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气候条件对候鸟物候期的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用呼和浩特市武川县气象站(1961—2009年)气象观测资料及物候期观测资料(1982—2009年),分析了该地区气候和两种候鸟物候期的趋势变化特征以及候鸟物候期对气候变化的响应关系。结果表明:(1)近49年来武川县年平均气温上升趋势极为明显,倾向率为0.46℃/10a;年平均风速呈极显著的下降趋势,总日照时数、年累积降水量的变化趋势不明显;(2)物候期变化趋势特征表现在家燕、豆雁的始见期推迟;绝见期均有显著提前;家燕、豆雁的始、绝见期间隔时间分别以16.2d/10a和18.7d/10a的速率极显著缩短;(3)家燕、豆雁的物候期变化敏感气候因子是5、6、7、8、9、10月和5—10月各时间段平均气温,其次是6、9月总日照时数。  相似文献   

木本植物物候变化及其对气候变化的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取青海省4个农气观测站的木本植物物候期及气候资料,分析物候期变化及其对气候变化的响应关系。结果表明:(1)木本植物物候现象存在着明显的地域性。(2)呈现出作物生长季延长的趋势。(3)对气温的响应:上年9月至当年4月的平均气温升高1℃,全省小叶杨平均叶芽开放期提早5d,展叶普期提早4d,开花始期提早4d;上年9月至当年6月的平均气温升高1℃,全省平均种子成熟提早3d左右;上年9月至当年8月的平均气温升高1℃,全省平均叶全变色期约推迟4—5d,叶芽开放至秋季叶全变色期平均间隔日数延长12d。(4)小叶杨对降水的响应不明显。对日照的响应:日照时数增多10h,物候气提早或推迟小于1d。  相似文献   

车前草物候变化特征及对气候变化的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了1982-2006年内蒙古地区7个物候观测站车前草春、秋季物候的变化趋势和特征.并分析了物候期变化与气候变化的相关关系,结果表明:各物候观测站车前草春季物候为提前趋势,秋季物候为延后趋势;气候变暖是车前草物候变化的主要原因,开花期与冬、春季温度存在明显的负相关,温度高则开花早,反之则晚;黄枯期与秋季温度呈明显的正相关,温度高则落叶晚,反之则早。  相似文献   

选取菏泽国家级农业气象试验站1991—2010年4种草本植物物候期资料和同期气象资料,采用统计分析法分析了物候期与气候要素间的关系。结果表明:(1)菏泽的年均温以0.55℃/10 a的速率呈极显著上升(P<0.01)、降水量以84.6 mm/10 a的速率呈微弱增加、日照时数以143.45 h/10 a的速率呈极显著减少趋势(P<0.01)。(2)4种草本植物的萌芽期均提前,其中芦苇的萌芽期呈显著提前(P<0.05),提前速率为7.27 d/10 a,开花期有提前有推迟,黄枯期普遍推迟,其中车前和芦苇的黄枯期呈极显著推迟(P<0.01),推迟速率分别为8.89 d/10 a和4.97 d/10 a。(3)气温是影响草本植物春季物候期的重要因素,萌芽期和开花期的早晚与其前1~2个月气温的负相关程度较高,黄枯期与气温存在正相关,但未达显著水平,其中芦苇的黄枯期与其前1~2个月的日照时数负相关程度较高。  相似文献   

对青海省8个农气观测站的草本植物物候期现象的变化及及其对气候变化响应的回归分析。结果表明:①草本植物自然物候现象存在着明显的地域性。②草本植物最初至最后的自然物候现象出现期呈现出作物生长季延长的趋势。③草本植物物候对气温的响应:上年10月至当年4月平均气温升高1℃,全省草本平均萌动期提早2.2d左右,平均展叶期提早3.9d;上年10月至当年9月平均气温升高1℃,平均黄枯期提早0.4d,萌动期至黄枯期平均间隔日数延长约4.5d,①草本植物物候对降水的响应:上年10月至当年4月降水量增多10mm,全省草本平均萌动期提早1.5d,平均展叶期提早0.9d;上年10月至当年9月降水量增多10mm,萌动期至黄枯期平均间隔日数缩短0.8d.(5)草本植物物候对日照的响应:各物候均不明显。  相似文献   

