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Discontinuous outcrops of diamictites and siltstones are found above post-Marinoan carbonates from the Araras Formation and represent the record of a second glaciation in the northern Paraguay belt, Brazil. This new stratigraphic unit, named the Serra Azul Formation, varies in thickness between 250 and 300 m; it lies on top of dolomites of the Araras Group and is overlain by sandstones of the Raizama Formation. Massive diamictite, approximately 70 m thick, composes the basal unit (Unit A), followed by 200 m thick laminated siltstones (Unit B), which contain sparse intercalations of very fine-grained sandstone lenses. This new diamictite level is probably related to the Gaskiers Glaciation, with an age of approximately 580 Ma, and represents the youngest Neoproterozoic glacial event recorded in South America.  相似文献   

The Atkan Formation in the Ayan-Yuryakh anticlinorium, Magadan province, northeastern Russia, is of great interest because of the occurrence of deposits of apparent “dropstones” and “ice rafted debris” that have been previously interpreted as glacial. Two high-precision U–Pb zircon ages, one for an intercalated volcanic tuff (262.5 ± 0.2 Ma) and the other for a boulder clast (269.8 ± 0.1 Ma) within a diamictite of the Atkan Formation, constrain the age of the Atkan Formation as Guadalupian (middle Permian). Sedimentologic study of the Atkan Formation casts doubt on the glacial nature of the diamictites. Deposition of rocks of the Atkan Formation temporally correlates with the Capitanian interglacial event in the southern hemisphere that recently was calibrated with high precision CA-TIMS. The previously proposed climate proxy record based upon warm-water foraminifera, which corresponds closely to global climate fluctuations, is compared with the glacial record of eastern Australia and indicates that the Capitanian was a time of globally warm climate. The sedimentology of Atkan Formation, the record of diversification of both fusulinids and rugosa corals, global sea-water temperature, and sea-level fluctuations agree well with high latitude paleoclimate records in northeastern Russia and eastern Australia. Major components of the Atkan Formation, the volcanic rocks, are syngenetic with the sedimentation process. The volcanic activity in the nearby regions during middle–late Permian was quite extensive.  相似文献   

The Ischigualasto Formation in northwestern Argentina contains abundant fluvial channel sandstones, overbank mudstones, and paleosols that were deposited in a northwest-trending continental-rift basin during Late Triassic time. In the study area the formation progressively thins from ~700 m in the west to ~400 m in the east, over a distance of 7 km. This thinning is accompanied by a relative decrease in the abundance of fluvial channel sandstones and an increase in mud-rich overbank deposits and paleosols. While preserved channel deposits in the formation are highly variable in terms of their size and stratigraphic distribution, four general channel forms can be recognized based on their overall cross sectional geometry and internal sedimentary structures. Of these, the dominant channel-body types are interpreted as the deposits of sandy multi-channel fluvial systems. The internal stratigraphic architecture of the Ischigualasto Formation indicates that during deposition, the central part of the basin was the location of a long-lived, north flowing, fluvial channel belt that received relatively continuous channel and proximal overbank deposition. To the east, however, channel-related deposition was more infrequent, resulting in enhanced pedogenic modification of alluvial deposits. The overall thickness and facies trends observed in the Ischigualasto Formation most likely correspond to variations in fault-related accommodation development within the basin during the time of deposition.  相似文献   

