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Phase-ratio imagery is a new tool of qualitative photometric analyses of the upper layer of the lunar regolith, which allows the identification of natural surface structure anomalies and artificially altered regolith. We apply phase-ratio imagery to analyze the Apollo-14, -15, and -17 landing sites. This reveals photometric anomalies of ∼170 × 120 m size that are characterized by lower values of the phase-function steepness, indicating a smoothing of the surface microstructure caused by the engine jets of the landing modules. Other photometric anomalies characterized by higher phase-function slopes are the result of regolith loosening by astronaut boots and the wheels of the Modular Equipment Transporter and the Lunar Roving Vehicle. We also provide a possible explanation for the high brightness of the wheel tracks seen in on-surface images acquired at very large phase angles.  相似文献   

During two lunations, telescopic imaging of the near side of the Moon was performed at the Maidanak mountain observatory (Uzbekistan) with the use of digital cameras based on CMOS detectors. In different ranges of phase angles, the slope of the phase function of the lunar surface was mapped at a wavelength of 0.52 μm with the method of phase ratios. It has been shown that when the phase angle is gradually decreasing, the correlation between the phase-function slope and the albedo first disappears, and then even changes its sign at small phase angles.  相似文献   

The American Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft acquired high-resolution images of the landing sites of the Apollo manned spaceships and the Luna automatic space probes. In the images taken with the LROC Narrow-Angle Camera, the traces of anthropogenic influence on the lunar surface are seen in these places. However, such traces are not always noticeable sufficiently well, since they are masked by inhomogeneities in the brightness of the examined surface region caused by its topographic features and albedo variations. To increase the potential of identifying the disturbances of the initial structure of the lunar surface, the data should be analyzed with so-called phase-ratio imaging. Its essence is that the ratio of two coinciding images of the same surface region obtained at different phase angles is calculated. This method was applied to the analysis of the landing site of the Soviet Luna-17 space probe that transported the Lunokhod-1 rover to the lunar surface. The structural disturbance caused by the impact of jet flows from the probe’s engines and the tracks of the Lunokhod-1 wheels, which are faintly discernible in the usual images, has been detected.  相似文献   

Images of the lunar nearside obtained by telescopes of Maidanak Observatory (Uzbekistan) and Simeiz Observatory (Crimea, Ukraine) equipped with Canon CMOS cameras and Sony CCD LineScan camera were used to study photometric properties of the lunar nearside in several spectral bands. A wide range of lunar phase angles was covered, and the method of phase ratios to assess the steepness of the phase function at different phase angles is applied. We found several areas with photometric anomalies in the south-west portion of the lunar disk that we refer to as Oceanus Procellarum anomalies. The areas being unique on the lunar nearside do not obey the inverse correlation between albedo and phase-curve slope, demonstrating high phase-curve slopes at intermediate albedo. Low-Sun images acquired with Lunar Orbiter IV and Apollo-16 cameras do not reveal anomalous topography of the regions, at least for scales larger than several tens of meters. The areas also do not have any thermal inertia, radar (70 and 3.8 cm), magnetic, or chemical/mineral peculiarities. On the other hand they exhibit a polarimetric signature that we interpret to be due to the presence of a porous regolith upper layer consisting of dust particles. The anomalies may be interpreted as regions of very fresh shallow regolith disturbances caused by impacts of meteoroid swarms consisting of rather small impactors. This origin is similar to one of the hypotheses for the origin of lunar swirls like the Reiner-γ formation. The photometric difference between the shallow and pervasive (Reiner-γ class) swirls is that the latter appear to have a significant amount of immature soils in the upper surface layers.  相似文献   