对青海省8个农气观测站的草本植物物候期现象的变化及及其对气候变化响应的回归分析。结果表明:①草本植物自然物候现象存在着明显的地域性。②草本植物最初至最后的自然物候现象出现期呈现出作物生长季延长的趋势。③草本植物物候对气温的响应:上年10月至当年4月平均气温升高1℃,全省草本平均萌动期提早2.2d左右,平均展叶期提早3.9d;上年10月至当年9月平均气温升高1℃,平均黄枯期提早0.4d,萌动期至黄枯期平均间隔日数延长约4.5d,④草本植物物候对降水的响应:上年10月至当年4月降水量增多10mm,全省草本平均萌动期提早1.5d,平均展叶期提早0.9d;上年10月至当年9月降水量增多10mm,萌动期至黄枯期平均间隔日数缩短0.8d。⑤草本植物物候对日照的响应:各物候均不明显。  相似文献   

本文基于内蒙古农牧业气象观测站1994—2015年旱柳、榆树和小叶杨三种木本植物物候观测资料及同期气候数据,采用线性倾向估计、Pearson相关系数等方法,探讨了气候变化对阴山北麓木本植物物候的影响。结果表明:近22 a,阴山北麓旱柳、榆树和小叶杨的花芽开放期和落叶末期均表现为提前趋势,且落叶末期提前幅度较大,平均每10 a分别提前2.9 d、3.6 d、4.6 d。生长季缩短,平均生长季长度为182 d。气温是影响旱柳、榆树、小叶杨春季花芽开放期的关键气象因子,春季气温每升高1℃,花芽开放期提前4.1 d;而落叶末期对降水量较为敏感,水分条件是阴山北麓木本植物落叶末期的主要限制因子。  相似文献   

气候增暖对广东省植物物候变化的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
黄珍珠  李春梅 《气象科技》2007,35(3):400-403
根据广东省气象观测资料和10个农业气象观测站的物候观测资料,分析了1982~2004年温度变化对广东省木本植物物候变化的影响,并建立了物候期差异与温度之间的关系模式,分析了当前气候增暖背景下物候期对温度变化的响应关系。结果表明:平均温度上升,木本植物春季物候期提前;平均温度下降,木本植物春季物候期推迟。物候期的提前与推迟对温度的上升与下降的响应是非线性的。在同等升降温幅度情况下,降温导致的物候期推迟幅度较升温导致的物候期提前幅度大。  相似文献   

对镇江地区1984—2019年家燕物候资料(始见、绝见期)及同期气温、降水、日照等气象资料对比分析,结果表明:近36 a镇江地区家燕始见期在波动变化中呈提前的趋势,以4 d/10 a的速率提前.绝见期在波动变化中呈推后的趋势,以5 d/10 a的速率推后.间隔期在波动变化中呈延长的趋势,以9 d/10 a的速率延长;近...  相似文献   

气象条件对浙江省泡桐物候期的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用气候资料及泡桐物候期数据,分析了浙江省泡桐关键生育期与相关气象要素的关系,研究了泡桐开花展叶前相关气候特征,探讨了冷空气对泡桐秋季物候期的可能影响。从统计值的关系来看,其物候期主要取决于气温及≥10℃有效积温的高低,降水量的影响其次,日照时数的影响最小。泡桐物候期对当季的气温条件非常敏感,降水对其开花、展叶的影响有滞后作用。泡桐开花和展叶始期前3个月的≥10℃有效积温一般分别要达到200℃·d和300℃·d以上;由落叶末期至下一年开花和展叶始期的≥10℃有效积温也分别要基本达到200℃·d和300℃·d以上;开花展叶前3个月的降水量和日照时数一般在230 mm和在210 h以上。泡桐秋季物候期前7 d内的冷空气,特别是中等强度以上的冷空气对其影响很大,落叶前的冷空气促使泡桐开始落叶,落叶开始后,冷空气将加速落叶。开花末期前2周的冷空气,在一定程度上促进了泡桐花期的结束。  相似文献   

