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The compounds of sterols such as C27 ,C2s ,C29 and C30 are recorded from C-8 core of the Chukchi Sea. The double bond position is located at 5-, 5,22 as well as 22-,24-. The compound of sterols such as C27 ,C28 ,C29 are recorded from B2-9 core of the Bering Sea. The double bond position is located at 5-, 5, 22 as well as 22. The composition characteristics of sterols indicate that the substance is mainly contributed by the terrigenous origin and marine silicate organisms. The results are also suggest that the record of abnormal sterols from the surface sediments (2 -0 era)in the Chukchi Sea and the Bering Sea represent the period from 1980s to the late 1990s. The strong signal of the Arctic warming is preserved in the sediments, which indicates the eco - environmental change responding to climatic effect of circumjacent.  相似文献   

There are awareness and concerns caused by the decreasing sea ice coverage around the Arctic and Antarctic due to effects of climate change. Emphasis in this study was on rapid changes in Arctic sea ice coverage and its impacts on the marine ecology during the fourth Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition in 2010. Our purpose was to establish a baseline of Arctic fish compositions, and consequent effects of climate change on the fish community and biogeography. Fish specimens were col- lected using a multinet middle-water trawl, French-type beam trawl, otter trawl, and triangular bottom trawl. In total, 36 tows were carried out along the shelf of the Bering Sea, Bering Strait, and Chukchi Sea in the Arctic Ocean. in total, 41 fish species belonging to 14 families in 7 orders were collected during the expedition. Among them, the Scorpaeniformes, including 17 species, accounted for almost one third of the total number (34.8%), followed by 14 species of the Perciformes (27.0%), 5 species of the Pleuronecti- formes (22.3%), and 2 species of the Gadiformes (15.4%). The top 6 most abundant species were Hippoglossoides robustus, Bore- gadus saida, Myoxocephalus scorpius, Lumpenus fabricii, Artediellus scaber, and Gymnoeanthus trieuspis. Abundant species var- ied according to the different fishing methods; numbers of families and species recorded did not differ with the various fishing methods; species and abundances decreased with depth and latitude; and species extending over their known geographic ranges were observed during the expedition. Station information, species list, and color photographs of all fishes are provided.  相似文献   

1 Introduction18Oinmarineenvironmentplaysanimportantroleinoceanographicalstudy .Asastableisotopeofoxygen ,18OtogetherwithhydrogenatomsconstituteswatermoleculeH218OandmoveswithalargeamountofH2 Omoleculesinseawater.Sothatδ18Obecomesanidealtracerforthemovemento…  相似文献   

Primary production in the Bering and Chukchi Seas is strongly influenced by the annual cycle of sea ice. Here pelagic and sea ice algal ecosystems coexist and interact with each other. Ecosystem modeling of sea ice associated phytoplankton blooms has been understudied compared to open water ecosystem model applications. This study introduces a general coupled ice-ocean ecosystem model with equations and parameters for 1-D and 3-D applications that is based on 1-D coupled ice-ocean ecosystem model development in the landfast ice in the Chukchi Sea and marginal ice zone of Bering Sea. The biological model includes both pelagic and sea ice algal habitats with 10 compartments: three phytoplankton (pelagic diatom, flagellates and ice algae: D, F, and Ai) , three zooplankton (copepods, large zooplankton, and microzooplankton : ZS, ZL, ZP) , three nutrients ( nitrate + nitrite, ammonium, silicon : NO3 , NH4, Si) and detritus (Det). The coupling of the biological models with physical ocean models is straightforward with just the addition of the advection and diffusion terms to the ecosystem model. The coupling with a multi-category sea ice model requires the same calculation of the sea ice ecosystem model in each ice thickness category and the redistribution between categories caused by both dynamic and thermodynamic forcing as in the physical model. Phytoplankton and ice algal self-shading effect is the sole feedback from the ecosystem model to the physical model.  相似文献   

