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以CCMP(Cross—Calibrated,Multi—Platfoml)风场为驱动场,分别驱动目前国际先进的第3代海浪模式ww3(WAVEWATCH—III)、SWAN(Simulating WAves Nearshore),对2010年9月发生在东中国海的台风“圆规”所致的台风浪进行数值模拟,就台风浪的特征进行分析,并对比分析两个海浪模式的模拟效果。结果表明:1)以CCMP风场分别驱动WW3、SWAN海浪模式,可以较好地模拟发生在东中国海的台风浪,风向与波向保持了大体一致,波高与风速的分布特征保持了很好的一致性;2)综合相关系数、偏差、均方根误差、平均绝对误差来看,两个模式模拟的有效波高(SWH—Significant Wdve Height)都具有较高精度,SWAN模拟的SWH略低于观测值,WW3模拟的SWH与观测值更为接近;3)台风浪可给琉球群岛海域带来5m左右的大浪,台风浪进入东海后,波高、风速都有一定程度的增加,当台风沿西北路径穿越朝鲜半岛时,受到半岛地形的巨大影响,风速和波高都明显降低。  相似文献   

Observed typhoon wave spectrum in northern South China Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Bottom currents at about 1000 m depth in and around a submarine valley on the continental slope of the northern South China Sea were studied by a 14-month long experiment from July 2013 to September 2014. The observations reveal that bottom currents are strongly influenced by the topography, being along valley axis or isobaths. Power density spectrum analysis shows that all the currents have significant peaks at diurnal and semi-diurnal frequencies. Diurnal energy is dominant at the open slope site, which is consistent with many previous studies. However, at the site inside the valley the semi-diurnal energy dominates, although the distance between the two sites of observation is quite small(11 km) compared to a typical horizontal first-mode internal tide wavelength(200 km). We found this phenomenon is caused by the focusing of internal waves of certain frequencies in the valley. The inertial peak is found only at the open slope site in the first deployment but missing at the inside valley site and the rest of the deployments. Monthly averaged residual currents reveal that the near-bottom currents on the slope flow southwestward throughout the year except in August and September, 2013, from which we speculate that this is a result of the interaction between a mesoscale eddy and the canyon/sag topography. Currents inside the valley within about 10 mab basically flow along slope and in the layers above the 10 mab the currents are northwestward, that is, from the deep ocean to the shelf. The monthly mean current vectors manifest an Ekman layer-like vertical structure at both sites, which rotate counter-clockwise looking from above.  相似文献   

The northern slope region of the South China Sea(SCS) is a biological hot spot characterized by high primary productivity and biomasses transported by cross-shelf currents, which support the spawning and growth of commercially and ecologically important fish species. To understand the physical and biogeochemical processes that promote the high primary production of this region, we conducted a cruise from June 10 and July 2, 2015. In this study, we used fuzzy cluster analysis and optimum multiparameter analysis methods to analyze the hydrographic data collected during the cruise to determine the compositions of the upper 55-m water masses on the SCS northern slope and thereby elucidate the cross-slope transport of shelf water(SHW) and the intrusions of Kuroshio water(KW). We also analyzed the geostrophic currents derived from acoustic Doppler current profiler measurements and satellite data. The results reveal the surface waters on the northern slope of the SCS to be primarily composed of waters originating from South China Sea water(SCSW), KW, and SHW. The SCSW dominated a majority of the study region at percentages ranging between 60% and 100%. We found a strong cross-slope current with speeds greater than 50 cms~(-1) to have carried SHW into and through the surveyed slope area, and KW to have intruded onto the slope via mesoscale eddies, thereby dominating the southwestern section of the study area.  相似文献   

Cheng  Yinhe  Zhou  Shengqi  Wang  Dongxiao  Lu  Yuanzheng  Huang  Ke  Yao  Jinglong  You  Xiaobao 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2016,34(3):619-628
The observed characteristics of lower atmospheric ducts over the South China Sea(SCS) were analyzed based on Global Position Systerm(GPS) radiosonde data collected four times daily during autumn open cruises from 2006 to 2012.Duct occurrence,thickness,and strength over the SCS were about 40%,150-m thick,and 8 M units,respectively,which were larger than during the summer monsoon period.Most ducts occurred at heights 1 500 m and these ducts easily trap electromagnetic wave clusters with wavelengths 2 m.Diurnal variation of the SCS ducts appeared evident.They occurred more often at midnight at higher altitudes(about 1 100 m),with a thickest layer of about 145 m and less frequently during the evening at lower altitudes(about 800 m),with a thinnest layer of about 125 m.Moreover,ducts during the daytime at a mean height of about 900 m,with the greatest strength of about 10 M units.Furthermore,all duct variables observed over the SCS in autumn decreased from north to south.These findings are useful not only in the design of radar and communication systems,but also for evaluating possible effects of anomalous propagation on meteorological radar and military applications.  相似文献   

