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应用空间统计学理论解译遥感影像信息“缺失”区   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
借助图像处理软件ERDAS、地理信息系统软件ArcInfo以及空间统计分析软件ILWIS ,在对TM遥感影像进行分类的基础上 ,运用空间统计学理论以及Kriging插值技术 ,内插了影像真实信息“缺失”斑块的信息 ,插值结果通过了精度检验。为解译影像信息“缺失”区 ,提供了一种手段和方法。  相似文献   

近年来,土壤重金属污染日益严重,已造成农产品的质量安全问题,并危及人们的身体健康。因此,本文采用GIS技术与地统计学相结合的方法,应用ArcGIS软件对高陵县城镇化进展较快的通远镇农田土壤重金属进行空间分析与污染评价,为该区发展无公害蔬菜基地及国家级安全农产品生产示范区提供了科学的依据,为进一步做好城镇化工作提供有力的保障。  相似文献   

闻帅  黄正东 《测绘通报》2019,(9):99-103
城市可持续发展需要提升公共交通的供给能力。公汽满载率是公交规划、调度和服务评价等方面的重要参数。在公交信息化水平不断提升的背景下,由公交IC卡数据和公共汽车GPS数据等构成的公交大数据为获得相对精确的客流提供了可能。虽然已有相对稳定的OD推算方法,但对于公汽满载率的研究尚不够充分。本文提出基于历史公交大数据的大规模公交出行链搜素算法,在此基础上构建公共汽车满载率数据库,并以深圳市为例揭示了高满载率线路段的时空分布特征。本文研究对于揭示公汽服务整体水平和探测关键公交廊道具有较大价值。  相似文献   

The Korea Meteorological Administration uses soil moisture (SM) observed by the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-2 (AMSR2) to monitor drought. However, it may not be appropriate for monitoring drought in South Korea due to significant underestimation of SM. In this study, we used a deep learning method that performs better than traditional statistical and physical models for reliable estimation of SM based on remotely sensed satellite data. For estimating SM, we carefully selected input variables that exhibit a feedback loop with SM. To build an effective deep learning model, we examined the influences of sampling criteria and input parameters as well as the accuracy of several deep neural networks. The selected model was cross-validated to determine its stability. The estimated SM using deep learning had a high correlation coefficient (R) of 0.89 and a low root mean square error (RMSE; 3.825%) and bias (?0.039%) compared to in-situ measurements. A time series analysis using dynamic time warping was conducted which showed that the estimated SM was almost similar to the in-situ SM. In order to investigate the improvement in SM estimation using our method, it was compared with the Global Land Data Assimilation System and AMSR2. Significant improvements in R and a reduction in error values by more than half were achieved using our method. The estimated SM has finer spatial resolution at 4 km, and it can be rapidly produced, which will be useful for drought monitoring over the Korean Peninsula in near-real-time.  相似文献   

在叶面积指数LAI(Leaf Area Index)产品真实性检验中,地面站点的多时相连续观测LAI数据是重要的验证数据来源。当站点观测范围与产品像元尺度不一致时,站点观测LAI直接用于产品验证可能为验证结果带来误差。因此,在验证之前需要分析站点观测对像元尺度的空间代表性,选择空间代表性好的观测来验证产品,从而减小尺度效应带来的验证误差。以往的研究只是简单的定性说明研究区域,并直接用站点测量数据对产品进行验证,缺少一套系统的站点观测在产品像元尺度内空间代表性评价的方法体系。本文提出了站点LAI观测的空间代表性评价方法,建立了评价指标DVTP(Dominant Vegetation Type Percent)、RSSE(Relative Spatial Sampling Error)和CS(Coefficient of Sill),构建了空间代表性评价分级体系。以中国生态系统研究网络CERN(Chinese Ecosystem Research Network)农田站和森林站LAI观测为例,对站点观测在1 km产品像元尺度内空间代表性进行评价,并分析评价前后站点观测对MODIS LAI产品验证精度的影响。结果显示,本文提出的方法能够有效地对不同站点LAI观测在产品像元尺度内空间代表性进行质量分级,且年际间的站点观测空间代表性较为一致。评价方法能够去掉在特定产品像元尺度下空间代表性不好的观测数据,一定程度上提高验证数据集对产品验证精度的可靠性。  相似文献   

