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以武汉市数字遥测地层台网为例,说明了使用每日阶跃响应信号计算系统传递函数以此检验系统特性交化的方法步骤。  相似文献   

A device for rapid sectioning of soft bottom sediment cores   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new mechanical sectioning device for transverse cutting of cylindrical soft bottom sediment cores is presented. The instrument is rapid and efficient in use, works serially when sectioning a core and permits rinsing of the sample compartment without removal from the coring tube. The device is made of plastic, is lightweight, convenient to operate even in the field and simple and cheap to manufacture.  相似文献   

智能误码测试仪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
众所周知,误码测试数据往往作为评判数字传输设备的性能或系统传输质量优劣的依据。智能误码测试仪是一种专为地震数据传输质量测试而研制的设备。该设备是我们针对地震数据的无线传输采用同步传输制式的特点而专门研制和生产的。智能误码测试仪能将测试过程中的误码数据自动跟踪累加显示和定时打印留存。上述功能既保证了测试数据的  相似文献   

A neural network approach for the real-time detection of faults   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Fault detection is an essential part of the operation of any chemical plant. Early detection of faults is important in chemical industry since a lot of damage and loss can result before a fault present in the system is detected. Even though fault detection algorithms are designed and implemented for quickly detecting incidents, most these algorithms do not have an optimal property in terms of detection delay with respect to false alarm rate. Based on the optimization property of cumulative sum (CUSUM), a real-time system for detecting changes in dynamic systems is designed in this paper. This work is motivated by combining two fault detection (FD) strategies; a simplified procedure of the incident detection problem is formulated by using both the artificial neural networks (ANN) and the CUSUM statistical test (Page–Hinkley test). The design of a model-based residual generator is intended to reveal any drift from the normal behavior of the process. In order to obtain a reliable model for the normal process dynamics, the neural black-box modeling by means of a nonlinear auto-regressive with eXogenous input (NARX) model has been chosen in this study. This paper also shows the choice and the performance of the neural network in the training and test phases. After describing the system architecture and the proposed methodology of the fault detection, we present a realistic application in order to show the technique’s potential. The purpose is to develop and test the fault detection method on a real incident data, to detect the change presence, and pinpoint the moment it occurred. The experimental results demonstrate the robustness of the FD method.  相似文献   

Areal-timealgorithmforbroadbandhighdynamicseismicdatacompressionSha-BaiLI1)(李沙白);Qi-YuanLIU2)(刘启元)andLi-RenSHEN2)(沈立人)(Instit...  相似文献   

According to the Chapman multi-scale rock physical model, the seismic response characteristics vary for different fluid-saturated reservoirs. For class I AVO reservoirs and gas-saturation, the seismic response is a high-frequency bright spot as the amplitude energy shifts. However, it is a low-frequency shadow for the Class III AVO reservoirs saturated with hydrocarbons. In this paper, we verified the high-frequency bright spot results of Chapman for the Class I AVO response using the frequency-dependent analysis of a physical model dataset. The physical model is designed as inter-bedded thin sand and shale based on real field geology parameters. We observed two datasets using fixed offset and 2D geometry with different fluidsaturated conditions. Spectral and time-frequency analyses methods are applied to the seismic datasets to describe the response characteristics for gas-, water-, and oil-saturation. The results of physical model dataset processing and analysis indicate that reflection wave tuning and fluid-related dispersion are the main seismic response characteristic mechanisms. Additionally, the gas saturation model can be distinguished from water and oil saturation for Class I AVO utilizing the frequency-dependent abnormal characteristic. The frequency-dependent characteristic analysis of the physical model dataset verified the different spectral response characteristics corresponding to the different fluid-saturated models. Therefore, by careful analysis of real field seismic data, we can obtain the abnormal spectral characteristics induced by the fluid variation and implement fluid detection using seismic data directly.  相似文献   