Glacigenic diamictite successions of the Macaúbas Group are widespread in the western domain of the Araçuaí orogen, east of the São Francisco craton (Brazil). Diamictites also occur on this craton and in the African counterpart of the Araçuaí orogen, the West Congo belt. Detrital zircon grains from the matrix of diamictites and sandstones from the Macaúbas Group were dated by the U–Pb SHRIMP technique. The geochronological study sets the maximum depositional age of the glacial diamictites at 900 Ma, and indicates multiple sources for the Macaúbas basin with ages ranging from 900 to 2800 Ma. Sm–Nd TDM model ages, determined on whole rock samples, range from 1.8 Ga to 2.5 Ga and get older up-section. Comparison of our data with those from the cratonic area suggest that these glacial deposits can be correlated to the Jequitaí and Carrancas diamictites in the São Francisco craton, and to the Lower Mixtite Formation of the West Congolian Group, exposed in Africa. The 900–1000 Ma source is most probably represented by the Zadinian–Mayumbian volcanic rocks and related granites from the West Congo belt. However, one of the most voluminous sources, with ages in the 1.1–1.3 Ga interval, has not been detected in the São Francisco-Congo craton. Possible sources for these grains could occur elsewhere in Africa, or possibly from within the Brasília Belt in western central Brazil.  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》2006,144(3-4):167-198
The Huqf Supergroup of Oman contains an excellently exposed succession from the presumed Marinoan-age Fiq glaciation (ca. 635 Ma) to the Precambrian–Cambrian boundary (542 Ma). Within this time interval, two major siliciclastic-to-carbonate cycles are present, starting with the transgression of basin margins following the deposition of the glacigenic, probably rift-related Fiq Member. The dominantly siliciclastic portion of the first cycle is termed the Masirah Bay Formation. In the Huqf region of east-central Oman, two quartz-arenitic sandstone bodies crop out, below the transition into the overlying Khufai Formation carbonates. In the Jabal Akhdar of northern Oman, only deep marine shales and siltstones are found.The Masirah Bay Formation in the Huqf area is divided into a number of members with constituent units containing distinctive facies assemblages. In Member 1, wave-rippled shoreface deposits are overlain by trough cross-stratified, coarse-grained sandstones deposited in proximal tidal sandsheets or estuarine tidal shoals. Member 2 represents essentially a repeat of this coarsening- and shallowing-up trend via a basin-wide flooding event. A second major flooding surface is overlain by the lower shoreface to offshore sedimentary rocks of Member 3, which pass gradationally upwards into the distal carbonate ramp of the Khufai Formation. The two major progradational cycles can be identified in nearby subsurface well penetrations such as Masirah-1 (SMP-1).The tidal sandstones of the Masirah Bay Formation were deposited as regressive-transgressive pulses in a longer term transgressive stratigraphic trend associated with both the demise of continental glaciation and the end of active extensional tectonics. As basin margins were flooded, compositionally and texturally mature but coarse-grained quartzose sand was swept by currents into tidal sandsheets and estuary-fills along a broad littoral margin situated in the eastern fringe of the study area. The development of meso-macrotidal conditions over extensive sandy shelves and coastlines appears to be a common but unexplained feature of the Ediacaran and Early Cambrian interval.  相似文献   

In the Ayacucho basin of central Perú the regional Quechua II contractional deformation is bracketed by 40Ar/39Ar isotopic age determinations to a maximum duration of about 300,000 years, and probably less than 150,000 years, centered on 8.7 Ma. The strongly deformed Huanta Formation beneath the Quechua II angular unconformity was deposited during a period of extension that began before 9.05 ± 0.05 Ma. Deposition of a thick succession of alluvial fan deposits interbedded with flows of basaltic andesite in the Tingrayoc Member continued up to about 8.76 ± 0.05 Ma with the later part of the sedimentary record reflected by lacustrine deposits of the Mayocc Member. The upper limit on contractional deformation is constrained by an age of 8.64 ± 0.05 Ma on a unit of tuff near the base of the Puchcas volcanics, which in places was deposited upon near-vertical beds of the Huanta Formation. The Ayacucho Formation was deposited, locally unconformably, upon the Puchcas volcanics beginning slightly before 7.65 ± 0.10 Ma.Extended periods of neutral to tensional stress interrupted by rapid well-developed pulses of contractional deformation demonstrate the episodic behavior of Andean orogeny in Perú. The very short duration for the Quechua II event implies that driving forces for episodic deformation may be related to coupling along the orogen boundaries and strain accumulation and release mechanisms in the continental crust instead of much longer-term variations in the configuration of converging plates.  相似文献   

