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交通运输行业是温室气体排放的主要来源之一。“双碳”目标对交通领域碳减排工作提出了更高的要求。我国交通运输行业能源消耗统计和温室气体排放测算的统计数据基础较为薄弱,目前国家层面尚未公布统一的交通运输温室气体核算方法,温室气体排放存在底数不清的问题,其核算边界、范围、方法都有待进一步明确。文中通过梳理国内外交通运输领域温室气体核算边界及测算方法,提出了适用于我国交通运输不同子领域温室气体的测算研究思路。并针对我国交通运输温室气体核算工作现存问题,从健全行业能耗与排放核算方法体系、建立交通运输能耗与碳排放数据共享机制、加强交通能耗与碳排放核算方法培训、强化数据质量管理等方面提出相应的政策建议,为我国交通运输行业温室气体排放核算工作的持续开展提供参考。  相似文献   

控制温室气体排放、减缓气候变化已成为国际社会关注的热点,中国作为温室气体排放大国,承受着巨大的国际压力。未来一段时间内,如果按照发达国家的技术路线,中国的氢氟碳化物(HFCs)的生产和消费将快速增长,其排放量将迅速增加。采用低全球增温潜势(GWP)技术及采取减排措施,HFCs领域具有很大减排潜力;将HFCs减排纳入中国减排温室气体的整体战略中,对推进国家水平的温室气体减排将作出重要贡献。当前,中国面临着重要机遇,比如针对含氟温室气体相对完备的履约机制可保证一定的减排技术转让和资金支持,履约行动将促进相关行业的节能减排与技术创新等;同时中国也面临着挑战,比如HFCs的巨大消费需求及其排放量的迅速增长,尤其是HFCs替代技术存在局限性等。  相似文献   

中国农业温室气体减排交易的机遇与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 在介绍国际碳市场情况的基础上,总结潜在的农业温室气体减排交易项目类型,探讨中国如何在国际碳市场前景不明朗、自愿碳市场刚刚起步,以及国内实现节能减排目标和实施生态补偿机制的机遇中,克服农业温室气体减排项目所面临的单位减排量小、交易成本高、方法学和独立的第三方认证机构缺乏,以及国内交易平台尚不规范的困难,积极探索利用市场机制控制农业温室气体排放的方法。  相似文献   

温室气体排放信息披露是确保实现温室气体排放总量控制目标和顺利开展碳交易、推动企业碳减排的重要前提和根本保障。研究表明,通过明确法律制度保障、完善信息披露路径、加强监管等措施,可以有效建立温室气体排放信息披露制度。建议在综合考虑国内碳市场信息披露、省级重点企业温室气体排放信息披露、环境信息披露等工作基础上,推动我国温室气体排放信息披露在法律基础、制度框架、重点要素等方面的顶层设计,并加强监管。  相似文献   

中国正面临着低碳减排和保持经济增速的双重挑战。为利用碳排放权交易机制以最低的社会成本实现减排目标,我国自2013年起开始建设碳排放权交易试点,并于2017年12月起宣布正式启动全国碳市场。然而碳市场的顶层设计不可一蹴而就,需要在我国宏观经济改革的大背景下分阶段逐步推进。短期(2020年前)碳市场建设重在强化产权制度建设,完善市场交易基础。中期(2021—2030年)碳市场建设要形成活跃的市场氛围,充分降低我国的温室气体达峰成本。长期(2031—2050年)碳市场建设要形成稳定上升的碳价趋势,为我国的低碳转型提供长期动力。  相似文献   

2023年5月17日,欧盟碳边境调节机制法规正式生效,年底就要进入试运行阶段。法规要求出口特定产品到欧盟的企业为产品生产过程中所产生的温室气体排放支付费用。根据各国学者的建模分析,这将增加所有销往欧盟市场的相关产品的温室气体排放成本,对欧盟以外国家的生产、贸易、就业和收入产生不利影响,而欧盟国家的企业则获得相对的竞争优势,这引发了诸多争议。对此,中国应在多边主义框架下积极与欧盟开展磋商,争取全球各国在公平的前提下提升减排雄心,同时加紧全国碳市场建设,促进国内的碳价提高到足以反映国内减排成本的水平,促进相关行业的碳排放核算能力建设,以求降低增加的管理成本,并推动低碳技术的发展,以降低欧盟碳边境调节机制带来的负面影响。  相似文献   

碳捕集、利用与封存技术(CCUS)被认为是进行温室气体深度减排最重要的技术路径之一。为了促进CCUS技术的发展与应用,欧盟、英国、美国等国家和地区一直积极倡导CCUS实施的制度化和规范化。通过对与CCUS相关的国际公约、重点国家和地区的政策、法规进行系统的梳理,以及对中国的法律制度体系和CCUS政策法规现状的整理,中国CCUS立法和监管体系建立的关键在于解决CO2的定性、地表权和地下权的确定、保障健康、安全和环境、知识产权的转移和保护、项目审批制度以及激励政策体系的建立等,应有针对性地构建CCUS政策法规体系,逐步完善CCUS政策法规环境,从而推动CCUS在中国的健康发展。  相似文献   

