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In this paper, the numerical modelling of the tidal level and current in the Bohai Sea was carried out with ADI method, by taking the sum of four main tidal components M2,S2K2,O1 as the open boundary condition. The calculated values were consistent with the predicted ones (the observed values in the case of calm) in the Tidal Table. On the basis of the modelling of the tide, the sea level and current fields under the effects of strong wind were simulated. The calculated results were also quite satisfactory.  相似文献   

Besides seasonal variation, instantaneous variation of thermal layer will occur under the effects of tide, tidal current and wind disturbance. In this study the numerical simulation has been first carried out on fluctuation and undulation of thermal layer under influence of tide (simultaneous input of 8 tidal components). The study reveals the geographic distribution of thermal layer fluctuation in the entire study region and temporal and spatial variations of the undulation in tidal period superposing on the fluctuation. Especially, the wave with large amplitude simulated is consistent with observation in the channal and the sea areas with a convex coastline and complex variation of depth, internal relations of tide, tidal current, residual current as well as the factors such as geography, and the fluctuation of thermal layer is induced by residual current due to unsymmetry which occurs as a result of the tidal movement in lower layer influenced by friction and geography, meanwhile, analysis indicates  相似文献   

- In this paper, the depth of the summer thermocline of the South Huanghai Sea and the East China Sea is calculated with two kinds of one-dimentional models, and the formation reasons are explained for the summer thermocline depth distribution characteristics in the study area. It is proved that in the shelf area of the East China Sea, tidal mixing has an important impact on the thermocline depth. And a new explanation for certain phenomena of the so-called coastal upwelling in the East China Sea is proposed.  相似文献   

- On the basis of the fact that the sharp thermocHne in the Bohai Sea and the northern Huanghai Sea is often distributed in the deep valley areas, it has been long thought that the reason of the formation of the sharp thermocHne is that the cold water can be easily kept in valleys. But recent investigations carried out in the southern Huanghai Sea in summer show that all of the sharp thermocHne areas were distributed in the shallow sloping-bottom areas but not in the deep valley areas. Only in autumn would the sharp thermoclines translate to the deep valley areas. In summer, they are characterized by shallow upper mixing layer and thin thickness in the southern Huanghai Sea. In addition to entrainment coming from lower boundary of upper mixing layer the entrainment from upper border of bottom homogeneous layer induced by tidal mixing also plays an important role in the growth and decay of thermoclines in these seas.  相似文献   

李静  宋军  牟林  王悦  李琰  王国松 《海洋通报》2015,34(6):647-656
利用 ROMS海洋数值模式对 2006年冬季渤黄海的海洋动力环境进行模拟,基于温度、盐度模拟结果,使用谱混合 模型进行水团分析,定义了渤海海峡地区的水交换区。并进一步讨论了冬季大风事件对水交换区的影响,给出了冬季大风影 响下的渤黄海水交换特征。研究得出,冬季的黄海水团以“舌”形分布于渤海海峡地区,水交换区则表现为沿" 舌" 形边缘 呈带状分布,具有西北--东南的走向趋势,并且在“舌”尖处的水交换面积最大。通过缩小研究范围,发现位于黄海最北部 的沿岸海域并不参与渤黄海之间的水体交换。最后研究发现,冬季大风事件对渤海水交换具有促进作用,具体表现为:大风 过程使黄海暖流对渤海的入侵更加深入,水交换区向渤海方向伸展,南部的水交换带变宽,河流径流进入渤海后与渤海水的 混合区加大,并发生北移。  相似文献   

潮汐作用下渤海温跃层波动与起伏的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了潮汐(四大分潮 M2,S2,K1,O1同时输入)作用下渤海温跃层起伏与波动的三维数值模型(将海洋分为3层,即上混和层、跃层和下混和层),揭示了整个海区温跃层上界面处跃层起伏(在文中指每个时刻跃层波高的周期平均值)的地理分布及叠加在起伏之上的潮周期波动的时空变化,模拟出跃层波动与实测基本一致.结果发现大振幅的跃层波动均发生在海峡及近海地形突变之处.一般界面波动的波高大于甚至远远大于同一位置的表层潮波.从位相以及周期来看,潮波和跃层上下界面波动相互之间,有些海域一致,有些地方则相差甚远.跃层上界深度及厚度的梯度,对跃层起伏分布有一定的影响.跃层起伏还可能与海岸海底摩擦有关.  相似文献   