水资源是制约中国西北干旱区社会经济可持续发展和生态安全的关键因素.以发源于帕米尔高原东部的喀什噶尔河和叶尔羌河流域为研究区,基于该区6个气象站月平均气温和降水量观测资料,以及5条代表性河流的出山口水文站1950年代晚期以来的月径流量观测数据,分析了该区域气候和水文年际变化特征,以及气候变化背景下径流量的响应特征.结果发...  相似文献   

下垫面改变导致局地气候变化的理论分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
运用气柱内辐射,相变,对流间的平衡及地表能量平衡条件研究了由于地表状况改变,即植被退化所造成的局地气候变化,结果表明地表反射率的加大及地面热通量的变化造成中国北方降水量的减少和温度的增加。粗糙度的减少也能造成降水量减少和温度增加,这些结果与数值模拟一致。考虑平流作用以后,上述特征不变,但降水及温度改变量发生变化。在全球增暖背景下,降水减少和温度增加要更剧烈些。  相似文献   

西北太平洋热带气旋气候变化的若干研究进展   总被引:2,自引:11,他引:2  
赵海坤  吴立广 《气象科学》2015,35(1):108-118
热带气旋气候变化研究不仅是当前国际热带气旋气候界的热点科学问题,而且也是具有现实意义的社会问题,各国气象学者和科学家们对此进行了广泛的研究。虽然热带气旋活动与气候变化之间的关系及其相应的内在物理机制至今还处在探究之中,但是近20多年来热带气旋气候学的研究还是取得了显著的进展。本文主要针对濒临中国的西北太平洋海域,回顾了热带气旋活动季节内、年际、年代际变化及其全球变暖背景下的变化趋势的气候学研究。此外,文中也对西北太平洋热带气旋气候学的研究进行了展望,并提出了该领域中一些亟待解决的科学问题。  相似文献   

Media accounts routinely refer to California's Assembly Bill 32 (AB 32), the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, as “landmark” climate change legislation. On its surface, this label is an accurate reflection of the state's forward-thinking stance across many environmental issues including pesticides, toxic substances, solid waste, and air quality. For all its promise, however, AB 32 can also be considered a low point in the landscape of conflict between state environmental regulators and California's environmental justice movement. While the legislation included several provisions to address the procedural and distributive dimensions of environmental justice, the implementation of AB 32 has been marked by heated conflict. The most intense conflicts over AB 32 revolve around the primacy of market mechanisms such as “cap and trade.” This article examines the drivers and the manifestations of these dynamics of collaboration and conflict between environmental justice advocates and state regulators, and pays particular attention to the scalar and racialized quality of the neoliberal discourse. The contentiousness of climate change politics in California offers scholars and practitioners around the world a cautionary tale of how the best intentions for integrating environmental justice principles into climate change policy do not necessarily translate into implementation and how underlying racialized fractures can upend collaboration between state and social movement actors.  相似文献   

利用临汾市气象局观测站1981年-2010年的蚱蝉物候期观测资料和同期气象资料,采用统计和一元回归方法,分析了蚱蝉物候期变化及其对气候变化的响应情况。结果表明,在气候变暖的背景下,30年间临汾气温、地温均呈上升趋势,同时期内蚱蝉始鸣期呈提早趋势,蚱蝉的始鸣期与降水相关性不显著。蚱蝉始鸣期的变化规律与气候变化的趋势相对应,说明动物物候期对气候变暖能够作出一定的响应。  相似文献   

