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We developed kinetic theory for the charging processes of small dust grains near the lunar surface due to interaction with the anisotropic solar wind plasma. Once charged, these dust grains, which are exposed to the electric field in the sheath region near the lunar surface, could loft and distribute around such heights off the surface where they reach equilibrium with the local gravitational force. Analytical solutions were derived for the charging time, grain floating potential, and grain charge, characterizing the charging processes of small dust grains in a two-component and in a multi-component solar wind plasma, and further highlighting the unique features presented by the high streaming plasma velocity. We have also formulated a novel kinetic theory of sheath formation around an absorbing planar surface immersed in the anisotropic solar wind plasma in the case of a negligible photoelectric effect and presented solutions for the sheath structure. In this study we combined the results from these analyses and provided estimates for the size distribution function of dust that is expected to be lofted in regions dominated by the solar wind plasma, such as near the terminator and in nearby shadowed craters. Corresponding to the two dominant streaming velocity peaks of 300 and 800 km/s, mean dust diameters of 500 and 350 nm, respectively, are expected to be found at equilibrium at heights of relevance to exploration operations, e.g., around 1.5 m height off the lunar surface. In shadowed craters near the terminator region, where isotropic plasma should be dominating, we estimate mean lofted dust diameter of 800 nm around the same 1.5 m height off the lunar surface. The generally applicable solutions could be used to readily calculate the expected lofted size distribution near the lunar surface as a function of plasma parameters, dust grain composition, and other parameters of interest.  相似文献   

Pseudopotential analysis has been employed to derive a modified Sagdeev potential-like wave equation for studying the sheath formation in astroplasma problems. Complexity in process urges to derive the new findings numerically by using fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. Main emphasis has been given to investigate the role of Coriolis force on the formation and changes on coherent structures of sheath suitably thought for the configuration of astroplasma. Study determines the sheath thickness and potential variation with the interaction of Coriolis force and thereby finds dynamical behavior of levitated dust grains into the evaluated sheath region. This leads to find the dust size, and corresponding forces generated on dust grain with a view to relate theoretical observations to real astrophysical phenomena and could be of interest to explain formation of dust clouds in spaces. To support the observations, we some thoughtful numeric plasma parameters for the case of Earth’s Moon, have taken for graphical presentations. Overall observations expect the study could be of interest as an advanced knowledge in rotating astroplasmas, and expecting many salient features which are yet to be known.  相似文献   

The position and shape of the Gegenschein’s maximum brightness provide information on the structure of the interplanetary dust cloud. We show that the asteroidal dust bands, extended near the anti-solar point, play an important role in determining both the position of the maximum brightness and the shape of the Gegenschein. After removing the asteroidal dust bands from an observation of the Gegenschein on November 2, 1997, it was found that the maximum brightness point shifted −0.4° in ecliptic latitude, i.e., to the south of the ecliptic plane, at an ecliptic longitude of 180°, in contrast to a latitude value of +0.1° when the dust bands were included. Furthermore, the part of the Gegenschein to the south of the ecliptic plane was brighter than the northern part at the time of observation. Referring to the cloud model of T. Kelsall et al. (1998, Astrophy. J. 508, 44-73), it can be estimated that the ascending node of the symmetry plane of the dust cloud is 57°−3°+7° when its inclination is 2.03° ? 0.50°.  相似文献   

