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对近年来发生的渔船事故进行分析,找出人为因素在导致渔船发生事故中的一般规律,探讨人为失误的机理,提出减少人为失误、提高渔船航行安全的一些措施,以达到预防或减少渔船事故发生的目的.  相似文献   

本文用多元统计方法在计算机上对我国目前广泛使用的36种漁船作了对应分析和动态聚类分析。其中9个指标为CB、Cp、Cw、L/B、L/D、B/D、B/T、VF/LBD和P/△。漁船被聚成三类。其中参数P/△、VF/LBD对聚类起最大作用。  相似文献   

如何获取大型商场内海量顾客消费行为一直是行为地理学面临的难点问题,而近年来爆发式增长的室内轨迹数据为这一问题解决提供了机遇,但室内轨迹的语义信息缺失、数据质量差等问题给推断顾客消费行为造成了挑战。本研究提出了一种顾及文本-轨迹的商场顾客消费行为轨迹推断框架,无需隐私敏感的顾客消费记录数据,可以获取大量顾客消费行为,该方法通过爬取室内店铺的网络文本,增强室内店铺语义属性,进而实现顾客几何轨迹到语义轨迹的转化提升,并引入了轨迹嵌入特征表示学习方法,捕捉群体轨迹之间的移动特征,综合轨迹移动特征、轨迹语义特征及顾客嵌入特征,通过高维聚类实现了大型商场顾客消费模式的推断。通过某大型商场7045位顾客的真实轨迹进行实验分析,实验结果表明,本文提出的方法与传统特征提取方法相比,聚类结果在轮廓系数上提升最高达69.8%,顾客消费行为提取准确率更高。研究发现,室内顾客移动具有一定楼层倾向性,并且室内空间结构如店铺位置、扶梯位置、功能区划分等,会影响顾客消费模式。本文提出的方法可以有效识别不同消费水平、移动特征的顾客群体,实现顾客消费行为的轨迹推断。  相似文献   

Lipase from Antarctic krill,with a molecular weight of 71.27kDa,was purified with ammonium sulfate precipitation and a series of chromatographic separations over ion exchange(DEAE)and gel filtration columns(Sephacryl S-100),resulting in 5.2%recovery with a 22.4-fold purification ratio.The optimal pH and temperature for enzyme activity were 8.0 and 45℃,respectively.Purified lipase had Km and Vmax values of 3.27mmolL−1 and 2.4Umg−1,respectively,using p-nitrophenyl laurate as the substrate.Lipase activity was enhanced by adding Ca2+and Mg2+ions in the concentration ranges of 0–0.5mmolL−1 and 0–0.3mmolL−1,respectively,while the activity was inhibited by a further increase in these ion concentrations.Fe3+and Cu2+ions showed obvious inhibitory effects on enzyme activity,and the inhibition rates were 71.8%and 53.3%when the ion concentrations were 0.5mmolL−1.  相似文献   

根据2012—2015年上海某远洋渔业公司的底拖网渔船收集的生产统计数据,结合卫星遥感获得的表温、叶绿素浓度和海面高度距平均值以及实地调查的水深数据,用栖息地指数方法,以几何平均模型(GMM)和算术平均模型(AMM)对摩洛哥底拖网渔场进行比较研究。结果表明,各月基于表温、海面高度距平值、叶绿素和海底水深的适应性指数不一致,各月适宜的海洋环境范围有差异。AMM模型中HSI大于0.6的作业网次占总数的65.92%,作业产量占总数的67.57%;GMM模型中HSI大于0.6的作业网次占总数的只有44.78%,作业产量占总数的49.60%。AMM模型比GMM模型更适合于摩洛哥底拖网渔场的预报。  相似文献   

