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《Precambrian Research》2005,136(1):67-106
A new lithotectonic framework for the northwestern Reindeer Zone of the Trans-Hudson Orogen divides rocks into five northwest- to north-dipping volcano-sedimentary assemblages: (1) at the structural base, the 1.92–1.87 Ga largely sedimentary Levesque Bay Assemblage (partly equivalent to former ‘MacLean Lake gneisses’), which lies within the confines of the Kisseynew Domain and is tectonically imbricated with metasedimentary rocks of the <1.85 Ga McLennan and Burntwood groups; (2) the turbiditic Duck Lake Assemblage, also located along the northern edge of the Kisseynew Domain; it contains detrital zircons ranging in age between 1.92 and 1.87 Ga; (3) the ?1.92 Ga mafic–ultramafic volcano-plutonic Lawrence Point Assemblage of the La Ronge Domain; (4) the ≥1.88 Ga felsic to intermediate volcano-plutonic Reed Lake Assemblage of the La Ronge Domain; and (5) the turbiditic Milton Island Assemblage of the Rottenstone Domain, which contains detrital zircons ranging in age between 2.83 and 1.86 Ga. The assemblages are intruded by a variety of 1.91–1.78 Ga mafic to felsic plutons.The Lawrence Point Assemblage is interpreted as a dismembered supra-subduction zone ophiolite. High-MgO refractory harzburgite (‘Group 1’ ultramafic rocks), at the structural base of the assemblage, is geochemically identical to the upper mantle section of selected supra-subduction zone ophiolites and mantle tectonites. Chromite and olivine compositions of the ‘Group 1’ ultramafic rocks are also comparable to those of ophiolitic harzburgite and mantle tectonite. Mafic metavolcanic rocks of the assemblage are classified as subalkaline tholeiitic basalts. Their trace element patterns and Hf, Ta, Th, Y, Nb, and La element ratios resemble those of modern back-arc basin basalts. The Reed Lake Assemblage represents a subduction-generated arc complex that was built on top of the Lawrence Point Assemblage; its mafic metavolcanic rocks are subalkaline basalts, with calc-alkaline trends, and elevated Th and Ce concentrations and negative Nb anomalies. Feldspar porphyry dykes intruding the Lawrence Point and Duck Lake assemblages constrain timing of Lawrence Point ophiolite emplacement onto the Duck Lake Assemblage to 1.86–1.84 Ga. The trace element geochemistry of the dykes suggests continued arc volcanism after ophiolite emplacement. Mafic metavolcanic rocks of the Levesque Bay Assemblage are geochemically similar to those of the Lawrence Point Assemblage. Other ultramafic rocks (peridotite to pyroxenite) are abundant in the Lawrence Point Assemblage, but have similar geochemistry to small ultramafic bodies intruding the Reed Lake, Duck Lake and Levesque Bay Assemblages. They represent a separate, later phase (?1.86 Ga) of ultramafic plutonism, which post-dates ophiolite emplacement.Timing of Lawrence Point ophiolite emplacement (between 1.86 and 1.84 Ga) and geochemistry of later felsic and mafic/ultramafic volcanism suggest that the Lawrence Point ophiolite and overlying Reed Lake arc assemblage were not accreted to the Hearne Craton prior to 1.86 Ga, but were first accreted to the Flin Flon–Glennie Complex after 1.86 Ga.  相似文献   

Supracrustal units metamorphosed at mid-crustal conditions withinthe Paleoproterozoic Trans-Hudson Orogen are preserved withinan obliquely exposed continental collision zone on Baffin Island(Canada). Early granulite-facies assemblages yield thermobarometricdata and phase diagram information that define a steep, compressiveP–T path segment. These assemblages are bracketed betweenca. 1849 and 1835 Ma, and are interpreted to result from (1)heat advection by an 1865 +4/–2 to 1848 ± 2 MaAndean-type granitic batholith, and (2) a ca. 1845 Ma crustalthickening event associated with accretion of an intra-oceanicarc terrane. A subsequent regional metamorphic event is characterizedby the growth of retrograde, upper amphibolite-facies assemblagesthat define a clockwise, decompressive P–T path. Mineralgrowth is bracketed between 1820 ± 1 and 1813 ±2 Ma, and is localized within deformation zones associated withthe 1820 +4/–3 to 1795 ± 2 Ma collision of theRae and Superior cratons. The metamorphic history of BaffinIsland supports a progressive change from plate-margin to intraplateprocesses within an evolving convergent orogen during the Paleoproterozoicthat is similar to those documented in younger collisional belts. KEY WORDS: polymetamorphism; geochronology; Paleoproterozoic; Trans-Hudson Orogen  相似文献   