【目的】分析海面温度(sea surface temperature,SST)对南海台风强度的影响。【方法】以南海为研究区域,以中国气象局热带气旋资料中心热带气旋最佳路径数据集为基础,利用Savitzky-Golay卷积平滑算法和多项式插值算法将台风数据进行插值,对强化值和SST值在南海区域的网格单元进行平均,建立模型并对其做回归分析,分析台风强度强化程度与SST模型之间的关系,以及检验模型残差的分布。通过数据提供的台风轨迹的增强率,来检验SST对台风强度变化的影响。【结果】建立台风强化值与SST之间的回归模式,平均而言,平均SST每增加1℃,台风强度强化度增加12.5%。该模型具有统计学意义,即台风高强度强化值与高海温值相关。【结论】本研究建立的统计模型对南海台风强度的预报有较好的指示效果。  相似文献   

The impact of typhoon Kujira(2015) on the ocean environment around Yongxing Island in the South China Sea was observed using multiple-satellite sensors and on-site data.A subsurface buoy and Agro float were located to the left and lower right of the track of the typhoon.Satellite observations revealed sea surface cooling of up to 2.5℃,a maximum decrease in sea surface salinity of 2 in the main study area because of heavy rain,and increases in the chlorophyll concentration induced by the slow-moving typhoon with a maximum observed instantaneous wind speed of 35.1 m/s.The sea surface temperature to the right of the typhoon track changed more than that on the left owing to a right bias of the typhoon associated with coupling of the typhoon with wind stress on the sea surface.In the ocean interior,there was obvious downwelling at 24.7 m and upwelling at a depth of 35.7 m with the vertical entrainment and agitation of the typhoon,and the ef fects extended to different depths of up to more than 1 000 m.When the typhoon passed through the main study area,the maximum flow velocity change at depths of 51 and 660 m was about 0.44 and 0.04 m/s,respectively.The typhoon af fected the flow field to a depth of 660 m as it formed and decayed in 11 h,moved at an average speed of 60 m/h,and af fected the sea surface over a range exceeding 700 km as it moved slowly and stayed at sea for 2 d.Vertical entrainment and agitation generated by the typhoon,as well as rainfall,cooled the sea surface.This inhibited the strengthening of the typhoon,but the energy transmitted to the ocean led to divergence-convergence flow from a shallow to deep layer.  相似文献   

Fan  Maoting  Wang  Huizan  Zhang  Weimin  Han  Guijun  Wang  Pinqiang 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2020,38(6):1640-1653
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - The daily regional reanalysis product of the China Ocean Reanalysis (CORA) product was released in website in 2018. Using in situ observational data including...  相似文献   

利用2002年7月至2014年12月的卫星遥感数据,研究ENSO期间我国南海北部的海表温度(SST)、风场等环境场变化特征,并探讨其对南海北部初级生产力的影响。结果表明,El Ni?o/La Ni?a期间南海北部初级生产力较正常年份变化显著,很大程度上受到ENSO的调控,其变化与风场、SST等的分布变化密切相关。具体趋势:厄尔尼诺年的冬季风期间,南海北部海域风场强度减小,沿岸海域SST升高,初级生产力降低,南海东北部海域SST降低,初级生产力升高,整个海域的总初级生产力与MEI指数呈负相关关系;拉尼娜年的冬季风期间,相应海域的风场、SST和初级生产力的变化则与厄尔尼诺期间的相反,整个海域的总初级生产力与MEI指数呈正相关关系。  相似文献   

