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WestCl1ina,includingSl1aallxi,Gansu,Qingl1ai,Sicl1uan,GuizhoualldYunnanprovinces,alol1gwitl1Xil1jial1g,NingXia,WesternlnnerMongolia,Tibetand'Gual1gxiautonon1ousregi0l1s,isintl1ei11teri0roftheEurasiancontinentandfarfromtllesea.ltcoversanareaof6.8lnilli0nsquarekl11,constitutillg69PercentofCl1ina'stotallal1darea.ltl1asapopulati0nofab0ut3OOl11illiol1,acco[lntingfor27Percent0ftllecountry'stotal,about5llllin0ritiesbesidesHansliveincompactc0l11l1lul1itieshereandthePOpulatiol1ofl11inoritiesis7…  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(3):277-296
Attention has shifted to the role of subsidiary urban centers as the new “spatial nodes” within metropolitan areas as manufacturing employment has dispersed away from its traditional central city locations over the past decades. Understanding the character and evolving functions of these new “centers” is crucial to predicting (or influencing) future metropolitan spatial patterns. This paper explores the nature and role of the principal employment centers within the Dallas-Fort Worth region from the perspective of locational choices by firms in three-digit SIC Manufacturing. First the centers are empirically identified via a methodology that “maps” employment land-use polygons onto a zip code-level geography. The industrial attributes of firms choosing such centers are then investigated using multinomial logit. The general attractiveness to firms in manufacturing of various spatial characteristics of these centers are next studied through a discrete choice framework. Finally, a “mixed” conditional logit model is specified and implemented to identify special affinities between a type of firm and a kind of location. Results of the exercise enable judgment on the utility of the employment center concept and on industrial location behavior in a modem urban context.  相似文献   

工业区位因素变化与工业地理学研究的新动向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
庞效民 《地理研究》1992,11(3):101-107
工业生产在国家和地区社会经济发展中的作用表现为阶段性变化,并在工业区位因素和工业空间特征的变化上表现出来。80年代以来,这种变化突出表现为技术因素和社会文化因素对工业生产和工业区位的影响日盆增强以及工业生产组织的国际合作的扩展,这种变化导致了工业地理学研究方法和研究领域的革新拓展。  相似文献   

樊杰 《地理科学》1998,18(2):99-105
基于对我国6省7个建制镇的实地调查研究,本文侧重于从就业结构变化、人口迁移、小城镇建设和资金来源、小城镇工业布局等方面,探讨了中国农村工业化在城镇化中的作用,作者认为,发展小城镇是我国实现城镇化的一条重要途径。  相似文献   

广州市未来居住区热点区位分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
薛德升  李郇 《热带地理》1995,15(1):56-61
本文在回顾建国以来广州市居住区建设状况的基础上,对广州市居民3个层次的居住环境现状进行了评价,分析了居民未来居住环境需求的变化对其住宅区位选择的影响,讨论广州市目前已经出现及将会出现的重要的城市社会发展趋势和城市建设趋势,以及它们对城市居住区区位的影响,指出了广州市未来居住区开发的热点区位及其开发过程中所要重点解决的几个问题。  相似文献   

利用区位熵评价方法,对皖江城市带各个城市产业中不同细分产业的发展强度予以探讨,并将带内各城市及城市带整体与全国城市产业结构进行比较,分析其主要优势产业和劣势产业,挖掘城市带产业结构的更多有效信息。得出相关结论:皖江城市带中的城市在综合发展、工业制造、地区服务等方面已经形成一定的地域分工,但比较优势并不突出;各个城市及其城市带整体的三次产业结构与全国城市的整体产业结构大体相似。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(8):749-767
The daily journey to work is ubiquitous in American life. Portraying commuting behavior graphically at the subcounty level, however, has been hampered by technical obstacles. With desktop GIS and new analytical tools, the spatial particulars of commuting can be given clarity. This paper explores the use of a spatial statistic, the mean weighted direction of journey-to-work flows, to aggregate and depict commuting at the census tract level for the purpose of delineating metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas. Using 1990 census data for Iowa, tract-to-tract flow vectors and resultant vectors are calculated and drawn for each census tract, and a set of functional areas for the state is produced. The research suggests that the concept of commuting directionality is a community characteristic requiring further attention. Directionality may be a useful component in a census-tract-level national settlement classification system made possible with disaggregated data and annual updates through the American Community Survey. [Key words: metropolitan areas, commuting, GIS, census tract, settlement classification.]  相似文献   

