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Because new land uses may preclude existing or potential future uses, the net economic impact of a particular policy may be substantially less than its gross impact. One way to estimate the differences is with an analog region. A case study illustrates how an analog region estimates the net economic impact of Grand Teton National Park on Teton County, WY. Approximately one-third of the economic activity attributed to the park would still be present in the absence of the park.  相似文献   

This paper uses the bars of Ado-Ekiti as a site to explore the use of urban space by women and men. Ado-Ekiti is a Yoruba city of 150,000 people in southwestern Nigeria. Feminist and political economy perspectives are used in developing the three-part theme of the way that gender intersects with the relations between bars and production, bars and reproduction, and bars and consumption. A look at the history of alcohol in Nigeria and of Yoruba women as traders and their cultural role provides context. Survey results and personal observations connect empirical findings to the tripartite theme. Women own and run three fourths of Ado-Ekiti's two hundred plus bars, but men control the upscale bars. Many of Ado's female bar owners are on the receiving end of an exploitative relationship with the global economy via the brewing industry, in a patriarchal society that assigns them a heavy reproductive burden.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):164-186
Jerusalem is an extreme case of ethnic segregation or an ethno-ideologically divided city. Studying such a city can help determine what are the effects of segregation on urban development. This paper examines the distribution of population within the city of Jerusalem and changes in its population density between 1972 and 1983, by estimating a polycentric exponential population density function and testing various hypotheses that represent alternative urban structures, while implementing various improvements of the standard statistical techniques. The Jewish and Arab sectors differ markedly in their socioeconomic characteristics. The population density gradients in the two sectors are different, though a polycentric or segregated structure is rejected. The changes that have occurred in the density gradients of the Jewish and Arab sectors between I972 and 1983 are those predicted for a developed and a developing country city, respectively, but are not statistically significant. Additionally the map of regression residuals is discussed. The monocentric population distribution is centered on the Damascus Gate implying that infrastructure and housing vintage factors may be most important in determining the macro-scale distribution of population in the city.  相似文献   

Based on interviews with corporate executives, this paper examines several decisions to locate pulp and paper mills in British Columbia during the 1960's and early 1970's. It emphasizes locational evaluations of regions, communities, and sites interpreted as parts of wider investment decision processes and longer-run corporate strategies. Relationships between initial locational decisions and post-locational assessments and adjustments are also identified.  相似文献   

The long-term studies of water and chemical budgets in the Hubbard Brook watershed, White Mountains, New Hampshire, have assumed that the underlying bedrock is watertight and that all of the liquid water discharged from the experimental subcatchment areas was measured using stream gauging instrumentation. This paper reviews the evidence used by past workers to support this assumption. In a reanalysis of the reported relationship between precipitation inputs and stream outputs of chloride, the mean annual groundwater discharge beneath the stream gauging stations was computed to be at least 5–10% of the mean annual precipitation. Groundwater discharge of this quantity would change both the evapotranspiration and the rock-weathering rates reported for the Hubbard Brook watershed. On-site hydrogeological field tests are recommended in all watersheds that are assumed to be underlain by watertight bedrock. [Key words: forested ecosystems, groundwater hydrology, bedrock fractures, water budgets, evapotranspiration, chemical budgets, rock weathering.]  相似文献   

广西刁江流域有色金属矿区尾砂库植物研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
周兴  宋书巧  吴欢 《热带地理》2003,23(3):226-230
调查了广西刁江流域有色金属矿区废弃尾砂库自然生长的植物种类,有维管束植物26科58属63种;分析了尾砂库土壤和20种在尾砂库分布较多而且生长较好的植物的Cu、Cd、Pb、As、Sb、Zn、Sn 等重金属含量.研究表明,在废弃尾砂库上自然定居的植物,如禾本科的芦竹、类芦、五节芒、芒、班茅、白茅、粘人草、狗牙根,莎草科的黑莎草、飘拂草,菊科的三叶鬼针草,风尾蕨科的蜈蚣蕨,木贼科的纤细木贼等草本植物,能吸收重金属,对有色金属矿区尾砂库这种恶劣环境具有较强的忍耐能力,可作为有色金属矿区尾砂库植被重建的先锋植物.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the ongoing debate on the concentration of social service facilities within North American cities. The location quotient and the coefficient of localization are applied to data on Adult Services, Children's Services and psychiatric group homes (residential care facilities) in Metropolitan Toronto. Results demonstrate a high degree of localization in all three categories, particularly the psychiatric, and could be used in the formulation of placement policies to relieve certain areas of the inner city of the social and economic pressures created by group home concentration.  相似文献   