In the period 1999–2009 ten-day SPOT-VEGETATION products of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) at 1 km spatial resolution were used in order to estimate and forecast the wheat yield over Europe. The products were used together with official wheat yield statistics to fine-tune a statistical model for each NUTS2 region, based on the Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR) method. This method has been chosen to construct the model in the presence of many correlated predictor variables (10-day values of remote sensing indicators) and a limited number of wheat yield observations. The model was run in two different modalities: the “monitoring mode”, which allows for an overall yield assessment at the end of the growing season, and the “forecasting mode”, which provides early and timely yield estimates when the growing season is on-going. Performances of yield estimation at the regional and national level were evaluated using a cross-validation technique against yield statistics and the estimations were compared with those of a reference crop growth model. Models based on either NDVI or FAPAR normalized indicators achieved similar results with a minimal advantage of the model based on the FAPAR product. Best modelling results were obtained for the countries in Central Europe (Poland, North-Eastern Germany) and also Great Britain. By contrast, poor model performances characterize countries as follows: Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Portugal, Romania and Hungary. Country level yield estimates using the PLSR model in the monitoring mode, and those of a reference crop growth model that do not make use of remote sensing information showed comparable accuracies. The largest estimation errors were observed in Portugal, Spain and Finland for both approaches. This convergence may indicate poor reliability of the official yield statistics in these countries.  相似文献   

针对城市地物的特点,本文基于两种不同空间分辨率的遥感数据,利用原始与改进后的CASA估算了徐州城区的NPP,探讨了CASA模型的改进和遥感影像的空间分辨率对城市尺度NPP估算结果的影响.研究结果表明:①城市建筑用地对城市NPP的估算结果有较大的影响.改进的CASA模型将建筑用地的光合有效辐射(FPAR)归零,其估算值降...  相似文献   

城市兴趣点(POI)和夜光遥感影像能够直观反映城市社会经济等实体要素的空间分布特征,在城市空间结构研究中发挥着重要作用。本文首先选取长江中游城市群的典型城市代表——武汉市作为研究区,选用研究区2016年POI和NPP/VIIRS夜光遥感数据作为基础研究数据,采用GIS分析工具对POI数据进行了空间核密度分析;然后分别对POI核密度分析结果和NPP/VIIRS夜光遥感数据进行了空间网格化处理;最后采用双因素制图和栅格叠加分析方法对两类数据的空间耦合关系进行了探讨,并在此基础上进一步分析了城市空间结构特征。研究表明,武汉市POI数据和夜光遥感数据的空间耦合性整体较好,空间耦合相一致区域占比为82.15%;但POI数据和夜光遥感数据的空间耦合性在长江沿岸地区也存在部分差异,如硚口区、汉阳区夜光遥感数据和POI数据多以低—中的空间耦合模式为主,而青山区、武昌区和汉口区则多以中—低的空间耦合模式为主。武汉市作为中原城市群的核心城市之一,其城市内部空间结构与长江经济带发展关联密切,通过对POI和夜光遥感数据的空间耦合关系探讨,能够对武汉市空间实体要素的空间结构特征有更加深入的了解。本文结果可为沿江城市内部空间结构的研究提供一种崭新的视角。  相似文献   

In remote sensing the identification accuracy of mangroves is greatly influenced by terrestrial vegetation. This paper deals with the use of specific vegetation indices for extracting mangrove forests using Earth Observing-1 Hyperion image over a portion of Indian Sundarbans, followed by classification of mangroves into floristic composition classes. Five vegetation indices (three new and two published), namely Mangrove Probability Vegetation Index, Normalized Difference Wetland Vegetation Index, Shortwave Infrared Absorption Index, Normalized Difference Infrared Index and Atmospherically Corrected Vegetation Index were used in decision tree algorithm to develop the mangrove mask. Then, three full-pixel classifiers, namely Minimum Distance, Spectral Angle Mapper and Support Vector Machine (SVM) were evaluated on the data within the mask. SVM performed better than the other two classifiers with an overall precision of 99.08%. The methodology presented here may be applied in different mangrove areas for producing community zonation maps at finer levels.  相似文献   

