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Many recently initiated landforms directly or indirectly owe their origin to man, but the genesis of several recent South Australian features — gullies, landslides, dunes — is far more complex than has been supposed. In cases where it proves possible to date precisely the specific landform there is a time-lag between the event presumed to have made the land surface vulnerable to erosion and the actual initiation of the forms. This is curious, for climatic events of a magnitude equal to or greater than those to which landform initiation is demonstrably related occurred between settlement by Europeans and landform development. This anomaly may be due to the gradual deterioration of soil structure consequent to removal of vegetation and loss of organic matter in the soil. But it may also be related to the nonuniform spatial distribution of rainfall: heavy rain at a recording station does not necessarily imply rain of equal magnitude or intensity in the surrounding areas. The precise seasonal timing of the rains is also significant. The relation of man's activities to the recent landforms investigated is tested by examining the continuity of development of various features: if a certain landform is due to human interference in the particular region then there ought to be no example of that type predating human occupation; if man has merely accelerated the rate of development there should be a time-continuum of forms. Both acceleration and initiation by man's activities occurred in South Australia. There is no evidence to relate these factors to any of the climatic trends so far detected for the region.  相似文献   

Felsic intrusions in the Hannan region at the northwestern margin of the Yangtze Block mainly include the ca. 730 Ma adakitic Erliba and Wudumen plutons and the ca. 760 Ma calcic-alkali Xixiang and Tianpinghe bodies. These four intrusions were considered to have been formed by melting of the newly formed lower mafic crust. However, the two generations of granitoids have different lithologies and mineral compositions. Thermobarometry calculations reveal that the Erliba and Wudumen granitoids formed under approximately similar emplacement pressures (2.96–3.11 kbar) and temperatures (787–789°C). The Xixiang emplaced body was intruded at high pressure (?3.54 kbar) and low temperature (?676°C), whereas the Tianpinghe pluton solidified at low pressure (?2.00 kbar) and high temperature (~747°C). The four intrusions have similar oxygen fugacity ranges near the nickel-nickel oxide buffer, suggesting oxidized parental magmas. The Erliba and Wudumen are estimated to have been generated under pressures higher than 12 kbar, the Xixiang under a pressure of >10 kbar, and the Tianpinghe under a pressure of >6 kbar. Thus, the petrology and geochemical differences among these four felsic intrusions probably mainly resulted from variations of depth and degrees of partial melting. The whole-rock and mineral compositions have arc affinities, suggesting that they were formed in an active continental margin.  相似文献   

Sulphide mineralisation associated with rocks from the Palaeoproterozoic Olary Domain (OD) and overlying Neoproterozoic Adelaidean sequences has undergone a complex history of metamorphism and remobilisation. In this study, new trace element and sulphur isotopic analyses of pyrites from a large number of deposits and paragenetic generations are combined with an existing data set to build up a sequence of mineralising events linked to the tectonometamorphic evolution of the region. The typically high Co/Ni ratios (>10) indicate that early strata-bound pyrite precipitated from a volcanic-related fluid, which had fluctuating activities of the two metals during the early stages of the evolution of the Willyama basin. This period of mineralisation was followed by a diagenetic concentration of sulphide mineralisation at the horizon known as the Bimba Formation, which occurred as a result of the differing redox conditions between the upper and lower sequences in the Willyama Supergroup. During the Mesoproterozoic (1600 to 1500 Ma) Olarian Orogeny, metamorphic remobilisation of strata-bound pyrite resulted in an epigenetic signature; the trace element concentrations of this generation were controlled primarily by the proximity of mineralisation to the mafic intrusive bodies found throughout the terrane. Further reworking of existing sulphides during the Delamerian Orogeny and associated granitoid-intrusive rocks led to the formation of a new generation of epigenetic pyrite that occurs in quartz veins in the Adelaidean sequences and veins that crosscut Olarian fabrics in the Olary Domain. δ34S results range from 16‰ to 11‰, but most data fall between 2‰ and 4‰. This association is suggestive of an initial uniform deep-seated crustal reservoir of sulphur, which has been repeatedly tapped throughout the metallogenic history of the region. The isotopic outliers can be explained by the input of biogenic sulphur or sulphur derived from oxidised, possibly evaporitic, sediments, respectively. Previous workers have invoked the Kupferschiefer and the Zambian Copperbelt as analogues to mineralisation processes in the Olary Domain. This study shows that δ34S and trace element data are suggestive of some affinities with the aforementioned analogues, but a more likely link can be made between epigenetic remobilisation in the Olary region and the iron oxide copper gold (IOCG) style of mineralisation found at the nearby Olympic Dam deposit.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy revealed micron-sized globular and coccoid objects, associated with filaments and mucus-like patches in antitaxial fibrous calcite veins from Oppaminda Creek, Northern Flinders Ranges, South Australia. Chemically the objects only differ from their calcite (CaCO3) matrix by a higher sulphur content. The ∼585 Ma veins formed at about 3–6 km below the surface. Fluid inclusions indicate a temperature of formation of about 60–80°C, and not exceeding 100°C. A non-biogenic origin of the objects is discussed, but considered unlikely. Instead, morphology, chemistry and size distribution all indicate that the objects are fossilised microbes that lived in the veins at the time and depth of vein formation.  相似文献   