Dust particles that are larger than 1 μm, when injected into the Solar System from comets and asteroids, will spiral into the Sun due to the Poynting-Robertson effect. During the process of spiraling in, such dust particles accumulate solar flare tracks in their component minerals. The accumulated track density for a given dust grain is a function of the duration of its space exposure and its distance from the Sun. Using a computer model, it was determined that the expected track density distributions from grains produced by comets are very different from those produced by asteroids. Individual asteroids produce populations of particles that arrive at 1 AU with scaled track density distributions containing “spikes,” while comets supply particles with a flatter and wider distribution of track densities. Particles with track densities above 3 × 107 (sϱA/v) tracks/cm2 have probably been exposed to solar flare tracks prior to injection into the interplanetary medium and are therefore likely to be asteroidal. Particles with track densities below 0.7 × 107(sϱA/v) tracks/cm2 must be derived from comets or Earth-crossing asteroids. Earth-crossing asteroids are not responsible for all the dust collected at 1 AU since they cannot produce the large track densities observed in some of the interplanetary dust particles collected in the stratosphere. The track densities observed in the stratospheric dust fall within the predicted range, but there is at present an insufficient number of carefully determined densities to make strong statements about the sources of the present dust population.  相似文献   

This is the first review of 3 Apollo experiments, which made the only direct measurements of dust on the lunar surface: (i) minimalist matchbox-sized 270 g Dust Detector Experiments (DDEs) of Apollo 11, 12, 14 and 15, produced 30 million Lunar Day measurements 21 July 1969–30 September, 1977; (ii) Thermal Degradation Samples (TDS) of Apollo 14, sprinkled with dust, photographed, taken back to Earth into quarantine and lost; and (iii) the 7.5 kg Lunar Ejecta and Meteoroids (LEAM) experiment of Apollo 17, whose original tapes and plots are lost. LEAM, designed to measure rare impacts of cosmic dust, registered scores of events each lunation most frequently around sunrise and sunset. LEAM data are accepted as caused by heavily-charged particles of lunar dust at speeds of <100 m/s, stimulating theoretical models of transporting lunar dust and adding significant motivation for returning to the Moon. New analyses here show some raw data are sporadic bursts of 1, 2, 3 or more events within time bubbles smaller than 0.6 s, not predicted by theoretical dust models but consistent with noise bits caused by electromagnetic interference (EMI) from switching of large currents in the Apollo 17 Lunar Surface Experiment Package (ALSEP), as occurred in pre-flight LEAM-acceptance tests. On the Moon switching is most common around sunrise and sunset in a dozen heavy-duty heaters essential for operational survival during 350 h of lunar night temperatures of minus 170 °C. Another four otherwise unexplained features of LEAM data are consistent with the “noise bits” hypothesis. Discoveries with DDE and TDS reported in 1970 and 1971, though overlooked, and extensive DDE discoveries in 2009 revealed strengths of adhesive and cohesive forces of lunar dust. Rocket exhaust gases during Lunar Module (LM) ascent caused dust and debris to (i) contaminate instruments 17 m distant (Apollo 11) as expected, and (ii) unexpectedly cleanse Apollo hardware 130 m (Apollo 12) and 180 m (Apollo 14) from LM. TDS photos uniquely document in situ cohesion of dust particles and their adhesion to 12 different test surfaces. This review finds the entire TDS experiment was contaminated, being inside the aura of outgassing from astronaut Alan Shepard's spacesuit, and applies an unprecedented caveat to all TDS discoveries. Published and further analyses of Apollo DDE, TDS and LEAM measurements can provide evidence-based guidance to theoretical analyses and to management and mitigation of major problems from sticky dust, and thus help optimise future lunar and asteroid missions, manned and robotic.  相似文献   

One of the methods discussed in deflecting the orbit of an Earth-colliding asteroid is the use of nuclear explosives. In assessing its feasibility, apart from political considerations, it is important to quantify how effective it is in orbit deflection. The transfer of radiation incident at the surface is governed by a non-linear diffusion equation. For low-yield explosions with a slab geometry ( S 0≃108 kJ μs−1), the temperature at depth x and time t is well approximated by a similarity solution of the form T ( x , t )= T 0 f (ξ), ξ= x/ ( T n 0 t )1/2, with T 0 given by ( S 0/σ)1/4, where σ is the Stefan–Boltzmann constant, n is an index that specifies the radiation transfer and f (ξ) is the solution of a non-linear differential equation subject to the condition f (0)=1 and limξ→∞ f (ξ)=0. For high-yield explosions ( S 0≃1010 kJ μs−1), numerical solutions to the non-linear diffusion equation can be obtained. These solutions have properties similar to the case of low-yield explosions. If the duration of the explosion is d ×10−8 s, where d is close to 3, the fraction of energy absorbed by the surface is found to be 7, 12 and 23 per cent for S 0=108, 109 and 1010 kJ μs−1 respectively.  相似文献   