The Camie River uranium deposit is located in the southeastern part of the Paleoproterozoic Otish Basin (Québec). The uranium mineralization consists of disseminated and vein uraninite and brannerite precipitated close to the unconformity between Paleoproterozoic fluviatile, pervasively altered, sandstones and conglomerates of the Matoush Formation and the underlying sulfide-bearing graphitic schists of the Archean Hippocampe greenstone belt. Diagenetic orange/pink feldspathic alteration of the Matoush Formation consists of authigenic albite cement partly replaced by later orthoclase cement, with the Na2O content of clastic rocks increasing with depth. Basin-wide green muscovite alteration affected both the Matoush Formation and the top of the basement Tichegami Group. Uraninite with minor brannerite is mainly hosted by subvertical reverse faults in basement graphitic metapelites ± sulfides and overlying sandstones and conglomerates. Uranium mineralization is associated with chlorite veins and alteration with temperatures near 320 °C, that are paragenetically late relative to the diagenetic feldspathic and muscovite alterations. Re-Os geochronology of molybdenite intergrown with uraninite yields an age of 1724.0 ± 4.9 Ma, whereas uraninite yields an identical, although slightly discordant, 1724 ± 29 Ma SIMS U-Pb age. Uraninite has high concentrations in REE with flat REE spectra resembling those of uraninite formed from metamorphic fluids, rather than the bell-shaped patterns typical of unconformity-related uraninite. Paragenesis and geochronology therefore show that the uranium mineralization formed approximately 440 million years after intrusion of the Otish Gabbro dykes and sills at ∼2176 Ma, which constrains the minimum age for the sedimentary host rocks. The post-diagenetic stage of uraninite after feldspathic and muscovite alterations, the paragenetic sequence and the brannerite-uraninite assemblage, the relatively high temperature for the mineralizing event (∼320 °C) following the diagenetic Na- and K-dominated alteration, lack of evidence for brines typical of unconformity-related U deposits, the older age of the Otish Basin compared to worldwide basins hosting unconformity-related uranium deposits, the large age difference between basin fill and mineralization, the older age of the uranium oxide compared to ages for worldwide unconformity-related U deposits, and the flat REE spectra of uraninite do not support the previous interpretation that the Camie River deposit is an unconformity-associated uranium deposit. Rather, the evidence is more consistent with a PaleoProterozoic, higher-temperature hydrothermal event at 1724 Ma, whose origin remains speculative.  相似文献   

The Kenting Mélange on the Hengchun Peninsula, Taiwan, formed through tectonic shearing of subduction complex lithologies, probably within the plate boundary subduction channel between the Eurasian and Philippine Sea plates, with further deformation and exhumation in the Pliocene–Pleistocene during arc–continent collision. Field relations reveal a structural gradation from normal stratified turbidite sequence (Mutan Formation) through broken formation to highly sheared Kenting Mélange containing allochthonous polygenic blocks. This gradation is consistent with an increase of average vitrinite reflection values from ~ 0.72% in the Mutan Formation through ~ 0.93% in the broken formation to ~ 0.99% in the mélange, suggesting temperatures of at least 140 °C during formation of the Kenting Mélange. Zircons from gabbro in the Kenting Mélange are dated as 25.46 ± 0.18 Ma, which together with geochemical data constrains the source to South China Sea oceanic lithosphere. In combination with the field relationships, vitrinite reflectance values, microfossil stratigraphy, and offshore geophysical data from S and SE Taiwan, we propose that the Kenting Mélange initially formed at the subduction plate boundary from off-scraped trench deposits. Minor Plio–Pleistocene microfossils (< 5%) occur within the mélange in proximity to slope basin of equivalent age and were likely sheared into the mélange during out-of-sequence thrusting associated with active arc–continent collision, which in the Hengchun Peninsula commenced after 6.5 Ma.  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》2007,193(1-4):131-148
This paper characterises the sedimentary impact of a glacial outburst flood or ‘jökulhlaup’ on an ice-contact delta topset at Russell Glacier, Kangerlussuaq, west Greenland. Rapid drainage of an ice-dammed lake in July 1987 generated a jökulhlaup with a peak discharge of ∼ 1300 m3 s 1, which drained across a 500-m-wide, 200-m-long, delta top into a proglacial lake. The delta topset comprises boulder clusters, ice block obstacle marks with relief of up to 4 m, and is graded to lake levels up to 6 m higher than those during typical non-jökulhlaup conditions. The delta top was dissected by the 1987 jökulhlaup causing a fan-shaped extension of the delta front by 30 m. Surface grain size on the delta decreases rapidly away from the main flood flow direction, reflecting rapid downstream reduction in sediment transport capacity. The 1987 jökulhlaup was predominantly fluidal and turbulent and had peak stream powers of 2846 W m 2 proximally and < 400 W m 2 distally. Delta topset sedimentation can be characterised by four lithofacies associations in order of decreasing flow energy: (A) coarse-grained deposits related to a flow expansion; (B) finer-grained peripheral deposits located at the margins of the main flow; (C) lobate bars and delta fronts deposited within distal locations and (D) fine-grained deposits at distance from the delta front associated with slackwater conditions. Jökulhlaup-dominated delta topsets are controlled by the geometry of the channel expansion into the proglacial lake, jökulhlaup hydrograph form, the sediment availability and character, proglacial lake basin depth and surface area, lake outflow spillway erodibility and cross-sectional area, and history of previous jökulhlaups.  相似文献   