The Wadi Allaqi ophiolite along the Egyptian-Sudanese border defines the southernmost ophiolitic assemblage and suture zone in the Eastern Desert. Ophiolite assemblages comprise nappes composed mainly of mafic and ultramafic rocks that were tectonically emplaced and replaced by serpentine and carbonates along shear zones probably due to CO2-metasomatism. Serpentinites, altered slices of the upper mantle, represent a distinctive lithology of dismembered ophiolites of the western YOSHGAH suture. Microscopically, they are composed of more than 90 % serpentine minerals with minor opaque minerals, carbonate, brucite and talc. The mineral chemistry and whole-rock chemical data reported here indicate that the serpentinized peridotites formed as highly-depleted mantle residues. They show compositions consistent with formation in a suprasubduction zone environment. They are depleted in Al2O3 and CaO similar to those in fore-arc peridotites. Also, high Cr# (Cr/ (Cr+Al)) in the relict chrome spinels (average ~0.72) indicates that these are residual after extensive partial melting, similar to spinels in modern fore-arc peridotites. Therefore, the studied serpentinites represent fragments of an oceanic lithosphere that formed in a fore-arc environment, which belongs to an ophiolitic mantle sequence formed in a suprasubduction zone.  相似文献   

Basanites and alkali basalts from Oberon, NSW, Australia contain variable abundances of small Cr-diopside lherzolite xenoliths. Despite a limited range in (metamorphic) textures and modal mineralogy, there is significant variation in mineral chemistry. Mineral thermometric data applied to the geotherm of O'Reilly and Griffin (1985) suggests equilibration over a narrow pressure interval corresponding to depths of 30–45 km. These data show that significant compositional variations exist over a small depth interval in the subcontinental mantle.Basaltic host rocks show near-primary chemical characteristics. Mildly and strongly incompatible element (i.e. D< 1 and D1 respectively) concentrations have been used to constrain the modal amounts of clinopyroxene and garnet in a presumed garnet peridotite mantle source. Estimated proportions of (ol+opx)=73%; cpx=16%; gar= 11% closely resemble source compositions for other basaltic rocks of eastern Australia. Batch partial melting of this source in the range F=9.5–15% applied to the available REE data suggests the source is enriched relative to chondrite 8–10 × La, 2.1–2.4 × Tb and 2.5–3.7 × Yb.  相似文献   