The Eden Lake pluton in the Trans-Hudson Orogen is the first known occurrence of carbonatites in Manitoba. The pluton is largely made up of modally and geochemically diverse syenitic rocks derived from postorogenic magma(s) of shoshonitic affinity. Their diversity can be accounted for by a combination of crystal fractionation and fluid release in the final evolutionary stage (crystallization of quartz alkali-feldspar syenite). At Eden Lake, carbonatites, represented predominantly by coarse-grained massive to foliated sövite, occur as branching veins and lenticular bodies up to 4 m in thickness showing crosscutting relations with respect to all of the syenitic units. The host rocks are intensely fenitized at the contact, and there is also abundant mineralogical and textural evidence for assimilation of silicate material by carbonatitic magma through wallrock reaction and xenolith fragmentation and digestion. The bulk of the carbonatites are composed of (in order of crystallization): Sr–REE-rich fluorapatite, aegirine–augite, and coarse calcite crystals surrounded by fine-grained calcite (on average,  90 vol.% of the rock). Noteworthy accessory constituents are celestine, bastnäsite-(Ce) (both as primary inclusions in calcite), Nb–Zr–rich titanite, low-Hf zircon, allanite-(Ce) and andradite. The calcite is chemically uniform (Sr-rich, Mg–Mn–Fe-poor and low in 13C), but shows clear evidence of ductile deformation and syndeformational cataclasis. Geochemically, the carbonatites are enriched in Sr, Ba, light rare-earth elements, Th and U, but depleted in high-field-strength elements (particularly, Ti, Nb and Ta). The stable-isotope composition of coarse- and fine-grained calcite from the carbonatites and interstitial calcite from syenites is remarkably uniform: ca. − 8.16 ± 0.27‰ δ13C (PDB) and + 8.04 ± 0.19‰ δ18O (SMOW). The available textural and geochemical evidence indicates that the Eden Lake carbonatites are not consanguineous with the associated syenites and may have been derived from a Nb–Ti-retentive and 13C-depleted source such as the subducted crustal material underlying the Eden Lake deformation corridor.  相似文献   

The 1766 ± 5 Ma Deschambault pegmatites are anorogenic intrusions emplaced into the Glennie domain at the end of the Trans-Hudson Orogeny (THO) in north-central Saskatchewan. They are composed mainly of orthoclase and quartz with minor biotite, muscovite, tourmaline and beryl. A coherent primary characteristic remanence is retained in all 18 sites (170 specimens) that resides in magnetite, hematite and minor pyrrhotite, giving a direction of Dec. = 28.3°, Inc. = 82.1°, α95 = 4.0°, and k = 77.5 based on alternating field and thermal step demagnetization and saturation remanence analyses. The pegmatites' pole position, along with recently published ∼1810 ± 10 Ma and ∼1795 ± 15 Ma poles for the THO, define a stillstand and hairpin in the apparent polar wander path for the THO that marks continent-continent collision of the Archean Superior, Sask and Hearne (?) cratons.  相似文献   

