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The Stara Planina is an E–W-trending range within the Balkan belt in central Bulgaria. This topographically high mountain range was the site of Mesozoic through early Cenozoic thrusting and convergence, and its high topography is generally thought to have resulted from crustal shortening associated with those events. However, uplift of this belt appears to be much younger than the age of thrusting and correlates instead with the age of Pliocene–Quaternary normal faulting along the southern side of the range. Flexural modelling indicates the morphology of the range is consistent with flexural uplift of footwall rocks during Pliocene–Quaternary displacement on S-dipping normal faults bounding the south side of the mountains, provided that the effective elastic plate thickness of 12  km under the Moesian platform is reduced to about 3  km under the Stara Planina. This small value of elastic plate thickness under the Stara Planina is similar to values observed in the Basin and Range Province of the western United States, and suggests that weakening of the lithosphere is due to heating of the lithosphere during extension, perhaps to the point that large-scale flow of material is possible within the lower crust. Because weakening is observed to affect the Moesian lithosphere for ≈10  km beyond (north of) the surface expression of extension, this study suggests that processes within the uppermost mantle, such as convection, play an active role in the extension process. The results of this study also suggest that much of the topographic relief in thrust belts where convergence is accompanied by coeval extension in the upper plate (or 'back arc'), such as in the Apennines, may be a flexural response to unloading during normal faulting, rather than a direct response to crustal shortening in the thrust belt.  相似文献   

Wide-angle vibroseis test across the Rhine graben   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary. As a joint operation of ECORS and DEKORP, a deep wide-angle seismic experiment using vibrators was carried out in the autumn of 1984. The object was to get information on the deep crust under the Rhine graben without crossing through sedimentary layers. Offsets were in the range of 50 to 89 km. In the first phase, two vibration points were executed in the Vosges mountains. A signal was received in the Black Forest from solely the farthest VP. In the second phase, fourteen VPs were executed in the Black Forest. No stacking or correlation was performed in the field in France. The quality of the results is good only if an equalization is applied before vertical stacking and correlation in the computing centre.  相似文献   

The Jiloca depression, one of the largest morpho-structural units of the Iberian Range and traditionally considered as a neotectonic graben, is interpreted as a karst polje developed within an active halfgraben. This polje, 705 km2 in area, constitutes one of the largest documented poljes. Several evidences—(1) a sequence of eight-stepped levels of corrosion surfaces, (2) the reduced thickness of the basin fill, (3) fault-controlled mountain fronts with topographic scarps much higher than the structural throws—demonstrate that great part of the topographic relief of the depression has been generated by corrosional lowering rather than by tectonic subsidence. The height difference between the highest corrosion surface and the polje bottom indicate that the depression has been deepened around 300 m by corrosion processes. The initiation of the karst polje was determined by the creation of the Jiloca halfgraben by normal faults, which deformed a Pliocene regional erosion surface. The development of the polje has been controlled largely by the asymmetric structure and the slight neotectonic activity of the graben. Changes in the position of the polje bottom inferred from the slopes of the different corrosion surfaces (polje paleotopography) may have been controlled by neotectonic movements.  相似文献   

