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通过一个自主设计的调查问卷的抽样调查,对发展中国家气候灾害的主要状况及开展的应对工作进行了分析,以了解发展中国家的气候灾害及应对能力。调查结果表明,洪涝、干旱和海平面上升是受访发展中国家面临的3种最主要的气候灾害,具有发生频繁、影响范围广且造成损失大的特征。大多数接受调查的发展中国家尚未建立完备的灾害管理体系,加强对气候灾害的监测预警是其应对极端气候事件、降低灾害风险的首要任务之一。帮助其他发展中国家建立并完善监测预警系统应是中国应对气候变化南南合作的重要领域之一。  相似文献   

任国玉 《气象》2008,34(1):128-128
该书总结了国内外近年关于气候变化及其对水资源影响的若干研究成果,系统分析了中国近现代的基本水文气候特征,以及主要水文气候要素的时间变化规律,包括地面气温、降水、蒸发以及极端天气气候事件的年代和长期趋势变化特点,评价了气候变化对全国和各主要流域水循环和水资源的影响,初步预估了未来可能的气候变化趋势及其对水资源的影响,提出了我国水资源管理领域应对气候变化影响的战略和对策建议。  相似文献   

不断变化的气候可导致前所未有的极端天气和气候事件。这些事件能否构成灾害,在很大程度上取决于脆弱性和暴露度水平。虽然无法完全消除各种灾害风险,但灾害风险管理和气候变化适应的重点是减少脆弱性和暴露度,并提高对各种潜在极端事件不利影响的恢复力,从而促进社会和经济的可持续发展。全面的灾害风险管理要求更加合理地分配对减灾、灾害管理等方面所付出的努力。过去的主流是强调灾害管理,但目前减灾成为关注焦点和挑战。这种主动积极的灾害风险管理与适应有助于避免未来的风险和灾害,而不仅仅是减少已有的风险和灾害,同时这也是灾害风险管理和气候变化适应更加紧密联系的一个背景。灾害风险管理促进气候变化适应从应对当前的影响中汲取经验,而气候变化适应帮助灾害风险管理更加有效地应对未来变化的条件。  相似文献   

温带气旋是影响我国天气气候变化的重要系统,对东亚区域气旋活动及其气候效应的研究有助于加深东亚地区天气气候变化机理的认识。本文回顾了东亚气旋的识别方法、变化规律及气候效应的研究,主要进展如下:(1)1990年代以后,自动识别方法逐步替代了人工识别,各类算法对天气尺度气旋表达较好,但对多中心结构的温带气旋以及中小尺度气旋的识别和追踪能力还有待提高;(2)东亚气旋的尺度、性质、路径具有明显的多样性,气旋活动过程中的性质转变以及多尺度相互作用等方面近年来受到明显重视;(3)东亚气旋活动与区域气候异常以及伴随的强降水、大风等灾害性极端天气气候事件有密切联系,气旋区的识别和追踪有助于定量研究气旋演变与极端天气事件之间的局地联系。  相似文献   

<正>《"一带一路"未来极端天气气候预估研究》张井勇等著该书聚焦于"一带一路"主要合作区域的气候变化风险管理能力提升,回顾了"一带一路"极端天气气候预估、影响及适应的研究进展;评估了18个全球模式降尺度结果对研究区域历史时期12个指数表征的极端天气气候事件的模拟能力;对未来"一带一路"温度与降水表征的极端天气气候变化开展了系统预估;以瓜达尔港为例研究了当前与未来"一带一路"合作项目所在地平均与极端气候变化及影响,并提  相似文献   

我国的天气气候受到南亚季风和东亚季风系统的综合影响,受到复杂的地形强迫和海-陆-气相互作用,年际和年代际气候变化都很显著,且区域差异明显,气候灾害多发。近年来,在全球变暖背景下我国的洪涝干旱等气候灾害和极端气候事件发生更加频繁,造成的社会经济损失日趋严重,成为影响我国经济发展、社会进步和人民安康的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

