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基于地震监测应用的地表温度和长波辐射数据对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从数据本身特征及其应用2个方面对地震监测中常用的地表温度(land surface temperature,LST)和长波辐射(outgoing longwave radiation,OLR)数据进行了对比分析。利用全球数据进行的对比分析结果表明,2种数据在高纬度和中纬度地区具有空间分布上的一致性,但在赤道及低纬度地区则表现出明显差异,认为这一差异与云量分布关系密切;根据我国大陆的云量分布特点选择特征点进行LST和OLR的对比分析表明,云量大于65%的区域,二者的同步性较差,云量低于65%的区域,则同步性较好。据此,以同步性较好的青海地区和同步性较差的中南部区域为试验区,对比了2种数据的涡度计算结果。研究表明,在地震监测应用中,利用2种数据获得的地震异常信息在时、空、强特征上表现为相同或不同都是可能的,LST主要是对增温现象的反映,而OLR则侧重于对整个地-气系统异常的综合反映。  相似文献   

地震孕育过程伴随物质迁移、能量释放与信息交换。通过遥感手段获取地表、大气及电离层变化信息,进行地震异常分析与前兆识别,已成为遥感与地震科学交叉研究热点。本文收集整理了2008年汶川大地震以来,国内外发表的该地震潜在遥感异常研究论文;回顾了盖层、大气层、电离层的20个遥感参量异常显现的个体特征,分析了其时空关联性,揭示了总体时空特征。研究表明:(1)汶川地震遥感异常显现是逐渐增多、增强和聚拢的,地震短临前兆突出;(2)震前3个月开始,短—临遥感异常由盖层、大气层往电离层渐次显现,与岩石圈—盖层—大气层—电离层 (LCAI) 耦合范式吻合;(3)短—临遥感异常显现位置与发震断层相关性较强,主要集中于龙门山断裂带(LMSFs)及其周边区域;(4)多种短—临遥感异常区覆盖震中,且多个条带状异常区与LMSFs走向一致,体现了孕震后期LCAI耦合的局地效应。本研究有益于内陆大地震孕育后期的遥感监测分析,也可为地震预测研究提供参考。  相似文献   

本文利用1993年—2012年AVISO卫星高度计融合数据,识别和追踪了北太平洋海域(100°E—77°W,0°N—70°N)20年的中尺度涡。统计分析了北太平洋中尺度涡的生命周期、振幅、移动速度等属性特征、空间分布和运动特征、季节、年际和年代际的变化趋势及其与ENSO的关系。结果表明:北太平洋中尺度涡的平均寿命为6.9周,平均振幅为8.44 cm,平均速度为6.4 cm/s;随着纬度的增加,反气旋涡的生命周期和振幅差异较大,气旋涡差异较小,涡旋的移动速度随纬度的增加逐渐减少。在空间分布上,日本东部的黑潮延伸区、加利福尼亚海岸和阿拉斯加湾是涡旋的高发区,其中黑潮延伸区分布最为密集;涡旋大多数向西运动,只有少数涡旋向东传播,移动过程中反气涡旋表现为向赤道方向偏移,气旋涡向极地方向偏移,且具有明显的非线性特征。在季节、年际尺度上,春季和夏季是涡旋高发的两个季节,秋季和冬季生成的涡旋相对最少,在加利福尼亚沿岸涡旋的季节差异较明显;涡旋数量的年际变化与ENSO事件具有明显的相关性,1993年—2002年厄尔尼诺年生成的涡旋较多,而拉尼娜年生成的涡旋较少,2003年—2012年则是厄尔尼诺年生成的涡旋较少,而拉尼娜年生成的涡旋较多。  相似文献   

李强  张景发  罗毅  焦其松 《遥感学报》2019,23(4):785-795
2017年8月8日发生的7.0级九寨沟地震诱发九寨沟熊猫海附近产生大量的滑坡体,造成道路阻塞,严重影响地震应急救援进度。为快速准确地识别滑坡分布范围,本文在深入分析滑坡遥感影像特征的基础上,引入面向对象分析方法,实现了基于无人机影像的震后滑坡体的自动识别。通过多尺度分割算法获取滑坡多层次影像对象,利用SEaTH算法自动构建每一层次特征规则集,实现基于不同层次分析的滑坡体自动识别。分析滑坡体在地形、活动断层等因子中的空间分布特征,为地震滑坡预测与危险性评价奠定基础。与人工目视解译结果相比较,基于面向对象的滑坡自动识别方法提取精度可达94.8%,Kappa系数为0.827,在电脑配置相同的情况下,自动识别方法的效率是人工目视解译效率的一倍。空间分布特征分析表明,地震滑坡的空间分布与斜坡坡度、地形起伏度呈正相关关系,与地表粗糙度存在负相关关系,研究区滑坡体分布存在明显的断层效应。  相似文献   

