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Globalisation, supply–demand dynamics, uneven development, enhanced connectivity including the better flow of information, communication and the reduced cost of travel have encouraged the global integration of nursing labour markets. Developed regions of the world have attracted internationally educated nurses (IENs) because of growing healthcare needs. India, along with the Philippines, has become a key supplier of nurses in the global economy. Traditionally the supply of nurses was heavily regionalised in south India, especially Kerala, but of late Punjab, in north India, has played an increasing role in nurse training and migration as the profession has become more respected and more international. This paper uses survey and interview data to detail the recent interest in nursing as a channel for independent female international migration from Punjab, and to examine how migratory ambitions have developed over the last decade in parallel with the changing status of nursing as an internationally respected profession. We identify growing interest in international migration for nursing students and their increased intention to pursue employment opportunities in Australia and New Zealand. This research highlights how nursing and care migration are increasingly structured by international circuits of training and employment, and how such circuits alter migrant and occupational geographies on the ground in sending regions.  相似文献   

Women in the US have farmed for centuries, but have infrequently had the farmer title. Rural sociologists have explored women’s on-farm roles, as well as rural conceptualizations of gender that influence who can be a farmer. As the proportion of women claiming the farmer title increases, it is important to explore women farmers’ experiences. This article focuses on sixteen farmers in Colorado across the conventional-alternative spectrum. Through engagement with feminist and rural sociological theory, and based on analysis of semi-structured interviews, we contend that women in this study expand what it means to be a farmer by performing femininity through carework within their farming practice. This study demonstrates how some women farmers adapt a variety of predominantly feminine-coded work—such as education, customer support, and feeding work—to make agriculture a space of carework, and farming a role expanded beyond a masculine ideal.  相似文献   

The open-ended interview is gaining widespread acceptance within human geography as a research method. Frequently, such interviews can provide researchers with a richer account of events than can larger scale, standardized statistical approaches. However, researchers using interviews as part of their information gathering practices need to be aware of the social relations within which the interviews are conducted. In this paper I argue that gender relations are an important dynamic shaping the interview process which can significantly influence the sorts of data obtained using this particular research methodology.  相似文献   

从社会交换视角探讨社区权力、社区信任对居民参与旅游程度的影响效应具有重要意义。以北京前门社区为例,通过建立数据模型,检验了社区中的权力、社区居民信任对旅游社区居民参与程度的影响效应。研究表明:社会交换过程中的社区权力和社区信任是影响旅游社区参与的重要因素。社区权力对社区信任和社区参与旅游程度有直接显著的正向影响效应,社会交换中的旅游收益感知与旅游成本感知通过对居民参与旅游程度产生间接的影响效应。而社区信任与旅游收益感知之间存在双向影响效应,将直接与间接地影响居民参与旅游程度。  相似文献   

The Government of India considers prenatal care programs as a priority activity for promoting safe motherhood and child survival. It relies heavily on electronic mass media, including radio, television, and cinema to educate mothers—two‐thirds of whom are illiterate—about prenatal check‐ups and timing, iron prophylaxis, and tetanus toxoid injections. This study evaluated the effect of mothers' exposure to electronic mass media on knowledge and use of prenatal care services, using data from India's 1998–1999 National Family Health Survey. Multivariate logistic regressions were used to estimate the effects of media exposure by calculating odds ratios of each of the four response variables (complete prenatal care services, prenatal check‐ups, tetanus toxoid injections, and iron prophylaxes) for exposure to mass media. The results indicated that exposure to mass media is related to the use of prenatal care services even when other likely causes of the relationships are statistically controlled at their mean. The effect also showed a north‐south divide among the Indian States, being stronger in northern states as compared with southern states.  相似文献   

社区可持续发展指标体系研究——以上海崇明为例   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
袁雯  Philip JAMES  杨凯 《地理研究》2003,22(4):484-494
本文探索了在专业人员指导下的小组参与方法建立符合中国国情的社区可持续发展指标体系。研究以上海崇明为例,分析了不同社会群体对可持续发展的认识和需求,比较了不同经济发展水平、不同社会背景和不同决策层面对可持续发展的不同关注点,提出由4个核心指标、7个扩展指标和5个附加指标构成的社区可持续发展指标体系,为其他地区制订可持续发展指标体系提供了参考,并有利于实施社区发展可持续性的评估。  相似文献   