基于随机森林的遥感干旱监测模型的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用遥感数据进行大面积旱情监测是现有干旱监测的重要方法之一,然而传统的遥感干旱监测方法主要侧重于对土壤湿度或植被状况等单一干旱响应因子进行监测,对综合多因子的干旱监测研究较为有限。随机森林是一种机器学习方法,具有学习过程快速、运算速度快、稳定性好、预测精度高的优点,近年来被应用于生态环境等多个领域。本文利用2001-2010年4-9月的MODIS数据提取的植被状态指数(VCI)、温度状态指数(TCI)和土地覆盖类型(LC),TRMM降水资料计算的TRMM-Z指数及SRTM-DEM、土壤有效含水量(AWC)等多个遥感及土壤资料提取的干旱因子为自变量,以气象站点的综合气象干旱指数(CI)为因变量,利用随机森林模型构建遥感干旱监测模型,并以河南省为研究区进行了评价和分析。该模型在2009-2010年的监测值和实测CI值的具有显著的相关性,并且二者干旱等级的一致率为81%。在2001-2010年4-9月间,模型监测值与气象站点的标准降水蒸散发指数(SPEI)总体干旱等级一致率为74.9%,较为一致,其中9月的模型结果与SPEI的干旱等级一致率最高,达到82.4%,空评估率和漏评估率最低;与10 cm土壤相对湿度的相关系数在0.475-0.639之间,达到极显著水平。河南省2011年4-6月干旱事件同样验证了本文构建的模型旱情监测结果,说明本模型能较好地就应用于监测区域旱情监测。  相似文献   

The current storm wave hazard assessment tends to rely on a statistical method using wave models and fewer historical data which do not consider the effects of tidal and storm surge.In this paper,the wave-current coupled model ADCIRC+SWAN was used to hindcast storm events in the last 30 years.We simulated storm wave on the basis of a large set of historical storms in the North-West Pacific Basin between 1985 and 2015 in Houshui Bay using the wave-current coupled model ADCIRC+SWAN to obtain the storm wave level maps.The results were used for the statistical analysis of the maximum significant wave heights in Houshui Bay and the behavior of wave associated with storm track.Comparisons made between observations and simulated results during typhoon Rammasun(2014)indicate agreement.In addition,results demonstrate that significant wave height in Houshui Bay is dominated by the storm wind velocity and the storm track.Two groups of synthetic storm tracks were designed to further investigate the worst case of typhoon scenarios.The storm wave analysis method developed for the Houshui Bay is significant in assisting government's decision-making in rational planning of deep sea net-cage culture.The method can be applied to other bays in the Hainan Island as well.  相似文献   

根据2003-2011年渔汛期间我国鱿钓船在西南大西洋海域的生产统计数据,结合海洋遥感获得的海表温度(SST)和海面高度(SSH)等数据,以单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)和作业次数作为中心渔场指标,以月份、经度、纬度、SST和SSH为输入因子,利用BP神经网络方法构建西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼中心渔场预报模型。比较14种不同结构的BP神经网络模型,以CPUE作为中心渔场预报指标的BP模型均较佳,其拟合残差范围为0.004 0~0.005 5,平均值为0.004 7;而以作业次数作为中心渔场预报指标的BP模型,其拟合残差范围为0.009 3~0.011 6,平均值为0.010 4。输入因子为月份、经度、纬度、SST和SSH,输出因子为初值化后的CPUE,网络结构为5-4-1时的BP神经网络模型为最佳,其拟合残差为0.004 025,该模型可用于阿根廷滑柔鱼中心渔场的预报。BP神经网络方法可为准确渔场预报提供新途径。  相似文献   

Recent advances in computer with geographic information system(GIS) technologies have allowed modelers to develop physics-based models for modeling soil erosion processes in time and space.However, it has been widely recognized that the effect of uncertainties on model predictions may be more significant when modelers apply such models for their own modeling purposes.Sources of uncertainty involved in modeling include data, model structural, and parameter uncertainty.To deal with the uncertain parameters of a catchment-scale soil erosion model(CSEM) and assess simulation uncertainties in soil erosion, particle filtering modeling(PF) is introduced in the CSEM.The proposed method, CSEM-PF, estimates parameters of non-linear and non-Gaussian systems, such as a physics-based soil erosion model by assimilating observation data such as discharge and sediment discharge sequences at outlets.PF provides timevarying feasible parameter sets as well as uncertainty bounds of outputs while traditional automatic calibration techniques result in a time-invariant global optimal parameter set.CSEM-PF was applied to a small mountainous catchment of the Yongdamdam in Korea for soil erosion modeling and uncertainty assessment for three historical typhoon events.Finally, the most optimal parameter sets and uncertainty bounds of simulation of both discharge and sediment discharge at each time step of the study events are provided.  相似文献   