青藏高原东北部古喀斯特过程与环境   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
崔之久  陈怀录 《地理学报》1996,51(5):408-417,T001
本文介绍了青藏高原东北部地区的古喀斯特现象,并对相关沉积进行了化学成、粘土矿物的X-射线衍射以及石英砂表面结构等气候代用指标的分析。分析结果一致,指示了温暖湿润的亚热带气候条件。重结晶方解石的裂变径迹测年结果表明,该地区古喀斯特发育于中中新世。  相似文献   

我国工业化进程中的结构调整与对外贸易   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文分析了我国工业结构失衡—调整—再失衡所产生的问题与原因,工业结构再调整的必要性以及起步环境与条件。提出建立农业、轻纺工业与外贸之间以及重工业内部的两条产业链,并且通过对外贸易更深入地参与国际分工,以缓解国内结构缺陷。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(4):348-374
This research first develops a paradigm relating technology adoption, plant function, and location in different areas. It then examines empirically some of the paradigm's postulates dealing with occupation staffing patterns and wage rates in headquarters and production plants in different size cities and regions of the country using survey data. The research found that plants in large cities, headquarters plants, and plants in innovative regions paid higher wages than plants in small cities, production plants, and those in innovation-lagging regions. Headquarters plants and plants in large cities and innovative regions had a significantly larger number of scientists, engineers, and technicians on their staffs but few production workers. Production plants and those in small cities and towns and lagging regions had few professional workers but a significant number of production workers. For all types of plants an inverse relationship existed between plant size and city size. The postulated direct relationship between plant size and wage rates was not clearly evident in the survey data except for low skilled occupations. Neither was the relationship clearly evident in the U.S. Census data for the computer and semiconductor industries, as it was for total U.S. manufacturing.  相似文献   

Current inventories of hazardous waste sites seldom include older, unreported sites, thereby creating a serious shortcoming in attempts to assess risks posed by one type of technological hazard. Based upon a review of urban morphogenesis, hazardous material use in industry, and past waste management practices, this paper presents a model of historical hazards accumulations. Reviews of past industrial waste disposal practices in three Illinois urban settings illustrate the model's effectiveness.  相似文献   

池州地区石灰岩分布区茶园土壤*及其形成环境   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文对安徽省池州地区广大茶园分布在石灰岩所构成的丘陵及岗地这一特殊现象进行了探讨。指出:在湿润的亚热季风气候条件下,其成土作用过程仍然是纯淋溶过程和富铝化过程,而地貌条件及本区石灰岩的建造及岩性也强烈地影响了这些过程的进行,因而在广大的茶园中虽随处可见石灰岩露头,但土壤却为酸性或弱酸性的地带性土壤,符合茶树的适生条件。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(4):334-354
In metropolitan areas, firms trade-off land and information costs. Firms that gain the most from access to the knowledge and know-how of other firms in the same sector are willing and able to pay for expensive central city land. We found that legal services, advertising, and accounting and auditing services are the most centralized services in the 74 largest metropolitan areas of the United States. Maps of seven fast-growing business and professional services in Phoenix, Arizona, show that central city services are mainly located in the CBD. Using a logarithmic function, we found that service jobs are more decentralized in the larger metropolitan areas and in metropolitan areas outside the Northeast. Analysis of disaggregate service sectors shows significant intersectoral variation in this relationship.  相似文献   

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