美国碳排放权交易体系评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过评析当前美国最主要的两类碳排放交易体系--自愿减排和总量控制与交易体系的发展现状与前景得到,自愿减排终因需求不足而难以维系,只有建立碳排放的总量控制与交易体系,才能进行持续的碳交易,完成减碳目标。借鉴美国区域温室气体行动、西部气候倡议和加州总量控制与交易体系的经验,建议中国选择具有一定基础的省份或行业试行总量控制与交易体系,初期排放配额的分配以免费发放为主,拍卖为辅,并严格控制碳抵消的数量和范围等,然后再逐步过渡到拍卖方式。  相似文献   

为应对全球气候变化的挑战,发展低碳经济已成为国际共识。根据核能的特点,分析了核电燃料链的温室气体排放及其与其他能源链的比较,指出核能是各种能源中温室气体排放量最小的发电方式。介绍了世界主要核电国家发展核能减排温室气体状况,分析了我国发展核电的温室气体减排效益,提出积极发展核能是我国构建低碳型能源结构、应对气候变化的合理有效选择。  相似文献   

正《金融危机前主要经济体温室气体减排路径研究》殷培红等著该书从排放总量、人均排放和排放强度三个方面概述了全球温室气体排放的国别差异和世界温室气体排放格局的变化,分析了人均排放国别差异的主要影响因素。同时从欧盟国家、伞形集团国家以及新兴经济体等三个利益集团中选择了17个典型国家,用大量的数据介绍了这些国家20年来  相似文献   

Alex Y. Lo 《Climate Policy》2016,16(1):109-124
China has introduced several pilot emission trading schemes to build the basis for a national scheme. The potential scale of this initiative raises prospects for a regional carbon trading network as a way to further engage other major Asian economies. However, the Chinese carbon markets rest upon a unique political-economic context and institutional environment that are likely to limit their development and viability. This article offers an overview of such structural economic and political constraints. Four main challenges are identified, namely, inadequate domestic demand, limited financial involvement, incomplete regulatory infrastructure, and excessive government intervention. The first two challenges concern economic dimensions and may be partially addressed by the incentives created by the newly introduced emission trading schemes. The other two are more deeply entrenched in the dominant political system and governing practice. They require fundamental changes to the ways in which the state and the market interact. The success of China's carbon market reform depends crucially on the ability of the ongoing efforts to transform the distorted state–market relationship.

Policy relevance

The burgeoning carbon markets offer opportunities for emissions mitigation at lower costs and enable circulation of a new form of capital, i.e. carbon credits, across borders. China accounts for a gigantic share of global GHG emissions and has the potential to significantly scale up these opportunities. There are clear implications for market developers and participants worldwide, including climate policy makers who attempt to link their emission trading schemes to other schemes, firms who seek to take advantage of the inexpensive carbon offsets generated in developing countries, international financial institutions who endeavour to establish their business in an emerging major carbon market, etc. This article can inform their decisions by identifying key issues that may undermine their ability to achieve these goals. Policy makers and stakeholders will benefit from this analysis, which shows how the Chinese carbon markets operate in ways that may be different from their experience elsewhere.  相似文献   


This article investigates future greenhouse gas emission scenarios for Russia's electricity sector, a topic of importance since Russia's ratification of the Kyoto Protocol in November 2004. Eleven scenarios are constructed to the year 2020 considering economic and technological details in both the demand and supply sides of the sector. The scenarios are based upon a thorough review of the different factors controlling carbon dioxide emissions, including potential economic growth, changes in energy efficiency and technological development, and that Russia may export large amounts of natural gas to European and Asian markets. The most likely scenario is that Russia will double industrial output over the next 10 years, increase energy efficiency in the demand sector, will remain consistent to the goals of the Energy Strategy 2020 and will implement more efficient technology in the electricity supply sector. Consequently, carbon dioxide emissions will still be 102 million tonnes below 1990 levels in 2010, representing a significant source for emission reduction credits available to be sold on international markets or transferred to the next crediting period.  相似文献   

基于各国提交的165份国家自主贡献文件,以其中提出的减排目标为基准,尽可能充分地考虑了减排目标的范围不确定性、不同经济情景带来的碳强度减排目标不确定性、减排气体种类边界差异、碳排放达峰约束等因素,并通过蒙特卡洛模拟的方法对全球、各区域和主要经济体的温室气体排放总量、不确定度及其来源进行了定量分析.结果表明,到2030年...  相似文献   