对具有动态变化特征的空间实体的描述,除了表达其内在属性外,还应包括动态行为.传统GIS把空间对象内在属性和动态行为分开建模本质上是一种基于地图的静态建模思想,而多粒度时空对象把行为能力作为对象的固有属性,是区别于其它对象的一个重要特征,使得全空间信息系统能够描述具有认知和行为能力的"活"的地理实体.本文针对具有规则化动...  相似文献   

积雪和植被的覆盖范围对于研究气候变化和水资源平衡、生态环境状况具有重要的意义,但它们的光谱曲线具有较强的时空变异性,难以获取精确的覆盖度产品。针对线性混合像元分解算法在积雪和植被覆盖度反演中噪声和光谱变异带来的误差,本文提出了一种基于归一化扰动模型的积雪和植被覆盖度反演方法,并选用了3个不同的区域(单独的积雪覆盖区、单独的植被覆盖区、积雪和植被混合的覆盖区)来验证所提出框架的可行性。研究结果表明:① 该方法单独反演积雪覆盖度的均方根误差为0.172,单独植被覆盖度反演均方根误差为0.223,积雪和植被覆盖度混合反演的均方根误差分别为0.185和0.249,3种方案均有较高的精度;② 对影像与端元组进行归一化后,降低了光谱异质性,在此方法下的扰动混合模型可以有效地减弱MODIS影像光谱变化和噪声带来的误差;③ 针对MODIS影像,该框架获取的积雪覆盖度相对于植被覆盖度具有更高的精度。今后将进一步发展类似的积雪覆盖度与雪粒径协同反演算法。  相似文献   

基于改进引力模型的广场公园可达性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市化的迅速发展使越来越多的自然环境被城市建筑所代替,随着居民生活水平的逐渐提升,居民开始越来越关注广场公园的休闲游憩功能,广场公园的可达性逐渐成为现代人选择居住小区的重要指标之一,如何客观真实地评价广场公园的可达性是学者们长期关注的问题之一。本文分析了距离摩擦系数β从0.6~2.2以步长为0.2变化时对可达性结果的影响,同时为了准确测定广场公园的可达性,将旅游域模型的思想首次应用至可达性研究中,对引力模型中的距离衰减系数β进行估计,最后以武汉市中心城区为例进行验证。结果表明:① 距离摩擦系数β较小的变化将对可达性结果产生较大的影响,随着β的增加可达性计算值出现最大值越来越大、最小值越来越小、标准差越来越大的现象;② 基于旅游域模型的思想构建参数估计方法并选取5组不同实验对引力模型中的距离摩擦系数β进行估算,最终通过求取不同实验组的均值得β=1.70时的可达性评价结果更加可靠;③ 通过武汉市中心城区广场公园可达性的实例验证,结果表明优化后的模型在考虑广场公园规模与人口规模影响因子的同时,可以充分体现广场公园吸引力在距离衰减上的变化,更加客观真实地评价广场公园的可达性。  相似文献   

A modified lower trophic ecosystem model (NEMURO) is coupled with a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model for anapplication in the central Yellow Sea. The model is used to simulate the horizontal distributions and annual cycles of chlorophyll-aand nutrients with results consistent with historical observations. Generally, during the winter background and spring bloom periods,the exchange with neighboring waters constitutes the primary sources of nutrients. Howerver, during the winter background period,the input of silicate from the layer deeper than 50 m is the most important source that contributes up to 60% to the total sources. Dur-ing the spring bloom period, the transport across the thermocline makes significant contribution to the input of phosphate and silicate.During the post spring bloom period, the relative contribution of relevant processes varies for different nutrients. For ammonium,atmospheric deposition, excretion of zooplankton and decomposition of particulate and dissolved nitrogen make similar contributionsFor phosphate and silicate, the dominant input is the transport across the thermocline, accounting for 62% and 68% of the totalsources, respectively. The N/P ratio averaged annually and over the whole southern Yellow Sea is up to 51.8, indicating the potentialof P limitation in this region. The important influence of large scale sea water circulation is revealed by both the estimated fluxes andthe corresponding N/P ratio of nutrients across a section linking the northeastern bank of the Changjiang River and Cheju Island.During the winter background period, the input of nitrate, ammonium, phosphate and silicate by the Yellow Sea Warm Current isestimated to be 4.6~ 101~, 2.3x 101~, 2.0x 109 and 1.2x 101~ mol, respectively.  相似文献   