This paper presents data on the sedimentation processes and basin-fill architecture in an incipient submarine intrabasinal graben, the Strava graben. The Strava graben is a relatively small intrabasinal structure about 15 km long and 3 km wide formed some time during the late Pleistocene. It connects the Alkyonidhes basin to the Corinth basin, in the Aegean back arc, which is characterized by fast rates of extension and intensive seismicity. Analysis and interpretation of high-resolution 3.5-kHz and sparker profiles together with sonar imagery have shown that gravity-driven sediment transport, triggered by earthquakes, is the dominant sedimentation process and that this sediment forms the vast bulk of the basin-fill. The sediment deposited in the Strava graben is derived from the uplifted footwall blocks bounding the graben and is transported to the basin initially as liquefied flows, some of which may progressively evolve to turbidity flows. The deposits of the liquefied flows have accumulated in the graben floor as aggradational stacks, consisting of sheet-like, low-relief lobes, forming base of slope aprons that are fed by multiple sediment sources along active faults. In addition to the lateral (footwall-derived) sediment transport there is also a gravity-controlled axial transport. The axial transport has formed a depositional system in the down-dip termination of the Strava graben, where it enters the Corinth basin. The axial depositional system grows outwards and upwards and consists of liquefied flow depositional lobes which are separated by turbidites. The sedimentation transport processes and basin infilling style described for the Strava graben can be used as a predictive model for the early synrift stage of ancient submarine intrabasinal structures, in which the major sediment source area is the bounding fault scarps and not drainage basins in the hinterland.  相似文献   

Reconnaissance level geomorphological observations in the northern part of Evia (Euboea) Island, suggest that a major topographic feature, the 17 km long and 15 km wide Nileas depression (NDpr), corresponds to a previously undetected graben structure, bounded by fault zones of ENE–WSW to NE–SW general strike. These fault zones have been active in the Quaternary, since they affect the Neogene deposits of the Limni–Histiaia basin. They strike transverse to the NW–SE active fault zones that bound northern Evia in the specific area and are characterised along most of their length by subtle geomorphic signatures in areas of extensive forest cover and poor exposure.The NDpr was formed during the Early–Middle Quaternary, after the deposition of the Neogene basin fill. During the Middle–Late Quaternary, the NW–SE fault zones that bound northern Evia have been the main active structures, truncating and uplifting the NDpr to a perched position in relation to the northern Gulf of Evia graben and the submarine basin on the Aegean side of the island. The present-day morphology of the NDpr, with an interior (floor) comprised of Middle Pleistocene erosional surfaces extensively dissected by drainages, was shaped by erosion during this uplift. Judging from their geomorphic signatures, the fault zones that bound the NDpr must have been characterised by low or very low rates of activity during the Late Quaternary. Yet, that they may still be accommodating strain today is suggested by moderate earthquakes that have been recorded within the NDpr.The fault zone at the SE flank of the NDpr (Prokopi–Pelion fault zone) may be very important in terms of earthquake segmentation of the active NW–SE Dirfys fault zone that controls the Aegean coast of northern Evia, given that the intersection between the two presents striking morpho-structural similarities with the intersection of two fault zones with the same directions on the mainland (the Atalanti and Hyampolis fault zones), which is known to have acted as a barrier to the propagation of the Atalanti earthquake ruptures in 1894.  相似文献   

我国中心城市货运外向服务功能空间体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭建科  韩增林  王利 《地理研究》2012,31(10):1849-1860
以中国地级以上城市为研究样本, 将货运量作为切入点, 把城市流模型改造为城市货运外向服务功能模型, 应用ArcGIS空间分析手段, 测算各城市水陆空等不同运输方式货运外向服务功能。对1989年和2008年的数据和计算结果进行对比, 揭示货运外向服务功能在中国城市体系中的空间分布规律和等级结构, 考察各城市在整个国家层面和所在区域货运空间联系中的地位和作用。结果表明:(1),我国中心城市货运外向服务功能北方分布广, 南方强度高, 以城市群为单位的外向货运密集区优势明显。(2),东部沿海省市的城市货运外向服务价值比重在近20年明显下降, 但相应货运比重上升, 表明其大宗货物运输的外向服务占全国比重明显上升。(3),不同运输方式的城市货运外向服务格局差异很大, 并在国际、区际、城市群和市域等不同空间尺度上的运输联系职能上形成分工。(4),中心城市物流外向服务能力可分为国家中心、跨区域(副)中心、省域(副)中心、(跨)市域中心四个功能等级。我国中心城市货运外向服务能力受多种复杂因素综合影响, 与城市GDP及货运规模成正比, 受区位熵反映的经济区位和运输区位影响很大, 与不同方式货运结构及运输距离密切相关。  相似文献   