The East Asian monsoon system influences the sedimentation and transport of organic matter in East Asian marginal seas that is derived from both terrestrial and marine sources. In this study, we determined organic carbon (OC) isotope values, concentrations of marine biomarkers, and levels of OC and total nitrogen (TN) in core YSC-1 from the central South Yellow Sea (SYS). Our objectives were to trace the sources of OC and variations in palaeoproductivity since the middle Holocene, and their relationships with the East Asian monsoon system. The relative contributions of terrestrial versus marine organic matter in core sediments were estimated using a two-end-member mixing model of OC isotopes. Results show that marine organic matter has been the main sediment constituent since the middle Holocene. The variation of terrestrial organic carbon concentration (OCter) is similar to the EASM history. However, the variation of marine organic carbon concentration (OCmar) is opposite to that of the EASM curve, suggesting OCmar is distinctly influenced by terrestrial material input. Inputs of terrestrial nutrients into the SYS occur in the form of fluvial and aeolian dust, while concentrations of nutrients in surface water are derived mainly from bottom water via the Yellow Sea circulation system, which is controlled by the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM). Variations in palaeoproductivity represented by marine organic matter and biomarker records are, in general, consistent with the recent EAWM intensity studies, thus, compared with EASM, EAWM may play the main role to control the marine productivity variations in the SYS.  相似文献   

Summary of results from a high - resolution pan - Arctic ice - ocean model are presented for the northern North Pacific, Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort seas. The main focus is on the mean circulation, communication from the Gulf of Alaska across the Bering Sea into the western Arctic Ocean and on mesoscale eddy activity within several important ecosystems. Model results from 1979 -2004 are compared to observations whenever possible. The high spatial model resolution at 1/12o (or -9 - km) in the horizontal and 45 levels in the vertical direction allows for representation of eddies with diameters as small as 36 km. However, we believe that upcoming new model integrations at even higher resolution will allow us to resolve even smaller eddies. This is especially important at the highest latitudes where the Rossby radius of deformation is as small as 10 km or less.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionInthedeepseawithawatertemperaturelowerthan5℃andtheseabottom ,theor ganicmattersareoxidizedmainlybytheaerobicbacteria (BenderandHeggie 1 984;Her bert 1 986) ,whichmeansthattheaerobicbacteriainthisenvironmentareratherabun dant.Thearcticseaareaisanareawhereenvironmentispermanentlycold ,butsomere searchresults (Sahmetal.1 998)indicatethattherearedominantbacteria eubacteriainthearcticseawaterandsediment,andtheiradaptationtotemperaturehasnosubstantialdifferenceincomparisonwiththatof…  相似文献   

The distribution of dissolved aluminum in the Yellow and East China Seas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Water samples containing dissolved aluminum were collected from the Yellow and East China Seas in October-November 2000. The average concentrations of dissolved AI in the Yellow Sea (YS) and East China Sea (ECS) were 0.042 and 0.056 μ molL^-1, respectively. The concentration of dissolved aluminum decreased gradually across the continental shelf. The lower concentrations appeared in the YS cold water center and in the bottom layer at the shelf edge of the ECS, where they were 0.016 and 0.011 μmolL^-1, respectively. The distribution of dissolved Al was controlled by physical mixing processes rather than biological uptake processes. The impact of different water masses along the PN transect was calculated based on the mass balance model. The results show that the impact of the Changjiang River was mainly concentrated on the coastal area and the top thermocline water on the ECS shelf, where the impact percentage decreased from 12.6% to 1.1% in the surface water, while the contribution of the Kuroshio water was dominant on the ECS shelf in this survey, increasing from 77.6% to 97,8% along the PN transect from the Changjiang River Estuary to the Ryukyu Islands. It is concluded that aluminum can serve as a proper tracer for studying the impact of Changjiang terrestrial matter on the ECS shelf water.  相似文献   

Totally 2472 grains of Radiolaria belonging to 36 Genera and 45 species are distinguished from 12 surface sediments in the Bering Sea. The distribution characteristics of Radiolaria fossils in the surface sediments are as follows: (1) From the shelf of shallow water to the upper of continental slope, there are a few Radiolaria fossils and monotonous genus and species; (2) In the lower of continental slope, Radiolaria fossils are poor in the volcanic cinders and turbidite; (3) The abundance and diversity of Radiolaria fossils are high in clay of the basin. The dominant species of Radiolaria is Spongotrochus glacialis on the continental shelf. Current, topography, water depth, and temperature etc. are key factors influencing Radiolaria distribution. The sources of sediments mainly are terrigenous, biogenic and volcanic sediments in the survey area and they are mostly from the Kamchatka peninsula in the east of Russia and the Aleutian Islands.  相似文献   