The Song Hien rift basin is an important metallogenic area in NE Vietnam. This domain consists mainly of Triassic sulfide-rich black shale beds, which play a role as a sedimentary host for various mineral systems such as antimony, mercury and gold-sulfide deposits. Most of gold deposits are hosted in carbonaceous sedimentary rocks, however some deposits, which have similar characteristics, are hosted in fine-grained mafic magmatic rocks. An Ar-Ar isotopic dating of hydrothermal sericite from the sedimentary hosted Bo Va and Khung Khoang gold deposits and intrusion hosted orogenic Hat Han gold deposit yields plateau ages of 184.8 ± 2.1 Ma, 211.63 ± 2.3 Ma, and 209.12 ± 2.3 Ma, respectively. The obtained Ar-Ar ages convincingly show that the orogenic gold deposits in the Song Hien domain were formed in Late Triassic to Early Jurassic, while the age of the Bo Va deposit is at least older than 184.8 ± 2.1 Ma. Loss of argon by volume diffusion, supported by previously reported mineralogical and isotopic features of the Bo Va deposit may suggest that the Jurassic-Cretaceous (Yanshanian) tectonothermal events overprinted some deposits in the Song Hien domain. Formation of gold deposits in the Song Hien domain is linked to the same tectonic event as the Carlin-like gold deposits in SW China and is associated with an extensional tectonic regime that followed continental collision between the Indochina and South China Blocks. The similarity in geology setting and mineral composition of gold deposits of the Song Hien domain and the Golden Triangle region, as well as timing and kinematics of deformation, magmatic features, and stratigraphic sequence and bulk architecture, lead to conclusion that NE Vietnam and SW China is a single metallogenic zone. The study of gold deposits in Vietnam will provide a new data on the metallogenic history of this important part of SE Asia.  相似文献   

Final Gondwana amalgamation was marked by the closure of the Neoproterozoic Clymene ocean between the Amazonia craton and central Gondwana. The events which occurred in the last stage of this closure were recorded in the upper Alto Paraguai Group in the foreland of the Paraguay orogen. Outcrop-based facies analysis of the siliciclastic rocks of upper Alto Paraguai Group, composed of the Sepotuba and Diamantino Formations, was carried out in the Diamantino region, within the eastern part of the Barra dos Bugres basin, Mato Grosso state, central-western Brazil. The Sepotuba Formation is composed of sandy shales with planar to wave lamination interbedded with fine-grained sandstone with climbing ripple cross-lamination, planar lamination, swaley cross-stratification and tangential to sigmoidal cross-bedding with mud drapes, related to marine offshore deposits. The lower Diamantino Formation is composed of a monotonous, laterally continuous for hundreds of metres, interbedded siltstone and fine-grained sandstone succession with regular parallel lamination, climbing ripple cross-lamination and ripple-bedding interpreted as distal turbidites. The upper part of this formation consists of fine to medium-grained sandstones with sigmoidal cross-bedding, planar lamination, climbing ripple cross-lamination, symmetrical to asymmetrical and linguoid ripple marks arranged in lobate sand bodies. These facies are interbedded with thick siltstone in coarsening upward large-scale cycles related to a delta system. The Sepotuba Formation characterises the last transgressive deposits of the Paraguay basin representing the final stage of a marine incursion of the Clymene ocean. The progression of orogenesis in the hinterland resulted in the confinement of the Sepotuba sea as a foredeep sub-basin against the edge of the Amazon craton. Turbidites were generated during the deepening of the basin. The successive filling of the basin was associated with progradation of deltaic lobes from the southeast, in a wide lake or a restricted sea that formed after 541 ± 7 Ma. Southeastern to east dominant Neoproterozoic source regions were confirmed by zircon grains that yielded ages around 600 to 540 Ma, that are interpreted to be from granites in the Paraguay orogen. This overall regressive succession recorded in the Alto Paraguai Group represents the filling up of a foredeep basin after the final amalgamation of western Gondwana in the earliest Phanerozoic.  相似文献   

