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The reflection coefficient and the total horizontal forces of regular waves acting on theperforated caisson are experimentally investigated. The empirical relationship between reflection coefficient and the ratio of the total horizontal forces acting on the perforated caisson to those on solid vertical walls with the relative chamber width, relative water depth and porosity of perforated wall, etc. are given. Moreover, the results of the ratio of the total horizontal forces are also compared with formulas given by Chinese Harbour Design Criteria and Takahashi, which may be useful for the practical engineering application.  相似文献   

《Ocean Modelling》2003,5(2):157-170
Model results from a regional model (BRIOS) of the Southern Ocean that includes ice shelf cavities and the interaction between ocean and ice shelves are used to derive a simple parameterization for ice shelf melting and the corresponding fresh water flux in large-scale ocean climate models. The parameterization assumes that the heat loss and fresh water gain due to the ice shelves are proportional to the difference in freezing temperature at the ice shelf edge base and the oceanic temperature on the shelf/slope area of the adjacent ocean as well as an effective area of interaction. This area is proportional to the along-shelf width of ice shelf and an effective cross-shelf distance, which turns out to be rather uniform (5–15 km) for a variety of different ice shelves. The proposed parameterization is easy to implement and valid for a wide range of circumstances. An application of the proposed scheme in a global ice ocean model (CLIO) supports our hypothesis that it can be used successfully and improves both the ocean and sea ice component of the model. This parameterization should also be used in models of the climate system that include a coupling between an ice sheet and an oceanic component.  相似文献   

A fundamental study of pile–soil systems subjected to lateral loads in offshore deposit was conducted using experimental tests and numerical analysis. The emphasis was on the soil–pile rigidity of a laterally loaded pile in marine clay. Rigid- and flexible-pile analyses were conducted for comparison. A framework for determining the lateral load transfer curve (py curves) is proposed based on both field and laboratory model tests. A numerical analysis that takes into account the proposed py curves was performed for the pile flexibility parameters such as pile diameter, pile length, pile-bending stiffness, and the modulus of subgrade reaction. Based on the analysis, it is shown that the differences in bending moment and lateral displacement are more significant for flexible piles rather than rigid piles. It was found that the py curves influence the behavior of flexible piles more than rigid piles, thus the magnitude and distribution of the py curves are significantly important in flexible pile design.  相似文献   

Wave–current laboratory experiments have shown that the logarithmic current profile observed in pure current flows is modified due to the presence of waves. When waves propagate opposite the current, an increase in the current intensity is achieved near the mean water level, while a reduction is obtained for following waves and currents. With the aim of analyzing these nonlinear effects along the whole water column, an Eulerian wave–current model is presented. In contrast to previously presented wave–current models, the present is able to include the variation of the free surface elevation due to the wave motion and the effect of a non hydrostatic pressure field. Therefore it does not restrict its application to waves in shallow waters. Moreover, the model is able to simulate all the possible angles between waves and currents.  相似文献   

While a crushed sandstone particle mixture, usually used as an engineering fill, is filled along bank of or in a large reservoir, it is subjected to periodic saturation induced by filling-drawdown cycles of reservoir water. The periodic saturation may induce post-construction settlement, and reduce stability of the filled body. In order to evaluate the effects of periodic saturation on stress–strain relationship of the mixture, several triaxial tests are carried out. According to experimental data, the periodic saturation may induce an increment of axial strain (Δε; <0.226%), a decrement of crest of deviator stress (Δ(σ1?σ3)f; <0.192?MPa) and a decrement of angle of shearing resistance (Δφ; <3.70°). With increment of the number of periodic saturation cycles, the variations of the three parameters may be fitted by logarithmic curves. And with increase in the stress level for periodic saturation, the variations of the three parameters may be fitted by straight lines. Three fitting equations to predict the three parameters’ values, and an equation to calculate the settlement induced by the periodic saturation of a large-area filled foundation, are suggested.  相似文献   