降雨入渗补给量在平原地区约占地下水总补给量的50~80%。本文采用人工降雨模拟试验的方法,从分析降雨入渗水分运动特点着手,寻求在不同的土壤和地下水埋深的条件下,入渗总量与降雨量、降雨强度以及土壤前期含水量等要素的关系,并根据蓄满入渗补给的原理,计算入渗总量中补给地下水的部分,同时,又将上述方法得出的结果与其它方法计算的结果及地下水动态资料进行了对比。  相似文献   

作者总结了横断山区植物分布和栽培的特征:1.某些作物种植上限可达很高的海拔高度。例如:云南省丽江地区水稻种植的上限可达2500m以上;西双版纳南坡的橡胶树林分布超过海拔1000m;柑桔最高种植海拔在四川省巴塘县苏龙洼乡可达2400m。2.一些地方某些作物的产量明显较高。例如:大理市(20°N、100°E,2000m)水稻产量可达15t/ha;丽江县小麦产量高达1 t/ha。3.不同地带性的植物可在同一海拔高度上的某些地点良好地共生在一起。4.冬季经常出现的逆湿,使植物分布倒置现象显著。5.一些热带植物(例如芒果)在横断山较高纬度(22°—27°N)地区生长发育良好且产果甚丰,不象中国东部较低纬度(19.5°—23°N)地区那样不产果或产果少。作者并认为,横断山区是茶和柑桔的发源地或发源地之一。  相似文献   

旅游地品牌特征塑造初探--以香格里拉旅游品牌为例   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
香格里拉是一个公共品牌,是系列旅游产品的组合,香格里拉品牌具有鲜明的特征,其特征通过品牌的个性和定位体现,品牌的个性是通过文化性和奇特性表现,信念性是品牌的定位,具体分析了香格里拉品牌的资源本体的脆弱性,旅游产品开发层次较低,品牌崇信度不确定性和品牌定位不准等问题,最后对香格里拉品牌特征的塑造,提出了建议;树立品牌意识,加强品牌管理;加强品牌定位-突出个性,构筑品牌的保护圈,实现品牌特征的接触点。  相似文献   

Impacts of nuclear power plants are generally considered on a local scale only. A schema that considers local and interstate convergence and divergence is found useful in identifying the widespread nature of the impacts, especially those associated with a local decision to build a nuclear facility. Of the four possible subdivisions within this schema, three apply to the Palo Verde power plant near Phoenix, AZ.  相似文献   

Impacts of nuclear power plants are generally considered on a local scale only. A schema that considers local and interstate convergence and divergence is found useful in identifying the widespread nature of the impacts, especially those associated with a local decision to build a nuclear facility. Of the four possible subdivisions within this schema, three apply to the Palo Verde power plant near Phoenix, AZ.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(4):362-375
Recent studies have shown that (officially designated) poverty areas in large American cities have expanded geographically each decade since their inception in 1960. The territorial expansion of poverty areas in the 1970s was especially severe in Chicago, where new poverty-area growth exceeded the geographic extent of preexisting poverty areas. In the more recent decade of the 1980s, the expansion of Chicago's poverty areas slowed significantly. An analysis ofthis expansion process for Chicago, using 1970, 1980, and 1990 census data, illustrates that the movement of neighborhoods into and out of poverty is related to their previous poverty level, relative location, and rate of population loss. The recent slowdown in the geographic expansion of Chicago's poverty areas is highly correlated with the declining city-wide rate of population loss. Irrespective of this slowdown in territorial expansion, the residential function of Chicago's poverty areas is becoming increasingly obsolete as fewer and fewer people are residing in them.  相似文献   

外资:发展中国家城市化的新动力:珠江三角洲个案研究   总被引:106,自引:9,他引:106  
薛凤旋  杨春 《地理学报》1997,52(3):193-206
城市化的研究历来都偏重于内力的营造,例如区域经济的不同发展步伐,乡村-市的人口流动,政府的地区性经济政策以及新城市的建设等。在资本、人力、技术和市场走向“全球化”的情况下,新的国际分工自1980年以来已成为一些发展中国家和地区的人口及经济活动急剧增长与集中的主要动力。本文对这一类型城市化的特点和空间形态作出了概括性的描述。  相似文献   

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