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This project combines qualitative data of personal narratives with geographic information science (GIScience) technologies to explore the potential for critical cartography in the study of mass atrocity. The case study used is northern Uganda, where millions have been affected by physical violence and hardship, displacement, and fear. Web-based virtual globes as a ready source of imagery for remote areas and derived spatial data imported to geographic information systems (GIS) provide quantified data that complement testimonials and other qualitative data from the field. Cartographic functions, geovisualization, and spatial analyses available in GIS are used to extract information from high-resolution remote sensing images documenting internally displaced persons (IDP) camps and quantifying evidence of crimes against humanity. These techniques explore spatial relationships and communicate results on the extent and impact of the atrocities in northern Uganda.  相似文献   

Over two decades after the scholarly interventions that coalesced into ‘critical GIS’ as a field within GIScience, critical GIS remains underdeveloped in conversations on teaching and learning. The literature on GIScience education has emphasized content more than pedagogies – what to teach versus how to teach to move students toward particular learning objectives. This emphasis is reflected in dominant curricular approaches to critical GIS, in which questions around the complicated origins and complicit social, political, and economic relationships of GIS are taken up as discrete topics, tacked onto instruction that otherwise prioritizes technical dimensions of GIScience. We argue that GIScience coursework must resist such modularization by approaching critical GIS not as a set of topics, but an orientation to GIS praxis that ‘does’ GIS from within a questioning stance, to ask how we know. We outline specific curricular shifts and teaching practices we have used to foster this orientation in GIS students, offering ways of continually engaging students in practicing this orientation as they learn strong technical GIScience content. Finally, we trace the successes, challenges, and tensions sparked by these critical GIS pedagogies, drawing on student evaluation comments from our courses and reflecting on broader implications for GIScience instructors and geography faculty.  相似文献   

The rise of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technologies has been producing powerful tools for spatial data processing, management, analysis, modeling, and visualization. While supporting many tasks, GIS technologies have evoked new thinking and advanced intellectual inquiries in geography. Technological advances in other fields often stimulate new research questions and lead to revolutionary discoveries. The Hubble telescope revolutionizes our understanding of the universe, and 3D digital microscopes transform our knowledge of the coordination among biological, neurological, and physiological systems in living organisms. Can GIS claim similar revolutionary effects on geography? The answer is much up for debate. With GIS technologies, geographic studies can explore a broader extent across multiple scales in space and time and tackle problems through increasingly complex spatial statistics, visual analytics, computation, simulation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Both the Hubble telescope and 3D digital microscope were built based on scientific research that subserves the technological advances for inquiries into space and life systems. Likewise, GIScience research innovates GIS methods that enable novel geographic investigations and therefore contribute to geographic knowledge production. For the sake of simplicity, the term GIS used here represents both GIScience and GIS technologies. This essay attempts to clarify the intellectual contributions of GIS to geography on the following two questions: (1) What novel geographic thinking is driven by GIS? (2) How may GIS provoke new geographic inquiries and knowledge? Building on Nystuen's notion of four tensions that trigger geographic questions, the essay discusses how GIS innovations mediate historical tension, space‐time tension, dimensional tension and scale tensions.  相似文献   

王韬  刘云刚 《地理科学进展》2022,41(6):1097-1108
地图是地理学的基本语言,也是空间分析必不可少的工具。但长期以来,地图一直被视为一种客观中立的科学成果。受批判地理学的启发,批判制图学/GIS应运而生,其目标是阐明制图实践中所嵌入的话语、权力关系,挑战地图表征中未经检验却被认为是理所当然的假设。经历40余年的争论与磨合,这一研究领域初现轮廓,批判制图学/GIS大致形成2个研究方向:解构路径主要从制图主体身份和地图知识生产过程2个方面出发,分别剖析制图术与国家治理密不可分的联系及其内在的权力作用机制;建构路径主要借助协作制图和反制图手段以实现地图数据的再生产。国内批判制图学/GIS研究刚刚起步,需要继续吸收批判地理学成果,开展不同历史时期、不同类型地图的解构研究,也需要加强建构路径与解构路径的深度弥合,并面向公众开展更加开放、公正的地图应用研究,将研究成果积极应用于社会实践。  相似文献   

