缩尺房屋模型,并对其进行振动台试验。通过对隔震结构模型的动力特性、地震响应及能量平衡分析,绘制试验过程中的加速度及能量时程曲线,研究钢隔震礅应用于低层框架结构的减震耗能能力。大量工程实例可以看出该隔震礅隔震效果显著,制作简单、价格低廉、耐久性好,适于在广大村镇地区低层框架结构中推广使用。试验表明:隔震结构模型在不同的地震作用下,加速度折减系数处在0.24~0.51之间,且结构的阻尼耗能在振动台试验中占总输入能量的60%~70%,对结构耗能起主导作用,说明该基础隔震装置不仅具有较好的减震耗能特性能,对于控制隔震层的位移也有好的效果。  相似文献   

This paper concerns the seismic response of structures isolated at the base by means of High Damping Rubber Bearings (HDRB). The analysis is performed by using a stochastic approach, and a Gaussian zero mean filtered non‐stationary stochastic process is used in order to model the seismic acceleration acting at the base of the structure. More precisely, the generalized Kanai–Tajimi model is adopted to describe the non‐stationary amplitude and frequency characteristics of the seismic motion. The hysteretic differential Bouc–Wen model (BWM) is adopted in order to take into account the non‐linear constitutive behaviour both of the base isolation device and of the structure. Moreover, the stochastic linearization method in the time domain is adopted to estimate the statistical moments of the non‐linear system response in the state space. The non‐linear differential equation of the response covariance matrix is then solved by using an iterative procedure which updates the coefficients of the equivalent linear system at each step and searches for the solution of the response covariance matrix equation. After the system response variance is estimated, a sensitivity analysis is carried out. The final aim of the research is to assess the real capacity of base isolation devices in order to protect the structures from seismic actions, by avoiding a non‐linear response, with associated large plastic displacements and, therefore, by limiting related damage phenomena in structural and non‐structural elements. In order to attain this objective the stochastic response of a non‐linear n‐dof shear‐type base‐isolated building is analysed; the constitutive law both of the structure and of the base devices is described, as previously reported, by adopting the BWM and by using appropriate parameters for this model, able to suitably characterize an ordinary building and the base isolators considered in the study. The protection level offered to the structure by the base isolators is then assessed by evaluating the reduction both of the displacement response and the hysteretic dissipated energy. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基础隔震单层偏心结构扭转地震反应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用微分型滞回恢复力模型模拟隔震支座的恢复力特性,对基础隔震单层偏心结构的扭转地震反应进行分析,研究隔震系统偏心距和上部结构偏心距对结构扭转反应的影响。结果表明,采用隔震技术可以显著降低隔震结构的扭转地震反应。  相似文献   

In this paper the influence of base isolation on the behaviour of a work of art has been analysed. To make things more realistic, the work of art has been modelled with a non‐symmetrical rigid body, sitting on a base that is connected to a visco‐elastic device, which represents the passive control system. To prevent the breaking of the isolation device, security stops have been introduced to limit the displacement of the oscillating base to a maximum safety value. All analyses have been carried out comparing the behaviour of the non‐isolated and the isolated non‐symmetric rigid body subject to impulsive and seismic excitations. The analysis is particularly focused on the effects of the eccentricity of the rigid body and on the presence of the security stops. Generally, base isolation improves the behaviour of the system while the presence of an eccentricity makes the performance of the system worse with respect to the symmetric rigid body. Moreover the security stops, although they preserve the isolator devices, cause a worsening in the performance of the systems. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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