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It is known that the organic matter in the upper layer of sediments gets lost fast, but not in the South Huanghai Sea (Yellow sea). Some of the major characteristics of organic geochemistry of sediments in the South Huanghai Sea can be summarized as follows:1. The contents of organic carbon and bitumen increase with the decrease in grain size.2.Loss of organic matter is closely related to grain size but less so in clay sediments.3.The contents of bitumen and hydrocarbon are low, about n ×102 ppm for bitumen and n ×10 ppm for hydrocarbon.A scattered show of organic matter does not necessarily indicate the presence of petroleum in recent marine sediments.In research into the genesis of petroleum, people pay more attention to the study of the organic geochemistry of recent marine sediments. How much organic materials was lost during the deposition up to the diagenesis ? The problem is as important as the study on the transformation of organic matter. This study on the organic geochemistry of the sediment  相似文献   

  1. The nonanthropogenic SO4 in the Changjiang River stems from weathering and oxidation of sulphate and sulphite minerals, while the anthropogenic SO4 here is attributed to acid rain containing H2SO4 formed by atmospheric sulphur oxides derived from the burning of fossil fuels in the region of the lower reaches. Ca and Mg are probably derived from weathering of carbonate minerals, but possibly less from weathering of silicate minerals.
  2. The Changjiang River estuary is characterized by two—layer flow based on the salinity section of the estuary, so a model of two—layer exchange of water—body in the Changjiang River estuary can be advanced.
  3. The presence of SO4 and K at stations H14 and H15 were found most likely to be due to the addition and removal processes, that of the other major consituents may be mainly controlled by physical mixing in this estuary.

The palynolpgical study on the Quaternary sediments of 42 cores in the region of the Yangtze River Delta and the sections of 4 relics had been done since 1960. Palynological assemblages from the region of the Yangtze River Delta, showing obviously .common characteristics but with slight differences because of the vast areas covered, can be divided into five spores and pollen zones and three subzones in ascendant order:I.Quercus alienc-Pinus-Cupressaceae-Chenopodiaceae spores and pollen zone reflecting the cool, then cold and dry climate--Preboreal.II.Quercus dentata-Quefcus acutissima-Pinus-Castanea-Artemisia spores and pollen zone reflecting the temperate and cool, but a little dry climate--Boreal.III.Quercus glauca-Caslanopsis-Myrica-Caslanea spores and pollen zone reflecting the hot and moist climate--Atlantic.IV.Quercus acutissima-Pinus-Castanea-Quercus glauca- Chenopodiaceae spores and pollen zone reflecting the warm, and a little dry climate--Subboreal.V.Quercus acutissima-Costarica-Quercus glauca  相似文献   

Low frequency (LF) current (period>25 hour) variation at 5 stations in Jiaozhou Bay. Shijiousuo, and the central part of the Yellow Sea were studied by analyzing the observed long-period current data series in the study area.1) There are obvious periods of 3 and 5 days in the LF current spectra. The energy spectral value of LF current of a 5 day period is remarkably larger than that of a 3 day period. These periods reflect the correlations between the LF current variation and the LF water level variation.2) The feet that the 15-day period in the LF current spectra corresponds to the semi-monthly celestial tide period indicates that the tide-induced residual current is an important and most evident LF current component in the bay.3) The LF current spectral energy density in the northward direction is much larger than that in the eastward direction. This shows the frequency and strength of the wind field in the northward direction are evidently larger than that in the eastward direction.  相似文献   

Study of the distribution and migration of the common squid,Todarodes pacificus Steenstrup,basedon the index of important fishing ground(P) and fisheries statistics on the Yellow Sea and northern EastChina Sea during 1980—1991 showed that:1.Its catch in the fishing period(June to November) is 91.77% of the annual yield.The fishingground distributes over the northem and middle Yel1ow Sea and adjacent area of the Changjiang Estuary.2. It over-winters in the northem East China Sea and waters adjacent to Goto Island from De-cember to February and spawns in waters near Haijiao Is1and and west of Kyushu. The main stock mi-grates along 123°30′E to the ChangJiang Estuary, Haizhou Bay. offsea from Shidao to Qingdao,mideastern Yellow Sea, and offsea Weihai and Haiyang Island succesively for feeding after April. The sur-plus stock migrates again to the wintering ground in December.3.The favorable feeding temperature is 6-23℃(optimum of l3-20℃ in the Changjiang Estua-ry and 7-13℃ in the northern and middle Yel  相似文献   

Trace and RE element geochemistry and genesis have been studied with respect to ferromanganese nodules from the sediments of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans.  相似文献   