Shaking‐table data for a tuned liquid damper with a sloped bottom of 30° with the horizontal are investigated using a non‐linear numerical model previously developed by Yu, Jin‐kyu, Nonlinear characteristics of tuned liquid dampers. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 98195 (1997). Stiffness and damping parameters for this model are obtained and compared with those previously derived for box‐shaped tanks. The values for these parameters reflect the softening spring behaviour of the sloped‐bottom system in contrast to the hardening system evident for the box‐shaped TLD. Consequently, the sloped‐bottom tank should be tuned slightly higher than the fundamental structural frequency in order to obtain the most effective damping. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Application of the concept of combining the estimated forecast output of different rainfall-runoff models to yield an overall combined estimated output in the context of real-time river flow forecasting is explored. A Real-Time Model Output Combination Method (RTMOCM) is developed, based on the structure of the Linear Transfer Function Model (LTFM) and utilizing the concept of the Weighted Average Method (WAM) for model output combination. A multiple-input single-output form of the LTFM is utilized in the RTMOCM. This form of the LTFM model uses synchronously the daily simulation-mode model-estimated discharge time series of the rainfall-runoff models selected for combination, its inherent updating structure being used for providing updated combined discharge forecasts. The RTMOCM is applied to the daily data of five catchments, using the simulation-mode estimated discharges of three selected rainfall-runoff models, comprising one conceptual model (Soil Moisture Accounting and Routing Procedure—SMAR) and two black-box models (Linear Perturbation Model—LPM and Linearly-Varying Variable Gain Factor Model—LVGFM). In order to get an indication of the accuracy of the updated combined discharge forecasts relative to the updated discharge forecasts of the individual models, the LTFM is also used for updating the simulation-mode discharge time series of each of the three individual models. The results reveal that the updated combined discharge forecasts provided by the RTMOCM, with parameters obtained by linear regression, can improve on the updated discharge forecasts of the individual rainfall-runoff models.  相似文献   

In a real-time hybrid simulation, a transfer system is used to enforce the interface interaction between computational and physical substructures. A model-based, multilayer nonlinear control system is developed to accommodate extensive performance variations and uncertainties in a physical substructure. The aim of this work is to extend the application of real-time hybrid simulation to investigating failure, nonlinearity, and nonstationary behavior. This Self-tuning Robust Control System (SRCSys) consists of two layers: robustness and adaptation. The robustness layer synthesizes a nonlinear control law such that the closed-loop dynamics perform as intended under a broad range of parametric and nonparametric uncertainties. Sliding mode control is employed as the control scheme in this layer. Then, the adaptation layer reduces uncertainties at run time through slow and controlled learning of the control plant. The tracking performance of the SRCSys is evaluated in two experiments that have highly uncertain physical specimens.  相似文献   

通过对南海北部与西部大量反射地震剖面海水层部分进行再处理,与以往地震海洋学主要关注海水层内部的反射结构不同,本文重点对海底附近水体的各种复杂反射地震特征进行分类、分析与总结.与传统对海底边界层的定义不同,我们将海底边界附近的水体称之为海底边界层.本文利用传统地震相分析方法,分析海底边界层各种复杂反射地震结构的几何形态、内部反射结构、连续性、振幅以及视频率特征,结合过去相关的地震海洋学研究成果、海底边界层理论与其它各种海底附近作用/过程,不仅对中尺度涡旋、内孤立波和背风波在地震剖面上的反射地震特征进行了归类与分析,并推断最新发现的一些反射地震特征可能揭示的各种海洋作用/过程,例如不同的地震相特征可能反映了海底湍流边界层,海底沉积物再悬浮,天然气渗漏羽状流和麻坑内部异常上升流相关海底界面作用过程.结果分析表明,地震海洋学方法不仅能够对海洋内波、涡旋等物理海洋现象进行研究,同时也能够对海底附近各种复杂海洋作用/过程进行成像,从而拓展了地震海洋学的研究领域,一定程度上也能为过去不能有效对海底边界面发生的各种冷泉热液活动、生物和沉积等作用过程进行现场观测提供新的探测方法和研究视角.  相似文献   

