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本文采用1985年12月12日至1986年2月8日“向阳红14”号调查船在太平洋调查所获海洋水文气象资料,计算了四种热交换量。结果表明:海-气热输送与天气系统和海洋水文条件关系密切。冬季,在各种天气系统条件下西太平洋及中太平洋的大气主要是从海洋得到热量,其中以黑潮流经的海域最为明显,而热交换的方式主要是海洋以潜热的形式把热量输送给大气。  相似文献   

西太平洋赤道海域海气界面二氧化碳交换的计算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

为体现波浪起伏增大交换面积进而增强通量这一事实,本文在已有海-气通量模型基础上提出了一种新的波面增长因子计算公式。就线性波叠加方法产生的波面而言,在风速为10 m/s时充分成长的波浪至少可使热通量增加7.9%,这比用单个正弦波得到的最大增加量3.7%的2倍还多。当风速增大到20 m/s时由新公式给出的增加量则能达到30%。研究还表明,借用经验波谱进行海面模拟难以体现毛细波,真实海面的面积增加量不止模拟的那么少,波浪对海-气通量的影响还应更强。  相似文献   

海-气界面动量通量的估计方法分析与应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
首次将经验模态分解方法引入湍流稳定性分析,与传统的线性和滑动平均去势方法进行了比较,发现经验模态分解方法的去势效果最好。基于"南海平台通量观测计划"(FOPSCS)近两年的连续通量观测数据,得到了22 476个摩擦速度的估算值,结果表明,当风速小于5m/s时,拖曳系数随风速增大而减小,而风速大于5m/s时,拖曳系数随风速增大而增大,两种情形分别反映了黏性表皮摩擦和波浪引起的形状阻力对海面风应力的贡献。同时发现短风区情形的拖曳系数大于长风区情形,说明波浪成长状态会对海-气界面动量交换产生影响。  相似文献   

2000年南海季风爆发前后西沙海域海-气热量交换特征   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
利用2000年5月6日至6月17日在西沙海域进行的第二次南海海-气通量观测资料,计算了南海季风爆发前后海洋-大气间的辐射收支、感热通量、潜热通量及海洋热量净收支;发现季风爆发后海-气热量交换突然发生变化,其中潜热通量、海洋热量净收支变化尤为显著。讨论了季风爆发前后各种天气过程影响下海-气热量、水汽交换特点和海洋热量净收支变化,说明季风爆发前海洋是一个能量积累过程,季风爆发期海洋是一个能量释放过程,季风中断期海洋是一个能量再积累过程;季风爆发后西南大风期持续时间和强度,强烈影响水汽蒸发量大小,进而影响我国大陆上夏季降水,通过南海与阿拉伯海、孟加拉湾、西太平洋暖池等不同海域资料对比,分析了它们在海-气热量交换上的差别,指出这种差别是爆发后南海SST基本稳定而阿拉伯海、孟加拉湾SST明显降低的主要原因。  相似文献   

海浪对北太平洋海-气二氧化碳通量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用4种海-气界面气体传输速率公式对比研究了北太平洋气体传输速率及其CO2通量的季节变化特征。与单纯依赖风速的算法相比, 考虑波浪影响的气体传输速率和CO2通量在空间分布和季节变化上具有明显差异。在低纬度地区(0°~30°N), 波浪参数使气体传输速率下降, 海洋对大气CO2的吸收减少, 而在30°N以北范围内则出现新的气体传输速率高值区, 海洋对大气的吸收增加。进一步研究了黑潮延伸体区域的气候态月平均气体传输速率和CO2通量。结果表明, 该区域气体传输速率和CO2通量最大值分别出现于冬季和春季, 引入波浪参数后, 虽然该区域气体传输速率和CO2通量平均值没有明显差异, 但季节变化强度显著增强。  相似文献   

郭水伙 《台湾海峡》1995,14(4):320-327
据1984年5月至1985年2月调查资料,计算了该水体中二氧化碳体系各分量的含量,研究了它们与pH,HCO^-3/CO^2-3,Alk,DIN,PO^3-4-9,Chl-aDO,S,t等环境因子的相关性。结果表明PCO3,CO2(T),HCO^-3,CO^2-3与pH,HCO^-3/CO^2-3呈极显著的线性相关;HCO^-3,CO^2-3ΣCO2与Alk也呈非常显著的线性相关。  相似文献   