On the basis of our study of the present sediments in the northern part of the continental shelf of the South China Sea, this article clarifies our views that a "three-zone pattern" is the basic feature of transgression-type sedimentation.The classification of transgression-type sedimentation of the present continental shelf is based on: the close relationships between the formation of the present continental shelf and the position of the low sea level of the Wiirrn glacial stage, the genetic types and environmental features of sedimentary zoning, the relationship between the formation of glauconite with different maturity and the migration of coastline, the speed of transgression, and the overlying speed of sedimentation. We put forward the genetic name of the "three-zone pattern" to denote:1.The inner zouu, river mouth-coastal current sedimentary area;2.The intermediate zone, coastal current-sea current scouring-sedimentary area;3.The outer zone, sea current scouring area.All these are of significance  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONManystudiesonvascularplantSduringthenontwperiodhavedrireP0redinChinaandabroad.TherearefeWreportSonwhethertherearesomevasctilarplantS,andhowmanyspedessurvive,underice,andontheirbiomassesandphotosyntheticproduCtivitiesduringwinter,espedal1yduringbeAfpinchLillyamepe0ylenctal.,l976,Liuetal.,l994).WeimtlycarriedoutaseadriontheunderforvascularplantsdurinwinderinsomewaterbodieswherevascularplantSgrowluxdrianhydurinInildareonsinnorthemareas,soastoimproveourknowedgeofvascularplaflt…  相似文献   

Introduction In the Alakananda Basin, undulating terrain constitutes the most fragile elements of the ecosystem. Traditional economy rests on the terraced cultivation with extremely limited viability to expansion and modernization. Consequently, low economic return remains the characteristic feature of the agrarian landscape. It is the common experience that the ecological conditions of the basin are more suited to fruit cultivation rather than cereal farming (Atkinson 1889). Along with frui…  相似文献   

Shijiu Harbour is to be constructed at southern Shandong as an important shipping center with a docking capacity of 100 thousand tonnages of a single vessel.Tides and tidal currents were frequently observed at three different layers from December 1979 to April 1980. Bed-load discharge was sampled and calculated for different weather conditions. Some of the results are as follows:1. The amount of bed-load discharge is 0.1359 g/cm2/day during the spring tide, 0.09 g/cm2/day during the neap tide, 0.488 g/cm2/day during storm weather, which is four times as high as that during average tides.2. The maximum amount of the sediments that settle to the waterway is less than 46.7768 g/cm2 per year, therefore the waterway will not be blocked by the transported sand and clay even after a storm weather.  相似文献   

During the Global Weather Experiment oceanographic measurements were recorded during winter and summer in the western Pacific region 5°S−5°N, 160°E−175°E. The variations of the upper ocean temperature and salinity fields were produced by the large seasonal and spatial wind fluctuations. The vertical temperature structure of the thermocline at the equator, the meridional slope of the thermocline south of the equator, and the northward penetration of high salinity water were related to the direction and intensity of the zonal wind-stress. (NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory) Contribution No. 1307 from the Institute of Ocean., Academia Sinica. Received Sept. 3, 1985  相似文献   

In this paper, we use the conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) observation data and a three-dimensional ocean model in a seasonally-varying forcing field to study the barrier layer (BL) in the PN section in the East China Sea (ECS). The BL can be found along the PN section with obviously seasonal variability. In winter, spring and autumn, the BL occurs around the slope where the cold shelf water meets with the warm Kuroshio water. In summer, the BL can also be found in the shelf area near salinity front of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River Dilution Water (YRDW). Seasonal variations of BL in the PN section are caused by local hydrological characteristics and seasonal variations of atmospheric forcing. Strong vertical convection caused by sea surface cooling thickens the BL in winter and spring in the slope area. Due to the large discharge of Changjiang River in summer, the BL occurs extensively in the shelf region where the fresh YRDW and the salty bottom water meet and form a strong halocline above the seasonal thermocline. The formation mechanism of BL in the PN section can be explained by the vertical shear of different water masses, which is called the advection mechanism. The interannual variation of BL in summer is greatly affected by the YRDW. In the larger YRDW year (such as 1998), a shallow but much thicker BL existed on the shelf area. Supported by National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program, No. 2005CB422303 and 2007CB411804), the Key Project of the International Science and Technology Cooperation Program of China (No. 2006DFB21250), the “111 Project” of the Ministry of Education (No. B07036), the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, China (No. NECT-07-0781)  相似文献   

Cadmium flux through a lab food chain (Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin- Penaeus orientate Kishinouye- Hexagrammos otakii Jordan et Starks) and its genotoxicity were investigated. The results are as follows:1. High doses of cadmium (>0.003 mol / L) induced flocculation and quick precipitation of Phaeodactylum tricornutum; lower doses of cadmium could be adsorbed on and absorbed by P. tricornutum without delaying its growth. Cadmium concentrations in algae increased with dosage, and cadmium ions removed from the medium were in proportion to dosage. In vivo chelation and organizable combination of absorbed cadmium ions by metabolites of P. tricornutum can be considered as bio-detoxification.2. Cadmium concentration decreased in the transfers from P. tricornutum to P. orientalis and from the latter to H. otakii. Transfer coefficient of cadmium in the first flux was 66.6% and 29.9% in the second. Results of t tests showed that mutagenicity of ashed internal organs of experimental prawns was significantly hi  相似文献   