研究发现,早泥盆世东昆仑造山带东段和西段均发育较大规模的岩浆活动。然而对于其成因、深部动力学机制以及与始特提斯构造演化的关联等问题一直缺乏系统的研究。本文以东昆仑东段地区跃进山岩体为例,探讨早泥盆世岩浆活动机理及其构造意义。该岩体主体由二长花岗岩和花岗闪长岩组成,含少量的辉长岩和含堇青石花岗岩,前三种岩性是本文的重点。其中,二长花岗岩和花岗闪长岩无角闪石和堇青石,具有高硅和钾,低铁、镁和钙,铝饱和指数(A/CNK)多数在1.0~1.1之间,富集大离子亲石元素(LILE:Rb、Th和K)和轻稀土(LREE),明显亏损Ba、Sr、Nb、Ta、Ti、P和Eu等元素,属过铝质I-S过渡型花岗岩;辉长岩具有显著高的Fe和Ti(FeOT为8.17%~12.70%,TiO2为4.50%~6.54%)含量,高Cu(11.5×10-6~30.6×10-6)和Cu/Ni值(1.41~6.41),相对富集的LREE((La/Yb)N为1.94~3.15,LREE/HREE为2.65~3.48),相对低的Mg#(48~50)、Cr(3.8×10-6~60.4×10-6)、Ni(1.8×10-6~12.5×10-6)值,相对于原始地幔具有明显的Nb-Ta-Ti正异常。二长花岗岩和花岗闪长岩均具有相对高的ISr值(分别为0.710~0.740和0.710)、相对低的εNd(t)值(分别为-4.05~-5.80和-3.54~-3.71)和偏古老的t2DM(分别为1.47~1.62Ga和1.43~1.45Ga),但花岗闪长岩具有相对高的εHf(t),其变化在-3.00~0.86。跃进山辉长岩具有相对高的ISr(0.711~0.714)、相对低的εNd(t)值(-3.44~-6.82)和较为集中的εHf(t)值(-2.19~1.05),显示富集地幔的特征。本次利用LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年方法获得花岗闪长岩的形成年龄为407±3Ma,辉长岩的形成年龄为406±3Ma。综合岩石学、地球化学和Sr-Nd-Hf同位素等多方面的指标,可以判断该岩体的形成为:幔源岩浆上侵至地壳,供热诱发古老的地壳物质部分熔融产生S型岩浆最终形成含堇青石花岗岩,同时与壳源熔体发生混合产生I-S过渡型岩浆并经历较高程度的分异最终形成二长花岗岩和花岗闪长岩。跃进山与东昆仑造山带其他地区早泥盆世岩浆活动均具有与典型后碰撞岩浆作用类似的岩石组合,并且显示很强的幔源岩浆作用的印记。这表明,至少从早泥盆世开始,东昆仑地区已经进入后碰撞的伸展阶段。综合区域上的研究成果,本文认为早泥盆世应为中央造山带(特别是东昆仑、北秦岭和柴北缘)始特斯构造体制转换的关键时期,这一时期相关地体的碰撞拼合已基本完成,区域构造体制由挤压开始转向伸展。  相似文献   

The areally extensive (>5000 km2), syn-tectonic, ca. 520 Ma, mainly S-type Donkerhuk batholith was constructed through injection of thousands of mainly sheet-like magma pulses over 20–25 Myr. It intruded schists of the Southern Zone accretionary prism in the Damara Belt of Namibia. Each magma pulse had at least partly crystallised prior to the arrival of the following batch. However, much of the batholith may have remained partially molten for long periods, close to the H2O-saturated granite solidus. The batholith shows extreme variation in chemistry, while having limited mineralogical variation, and seems to be the world’s most heterogeneous granitic mass. The Nd model ages of ~2 Ga suggest that Eburnean rocks of the former magmatic arc, structurally overlain by the accretionary wedge, are the most probable magma sources. Crustal melting was initiated by mantle heat flux, probably introduced by thermal diffusion rather than magma advection. The granitic magmas were transferred from source to sink, with minimal intermediate storage; the whole process having occurred in the middle crust, resulting in feeble crustal differentiation despite the huge volume of silicic magma generated. Source heterogeneity controlled variation in the magmas and neither mixing nor fractionation was prominent. However, due to the transpressional emplacement régime, local filter pressing formed highly silicic liquids, as well as felsic cumulate rocks. The case of the Donkerhuk batholith demonstrates that emplacement-level tectonics can significantly influence compositional evolution of very large syn-tectonic magma bodies.  相似文献   