The efficiency of absorption of X-rays generated by a nuclear explosion at the surface of an asteroid, estimated earlier, is used to calculate the explosion yield needed to deflect the orbit of an asteroid. Following the work of Ahrens &38; Harris, it is shown that a recoil velocity of 1 cm s−1 is required to deflect an asteroid from a collision course with the Earth, and the necessary yield of explosion energy is estimated. If it is assumed that the scaling law between the energy and the diameter of the resulting crater, obtained from experiments carried out on the Earth, remains valid on the asteroid surface, where gravity is much weaker, an explosion energy of 8 and 800 megaton (Mton) equivalent of TNT would be required for asteroids of diameter 1 and 10 km respectively. If, on the other hand, the crater diameter is proportional to a certain power of the gravity g , the power being determined from a dimension analysis, 130 kton and 12 Mton would be required to endow asteroids of diameters 1 and 10 km with the required velocity, respectively. The result indicates that in order to estimate the required explosion energy, a better understanding of cratering under gravity much weaker than on the Earth would be required.  相似文献   

The effects of dust polarity and superthermal electrons are incorporated in the study of dust ion-acoustic (DIA) solitary waves (SWs) as well double layers (DLs) in a dusty plasma containing warm adiabatic ions, superthermal electrons, and arbitrarily (positively or negatively) charged immobile dust. Based on the energy-like integral equation, a new relationship between the localized electrostatic disturbances and dust polarity is derived. It is shown that there exists rarefactive SWs and DLs with qualitatively different structures in a way that depends on the population of superthermal electrons. As the electrons evolve their thermodynamic equilibrium, the localized structures are found with larger amplitude. It is also found that their amplitude increases (decreases) with the increase in the negative (positive) dust number density.  相似文献   

We present results of Monte Carlo simulations of orbital evolution showing that assuming a steady state there are roughly 50 extinct comets per active one in the Mars-crossing Jupiter family. The large number of extinct comets thus expected compared with the absence of observed apollo or Amor asteroids with aphelion distances greater than 4.2 AU indicates that less than five percent of the extinct comets survive as sizeable asteroidal bodies.Paper presented at the European Workshop on Planetary Sciences, organised by the Laboratorio di Astrofisica Spaziale di Frascati, and held between April 23–27, 1979, at the Accademia Nazionale del Lincei in Rome, Italy.  相似文献   

We study the effect of an imposed magnetic field on the motion of charged dust particles in magnetically active regions of a protoplanetary disc. Assuming a power law structure for the vertical and the toroidal components of the magnetic field for the regions beyond magnetically dead region of the disc, the radial and the vertical velocities of the charged particles, in the asymptotic case of small particles, are calculated analytically. While grains with radii smaller than a critical radius significantly are affected by the magnetic force, motion of the particles with larger radii is independent of the magnetic field. The critical radius depends on the magnetic geometry and the charge of the grains. Assuming that a grain particle has one elementary charge and the physical properties of the disc correspond to a minimum-mass solar nebula, we show that only micron-sized grains are affected by the magnetic force. Also, charge polarity determines direction of the radial velocity. For such small particles, both the radial and the vertical velocities increase due to the magnetic force.  相似文献   