The sea ice cover in the Arctic Ocean has been reducing and hit the low record in the summer of 2007. The anomaly was extremely large in the Pacific sector. The sea level height in the Bering Sea vs. the Greenland Sea has been analyzed and compared with the current meter data through the Bering Strait. A recent peak existed as a consequence of atmospheric circulation and is considered to contribute to inflow of the Pacific Water into the Arctic Basin. The timing of the Pacific Water inflow matched with the sea ice reduction in the Pacific sector and suggests a significant increase in heat flux. This component should be included in the model prediction for answering the question when the Arctic sea ice becomes a seasonal ice cover.  相似文献   

With parameterized wave mixing, the circulation and the tidal current in the Bering Sea were simulated simultaneously using the three-dimensional Princeton Ocean Model. The simulated circulation pattern in the deep basin is relatively stable, cyclonic, and has little seasonal change. The Bering Slope Current between 200-1000 m isobaths was estimated to be 5 Sv in volume transport. The Kamchatka Current was estimated to be 20 Sv off the Kamchatka Peninsula. The Bering shelf circulations vary with season, driven mainly by wind. These features are consistent with historical esti- mates. A counter current was captured flowing southeastward approximately along the 200 m isobath of the Bering Slope, opposite to the northwestward Bering Slope Current, which needs to be validated by observations. An upwelling current is located in the shelf break ( 120-1000 m) area, which may imply the vertical advection of nutrients for supporting the Bering Sea Green Belt seasonal plankton blooms in the breakslope area. The Bering Slope Current is located in a downwelling area.  相似文献   

Terrestrial organic matter(TOM) is an important component of marine sedimentary OM, and revealing the origins and transport mechanisms of TOM to the East China Sea(ECS) is important for understanding regional carbon cycle. A novel approach combining molecular proxies and compound-specific carbon isotopes is used to quantitatively constrain the origins and transport mechanisms of TOM in surface sediments from the ECS shelf. The content of terrestrial biomarkers of(C_(27)+C_(29)+C_(31)) n-alkanes(52 to 580 ng g~(-1)) revealed a seaward decreasing trend, the δ~(13)CTOC values(-20.6‰ to-22.7‰) were more negative near the coast, and the TMBR(terrestrial and marine biomarker ratio) values(0.06 to 0.40) also revealed a seaward decreasing trend. These proxies all indicated more TOM(up to 48%) deposition in the coastal areas. The Alkane Index, the ratio of C_(29)/(C_(29)+C_(31)) n-alkanes indicated a higher proportion of grass vegetation in the coastal area; While the δ13C values of C_(29) n-alkane(-_(29).3‰ to-33.8‰) indicated that terrestrial plant in the sediments of the ECS shelf were mainly derived from C_3 plants. Cluster analysis afforded detailed estimates of different-sourced TOM contributions and transport mechanisms. TOM in the Zhejiang-Fujian coastal area was mostly delivered by the Changjiang River, and characterized by higher %TOM(up to 48%), higher %C_3 plant OM(68%-85%) and higher grass plant OM(56%-61%); TOM in the mid-shelf area was mostly transported by aerosols, and characterized by low %TOM(less than 17%), slightly lower C_3 plant OM(56%-72%) and lower grass plant OM(49%-55%).  相似文献   

A model study is conducted to examine the role of Pacific water in the dramatic retreat of arctic sea ice during summer 2007. The model generally agrees with the observations in showing considerable seasonal and interannual variability of the Pacific water inflow at Bering Strait in response to changes in atmospheric circulation. During summer 2007 anomalously strong southerly winds over the PaCific sector of the Arctic Ocean strengthen the ocean circulation and bring more Pacific water into the Arctic than the recent (2000-2006) average. The simulated summer (3 months ) 2007 mean Pacific water inflow at Bering Strait is 1.2 Sv, which is the highest in the past three decades of the simulation and is 20% higher than the recent average. Particularly, the Pacific water inflow in September 2007 is about 0.5 Sv or 50% above the 2000-2006 average. The strengthened warm Pacific water inflow carries an additional 1.0 x 1020 Joules of heat into the Arctic, enough to melt an additional 0.5 m of ice over the whole Chukchi Sea. In the model the extra summer oceanic heat brought in by the Pacific water mainly stays in the Chukchi and Beaufort region, contributing to the warming of surface waters in that region. The heat is in constant contact with the ice cover in the region in July through September. Thus the Pacific water plays a role in ice melting in the Chukchi and Beaufort region all summer long in 2007, likely contributing to up to O. 5 m per month additional ice melting in some area of that region.  相似文献   