尹须伟  徐扬  杨坤光  邓新  魏运许  刘雨 《岩石学报》2021,36(7):2123-2152
识别并研究扬子板块古元古代的岩浆-变质-沉积事件,是探讨扬子板块古元古代构造演化的基础,也是重建该陆块在Columbia超大陆中位置的前提.新发现的金盆杂岩体为进一步揭示扬子板块古元古代岩浆事件和造山过程提供了新的制约信息.锆石U-Pb定年结果表明,金盆片麻状二长花岗岩、奥长花岗岩和基性岩脉的形成年龄分别为~ 2478...  相似文献   

The Elzevir batholith belongs to a suite of trondhjemitic intrusions emplaced at ca. 1,240 Ma in the Grenville Province of eastern Ontario. New major and trace element data, including REE, combined with isotopic and petrographic data indicate that:
  1. the batholith has calc-alkalic affinities;
  2. the Elzevir parental magma is very similar to that of dacites in the nearby, coeval metavolcanic rocks; the magma formed by partial melting of crustal material at granulite grade;
  3. chemical differences between the plutonic and volcanic rocks can be best explained by accumulation of plagioclase in the plutonic environment;
  4. fractionation was dominated by plagioclase and quartz, with lesser biotite and epidote, and minor zircon and apatite.
It is suggested that melting of sialic crust took place during the ‘docking’ of a partly-evolved, originally ensimatic arc system against the main cratonic mass to the northwest.  相似文献   

Strain reversal of structural/stratigraphic profiles at different scales in the western Lachlan Orogen provides a perspective on original crustal thickness estimates, the former depositional basin width of the proto-western Lachlan Orogen, the original sedimentary-fan thickness, and the possible length extent of lower crust lost by subduction. Retrodeformation using strain-reversal techniques allows basin reconstruction giving an original width of the western Lachlan Orogen basin receptor of between 800 km (minimum) and ~1150 km (maximum), depending on the amount of stratal duplication allowed in the turbidites. Crude area balancing of the regional cross-section, adding in sectional volume lost by erosion and assuming strain compatibility between the upper and lower crust, suggests that the predeformation crustal thickness ranges between 15 km and ~21 km, with a lower crustal thickness (oceanic lithosphere) of ~9 km and a turbidite fan thickness of ~6 km (minimum) and ~12 km (maximum allowable), respectively. Disparity between the calculated fan thickness and that derived from measured stratigraphic sections adjusted for strain (~6 km) indicates that some form of crustal stacking must be important in structural thickening of the turbidite crustal component. By varying shortening due to fault stacking, mass balance dictates the mismatch of the upper crustal (uc) and lower crustal (lc) retrodeformed lengths, and therefore provides an estimate of lower crustal loss by subduction. End members range from: (i) a 12 km-thick fan without fault duplication, a basin width of ~800 km where uc = lc giving no lower crustal loss by subduction; to (ii) a ~6 km fan, requiring duplication by faulting, a basin of ~1150 km where uc > lc, and ~360 km of lower crust length (~30%) lost by subduction. This suggests that the total thickness of underplated igneous material in the western Lachlan Orogen is low, probably < ~2 km.  相似文献   