The term ‘cap carbonate’ is commonly used to describe carbonate units associated with glacigenic deposits in Neoproterozoic successions. Attempts to use carbonate units as stratigraphic markers have been counfounded by inconsistent identification of ‘cap carbonates’ and a somewhat broad use of the term. Systematic sedimentological and geochemical analysis of carbonate rocks (mostly dolomite) associated with glacigenic deposits from the Neoproterozoic succession of the Kimberley region, north‐western Australia, shows that it is possible to characterize such units by their specific mineralogical, sedimentological, petrographic, geochemical and stratigraphic features. Hence, it is possible to differentiate true ‘cap carbonates’ from other carbonate units that are associated with glacigenic deposits. In the Kimberley successions two broad carbonate types are identified that reflect two stratigraphically distinct depositional realms. Carbonate rocks from the Egan Formation and Boonall Dolomite (the youngest carbonate units in the succession) are characterized by sedimentary components and features that are consistent with deposition on shallow platforms or shelves, analogous to Phanerozoic warm‐water carbonate platform deposits. In contrast, dolomite from the Walsh, Landrigan and Moonlight Valley Tillites preserves a suite of sedimentary and geochemical characteristics that are distinctly different from Phanerozoic‐like carbonate rocks; they are thin (ca 6 m), laterally persistent units of thinly laminated dolomicrite/dolomicrospar recording δ13C fluctuations from −1‰ to −5‰. These latter features are consistent with a ‘Marinoan‐style cap‐carbonate’ rock described from other Neoproterozoic successions. The similarity and broad distribution of these rocks in Australia, when considered within the context of genetic models suggesting a global oceanographic–atmospheric event, support their use as a lithostratigraphic marker horizon for the start of the Ediacaran Period at ca 635 Ma.  相似文献   

陈红杰  吴才来  雷敏  郭文峰  张昕  郑坤  高栋  吴迪 《地球科学》2018,43(4):1278-1292
南阿尔金陆块是阿尔金造山带的重要组成部分.大量新元古代花岗岩出露于南阿尔金亚干布阳-帕夏拉依裆-科克萨依一带.这些花岗岩记录了与Rodinia超大陆汇聚有关的动力学信息,因此对其进行研究有利于对阿尔金造山带演化历史的认识和理解.选取了科克萨依花岗岩岩体进行了岩相学、地球化学、锆石U-Pb年代学和Hf同位素组成的研究.研究结果表明:(1)科克萨依二长花岗岩的主要矿物有:石英、钾长石、斜长石、黑云母和白云母;花岗岩的锆石U-Pb年龄为947~945 Ma.(2)地球化学特征显示,岩石具有高SiO2(71.54%~74.69%)、高Na2O+K2O(6.33%~7.40%),低CaO(1.59%~2.00%),低MgO(0.43%~0.61%)和TiO2(0.25%~0.37%)的特征,相对富钾,K2O/Na2O比值为1.02~1.71,A/CNK在1.10~1.14之间,属高钾钙碱性系列的过铝质花岗岩.富集Rb、Th、K、La等元素,亏损Nb、Ta、P、Ti等元素;轻稀土富集而重稀土亏损,具有明显的负Eu异常.(3)锆石εHf(t)为-4.09~+3.87之间,二阶段模式年龄tDM2为1.6~2.0 Ga.这些特征表明科克萨依二长花岗岩是古老地壳富长石贫黏土的(变)杂砂岩部分熔融形成的S型花岗岩.结合相邻地区新元古代花岗岩类的地球化学、同位素特征及阿尔金区域构造资料,认为科克萨依二长花岗岩形成于新元古代时期,是碰撞造山环境下的产物,是Rodinia超大陆汇聚碰撞过程的响应.   相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation on the Yangtze Platform, South China, documents a sedimentary succession with different sedimentary facies from carbonate platform to slope and to deep sea basin, and hosts one of the world-class phosphorite deposits. In these strata, exquisitely preserved fossils have been discovered: the Weng'an biota. This study presents carbon isotope geochemistry which is associated paired carbonate and organic matter from the Weng'an section of a carbonate platform (shelf of the Yangtze Platform, Guizhou Province) from the Songtao section and Nanming section of a transition belt (slope of the Yangtze Platform, Guizhou Province) and from the Yanwutan section (basin area of the Yangtze Platform, Hunan Province). Environmental variations and bio-events on the Yangtze Platform during the Late Neoproterozoic and their causal relationship are discussed. Negative carbon isotope values for carbonate and organic carbon (mean δ^13Corg = -35.0‰) from the uppermost Nantuo Formation are followed by an overall increase in δ^13C up-section. Carbon isotope values vary between -9.9‰ and 3.6‰ for carbonate and between -35.6‰ and -21.5‰ for organic carbon, respectively. Heavier δ^13Ccarb values suggest an increase in organic carbon burial, possibly related to increasing productivity (such as the Weng'an biota). The δ^13C values of the sediments from the Doushantuo Formation decreased from the platform via the slope to basin, reflecting a reduced environment with minor dissolved inorganic carbon possibly due to a lower primary productivity. It is deduced that the classical upwelling process, the stratification structure and the hydrothermal eruption are principally important mechanisms to interpret the carbon isotopic compositions of the sediments from the Doushantuo Formation.  相似文献   