This paper investigates slope channel initiation by seabed irregularities that were initially formed by slump scars in the lower to middle Jatiluhur Formation, part of the middle- to late Miocene successions in the Bogor Trough, West Java. This Miocene succession is up to 1000 m thick in the study area, and is interpreted as a prograding slope–shelf system that formed during a period of falling- and lowstand stages in relative sea level. The lower part of the formation is a siltstone-dominated siliciclastic succession, containing slump deposits, slump-scar-fill deposits, and minor channel-fill deposits, which formed in slope and shelf-margin environments. In contrast, the middle part, which gradationally overlies the lower part, is characterized by shallow-marine carbonates.The slump-scars-fill deposits have an overall lenticular geometry, and are 140–480 m wide and 0.4–1.6 m thick. Some have distinct erosional bases, which cut into the underlying siltstones, in association with medium- to coarse-grained sandstones with lateral-accretion surfaces and tractional structures common in channel-fill deposits. The incident link of slump-scar-fill deposits and channel-fill deposits in the prograding slope–shelf succession of the lower to middle Jatiluhur Formation suggests that some slump scars formed incipient seabed irregularities that may have played an important role in the development of slope channels. The present study provides one example of the various potential mechanisms that can result in channel formation in a slope setting.  相似文献   

We have investigated the petrography, geochemistry, and detrital zircon U–Pb LA-ICPMS dating of sandstone from the Gorkhi Formation of the Khangai–Khentei belt in the Ulaanbaatar area, central Mongolia. These data are used to constrain the provenance and source rock composition of the accretionary complex, which is linked to subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean within the Central Asian Orogenic Belt during the Middle Devonian to Early Carboniferous. Field and microscopic observations of the modal composition of sandstone and constituent mineral chemistry indicate that the sandstone of the Gorkhi Formation is feldspathic arenite, enriched in saussuritized plagioclase. Geochemical data show that most of the sandstone and shale were derived from a continental margin to continental island arc setting, with plutonic rocks being the source rocks. Detrital zircon 206Pb/238U ages of two sandstones yields age peaks of 322 ± 3 and 346 ± 3 Ma. The zircon 206Pb/238U age of a quartz–pumpellyite vein that cuts sandstone has a weighted mean age of 339 ± 3 Ma. Based on these zircon ages, we infer that the depositional age of sandstone within the Gorkhi Formation ranges from 320 to 340 Ma (i.e., Early Carboniferous). The provenance and depositional age of the Gorkhi Formation suggest that the evolution of the accretionary complex was influenced by the intrusion and erosion of plutonic rocks during the Early Carboniferous. We also suggest that spatial and temporal changes in the provenance of the accretionary complex in the Khangai–Khentei belt, which developed aound the southern continental margin of the Siberian Craton in relation to island arc activity, were influenced by northward subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean plate.  相似文献   

The geomorphic, stratigraphic and sedimentological characteristics of glaciolacustrine sediments in the metropolitan Detroit, Michigan area were studied to determine environments of deposition and make paleogeographic reconstructions. Nine lithofacies were identified and paleoenvironments interpreted based on their morphostratigraphic relationships with relict landforms. The sediments studied are found southeast of the Defiance and Birmingham moraines lying beneath a lowland characterized by a low morainal swell (Detroit moraine) and a series of lacustrine terraces that descend progressively in elevation southeastward. The glaciolacustrine sediments were deposited approximately 14.3–12.4 kA BP during the Port Bruce and Port Huron glacial phases of late Wisconsinan time, and are related to proglacial paleolakes Maumee, Arkona, Whittlesey, Warren, Wayne, Grassmere, Lundy and Rouge. The glaciolacustrine section is typically 2–4 m thick and consists of a basal unit of wavy-bedded clayey diamicton overlain by a surficial deposit of stratified and cross-stratified sand and gravel. The basal unit is comprised of subaqueous debris flow deposits that accumulated as subaqueous moraine in paleolake Maumee along the retreating front of the Huron lobe. The surficial deposits of sand and gravel were formed by traction, resulting from lacustrine wave activity and fluvial processes, in lakebed plain, beach ridge and deltaic depositional settings. Much of the lake-margin sand and gravel was derived from clayey diamicton by lacustrine wave action and winnowing, and that associated with paleolakes of the Port Huron phase is largely reworked Port Bruce sediment. Paleogeographic reconstructions show that the Defiance, Birmingham and Detroit moraines, Defiance and Rochester channels, and the Rochester delta, were deposited penecontemporaneously as paleolake Maumee expanded northward across the map area. A unique type of wavy bedform is characteristic of clayey diamicton deposited by subaqueous mass flow in the study area that is useful for differentiating sediment: 1) deposited by mass flow in subaqueous vs. subaerial settings, and 2) deposited by subaqueous mass flow vs. basal till. These bedforms are a useful tool for identifying subglacial meltwater deposits, and facilitate the mapping and correlation of glacial sediments based on till sheets. The map area provides a continental record of ice sheet dynamics along the southern margin of the Laurentide ice sheet during Heinrich event H-1. The record reveals rapid glacial retreat (~ 0.8 km/yr) contemporaneous with the discharge of a large volume of meltwater. Evidence in the study area for subglacial meltwater is problematic, but indications that periglacial conditions persisted in the map area until ~ 12.7 kA BP, and extended for 200 km or more south of the ice front suggest that a frozen substrate may have contributed to instability of the LIS.  相似文献   