A 3.8-kin Coupled Ice-Ocean Model (C1OM) was implemented to successfully reproduce many observed phenomena in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas, including the Bering-inflow-originated coastal current that splits into three branches: Alaska Coastal Water (ACW) , Central Channel, and Herald Valley branches. Other modeled phenomena include the Beaufort Slope Current (BSC) , the Beaufort Gyre, the East Siberian Current ( ESC), mesoscale eddies, seasonal landfast ice, sea ice ridging, shear, and deformation. Many of these downscaling processes can only be captured by using a high-resolution CIOM, nested in a global climate model. The seasonal cycles for sea ice concentration, thickness, velocity, and other variables are well reproduced with Solid validation by satellite measurements. The seasonal cycles for upper ocean dynamics and thermodynamics are also well reproduced, which include the formation of the cold saline layer due to the injection of salt during sea ice formation, the BSC, and the subsurface upwelling in winter that brings up warm, even more saline Atlantic Water along the shelfbreak and shelf along the Beaufort coast.  相似文献   

We evaluated the relationships between water masses and pico- and nano-phytoplankton and bacterial abundance in the Chukchi Sea. The abundance of picoplankton ranged from 0.01 ~ 103 cells.mL1 (100 m, station R05) to 2.21 x 103 cells.mL-1 (10 m, station R05) and that of nanoplankton ranged from 0.03 x 103 cells.mL-I (100 m, station R07) to 2.21 ~ 104 cells.mLq (10 m, station R05). The lowest abundance of bacteria in the whole water column (0.21 x 106 cells.mLq) was at 100 m at station R17, and the highest (9.61 x 106 cells.mLL) was at 10 m at station R09. Melting sea ice affected the physical characteristics of the Chukchi Sea by reducing salinity of the surface mixed layer, resulting in greater hydrodynamic stability of the water column. These changes were accompanied by increased bacterial abundance. The warm Pacific water brought nutrients into the Chukchi Sea, resulting in greater abundance of bacteria and nano-phytoplankton in the Chukchi Sea than in other regions of the Arctic Ocean. However, the abundance of pico-phytoplankton, which was related to chlorophyll a concentration, was higher in Anadyr water than in the other two water masses. The structures ofpico- and nanoplankton communities coupled with the water masses in the Chuk- chi Sea can serve as indicators of the inflow of warm Pacific water into the Chukchi Sea.  相似文献   

Samples taken from the Chukchi Sea (CS) during the 4th Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition, 2010, were analyzed to determine the content and composition of suspended particulate matter (SPM) to improve our understanding of the distribution, sources and control factors of the SPM there. The results show that the SPM in the water column is highest in the middle and near the bottom in the south and central-north CS, followed by that off the Alaskan coast and in Barrow Canyon. The SPM content is lowest in the central CS. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis shows that the SPM in the south and central-north CS is composed mainly of diatoms, but the dominant species in those two areas are different. The SPM off the Alaskan coast and in Barrow Canyon is composed mainly of terrigenous material with few bio-skeletal clasts. The distribution of temperature and salinity and the correlation between diatom species in SPM indicate that the diatom dominant SPM in the south CS is from the Pacific Ocean via the Bering Strait in summer. The diatom dominant SPM in the central-north CS is also from Pacific water, which reaches the CS in winter. The SPM in the middle and near the bottom of the water column off the Alaskan coast and in Barrow Canyon is from Alaskan coastal water and terrigenous material transported by rivers in Alaska.  相似文献   

Nitrate is considered the nutrient that limits new primary production in the southeastern Bering Sea shelf. Nitrate regenerated through biological nitrification has the potential to significantly support primary production as well. Here we use measurements of the specific rate of water column nitrification in a 1-D ecosystem model to quantify the resupply of nitrate from nitrification in the middle shelf of the southeastern Bering Sea. Model sensitivity studies reveal nitrification rate is an important control on the dominant phytoplankton functional type, and the amount of nitrate in su mer bottom waters and in the winter water column. Evaluation of nitrification using the model supports the hypothesis that increases in late-summer nitrate concentrations observed in the southeastern Bering Sea bottom waters are due to nitrification. Model results for nitrate replenishment exceed previously estimated rates of 20-30% based on observations. The results of this study indicate that nitrification, potentially the source of up to - 38% of the springtime water column nitrate, could support - 24% of the annual primary production.  相似文献   