The Western Qinling Orogen(WQO) is characterized by voluminous distribution of Indosinian granitoids,the formation of which provides an important window to unravel the geochemical and geodynamic evolution and associated metallogeny.Here we investigate a group of intrusions termed "Five Golden Flowers" based on petrological,geochemical,zircon U-Pb geochronological and Lu-Hf isotopic studies on the granitoids and their mafic microgranular enclaves(MMEs).Our results show that these intrusions are genetically divided into two types,namely,magma-mixing and highly fractionated.The Jiaochangba,Lujing,Zhongchuan,and Luchuba granitoids are biotite monzogranites(220±0.8 Ma to 217±2.6 Ma) with abundant coeval MMEs(220±.1 Ma to 217±2.7 Ma).The rocks contain moderate to high SiO_2,high MgO,Rb,Sr,Ba,and Th contents,but low TiO_2,P_2 O_5,and Sc values,A/CNK of 1.1,and a range of ε_(Hf)(t) values of-11.7 to +2.23 with corresponding T_(DM2)values of 1967-1228 Ma.The MMEs possess K-feldspar megacrysts,abundant acicular apatites,and show lopsided textures.They have lower SiO_2,Al_2 O_3,and Th contents,but higher MgO,TiO_2,and Sc,with ε_(Hf)(t) values of-18.0 to +3.18 and T_(DM1) of 849-720 Ma.The data indicate that the MMEs were derived from a magma sourced from the enriched lithospheric mantle.We suggest that these host granitoids were produced by partial melting of latePaleoproterozoic to early-Mesoproterozoic lower crust with the involvement of Neoproterozoic SCLM-derived mafic magmas.The Baijiazhuang pluton is dominantly composed of leucogranite(muscovite granite and twomica monzogranite,216±1.5 Ma) without MMEs.The rocks are peraluminous with high A/CNK(1.06-1.27).Compared with the other four granitoids,the Baijiazhuang leucogranite shows higher SiO_2 content,markedly lower concentrations of TiO_2,MgO,Al_2 O_3,CaO,and Fe_2 O_3~T,and lower LREE/HREE and(La/Yb)N values.These leucogranites are also rich in Rb,Th,and U,and display marked depletions in Ba,Sr,Ti,and Eu,indicating that they experienced significant fractionation.Zircon ε_(Hf)(t) values(-10.2 to-3.27) and T_(DM2)(1868-1424 Ma),as well as the Nb/Ta and K_2 O/Na_2 O values are similar to the other four granitoids,indicating that they are likely to have been derived from a similar source;with sediments playing only a minor role in the magma generation.The low contents of Yb and Y suggest that their partial melting was controlled by garnets and micrographic texture of K-feldspar reflects high-temperature melting through undercooling.Based on the above features,we infer that the Baijiazhuang leucogranite likely represents the product of high degree fractionation of the I-type biotite monzogranite magma which generated the other four granitoids at relatively high temperatures,within magma chambers at mid-crust depths.We propose that the granitoid suite was formed in the transitional setting from synto post-collision during the collisional orogeny between the SCB and NCB,following break-off of the subducted South China Block lithosphere during 220-216 Ma.  相似文献   

Zircon U–Pb ages and trace elements were determined for granulites and gneiss at Huangtuling, which are hosted by ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks in the Dabie Orogen, east-central China. CL images reveal core–rim structure for most zircons in the granulites. The cores show oscillatory zoning, relatively high Th/U ratios, and HREE enriched patterns, consistent with a magmatic origin. They gave a weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb age of 2766 ± 9 Ma, interpreted as dating magma emplacement of the protolith. The rims are characterized by sector or planar zoning, low Th/U ratios, negative Eu anomalies and flat HREE patterns, consistent with their formation under granulite-facies metamorphic conditions. Zircon U–Pb dating yields a weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb age of 2029 ± 13 Ma, which is interpreted to record a metamorphic event, possibly during assembly of the supercontinent Columbia. The gneiss has a protolith age of 1982 ± 14 Ma, which is younger than the zircon age of the granulite-facies metamorphism, suggesting a generally delay between HT metamorphism and the intrusion of post-collisional granites. A few inherited cores with igneous characteristics have 207Pb/206Pb ages of 2.90, 3.28 and 3.53 Ga, suggesting the presence of Mesoarchean to Paleoarchean crustal remnants in the Yangtze Craton. A few Cretaceous metamorphic ages were also obtained, suggesting the influence of post-collisional collapse in response to Cretaceous extension of the Dabie Orogen. It is inferred that the recently discovered Archean basement of the Yangtze Craton occurs as far north as the Dabie Orogen.  相似文献   


饭铺闪长岩的岩石成因模型可为深入认识北秦岭古生代中性岩浆作用的活动规律及深部过程提供进一步的限定。饭铺岩体两件样品的锆石U-Pb同位素年龄值分别为422.1±5.5 Ma和424.2±5.2 Ma,表明其形成于晚志留世。其锆石的176Hf/177Hf比值介于0.282 560~0.282 676,εHft)值介于-8.48~14.45,TDM2为1 938~488 Ma。地球化学分析结果显示,饭铺岩体属钙碱性系列,均具有富硅、碱、钙和镁,Mg#值介于41.7~57.4。在微量元素蛛网图中,饭铺岩体具有Nb、Ta、Ti异常。饭铺岩体的稀土总量为117×10-6~171×10-6,(La/Yb)N比值范围是6.71~18.1,δEu值介于0.82~0.95,表现为轻稀土元素富集、重稀土元素亏损的配分特征,未显示明显的负Eu异常。饭铺岩体形成于岛弧构造环境,岩浆起源于下地壳,可能受到少量幔源物质的混合,推测是商丹洋向北深俯冲作用的产物。