为了提高南海台风的数值预报,利用条件非线性最优扰动(CNOP)方法寻找对南海台风预报影响最大的区域(敏感区),并对该区域中会导致较大预报误差的初始扰动场进行了详细地分析.对两个南海台风个例地研究发现,CNOP的风场和温度场结构在各σ层上不完全一致.计算了CNOP各σ层上的干能量,并在垂直方向上做了积分,将积分后的能量大值区确定为敏感区.进一步对敏感区内温度场的垂直剖面进行分析,发现敏感区内,温度场呈现一定的斜压结构.研究还发现,敏感区与台风的对流活动区域不完全重合,这有利于台风适应性观测地实施.  相似文献   

The northern South China Sea(NSCS) is a dynamically complex region whose shelf and slope currents are driven by different mechanisms. In this study, we used field measurements to identify clear interannual variations in the circulation related to the El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation cycle. To investigate the modulation mechanisms, we used a high-resolution numerical model that covers the shelf and slope regions of the NSCS. The results indicate that the stronger southwestward slope current during La Ni?a and stronger northeastward shelf current during El Ni?o in summer and winter are largely related to changes in wind forcing. The Kuroshio intrusion into the NSCS does not appear to significantly affect the circulation in the southwestern shelf region.  相似文献   

The northern South China Sea(SCS) is frequently affected by typhoons. During severe storm events, wave-current interactions produce storm surges causing enormous damage in the path of the typhoon. To evaluate the influence of wave-current interactions on storm surge, we used a coupled ocean-atmospherewave-sediment transport(COAWST) modeling system with radiation-stress and vortex-force formulations to simulate two typically intense tropical storms that invaded the SCS, namely Typhoons Nuri(2008) and Hagupit(2008), and compared results with observations from the Hong Kong Observatory. Both radiationstress and vortex-force formulations significantly improved the accuracy of the simulation. Depending on which typhoon and the topography encountered, the influence of surface waves on the oceanic circulation showed different characteristics, including the differences of range and intensity of storm surge between vortex-force and radiation-stress experiments. During typhoon landing, strong sea-surface elevation in concert with wave set-up/set-down caused the adjustment of the momentum balance. In the direction perpendicular to the current, but especially in the cross-shore direction, the pressure gradient and wave effects on the current dominated the momentum balance.  相似文献   

The history of the East Asian monsoon(EAM) since Last Glacial Maximum is reconstructed based on records in a sediment core retrieved from the northern South China Sea. The provenance of organic carbon and the EAM's evolution are investigated using combined organic carbon, grain size, and AMS 14 C dating analysis. Responding to the strong winter monsoon, the marine organic matter was dominated in the sediments, and δ13 C of organic matter was high during the last glacial period. During the Holocene, the primary productivity decreased and the dilution effect of riverine inorganic clastics strengthened. Accordingly, the total organic carbon contents and δ13 C values decreased, and terrestrial organic matter content increased in the core sediments. The 4 μm grain size fraction, as the environmental sensitive grain size component, is determined to reconstruct the paleoclimatic records. During the last glacial period, the contents of 4 μm grain size component were mainly controlled by the sea level changes. Upon the Holocene, the influence of the sea level changes weakened and the roles of current system and provenance strengthened. The correlation between the EAM and solar insolation forcing is also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Planaxidae is a family of tropical and subtropical marine gastropods that are adapted to an intertidal, rocky environment. The present study deals with three species in the family Planaxidae from the South China Sea: P lanaxis sulcatus(von Born, 1778), Angiola longispira(Smith, 1872), and S upplanaxis niger(Quoy and Gaimard, 1833), based on specimens deposited in the Marine Biodiversity Collections of the South China Sea, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The taxonomic status, main morphological characteristics of the shell and radula, distribution, and habitat of these three planaxid species are presented. We also briefly discuss their morphological dif ferences and the biogeographic distribution.  相似文献   

To accurately characterize the shear wave speed dispersion of seafloor sediments in the northern South China Sea,five types of sediments including silty clay,clayey silt,sandy silt,silty sand,and clayey sand were selected,on which the measurements of the shear wave speed at 0.5-2.0 kHz and related physical properties were performed.Results reveal that the shear wave speed of sediments increases as the frequency increases,and the dispersion enhanced in the sediments in the order of silty clay,clayey silt,sandy silt,silty sand,and clayey sand,at a linear change rate of 0.727,0.787,3.32,4.893,and 6.967 m s?1 kHz?1,respectively.Through regression analysis,linear and logarithmic regression equations for the correlation between shear wave speed and frequency were established for each sediment type and the determination coefficients of regression equations indicate that the correlation is closer to a logarithmic relationship.The Grain-Shearing(GS)and Biot-Stoll models were used to calculate the shear wave speed dispersion of the five sediment types,and the comparison between theoretical prediction and measured results of shear wave speeds shows that the GS model can more accurately describe the shear wave speed dispersion characteristics of these sediments in the frequency band of 0.5-2.0 kHz.In the same band,the predictions obtained by using the Biot-Stoll model are significantly different from the measured data.  相似文献   