A technique, referred to as SARTopo, has been developed for obtaining surface height estimates with 10 km horizontal resolution and 75 m vertical resolution of the surface of Titan along each Cassini Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) swath. We describe the technique and present maps of the co-located data sets. A global map and regional maps of Xanadu and the northern hemisphere hydrocarbon lakes district are included in the results. A strength of the technique is that it provides topographic information co-located with SAR imagery. Having a topographic context vastly improves the interpretability of the SAR imagery and is essential for understanding Titan.SARTopo is capable of estimating surface heights for most of the SAR-imaged surface of Titan. Currently nearly 30% of the surface is within 100 km of a SARTopo height profile. Other competing techniques provide orders of magnitude less coverage.We validate the SARTopo technique through comparison with known geomorphological features such as mountain ranges and craters, and by comparison with co-located nadir altimetry, including a 3000 km strip that had been observed by SAR a month earlier. In this area, the SARTopo and nadir altimetry data sets are co-located tightly (within 5-10 km for one 500 km section), have similar resolution, and as expected agree closely in surface height. Furthermore the region contains prominent high spatial resolution topography, so it provides an excellent test of the resolution and precision of both techniques.  相似文献   

This survey is a general overview of modern optical studies of the Moon and their diagnostic meaning. It includes three united parts: phase photometry, spectrophotometry, and polarimetry. The first one is devoted to the progress in the photometry of the Moon, which includes absolute albedo determination to refine the albedo scale (e.g., to connect lunar observations and the data of lunar sample measurements) and mapping the parameters of a lunar photometric function (e.g., the phase-angle ratios method) with the aim of making qualitative estimates of regolith structure variations. This part also includes observations of the lunar opposition effect as well as photogrammetry and photoclinometry techniques. In particular, available data show that because of the low albedo of the lunar surface, the coherent backscattering enhancement hardly influences the lunar opposition spike, with the exception of the brightest lunar areas measured in the NIR. The second part is devoted to chemical/mineral mapping of the Moon's surface using spectrophotometric measurements. This section also includes analyses related to the detection of water ice or hydroxyl, prognoses of maturity, and helium-3 abundance mapping. In particular, we examine the relationship between superficial OH/H2O compounds spectrally detected recently and bulk “water ice” found earlier by the Lunar Prospector GRS and LRO LEND, assuming that the compounds are delivered to cold traps (permanently shadowed regions) with electrostatically levitated dust saturated by solar wind hydrogen. Significant problems arise with the determination of TiO2 content, as the correlation between this parameter and the color ratio C(750/415 nm) is very non-linear and not universal for different composition types of the lunar surface; a promising way to resolve this problem is to use color ratios in the UV spectral range. The third part is devoted to mapping of polarization parameters of the lunar surface, which enable estimates of the average size of regolith particles and their optical inhomogeneity. This includes considerations of the Umov effect and results of spectropolarimetry, negative polarization imagery, and measurements of other polarimetric parameters, including the third Stokes parameter. Although these three research divisions have not been developed equally and the numbers of proper references are very different, we try to keep a balance between them, depicting a uniform picture. It should be emphasized that many results presented in this review can be applied to other atmosphereless celestial bodies as well.  相似文献   


Photometric correction is a necessary step in planetary image pre-processing since the images of planetary surfaces are acquired by orbiting spacecraft at various observational geometries. In this study, visible (748 nm) and near-infrared (948 nm) bands of Hyper Spectral Imager (HySI) onboard Chandrayaan-1 have been used to derive a preliminary photometric correction for lunar data. The purpose of the proposed photometric correction for HySI is to convert observations taken at solar incidence (i), sensor emission (e), and the solar phase angles (α) to a fixed geometry by applying i?=?α?=?30° and e?=?0° to each image. The Lommel–Seeliger function was used to model the lunar limb darkening effect, while topography data from the merged Digital Elevation Model of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter—Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LRO-LOLA) and SELENE Terrain Camera (TC) was used to correct local topographic effects. Data from Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3), SELENE Multiband Imager (MI) and Clementine Ultraviolet and Visible Camera (UV/VIS) were also used to compare radiance, reflectance and phase functions derived from HySI. Our analysis reveals that HySI is darker than M3 primarily due to low surface radiance conditions observed by HySI. The derived phase functions for the two HySI bands indicate a good correlation between the derived reflectance and phase angle as well as with the phase functions derived for the empirically corrected M3 data. This approach led to the derivation of a photometric correction for maria regions. Finally, it is expected that the proposed correction would be applicable to all HySI images covering the lunar mare region.