The emergence of concern about and evidence of climate change has been argued to create a cultural milieu unique to the Millennial generation (born between 1981 and 1996) and iGeneration (aka iGens or Generation Z born after 1997). The present research tested a) claims of unique angst about climate change among younger versus older generations, b) growing generational discrepancies over time in emotions about climate change, c) generational differences for several emotions about climate change, and d) the implications of these emotions for motivating people to discuss climate change with others, potentially aiding coping with climate change and facilitating action to address climate change. Survey data gathered from 2010 to 2019 of a representative sample of United States residents (N = 22,468) document greater increases in worry about climate change and, to a lesser degree, anger and guilt about climate change, within the two youngest generations relative to changes among Generation X, Baby Boomers, and the Silent and Greatest Generations. Although generational differences were small and suggest overstatements of unique effects for younger generations, increases in younger generations’ emotions transform into the two youngest generations reporting the strongest emotions in 2019. Over ten years, these differential shifts in emotions explain more substantial increases in the frequency of discussing climate in the youngest generations.  相似文献   

Debates about climate justice have mainly occurred at the international scale, and have focussed on the rights and responsibilities of nation-states to either be protected from the effects of climate change, or to take action to reduce emissions or support adaptation. In this paper, we argue that it is both productive and necessary to examine how climate justice is being pursued at the urban scale, which brings into focus the need for attention to issues of recognition as well as rights and responsibilities. Building on work from environmental justice, which has conceptualized justice as trivalent, we propose that climate justice can be understood as a pyramid, the faces of which are distributions, procedures, rights, responsibilities and recognition. We then apply this conceptual framework to examine climate change interventions in five cities; Bangalore, Monterrey, Hong Kong, Philadelphia and Berlin. Arguing that the politics and practices of urban climate change interventions are constantly engaging with and refracting the idea of justice, we examine how justice was articulated, practiced and contested across our cases. The perspective of recognition emerges as a particularly useful entry point through which to explore the types of rights, responsibilities, distributions and procedures required to respond justly to climate change. We conclude by reflecting on our framework, arguing that it is useful both as an analytical device to interrogate climate justice and to shape the design of climate change interventions which seek to ensure climate justice.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an empirically driven language to discuss climate change skepticism. We conceptualize skeptic/skepticism as an umbrella term that includes those who actively reject climate science and those who are uncertain about climate change. We propose four categories for better empirical analysis of climate skepticism: epistemic deniers, epistemic doubters (borrowing from Capstick and Pidgeon 2014), attribution deniers, and attribution doubters (borrowing from Rahmstorf 2004). Using a unique dataset of surveys (n = 1000) and interviews (n = 33) with residents of the U.S. Pacific Northwest who are skeptical about climate change, we compare those four groups across several predictors and demographic variables (age, race, gender, political ideology, religiosity, income, education, and level of trust in science) and outcome variables (environmental concern, policy support, and conspiracy ideation (adherence to the belief that climate change is a “hoax”). We demonstrate the importance of considering attitudinal uncertainty in the analysis of climate skepticism by providing evidence for the presence of a continuum of thought wherein epistemic deniers and attribution doubters make up the two ends of a continuum with more complicated distinctions between epistemic doubters and attribution deniers.  相似文献   

The Amazon region has been undergoing profound transformations since the late ‘70s through forest degradation, land use changes and effects of global climate change. The perception of such changes by local communities is important for risk analysis and for subsequent societal decision making. In this study, we compare and contrast observations and perceptions of climate change by selected Amazonian communities particularly vulnerable to alterations in precipitation regimes. Two main points were analysed: (i) the notion of changes in the annual climate cycle and (ii) the notion of changes in rainfall patterns. About 72% of the sampled population reports perceptions of climate changes, and there is a robust signal of increased perception with age. Other possible predictive parameters such as gender, fishing frequency and changes in/planning of economic activities do not appear overall as contributing to perceptions. The communities’ perceptions of the changes in 2013–2014 were then compared to earlier results (2007–2008), providing an unprecedented cohort study of the same sites. Results show that climate change perceptions and measured rainfall variations differ across the basin. It was only in the southern part of the Amazon that both measured and perceived changes in rainfall patterns were consistent with decreased precipitation. However, the perception of a changing climate became more widespread and frequently mentioned, signalling an increase in awareness of climate risk.  相似文献   

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