根据执行TOGA/COARE研究计划在热带西太平洋进行考察的结果,对调查海区海-气界面热量交换进行了分析。结果表明:冬季在热带扰动的影响下,调查海区海-气热量交换非常强烈,在风速较小、天气情况良好的情况下,调查海区海水得到的热量远大于失去的热量,调查海区海水对大气加热的变化与表层海水温度的变化并不一致,热带太平洋信风的加强对暖池的建立似乎是至关重要的。  相似文献   

风浪对海-气界面动量通量估计的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用实验室和有代表性的外海观测数据综合分析表明,海面粗糙度对波龄的依赖性与是否将实验室和外海数据一起考虑有关,而风应力拖曳系数与此无关,且随波龄增大而减小.利用Toba-3/2指数律和风浪成长关系的分析表明,风应力拖曳系数为常数或随波龄的增大而增大,与上述结果定性上相矛盾,说明风浪对风应力拖曳系数影响问题需要进一步研究.  相似文献   

南海海水中DO的平面、垂直分布以及海-气交换通量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据1998年7月和1999年1月南海两个航次的综合调查结果,对溶解氧(DO)的平面、垂直分布以及海-气交换通量进行了研究,结果表明:表层海水是DO浓度最高的含氧层,在次表层20~75 m处普遍存在着DO浓度的最大值(440μm o l/dm3),同时该层还出现了pH值的最大值和活性磷酸盐浓度的最小值,其位置在温跃层的下界附近。对夏季表层DO和活性磷酸盐进行相关性分析可知,其相关系数为-0.915(n=288),两者呈显著负相关;同时,DO和pH值垂向变化趋势相一致,相关系数为0.951(n=288),两者呈强烈正相关。通过计算,得到1998年夏季和1999年冬季海面溶解氧的海-气交换通量:夏季释放通量为-0.346~0.226 m o l/(m2.d);冬季为-0.234~3.123 m o l/(m2.d)。由于夏季南海海水生物的初级生产力相对要高于冬季,因此夏季溶解氧向上通量的区域较冬季广,同时,海-气交换的通量随区域的变化也有所不同。  相似文献   

The global distributions of the air-sea CO2 transfer velocity and flux are retrieved from TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason altimeter data from October 1992 to December 2009 using a combined algorithm. The 17 a average global, area-weighted, Schmidt number-corrected mean gas transfer velocity is 21.26 cm/h, and the full exploration of the uncertainty of this estimate awaits further data. The average total CO2 flux (calculated by carbon) from atmosphere to ocean during the 17 a was 2.58 Pg/a. The highest transfer velocity is in the circumpolar current area, because of constant high wind speeds and currents there. This results in strong CO2 fluxes. CO2 fluxes are strong but opposite direction in the equatorial east Pacific Ocean, because the air-sea CO2 partial pressure difference is the largest in the global cceans. The results differ from the previous studies calculated using the wind speed. It is demonstrated that the air-sea transfer velocity is very important for estimating air-sea CO2 flux. It is critical to have an accurate estimation for improving calculation of CO2 flux within climate change studies.  相似文献   

Using data from the European remote sensing scatterometer(ERS-2) from July 1997 to August 1998,global distributions of the air-sea CO2 transfer velocity and flux are retrieved.A new model of the air-sea CO2 transfer velocity with surface wind speed and wave steepness is proposed.The wave steepness(5) is retrieved using a neural network(NN) model from ERS-2 scatterometer data,while the wind speed is directly derived by the ERS-2 scatterometer.The new model agrees well with the formulations based on the wind speed and the variation in the wind speed dependent relationships presented in many previous studies can be explained by this proposed relation with variation in wave steepness effect.Seasonally global maps of gas transfer velocity and llux are shown on the basis of the new model and the seasonal variations of the transfer velocity and llux during the 1 a period.The global mean gas transfer velocity is 30 cm/h after area-weighting and Schmidt number correction and its accuracy remains calculation with in situ data.The highest transfer velocity occurs around 60°N and 60°S,while the lowest on the equator.The total air to sea CO2 llux(calculated by carbon) in that year is 1.77 Pg.The strongest source of CO2 is in the equatorial east Pacific Ocean, while the strongest sink is in the 68°N.Full exploration of the uncertainty of this estimate awaits further data.An effectual method is provided to calculate the effect of waves on the determination of air-sea CO2 transfer velocity and fluxes with ERS-2 scatterometer data.  相似文献   

