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岩溶地区灌注桩施工难度较大,地质条件不同,岩溶发育程度各异,情况不同,处理方法也不同,主要有施工超前孔;超截面代换;小孔注浆补强;嵌岩力的作用;堵漏及护壁;先易后难原则;清渣方法。砼灌注时应注意:初量尽可能大,灌注过程导管深埋;下钢护筒的孔在砼中应当加缓凝剂  相似文献   

介绍了人工挖孔桩在新乡化纤厂技改工程中的应用。分别从场地地质情况、施工工艺、质量保证措施方面进行了阐述,并通过施工实践得出几点体会  相似文献   

通过对人工挖孔桩的特点、施工前的准备、挖孔工艺、钢筋笼制作、浇注砼及成桩等几个方面较为详尽的阐述,说明了人工挖孔桩的施工技术,人工挖孔桩以其施工设备简单、质量有保证、对环境污染少和特有的大承载力优势得到许多设计单位和施工单位的认可,从而证明了人工挖孔灌注桩技术确实值得推广,人工挖桩确实是一种经济适用的基础形式.  相似文献   

人工挖孔桩只要配以简易的施工机具就可以将孔挖到设计要求的持力层(硬土或岩层),使桩作为端承构件,不仅沉降量小,而且还能获得极大的单桩承载力.所以这种桩被广泛应用于工程建设中.由于人工挖孔桩的地下施工特性,且难以避开水源,遇水处理是人工挖孔桩施工过程中经常出现的问题.下面结合工程实际介绍几种处理方法:  相似文献   

北海市第四系北海组和湛江松散松软地层找水成井,采用泵吸反循环钻进工艺施工。循环水池大小和循环通道,孔口护筒的埋设,护壁措施,全面钻头结构,钻进参数的控制等对泵吸反循环钻进工艺在松散、松软地层水井钻探施工关系极大。笔者对上述几个方面进行了较详细介绍和探讨,可供同行借鉴。实践证明,这种钻进方法是施工速度快、可准确判层。成井质量好、成本低、工作条件好。特别是适合在松散、松软地层中成井钻探。  相似文献   

龙山乌鸦乡公路桥钻孔灌注桩,桩径大、桩孔深、工程地质条件复杂,成孔难度大,采用搅拌法固结护壁、孔外渗入注浆固结护壁及孔内爆破等技术措施施工,取得了优良的成孔效果.  相似文献   

在大兴安岭呼中区下嘎来奥伊河矿区钻探施工中,笔者所在公司面对上述难题,针对施工钻机的类型,结合地层的实际情况,采用了套管护壁、水泥封孔护壁堵漏、冲洗液护壁堵漏措施,取得了显著的成效。  相似文献   

钢围堰内混凝土拆除爆破工程较为鲜见 ,文章介绍了该工程所选取的爆破诸参数以及所采用的施工工艺 ,可供同行参考  相似文献   

文章结合工程实例,探讨了深层搅拌桩处理人工填土地基的施工工艺及体会.  相似文献   

文章总结了梧州市常用的沉管灌注桩、钻孔灌注桩和人工挖孔桩在以花岗岩残积土为桩基持力层时施工中的特点及容易出现的问题 ,并提出相应的解决办法  相似文献   

本文主要根据弹性波传播的基本理论,结合现有浅层数字增强型地震仪(ES—1210F)和微机及其它设备,论述了采用小应变敲击法进行桩基质量无损检测及承载力估算的原理、方法和技术,并给出了应用实例。  相似文献   

海水加载引起的厦门台地倾斜变化   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
根据内海与外海海水加载模型,运用弹性理论定量计算了海水加载引起的厦门台地倾斜变化。结果表明:1)地倾斜对近距离的加载极为敏感,随着观测点与海水距离的增加,加载的影响程度逐渐减弱,超过200 km,其影响可以忽略不计;2)海潮对厦门台地倾斜南北分量的干扰主要是海水的加卸载;而对东西分量的干扰则较为复杂;3)外海与港内湾流对厦门台地倾斜的干扰机制不同:外海的影响主要在幅度方面;而港内湾流则在幅度与相位两方面都有,尤其对后者的干扰更为明显。  相似文献   