琼东近海浮标污损生物研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解南海北部近海石油开发区的污损生物状况,对海南岛东部近海海区的两个浮标及其锚锭系统上的污损生物进行了调查。结果表明,该海区污损生物的种类主要是藻类、水螅、有柄蔓足类和牡蛎;南海沿岸水域常见的无柄蔓足类仅出现在距海南岛相对较近的J2浮标站。并探讨了该海区的污损生物群落结构与邻近沿岸水域的差异。  相似文献   

南海北部渔场表层沉积物中的硫化物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了给南海北部渔场的资源和环境保护提供基础数据,用碘量法测定了南海北部陆架区表层沉积物中硫化物含量.结果表明,全部28份样品中硫化物含量为3.3~42.2mg/kg(干重,下同),平均为12.1mg/kg,符合外海含量低的一般规律,明显低于沿岸海湾的含量,远低于日本渔业环境质量标准(200mg/kg)和安全下限值(400mg/kg).硫化物含量在测站间和不同区域间存在一定差异,南北方向呈近岸(13.1mg/kg)略高于离岸(12.1mg/kg)、离岸略高于远岸(11.1mg/kg)的梯度分布,但梯度差异不显著(p>0.10);东西方向的分布特点是粤西海域(23.7mg/kg)>海南岛以东(15.3mg/kg)>台湾浅滩(9.4mg/kg)≈粤东海域(8.7mg/kg)≈珠江口外海域(8.6mg/kg).空间分布不太均匀主要是受沉积物类型的影响,与陆源硫化物输入的关系不大.  相似文献   

Continuous observation of sea water temperature and current was made at Wenchang Station (19°35′N, 112°E) in 2005. The data collected indicate vigorous internal waves of both short periods and tidal and near-inertial periods. The temperature and current time series during 18-30 September were examined to describe the upper ocean internal wave field response to Typhoon Damrey (0518). The strong wind associated with the typhoon, which passed over the sea area about 45 km south of Wenchang Sta- tion on 25 September, deepened the mixed layer depth remarkably. It decreased the mixed layer temperature while increasing the deep layer temperature, and intensified the near-inertial and high-frequency fluctuations of temperature and current. Power spectra of temperature and current time series indicate significant deviations from those obtained by using the deep ocean internal wave models characterized by a power law. The frequency spectra were dominated by three energetic bands: around the inertial frequency (7.75× 10-6 Hz), tidal frequencies (1.010-25 to 2.4×10-5 Hz), and between 1.4×10-4 and 8.3 × 10-4 Hz. Dividing the field data into three phases (before, during and after the typhoon), we found that the typhoon enhanced the kinetic energy in nearly all the frequency bands, es- pecially in the surface water. The passage of Damrey made a major contribution to the horizontal kinetic energy of the total surface current variances. The vertical energy density distribution, with its peak value at the surface, was an indication that the energy in- jected by the strong wind into the surface current could penetrate downward to the thermocline.  相似文献   

根据1997年12月至1999年6月在南海北部进行的大规模底拖网渔业资源调查中8个航次4个季节的竹筴鱼(Trachurus japonicus)生物学测定资料,运用FAO开发的最新体长频率数据分析软件FiSATⅡ对竹筴鱼的生长、死亡参数进行估算,并进一步应用Beverton-Holt模式对南海北部竹筴鱼的最新资源状况进行研究.结果表明:(1) 竹筴鱼的叉长和体重的关系式为:W=2.282 8×10-5L2.915 4.(2) 其von Bertalanffy生长方程的各参数为:渐近叉长L∞=31.2 (cm),渐近体重W∞=426.5 (g),生长系数K=0.42,t0=-0.376.(3) 总死亡系数Z=2.15,自然死亡系数M=0.91,捕捞死亡系数F=1.24,开发率E=0.58.在估算结果的基础上,进一步提出南海北部竹筴鱼的最佳可捕规格为叉长14.8 cm.  相似文献   

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