本文基于三维波流耦合FVCOM-SWAVE数值模式,采用Jelesnianski参数化风场与再分析数据集ECMWF风场数据叠加而成的合成风场作为外力驱动力,模拟了1818号"温比亚"台风引起北黄海及渤海海域风暴潮增减水及波浪的生长与消减过程,进而分析该海域在"温比亚"台风作用下波浪对流速垂向分布的影响。研究结果表明:合成风场得到的风速最大值及出现时刻与实测数据符合较好,合成风场较为合理,能够为模拟波流耦合机制下海域水动力变化提供准确的风场条件;几个测站的风暴潮增水模拟结果与实测数据较为吻合,FVCOM-SWAVE耦合系统合理地再现了"温比亚"台风在黄渤海引发的风暴潮增水以及台风浪过程。此外,计算结果显示"温比亚"期间黄渤海海域最大有效波高分布于台风中心外围,且位于台风前进方向上,波浪最大有效波高值与台风强度有关;在台风过境期间,波流相互作用对近岸海域流速的垂向分布具有一定影响,考虑波流相互作用可有效提高台风风暴潮数值模拟精度。研究结果对台风灾害预报、防灾减灾及港口建筑选址具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

利用二维非线性潮波方程组,讨论了渤黄海主要分潮(全日潮、半日潮及浅水分潮) 数值模拟中的有关问题。数值模拟中同时考虑了4个主要分潮(M2,S2,K1,O1)和两个浅水分潮(M4,MS4)。分析表明,在渤黄海潮波系统数值模拟中,稳定后选取14 d的数值模拟结果进行调和分析能够取得最佳(最合理)的调和分析结果。计算出调和常数的模拟值与实测值之差的绝对平均值:M2分潮的振幅差为4cm,迟角差为3.3°,S2分潮的振幅差为2cm,迟角差为4.2°,K1 分潮的振幅差为1cm,迟角差为3.7°,O1分潮的振幅差为2 cm,迟角差为5.5°。实验结果较好地体现了渤黄海潮波系统的特征。  相似文献   

黄渤海海域波浪时空变化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用欧洲中期预报中心(ECMWF)第五代再分析数据集(ECMWF Reanalysis v5,ERA5),对中国黄渤海海域2000—2019年的波浪进行了统计分析.得到如下的结论:1)黄渤海海区波浪具有明显的季节性,渤海区域有效波高呈现出周边小,中间大的特点;黄海海域有效波高呈现由南向北降低的趋势;研究区域冬季有效...  相似文献   

The Bohai Strait is the only passage-way of the semienclosed Bohai Sea into the outer ocean. The various dynamical processes have great effects on both sides of the strait, especially on the Bohai Sea. Tidal current dominates in the strait, and among the tida! components the M, component tide is prevailing.The seawater in the strait is homogeneous vertically almost the whole year because of strong tidal mixing. The M, component tide was simulated numerically using two dimensional barotropical model, and the Eulerian tide-induced residual currents were also deduced. The results showed that the tidal currents were dominated by the coastal line and topography. There exist many eddies in the tide-induced residual current fields, particularly near the northern coast.On the basis of the simulation of the tidal currents, the movements of the water particles in the strait were tracked by means of Lagrangian techniques. Consequently the Lagrangian residual currents were obtained. Somewhat similar to the Eulerian  相似文献   