为促进湛江珍珠养殖业的持续发展,各级政府和海域管理部门应认真贯彻执行国家有关海域管理的法律法规,加强海域环境保护的宣传教育工作,提高养殖者的环境保护意识。珍珠养殖者要创新养殖方式,拓展新的养殖空间,尊重自然规律,自觉保护海洋生态环境,以解决湛江珍珠养殖业存在的养殖海域无证使用、无度开发、生态功能丧失等问题。  相似文献   

海潮对厦门台洞体应变观测的干扰特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对比厦门台与内陆台站的地形变资料,并排除多种对厦门台洞体应变资料可能的干扰因素后发现,叠加在该测项固体潮观测记录曲线上的许多毛刺等高频现象是由海潮浪涌运动引起的。和地倾斜仪器受海潮干扰的类型不同,厦门台洞体应变观测受到的海潮干扰属振动型。  相似文献   

Potential links between the Arctic sea-ice concentration anomalies and extreme precipitation in China are explored. Associations behind these links can be explained by physical interpretations aided by...  相似文献   

As an important component of the cryosphere,sea ice is very sensitive to the climate change.The study of the sea ice physics needs accurate sea ice thickness.This paper presents an electromagnetic-induction(EM) technique which can be used to measure the sea ice thickness distribution efficiently,and the successful application in Bothnian Bay.Based on the electromagnetic field theory and the electrical properties of sea ice and seawater,EM technique can detect the distance between the instrument and the ice/water interface accurately,than the sea ice thickness is obtained.Contrastive analysis of the apparent conductivity data obtained by EM and the value of drill-hole at same positions allows a construction of a transformable formula of the apparent conductivity to sea ice thickness.The verification of the sea ice thickness calculated by this formula indicates that EM technique is able to get reliable sea ice thickness with average relative error of only 12%.The statistic of all ice thickness profiles shows that the level ice distribution in Bothnian Bay was 0.4-0.6 m.  相似文献   

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In this study, we used Landsat images and meteorological data to examine the spatiotemporal distribution and variability of sea ice in Jiaozhou Bay(JZB) between 1986 and 2016. The results show that JZB is not always covered by sea ice in winter, but in some extreme cases, sea ice has covered more than one-third of the sea area of the bay. Sea ice in JZB has generally formed between January 1 and February 5, primarily along the coast, and gradually expanding to the central area of the bay. Both meteorological and artificial factors have played important roles in modulating the sea ice distribution. We found sea ice coverage to have been strongly correlated with the accumulated freezing-degree days nine days before the occurrence of sea ice(R2 = 0.767). North-northwest surface winds have dominated the freezing period of sea water in the JZB, and wind speed has exerted a more significant influence on the formation of sea ice when the sea ice coverage has been generally small. Additionally, artificial factors began to affect the expansion of sea ice in JZB since 2007. The construction of the Jiao-Zhou-Bay Bridge(JZBB) is believed to have retarded water flow and reduced the tidal prism, thereby leading to the formation of an ice bridge along the JZBB, which effectively prevents the southward expansion of sea ice.  相似文献   

A linear regression analysis of 28 selected tide-gauge stations of the Zhujiang Estuary shows that there has been a tendency of local sea level rise at a rate of 2.028 mm per year. The origin of the variation is significantly attributed to the local tectonic movement of discrepant fault-block. Based on this, four types of relative local sea level changes are classified. According to calculation, half of the fertile land, or 800 km2 of the delta plain will have been submerged by sea water by about 2040. This will yield a significant influence on the economic construction and human activities.  相似文献   

山东省海(咸)水入侵主要有面状、带状、脉状或树枝状和越流等4种入侵方式。气候、地形地貌、地质与水文地质、风暴潮是发生海(咸)水入侵的自然因素;地下水超采、上游修建蓄水工程、发展海水养殖、扩建盐田、河道采砂和海岸带工程建设等人为因素是诱发海(咸)水入侵的主要原因。提出了工程措施和非工程措施两种防治海(咸)水入侵的对策。  相似文献   

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