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction is usually associated with energy systems management. Management of regional energy systems is a complex task due to the strong interactions among energy supply, demand and conversion activities, as well as those among energy, environmental and economic factors. These complexities may be further compounded due to the presence of uncertainties in a variety of processes and the related costs, impact factors and objectives. Therefore, the objective of this study is to develop a dynamic interval-fuzzy two-stage stochastic regional energy systems planning model (DIFT-REM) and analysis GHG-emission reduction policies within a general energy management systems framework. The developed model is then applied to the Province of Ontario to demonstrate its applicability in supporting regional energy systems management and GHG-emission reduction analysis under uncertainty. The results indicated that DIFT-REM could address not only interactions among multiple energy-related activities, but also uncertainties in multiple forms and dynamics within a multi-period, multi-facility, multi-scale and multi-uncertainty context. The results also suggested that, when GHG-emission-credit trading is available for Ontario, the task of GHG-emission reduction could be accomplished with a lower system cost.  相似文献   

分析、解读了IPCC第五次评估报告对能源供应,工业,交通,建筑,农业、林业和其他土地利用(AFOLU)等部门温室气体和CO2减排途径和措施评估的主要结论。2000年以来,除了AFOLU,其他部门的温室气体排放量一直在增长。在增加的排放量中能源系统、工业、交通运输和建筑部门分别贡献了47%、30%、11%和3%。未来,这些部门仍将是全球温室气体的主要排放源和减排的重点领域。通过推进技术进步,持续提高能源效率,进一步优化能源结构,提高碳排放效率,提高原材料使用效率,强化废物管理,提高产品使用效率,减少对产品及相应服务的需求以及广泛利用碳捕获与封存和CO2去除技术,到2050年与基准情景相比,这些部门的CO2排放量可减少15%~80%。所有这些减排措施对我国主要部门减排CO2均具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

In international climate policy discussions, one of the centralissues for medium- to long run climate protection strategiesis the uncertainty about the costs and the distributional effectsof specific unilateral or multilateral emission reductions. Thispaper looks at the world-wide effects of climate protection strategieson the allocation of resources, on economic growth in differentregions, and on the regional welfare effects. The analysis isbased on a global recursively dynamic, multi-region, multi-sectorcomputable general equilibrium model parameterized accordingto the ICLIPS (Integrated Assessment of Climate Protection Strategies)integrated assessment model. The simulations show that nationalclimate policies will have important international repercussions.It is therefore important to consider international allocationeffects in the analysis of national climate protection strategies.The welfare costs of greenhouse gas emission reductions risemore than proportionally with lower emission targets. The analysisof the carbon leakage rate indicates that most of the leakagerapidly disappears if emission reduction moves towards an efficientdistribution of emission targets.  相似文献   

企业是国内外温室气体排放核算标准化工作关注的重点领域。随着全球应对气候变化工作新需求的出现,国内外标准化领域也发生着与需求相呼应的变化。国际上,企业层面的核算标准已经提高了对企业供应链排放的核算与报告要求,同时,针对具体行业的企业温室气体核算标准也进入制定程序;国内企业核算标准更加贴合中国实施重点企业直报、碳排放权交易等任务的需要,注重与国内现有标准体系、企业计量基础的衔接,更具可操作性。通过对ISO 14064-1修订版、ISO 19694系列标准及GB/T 32150、GB/T 32151系列标准的比较发现,这些标准采用了基本一致的核心方法,为未来可能的交流衔接提供了基础;标准间的差异主要源自适用范围与施用对象的不同,体现在排放源划分方式、数据获取方法、体现特定导向的要求等方面;虽然这些新变化有利于不同市场、地域或行业的企业更好地体现其排放特点,但也对企业未来开展温室气体排放核算与报告提出了更高的要求,建议中国企业梳理温室气体核算的核心工作,建立基础的数据收集体系;同时也理清各标准差异,建立相适应的报告能力;建议中国标准制定机构关注标准的适用性与可操作性,根据国内温室气体管理的政策与措施分阶段制定相关标准。  相似文献   

In the first Kyoto commitment period Russia could be the major supplier for the greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions market. Potential Russian supply depends on the ability of Russia to keep GHG emissions lower than the Kyoto target. In the literature there is no common understanding of the total trading potential of Russia at the international carbon market. In this paper we focus on CO2 emission, which constituted nearly 80%of Russian GHG emission. We compare different projections of Russian CO2emission and analyze the most important factors, which predetermine the CO2emission growth. In a transition economy these factors are: Gross Domestic Product(GDP) dynamic, changes of GDP structure, innovation activity, transformation of export-import flows and response to the market signals. The input-output macroeconomic model with the two different input-output tables representing old and new production technologies has been applied for the analysis to simulate technological innovations and structural changes in the Russian economy during transition period. The Russian supply at the international GHG market without forest sector may be up to 3 billion metric ton of CO2 equivalent. Earlier actions to reduce CO2 emission are critical to insure theRussiansupply at the international carbon market. With regard to the current status of the Russian capital market, the forward trading with OECD countries is only the possibility to raise initial investments to roll no-regret and low-cost GHG reduction. This paper discusses uncertainties of RussianCO2emission dynamics and analyzes the different incentives to lower the emission pathway.  相似文献   

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