When investigating the long-term variation of wave characteristics as associated with storm surges in the Bohai Sea,the Simulating Waves Nearshore(SWAN)model and Advanced CIRCulation(ADCIRC)model were coupled to simulate 32 storm surges between 1985 and 2014.This simulation was validated by reproducing three actual wave processes,showing that the simulated significant wave height(SWH)and mean wave period agreed well with the actual measurements.In addition,the long-term variations in SWH,pattems in SWH extremes along the Bohai Sea coast,the 100-year retum period SWH extreme distribution,and waves conditional probability distribution were calculated and analyzed.We find that the trend of SWH extremes in most of the coastal stations was negative,among which the largest trend was-0.03 m/a in the western part of Liaodong Bay.From the 100-year return period of the SWH distribution calculated in the Gumbel method,we find that the SWH extremes associated with storm surges decreased gradually from the center of the Bohai Sea to the coast.In addition,the joint probability of wave and surge for the entire Bohai Sea in 100-year return period was determined by the Gumbel logistic method.We therefore,assuming a minimum surge of one meter across the entire Bohai Sea,obtained the spatial SWH distribution.The conclusions of this study are significant for offshore and coastal engineering design.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal variability of tidal mixing in Bohai Sea is studied using a numerical approach. In calculating tidal mixing, accurate barotropic tidal current is obtained via a harmonic analysis package utilizing the simulated current output from a high-resolution regional ocean model. And a “small-scale” roughness map is adopted to describe the detailed topographic features of Bohai Sea. It is shown that the tidal mixing estimated in Bohai Sea is much higher than the level of global background, and fluctuates considerably at some regions within a single day. In Liaodong Bay, Bohai Bay and Bohai Strait, the mixing varies greatly, with the peak value of O (10?2) m2 s?1. The order of magnitude of mixing in Laizhou Bay is about O (10?5~10?3) m2 s?1. Mixing with background level of O (10?5) m2 s?1 only appears in central area. Result also shows that rough topography plays relatively a more important role than tidal current in enhancing diapycnal mixing in Bohai Sea. The distributions of tidal mixing in selected sections reveal that the vertical stratification in Bohai Sea is not obvious, generally renders a barotropic structure.  相似文献   

在POM的基础上,建立一个σ坐标系下三维斜压预报模式,利用经过资料同化处理的周平均卫星遥感海面温度资料,考虑海底地形、外海出入流、海面风应力等因素的影响,较好的模拟了冬季渤、黄、东海环流的情况。  相似文献   

利用一个三维斜压模式ROMS,对夏季和冬季的渤海流场、示踪物输运及扩散进行了简要模拟。模拟结果表明渤海环流在夏季和冬季呈现多涡环流模态,垂向平均流场更为突出,渤海各大港口排放的保守污染物浓度在80天左右后显著降低,不过影响范围呈现季节性分布,污染物的输运扩散受与流场紧密相关,渤海湾是影响最为严重的海域。  相似文献   

热带海洋温跃层深度与南海夏季风强度关系探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
计算了1975~1999年南海夏季风强度指数,针对季风强、弱年进行太平洋至印度洋20℃等温面的深度(温跃层深度)距平场合成分析,得到强、弱季风年温跃层深度距平的4种分布形式.使用历年季风强度指数与各月温跃层深度距平作相关计算,发现孟加拉湾和赤道中太平洋的深度距平与季风强度具有很好的正相关,台湾以东海域呈较高的负相关,可作为季风预测的重要因子.  相似文献   

Microorganisms in sediments are critical to marine ecosystems. The microbial communities in marine sediments of the Bohai Sea(BS) and Yellow Sea(YS), the eastern Chinese marginal seas, were uncovered in employing the metagenomic approach. In addition, the taxonomic and functional compositions of microbes were compared among various sediment core depths. Results showing the compositions, diversities, and functions of the microbial communities showed no significant variations with sea areas, and s...  相似文献   