The paper describes the present state of GIS in Bulgaria, points to some problems with its development, and puts forward several ideas about ways to improve the implementation and use of GIS in the country. Special stress is placed on the danger of centralizing GIS functions within the planning institutions of the national state, on the importance of GIS education, training and pilot projects for the future development of GIS, and the necessity to reduce the technological and informational gap between Western countries and Bulgaria.  相似文献   

Rock magnetic properties of recent soils from northeastern Bulgaria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, basic rock magnetic studies of Holocene loess-soil samples from northeastern Bulgaria are reported. The sites are related to the Danube river and located at different distances southwards, thus representing various pedogenic conditions. The study is primarily aimed at determining the main magnetic carrier(s) and their physical characteristics (grain-size distribution, magnetic enhancement, etc.). Oxyhydroxides, maghemite and titanomagnetites of various oxidation degrees are assumed to be the main ferromagnetic minerals present. Our results suggest that the uppermost part of recent soil profiles is rich in stable, near-single-domain (SD) particles, while the illuvial horizons are characterized by a gradual decrease in grain sizes, from highly viscous to a true superparamagnetic (SP) domain state. The properties of samples from carbonate-rich horizons of recent soils are basically controlled by detrital minerals, while those from sites with more intensive pedogenesis and especially grey forest soils are influenced by strongly magnetic minerals formed ' in situ '.  相似文献   

1StudyAreaCentralDistrictisthelargestdialectinBotSWana.Itcoversanareaof146531kin',whichisroughlyonequarterofBotswana.ThedistrictborderstheRepublicofSouthcocainthesouthandeast,andZimbabweinthenorth-east.ItalsobordersNorthEastDistricttotheeast.ThenorthernboundalofthedistrictissharedfaiththeChobeDistrictandNgdrilandDistrict.Inthet"estandthesouth-u'estaledistrictbordersNgndland.Ghanzi.KwenengandKgahengDistrictS.ThedistlictisdiyridedintofiveadlnjnistrahvesubdistrictsfBobirwa.Serowemalapy…  相似文献   

新疆旅游中心地等级体系初构   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据新疆旅游业发展现状与存在的问题,阐明了确定新疆旅游中心地的必要性.以旅游中心地概念及克里斯泰勒中心地理论为基础,针对新疆旅游业发展中存在的"瓶颈"--交通问题,分析计算了通达性指数与网尼克指数两个指标,结合新疆各地区的旅游景点和酒店数日,确定了新疆旅游中心城市(中心地).利用以上四个指标进行聚类分析,划分了新疆旅游...  相似文献   

Research projects dealing with transition in the former centrally planned economies of Eastern and Central Europe face great difficulties of data availability. Much data are not available and much of what are available are poorly documented or unreliable. This paper describes some of the problems of data availability in the context of environmental research in Bulgaria. It describes current efforts to upgrade national level environmental monitoring capabilities, and argues for the need for the development of locally sensitive systems of data collection and analysis.  相似文献   

Data on biota and nutrients in solar ponds of a saltworks near Burgas, Bulgaria, were obtained. Surveys of the biota were undertaken, and records from management officials gave information on biological and physical conditions related to salt production. The decrease in the quality and quantity of sodium chloride harvested that began 10 to 15 years before the study, may be related to the high levels of plankton, combined nitrogen and phosphate, and the large accretion of bottom sediments and density of benthic communities. Biological management can improve the quality and quantity of the sodium chloride produced by the saltworks.  相似文献   

