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In this paper, I analyze the connections made between women and water in a Rajasthani drinking water supply project as a significant part of drinking water’s commodification. For development policy makers, water progressing from something free to something valued by price is inevitable when moving economies toward modernity and development. My findings indicate that water is not commodified simply by charging money for it, but through a series of discourses and acts that link it to other “modern” objects and give it value. One of these objects is “women”. I argue that through women’s participation activities that link gender and modernity to new responsibilities and increased mobility for village women involving the clean water supply, a “traditional” Rajasthani woman becomes “modern”. Water, in parallel, becomes “new”, “improved” and worth paying for. Women and water resources are further connected through project staff’s efforts to promote latrines by targeting women as their primary users. The research shows that villagers applied their own meanings to latrines, some of which precluded women using them. This paper fills a gap in feminist political ecology, which often overlooks how gender is created through natural resource interventions, by concerning itself with how new meanings of “water” and “women” are mutually constructed through struggles over water use and its commodification. It contributes to critical development geography literatures by demonstrating that women’s participation approaches to natural resource development act as both constraints and opportunities for village constituents. It examines an under-explored area of gender and water research by tracing village-level struggles over meanings of latrines.  相似文献   

Ilmenite is one of the common kimberlitic indicator minerals recovered during diamond exploration, and its distinction from non-kimberlitic rock types is important. This is particularly true for regions where these minerals are present in relatively low abundance, and they are the dominant kimberlitic indicator mineral recovered. Difficulty in visually differentiating kimberlitic from non-kimberlitic ilmenite in exploration concentrates is also an issue, and distinguishing kimberlitic ilmenite from those derive from other similar rocks, such as ultramafic lamprophyres, is practically impossible. Ilmenite is also the indicator mineral whose compositional variety has the most potential to resolve provenance issues related to mineral dispersions with contributions from multiple kimberlite sources.

Various published data sets from selected kimberlitic (including kimberlites, lamproites, and various ultramafic lamprophyres) and non-kimberlitic rock types have been compiled and evaluated in terms of their major element compositions. Compositional fields and bounding reference lines for ilmenites derived from kimberlites (sensu stricto), ultramafic lamprophyres, and other non-kimberlitic rock types have been defined primarily on MgO–TiO2 graphs as well as MgO–Cr2O3 relationships.  相似文献   

Three progressive metamorphic suites are developed in pelitic rocks of the northern Wopmay Orogen. Two suites are related to the Hepburn Batholith and one to the Wentzel Batholith. All three suites are cut by post-metamorphic wrench faults, some of which have significant vertical displacement. The structural relief so provided reveals that medium-and high-grade isograds associated with the Hepburn Batholith dip inward towards the batholith and are thus “hot-side-up”. Isograds associated with the Wentzel Batholith dip away from the batholith and are thus “hot-side-down”. It is concluded that Hepburn Batholith has the form of the flattened funnel fed from depth, and that Wentzel Batholith is the arched roof of an intrusive complex of unknown shape at depth.  相似文献   

Jody Emel  Matthew T. Huber   《Geoforum》2008,39(3):1393-1407
Natural resource investment in the mining sector is often mediated through conflicts over rent distribution between corporate capital and landowner states. Recent rounds of neoliberal policy promoted by the World Bank have highlighted the need for landowner states to offer incentives in order to attract “high risk” capital investment. In Sub-Saharan Africa, in particular, countries have been pushed to offer attractive fiscal terms to capital, thereby lowering the proportion traditionally called rent. This paper examines how the concept of “risk” has been mobilized to legitimate such skewed distributional arrangements. While certain conceptions of social and ecological “risk” have been prevalent in political and social theoretic discourse on mining, such focus elides the overwhelming contemporary power of our notion of “neoliberal risk” – or the financial/market risks – in actually setting the distributional terms of mineral investment. We illustrate our argument by examining the nexus of World Bank mining policy promotion and Tanzanian policy in the late 1990s meant to attract foreign direct investment in gold production. In closing, we suggest that just as “risk” is used to legitimate attractive fiscal terms for investment, recent events highlight how skewed distribution of benefits may set into motion risks that corporate capital had not bargained for.  相似文献   

An unusual suite of silicified rocks was excavated during a recent harbour-deepening project in Tampa Bay, Florida. These rocks, which we have termed “box-work geodes”, are composed of convoluted, intersecting silica walls enclosing cavities which are either voids or filled with relatively pure monoclinic palygorskite. The “box-work geodes” are interpreted as having formed in shallow lagoonal environments, similar to the Coorong Lagoon of South Australia. Synaeresis of syngenetic palygorskite was followed by opal deposition and case hardening of the material. Subsequent chemical deposition of chalcedony, megacrystalline quartz, barite, and calcite on the void facing walls indicates an open chemical system.