The seasonal variation of mixing layer depth(MLD) in the ocean is determined by a wind stress and a buoyance flux.A South China Sea(SCS) ocean data assimilation system is used to analyze the seasonal cycle of its MLD.It is found that the variability of MLD in the SCS is shallow in summer and deep in winter,as is the case in general.Owing to local atmosphere forcing and ocean dynamics,the seasonal variability shows a regional characteristic in the SCS.In the northern SCS,the MLD is shallow in summer and deep in winter,affected coherently by the wind stress and the buoyance flux.The variation of MLD in the west is close to that in the central SCS,influenced by the advection of strong western boundary currents.The eastern SCS presents an annual cycle,which is deep in summer and shallow in winter,primarily impacted by a heat flux on the air-sea interface.So regional characteristic needs to be cared in the analysis about the MLD of SCS.  相似文献   

黄、渤海表层海温对台风过程响应数值试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据黄、渤海夏季由台风引起的异常海温的主要特点 ,构造一个简单而典型的台风过程模型 ,利用“近海异常海温数值预报模式”对海表层温度进行了数值试验 ,对台风过程中引起异常海温的各因子进行了定量分析 ,给出台风中心及其附近各点由各因子引起的变温率变化。试验表明 ,在台风作用下 ,冷水抽吸是引起异常低温的主要原因 ,大风夹卷的贡献占第二位 ,蒸发潜热的作用也不容忽视。数值模拟还清晰地显示出台风所引起的左弱右强的不对称降温效应以及表层暖水向外输运并在台风边缘下沉的现象。另外 ,还对近海异常海温预报模式的几个关键性问题及模式需改进之处进行了讨论。  相似文献   

渤海夏季环流和渤海海峡水体输运的数值诊断研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
建立了一个基于POM的涵盖渤、黄、东海的海洋环流诊断模式来研究渤海夏季环流。分别进行了风海流、密度流和总环流的模拟。从模拟结果得出:渤海海峡夏季与北黄海的水交换总的来说表现为北进南出特征,但与冬季相比,其流量较小(约5×103m3s 1)且不能深入渤海。辽东湾基本上受气旋式环流控制,黄河口外至渤海湾受反气旋式环流控制。数值实验表明,渤海夏季主要属密度流性质。在渤海海峡的北岸存在一支明显的上升流,而且北部的海水垂向运动比南部要强许多。在渤海中部的纬向断面上,东部的海水垂直交换要比西部活跃得多;渤海海水的垂向运动亦主要是密度流导致的。  相似文献   

Time series of freshwater runoff, seawater salinity, temperature and oxygen were used in transfer functions (TF) to model changes of mesozooplankton taxa in the Baltic Sea from the 1960’s to the 1990’s. The models were then compared with long term zooplankton monitoring data from the same period. The TF models for all taxa over the whole Baltic proper and at different depth layers showed statistically significant estimates in t-tests. TF models were further compared using parsimony as a criterion. We present models showing 1) r2 > 0.4, 2) the smallest residual standard error with the combination of exploratory variables, 3) the lowest number of parameters and 4) the highest proportional decrease in error term when the TF model residual standard error was compared with those of the univariate ARIMA model of the same response variable. Most often (7 taxa out of a total of 8), zooplankton taxa were dependent on freshwater runoff and/or seawater salinity. Cladocerans and estuarine copepods were more conveniently modelled through the inclusion of seawater temperature and oxygen data as independent variables. Our modelling, however, explains neither the overall increase in zooplankton abundance nor a simultaneous decrease found in the neritic copepod, Temora longicornis. Therefore, biotic controlling agents (e.g. nutrients, primary production and planktivore diets) are suggested as independent variables for further TF modelling. TF modelling enabled us to put the controlling factors in a time frame. It was then possible, despite the inherent multiple correlation among parameters studied to deduce a chain-of-events from the environmental controls and biotic feedback mechanisms to changes in zooplankton species. We suggest that the documented long-term changes in zooplankton could have been driven by climatic regulation only. The control by climate could be mediated to zooplankton through marine chemical and physical factors, as well as biotic factors if all of these were responding to the same external control, such as changes in the freshwater runoff. Increased runoff would explain both the increasing eutrophication, causing the overall increase of zooplankton, and the changes in selective predation, contributing to decline of Temora.  相似文献   

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