Throughout the geological history of the Earth, submarine hydrothermal activity has played an important role in seawater chemistry, biological evolution and enrichment of metals in the Earth crust. However, the prospect of hydrothermal activity for extreme element accumulation during the early Cambrian, a key geological period, in South China has not been well-constrained. This study reports geochemical (e.g. REE and Sr isotope) investigations of a coarse-grained limestone layer and associated calcite veins in Zunyi and Nayong areas, Guizhou Province, to constrain the hydrothermal activity and evaluate the significance of hydrothermal contribution to extreme element accumulation during the early Cambrian, South China. Our results reveal positive Eu anomalies and higher initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7083–0.7150) for carbonate samples than those of early Cambrian seawater, indicating the presence of hydrothermal processes. Combined with constraints from the spatial relationships and coincidence with adjacent mineralization, these hydrothermal processes provide the most probable contribution for polymetallic Ni–Mo–PGE mineralization. Furthermore, there are abundant hydrothermal dolomite and barite-calcite veins in the dolostone of the Dengying Formation, indicating the occurrence of a variety of hydrothermal fluids. Overall, multi-stage hydrothermal pulses with different fluid compositions spanned the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition in South China. In particular, these hydrothermal fluids with positive Eu anomalies and enriched radiogenic Sr, originating from Proterozoic mafic/ultramafic rocks, may have flowed through the underlying Precambrian silicate clastic rocks (e.g., Xiajiang, Banxi and Lengjiaxi Groups) and may have been crucial for the marine environment, biological diversity and extreme element accumulation during the early Cambrian, South China.  相似文献   


Black opal (opal-AG) owes its dark coloration to a fine-grained pigment commonly inferred to be mainly carbon, yet chemical compositions for black opals suggest there may be additional components. Here we search for such components in pigment concentrates prepared by dissolving black opal nodules (nobbies) from Lightning Ridge (NSW) in hydrofluoric acid, using electron microscopy (scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy), X-ray diffraction and laser-ablation ICP-MS. The results demonstrate the presence of sulfides—predominantly pyrite and chalcopyrite, with minor galena and Ti-oxide phases, as additional components of the pigment. ATR-FTIR analysis indicates the presence of C=O and C–H groups, consistent with an organic origin. Transmission electron microscopy images of pigment show variously deformed, originally spherical ~100?nm particles rich in sulfide and carbon, which are interpreted as thin coatings of pigment on now dissolved opaline silica spheres. Laser-ablation ICP-MS analysis identifies remnant silica in pigment concentrates, which may be interpreted as opaline silica surviving HF treatment protected as inclusions in sulfides. When examined within the context of petrographic observations from more than 1000 opal nodules (nobbies) at Lightning Ridge, these new results suggest that pigment carbon and sulfides in the nodules formed microbially under initially anoxic groundwater conditions, within pre-existing cavities concurrently being filled with silica sol ultimately derived from chemical weathering of feldspar-rich volcaniclastic sediment. Intensely black pigment layers observed at the floor of many nodules indicate settling of dark, high-density (sulfide–Ti-oxide-rich) pigment within cavities, with the implication that sulfate-reducing bacterial (SRB) activity commences early during the silica sol-gel ripening process. Microbial activity may persist until after the cavity has completely filled with the silica sol, as illustrated by abundant black opals with uniformly distributed pigment. Pigment formed at this stage may no longer be able to settle out within the ripening and increasingly viscous silica gel, thus forming pigmentation throughout the opal cavity. The existence of ‘amber’, pigment-poor opal with intensely black basal pigment layers is interpreted as signalling a lack of sulfate to sustain further SRB activity, or a change to more oxidising conditions, possibly related to interaction with surface waters within a downward-penetrating weathering front. A change in redox conditions would shut off activity of SRB and thus sulfide pigment production and allow development of aerobic microbial activity as described by others.  相似文献   