The lunar photometric function, which describes the dependency of the observed radiance on the observation geometry, is used for photometric correction of lunar visible/near-infrared data. A precise photometric correction parameter set is crucial for many applications including mineral identification and reflectance map mosaics. We present, for the first time, spectrally continuous photometric correction parameters for both sides of the Moon for wavelengths in the range 0.5-1.6 μm and solar phase angles between 5° and 85°, derived from Kaguya (SELENE) Spectral Profiler (SP) data. Since the measured radiance also depends on the surface albedo, we developed a statistical method for selecting areas with relatively uniform albedos from a nearly 7000-orbit SP data set. Using the selected data set, we obtained empirical photometric correction parameter sets for three albedo groups (high, medium, and low). We did this because the photometric function depends on the albedo, especially at phase angles below about 20° for which the shadow hiding opposition effect is appreciable. We determined the parameters in 160 bands and discovered a small variation in the opposition effect due to the albedo variation of mafic mineral absorption. The consistency of the photometric correction was checked by comparing observations made at different times of the same area on the lunar surface. Variations in the spectra obtained were lower than 2%, except for the large phase angle data in mare. Lastly, we developed a correction method for low solar elevation data, which is required for high latitude regions. By investigating low solar elevation data, we introduced an additional correction method. We used the new photometric correction to generate a 1° mesh global lunar reflectance map cube in a wavelength range of 0.5-1.6 μm. Surprisingly, these maps reveal that high latitude (?75°) regions in both the north and south have much lower spectral continuum slopes (color ratio r1547.7nm/r752.8nm ? 1.8) than the low and medium latitude regions, which implies lower degrees of space weathering.  相似文献   

The HRSC (image 0037) and MOC imagery and MOLA altimetry were used to determine the following parameters of the lava flows typical of the southern slope of the Martian volcano Olympus: the length (13–35 km), the width (0.2–4.8 km), and the angles of ground slopes along which these flows advanced (3.4°–6.9°). To measure the thickness of the flows, we applied a method which had never been used before for Mars. In this method, the apparent thickness obtained from the MOC images and the slope steepness obtained from the MOLA data are used to determine the true thickness. The average estimates of the thickness of lava flows vary from 4 to 11 m and from 4 to 26 m for the volcano flanks and caldera scarps, respectively. These values are close to those of terrestrial basalt flows and to the lower limit found for the Martian flows by other researchers. Based on the performed measurements, we estimated the lava yield strength (0.9 × 103?3.6 × 104 Pa), the supply rate (24–137 m3/s), and the viscosity (1.4 × 103?2.8 × 107 kg/m s). These values are close to the estimates found for the Martian lavas by other researchers and to the characteristic values of these parameters for terrestrial lava flows with basalt and basalt-andesite composition.  相似文献   

The topographic and geologic characteristics of grooves and groove-like features in the south polar layered deposits near the Mars Polar Lander/Deep Space 2 landing sites are evaluated using Mariner 9 images and their derived photoclinometry, normalized using Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter data. Although both Mariner 9 and Viking images of the south polar layered deposits were available at the time of this study, Mariner 9 images of the grooves were selected because they were generally of higher resolution than Viking images. The dimensions and slopes of the grooves, together with orientations that nearly match the strongest winds predicted in the Martian Global Circulation Model and directions inferred from other wind indicators, suggest that they formed by aeolian scour of an easily erodible surface. Most grooves are symmetric and V-shaped in transverse profile, inconsistent with an origin involving extensional brittle deformation. Although the grooves strike along slopes and terraces of the south polar layered deposits, the variable depths and lack of terracing within the grooves themselves indicate that any stratigraphy in the uppermost 100 m of the polar layered deposits is composed of layers of similar, and relatively low, resistance. The grooves do not represent landing hazards at the scale of the Mariner 9 images (72-86 m/pixel) and therefore probably would not have affected Mars Polar Lander and Deep Space 2, had they successfully reached the surface.  相似文献   