马勇  童昀  任洁  刘军 《地理科学》2018,38(11):1799-1808
以长江经济带公众参与型环境规制为研究对象,运用空间分析方法研究其时空格局,通过地理探测器筛选其主导驱动因子,基于GWR(Geographically Weighted Regression)模型揭示主导驱动因子空间异质性。结果表明:各年份公众参与型环境规制均呈显著空间正相关,但集聚程度逐年下降;公众参与型环境规制空间分异格局基本稳定;地理探测器剔除地均固定资产投资和万人在校大学生数两个初选因子;公众参与型环境规制驱动因子作用力由大到小依次为环境风险、人地压力、排放强度、信息化水平、经济水平、产业结构;各驱动因子存在特征不同的空间异质性,为制定针对性政策提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The Western Ghats mountain chain of Kerala, India, is prone to landslides mainly caused by anthropogenic disturbances and very high rainfall amounts. Here, some initial observations on the apparent relationship among pore water pressure fluctuations, rainfall characteristics, and landslide initiation are presented based on monitoring in an experimental catchment in the upper Tikovil River basin. On June 21 and 22, 2007, continuous rain fell for over 10 hours with a total precipitation of 147 mm, causing three shallow landslides in the catchment. Measurements using piezometers in three hollows of the catchment indicate that the rain spell resulted in the development of high pore water pressure from the beginning of the storm that persisted through the time of occurrence of shallow landslides. The pore water pressure patterns in these monitored hollows are possible representatives of the pore water pressure pattern in the hollows where the landslides initiated. This similarity of response pattern enables such data to be used for the calibration and validation of physically based slope hydrology models coupled with slope stability models.  相似文献   

旅游业具有一定的脆弱性和敏感性,易遭受突发危机事件的影响,突发危机事件成为制约旅游业可持续发展的重要影响因素之一。如何防范和应对旅游地突发危机事件,保障旅游业健康发展和旅游地社区生计的可持续性显得尤为重要,其中旅游地社区参与是响应和处置突发危机事件的重要利益相关者之一。基于此,论文以汶川地震后大九寨环线区域的九寨沟、青城山和北川县为案例地,采集556份有效样本,运用社区参与理论和社区恢复理论,以结构方程模型为技术方法,构建了基于危机响应视角的以社区参与获益、社区恢复力和社区依恋为维度的社区参与概念模型。得出如下结论:① 震后旅游地社区参与获益和社区恢复力对社区危机响应与支持旅游业发展具有显著正向作用,其中社区恢复力(0.59,P≤0.001)的作用强于社区获益感知(0.30,P≤0.001);② 社区依恋对社区参与起显著正向作用(0.19,P≤0.001),对社区恢复力和社区参与意向起部分中介效应,而对社区参与获益和社区参与意向不起中介效应;③ 论文提出了基于危机响应的社区参与由参与度、支持度和响应度构成,构建了由地方依恋(Attachment)、社区获益(Benefit)和社区恢复力(Resilience)维度组成的社区参与“ABR”框架模型。研究结果一定程度上拓展了旅游地社区参与研究的边界,对旅游地社区参与和危机管理有一定的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