Carboniferous‐Permian volcanic complexes and isolated patches of Upper Jurassic — Lower Cretaceous sedimentary units provide a means to qualitatively assess the exhumation history of the Georgetown Inlier since ca 350 Ma. However, it is difficult to quantify its exhumation and tectonic history for earlier times. Thermochronological methods provide a means for assessing this problem. Biotite and alkali feldspar 40Ar/39Ar and apatite fission track data from the inlier record a protracted and non‐linear cooling history since ca 750 Ma. 40Ar/39Ar ages vary from 380 to 735 Ma, apatite fission track ages vary between 132 and 258 Ma and mean track lengths vary between 10.89 and 13.11 μm. These results record up to four periods of localised accelerated cooling within the temperature range of ~320–60°C and up to ~14 km of crustal exhumation in parts of the inlier since the Neoproterozoic, depending on how the geotherm varied with time. Accelerated cooling and exhumation rates (0.19–0.05 km/106 years) are observed to have occurred during the Devonian, late Carboniferous‐Permian and mid‐Cretaceous — Holocene periods. A more poorly defined Neoproterozoic cooling event was possibly a response to the separation of Laurentia and Gondwana. The inlier may also have been reactivated in response to Delamerian‐age orogenesis. The Late Palaeozoic events were associated with tectonic accretion of terranes east of the Proterozoic basement. Post mid‐Cretaceous exhumation may be a far‐field response to extensional tectonism at the southern and eastern margins of the Australian plate. The spatial variation in data from the present‐day erosion surface suggests small‐scale fault‐bounded blocks experienced variable cooling histories. This is attributed to vertical displacement of up to ~2 km on faults, including sections of the Delaney Fault, during Late Palaeozoic and mid‐Cretaceous times.  相似文献   

Recently acquired seismic data in the eastern portion of the Amadeus Basin of central Australia have enabled disconformities at the base of both the Sturt and Elatina glaciogenic sequences within the Neoproterozoic succession to be mapped on a semi-regional scale. On a more detailed scale, along the shallowly shelving eastern flank of the basin, seismic data have revealed features that demarcate the transition from a grounded to floating, or possible absent, Sturt ice-sheet. Coincident with this transition is an extensive mound-like accumulation of glacial debris, some 10 to 15?km wide, 300 m high and extending at least 150?km subparallel to the northeast–southwest-oriented basin margin. This glacial debris entered the basin subglacially through meandering tunnel valleys, one of which can be mapped seismically.  相似文献   


澳大利亚维多利亚州南部海岸坎贝尔港(Port Campbell)附近的十二门徒(The Twelve Apostles)地层主要为石灰质地层,偶见海相生物贝壳,一直被认为是浅海大陆架石灰岩(limestone)沉积。野外考察发现,该地层不仅存在海相生物碎片,同时也存在根化石、钙结核层等地表古土壤特征。为了更好地分析其沉积环境,本文对十二门徒剖面样品的粒度、石英颗粒表面形态以及稀土元素进行了系统分析,并将其结果与第四纪西峰黄土古土壤和现代海滩砂进行比较。结果表明,整个剖面序列以细粉砂为主,与典型风积黄土古土壤具有相似的粒度分布与粒度象特征,Sahu判别分析结果表明绝大部分样品值都小于-2.7411,显示了剖面整体以风积成因为主。样品的石英颗粒呈现出不规则的棱角状、次棱角状,显示风成特征;此外,十二门徒剖面样品具有与黄土古土壤以及上地壳(UCC)相似的稀土元素分配模式。因此,我们认为该地层并非海相石灰岩沉积,而是一套在半干旱气候条件下发育的具有多层钙结核的风积序列地层。该地层记录了澳洲东南海岸16.0~5.3Ma以来的风积历史与气候变化,表明澳大利亚的干旱化至少是在16Ma前就开始了。由于这套风积地层靠近海岸,易受地质时期海平面变化的影响,以致在地层中的局部层位出现海相生物碎屑,但地层的物质来源可能来源于澳大利亚的艾尔湖(Lake Eyre)盆地。