The structural evolution of the Miocene to Recent Gediz Graben is intimately related to the evolution of its southern margin. This margin is shaped by a time‐transgressive, composite structure that possesses flat‐ramp geometry with three separate dip domains: a low‐angle shallow segment; a steeper middle segment; and a low‐angle deeper segment. This geometry was probably produced by one of two mechanisms, which operated perpendicular to the general trend of the graben, resulting in gradual back‐rotation followed by abandonment of the shallow segment as it was dissected by the high‐angle normal fault(s). The geometry of the southern margin structure is not simple along‐strike. It includes broad undulations and discrete fault segments, developed by large‐scale fault growth processes through segment linkage. The along‐strike growth of the southern margin‐bounding structure is responsible for the composite character of the Gediz Graben and controls the observed stratigraphic variability. Two sub‐basins aligned with the major segments of the southern graben margin structure have been investigated. The Salihli and Ala?ehir sub‐basins comprising 3000 m sedimentary thickness are separated by an intervening basement high, that is covered by a thin veneer of post‐Miocene sediments. The two sub‐basins, which evolved as isolated basins during most of the graben history, amalgamated during post‐Miocene time to form the composite configuration of the graben. There is a general east to west trend of growth for the Gediz Graben.  相似文献   

Graben systems in extensional settings tend to be segmented with evidence of segment interaction. To gain a better understanding of the evolution of structures formed during graben growth and interaction, we here study the Grabens area of Canyonlands National Park, Utah, where a wide range of such structures is well exposed. With the aid of 3D numerical models, we attempt to reproduce structures observed in that region and to understand controls on the structural style of graben interaction by varying the spacing between pre‐existing structures. The sensitivity of the system to the thickness of the salt layer is also tested. Four distinct types of structures are observed when the spacing between inherited weak zones is varied: (1) grabens connecting in a relay zone divided by a narrow central horst; (2) graben segments interacting via a secondary stepover graben; (3) grabens propagating alongside each other with limited segment interaction; and (4) an abandoned graben segment in a system of multiple competing grabens. The presence of a basal salt layer (Paradox Member) promotes efficient graben propagation. A comparison between the observed structures and the numerical model results indicates that the detachment salt layer is relatively thin in the study area.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the possibility of increased regional economic inequality in Bulgaria following the collapse of Soviet-style Communism, which promoted spatial egalitarianism in development policies. Spatial equilibrium (neoclassical) and spatial concentration (cumulative causation) models of regional development in market economies suggest different trends. International investments reported in Business Eastern Europe from 1989 through 1992 are analyzed to test the hypothesis that regional inequalities are increasing as the cumulative causation school suggested they would. Analysis of date, location, type of transaction, and sector variables reveals Sofia's development as a service center and sectoral changes that may have regional implications if the pace of foreign investment quickens. The evidence fails, however, to refute the neoclassical spatial equilibrium model and also fails to dispel the possibility that residual influences of Communist policies are discouraging foreign investment and preventing market-driven spatial adjustments.  相似文献   

Large concentrations of Little Auks were recorded off central Norway in March and April 1988. Their pelagic distributional patterns may be related to the frontal system between Atlantic water and the coastal stream off central Norway. Peak densities of more than 1,000 Little Auks per km2 were recorded in two areas on the continental shelf, close to the frontal system. These densities were up to 500 times as high as those found in adjacent areas. A change in distribution with season was observed, suggesting a seasonal association with the front.  相似文献   

This paper investigates land-use/cover changes related to river dynamics in northern Ethiopia. Aerial photographs from 1965 to 1986, and SPOT images of 2007 and 2014 were used to extract land units. Land-use/cover changes took place in 48% of the entire landscape around the river across the last five decades. Changes related to swap accounted for 37%, whereas net changes accounted for 11%. The most systematic transitions in terms of gain were from shrubland to farmland, alluvial deposit to settlement, and alluvial deposit to active channel and settlement. Most of these transitions were related to the river dynamics and depict cyclic transitions: farmland → active channel → alluvial deposits → grassland/shrubland → farmland. Human interventions and natural vegetation succession were also very important. The study concludes that river systems have considerable impact on livelihood and need attention in land management undertakings in graben bottoms.  相似文献   

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