Beijing has experienced rapid urbanization and associated urban heat island effects and air pollution. In this study, a contribution index was proposed to explore the effect of urbanization on land surface temperature (LST) using Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)-derived data with high temporal resolution. The analysis indicated that different zones and landscapes make diurnally and seasonally different contributions to the regional thermal environment. The differences in contributions by the three main functional zones resulted from differences in their landscape compositions. The roles of landscapes in this process varied diurnally and seasonally. Urban land was the most important contributor to increases in regional LSTs. The contributions of cropland and forest varied distinctly between daytime and nighttime owing to differences in their thermal inertias. Vegetation had a notable cooling effect as the normalized vegetation difference index (NDVI) increased during summer. However, when the NDVI reached a certain value, the nighttime LST shifted markedly in other seasons. The results suggest that urban design based on vegetation partitions would be effective for regulating the thermal environment.  相似文献   

Concealed and fossilized geothermal systems are not characterized by obvious surface manifestations like hotsprings and fumaroles, therefore, could not be easily identifiable using conventional techniques. In this investigation, the applicability of Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and Hyperion data-sets were evaluated in discriminating hydrothermal alteration minerals associated with geothermal systems as a proxy in identifying subtle Geothermal systems at Yankari Park, Nigeria. Feature-oriented principal component selection, spectral angle mapper, linear spectral unmixing were applied to ASTER data based on spectral characteristics of hydrothermal alteration key minerals for a systematic selective extraction of the information of interest. Analytical imaging and geophysics-developed processing methods were applied to Hyperion data for mapping iron oxide/hydroxide minerals and clay mineral assemblages in hydrothermal alteration zones. The results indicate that ASTER and Hyperion could be complemented for reconnaissance stage of targeting subtle alteration mineral assemblages associated with geothermal systems.  相似文献   

This study aims to prepare a detailed GIS-based geomorphological map accompanied with landfill sites of Dhaka city area which can be used for multipurpose functionality. Attainment of the geomorphological map is based upon interpretation of the oldest available aerial photographs (1:40,000) and contemporary topographic maps (1:8000) which reflect almost pre-urban ground of Dhaka. Randomly distributed 160 boreholes have been used to prepare representative soil profiles (RSP) to identify the near-surface lithology of the geomorphological units. The study reveals that 13 out of 18 low-lying geomorphic units, comprising 65% of the total area demand landfill practices for urban development. Landfill sites have been merged with urban growth on each low-lying geomorphic unit using a spatially enhanced fused image of IRS-1D PAN and ETM+ bands 5, 4 and 3, acquired February 2000 and 2002, respectively. We found that 43% area of the total low-lying geomorphic units experience fill practices so far. The fill sites have been differentiated into four classes based on their relative thickness. Integration of fill classes with geomorphological map shows the urban dynamics of Dhaka city area till 2002. Due to GIS integration, this map can be rapidly updated to demonstrate temporal modifications in urban ground. It can be used effectively in different geomorphological hazard mapping and urban land-use practices.  相似文献   

COSMO-SkyMed is a constellation of four X-band high-resolution radar satellites with a minimum revisit period of 12 hours. These satellites can obtain ascending and descending synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images with very similar periods for use in the three-dimensional (3D) inversion of glacier velocities. In this paper, based on ascending and descending COSMO-SkyMed data acquired at nearly the same time, the surface velocity of the Yiga Glacier, located in the Jiali County, Tibet, China, is estimated in four directions using an offset tracking technique during the periods of 16 January to 3 February 2017 and 1 February to 19 February 2017. Through the geometrical relationships between the measurements and the SAR images, the least square method is used to retrieve the 3D components of the glacier surface velocity in the eastward, northward and upward directions. The results show that applying the offset tracking technique to COSMO-SkyMed images can be used to derive the true 3D velocity of a glacier’s surface. During the two periods, the Yiga Glacier had a stable velocity, and the maximum surface velocity, 2.4?m/d, was observed in the middle portion of the glacier, which corresponds to the location of the steepest slope.  相似文献   