根据1986年11月至1990年6月进行的中美热带西太平洋海-气相互作用(TOGA)联合考查和1995年10月至1996年6月“中日副热带联合调查”期间获得的14个航次大气和海水CO2的观测资料,给出了主要观测海区CO2的源与汇的分布特征:在赤道地区5°N~5°S,130°~165°E观测到的表面水中二氧化碳分压的值超过了大气中二氧化碳分压1.5~4.5 Pa,结果表明该海区对大气CO2而言是源,但是该值远小于在中赤道测到的+9.1 Pa和在东赤道太平洋所测的+15 Pa的值.由此表明热带太平洋CO2源的强度是向西减弱的.副热带海区在秋季对大气CO2而言是较强的源,春季是汇.对影响海水CO2变化的主要因素温度、盐度等进行了讨论,表明CO2的分布变化直接受海流、水团、黑潮和ENSO事件影响.  相似文献   

基于卫星资料建立的CCMP风场、ECMWF波浪和最新CO2分压数据, 分别用4种以风速为单参数和2种包含海况影响的双参数气体交换速率公式, 估算了全球海-气CO2通量, 发现前者的结果比后者平均小30%左右, 从整体上看, 与单参数公式相比, 双参数公式使得海洋中CO2源和汇的强度均明显增强。在此基础上, 讨论了时间平均尺度对海-气CO2通量估计的影响, 结果表明, 标量平均法比矢量平均具有更好的稳定性, 但依然使得短时间平均比长时间平均得到的CO2通量值要大, 月平均与6 h平均相比, 单参数公式和双参数公式分别使海洋的净吸收量减少33%和5%, 说明双参数公式具有较好的稳定性。研究还发现, 1988-2009年间, 全球平均风速有增大的趋势, 2006年前后出现一个极大值, 但相应的CO2年净通量基本保持稳定, 甚至其绝对值有所减小、海洋的吸收能力减弱的倾向。  相似文献   

Interannual variations of the air-sea CO 2 exchange from 1965 to 2000 in the Pacific Ocean are studied with a Pacific Ocean model.Two numerical experiments are performed,including the control run that is forced by climatological monthly mean physical data and the climate-change run that is forced by interannually varying monthly mean physical data.Climatological monthly winds are used in both runs to calculate the coefficient of air-sea CO 2 exchange.The analysis through the differences between the two runs shows that in the tropical Pacific the variation of export production induced by interannual variations of the physical fields is negatively correlated with that of the air-sea CO 2 flux,while there is no correlation or a weak positive correlation in the subtropical North and South Pacific.It indicates that the variation of the physical fields can modulate the variation of the air-sea CO 2 flux in converse ways in the tropical Pacific by changing the direct transport and biochemical process.Under the interannually varying monthly mean forcing,the simulated EOF1 of the air-sea CO 2 flux is basically consistent with that of sea surface temperature(SST) in the tropical Pacific,but contrary in the two subtropical Pacific Ocean.The correlation coefficient between the regionally integrated air-sea CO 2 flux and area-mean SST shows that when the air-sea CO 2 flux lags SST by about 5 months,the positive coefficient in the three regions is largest,indicating that in the tropical Pacific or on the longer time scale in the three regions,physical processes control the flux-SST relationship.  相似文献   

The distributions of partial pressure of carbon dioxide (p CO2 ) in the surface waters of the Changjiang River Estuary and adjacent Hangzhou Bay were examined in the summer of 2010. Surface water p CO2 ranged from 751-2 095 μatm (1 atm=101 325 Pa) in the inner estuary, 177-1 036 μatm in the outer estuary, and 498-1 166 μatm in Hangzhou Bay. Overall, surface p CO2 behaved conservatively during the estuary mixing. In the inner estuary, surface p CO2 was relatively high due to urbanized pollution and a high respiration rate. The lowest p CO2 was observed in the outer estuary, which was apparently induced by a phytoplankton bloom because the dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll a were very high. The Changjiang River Estuary was a significant source of atmospheric CO2 and the degassing fluxes were estimated as 0-230 mmol/(m2 d) [61 mmol/(m2 d) on average] in the inner estuary. In contrast, the outer estuary acted as a CO2 sink.  相似文献   