We report results of telescope polarimetric imaging of the Moon with a CCD LineScan Camera at large phase angles, near 88°. This allows measurements of the polarization degree with an absolute accuracy better than 0.3% and detection of features with polarization contrast as small as 0.1%. The measurements are carried out in two spectral bands centered near 0.65 and 0.42 μm. We suggest characterizing the lunar regolith with the parameter a(Pmax)A, where Pmax,A, and a are the degree of maximum polarization, albedo, and the parameter describing the linear regression of the correlation Pmax-A. The parameter bears significant information on the particle characteristic size and packing density of the lunar regolith. We also suggest characterizing the lunar regolith with color-ratio images obtained with a polarization filter at large phase angles. We here consider the color-ratios C||(0.65/0.42 μm) and C(0.65/0.42 μm). Using light scattering model calculations we show that the color-ratio images obtained with a polarization filter at large phase angles suggest a new tool to study the lunar surface. In particular, it turns out that the color-ratios C||(0.65/0.42 μm) and C(0.65/0.42 μm) are sensitive to somewhat different thicknesses of the surfaces of regolith particles. We consider the applicability of the Hubble Space Telescope, the Very Large Telescope (ESO), and a spacecraft on a lunar polar orbit for polarimetric observations of the lunar surface.  相似文献   

This study examines a set of lunar domes with very low flank slopes which differ in several respects from the frequently occurring lunar effusive domes. Some of these domes are exceptionally large, and most of them are associated with faults or linear rilles of presumably tensional origin. Accordingly, they might be interpreted as surface manifestations of laccolithic intrusions formed by flexure-induced vertical uplift of the lunar crust (or, alternatively, as low effusive edifices due to lava mantling of highland terrain, or kipukas, or structural features). All of them are situated near the borders of mare regions or in regions characterised by extensive effusive volcanic activity. Clementine multispectral UVVIS imagery indicates that they do not preferentially occur in specific types of mare basalt. Our determination of their morphometric properties, involving a combined photoclinometry and shape from shading technique applied to telescopic CCD images acquired at oblique illumination, reveals large dome diameters between 10 and more than 30 km, flank slopes below 0.9°, and volumes ranging from 0.5 to 50 km3. We establish three morphometric classes. The first class, In1, comprises large domes with diameters above 25 km and flank slopes of 0.2°-0.6°, class In2 is made up by smaller and slightly steeper domes with diameters of 10-15 km and flank slopes between 0.4° and 0.9°, and domes of class In3 have diameters of 13-20 km and flank slopes below 0.3°. While the morphometric properties of several candidate intrusive domes overlap with those of some classes of effusive domes, we show that a possible distinction criterion are the characteristic elongated outlines of the candidate intrusive domes. We examine how they differ from typical effusive domes of classes 5 and 6 defined by Head and Gifford [Head, J.W., Gifford, A., 1980. Lunar mare domes: classification and modes of origin. Moon Planets 22, 235-257], and show that they are likely no highland kipukas due to the absence of spectral contrast to their surrounding. These considerations serve as a motivation for an analysis of the candidate intrusive domes in terms of the laccolith model by Kerr and Pollard [Kerr, A.D., Pollard, D.D., 1998. Toward more realistic formulations for the analysis of laccoliths. J. Struct. Geol. 20(12), 1783-1793], to estimate the geophysical parameters, especially the intrusion depth and the magma pressure, which would result from the observed morphometric properties. Accordingly, domes of class In1 are characterised by intrusion depths of 2.3-3.5 km and magma pressures between 18 and 29 MPa. For the smaller and steeper domes of class In2 the magma intruded to shallow depths between 0.4 and 1.0 km while the inferred magma pressures range from 3 to 8 MPa. Class In3 domes are similar to those of class In1 with intrusion depths of 1.8-2.7 km and magma pressures of 15-23 MPa. As an extraordinary feature, we describe in some detail the concentric crater Archytas G associated with the intrusive dome Ar1 and discuss possible modes of origin. In comparison to the candidate intrusive domes, terrestrial laccoliths tend to be smaller, but it remains unclear if this observation is merely a selection effect due to the limited resolution of our telescopic CCD images. An elongated outline is common to many terrestrial laccoliths and the putative lunar laccoliths, while the thickness values measured for terrestrial laccoliths are typically higher than those inferred for lunar laccoliths, but the typical intrusion depths are comparable.  相似文献   

