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Women's earnings, employment, and commutes have generally lagged men's. Geographers emphasize the effects of women's gender roles on their spatial entrapment as limiting their job opportunities and labor market status. This research methodologically advances spatial entrapment research by utilizing a national model of commuting with spatial fixed effects to make more accurate predictions and generalizations. Second, this research found that a control group of same-sex partners allows for more direct isolation and measurement of the gender role effect on women's commutes. This research concluded that women's gender roles are negatively affecting their commuting range and, therefore, their labor market status.  相似文献   

Although the partial outsourcing of state border control to non‐state actors is not a new phenomenon, Indonesia is an interesting case study. Border control in an archipelago consisting of more than 17 000 islands is particularly challenging for state authorities. In addition to contending with the exceptional geography, Indonesia's state authorities are also challenged by the political constellation with Australia in regard to irregular cross‐border movements of asylum seekers that has become a controversial issue in recent history. As an important transit country for asylum seekers and refugees en route to Australia, Indonesia's porous borders have rendered it possible to enter and exit the country relatively easily. Given Australia's political pressure and the financial incentives offered to Indonesia to act as a ‘final bulwark’ and control irregular migration flows more effectively, border control nowadays has gained more significance in Indonesia than in the past. Yet, financial constraints and, more importantly, a lack of political will to host asylum seekers in its own territories for the long term remain as obstacles. Fieldwork observations show that due to ongoing funding restrictions for state‐led border control, state‐society cooperation for border surveillance has increased. Civilians in many hotspots for irregular border crossings have been encouraged to report on ‘suspicious foreigners’. State‐society cooperation for border control, however, offers new opportunities for people smugglers to pay off civilian spies or corrupt border authorities.  相似文献   

南英  朱竑 《热带地理》2015,35(4):498-506
现代宗教已经越来越多地与世俗社会产生不同形式的联系,然而各种宗教世俗化现象及相关理论却一直未得到国内外宗教地理学者的重视,甚至对其存在极大误解或片面解读。文章梳理了庞杂的西方宗教世俗化概念和理论,指出现代性和宗教的关系不能简单理解为后者被动迎合前者的破坏或压制,事实上两者可能是相互促进、能动地协商的关系;认为应避免混用中文语境下的世俗化概念与西方世俗化概念,以免产生错误解读。世俗化理论对宗教地理学研究有益,能为分析和解释现代宗教提供一个有力的理论框架。但该理论框架却还未被充分利用来揭示当代世界宗教变迁的多元性和复杂性。因为,现有研究1)存在地方偏见;2)存在文化偏见;3)主要基于定量分析和大尺度统计数据,缺乏深度的定性分析;4)实证基础薄弱,缺乏具体、系统地对特定地理环境(特别是非西方)下宗教变迁原因和过程的探讨。故此认为未来宗教变迁研究的注意力应该更多放在非西方社会及其宗教,利用定性研究方法深度剖析中观和微观尺度上的宗教变迁过程和机制,而这正是地理学者能发挥其优势的地方。  相似文献   

This article considers the mobile interview method's utility to geography through five strengths: the ability to (1) produce spatially grounded and place-specific data, (2) access subtler and more complex meanings of place, (3) create opportunities for flexible and collaborative conversation with participants in situ, (4) build rapport and adjust participant–researcher power dynamics, and (5) efficiently produce rich geographic data. Practical, technical, ethical, and epistemological considerations are discussed. We expand methodological exploration of disempowered individuals' experiences of home, neighborhood, and urban space. The mobile interview offers a valuable, underutilized method for geographers to better understand the coconstitutive relationship between self and place.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(6):543-560
With recent advances in information and communications technologies (ICT), traditional conceptualizations and models of spatial interaction need updating. In a previous paper, this author developed an analytical framework that incorporated telecommunications capabilities as well as transportation modes and residential and work locations into a unified representation of the “geography of opportunities” (Shen, 1999). In this paper, the initial framework is extended by the inclusion in the formulation not only of employment opportunities, but also of other types of opportunities. Each type of opportunities is distributed among three components of geographic space: the physical space, the hybrid space, and the virtual space. The effects of ICT are captured by: (1) the saving of travel time for people who can partially substitute telecommunications for transportation as means to access opportunities in virtual and hybrid spaces and (2) the migration of opportunities from physical space to virtual and hybrid spaces. Individuals' position in the emerging spatial structure of the information society is measured in terms of accessibility to a wide range of economic and social opportunities. This new approach is shown to be an operational and promising analytical tool in a hypothetical setting. However, its refinement and application is currently constrained by the lack of systematically collected data on many aspects of the human geography. [Key words: telecommunications, human geography, spatial structure, spatial analysis.]  相似文献   