地图制图自动化是地图学的重要目标之一,也是当前研究的热点问题之一,对地球空间信息科学的发展具有十分重要的意义。通过采用Representation技术,以昆明市入滇河道(管线)专题地图制图项目为例,研究探讨基于规则化数据驱动的计算机地图制图表达,部分解决了传统上必须通过大量人工编辑才能够完成的制图任务,特别是实现了传统上需要以破坏数据的GIS属性为代价才能够实现的地图制图效果,结果表明:基于规则驱动的计算机地图制图表达技术能够兼顾GIS和地图制图对数据的不同要求,可快速完成地图制作,并达到传统地图制图效果,节省大量的人力物力,具有广阔的推广和工程应用价值。  相似文献   

Scale and resolution have long been key issues in geography. The rapid development of analytical cartography, GIS, and remote sensing (the mapping sciences) in the last decade has forced the issues of scale and resolution to be treated formally and better defined. This paper addresses the problem of scale and resolution in geographical studies, with special reference to the mapping sciences. The fractal concept is introduced, and its use in identifying the scale and resolution problem is discussed. The implications of the scale and resolution problem on studies of global change and modeling are also explored.  相似文献   

地理信息系统学科中几个基本问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地理信息科学(GISci)尚不成熟,但中国地理信息系统(GIS)高等教育发展快速,因此GIS学科发展面临许多问题和挑战。尝试从哲学本体论、认识论和方法论角度探讨GIS学科中的几个基本问题:现实世界、概念世界、数字世界、空间认知、空间表达、空间分析与研究方法,同时从社会实践角度总结了GIS应用中的组织、管理与社会问题。1)系统总结地理空间、空间认知与信息表达的关系以及地理信息的基本特征;2)回顾GIS的概念与内涵演变,论证GIS概念的多样性与同一性,分析了几个代表性的GIS研究方向;3)在回顾地理学研究范式转变的基础上,探讨空间分析、知识产生过程以及基于GIS的地理学研究范式;4)辨析GIS与组织管理间的关系、GIS与社会间的互动关系,特别强调发展中国家GIS应用面临的问题。建议围绕“空间认知与表达”、“GIS方法论”、“GIS、组织与社会”进行跨学科研究,完善GIS学科体系。  相似文献   

融合式研究趋势下的地理信息教学体系探索   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
乐阳  李清泉  郭仁忠 《地理学报》2020,75(8):1790-1796
城市研究的范式在大数据和人工智能的影响下已经发生了巨大变化。本文根据城市研究及地理信息科学的发展历程和学科脉络,提出城市空间信息学是社会和产业需求导向的一个新兴知识领域,也是融合式研究趋势下地理信息教学和研究的一个发展方向。城市规划和地理信息科学两大类专业虽然具备孵化出城市空间信息学人才的学科基础,但是其学科体系都需要较大的改变才能实现突破;从现有的学科设置的体系看,地理空间信息工程专业由于提供了同时培养学生系统思维、空间思维和计算思维的框架,具备发展城市空间信息学本科教育的入口。本文在此基础上提出了城市空间信息工程本科专业的培养方案设计思路,期望能够对城市空间信息学的学科发展以及教学研究带来讨论契机,并推动地理信息学科和城市规划学科的可持续发展。  相似文献   

During the late 1980s and early 1990s, cognitive science was included as one of the key disciplines in the emerging multidisciplinary field of geographic information science (GIScience). One of the key proponents and popularizers of the study of human cognition as part of GIScience – and one of its major researchers – has been Andrew U. Frank. In this essay, we review the history of Andrew Frank’s role as an innovator and champion for cognitive GIScience, and summarize some of his research contributions in this domain. Taken along with his contributions to other areas of GIScience, this review shows that Andrew Frank has been one of the primary figures in modern GIScience, and among its very broadest and intellectually-diverse contributors.  相似文献   