极端降水特性分析研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
极端降水是极端天气气候变化的重要指标,研究其时空分布特征对于正确认识全球气候变暖背景下的极端天气气候过程具有重要意义。就近年来国内外极端降水的特征及其与大气、海洋异常的关系研究进行简要的回顾,最好提出了其存在的不足方面。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代后期开始,广东省的气温呈较明显变暖的趋势.气候变暖,引发了我省干旱、暴雨、高温、台风等极端气候灾害频繁发生,分析气候灾害对广东省生态环境和经济社会造成的严重影响,提出了加强灾害性天气气候预测研究,广泛应用和推广研究成果,提高气候灾变的预报能力,以及其他应对经济社会的影响及改善生态环境所要采取的对策和措施...  相似文献   

正一、立项背景气候变化导致的气温增高、海平面上升、极端天气与气候事件频发,对自然生态系统和人类生存环境产生了严重影响。在2015年12月12日巴黎气候变化大会上,全球《联合国气候变化框架公约》近200个缔约方一致同意通过《巴黎协定》,是继1997年制定的《京都议定书》之后全球气候治理领域又一实质性文件,为2020年后全球应对气候变化行动作出安排。  相似文献   

蒋伯仁 《山东气象》2002,22(2):34-35
今年3月23日世界气象日的主题是“降低对天气和气候极端事件的脆弱性”。联合国世界气象组织每年都根据当前国际关心的热点问题,选择纪念主题。一方面表达了对越来越频繁的天气、气候灾害及其给人类社会造成的危害的强烈关注;另一方面是认识到通过加强对天气、气候的监测和预报,可以最大限度地降低天气、气候极端事件带来的不利影响,并希望通过宣传这一主题,呼吁各国采取措施减缓全球气候变暖趋势,进一步加强气象工作,以减轻天气和气候极端事件对人类社会的危害。……  相似文献   

The importance of ecological management for reducing the vulnerability of biodiversity to climate change is increasingly recognized, yet frameworks to facilitate a structured approach to climate adaptation management are lacking. We developed a conceptual framework that can guide identification of climate change impacts and adaptive management options in a given region or biome. The framework focuses on potential points of early climate change impact, and organizes these along two main axes. First, it recognizes that climate change can act at a range of ecological scales. Secondly, it emphasizes that outcomes are dependent on two potentially interacting and countervailing forces: (1) changes to environmental parameters and ecological processes brought about by climate change, and (2) responses of component systems as determined by attributes of resistance and resilience. Through this structure, the framework draws together a broad range of ecological concepts, with a novel emphasis on attributes of resistance and resilience that can temper the response of species, ecosystems and landscapes to climate change. We applied the framework to the world’s largest remaining Mediterranean-climate woodland, the ‘Great Western Woodlands’ of south-western Australia. In this relatively intact region, maintaining inherent resistance and resilience by preventing anthropogenic degradation is of highest priority and lowest risk. Limited, higher risk options such as fire management, protection of refugia and translocation of adaptive genes may be justifiable under more extreme change, hence our capacity to predict the extent of change strongly impinges on such management decisions. These conclusions may contrast with similar analyses in degraded landscapes, where natural integrity is already compromised, and existing investment in restoration may facilitate experimentation with higher risk?options.  相似文献   

文中对IPCC第六次评估报告第二工作组报告关于观测和预估的气候变化影响与风险方面的主要结论进行了解读。报告表明,气候变化已经对自然和人类系统造成了广泛的不利影响,尤其是气候变化下的复合风险和极端事件呈现日益加剧和频繁的趋势。目前,不同地区和部门的关键风险已多达127种,且随着气候变暖以及生态社会脆弱性的加剧,将对人类和生态系统造成更加普遍和不可逆的影响。相对第五次评估报告,本报告进一步扩展了风险的内涵,归纳了8个代表性关键风险,更加全面地评估了5个“关注理由”的风险水平,评估结果有利于加深对于气候变化影响的认识和及时制定行动对策。  相似文献   