Located in the foothills of the Indian Himalaya, Rajaji National Park was established to protect and enhance the habitat of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) and tiger (Panthera tigris). In 2002 the Van Gujjars, indigenous forest pastoralists, were voluntarily resettled from the Chilla Range (an administrative unit of Rajaji National Park) to Gaindikhata, a nearby area where they were granted land for agriculture. In this study we used a variety of remote sensing approaches to identify changes in land cover associated with the resettlement. The methods comprise two main approaches. First, we used object-based image analysis (OBIA) to identify the pre-resettlement land cover classes of use areas (representing agricultural expansion and adjacent areas of grazing, and collection of fuelwood and fodder) and recovery areas (representing areas where settlements were removed, and the adjacent areas of resource use). Secondly, we used trend analysis to assess the gradual and abrupt changes in vegetation that took place in use and recovery areas. To conduct the trend analysis we used BFAST (Breaks For Additive Season and Trend), which separates seasonal variation from long-term trends, and identifies breaks that can be linked back to disturbances or land cover changes. We found that the OBIA classification yielded high average class accuracies, and we were able to make class distinctions that would have been difficult to make using a traditional pixel-based approach. Pre-resettlement, the recovery areas were classified as mixed forest and riparian vegetation. In contrast, the use areas were classified primarily as grass dominated, brush dominated, and plantation forest, and were located relatively far away from riparian areas. Following the resettlement, the trend analysis showed a sudden change in the seasonal variation of NDVI in areas converted to agriculture. Areas neighboring the new agricultural land experienced sudden decreases in NDVI, suggestive of disturbances, at a higher rate than the same land cover types elsewhere. At the same time, these neighboring areas experienced a gradual overall increase in NDVI which could be caused by an expansion of leafy invasive shrubs such as Lantana camara in areas heavily used for biomass collection. The recovery areas also experienced a gradual increase in NDVI as well as sudden breaks to this trend, but we lacked evidence to connect these changes to the resettlement. Our findings support the claim that the resettlement has shifted pressure from more ecologically valuable to less ecologically valuable land cover types, and suggest that to some degree resource use pressure has increased outside the park. The study employs a novel synthesis of OBIA and trend analysis that could be applied to land change studies more broadly.  相似文献   

Conferences are principal mechanisms for professional organizations to advance their missions. Conference evaluations can measure mission-related outcomes in order to gauge an organization's impact on the professional growth and development of its community and other stakeholders. Using data from two recent conference evaluations, this article examines the impact of the National Conference on Geography Education in an effort to encourage a discussion about possible future directions.  相似文献   

探究居民作为农业文化遗产传承者的角色认同是否影响其参与旅游,是农业文化遗产地可持续旅游研究的重要问题。基于角色认同理论,以全球重要农业文化遗产保护试点项目浙江青田稻鱼共生系统为例,利用时间日志法和半结构式访谈法获取当地居民时间利用数据,并从时间利用视角出发就居民角色认同对其旅游参与的影响进行质性探讨,以期深度挖掘居民的态度和心理感知。结果表明:居民作为农业文化遗产传承者,其角色认同对旅游参与具有一定的影响。以居民角色认同程度和旅游参与程度作为分类变量加以交互组合,形成4种常见的旅游社区参与类型,即高角色认同-深度参与旅游型居民、高角色认同-浅度(未)参与旅游型居民、低角色认同-浅度(未)参与旅游型居民、低角色认同-深度参与旅游型居民。从而针对不同类型居民,提出农业文化遗产旅游参与和遗产保护的可行性建议。  相似文献   

城镇建设是我国城市化发展和增加农民收入的重要途径。本文在肯定怀远县城镇化发展取得成就的同时,提出目前怀远县城镇建设中存在的问题主要有:城镇的规划和布局不合理、建设资金不足、基础设施发展滞后、高素质人才匮乏等。通过建立城镇发展水平评价指标体系对怀远县的城镇发展水平进行定量分析,认为怀远县小城镇发展目前处于由初级城镇化的前期向中期过渡的阶段。为促进怀远县小城镇的发展,作者选择了12个指标对怀远县各个乡镇的辐射力、潜力进行分析,并选取了8个中心镇进行重点建设。最后,作者就如何加快怀远县小城镇建设提出若干配套措施。  相似文献   

The article contributes to the ‘new’ European regionalism by discussing the role that regional identity can play in regional development. It is based on the concept of ‘regional identity’ as the keystone of the institutionalization of the region and as consisting of two intertwined and complementary components: the regional consciousness of the inhabitants and the identity of a region. Through the heuristic study of relevant scholarly articles, the authors critically discuss six case studies from European countries dealing with the relationship between regional identity and regional development and published in the first decade of the new millennium. To date, research has examined the role of regional identity as both a successful and unsuccessful driver in regional development. From the case studies, a third possible role of regional identity is identified: regional identity as a barrier to regional development. Further, the article discusses the relationship between these three roles and attempts to identify factors causing the differentiation of the effects of regional identity in the context of regional development.  相似文献   