The dayside near-surface lunar plasma environment is electrostatically complex, due to the interaction between solar UV-induced photoemission, the collection of ambient ions and electrons, and the presence of micron and sub-micron sized dust grains. Further complicating this environment, although less well understood in effect, is the presence of surface relief, typically in the form of craters and/or boulders. It has been suggested that such non-trivial surface topography can lead to complex electrostatic potentials and fields, including “mini-wakes” behind small obstacles to the solar wind flow and “supercharging” near sunlit-shadowed boundaries (Criswell, D.R., De, B.R. [1977]. J. Geophys. Res. 82 (7); De, B.R., Criswell, D.R. [1977]. J. Geophys. Res. 82 (7); Farrell, W.M., Stubbs, T.J., Vondrak, R.R., Delory, G.T., Halekas, J.S. [2007]. Geophys. Res. Lett. 34; Wang, X., Horányi, M., Sternovsky, Z., Robertson, S., Morfill, G.E. [2007]. Geophys. Res. Lett. 34, L16104). In this paper, we present results from a three-dimensional, self-consistent, electrostatic particle-in-cell code used to model the dayside near-surface lunar plasma environment over a variety of local times with the presence of a crater. Additionally, we use the particle-in-cell model output to study the effect of surface topography on the dynamics of electrostatic dust transport, with the goal of understanding previous observations of dust dynamics on the Moon and dust ponding on various asteroids.  相似文献   

Making use of the Sagdeev pseudo-potential approach, we derive the energy like equation for dust-acoustic (DA) solitary waves in a complex plasma having negatively charged cold dust, and electrons/ions featuring the Tsallis distribution. The effects of electron and ion nonextensivity on the DA soliton profile are examined. It is shown that depending on the strength of particle nonextensivity, our plasma model may admit compressive as well as rarefactive DA solitary waves. Our results complement previously published results on this problem.  相似文献   

Our recent analysis on nonlinear nonextensive dust-acoustic waves (DA) [Amour and Tribeche in Phys. Plasmas 17:063702, 2010] is extended to include self-consistent nonadiabatic grain charge fluctuation. The appropriate nonextensive electron charging current is rederived based on the orbit-limited motion theory. Our results reveal that the amplitude, strength and nature of the nonlinear DA waves (solitons and shocks) are extremely sensitive to the degree of ion nonextensivity. Stronger is the electron correlation, more important is the charge variation induced nonlinear wave damping. The anomalous dissipation effects may prevail over that dispersion as the electrons evolve far away from their Maxwellian equilibrium. Our investigation may be of wide relevance to astronomers and space scientists working on interstellar dusty plasmas where nonthermal distributions are turning out to be a very common and characteristic feature.  相似文献   

A solid-state feature was detected at around 2175 cm−1 towards 30 embedded young stellar objects in spectra obtained using the Infrared Spectrometer and Array Camera at the European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope. We present results from laboratory studies of CO adsorbed at the surface of zeolite wafers, where absorption bands were detected at 2177 and 2168 cm−1 (corresponding to CO chemisorbed at the zeolite surface) and 2130 cm−1 (corresponding to CO physisorbed at the zeolite surface), providing an excellent match to the observational data. We propose that the main carrier of the 2175-band is CO chemisorbed at bare surfaces of dust grains in the interstellar medium. This result provides the first direct evidence that gas–surface interactions do not have to result in the formation of ice mantles on interstellar dust. The strength of the 2175-band is estimated to be  ∼4 × 10−19 cm  molecule−1. The abundance of CO adsorbed at bare grain surfaces ranges from 0.06 to 0.16 relative to H2O ice, which is, at most, half of the abundance (relative to H2O ice) of CO residing in H2O-dominated ice environments. These findings imply that interstellar grains have a large (catalytically active) surface area, providing a refuge for interstellar species. Consequently, the potential exists for heterogeneous chemistry to occur involving CO molecules in unique surface chemistry pathways not currently considered in gas grain models of the interstellar medium.  相似文献   