The genesis of polymetallic deposits in southern Altay, NW China has been disputed between a syngenetic seafloor hydrothermal process and an epigenetic orogenic-type mineralization. The Dadonggou Pb–Zn deposit occurs as NW-trending veins in the Devonian Kangbutiebao Formation volcanic-sedimentary sequence in the Kelan basin, southern Altay. A set of integrated zircon U–Pb and biotite 40Ar/39Ar geochronological data were applied to constrain the forming ages of the ores and their country rocks. Three samples of host volcanic rocks yielded weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages of 397.1 ± 4.5 Ma, 391.7 ± 3.6 Ma and 391.1 ± 4.2 Ma, respectively, indicating that the Kangbutiebao Formation was deposited in a Devonian back-arc basin. Two biotite samples separated from the Pb–Zn-containing quartz veins yielded 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of 205.9 ± 2.1 Ma and 204.3 ± 2.2 Ma, respectively, which represent the age of the Pb–Zn mineralization that is attributed to the closure of the Kelan back-arc basin and the Late Triassic orogeny. Combining the available geological and geochronological data, this contribution outlines the successive evolution from the development of a Devonian back-arc basin to the Late Triassic post-subduction orogeny, and proposes that the Dadonggou Pb–Zn deposit is an epigenetic orogenic-type deposit placed in the Late Triassic orogeny.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2016,29(4):1294-1309
The Cuddapah Basin is one of a series of Proterozoic basins that overlie the cratons of India that, due to limited geochronological and provenance constraints, have remained subject to speculation as to their time of deposition, sediment source locations, and tectonic/geodynamic significance.Here we present 21 new, stratigraphically constrained, U–Pb detrital zircon samples from all the main depositional units within the Cuddapah Basin. These data are supported by Hf isotopic data from 12 of these samples, that also encompass the stratigraphic range, and detrital muscovite 40Ar/39Ar data from a sample of the Srisailam Formation. Taken together, the data demonstrate that the Papaghni and lower Chitravati Groups were sourced from the Dharwar Craton, in what is interpreted to be a rift basin that evolved into a passive margin. The Nallamalai Group is here constrained to be deposited between 1659 ± 22 Ma and ~ 1590 Ma. It was sourced from the coeval Krishna Orogen to the east, and was deposited in its foreland basin. Nallamalai Group detrital zircon U–Pb and Hf isotope values directly overlap with similar data from the Ongole Domain metasedimentary rocks. Depositional age constraints on the Srisailam Formation are permissive with it being coeval with the Nallamalai Group and it was possibly deposited within the same basin. The Kurnool Group saw a return to Dharwar Craton derived provenance and is constrained to being Neoproterozoic. It may represent deposition in a long-wavelength basin forelandward of the Tonian Eastern Ghats Orogeny. Detrital zircons from the Gandikota Formation, which is traditionally considered a part of the Chitravati Group, constrain it to being deposited after 1181 ± 29 Ma, more than 700 Ma after the lower Chitravati Group. It is possible that the Gandikota Formation is correlative with the Kurnool Group.The new data suggest that the Nallamalai Group correlates temporally and tectonically with the Somanpalli Group of the Pranhita–Godavari Valley Basin, which is tightly constrained to being deposited at ~ 1620 Ma. These syn-orogenic foreland basin deposits firmly link the SE India Proterozoic basins to their orogenic hinterland with their discovery filling a ‘missing-link’ in the tectonic development of the region.  相似文献   