对大多数社区型农业文化遗产地的旅游发展前景而言,居民对旅游发展的态度是至关重要的。论文以稻作梯田农业文化遗产地——广西龙脊平安寨为个案,采用田野调查和统计分析方法,通过测算案例地居民对社会文化变化的态度值,探讨了该类型旅游地居民的旅游开发社会文化变化的感知及其对旅游发展的影响。结果表明:(1)旅游开发将使农业遗产地的社会文化发生较大变化,且总体上呈正向发展;(2)不同特征居民对社会文化的态度存在差异,但总体上对变化持积极态度;(3)家庭收入、旅游移民、社会治安、建筑服饰等文化因素的变化将直接影响居民对该地未来旅游发展的态度;(4)只要能正确引导、调控和疏导其变化方向,旅游地社会文化变化的负面影响可以减少乃至消除,并促进旅游地更好的发展。论文还对旅游开发中的社会文化影响调控提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

Public space is a feature of the urban built environment that has received increasing attention in recent years. Discussion has focused on the theoretical decline of public space, as private and institutional forces take on increasing influence. At the same time, many such “in-between spaces,” even privately owned ones, are used and experienced as public on a daily basis. Few studies, however, have explored how spaces understood as public are used and practised as such. To address this gap in the literature this paper draws upon ethnographic data collected on the “South Bank” in London (United Kingdom) to argue that “play” is a recurrent trait of sociospatial practices enacted in public space. Three interrelated typologies of playful practices in public space are discussed: child's play, plays on meaning, and play as simulation.  相似文献   

四川达曲河流域泥石流沟发育阶段的面积—高程分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用stanler面积-高程分析方法,以四川达曲河流域为对象,对泥石流沟发育阶段进行了定量化研究。根据分析结果,按照stanler理论的划分标准,初步判定了各泥石流沟发育阶段。结果表明,达曲河流域泥石流沟大多发育在幼年期和壮年期阶段。这一结论对该区泥石流灾害防治和预测预报具有重要意义。  相似文献   

港城耦合发展动态模拟与调控策略——以连云港为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨山  潘婧 《地理研究》2011,30(6):1021-1031
区域系统中港城互动关系具有系统动力学耦合特征,根据SD原理和方法,建立港口与城市耦合的PU-SD模型,解剖港城耦合系统多重反馈机理和各系统相互作用过程.以江苏省连云港为例,运用历史数据拟合,在证明模型具有可靠性和适用性基础上,通过变换经济社会资源等参数,以2008年为基年,对未来30年港城发展进行情景模拟,确定不同发展...  相似文献   

分散型村落遗产的保护利用——以开平碉楼与村落为例   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
陈耀华  杨柳  颜思琦 《地理研究》2013,32(2):369-379
以世界文化遗产--开平碉楼与村落为例,从空间结构入手探讨了"分散型村落"这一特殊遗产类型的概念及其空间布局分散、村落格局完整、主题载体连接、片区特色鲜明和整体价值突出的五大特点,并阐述了这些特点对遗产地带来的不利于统一管理与统筹利用等方面的影响。在分析开平碉楼与村落遗产地保护和发展现状的基础上,对比和借鉴其他类似"分散型村落"遗产地保护利用经验,针对分散型村落遗产的独立性、差异性和不可分割性,提出了该类遗产整体保护、统筹规划、区域联动、统一形象、各显特色、纽带连接等保护和发展的对策,达到在保护村落遗产的真实性和完整性的同时使遗产地实现可持续发展。这对我国众多村落遗产及历史村镇如何在快速城镇化和新农村建设的背景下,既要严格保护珍贵的遗产资源,又要有效发展当地社会经济有较好的启示作用。  相似文献   

Managed relocation is explained and examined as an option to add to the usual categories considered in relation to managing coastal erosion. The paper considers the relocation of buildings in one unit, as opposed to demolition and re-construction. The standard coastal erosion management options are briefly noted and how managed relocation can fit into these options is explained. This paper focuses on four case studies. Two examples are from the USA and two from the UK; of these, two (one in each of the UK and USA) took place during the nineteenth century. Managed relocation is proposed as being feasible in particular cases, particularly where there are isolated historic or high value buildings.  相似文献   

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