GRACE与GRACE-FO任务间的数据空缺导致无法连续监测陆地水储量变化。基于此,本文采用多元线性回归模型,以GRACE/GRACE-FO陆地水储量变化数据为参考值,以降水、气温和模型模拟的陆地水储量数据为预测参数,采用3种不同策略重构中国九大流域2002-04~2021-12连续的陆地水储量变化。结果表明,基于去趋势项和去季节项信号重构策略的重构结果略优于去趋势项信号重构策略,且两者结果均优于整体信号重构策略,在人类活动或冰川融化频繁的流域(如海滦河、长江、西南诸河和内陆河流域)这种优势更为明显。此外,重构结果的性能也受GRACE/GRACE-FO数据信噪比和预测参数与GRACE/GRCAE-FO数据的相关性影响。  相似文献   

In this study,the effects of surface exchange coefficients on simulations of Super Typhoon Megi (2010) are investigated using a fully coupled ocean-atmosphere-wave model.Several experiments are conducted using different parameterization schemes for the drag (CD) and enthalpy exchange (CK) coefficients.For the selected case,considering only the leveling-off of CD at high wind speeds does not effectively improve the simulated typhoon track,intensity,or size.We foun...  相似文献   

为了解决目前地理信息发现查全率和查准率不高的问题,提出了一种简单语义的地理信息服务发现方法。该方法引入虚拟文档的概念,将服务划分为"操作级"进行匹配;运用同义词对服务操作中的概念词汇进行简单语义扩展;引入词汇语义相似度概念,应用词汇语义库来实现地理信息服务的简单语义匹配。实验结果表明,文中提出的方法在查全率和查准率等性能上均优于基于关键字和向量空间模型的方法,且完全基于当前网络服务环境实现。  相似文献   

利用PANDA软件计算2011-01~2014-10“陆态网络”所有基准站的单日解坐标,并采用QOCA软件解算基准站水平运动速度场。分析显示,PANDA软件水平定位精度达到2 mm,且根据QOCA软件计算的“陆态网络”基准站水平运动速度场与中国地震局发布的速度场互差RMS在东西、南北方向分别为112 mm/a、0.95 mm/a,表明计算结果准确、可靠。在此基础上,基于速度场数值结果描述了中国大陆相对欧亚板块的水平运动速度场的空间分布特征。  相似文献   

由于地球重力场模型存在截断误差,在采用EGM2008模型计算长波高程异常的基础上,将采用DTM2006.0、SRTM模型计算的剩余地形模型(RTM) 高程异常和GPS/水准控制点上的残余高程异常作为短波改正项精化似大地水准面模型,比较研究采用不同积分半径组合得到的RTM高程异常模型精度及计算效率,并利用CGGM2015模型和GPS/水准检核点评价似大地水准面精度,验证结果的正确性。  相似文献   

In this work,we examined long-term wave distributions using a third-generation numerical wave model called WAVE-WATCH-III(WW3)(version 6.07).We also evaluated the influence of sea ice on wave simulation by using eight parametric switches.To select a suitable ice-wave parameterization,we validated the simulations from the WW3 model in March,May,September,and December 2017 against the measurements from the Jason-2 altimeter at latitudes of up to 60°N.Generally,all parameterizations ex-hibited slight differences,i.e.,about 0.6 m root mean square error(RMSE)of significant wave height(SWH)in May and September and about 0.9 m RMSE for the freezing months of March and December.The comparison of the results with the SWH from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts for December 2017 indicated that switch IC4_M1 performed most effec-tively(0.68 m RMSE)at high latitudes(60°-80°N).Given this finding,we analyzed the long-term wave distributions in 1999-2018 on the basis of switch IC4_M1.Although the seasonal variability of the simulated SWH was of two types,i.e.,‘U’and‘sin’modes,our results proved that fetch expansion prompted the wave growth.Moreover,the interannual variability of the specific regions in the‘U’mode was found to be correlated with the decade variability of wind in the Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   

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