Nine groups of water bodies are used to demonstrate the existence of a relationship between the bottom sediment content of organic matter, forms of phosphorus and calcium, and the morphometric characteristics of lakes.  相似文献   

Sinking of aggregated phytoplankton cells is a crucial mechanism for transporting carbon to the seafloor and benthic ecosystem, with such aggregates often scavenging particulate material from the water column as they sink. In the vicinity of drilling rigs used by the oil and gas industry, the concentration of particulate matter in the water column may at times be enriched as a result of the discharge of ‘drill cuttings’ - drilling waste material. This investigation exposed laboratory produced phytoplankton aggregates to drill cuttings of various composition (those containing no hydrocarbons from reservoir rocks and those with a <1% hydrocarbon content) and assessed the change in aggregate size, settling rate and resuspension behavior of these using resuspension chambers and settling cylinders. Results indicate that both settling velocity and seabed stress required to resuspend the aggregates are greater in aggregates exposed to drill cuttings, with these increases most significant in aggregates exposed to hydrocarbon containing drill cuttings.  相似文献   

The clay-sand mixture model of Xu and White is shown to simulate observed relationships between S-wave velocity (or transit time), porosity and clay content. In general, neither S-wave velocity nor S-wave transit time is a linear function of porosity and clay content. For practical purposes, clay content is approximated by shale volume in well-log applications. In principle, the model can predict S-wave velocity from lithology and any pair of P-wave velocity, porosity and shale volume. Although the predictions should be the same if all measurements are error free, comparison of predictions with laboratory and logging measurements show that predictions using P-wave velocity are the most reliable. The robust relationship between S- and P-wave velocities is due to the fact that both are similarly affected by porosity, clay content and lithology. Moreover, errors in the measured P-wave velocity are normally smaller than those in porosity and shale volume, both of which are subject to errors introduced by imperfect models and imperfect parameters when estimated from logs. Because the model evaluates the bulk and shear moduli of the dry rock frame by a combination of Kuster and Toksöz’ theory and differential effective medium theory, using pore aspect ratios to characterize the compliances of the sand and clay components, the relationship between P- and S-wave velocities is explicit and consistent. Consequently the model sidesteps problems and assumptions that arise from the lack of knowledge of these moduli when applying Gassmann's theory to this relationship, making it a very flexible tool for investigating how the vP-vs relationship is affected by lithology, porosity, clay content and water saturation. Numerical results from the model are confirmed by laboratory and logging data and demonstrate, for example, how the presence of gas has a more pronounced effect on P-wave velocity in shaly sands than in less compliant cleaner sandstones.  相似文献   

Water harvesting (WH) techniques, which aim to increase water availability to crops, have long been used in arid and semi-arid areas to decrease the risk of reduced yields and crop failures due to dry spells. The landscape conditions dictate the type of WH system that can be implemented as well as the quantity and quality of water that will be collected. The measurement and understanding of how these landscape characteristics influence the hydrological function of WH systems is important and essential for further studies which seek to understand and enhance efficiency, extend uptake and model the impacts of WH within a catchment. However, commonly used guidelines often only prescribe optimal conditions for WH which results in many sites which may be suitable being over looked. Various statistical analyses was performed on 28 WH sites gathered from the available literature to try and identify whether the landscape conditions under which WH is currently taking place differs to the recommended guidelines. The results show that WH is taking place under a much broader range of conditions than those recommended by the guidelines. The recommendations for minimum and maximum slope in particular are too restrictive, with examples of successful WH taking place on slopes much steeper than the stipulated guidelines. A new set of guidelines are suggested, which take into account not only optimal conditions but also a range of suitable conditions on either side of the optimal range.  相似文献   