The existence of opal saturated lagoons, as inferred from the “box-work geodes”, suggests that much of the replacement chert, porcelanite, and silicified fossils in the Tertiary deposits of peninsular Florida formed in the shallow subsurface. Subsequent weathering of carbonates and clays not encapsulated in the box works has resulted in formation of a green montmorillonite residual clay bed.  相似文献   

The credentials of the so-called Red Rock Fault, along the eastern border of the Cheshire Plain, and at the boundary between the Trias or Permo-Trias on the west, and the Carboniferous rocks on the east, are examined from the published records. The conclusion reached is that the boundary probably represents an unconformity, not a fault. It may be taken to be a test case as to the authenticity of other well known and long established ‘faults’ in the structure of Britain.  相似文献   

In the Witwatersrand approximately 40% of the gold is intimately associated with so-called “carbon” in “carbon seam reefs”, which occur in over a dozen paleoplacers, many of them concentrated at two stratigraphic levels in the 7000-m-thick succession of Archean siliciclastic sedimentary rocks. This is reduced carbon, present as kerogen admixed in various proportions with derivative (now solid) bitumen(s). Oil generation and migration were active geological processes during Early Earth history. Numerous possible source rocks for oil generation, including the carbon seams themselves, occur within the Witwatersrand basin. In the Witwatersrand ore, oil-bearing fluid inclusions are also present, derived like the bitumen, by thermal maturation of the kerogen. The presence of kerogen and bitumen in the Witwatersrand sedimentary rocks, together with a wealth of observations on the spatial distribution of the carbon seams confirm that the carbon originated in situ from living organisms in microbial mat cover, as opposed to flowing in from elsewhere as liquid hydrocarbons as some researchers have suggested. Paleochannels, which truncated auriferous carbon seams early in the depositional history, are of widespread occurrence, and micro-synsedimentary faults offset carbon seams. The carbon seams are thus indigenous biogenic markers that grew contemporaneously with placer development. The various features highlighting the nature and spatial distribution of Witwatersrand carbon seams provide a classic case where field evidence trumps laboratory data in the reconstruction of geological processes.  相似文献   

Ancient geosynclinal coastal deposits, preserved and exposed for present-day examination, probably represent interior—and hence protected—shores, and were therefore characterized by low-to-moderate breaker energy levels, as is the modern Gulf of Mexico. Modern low-energy beach sand size distributions are distinguished by an inflection, here called the surf “break”, formed by a winnowing or statistical filtering process, by the breakers, in the finer sizes. The result is a two-segment curve having an intersection in many cases not far from 1.5 phi. If the energy level is very low, a tail of fines may be added, producing a three-segment curve having two inflection points. Along high energy beaches, the surf “break” occurs at such large grain sizes that it cannot be preserved in sand; whether or not it can be recognized in gravel is not known. Ancient sandstones which represent the breaker zone, along a low-to-moderate energy coast, should also exhibit the surf “break”. The Lyons Sandstone, a known Permian beach deposit, provides an example. Other examples are cited. Any useful indicator of the shoreline position, in lithified rocks, should have three characteristics: ease of recognition, high reliability, and strong probability of preservation. The surf “break” scores reasonably well on all three points. Hence it may be an important key to paleogeography. Nevertheless, there still remains a question inasmuch as certain river sands have similar inflections. Whether these kinks were inherited from near-by, but older, beach deposits, or were formed by stream action, is not known. The reliability of the surf “break” is estimated at 80% or better, except for the case where near-shore sands, of whatever age, are reworked briefly by running water.  相似文献   

The boundaries between major world-wide sequences of sediments on continental platforms are due primarily to either eustatic changes or to systematic uplift of the continental interior. If thermal contraction of the lithosphere controls basin subsidence, basins would continue to subside during times of low eustatic sea level. Calculations indicate that significant gaps in the geological record could be produced by modest eustatic sealevel changes even in rapidly subsiding basins. For example, a 95 m withdrawal could have produced the sub-Devonian unconformity in the Michigan Basin. The vertical amplitude of eustatic variations can be determined directly from the depth of paleotopographic valleys (135m for sub-Pennsylvanian of Illinois Basin) and from the present elevation of sediments deposited during highstands (300 m above present sea level). The Illinois Basin aparently continued to subside during the sub-Pennsylvanian regression.  相似文献   