A four-component dusty plasma consisting of electrons, ions, and negative as well as positive dust particles has been considered. The basic features of shock waves that may exist in such a four-component dusty plasma have been theoretically investigated by the reductive perturbation method. The implications of our results in different regions of space (viz. cometary tails, mesosphere, Jupiter’s magnetosphere, etc.) are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Properties of propagation of large amplitude dust ion-acoustic solitary waves and double layers are investigated in electron-positron-ion plasma with highly charged negative dust. Sagdeev pseudopotential method has been used to derive the energy balance equation. The expression for the critical Mach number (lower/upper limit) for the existence of solitary structures has also been derived. The Sagdeev pseudopotential is a function of numbers of physical parameters such as ion temperature (σ), positron density (δ p ), dust density (δ d ) and electron to positron temperature ratio (β). These parameters significantly influence the properties of the solitary structures and double layers. Further it is found that both polarity (compressive and rarefactive) solitons and negative potential double layers are observed.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(11):1494-1501
In this work, we calculate the neutral Na production rates on the Moon and Mercury, as due to the impacts of meteoroids having an impact probability on the surface that can influence the daily observations of the exosphere: the meteoroids radius range considered for the Moon and Mercury are 10−8–0.15 and 10−8–0.10 m, respectively. We also estimate the mass of meteoroids that has impacted the surfaces of the Moon and Mercury in the last 3.8 Gy (after the end of the Late Heavy Bombardment).The results of our model are that (i) the Na production rates are ∼(3–4.9)×104 and ∼(1.8–2.3)×106 atoms cm−2 s−1, for Moon and Mercury, respectively, and (ii) in the last 3.8 Gy, the mass of meteoroids that has impacted the whole surface of the Moon and Mercury has been 8.86×1018 and 2.66×1019 g, respectively.  相似文献   

Our interest is to study the sheath formation in an inhomogeneous plasma coexisting with an interaction of weak ionization. Pseudopotential analysis has been employed to derive the coherent structures of sheath in plasma. It has shown that the ionization affects the growth of sheath in plasma and nature depends fully on plasma constituents as well. After getting a robust sheath, dynamical behaviors of a levitated dust grain into the robust sheath has been studied which, in fact, leads to find the variation of dust potential, dust sizes along with the net force generated on grains. Results are obtained numerical for some typical plasma parameters. It has demonstrated that the plasma constituent effects the clustering of dust grains in different region within the sheath as a result of which dust agglomeration forms nebulons: patches of dust cloud-like structures with changing fleece.  相似文献   

Many trajectories of the third body are integrated numerically in a modified elliptical restricted three body problem (ERTBP), in which the eccentricity, e, of the orbit of the second primary varies sinusoidally with time. It is found that, in the case of the 2:1 resonance, the introduction of the time variability of e modifies significantly the behaviour of the trajectories of the third body. In particular their osculating eccentricity e, present the following two notable features: (a) In all cases it shows a definite chaotic variation, which appears at significantly shorter time-scales than the one found by Wisdom in the e = constant case. (b) In many cases it shows a significant increase, up and beyond the (critical) value e crit = 0.52. As a result the third body approaches the first primary at distances smaller than 0.29 (where by we denote the semi-major axis of the trajectory of the second primary around the first), which in the actual Sun-Jupiter-asteroid problem corresponds to the semi-major axis of Mars. Our result might be of interest in the context of explaining the Kirkwood gaps at the resonances where the osculating eccentricity of asteroid trajectories calculated in the classical (e = constant) ERTBP does not reach Mars crosser values.  相似文献   

The problem is considered of a cloud of neutral dust moving into a cloud of static plasma which is confined in a magnetic field. Earlier experiments with rotating plasma devices and plasma guns on critical velocity limitation suggest that such limitation could also arise in the case of plasma-neutral dust interaction in cosmos.Nevertheless further analysis is required to provide a clear picture of the relations between the cosmical and laboratory conditions for plasma-neutral gas and plasma-neutral dust interaction. In particular this applies to the question how to relate the experiments, which are largely in the plasma-physical MHD range, to the cosmical interaction which appears to be mainly governed by kinetic effects.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 80th birthday, 30 May 1988.  相似文献   

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