A detailed gravimetric study has been integrated with the most recent stratigraphic data in the area comprised between the Arno river and the foothills of the Northern Apennines, in northern Tuscany (central Italy). A Plio–Pleistocene basin lies in this area; its sedimentary succession can be subdivided from the bottom, in five allostratigraphic units: (1) Lower–Middle Pliocene shallow marine deposits; (2) Late Pliocene (?)–Early Pleistocene fluvio-lacustrine deposits; (3) late–Early Pleistocene–Middle Pleistocene alluvial to fluvial red conglomerates (Montecarlo Formation); (4) Middle Pleistocene alluvial to fluvial red conglomerates (Cerbaie and Casa Poggio ai Lecci Formations); (5) alluvial to fluvial deposits of Late Pleistocene age. The Bouguer anomaly map displays a strong minimum in the northeastern sector of the basin, and a gentle gradient from west to east. The map of the horizontal gradients permits to recognise three major fault zones, two of which along the southwestern and northeastern margins of the basin, and one along the southeastern edge of the Pisani Mountains. A 2.5D gravimetric modelling along a SW–NE section across the basin displays a thick wedge of sediments of density 2.25 g/cm3 (about 1700 m in the depocenter) overlying a layer of density 2.55 g/cm3, 1000 m thick, which rests on a basement of 2.72 g/cm3. The most of the sediment wedge is here referred to Upper Pliocene (?)–Lower Pleistocene, because borehole data show Pliocene marine deposits thinning northward close to the southern margin of the area. The layer below is referred to Ligurids and upper Tuscan Nappe units; the densest layer is interpreted as composed of Triassic evaporites, quartzites and Palaeozoic basement. According to Carmignani low-angle extensional tectonics began between Serravallian and early Messinian, thinning the Apennine nappe stack. At the end of Middle Pliocene, syn-rift deposition ceased in the Viareggio Basin (west of the investigated area) as demonstrated by Argnani and co-workers, and high-angle extensional tectonics migrated eastward up to the Monte Albano Ridge. A syn-rift continental sedimentary wedge developed in Late Pliocene–Early Pleistocene, until its hanging wall block was dismembered, during late Early Pleistocene, by NE-dipping faults, causing the uplift of its western portion (the Pisani Mountains). This breakup caused exhumation and erosion of Triassic units whose clastics where shed into the surrounding palaeo-Arno Valley in alluvial–fluvial deposits unconformably overlying the Lower Pleistocene syn-rift deposits. In the late Pleistocene SW–NE-trending fault systems created the steep southeastern edge of the Pisani Mountains and the resulting throw is recorded in Middle Pleistocene deposits across the present Arno Valley. This tectonic phase probably continues at present, offshore Livorno, as evidenced by the epicentres of earthquakes.  相似文献   

U–Pb detrital zircon geochronology has been used to identify provenance and document sediment delivery systems during the deposition of the early Late Triassic Yanchang Formation in the south Ordos Basin. Two outcrop samples of the Yanchang Formation were collected from the southern and southwestern basin margin respectively. U–Pb detrital zircon geochronology of 158 single grains (out of 258 analyzed grains) shows that there are six distinct age populations, 250–300 Ma, 320–380 Ma, 380–420 Ma, 420–500 Ma, 1.7–2.1 Ga, and 2.3–2.6 Ga. The majority of grains with the two oldest age populations are interpreted as recycled from previous sediments. Multiple sources match the Paleozoic age populations of 380–420 and 420–500 Ma, including the Qilian–Qaidam terranes and the North Qilian orogenic belt to the west, and the Qinling orogenic belt to the south. However, the fact that both samples do not have the Neoproterozoic age populations, which are ubiquitous in these above source areas, suggests that the Late Triassic Yanchang Formation in the south Ordos Basin was not derived from the Qilian–Qaidam terranes, the North Qilian orogenic belt, and the Qinling orogenic belt. Very similar age distribution between the Proterozoic to Paleozoic sedimentary rocks and the early Late Triassic Yanchang Formation in the south Ordos Basin suggests that it was most likely recycled from previous sedimentary rocks from the North China block instead of sediments directly from two basin marginal deformation belts.  相似文献   