Adaptive practices are taking place in a range of sectors and regions in Australia in response to existing climate impacts, and in anticipation of future unavoidable impacts. For a rich economy such as Australia’s, the majority of human systems have considerable adaptive capacity. However, the impacts on human systems at the intra-nation level are not homogenous due to their differing levels of exposure, sensitivity and capacity to adapt to climate change. Despite past resilience to changing climates, many Indigenous communities located in remote areas are currently identified as highly vulnerable to climate impacts due to their high level of exposure and sensitivity, but low capacity to adapt. In particular, communities located on low-lying islands have particular vulnerability to sea level rise and increasingly intense storm surges caused by more extreme weather. Several Torres Strait Island community leaders have been increasingly concerned about these issues, and the ongoing risks to these communities’ health and well-being posed by direct and indirect climate impacts. A government agency is beginning to develop short-term and long-term adaptation plans for the region. This work, however, is being developed without adequate scientific assessment of likely ‘climate changed futures.’ This is because the role that anthropogenic climate change has played, or will play, on extreme weather events for this region is not currently clear. This paper draws together regional climate data to enable a more accurate assessment of the islands’ exposure to climate impacts. Understanding the level of exposure and uncertainty around specific impacts is vital to gauge the nature of these islands’ vulnerability, in so doing, to inform decisions about how best to develop anticipatory adaptation strategies over various time horizons, and to address islanders’ concerns about the likely resilience and viability of their communities in the longer term.  相似文献   

IPCC第五次评估报告对气候变化风险及风险管理的新认知   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
IPCC第五次评估报告第二工作组报告在气候变化风险及风险管理方面聚焦于气候变化对领域和区域的不利影响。在综合分析与气候变化相关危害、暴露度和脆弱性的基础上,提出了气候变化风险的评估框架。风险不仅来自气候变化本身,同时也来自人类社会发展和治理过程。报告首次提出了新生风险,归纳总结了气候变化带来的关键风险,评估了不同温升下气候变化5个“关注理由”的风险水平。在风险管理过程中,由于适应和减缓的局限性,剩余风险是不可避免的。未来,若全球平均温度升高4℃(较工业革命以前)将加剧人类和社会生态系统广泛的、严重的和不可逆影响的风险。  相似文献   

Transformative actions are increasingly being required to address changes in climate. As an aid to understanding and supporting informed decision-making regarding transformative change, we draw on theories from both the resilience and vulnerability literature to produce the Adaptation Action Cycles concept and applied framework. The resulting Adaptation Action Cycles provides a novel conceptualisation of incremental and transformative adaptation as a continuous process depicted by two concentric and distinct, yet linked, action learning cycles. Each cycle represents four stages in the decision-making process, which are considered to be undertaken over relatively short timeframes. The concept is translated into an applied framework by adopting a contextual, actor-focused suite of questions at each of the four stages. This approach compliments existing theories of transition and transformation by operationalising assessments at the individual and enterprise level. Empirical validation of the concept was conducted by collaborating with members of the Australian wine industry to assess their decisions and actions taken in response to climate change. The contiguous stages represented in the Adaptation Action Cycles aptly reflected the diverse range of decision-making and action pathways taken in recent years by those interviewed. Results suggest that incremental adaptation decision-making processes have distinct characteristics, compared with those used in transformative adaptation. We provide empirical data to support past propositions suggesting dependent relationships operate between incremental and transformative scales of adaptation.  相似文献   

Climate change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability studies tend to confine their attention to impacts and responses within the same geographical region. However, this approach ignores cross-border climate change impacts that occur remotely from the location of their initial impact and that may severely disrupt societies and livelihoods. We propose a conceptual framework and accompanying nomenclature for describing and analysing such cross-border impacts. The conceptual framework distinguishes an initial impact that is caused by a climate trigger within a specific region. Downstream consequences of that impact propagate through an impact transmission system while adaptation responses to deal with the impact propagate through a response transmission system. A key to understanding cross-border impacts and responses is a recognition of different types of climate triggers, categories of cross-border impacts, the scales and dynamics of impact transmission, the targets and dynamics of responses and the socio-economic and environmental context that also encompasses factors and processes unrelated to climate change. These insights can then provide a basis for identifying relevant causal relationships. We apply the framework to the floods that affected industrial production in Thailand in 2011, and to projected Arctic sea ice decline, and demonstrate that the framework can usefully capture the complex system dynamics of cross-border climate impacts. It also provides a useful mechanism to identify and understand adaptation strategies and their potential consequences in the wider context of resilience planning. The cross-border dimensions of climate impacts could become increasingly important as climate changes intensify. We conclude that our framework will allow for these to be properly accounted for, help to identify new areas of empirical and model-based research and thereby support climate risk management.  相似文献   