The elemental and isotopic signatures in the sediments influenced by seal excrement on Antarctic Fildes Peninsula are examined for their potential palaeoecologlcal applications. The seal hair abundance in sediments exhibits remarkable fluctuation versus depth, indicating similar changes in historical populations of the seals visiting the marine terrace. The combination of δ^13 C, total organic carbon concentration (TOC), total nitrogen concentration (TN) and atomic C/N ratio shows that the organic matters in sediments with numerous seal hairs have a marine origin and are predominantly derived from seal excrements. The large δ15 N values in sediments are attributed to trophic enrichment and NH3 vollatilization processes. The large variations in the δ^15 N values and the negative correlation between the δ15 N values and the seal hair abundances seem to be the results of changes in the paleoclimates and the volatilization rates of the ammonia produced in the seal excrements. The 87 Sr/86 Sr ratios in the acid-soluble fraction of sediments are interpreted as a mixture of the ones from the seal excrements (30%-50%) and the chemically weathered local bedrocks (70%-50%). The calculated proportion of seal-derived Sr based on the ^87 Sr/^86 Sr ratios has a significant correlation with seal hair abundances in sediments. These results suggest that δ15 N values and the ^87 Sr/^86 Sr ratios in the acid-soluble fraction of sediments were influenced by seal excrements, similar to seal halt numbers, and thus can potentially be used to estimate the historical seal population in the Antarctic region.  相似文献   

Sediment samples were cored from 3 locations representing the inner bay, the outer bay and the bay mouth of Jiaozhou Bay in September 2003 to study the source and biogeochemical characteristics of nitrogen and phosphorus in the bay. The content and vertical distributions of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), organic nitrogen (ON), organic phosphorus (OP), inorganic nitrogen (IN), inorganic phosphorus (IP), the ratio of organic carbon and total nitrogen (OC/TN), and the ratio of total nitrogen and total phosphorus (TN/TP) in the sediments were analyzed. The results show that both TN and TP in surface sediments decrease from the inner bay to the outer bay. In general, ON occupies 50%-70% of TN and IP accounts for more than 60% of TP. In ratio of OC:TN, the nitrogen accumulated in the sediments from the inner bay and the bay mouth came mainly from terrestrial sources, and the portion of autogenetic nitrogen was 28.9% and 13.1%, respectively. However, in the outer bay, nitrogen was mainly autogenetic, accounting for 62.1% of TN, whereas phosphorus was mainly land-derived. The sedimentation fluxes of nitrogen and phosphorus varied spatially. The overall diagenesis rate of nitrogen was higher than that of phosphorus. Specifically, the diagenesis rate of OP was higher than that of IP. However, the diagenesis rate of ON was not always higher than that of IN. In species, the diagenesis rate of IN is sometimes much higher than that of the OC. In various environments, the diagenesis rate is, to some degree, affected by OC, pH, Eh, and Es.  相似文献   

Community structure changes of macrobenthos in the South Yellow Sea   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The ecological environment in the Yellow Sea has changed greatly from the 1950s to 1990s and this has had significant impact on marine organisms. In this study, data on soft-sediment macrobenthos occurring in depths from 25 m to 81 m in the South Yellow Sea were used to compare changes in community structure. The agglomerative classification (CLUSTER) and multidimensional scaling (MDS) methods were applied. Five communities were recognized by cluster analysis: 1. The Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass community dominated by cold water species, which changed slightly in species composition since the 1950s; 2. The mixed community with the coexistence of cold water species and warm water species, as had been reported previously; 3. The polychaete-dominated eurythermal community in which the composition changed considerably as some dominant species disappeared or decreased; 4. The Changjiang (Yangtze) River Estuarine community, with some typical estuarine species; 5. The community affected by the Yellow Sea Warm Current. The greatest change occurred in the coastal area, which indicated that the change may be caused by human activities. Macrobenthos in the central region remained almost unchanged, particularly the cold water species shielded by the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass. The depth, temperature and median grain size of sediments were important factors affecting the distributions of macrobenthos in the South Yellow Sea.  相似文献   

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