The South Australian portion of the Willyama Inliers hosts a diversity of small sulphide and uranium deposits and numerous outcropping gossans. This fact, together with geological similarities to the adjacent Broken Hill Block has led to extensive exploration. A broad classification distinguishes two main types of sulphide mineralisation: 1) stratiform iron sulphide-dominated (±Cu, Zn, Co) deposits which occur widespread within specific stratigraphic intervals, and stratabound occurrences of syn-depositional to diagenetic origin which show some structural control; 2) syn-tectonic to post-peak metamorphic replacement and vein-type deposits (Fe-Cu-Au and Cu-Zn-Pb), which are hosted by fractures and within faults and shear zones. These occurrences show no stratigraphic control and are not spatially related to type 1 mineralisation. Late-stage deposits also differ from stratiform/stratabound mineralisation in their texture, mineral assemblage and geochemical composition. Much of the sulphide mineralisation in the Olary Block has been interpreted as resulting from rift-associated syn- to diagenetic processes, such as hot spring exhalations and base metal precipitation along reduction-oxidation interfaces. Subsequent granitic intrusive, high grade metamorphic and multiphase deformation events would have induced remobilisation and redeposition of sulphides in a variety of epigenetic modes. However, a detailed petrographic and geochemical study of sulphide mineralisation in the Olary Block demonstrates that due to the lack of abundant pervasive fluids, translocation and modification of preexisting sulphides were restricted to less than a few centimetres. Instead, widespread syn-tectonic to epigenetic (i.e., post-peak metamorphic) mobilisation of ore constituents occurred to form retrograde sulphide mineralisation as well as multiple generations of late-stage vein deposits. These epigenetic deposits are genetically unrelated to synsedimentary and diagenetic occurrences, an aspect of significance for exploration in the Olary Block. Temporal separation of peak metamorphism in deeper crustal levels from its occurrence in shallow levels, periodic tectonic disturbances and repeated seismic pumping are processes believed to have resulted in intermittent mobilisation of ore constituents from a deep-seated metasedimentary reservoir.  相似文献   

A brief orientation study has been conducted to evaluate the use of drainage geochemical sampling for U in the granitic and forested terrain of the Torrington district of northeastern New South Wales. Anomalous U levels are present in both stream sediments and waters draining a known W prospect containing accessory U. The U dispersion is affected by interrelated environmental factors such as catchment physiography and the organic content of the stream sediments. The influence of organic content on U level in stream sediments is most significant. Variation in sediment organic content is related to accumulation of vegetal organic debris and charcoal in stream channels by sheetwashing of sparsely covered forest floors particularly in catchments of high topographic relief. The U is apparently absorbed onto the organic material from ephemerally flowing stream waters. Temporal variations in U content of stream sediment are indicated which necessitate careful consideration in planning and interpreting the results of a survey in this environment.  相似文献   

Mass transport deposits, up to 3·9 m thick, have been identified from piston cores collected from canyon floors and inter-canyon ridges on the central Scotian Slope. These deposits are characterized by four distinct mass-transport facies – folded mud, dipping stratified mud, various types of mud-clast conglomerate, and diamicton. Commonly, the folded and stratified mud facies are overlain by mud-clast conglomerate, followed by diamicton and then by turbidity current deposits of well-sorted sand. Stratified and folded mud facies were sourced from canyon walls. Overconsolidation in clasts in some mud-clast conglomerates indicates that the source sediment was buried 12–33 m, much deeper than the present cored depth, implying a source in canyon heads and canyon walls. The known stratigraphic framework for the region and new radiocarbon dating suggests that there were four or five episodes of sediment failure within the past 17 ka, most of which are found in more than one canyon system. The most likely mechanism for triggering occasional, synchronous failures in separate canyons is seismic ground shaking. The facies sequence is interpreted as resulting from local slides being overlain by mud-clast conglomerate deposits derived from failures farther upslope and finally by coarser-grained deposits resulting from retrogressive failure re-mobilizing upper slope sediments to form debrisflows and turbidity currents.  相似文献   

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