关于气候变化对社会经济系统影响的机理和途径的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文基于考虑气候变化影响应与经济系统的特征时空尺度相匹配的观点,讨论了气候变化对经济系统影响的途径.认为:气候变化是年代际尺度的气温变化,直接影响的是冰冻圈、海平面、水资源、陆面状况、生态系统、微生物、人体健康等七个领域;觉察不到日变化、季节变化、年际变化而呈现出年代际变化的事物才是受全球变暖影响的事物;由于时间尺度不匹配,经济系统几乎不会受气候变化的直接影响;就间接影响而言,全球变暖导致的极端气候事件加剧和人类为应对与适应气候变化的积极响应,对经济系统的影响要显著得多.  相似文献   

已经观测到的气候变化影响是显著的、多方面的。各个领域和地区都存在有利和不利影响,但以不利影响为主,未来的气候变暖将会对中国的生态系统、农业以及水资源等部门和沿海地区产生重大的不利影响。采取适应措施可以减轻气候变化的不利影响,应将适应气候变化的行动逐步纳入国民经济和社会发展的中长期规划中。由于我国科学研究的相对不足和科学认识能力的局限,目前的气候变化影响评估方法和结果还存在很大的不确定性。应当加强区域适应气候变化的案例研究、扩大研究领域、加强极端天气、气候事件影响的研究,以降低影响评估的不确定性,并提出切实可行的适应对策。  相似文献   

The threat of global climate change has caused concern among scientists because crop production could be severely affected by changes in key climatic variables that could compromise food security both globally and locally. Although it is true that extreme climatic events can severely impact small farmers, available data is just a gross approximation at understanding the heterogeneity of small scale agriculture ignoring the myriad of strategies that thousands of traditional farmers have used and still use to deal with climatic variability. Scientists have now realized that many small farmers cope with and even prepare for climate change, minimizing crop failure through a series of agroecological practices. Observations of agricultural performance after extreme climatic events in the last two decades have revealed that resiliency to climate disasters is closely linked to the high level of on-farm biodiversity, a typical feature of traditional farming systems.Based on this evidence, various experts have suggested that rescuing traditional management systems combined with the use of agroecologically based management strategies may represent the only viable and robust path to increase the productivity, sustainability and resilience of peasant-based agricultural production under predicted climate scenarios. In this paper we explore a number of ways in which three key traditional agroecological strategies (biodiversification, soil management and water harvesting) can be implemented in the design and management of agroecosystems allowing farmers to adopt a strategy that both increases resilience and provides economic benefits, including mitigation of global warming.  相似文献   

Existing research on climate change planning has tended to adopt an overly simplistic approach to analyzing how agency and structure mediate local governments’ responses to climate change. This research contributes to scientific capacity to predict and explain patterns of climate change planning by focusing on the concept of legitimacy and examining its influence upon the dialectic between structure and agency. A conceptual framework foregrounding legitimacy is developed based upon new institutional theory. An initiative to institutionalize climate change planning in Aarhus Municipality, Denmark, is used as a case study to validate four propositions derived from existing research but filtered through the conceptual framework. Validation of the propositions evidences a hierarchy in the salience of different forms of legitimacy, with moral and ethical arguments for undertaking climate change planning having limited social traction in Denmark in the absence of significant extreme climatic events. The analysis also generates thicker, more nuanced explanations for real-world patterns of climate change planning. The findings thereby provide a corrective to a number of assertions made in the literature, notably in relation to the role of agency in the institutionalization of climate change planning.  相似文献   

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