地理科学的中国进展与国际趋势   总被引:61,自引:7,他引:54  
中国地理学取得了骄人的进展,表现在科研方向的突破、对国家建设的贡献、研究手段的革新、对科学和教育的贡献、对社会的贡献等方面。但当前中国也存在基础研究薄弱、学科整合不足、学术走向迷茫、竞争能力堪忧、全球视野欠缺、地理教育错位等问题。国际地理学对科学界所确定的关键研究问题表示出更大的关注,科学界也将更加了解地理学及其视角能对科学知识做出的贡献。地理学所关切的科学问题直指今天决策者的紧迫需求。地理学家以多种方式对解决实际问题做出贡献。国际地理学的发展聚焦在:揭示复杂系统中的不平衡和动态,认识全球化 (包括环境、经济、人口、政府和文化等)的潮流及其影响,建立从地方到全球的空间连续系列研究,利用包括时间系列数据在内的纵向数据进行过程比较研究,加强地理学理论、技术和研究成果对决策的影响,加强地理教育,包括努力提高公众的地理学能力,改进高等院校地理学家的训练,提高地理理解力,加强地理组织机构。  相似文献   

This article addresses Patrick Geddes's relationship with geography and visual education by focusing on his collaboration with the network of the anarchist geographers Élie, Élisée, and Paul Reclus. Drawing on empirical archival research, it contributes to the current debates on geographies of anarchist education and on geographic teaching. The main argument is that the collaboration between Geddes and the Recluses inaugurated specific strategies of multisensorial geographic education that were not limited to the sight, and that questioned and relativized the uniqueness of the observer's standpoint through devices like the Hollow Globe. Focusing on apparatuses like the Outlook Tower's geographic exposition and the Valley Section, it shows in which ways Geddes engaged with Élisée Reclus's critique of representation and geography as a visual discipline.  相似文献   

Great strides have been made in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) research over the past half-century. However, this progress has created both opportunities and challenges. From a geographic perspective, certain challenges remain, including the modelling of geographic-featured environments with GIS data model, the enhancement of GIS’s analysis functions for comprehensive geographic analysis and achieving human-oriented geographic information presentation. Several basic theoretical and technical ideas that follow the workflow and processes of geographic information induction, geographic scenario modelling, geographic process analysis and geographic environment representation are proposed to fill the gaps between GIS and geography. We also call for designing methods for big geographic data-oriented analysis, making best use of videos and developing virtual geographic scenario-based GIS for further evolution.  相似文献   

Integration in human geography is achieved through multidimensional research or by the study of a variety of aspects of a whole. Giddens's structuration theory provides a new theoretical framework for integrative study in human geography in its attempt to connect individuals and societies, context and composition, time and space. Integrative studies in geography have focused on space (regional geography), time (historical geography) and society (time-geography). Structurationist analysis in geography can put society, space, or society and space at its focus. Thrift's spatial structurationist theory may lead to a new theoretically-based regionalism. On the other hand, integration at one level or between several elements may entail disintegration, at another level or element respectively.  相似文献   