为了尽快定位地震,在“着未着”定位算法基础上,尝试引入三维地壳模型,构建具有三维空间格点分布的走时表.根据已触发台站的到时和未触发台站的位置信息设计概率分布函数,通过八叉树搜索方法,快速给出震源在三维空间的可能位置.使用波前追踪算法,计算中国几个地区三维地壳模型的走时网格,利用中国地震台网资料,对区域内发生的地震进行定位分析.结果显示,在一定的台网密度条件下,三维实时定位方法能在震后数秒给出震源位置,可满足地震预警要求.  相似文献   

Li SG  Liu Q 《Ground water》2006,44(5):758-763
We present in this note an innovative software environment, called Interactive Ground Water (IGW), for unified deterministic and stochastic ground water modeling. Based on efficient computational algorithms, IGW allows simulating three-dimensional (3D) unsteady flow and transport in saturated media subject to systematic and "random" stresses and geological and chemical heterogeneity. Adopting a new computing paradigm, IGW eliminates the fragmentation in the traditional modeling schemes and allows fully utilizing today's dramatically increased computing power. For many problems, IGW enables real-time modeling, visualization, mapping, and analysis. The software environment functions as a "numerical laboratory" in which an investigator may freely explore the following: creating visually an aquifer system of desired configurations, interactively applying stresses and boundary conditions, and then investigating and visualizing on the fly the geology and flow and transport dynamics. At any time, a researcher can pause to interact dynamically with virtually any aspects of the modeling process and then resume the integrated visual exploration; he or she can initiate, pause, or resume particle tracking, plume modeling, subscale modeling, stochastic modeling, monitoring, and budget analyses. IGW continually provides results that are dynamically processed, overlaid, and displayed. It dynamically merges modeling inputs and outputs into composite two-dimensional/3D images-integrating related data to provide a more complete view of the complex interplay among the geology, hydrology, flow system, and transport. These unique capabilities of real-time modeling, steering, analysis, and mapping expand the utility of models as tools for research, education, and professional investigations.  相似文献   

一种新的实时电磁逆散射方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为解决介质圆柱体逆散射问题,提出一种新的在线逆散射方法,通过支持向量机将逆散射问题转化成一个回归估计问题. 该方法可应用于各种逆散射方面, 尤其是目标的几何与电磁参数重构和埋地目标探测. 文中首次将支持向量机方法应用到该领域,设置多个散射场的观测点,通过提取散射场的不同信息作为样本信息训练支持向量机, 建立了介质圆柱体的逆散射模型, 利用该模型重构了介质圆柱体的电磁参数,同时探测了埋地位置. 数值结果显示了该方法的有效性和准确性,为目标的实时逆散射研究提供了一种有效方法.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the earthquake response of wine barrel stacks using a physical model of rigid‐body components with discrete flexible and damped contact elements. An analytical 3D formulation of the complex dynamic behavior of different barrel stack configurations is presented. Such behavior includes the real geometry of the bodies, large displacements and rotations, the use of non‐linear contact elements to account for impact and sliding between bodies, and the resulting local energy dissipation at contact. The parameters defining the physical and mathematical model were calibrated experimentally, and the dynamic behavior of a benchmark barrel stack configuration was compared with the experimental results obtained from the literature. It was found that the model is able to predict the exact mode of collapse and the overall behavior of the system. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

位于大兴安岭西北部的中新生代盆地群(海拉尔、根河、漠河),其构造受到大兴安岭断裂、德尔布干断裂的控制,西北方向的蒙古—鄂霍茨克缝合带、南部西拉木伦河—延吉缝合带甚至更远的西太平洋板块运动、印度板块运动以及黑龙江中西部微板块间拼合等区域构造应力场叠加作用在该盆地群基底产生了复杂的深部构造特征.本文利用沿盆地群实施的4条(1000余公里、94个测点)MT剖面处理解释的地电学结构,得到盆地群基底电性结构沿北西—南东方向分带的特征.引入物理量"低阻化作用"借以描述盆地基底物性的变化.综合分析表明,盆地群基底电性结构因受到软流圈热物质作用可能在继续演化.  相似文献   

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