魏春景 《地球科学》2018,43(1):24-43
华北克拉通古元古代造山带的时空分布与构造属性尚有很大争论,一种观点认为华北克拉通从新太古代至古元古代受大洋俯冲闭合控制,在1.85~1.95 Ga之间先后发生3次陆-陆碰撞形成3条造山带,即孔兹岩带、胶-辽-吉带和中部造山带;另一种观点强调华北克拉通这3条元古代造山带在1.80~1.98 Ga之间经历了相同的漫长演化过程,指示当时特有的热俯冲和碰撞环境.通过总结中部造山带中的五台-恒山地区变质作用研究进展,阐述该区古元古代造山时代与构造属性.五台-恒山地区的主要变质岩石-构造单元包括恒山杂岩、五台杂岩和滹沱群.恒山杂岩和五台杂岩主体为新太古代TTG片麻岩和表壳岩,它们在古元古代晚期经历了两期变质作用改造.第一期变质作用为中压型,是由于陆-陆碰撞导致弧后伸展盆地闭合、地壳加厚造山所致,从南向北形成一个递增序列:包括五台群下部和南恒山杂岩南部的低角闪岩相、南恒山杂岩北部高角闪岩相和北恒山杂岩的高压麻粒岩相,其压力峰期所对应的地热梯度为~15 ℃/km.变质锆石所记录的年龄峰值随着变质程度增高而降低,依次为~1.95 Ga、~1.92 Ga和~1.85 Ga,这是因为在变质过程中锆石生长受流体和熔体行为控制:在亚固相线下,变质锆石可记录峰期变质年龄,而在超固相线条件下记录伴随熔体结晶的退变质年龄.由此确定该区中压相系变质作用压力峰期时间为~1.95 Ga,对应地壳加厚造山的峰期.加厚地壳由于重力均衡导致变质岩从深部地壳折返至中部地壳,在P-T轨迹上表现为压力峰期之后发生等温减压(ITD)至0.5~0.7 GPa,岩相学上表现为峰期石榴石分解形成斜长石"白眼圈"等,指示缺流体条件.南恒山北部高角闪岩相岩石中的变质锆石记录的折返时间为~1.92 Ga,指示第一次造山结束.第二期变质作用为中-低压型,系为板内变形所致,表现为折返至中地壳的岩石伴随挤压型剪切变形和流体注入形成平衡矿物组合.朱家坊韧性剪切带就是这次板内变形的强构造域,其中也记录了顺时针型P-T轨迹,但所反映的地壳加厚程度有限,第二期变质-变形峰期时间为~1.85 Ga.由于朱家坊韧性剪切带左行走滑,导致北恒山麻粒岩地体抬升.五台-恒山地区在1.80~1.96 Ga之间经历两期变质-变形事件,这一认识或对讨论华北克拉通其他地区的古元古代造山带演化有一定启示意义.   相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):1445-1461
We present zircon U–Pb ages, Hf isotopes, and whole-rock geochemistry of the Xiaochuan gneissic granite intrusion, SE China, to constrain its petrogenesis and provide insights into early crustal evolution of the Cathaysia Block. LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb dating of a representative sample yields a weighted mean 206Pb/207Pb age of 1839 ±16 Ma, interpreted as the emplacement age of the Xiaochuan granite. Zircons have ?Hf(t) values ranging from –8.1 to 2.7 and T DM2 model ages from 2.23 to 3.03 Ga. The granites are strongly peraluminious (A/CNK = 1.14–1.41), with relatively high FeOt, TiO2, and CaO/Na2O, and low CaO, Al2O3/TiO2, and Rb/Sr values. In addition, they show strongly negative Ba, Sr, Nb, and Ta and positive Th and Pb anomalies in the primitive mantle-normalized spider diagram, similar to other Cathaysia Palaeoproterozoic S-type granites. The geochemical and Hf isotopic signatures suggest that the Xiaochuan gneissic granites were generated by partial melting of Archaean crustal materials in an intraplate extensional setting. Our results, combined with existing geochronological data, further demonstrate that the Wuyishan terrane is underlain by Palaeoproterozoic crystalline basement.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Paleoproterozoic Lüliang Metamorphic Complex (PLMC) is situated in the middle segment of the western margin of the Trans-North China Orogen (TNCO), North China Craton (NCC). As the most important lithological assemblages in the southern part of the PLMC, Guandishan granitoids consist of early gneissic tonalities, granodiorites and gneissic monzogranites, and younger gneissic to massive monzogranites. Petrochemical features reveal that the early gneissic tonalities and granodiorites belong to the medium-K calc-alkaline series; the early gneissic monzogranites are transitional from high-K calc-alkaline to the shoshonite series; the younger gneissic to massive monzogranites belong to the high-k calc-alkaline series, and all rocks are characterized by right-declined REE patterns and negative Nb, Ta, Sr, P, and Ti anomalies in the primitive mantle normalized spidergrams. SHRIMP zircon U–Pb isotopic dating reveals that the early gneissic tonalities and granodiorites formed at ~2.17 Ga, the early gneissic monzogranites at ~2.06 Ga, and the younger gneissic to massive monzogranites at ~1.84 Ga. Sm–Nd isotopic data show that the early gneissic tonalities and granodiorites have εNd(t) values of +0.48 to ?3.19 with Nd-depleted mantle model ages (TDM) of 2.76–2.47 Ga, and early gneissic monzogranites have εNd(t) values of ?0.53 to ?2.51 with TDM of 2.61–2.43 Ga, and the younger gneissic monzogranites have εNd(t) values of ?6.41 to ?2.78 with a TDM of 2.69–2.52 Ga.These geochemical and isotopic data indicate that the early gneissic tonalities, granodiorites, and monzogranites were derived from the partial melting of metamorphosed basaltic and pelitic rocks, respectively, in a continental arc setting. The younger gneissic to massive monzogranites were derived by partial melting of metamorphosed greywackes within the continental crust. Combined with previously regional data, we suggest that the Paleoproterozoic granitoid magmatism in the Guandishan granitoids of the PLMC may provide the best geological signature for the complete spectrum of Paleoproterozoic geodynamic processes in the Trans-North China Orogen from oceanic subduction, through collisional orogenesis, to post-orogenic extension and uplift.  相似文献   