The impact of spatiotemporal variability of the ice-covered area in the Arctic on the value and interannual dynamics of turbulent heat fluxes on the ocean–atmosphere border is considered. An expected inverse dependence of the heat fluxes integrated over the Arctic area and the area of ice is not detected. The largest interannual oscillations of heat fluxes from the ocean to the atmosphere are timed to the varying position of the ice edge and, to a lesser extent, are connected with total area of ice. The role of the marginal ice zone in oceanic heat transfer is analyzed. In particular, it is shown that while moving along the marginal zone from the ice-free surface to the surface with an ice concentration of 0.8, latent and sensible heat fluxes are reduced by a factor of 2.5–3.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the intact and damage survivability of a floating–moored Oscillating Water Column (OWC) device using physical model experiments and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. Different extreme wave conditions have been tested using irregular and regular wave conditions. The device was moored to the tank floor via four vertical taut lines and the effect of the mooring line pre–tension on the device response was studied. It was found that the instantaneous position of the floating device was a key factor in the survivability analysis such that a certain irregular wave train that might not include the largest wave could induce the maximum response. Reducing the pre–tension minimized the maximum surge, but significantly increased the maximum tension due to mooring slack events causing snatch loads. A design regular wave with a period equal to the peak period and a height of 1.9–2.0 times the significant wave height could reasonably predict the same maximum line tension as the irregular sea state, but a smaller wave height was required to achieve the maximum surge. A single failure in the mooring system increased the maximum tension by 1.55 times the intact tension. For a damaged mooring system, using the same design regular wave condition derived from the survivability analysis with an intact mooring system could result in overestimating the maximum tension by more than 20% in comparison to the tension from the irregular sea state, but a smaller regular wave height or a different regular wave condition representing another sea state could lead to the same maximum tension. This highlighted the importance of investigating survival conditions with a damaged mooring system instead of simply using the same conditions derived for the intact mooring system.  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》2001,42(1):35-52
Measurements were obtained from the swash-zone of a high-energy macrotidal dissipative beach of pore-pressure at four levels below the bed, and cross-shore velocity at a single height above the bed. Time-series from relatively high (Hs≈2.0 m) energy conditions were chosen for analysis from the mid-swash-zone at high tide. Calculation of upwards-directed pore-pressure gradients shows that, in this case, fluidisation of the upper layer of sediment, leading to enhanced backwash transport, is unlikely. An apparent conflict exists in the literature regarding the net effect of infiltration–exfiltration on the sediment transport, through the combined effects of stabilisation–destabilisation and boundary layer modification. This is examined for the data collected using a modified Shields parameter. Inferred instantaneous transport rates integrated over a single swash cycle show a decrease in uprush transport of 10.5% and an increase in backwash transport of 4.5%. Sensitivity tests suggest that there is a critical grain size at which the influence of infiltration–exfiltration changes from offshore to onshore. The exact value of this grain size is highly sensitive to the method used to estimate the friction factor.  相似文献   

Owing to the interactions among the complex terrain, bottom materials, and the complicate hydrodynamics, typhoon waves show special characteristics as big waves appeared at the high water level(HWL) and small waves emerged at low and middle water levels(LWL and MWL) in radial sand ridges(RSR). It is assumed that the mud damping, sandy bed friction and wave breaking effects have a great influence on the typhoon wave propagation in this area. Under the low wave energy, a mud layer will form and transport into the shallow area, thus the mud damping effects dominate at the LWL and the MWL. And high Collins coefficient(c around 1) can be applied to computing the damping effects at the LWL and the MWL. But under the high wave energy, the bottom sediment will be stirred and suspended, and then the damping effects disappear at the HWL. Thus the varying Collins coefficient with the water level method(VCWL) is implemented into the SWAN to model the typhoon wave process in the Lanshayang Channel(LSYC) of the RSR, the observed wave data under "Winnie"("9711") typhoon was used as validation. The results show that the typhoon wave in the RSR area is able to be simulated by the VCWL method concisely, and a constant wave breaking coefficient(γ) equaling 0.78 is better for the RSR where wide tidal flats and gentle bed slopes exist.  相似文献   

Sea-ice retreat processes are examined in the Sea of Okhotsk. A heat budget analysis in the sea-ice zone shows that net heat flux from the atmosphere at the water surface is about 77 W m−2 on average in the active ice melt season (April) due to large solar heating, while that at the ice surface is about 12 W m−2 because of the difference in surface albedo. The temporal variation of the heat input into the upper ocean through the open water fraction corresponds well to that of the latent heat required for ice retreat. These results suggest that heat input into the ice–upper ocean system from the atmosphere mainly occurs at the open water fraction, and this heat input into the upper ocean is an important heat source for ice melting. The decrease in ice area in the active melt season (April) and the geostrophic wind just before the melt season (March) show a correlation: the decrease is large when the offshoreward wind is strong. This relationship can be explained by the following process. Once ice concentration is decreased (increased) by the offshoreward (onshoreward) wind just before the melt season, solar heating of the upper ocean through the increased (decreased) open water fraction is enhanced (reduced), leading to (suppressing) a further decrease in ice concentration. This positive feedback is regarded as the ice–ocean albedo feedback, and explains in part the large interannual variability of the ice cover in the ice melt season.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the shear strength, deformation, and particle crushing of sand which is mixed by crushed sandstone and mudstone particles. Two triaxial tests—one for unsaturated specimens and the other for saturated specimens—were performed, along with sieve analysis tests. Results obtained from the triaxial tests indicate that, with the increment of the mudstone particle content by weight, the angle of internal friction decreases, the cohesion increases and then decreases, and both the initial angle of shearing resistance at the atmospheric pressure and decremental angle increase and then decrease. Compared to the unsaturated specimens, the deviator stress or normalized deviator stress of the saturated specimens at the same axial stress may decrease due to the wetting action. Thus, the shear strength of the tested materials may be reduced by the wetting action. Results of sieve analysis tests indicate that the mixing of some mudstone particles into the sandstone particle mixture may reduce the amount of particle crushing, but the wetting action may increase the amount. The amount of the crushed particle may arrive at a minimum of 40% of mudstone particle content by weight.  相似文献   

