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沿海地区受风的影响较大,不仅受大尺度季风的影响还受到中小尺度局地风的影响,利用WRF模式从参数化组合方案、土地利用数据、水平网格精度以及耦合UCM四个方面对青岛沿海地区近地面风进行了模拟和比较。结果表明,微物理方案和边界层方案对研究区近地面风的影响较大,WSM3+YSU+Revised MM5 Monin-Obukhov+KF的参数化组合方案对研究区的模拟效果较好,相关系数在0.50~0.75之间,均方根误差在1.44~1.61之间。LUCC2015和TM2015土地利用数据能够更好地反映研究区的土地利用类型的分布特征,两者的模拟效果优于MODIS2001和MODIS2013。随着水平分辨率的提高,对地形刻画越精准,模拟效果越好,并且WRF+UCM方案能显著降低城市地区近地面风速,优化模拟结果。沿海地区近地面风的影响因素较为复杂,考虑模式的参数化方案组合、土地利用数据、地形和城市等多种因素,以期为沿海地区近地面风的模拟提供依据。  相似文献   

偏北大风的数值预报释用方法研究   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
刘鸿升  余功梅 《气象科学》2002,22(1):100-106
本文利用欧洲中心中期数值预报结果,从不同侧面选取因子,建立了日最大平均风速的四种统计预报方程,在此基础上设计了几种集成方法对预报结果进行集成,结果表明,我们设计的最大值-阀值综合集成法取得了很好的效果,特别是2-3天的大风预报准确度较高。  相似文献   

Leveraging the commercial CFD software FLUENT, the fine-scale three-dimensional wind structure over the Paiya Mountains on the Dapeng Peninsula near Shenzhen, a city on the seashore of South China Sea, during the landfall of Typhoon Molave has been simulated and analyzed. Through the study, a conceptual wind structure model for mountainous areas under strong wind condition is established and the following conclusions are obtained as follows: (1) FLUENT can reasonably simulate a three-dimensional wind structure over mountainous areas under strong wind conditions; (2) the kinetic effect of a mountain can intensify wind speed in the windward side of the mountain and the area over the mountain peak; and (3) in the leeward side of the mountain, wind speed is relatively lower with relatively stronger wind shear and turbulence.  相似文献   

With the use of analyzed TCM-90 data,Typhoon Dot(1990)and complex evolutions are successfullyreproduced in numerical sboulation as it travels over the island of Taiwan. The simulation includes theformation of secondary highs in both circulation and geopotential fields, trajectory jumps during mergence with main centers, anomalous northward movement of a low center west of Taiwan, evolutionalprocess of a low-level jet over the Taiwan Straits and significant deviations of circulation center fromgeopotentia1 center between upper and lower levels. By examining ev0lutions of 3-h interval simulatedresults, detailed processes of changes in structure and track before and after Dot's passage of Taiwanis given, whose evolutional images are otherwise impossible with conventionai observations at intervalsof 6 h. A number of control experboents are conducted in the end of the work for understanding causesand mechanisms behind various properties.  相似文献   

本大建立了一个针对小尺度深凹地形(深凹露天矿)使用的三维非静力的诊断模式。模式中采用能量(E-)闭合方案,取细网络,具有甚高的空间分辨率。利用该模式充分分析了露天矿边界层的结构特征。数值试验的结果表明.初始地面风速,初始的风速垂直切变,露天矿的采深及边坡用的大小等因素对复环流有较大影响。  相似文献   

复杂地形上三维局地环流的模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
利用复杂地形上的三维雾模式研究了重庆市冬季局地环流的形成、演变过程及其主要特征。结果表明,重庆市冬季夜间四周山区有下坡冷空气向市中区汇集,中午前后逐渐向谷风环流转变。这种局地环流结构对重庆雾的生消起着重要作用。并就成雾、山脉、初始大气稳定度等因子对局地环流的影响进行了数值试验。  相似文献   

利用非静力模式MM5模拟台风“海棠”(0505)穿过台湾岛再次登陆的移动路径,分析了“海棠”登陆台湾岛前后结构特征变化。结果表明:台风自身的非对称结构与台风异常移动路径密切相关。另外,就台湾岛地形对台风“海棠”登陆台湾前打转和在台湾海峡出现“V”型移动异常路径影响进行数值试验表明:台湾岛地形不但可以直接影响台风移动路径,而且通过影响台风非对称结构来改变台风移动路径,因此,登陆台湾前逆时针打转异常路径是在弱引导气流中台风自身非对称结构和台湾岛地形共同作用的结果;台湾岛地形有使台风东北-西南向非对称增大趋势,而在台风进入台湾海峡前后对东南。西北向非对称有明显不同影响。  相似文献   