CTD data on standard levels coolected during July and December in 1998 and the cubic spline interpolating method were used to study the characteristics of the transition layer temperature and salinity.The thermocline undergoes remarkable seasonal variation in the South China Sea (SCS),and especially in the region of the north shelf where the thermocline disappears in december.The thermocline is stronger and thicker in July than in December,There is no obvious seasonal variation in the halocline.Due to the upper Ekman transport caused by monsoon over the SCS,the thermocline slopes upward in July and downward in december from east to west in the northern SCS.The characteristics of the thermocline and halocline are influenced by local eddies in the SCS.The Zhujiang diluted flow influences significantly the SCS shelf‘s halocline.  相似文献   

Based on observed temperature data since the 1950s, long-term variability of the summer sharp thermocline in the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass (YSCWM) and East China Sea Cold Eddy (ECSCE) areas is examined. Relationships between the thermocline and atmospheric and oceanic forcing were investigated using multiyear wind, Kuroshio discharge and air temperature data. Results show that: 1) In the YSCWM area, thermocline strength shows about 4-year and 16-year period oscillations. There is high correlation between summer thermocline strength and local atmospheric temperature in summer and the previous winter; 2) In the ECSCE area, interannual oscillation of thermocline strength with about a 4-year period (stronger in El Ni o years) is strongly correlated with that of local wind stress. A transition from weak to strong thermocline during the mid 1970s is consistent with a 1976/1977 climate shift and Kuroshio volume transport; 3) Long-term changes of the thermocline in both regions are mainly determined by deep layer water, especially on the decadal timescale. However, surface water can modify the thermocline on an interannual timescale in the YSCWM area.  相似文献   

Eighy-one CTD profiles gathered in springtime were used for northem East China Sea tbermohalinefinestructure studies indicating that the finestructure properties vaned with region and depth, as shown infinesructure specra, distribution of Cox numbers etc..Some results closely wiated to distribution of watermasses and Analysis of two typical profiles revealed differenes in autospectra of temperature,salihity and potential density gradients, probobility distribution of temperature finestructure gradient,Cox numberc.etc. The probability density function of vertical temperature gradients, which varied withsample interval, is given. The variances of temperatare finestructare gradient are used to estimate the lat-eral diffusivity and lateral temperatare flux, which were 10.3 (m~2/s) and 5.5×10~(-4) (℃ m/s),respectivly.  相似文献   

The effects of surface waves and ship heave-and-roll on CTD data are discussed. The heave-and-roll produces spurious step-like structures in the CTD data. Derivation of a formula for calculating the probe's fall speed is discussed. Several current techniques for CTD sensor lag correction are analyzed and compared. It is shown the lag correction procedure presented here, which is based on the Giles-McDougall technique, can be employed to treat CTD data from regions with slow or fast T-S variations, for instance, in strong seasonal thermocline. False salinity spikes or humps in data corrected with this procedure are significantly reduced. The project is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China and Chinese Education Committee  相似文献   

The thermohaline structure at 4°S, 156°E was analyzed based on CTD data acquired during the TOGA COARE Intensive Observing Period (IOP) from November, 1992 to February, 1993. The ocean responses during two Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) events were preliminarily studied based on meteorological field observation. The main water masses at the observation point were Tropical Surface Water, Southern Subtropical Lower Water and Southern Intermediate Water from surface downward. There was good correlation of sea surface temperature with the wind field, and of the surface salinity with wind speed and rainfalls. Both of the two surface variables were also modulated by upwelling caused by westerly winds at the observation point. The isohaline layer was not always shallower than the isothemal layer in this observation and could be considered as the lower limit of the diurnal variation of the isothernal layers in most cases. The existence of large variations of the maximum salinity core is suggested to be related to the meridional motion in that depth. Contribution No. 2264 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. This project was supported by NSFC (No. 49176255).  相似文献   

Seasonal variability of thermocline in the Yellow Sea   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Based on the MASNUM wave-tide-circulation coupled numerical model, seasonal variability of thermocline in the Yellow Sea was simulated and compared with in-situ observations. Both simulated mixed layer depth (MLD) and thermocline intensity have similar spatial patterns to the observations. The simulated maximum MLD are 8 m and 22 m, while the corresponding observed values are 13 m and 27 m in July and October, respectively. The simulated thermocline intensity are 1.2℃/m and 0.5℃/m in July and October, respectively, which are 0.6℃/m less than those of the observations. It may be the main reason why the simulated thermocline is weaker than the observations that the model vertical resolution is less precise than that of the CTD data which is 1 m. Contours of both simulated and observed thermocline intensity present a circle in general. The wave-induced mixing plays a key role in the formation of the upper mixed layer in spring and summer. Tidal mixing enhances the thermocline intensity. Buoyancy-driven m  相似文献   

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