Air–sea exchange plays a vital role in the development and maintenance of tropical cyclones(TCs). Although studies have suggested the dependence of air–sea fluxes on surface waves and sea spray, how these processes modify those fluxes under TC conditions have not been sufficiently investigated based on in-situ observations.Using continuous meteorological and surface wave data from a moored buoy in the northern South China Sea,this study examines the effects of surface waves and sea spray on air–sea fluxes during the passage of Typhoon Hagupit. The mooring was within about 40 km of the center of Hagupit. Surface waves could increase momentum flux to the ocean by about 15%, and sea spray enhanced both sensible and latent heat fluxes to the atmosphere,causing Hagupit to absorb 500 W/m~2 more heat flux from the ocean. These results have powerful implications for understanding TC–ocean interaction and improving TC intensity forecasting.  相似文献   

A reanalysis of hydrophysical fields for 1971–1993 is used to study the formation mechanisms of the cold intermediate layer (CIL): the advective mechanism (associated with the advection of cold waters formed in the northwestern shelf (NWS)) and the convective mechanism (caused by wintertime convection inside cyclonic gyres in the central part of the sea). We consider the periods of alternating atmospheric conditions: the mild winter of 1980–1981, normal winter of 1987–1988, and cold winter of 1992–1993. Interannual features of replenishment and renewal of “old” CIL waters caused by these mechanisms are identified. In particular, cooled shelf waters sink along the continental slope and merge with “old” CIL waters during the mild winter of 1980–1981 more than 1 month later than during the cold winter 1992–1993 and more than 3 weeks later than during the normal winter of 1987–1988. The Sevastopol anticyclonic gyre and the northwest branch of the Black Sea Rim Current markedly influence the transformation of entrained cold NWS waters transported to the southwest and the central part of the water area. The local formation process of cold intermediate waters is found to be caused by the wintertime penetrating convection over domelike isosurfaces of temperature and salinity arising due to rising constant halocline (pycnocline) at the centers of cyclonic gyres because of the intensification of the wintertime circulation. Anomalously cold surface water, characterized by increased density, gradually sinks. An analysis of TS indices indicates that the transformed cold water spreads out over isopycnic surfaces with time, being entrained in cyclonic circulation and spreading throughout the sea, thus renewing “old” CIL waters.  相似文献   

The synthetic fiber ropes such as polyester, aramid and high modulus polyethylene (HMPE) are increasing applied to deepwater mooring systems for oil and gas exploitation. Due to that mooring ropes generally bear tensions for a long period, synthetic fiber ropes that are composed of the viscoelastic material would present creep behaviors and even the creep rupture, which is the failure mode of greatest concern especially for HMPE ropes and on which still less study can be found. A creep damage analysis of synthetic fiber ropes is of necessity to ensure the safe and economic operation of mooring systems. Therefore further investigation on the creep–rupture behavior is beneficial to fully establishing confidence in the viability of synthetic fiber ropes for deepwater moorings. In the present study, a creep–rupture model is proposed within the framework of thermodynamics to investigate the creep and damage behaviors of synthetic fiber ropes. Methods for identifying the model parameters are also proposed in detail, which apply to any component of fiber ropes such as the fiber, yarn, strand and rope. Experimental data of aramid yarns available from the literature are utilized to validate the constitutive model. Creep and creep–rupture tests of HMPE strands at different loading levels are specially performed to further examine the present model. The present work demonstrates that the proposed model can effectively describe the viscoelastic property and damage evolution of synthetic fiber ropes at different loading levels.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in water level and the growth of the introduced exotic Lagarosiphon major (Ridley) Moss have significantly influenced the submerged vegetation of Lake Rotoma over the period 1973–80. Low lake levels temporarily reduced the proportion of native vascular plants by removing available shallow‐water habitats through erosion, siltation, or desiccation. High lake levels have allowed native vascular plants to re‐establish from seed and rhizomes. Fluctuations in water level appear to have reduced the long‐term replacement of native species by L. major, which has none the less spread progressively around the lake. Water‐level fluctuations enhanced its rate of fragmentation, and thus its dispersal and establishment. The annual increase in the proportion of L. major has been primarily at the expense of the shallow‐water characean algae, but also partly by competitive displacement of native vascular plants. The southwest inlet of Lake Rotoma had an exceptionally high plant density, with up to 3518 g/m2 dry weight of L. major (believed to be a world record for submerged plant biomass); this is attributed to local enrichment and protection from wave exposure.  相似文献   

Based on the Rankine source, this paper proposed a time-domain method for analyzing the three-dimensional wave–structure interaction problem in irregular wave. A stable integral form of the free-surface boundary condition (IFBC) is employed to update the velocity potential on the free surface. A multi-transmitting formula, with an artificial wave speed, is used to eliminate the wave reflection for radiation condition on the artificial boundary. An effective multi-transmitting formula, coupled with damping zone method, is further used to analyze the irregular wave diffraction at the artificial boundary. We investigate hydrodynamic forces on floating structure and compare our solution to the frequency-domain solution. It is shown that long time simulation can be done with high stability and the numerical results agree well with the solution obtained under the frequency domain. The efficiency of the proposed multi-transmitting formula and the coupled methods for radiation boundary make them promising candidates in studying the irregular water wave problem in time domain.  相似文献   

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