The track of Typhoon Haitang (0505), which passed through the Taiwan Island and landed again,has been successfully simulated by using the non-hydrostatic mesoscale atmospheric model MM5. Itsstructure is analyzed on the landing stage, and it is found that there exist good relationships between thetyphoon abnormal moving track and its asymmetry structure. The effect of terrain of Taiwan Island on thetyphoon Haitang, which made it rotate before landing and present a "V" type abnormal moving track inTaiwan straits, has also been simulated. Further analysis shows that the terrain of Taiwan Island not onlydirectly affects the typhoon moving track, but also changes the typhoon track by affecting its asymmetricstructure. Therefore, the typhoon asymmetric structure and the effect of terrain of Taiwan Island togetherresults in the abnormal rotating track. The terrain of Taiwan Island tends to increase the SW-NEasymmetric structure of the typhoon and has different effect on SE-NW asymmetric structure during thelandfall process of typhoon Haitang before entering and moving out of the Taiwan straits.  相似文献   

滇池区域性环流的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了开发云南省滇池地区的磷资源,对云南滇池湖畔的中尺度环流状况进行了三维数值模拟,模式比较详细地考虑了各种物理过程,模拟结果与实测资料较吻合;滇池区域湖南白天为冷中心,夜间为暖中心;白天的垂直环流比夜间大得多,湖风比陆风影响范围也大得多,系统风对湖风影响较大。  相似文献   

一次山地浓雾的三维数值研究   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
利用非静力平衡中尺度数值模式MM5v3对发生在2001年3月7—8日的南岭山地浓雾进行数值研究,结合外场综合观测资料,分析浓雾的发生、发展和消散机制。结果表明,在大范围的主体层状云系到来之前,低层的偏南暖湿气流沿山坡爬升冷却凝结形成爬坡雾,提早了地面浓雾出现的时间;大范围层状云系在山头接地形成了地面的浓雾。随后锋面逆温促进了低云和浓雾的长期维持与发展。模拟雾的强度、出现时间、含水量和温度、湿度随时间的演变与实测基本吻合。表明了中尺度模式预报山地浓雾的潜在能力。  相似文献   

Improvement in two aspects is done of the one-level mesoscale numerical model of Mass et al.(1985)and the re-vised model is used to make a simulation of a severe convective weather process in North China,with the result showingthe pronounced effects of the topography upon the mesoscale systems.  相似文献   

General features of 3-dimensional mesoscale wind and temperature structure over ShandongPeninsula are described in this paper.Results are achieved by numerical simulation with the 3-dimensional non-hydrostatic mesoscale model METRAS.For the onset and cessation time of sea-land breezes,the simulation results agree well with the statistical analyses of observational dataavailable for the studied area.One interesting result is the 3 hour response time of wind field to thethermal change.Further statistic analysis based on the observational data is needed to make sure ofthis correlation.Important effects of coastal mountains on the wind structure are also exposed indetail by the model.Convergence and divergence centers resulting from the conjunction of sea-landbreezes and complex terrain are clearly shown,which are not noticed before by conventionalsynoptic observation and theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

将 1 960~ 1 991年的月平均 FSU风应力资料分解为旋转部分和辐散辐合部分 ,分别用以强迫模式海洋。所用的模式为一个 2层热带太平洋区域海洋模式。结果表明 ,就季节变化而言 ,不论是用旋转分量还是散合分量强迫海洋 ,都不能产生合理的冷舌 ,哪怕将旋转或散合分量放大一倍或缩小二分之一 ,也不能使冷舌的强度和分布得到合理的改善。若采用气候平均的含有季节变化的风应力 (未对旋转和辐散分量进行分离 ) ,则可产生与实际相符的海表温度分布。在此基础上 ,分别叠加旋转和辐散分量的年际异常部分 ,通过对海洋的强迫 ,可产生海表温度异常。在年际异常旋转分量的强迫下 ,可产生较强的 SSTA振荡且具有明显的 ENSO周期 ;而在辐散辐合年际异常风应力的强迫下 ,则产生较弱的 SSTA,且振荡频率较高 ,ENSO周期不很明显。这些结果说明 ,风应力的涡旋和辐散辐合分量在海温季节变化和年际变化的形成中具有不同的作用 ,即合理的冷舌分布需要风应力旋转分量和散合分量同时作用于海洋方可产生 ,而仅有异常风应力的旋转强迫就可产生合理的 EL Nino/ La Nina现象。同时 ,风应力的辐散辐合分量在海洋平均状态的形成过程中是重要的 ,但在 EN-SO过程中就对海洋的作用而言则不如旋转分量重要。  相似文献   