Chang'e-3 was China's first soft-landing lunar probe that achieved a successful roving exploration on the Moon. A topography camera functioning as the lander's "eye" was one of the main scientific payloads installed on the lander. It was composed of a camera probe, an electronic component that performed image compression, and a cable assembly. Its exploration mission was to obtain optical images of the lunar topography in the landing zone for investigation and research. It also observed rover movement on the lunar surface and finished taking pictures of the lander and rover. After starting up successfully, the topography camera obtained static images and video of rover movement from different directions, 360?panoramic pictures of the lunar surface around the lander from multiple angles, and numerous pictures of the Earth. All images of the rover, lunar surface, and the Earth were clear, and those of the Chinese national flag were recorded in true color. This paper describes the exploration mission, system design, working principle, quality assessment of image compression, and color correction of the topography camera. Finally, test results from the lunar surface are provided to serve as a reference for scientific data processing and application.  相似文献   

Observations of the distribution of linearly polarized lunar thermal emission were made at a wavelength of 3.1 mm with The University of Texas 4.88 m parabolic reflector (0.042° HPBW). A shadow corrected, rough surface, thermal emission model for a homogeneous Moon was leastsquares-fitted to the polarization data. Results indicate an effective lunar dielectric constant of 1.34 ±0.04 with surface roughness characterized by a standard deviation of 17° ± 5° for surface slopes with a normal probability density, independent of lunar phase. A comparison of these results with published values at other wavelengths suggests that the effective lunar dielectric constant, as obtained by lunar emission measurements, decreases with decreasing wavelength of observation. This wavelength dependence may be interpreted in terms of an inhomogeneous surface and/or a surface that possesses intermediate scale surface roughness.This work was supported in part by NASA Grant NGL 44-012-006.  相似文献   

A new technique of deep electromagnetic sounding of the Moon using simultaneous magnetic field measurements at two lunar surface sites is described. The method, used with the assumption that deep electrical conductivity is a function only of lunar radius, has the advantage of allowing calculation of the external driving field from two surface site measurements only, and therefore does not require data from a lunar orbiting satellite. A transient response calculation is presented for the example of a magnetic field discontinuity of February 13, 1973, measured simultaneously by Apollo 16 and Lunokhod 2 surface magnetometers.  相似文献   

A new,earth-based radar technique for the measurement of lunar topography   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Radio interferometry is a new technique for the measurement of the surface topography of the Moon. Elevation data may be obtained directly without regard for unambiguously-identified features, for any lunar surface element that yields a recognizable radar echo.A program has been undertaken at the Haystack Observatory for the topographic mapping of the major part of the lunar Earthside hemisphere. Some results are presented for the Alphonsus-Arzachel region, showing evidence for a late lava flow of a viscosity and, hence, presumably a chemical composition, differing from that of near-by mare surfaces.  相似文献   

The systematic examination of lunar surface characteristics is entering a new phase requiring detailed measurements of position for purposes of cartography, surface and near-surface navigation, and correlation and data reduction of scientific experiments, such as gravimetry, active seismology, geological sampling, etc.A method of obtaining selenographic positions is described in this paper, and an example of the technique is presented.  相似文献   