Integration in human geography is achieved through multidimensional research or by the study of a variety of aspects of a whole. Giddens's structuration theory provides a new theoretical framework for integrative study in human geography in its attempt to connect individuals and societies, context and composition, time and space. Integrative studies in geography have focused on space (regional geography), time (historical geography) and society (time-geography). Structurationist analysis in geography can put society, space, or society and space at its focus. Thrift's spatial structurationist theory may lead to a new theoretically-based regionalism. On the other hand, integration at one level or between several elements may entail disintegration, at another level or element respectively.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the use of maps in Turkish newspapers in order to evaluate their potential to contribute to the enhancement of geographic knowledge in society. This study reviewed the content of three Turkish newspapers published between January 2008 and August 2012. Only 835 maps were used in the newspapers during the study period, or an average of 278 maps per newspaper. During the study period, about 15,720 news articles were published per month in the three newspapers; however, only five of these were illustrated with a map. The study reveals the potential for Turkish newspapers to increase society's geographic awareness with additional published maps.  相似文献   

试论地理科学与持续发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文简述二十世纪以前传统地理学漫长的发展过程,并论及研究内涵、领域的演化。本世纪中叶以来,随着社会经济的发展与科学技术的进步,地理学不仅扩展了研究领域,且在理论、方法和技术上都取得了长足之进展。现代地理学逐渐成为一个分支众多的学科体系,地理学的研究领域正经历着横向扩展与纵向深化的新的过程,这种既有学科综合,又有学科分化的趋势,适应了现代科学发展的潮流。新理论、新方法和新技术的引入,极大地提高了地理学的系统分析与系统综合能力,从而相应地提高了地理科学体系的理论水平和应用能力。21世纪无疑地将为地理学的发展带来新的契机,地理环境的持续发展将成为研究重心。在第三次科学大综合浪潮推动下,改革传统的地理学结构,构建地理科学的新体系与方法论,对其科学价值与功能进行新审视,在理论和应用领域不断进取与开拓,才能释放这门学科所蕴蓄的科学力量。  相似文献   

As we experience places, we learn about those places and generalize information into more abstract geographic categories. Rosch's basic-level theory argues that information known about objects is stored in our memories in a three-layered hierarchy. Data that could be used to test this theory in a geographic context was generated by having subjects make lists of activities, characteristics, and parts associated with 11 familiar geographic categories. An analysis of the distribution of information among the geographic categories confirmed two basic predictions of Rosch's theory. Significantly more information was stored in the basic-level geographic categories country, region, state, city, and neighborhood than in the superordinate category place. Significantly more information was not stored in subordinate categories home country, home region, home state, home city, and home neighborhood. The results suggest that geographic information is efficiently stored in memory so that much of what we know about geographic space is stored in basic-level categories that are both distinctive and informative.  相似文献   

A Pedagogic Framework to Link GIS to the Intellectual Core of Geography   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):578-591

This paper aims to develop a new pedagogic framework for teaching GIS at the college and university level using Berry's geographic matrix. By synthesizing different schools of thought, this paper argues that GIS education essentially involves two aspects—how to teach about GIS and how to teach with GIS. Berry's geographic matrix can be used to tie these dual aspects of GIS education together neatly. As an abstract representation of geographical phenomena, the geographic matrix embeds all three entities of GIS—location, attribute, time—and thus can help GIS instructors teach about GIS. As a synthesis of geographical approaches, the geographic matrix can assist GIS instructors teach with GIS. This paper demonstrates that GIS is actually an implementation of Berry's geographic matrix. Furthermore, the 10 approaches to geographical analysis, originally proposed by Berry for the geographic matrix, can be executed routinely in a GIS environment. By incorporating Berry's geographic matrix into GIS education, teachers can enable students to surpass technical issues and to appreciate the conceptual and functional linkages between GIS and geography's intellectual core.  相似文献   