昌宁-孟连缝合带系中国西南三江特提斯造山带一条重要的古特提斯主洋残余,在洋盆消减过程中发生了强烈岩浆作用,形成了以临沧花岗岩基为代表的平行缝合带的大规模物质-热活动产物。其为理解古特提斯洋俯冲和闭合过程提供了良好窗口。本文对出露于临沧岩基中部临沧地区的花岗岩类进行了全岩元素地球化学、锆石U-Pb年代学和Hf同位素组成研究。实验样品锆石~(206)Pb/~(238)U加权年龄为215.5±0.4Ma(MSWD=2.8,n=23),反映岩浆岩侵位于晚三叠世。花岗岩主要属于高钾钙碱性系列,岩性为花岗闪长岩和二长花岗岩,高铝饱和指数(A/CNK=1.09~1.17)和刚玉分子数(1%)显示了过铝质特征。样品富集轻稀土元素(LREE/HREE=6.29~17.01,(La/Yb)_N=6.36~33.5)和大离子亲石元素,亏损Nb、Ta等高场强元素。锆石Hf同位素分布集中,ε_(Hf)(t)均为负值(-15.9~-9.08),Hf地壳模式年龄较老(1.6~1.9Ga),全岩Zr饱和温度(734~779℃)较低,指示了临沧花岗岩主体系古老地壳基底部分熔融产物,无明显地幔物质加入。S型花岗岩源区包括泥质岩和硬砂质岩两种,本文研究临沧花岗岩源区主要为硬砂质岩。明显Eu负异常(δEu=0.19~0.58)和较低分异指数(DI=73~82),反映源区存在斜长石和角闪石等的残留。文章进一步总结并分析了前人岩石地球化学和同位素数据,结果表明临沧岩基花岗岩类岩石成因类型复杂多变。由晚二叠世到晚三叠世(260~200Ma),古特提斯洋由俯冲到闭合过程中,依次演化发育S型、I型和A型多种类型花岗岩。综合临沧岩基两侧与之平行的高压变质岩类和双峰式火山岩地质特征,认为临沧花岗岩类主体形成于古特提斯洋同碰撞造山(250~237Ma)和后碰撞伸展(235~203Ma)两种构造环境,早期存在少量与洋盆俯冲作用相关的岩浆岩(~252Ma)。  相似文献   