The 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake triggered plenty of coseismic giant landslides, which resulted in almost one third of total fatalities and economic losses during the event. Previous studies investigated the spatial relations between landslide distribution and topographic and seismic factors such as elevation, slope aspect, distance from rupture trace and seismic intensity. However, few studies are performed exploring the effects of coseismic surface deformation and Coulomb stress change on triggering landslides due to lack of adequate deformation observation data and stress calculation model for slope failure. In this study, we develop an envelope method to map an entire coseismic deformation field in both near- and far-field areas of seismic faults through the data fusion from InSAR and pixel offset-tracking (POT) techniques. The change in static Coulomb stress (SCS) acting on coseismic landsliding surface caused by the event is determined using the faulting model derived from the joint inversion of InSAR and GPS data, and also with the use of the elastic half-space dislocation theory and the generalized Hook’s law. The analysis suggests the spatial response pattern of seismic landslides to the coseismic ground motion and stress change, especially in the vicinity of fault rupture trace. The landslide density dramatically rises with the stress increase within the range from Yingxiu to Beichuan areas along the major surface rupture. Moving further and eastward along the fault strike, most of large landslides are triggered as the zone of positive SCS change narrows. Moreover, the high-magnitude surface displacements are possibly responsible for the giant landsliding events in the easternmost section. From the analysis of the stress transfer, the occurrence of landslides in the study area is largely controlled by the Yingxiu-Beichuan fault with overwhelming rupture length and fault slip, yet the Pengguan fault indeed shows dominance in the area between the two faults. The results show that coseismic surface deformation (derived from InSAR data in this study) and static Coulomb stress change can serve as two significant controlling factors on seismic landslide distribution and that the stress factor seems more significant in the vicinity of surface rupture.  相似文献   

Introduction WithGPSreceiversmountedonLEOsatel lites,GPSoccultationeventscanbeobserved.Theobservablesarevaluableforatmospheric monitoringandweatherforecasting.Whenpre paringtobuildupanLEOsatelliteoccultation observationsystem,theevaluation,designand imple…  相似文献   

Focusing on carrying out GPS occulatation observations with a receiver set on LEO satellite, this paper develops the LEO orbit simulation system based on which the occultation events can be simulated taking into account the geometric relationship of the satellites and the field of view of the receiver antenna. In this paper, the impacts of 4 types of LEO orbit parameters including argument of latitude (AOL), right ascension of ascending node (RAAN), orbit height and orbit inclination on the distribution and number of occultation events observed with a single LEO satellite are discussed through simulation and some conclusions are drawn.  相似文献   

针对不动产测绘数据空间基准不统一的问题,该文提出了九参数法。详细介绍了其数学模型,并从函数模型方面分析了与Bursa7参数法的不同。最后以北京地区为例,基于北京地方坐标系、80西安坐标系、北京54坐标系和CGCS 2000坐标系数据,研究了九参数法在不动产测绘空间基准统一中的应用,比较了九参数法和Bursa7参数法的精度,结果表明:Bursa 7参数法和九参数法的精度相当,可很好地应用于不动产测绘数据空间基准的统一。但由于九参数法更好地接近实际情况,所以坐标转换精度优于七参数坐标转换模型。  相似文献   

On 3 August 2014, an earthquake struck Ludian County, Yunnan Province, China, which has caused a large number of coseismic landslides. Visual interpretation permitted 284 and 1053 landslides before and after the event to be mapped, respectively. This work attempted to analyse these two kinds of landslides. Conditioning factors, such as slope angle, aspect, curvature, elevation, distance from drainages, intensity and lithology, and the index of Landslide Number Density (LND) were used to describe the spatial distribution of these landslides. Then, the pre-earthquake and coseismic landslide susceptibility maps were produced using the information value model. The areas under curve are 84.73 and 77.05%, for the pre-earthquake and coseismic landslides, respectively. The results show that the LND values as well as the information values of coseismic landslides are larger than those of the pre-earthquake case. This also indicates that this Ludian earthquake has a relatively larger ability to trigger landslides.  相似文献   

Recent technological advancements in web-based geographic information systems have enabled access to satellite images on smart devices. The Representational State Transfer (REST) architecture overcomes difficulties that are associated with conventional data communications on the web, and the Web Graphics Library (WebGL) can be used as an alternative to web-based three-dimensional geographic visualization (3-D geovisualization) due to its efficient image processing capabilities. This paper describes a 3-D geovisualization system that was developed for satellite images on smart devices by integrating a spatial database management system (DBMS), a RESTful application programming interface (API), and WebGL. Spatiotemporal objects were constructed for time-series satellite images within a DBMS and a RESTful API was built for spatiotemporal queries to the time-series database so that the requested satellite data could be represented in 3-D on smart devices using WebGL. Satellite images that are represented in WebGL give a more realistic 3-D experience when they are combined with terrain data and provide for intuitive observations of the relationships between pixel values and associated geospatial conditions. This paper shows that a creative combination of existing technologies can be used to enhance and display satellite images on smart devices for 3-D geovisualization.  相似文献   

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