C-band dual polarization (HH, HV) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data from Radarsat-2 were used to discriminate and characterize mangrove forests of the Sundarbans. Multi-temporal data acquired during winter and rainy seasons were analysed for the segregation of mangrove forest area. A decision rule based classification involving combination of three-date HH (range −11 to −2 dB) with single-date cross-polarization ratio (2–8) was applied on the datasets for discriminating mangrove forests from other land cover classes. Application of textural measures (entropy and angular second moment) in the aforesaid decision rule based classification produced three broad homogeneous mangrove classes. The area covered by the most homogeneous class increased from January to March and decreased from July to September, and correlated well to the change in the phenological status of the mangroves. Extent of homogeneous areas was more in the eastern region of the Sundarbans than that of the central and western side. Thus, the study revealed that textural measures combined with multi-temporal HH backscatter and single-date cross-polarization ratio in a decision rule classification could be satisfactorily used for characterization of the mangrove forests.  相似文献   

This research explored the integrated use of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and radar (i.e., ALOS PALSAR L-band and RADARSAT-2 C-band) data for mapping impervious surface distribution to examine the roles of radar data with different spatial resolutions and wavelengths. The wavelet-merging technique was used to merge TM and radar data to generate a new dataset. A constrained least-squares solution was used to unmix TM multispectral data and multisensor fusion images to four fraction images (high-albedo, low-albedo, vegetation, and soil). The impervious surface image was then extracted from the high-albedo and low-albedo fraction images. QuickBird imagery was used to develop an impervious surface image for use as reference data to evaluate the results from TM and fusion images. This research indicated that increasing spatial resolution by multisensor fusion improved spatial patterns of impervious surface distribution, but cannot significantly improve the statistical area accuracy. This research also indicated that the fusion image with 10-m spatial resolution was suitable for mapping impervious surface spatial distribution, but TM multispectral image with 30 m was too coarse in a complex urban–rural landscape. On the other hand, this research showed that no significant difference in improving impervious surface mapping performance by using either PALSAR L-band or RADARSAT C-band data with the same spatial resolution when they were used for multi-sensor fusion with the wavelet-based method.  相似文献   


Various methods have been developed to investigate the geospatial information, temporal component, and message content in disaster-related social media data to enrich human-centric information for situational awareness. However, few studies have simultaneously analyzed these three dimensions (i.e. space, time, and content). With an attempt to bring a space–time perspective into situational awareness, this study develops a novel approach to integrate space, time, and content dimensions in social media data and enable a space–time analysis of detailed social responses to a natural disaster. Using Markov transition probability matrix and location quotient, we analyzed the Hurricane Sandy tweets in New York City and explored how people’s conversational topics changed across space and over time. Our approach offers potential to facilitate efficient policy/decision-making and rapid response in mitigations of damages caused by natural disasters.  相似文献   


The present study was an attempt to delineate potential groundwater zones in Kalikavu Panchayat of Malappuram district, Kerala, India. The geo-spatial database on geomorphology, landuse, geology, slope and drainage network was generated in a geographic information system (GIS) environment from satellite data, Survey of India topographic sheets and field observations. To understand the movement and occurrence of groundwater, the geology, geomorphology, structural set-up and recharging conditions have to be well understood. In the present study, the potential recharge areas are delineated in terms of geology, geomorphology, land use, slope, drainage pattern, etc. Various thematic data generated were integrated using a heuristic method in the GIS domain to generate maps showing potential groundwater zones. The composite output map scores were reclassified into different zones using a decision rule. The final output map shows different zones of groundwater prospect, viz., very good (15.57% of the area), good (43.74%), moderate (28.38%) and poor (12.31%). Geomorphic units such as valley plains, valley fills and alluvial terraces were identified as good to excellent prospect zones, while the gently sloping lateritic uplands were identified as good to moderate zones. Steeply sloping hilly terrains underlain by hard rocks were identified as poor groundwater prospect zones.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of an image-based integrated method for determining and mapping aerosol optical thickness (AOT). Using the radiative transfer (RT) equation, a methodology was developed to create a Geographical Information System (GIS) model that can visually display the AOT distribution over urban areas. In this paper, the model was applied to eleven Landsat Thematic Mapper/Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (TM/ETM+) satellite images of Limassol, Cyprus during 2010 and 2011 to determine the AOT levels in Limassol Cyprus during satellite overpass. The study is innovative and unique in that the RT equation, satellite images, the darkest pixel (DP) method of atmospheric correction and GIS were integrated to derive AOT from satellite images and display the AOT distribution over an urban area without the input of any meteorological or atmospheric parameters. The accuracy of the algorithm was verified through statistical analysis by the strong agreement between the AOT values derived using the algorithm and the in situ AOT values from the ground-based sensors.  相似文献   

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