With the aim of constraining the influence of the surrounding plates on the Late Paleozoic–Mesozoic paleogeographic and tectonic evolution of the southern North China Craton (NCC), we undertook new U–Pb and Hf isotope data for detrital zircons obtained from ten samples of upper Paleozoic to Mesozoic sediments in the Luoyang Basin and Dengfeng area. Samples of upper Paleozoic to Mesozoic strata were obtained from the Taiyuan, Xiashihezi, Shangshihezi, Shiqianfeng, Ermaying, Shangyoufangzhuang, Upper Jurassic unnamed, and Lower Cretaceous unnamed formations (from oldest to youngest). On the basis of the youngest zircon ages, combined with the age-diagnostic fossils, and volcanic interlayer, we propose that the Taiyuan Formation (youngest zircon age of 439 Ma) formed during the Late Carboniferous and Early Permian, the Xiashihezi Formation (276 Ma) during the Early Permian, the Shangshihezi (376 Ma) and Shiqianfeng (279 Ma) formations during the Middle–Late Permian, the Ermaying Group (232 Ma) and Shangyoufangzhuang Formation (230 and 210 Ma) during the Late Triassic, the Jurassic unnamed formation (154 Ma) during the Late Jurassic, and the Cretaceous unnamed formation (158 Ma) during the Early Cretaceous. These results, together with previously published data, indicate that: (1) Upper Carboniferous–Lower Permian sandstones were sourced from the Northern Qinling Orogen (NQO); (2) Lower Permian sandstones were formed mainly from material derived from the Yinshan–Yanshan Orogenic Belt (YYOB) on the northern margin of the NCC with only minor material from the NQO; (3) Middle–Upper Permian sandstones were derived primarily from the NQO, with only a small contribution from the YYOB; (4) Upper Triassic sandstones were sourced mainly from the YYOB and contain only minor amounts of material from the NQO; (5) Upper Jurassic sandstones were derived from material sourced from the NQO; and (6) Lower Cretaceous conglomerate was formed mainly from recycled earlier detritus.The provenance shift in the Upper Carboniferous–Mesozoic sediments within the study area indicates that the YYOB was strongly uplifted twice, first in relation to subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean Plate beneath the northern margin of the NCC during the Early Permian, and subsequently in relation to collision between the southern Mongolian Plate and the northern margin of the NCC during the Late Triassic. The three episodes of tectonic uplift of the NQO were probably related to collision between the North and South Qinling terranes, northward subduction of the Mianlue Ocean Plate, and collision between the Yangtze Craton and the southern margin of the NCC during the Late Carboniferous–Early Permian, Middle–Late Permian, and Late Jurassic, respectively. The southern margin of the central NCC was rapidly uplifted and eroded during the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The Lanping basin is a significant Pb–Zn–Cu–Ag mineralization belt of the Sanjiang Tethyan metallogenic province in China. Over 100 thrust-controlled, sediment-hosted, Himalayan base metal deposits have been discovered in this basin, including the largest sandstone-hosted Pb–Zn deposit in the world (Jinding), and several Cu ± Ag ± Co deposits (Baiyangping, Baiyangchang and Jinman). These deposits, with total reserves of over 16.0 Mt Pb + Zn, 0.6 Mt Cu, and 7000 t Ag, are mainly hosted in Meso-Cenozoic mottled clastic rocks, and strictly controlled by two Cenozoic thrust systems developed in the western and eastern segments of the Lanping basin.To define the metallogenic history of the study area, we dated nine calcite samples associated with copper sulfides from the Jinman Cu deposit by the Sm–Nd method and five molybdenite samples from the Liancheng Cu–Mo deposit by the Re–Os method. The calcite Sm–Nd age for the Jinman deposit (58 ± 5 Ma) and the molybdenite Re–Os age for the Liancheng deposit (48 ± 2 Ma), together with previously published chronological data, demonstrate (1) the Cu–Ag mineralization in the western Lanping basin mainly occurred in three episodes (i.e., ∼56–54, 51–48, and 31–29 Ma), corresponding to the main- and late-collisional stages of the Indo–Asian orogeny; and (2) the Pb–Zn–Ag (±Cu) mineralization in the eastern Lanping basin lacked precise and direct dating, however, the apatite fission track ages of several representative deposits (21 ± 4 Ma to 32 ± 5 Ma) may offer some constraints on the mineralization age.  相似文献   

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