Viral maps—ones that are shared widely on social media and media outlets—have become an increasingly common part of online conversations about a range of issues. Despite the increasing prevalence of these viral maps, only a few academic researchers have examined the factors leading to their popularity or their social use and effect. In this article, we analyze two case studies of viral maps, a viral tweet about the August 2017 total eclipse and an interactive tool for exploring educational attainment by neighborhood in the United States. By reflecting on our experience as authors of these maps and analyzing the reactions they elicited, we identify several key elements of these maps and their circulation. First, viral maps act as a form of phatic communication, allowing users to restate and react to shared social identities. Second, maps are read from specific times and places, and this spatiotemporal context significantly shapes the reactions of map readers. Finally, viral maps illustrate gaps or improvements in trust between mapmakers and map readers, including questions about map accuracy or the intentions behind the map. We close by considering implications for future research and viral cartography. Key Words: online maps, social networks, viral cartography.  相似文献   

By studying landscape form and patterns, we can study processes at multiple scales and determine how collectively those processes inform us about function(s). Integrating landscape ecology from a biogeographical perspective with geographic information science (GIScience) practices offers new ways to study how landscapes change over time and space, including how they can be measured, analyzed, and modeled for management needs. This article presents methodologies and selected results of analyzing spatial patterns from field data across multiple scales by examining standing dead tree (snag) processes across wildfire‐disturbed landscapes in Arizona. Our primary motivation was to illustrate a particular type of work benefiting from the coalescing of landscape ecology and GIScience, functioning at the methodological and practical overlap of these two contributing fields. Our management goals were to (1) describe spatial patterns and characteristics of snags in pairs of burned and unburned ponderosa pine forests of Arizona in four recent (within the past ten years) wildfires, (2) document bird response to wildfires by combining landscape ecology and GIScience methods, and (3) link these patterns to snag monitoring plots and cavity‐nesting bird use to predict the probability of snag use by birds and cavity nesters based on snag characteristics (snag use model). The methods and results demonstrate how integration of landscape ecology with both GIS and GIScience improves the ways to study landscapes and land management issues, in this case offering guidelines for retention of snags that provide habitat for wildlife.  相似文献   

刘慧屏 《热带地理》1998,18(3):279-285
中国地图科学工作者在继承和发扬祖国地图科学光辉传统的同时,吸取地球科学,空间技术和信息工程等学科的现代成就,使当代地图科学技术取得长足的进展,几十年来,航空摄影与系列制图,航天遥感与动态制图,计算机制图与电子地图,地理信息系统与制印一体化等先进科学技术已取得瞩目成绩,专题地图集的编制与信息时代相呼应,出现一些新观念,新技术,随着地球信息科学新学科的兴起,地图科学将出现新机遇,新挑战。  相似文献   

There is mounting interest among scientists regarding the use of scientometric social network analysis, or quantitative analysis of the evolution of science as defined by individual researchers and the networks they form. Given that geographers have seldom used this approach compared to researchers in other fields, its implications for research and policy need to be assessed. We applied scientometric social network analysis to geographic information science (GIScience) to understand how the field has evolved over the last sixteen years and to assess the applicability of the standard logistic model of the growth of scientific disciplines. In particular, we examined collaboration in the field at multiple scales, namely, the evolution of the entire research network structure, the nature of subnetworks in defining geographic information science, and the roles individuals play within the community. By delineating how collaborations and research networks have evolved in GIScience, the study addresses the potential of scientometric social network analysis for geography.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with some issues related to the changes in the role, properties and characteristics of cartography in connection with the transition of mankind from the industrial age to the information (post-industrial) age. Emphasis is placed on the essence of the process of perception of the environment by humans through data provided to them where the object of perception and the subject perceiving information are located at different points of the space-time continuum. The study identifies eight characteristic features of the information age, the new challenges and requirements, the possibilities of information society, and the related new tasks of cartographic support of the economy. It is shown that the main difference of the information age from the industrial age implies a transition from the commodity-producing economy to the economy of information services. Based on this, it is concluded that there is a need for the provision of various cartographic services, such as the generation of cartographic information as requested as well as supplying it to various users. Seven main statements are formulated, which characterize the peculiarities, properties and methodological foundations of cartography under the new conditions. The definitions of the role and subject of cartography in the information age are suggested. An interpretation is given to the term “neocartography”, and its main characteristics are presented. The notion of a multipurpose cartographic resource is introduced.  相似文献   