GIS 领域的发展在21 纪初走到了十字路口。本文旨在讨论下一个阶段GIS 发展的多个愿景,而新兴的开放式GIS应作为一个指导思想。开放式GIS包含8 个维度:数据、软件、硬件、规范、研究、出版、资金和教育。对于GIS 研究团体,开放式GIS 提供了4 个令人振奋的机会:①技术发展。技术的发展与突破可用于解决空间上的海量数据所带来的问题;②应用开发。主要是用于集体或个人决策的应用程序的开发;③增加全民参与的机会。地理科学可以发展成一种开放性的全民科学,人们将对日益变化的地球增进了解;④教育的机遇。通过开放式GIS能更好地实现全民地理科学教育。虽然开放式GIS 的实现存在着学术、法律、社会、政治和环境等障碍,但可以肯定的是,开放式GIS在未来的科学研究和教育方面将会变得越来越重要。  相似文献   

在开封自南宋以来的变迁历程中,因中原地区地理空间区位形势所造成的频繁战患直接导致开封城市的破坏与衰落,更重要的是开封在黄河泛滥区中所处的地理中心位置,不仅使开封周边地区土壤严重沙化,而且还在堰塞其水运河道的同时,也使其失去了成为现代铁路交通枢纽的机会。区域环境因素发生的重要改变导致中原地区区域政治中心在建国初从开封迁离,而改革开放以后随着经济自由流动程度的加强,更多的发展资源向邻近的郑州集聚,也造成开封经济发展的弱势。但随着国家及河南省政府利用开封地理空间区位形势所实施的"郑汴一体化"等当代发展策略的介入,开封将改变长期以来形成的下降趋势而实现复兴与发展。  相似文献   

As visions of ecological crisis mark the daily headlines, industrial spaces of intensive energy and material consumption become a more intense object of political and social concern. In this article, I attempt to situate geography's relative neglect of the ecological underpinnings of industrial capitalism within the context of the history of geographical thought. I argue that the ways in which geographers read the hyphen in the phrase “nature‐society” reveals epistemological limits to their object of study. I then offer three dramatically different readings of the hyphen and discuss how they have affected the lineages and trajectories of geographical research—Barrows's human ecology, Sauer's cultural landscape, and critical theories of social nature. I conclude by suggesting that geography needs to let go of its empirical and conceptual fixation on “nature”.  相似文献   

Novelists responded immediately to the earthquake that struck Haiti on January 12, 2010. Analysis of key works demonstrates the numerous images and interpretations that the catastrophe has generated among Haitians, and is valuable as a source for indigenous understandings of the altered nature of place in Haiti. Literature offers insight into the Haitian view of the earthquake's effect on gender relations, family structures, urban migration and development, and memory. Literature also participates in the country's reconstruction by articulating the challenges and opportunities faced by Haitian society, and by providing a space for therapeutic self‐expression. In this literature we witness the development of the language, attitudes, emotions, and meanings that are and will be the earthquake's cultural legacy.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):196-202

The ultimate goal of all geographic education is to have our students think geographically for life. To this end, the five geographic skills sets allow teachers to use the inquiry approach to more accurately observe whether or not geographic thinking is actually taking place. As essential components of these geographic skills, fieldwork, journaling, and stories based on the field experience have proven to be effective tools of inquiry. This article demonstrates how a journal, kept by the author while on an advanced alliance summer institute to Russia in 1996, was used to write an original short story based on the author's fieldwork there. The author's experiences model the five geographic skills sets in developing lesson plans for the original short story, The Dragon and the Anchor. These activities allow the students to sharpen their geographic skills and develop a sense of place by studying the changes that have occurred in Russia since the fall of communism in 1991.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4-5):226-232

The geographic skills, as outlined in Geography for Life, provide an avenue for assessing students' work in geography. If used across the scope and sequence of the curriculum, a common scoring guide based on these skills offers opportunities for students to demonstrate their ability to use inquiry approaches to study geography and to improve those abilities over time and over different geographic questions. If used consistently, a geographic skills scoring guide can also help to communicate to a broader audience of parents, administration, and the public as to what the discipline of geography encompasses.  相似文献   

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