Srinivas N. Mohan 《Icarus》1979,40(2):317-330
The global distribution of existing lunar topography suffers from a lack of measurements of far-side radii because of the sparsity of data types in the nonequatorial regions. This paper presents determinations of far-side lunar radii based on the reduction of photogrammetric measurements derived from selected Apollo 16 trans-Earth phase photographs. The regions covered in this analysis lie west of Mare Moscoviense between longitudes 90 and 130°E and latitudes 10 and 60°N. The determinations are made using control points appearing on both NASA topographic orthophoto maps and the Apollo 16 photographs. The estimated lunar radii are referred to these control points and determined with a relative accuracy of 500 m. The new lunar radii are used to generate a topographic map covering the area investigated. The map shows that, with the given spatial density of surface festures measured, basin-sized features can be resolved. In particular, the far-side craters Fabry, Riemann, and Szilard comprise a topographically depressed region about 500 km in diameter centered at 120°E and 38.5°N. The floor of this basin is 2.4 to 3.4 km below the reference sphere of 1738.0 km and 4.8 to 5.8 km below the northern rim of the basin. A comparison of the depth of the unfilled basin with the depths of maria-filled front-side basins leads to the conclusion that basalt fill of the near-side maria may be 2 km deep. The topographic map shows good correlation with geologic provinces of young plains and cratered terra in the far-side highland region investigated. Lack of correlation between sampled values of the state-of-the-art 16th-order and 16th-degree harmonic gravity field model and corresponding topographical values leads to the conclusion that the far-side region investigated is isostatically compensated.  相似文献   

Because radarclinometry is fundamentally describable in terms of a nonlinear, first-order, partial differential equation, one expects that it can, in principle, be carried out by direct deterministic integration beginning at a given threshold profile along the azimuthal coordinate. Such a boundary condition could be provided by the altimetry profile obtained on a preceding or succeeding orbital revolution of the radar-bearing spacecraft. Notwithstanding the mismatched resolutions of the radar altimeter and the radar imaging system as planned for the Megallan mission to Venus, there are fundamental considerations, not involving system noise, that influence the possibility of success of this approach. From the topographic map of the Lake Champlain West quadrangle in the Adirondack Mountains of the U.S., a radar image is synthesized. Radarclinometry, in surface integral form, recaptures the topographic map when the applicable radar reflectance function is weakly variable over the range of application, but it diverges beyond a certain point for nominally variable reflectance functions. The effect can be understood by using results from the shape-from-shading literature. (This literature is produced by a group within the artificial intelligence community who have been independently attacking, for all practical purposes, photoclinometry, except that they have not given primacy to images of terrain.) The ubiquity of the instability suggests that the value of the surface integral approach is much in doubt.  相似文献   

A 2-month series of quasi-simultaneous imaging photometric observations of the Moon and the Sun has been performed at Maidanak Observatory (Uzbekistan). New absolute values of lunar albedo have been obtained. Maps of lunar apparent albedo and equigonal albedo at phase angles 1.7-73° at wavelength 603 nm are presented. The standard deviation of our data from a best-fitted phase curve is 2%. The average ratio of the Clementine albedo to ours is 1.41. While the ratio of ROLO albedo to ours is 0.87, our data are in agreement with independent measurements of absolute albedo by Saiki et al. (Saiki, K., Saito, K., Okuno, H., Suzuki, A., Yamanoi, Y., Hirata N., Nakamura, R. [2008]. Earth Planets Space 60, 417-424) at a phase angle near 7°. A phase ratio imaging near opposition (1.6°/2.7°) shows almost the same ratio for maria and highlands, though bright craters (e.g., Tycho, Copernicus, Aristarchus) clearly reveal smaller slopes of phase function. This is an unexpected result, as the craters are bright and one could anticipate a manifestation of the coherent backscattering effect resulting in the opposition spike increasing at so small phase angles.  相似文献   

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