GIS research has a continuing thread devoted to classifying the operations performed by analytical software. Prior efforts to classify GIS operations have limitations and inconsistencies, often arising from an attempt to establish overly direct links between geographic procedures and arithmetical operations. The transformational view of cartography provides a more solid basis for classifying GIS operations. This paper presents a new scheme for geographical transformations based on measurement frameworks as the principal distinction. Transformations between measurement frameworks can be summarized in terms of a spatial neighbourhood and a rule to process attribute information. This scheme organizes most analytical GIS operations by their geometric and attribute assumptions.  相似文献   

重建地方:人文地理与GIS结合研究的路径   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
叶超  塔娜 《地理科学进展》2020,39(8):1249-1259
地方是很重要的地理学概念。中外学界对地方的研究有丰富积累。围绕地方的理论与现实问题,探索人文地理与GIS结合研究的路径和方法对中国地理学尤为重要。“重建地方”旨在打破学科界限,重新发现学术研究的“地方”,并将学术与生活、思想与技术紧密结合起来,反思和重建生活中的“地方”。人文地理与GIS结合研究主要聚焦于流动性的大尺度城市空间与稳定性的小尺度社区空间。通过运用开放的街景地图、3D-VQGIS等新GIS工具和方法,整合大数据与小数据,将定量与定性结合,丰富了地方性研究的方法与理论,使人文地理与GIS结合有新的方法论与可操作的手段。以地方为主题,人文地理与GIS的结合还将重塑这2个子学科,进而促进地理学发展。未来应该大力探索人文地理与GIS结合的思想、理论与方法,实现学科内的交融互动,并将其应用于解释尺度交错的现实问题,进而在理论和实践上重建地方。  相似文献   

Heated exchanges between critical theorists and GIScientists over geographic information systems (GIS) in 1990s geography gave rise to calls for increased communication between critics and practitioners of the technology and most recently for “hybrid” qualitative–quantitative GIS practices. Although GIS scholars have successfully addressed mid-1990s critiques of the technology by developing a series of critical GIS practices that involve nuanced and reflexive deployments of GIS and assessments of its visual products, theoretical critiques of GIS remain fixated on the epistemological deficiencies of the technology. Despite references to loosening metaphysical tensions across the discipline, this difference in assessments reveals the discourses of critical-theoretic geography and GIScience to remain separated by a trenchant philosophical divide, across which ontological and epistemological commitments are inviolable. The inability to fully reconcile a critical–theoretic epistemology with the explicitly ontological metaphysics of GIS further complicates qualitative engagements with the technology by addressing a series of inconsistencies into GIS praxis arising from the quantitative limits to representation encountered in the formal universe of computing. The persistence of metaphysical tensions in critical engagements with the technology questions the degree to which qualitative methods can be seamlessly hybridized with the quantitative architectures of GIS.  相似文献   

城市是政治,经济,文化,交通的中心,在社会发展和人类活动中有着重要地位。近几十年,随着信息革命的兴起,地图科学与航天遥感,航空摄影,计算机技术等相结合,引起传统城市制图观念的更新,出现了一些新的编图热点--城市影像地图的编制,本文阐述了《上海市影像地图集》的设计与编制思想,以及利用计算机辅助制作影偈图的过程,展望了机助制图技术在提高地图作品的质量,生产效益,减低生产成本等方面的优越性,以及影像地图在表达空间信息上与传统线划地图的区别。  相似文献   

中国西部干旱区生态景观制图的若干问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
制图方法是认识和揭示客观现象与过程的重要途径。生态景观制图作为专题制图学的一个重要方向,通过建立分类体系,制定分类方法,编制专题图件,可以反映自然要素和人为作用的特点,揭示生态景观要素的耦合关系。生态景观制图中专题要素的表现方式,制图过程的数据采集,制图单元的划分,制图的模式选择,以及遥感、GIS与数字制图手段的应用,是十旱Ⅸ景观生态制图的关键问题。生态景观制图巾的地图信息理论、地图模式论、地图分析理论、地图要素综合理论、制冈工艺学等的发展,对于开拓资源环境制图学的新领域具有理论价值,并对生态规划与生态建设具有重要促进作用。  相似文献   

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