The 1960-1991 monthly mean FSU (Florida State University)wind stress data aredecomposed into a vortical and a divergent component with each of which to force the model oceanin the context of a two-layer tropical Pacific model.Evidence suggests that for the seasonalvariation the ocean forcing does not produce a realistic cold tongue using either of the componentsand the tongue will not be effectively improved in its intensity and pattern even if the componentsare doubled or halved:the utilization of climatic mean wind stress(no decomposition is done of thewind stress)that contains its seasonal variation will lead to a realistic SST distribution on which isimposed,separately,the interannual anomalies of each of the components so as to get the SSTApattern:under the action of the interannual anomaly of the vortical(divergent)component therearises qnite intense SSTA oscillation marked by noticeable ENSO periods(feeble SSTA withhigher oscillation frequency for obscure ENSO periods),thereby illustrating that the roles of thetwo components differ from each other in the genesis of SST variation on a seasonal and aninterannual basis such that a realistic cold tongue pattern follows under the joint effects on themodel ocean of the two components of wind stress while rational E1 Nino/La Nina phenomenaresult under the forcing of an anomalous wind stress vortical component.Moreover,the divergentcomponent is innegligible in generating a mean climatic condition of the ocean sector but of lessimportance compared to the vortical component in ENSO development.  相似文献   

地形及城市下垫面对北京夏季高温影响的数值研究   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
应用中尺度MM5v3模式,对2002年7月14日的高温过程进行模拟分析,探讨了北京周边地形及城市下垫面对气温变化的影响。结果表明,地形对气温的影响主要是通过焚风效应来实现的,它加剧了背风坡一侧高温的强度。敏感性试验还表明,城市下垫面通过所获得感热和释放潜热的不同进而影响近地面层温度,采用真实地表能较好改进模式对逐时气温演变、日最高气温及其出现时间的模拟精度。  相似文献   

利用一个二维大气模式,研究粗糙冷岛宽度与布局对局地气候的影响问题。结果表明:粗糙冷岛激发的局地环流随其宽度的变化表现出3种流型-单环流型,双上升单下沉型,双环流型。存在40-50km左右的临界宽度dc,当粗糙冷岛宽度d〈dc时,粗糙冷岛激发的局地环流随d的增加而明显增强;而d〉dc时,局地环流随d的增国变化不大,甚至趋向准定常。  相似文献   

本文建立了一个二维的中尺度静力模式,考虑了长短波辐射,湿凝结和土壤等物理因子,用六种典型的初始风场对海风发展作了敏感性试验,发现至少有一部分中尺度系统发生发展的结构与性质可以不依赖于初始场的中尺度特征,而是由局地中尺度强迫作用决定的。但是,中尺度系统的强度与位置仍然受初始场的影响。  相似文献   

Taking advantage of the actual continuous materials of hilly area, we analyse the structures of the wind and temperature fields of planetary bounday layer over hill terrain under different weather conditions. As the results show that being similar to the situation in flat area, the planetary boundary layer has striking characteristics of daily variation and distinct regularity. We also find that in certain weather situation or under certain weather condition, these characteristics are principally determined by complex effect of such factors as the features of specific radiation field and intensity of turbulent exchange, and the advection of wind, and the thermodynamic effect of valley or lake-land, and the extending direction of valley, as well as difference between states of sunlessness and sunshine of the surface. Therein, the local environmental situation, where the reference station stands, is of considerable importance to the formation of the characteristics of planetary boundary over hill terrain (shortened as HTBL). These results not only help us to disclose the characteristics of planetary boundary layer over hill terrain in theory, but also are of great value in practice, like developing hilly area, and implementing environment conservation etc.  相似文献   

环流非对称结构与台风移速关系的数值研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
余晖 《气象科学》1999,19(1):66-72
利用准地转正压模式,在无环境气流的情况下,对初始轴对称和非轴对称理想台风实施两组共13个数值试验,研究台风环流不同区域的非对称性与其移速的关系。结果表明:(1)台风环流某些区域的非对称性与其移速有稳定的强相关,如,大风半径外围50~100KM附近东—西向东北—西南向的非对称性;(2)大风半径的位角,使台风外围环流的非对称性与其移速相关增强,而最大风速和初始非对称方位用的变化对上述相关性几乎没有影响。  相似文献   

王卫国  蒋维楣 《气象科学》1997,17(3):274-279
利用三维非静力能量闭合(E-ε)的边界层模式,以深圳海岸复杂地形进行了实际模拟。结果给出了该地区海陆风情形下气流和湍流孤变化特征。在海风发展盛期,气流方向由大面积的水域和内陆的位置决定,不规则海岸线对局地气流影响不大,夜间陆风时,不规则海岸线对局地气流影响较大,湍流能量高值颁在陆地上空的不稳定层内,水面上湍能很小。模拟结果与实测结果上比较吻合。  相似文献   

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