Environmental planning is an arena of policy making in which formal public deliberation is among the most extensive. At the same time, environmental disputes can also be among the most resistant to resolution, often becoming entangled in issues that some describe as “intangible”. The discourse is largely structured by regulatory frameworks, such as environmental impact assessment laws and procedures, which focus primarily on operational rights (what one can or cannot do where and when) and tangible impacts on the physical or natural environment. A comparative case study of mariculture in Hawai‘i reveals that a large measure of public concerns focused on collective choice rights (who has a right to make which decisions on behalf of whom) and the more intangible impacts to the social or cultural environment. These concerns are often nested in a historic context that has implications for the social processes that they create. The findings from this study imply a need for more structured or systematic ways to deliberate issues of collective choice rights alongside operational rights within the larger process of environmental planning.  相似文献   

The potters' quarter of the ancient city of Sagalassos, southwest Turkey, was one of the largest and most enduring ceramic‐producing manufactories in the eastern Mediterranean. The objective of our study was to determine environmental circumstances that favored development of different clay resources in the territory of Sagalassos and to assess utilization of these resources in the local pottery manufactory. The potters' quarter was established where, owing to favorable geological circumstances, a large clay body had developed. The bedrock in the potters' quarter, a tectonized ophiolite sequence, has synclinal structure; hence, surface runoff and groundwater tend to accumulate in its center. The weathering of the basic rock formed a smectite‐rich clay with vertic properties. This clay was mined in antiquity, and mineralogical and chemical analyses indicate that it was used for the production of local ceramics from Hellenistic to Byzantine times. It is likely that colluvium on top of the ophiolitic clay at the potters' quarter is related to deforestation and slope processes after the potters' quarter was abandoned. In sum, environmental circumstances determined the location of the artisanal quarter of Sagalassos, with its clay quarrying operation and ceramic manufactory. However, for the local mass‐produced Sagalassos red slip ware, the results of our chemical and mineralogical analyses indicate that a different, more suitable clay was used: detrital lake sediments, rich in chlorite and chlorite/smectite mixed layers, located about 8 km from the original artisanal quarter. The choice for this clay was determined both by the presence of a suitable clay deposit, as well as socio‐economic circumstances such as land ownership. The site of Sagalassos yielded unique evidence of mining of clay at a ceramic production site, as well as import of nearby clays. The local and imported clays were used side‐by‐side, but one for the production of common wares and building ceramics, and the other for the manufacturing of luxury fine tablewares. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Hefei Basin is the largest basin in the North China landmass with complete and well-preserved Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata. In the basin there developed a suite of extremely thick “red beds” in the Mesozoic. Owing to complex evolution processes and a lack of paleontological traces, there have been controversies regarding the division and correlation of this suite of red beds. Based on results obtained in recent years in drilling, seismic and surface geological investigations and in consideration of relationships between seismic sequences and regional tectonic events, as well as evidence in paleontology, petrology and isotopic dating, this paper preliminarily puts forward the following ideas about the sequence stratigraphic framework of the continental “red beds” in the Hefei Basin. (1) The Zhougongshan Formation and the Yuantongshan Formation have similar lithologic, geophysical and paleontological characteristics, so we incorporate them into a single formation, called the Yuantongshan Formation, and the original Zhougongshan and Yuantongshan Formations are regarded as the upper and the lower parts of the newly defined Yuantongshan Formation. Its age is the Middle Jurassic; (2) the Zhuxiang Formation belongs to the Upper Jurassic Series and (3) the age of the Xiangdaopu Formation is the Lower Cretaceous. Furthermore, signatures of depositional evolution are analyzed in the paper based on features of seismic reflection, outcrops and drilling data. The Early and Middle Jurassic is characterized by a foreland basin, which is influenced mainly by uplift and longitudinal compression of the Dabieshan Mountains; the Lower Jurassic System has a relatively small depositional area; the Middle Jurassic strata are distributed extensively over the whole basin, marking the summit of basin development; a flexure basin is characteristic of the Late Jurassic, manifesting a joint effect of the Dabieshan and Zhangbaling Mountains with the former being more significant. In the Early Cretaceous, the Xiangdaopu Formation was distributed in the Daqiao depression, evidently affected by extension of the Tanlu fault; in the Late Cretaceous, the Hefei Basin was subjected to dismembering and the Zhangqiao Formation was distributed in the east-west direction along the downthrown side of the fault.  相似文献   

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