The Prydz Bay in the Antarctic is an important area in the Southern Ocean due to its unique geographic feature. It plays an important role in the carbon cycle in the Southern Ocean. To investigate the distributions of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and surface seawater and its air-sea exchange rates in this region, the Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition (CHINARE) had set up several sections in the Prydz Bay. Here we present the results from the CHINARE-XVI cruises were presented onboard R/V Xue/ong from November 1999 to April 2000 and the main driving forces were discussed controlling the distributions of partial pressure of carbon dioxide. According to the partial pressure of carbon dioxide distributions, the Prydz Bay can be divided into the inside and outside regions. The partial pressure of carbon dioxide was low in the inside region but higher in the outside region during the measurement period. This distribution had a good negative correlation with the concentrations of ehlorophyll-a in general, suggesting that the partial pressure of carbon dioxide was substantially affected by biological production. The results also indicate that the biological produetion is most likely the main driving force in the marginal ice zone in the Southern Ocean in summer. However, in the Antarctic divergence sector of the Prydz Bay (about 64°S), the hydrological processes become the controlling factor as the sea surface partial pressure of carbon dioxide is much higher than the atmospheric one due to the upwelling of the high DIC CDW, and this made the outside of Prydz Bay a source of carbon dioxide. On the basis of the calculations, the CO2 flux in January (austral summer) was -3.23 mmol/(m^2 · d) in the inner part of Prydz Bay, i.e. , a sink of atmospheric CO2, and was 0.62 mmol/(m^2 · d) in the outside part of the bay, a weak source of atmospheric CO2. The average air-sea flux of CO2 in the Prydz Bay was 2.50 mmol/(m^2 · d).  相似文献   

南海南部海域岛礁区海底珊瑚砂声速影响因素的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
李赶先  龙建军 《海洋学报》2014,36(5):152-160
通过对南海南部海域岛礁区科学考察数据资料的分析研究,得出了岛礁区海底珊瑚砂的纵波声速随孔隙度、含水量增大而减小,以及声速随中值粒径、湿密度增大而增大的统计结果,并在Biot和Wyllie的松散饱和水沉积物声速理论公式与模型基础上,解释了物理力学因素对海底珊瑚砂声速的影响机制,阐明了固相因素和液相因素的强弱变化引起声速增大或减小的理论原因,分析了各种声速经验公式在海底珊瑚砂声速估算上的精度差异,得出了有必要建立包括海底珊瑚砂在内的单一类型声速经验公式的初步结论。  相似文献   

High precision total CO2 (TCO2) data are presented from the NW Weddell Sea obtained during two cruises which were 3 years apart. A TCO2 increase from 1993 to 1996 was observed in the newly formed bottom water, whereas no TCO2 increase was found in the surrounding water masses. Accompanying this TCO2 increase in the bottom water was an oxygen decrease. Obviously, bottom water with variable characteristics is produced along the margins of the Weddell Sea. Examination of possible causes leads to the conclusion that the bottom water variability is largely due to varying amounts of Warm Deep Water intruding onto the shelves of the Weddell Sea, thus changing the shelf water end-member of bottom water formation. Analysis of the data, using the observed differences of oxygen to perform a correction, suggested that some part of the TCO2 increase of the bottom water is due to the increased level of anthropogenic CO2. The TCO2 increase of the bottom water is commensurate to a tentative annual increase of about 1 μmol kg−1 in the surface water source of this bottom water. This would agree fairly well with the increase of the partial pressure of CO2 in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

于2008年2月(冬季)、5月(春季)、8月(夏季)和11月(秋季)对流沙湾进行了4次采样调查,研究分析了流沙湾海水中总有机碳的空间分布和季节变化特征,并探讨了TOC与温度、盐度、pH、叶绿素a和底泥TOC之间的相关关系.结果发现,在2008年度流沙湾海水TOC的浓度为0.992 ~ 5.437 mg/L,平均值为2.414 mg/L,呈现春季>夏季>秋季>冬季的变化趋势,整个流沙湾海域海水TOC的平面分布相对比较均匀,表层稍大于底层.在内外湾分布上,冬、夏季节内湾TOC大于外湾,而春、秋季节外湾大于内湾;在垂直分布上,冬、夏和秋季表层大于底层,而春季底层大于表层;在地域分布上,冬、夏季节从流沙镇一侧海域到西联镇一侧海域逐渐减小,秋季变化趋势相反,春季时,两侧无明显变化.相关关系的分析结果表明,流沙湾海水TOC与温度、pH呈现出正相关关系,与温度的相关关系较为显著,与盐度则呈现不显著的负相关关系;与叶绿素a存在一定的相关关系,在叶绿素a浓度小于2.6μg/L,两者呈现正相关关系,而在叶绿素a浓度大于2.6 μg/L,两者呈现负相关关系;与底泥TOC呈现出了一定的正相关关系.  相似文献   

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