Charles Maurice  Don Francis 《Lithos》2010,114(1-2):95-108
Paleoproterozoic mafic dyke swarms (2.5–2.0 Ga) of the Ungava Peninsula can be divided in three chemical groups. The main group has a wide range of Fe (10–18 wt.% Fe2O3) and Ti (0.8–2.0 wt.% TiO2) contents, and the most magnesian samples have compositions consistent with melting of a fertile lherzolitic mantle at ~ 1.5 GPa. Dykes of a low-LREE (light rare earth element) subgroup (La/Yb ≤ 4) display decreasing Zr/Nb with increasing La/Yb ratios and positive εNd2.0 Ga values (+ 3.9 to + 0.2) that trend from primitive mantle towards the composition of Paleoproterozoic alkaline rocks. In contrast, dykes of a high-LREE subgroup (La/Yb ≥4) display increasing Zr/Nb ratios and negative εNd2.0 Ga values (? 2.3 to ? 6.4) that trend towards the composition of Archean crust. A low Fe–Ti group has low Fe (< 11 wt.% Fe2O3), Ti (< 0.8 wt.% TiO2), high field strength elements (HFSE; < 6 ppm Nb) and heavy rare earth elements (HREE; < 2 ppm Yb) contents, but are enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILE; K/Ti = 0.7–3) and LREE (La/Yb > 4). These dykes are interpreted as melts of a depleted harzburgitic mantle that has experienced metasomatic enrichment. A positive correlation of Zr/Nb ratio and La/Yb ratio, negative εNd2.0 Ga values (? 14 to ? 6), and the presence of inherited Archean zircons further suggest the incorporation of a crustal component. A high Fe–Ti group has high Fe (> 14 wt.% Fe2O3) and Ti (> 1.4 wt.% TiO2) contents, along with higher Na contents relative to the main group dykes. Dykes of a high-Al subgroup (> 12 wt.% Al2O3) share Fe contents, εNd2.0 Ga values (? 2.3 to ? 3.4), La/Yb and Th/Nb ratios with Archean ferropicrites, and may represent evolved ferropicrite melts. A low-Al subgroup (< 12 wt.% Al2O3) has relatively lower Yb contents (< 2 ppm) and fractionated HREE patterns that indicate the presence of garnet in their melting residue. A comparison with ~ 5 GPa experimentally-derived melts suggests that these dykes may be derived from garnet-bearing pyroxenite or peridotite. The εNd2.0 Ga values (? 0.3 to ? 2.0) of these dykes lie between the compositions of Archean granitoids and Paleoproterozoic alkaline rocks, signifying their petrogenesis involved both crustal and mantle components.Paleoproterozoic dykes containing a crustal component occur within, or close to, an isotopically enriched Archean terrane (TDM 4.3–3.1 Ga), whereas dykes without this component occur in an isotopically juvenile terrane (TDM < 3.1 Ga). The lack of a crustal component and the positive εNd2.0 Ga values of dykes intruding the latter suggest that the crust they intruded was either too cold to be assimilated, or that its lower crust and/or lithosphere were Paleoproterozoic in age. In contrast, the ubiquitous presence of a crustal component and the diversity of mantle sources for dykes intruding the enriched terrane (lherzolite, harzburgite, pyroxenite) suggest a warmer crust with underlying heterogeneous lithospheric mantle.  相似文献   

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