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The high-frequency electromagnetic and gravitational radiation from a relativistic particle falling into a Kerr and Schwarzschild black hole is considered. The spectral and angular distributions of the radiation power are calculated by the WKB technique to Teukolsky's equations. The spectra obtained have a characteristic exponential cut-off at the frequency = char. which is proportional to the particle Lorentz factor =(1–v 2/c2)–1/2. At the frequencies as low as those compared with char. both electromagnetic and gravitational spectra are flat. The amount of the energy emitted in the low-frequency modes of the radiation depends strongly on the radiation spin. It is proportional to ln for the electromagnetic and to 3 for the gravitational radiation.  相似文献   

Some recent photometric and spectroscopic results for this ultrashort period system are summarized, and several straightforward consequences of these results for our understanding of the evolution of cataclysmic binaries are pointed out: The space motion of Z Cha is characteristic of the old disk population. The white dwarf cannot be composed primarily of He, unless it grew by accretion by at least 20%. The inferred masses of the component stars, combined with the usual gravitational quadrupole formula, probably do not suffice to explain the inferred rate of mass transfer, even in quiescence. The secondary star does not lie on the computed evolutionary tracks in the period-mass diagram of Paczynski and Sienkiewicz.Paper presented at the IAU Colloquium No. 93 on Cataclysmic Variables. Recent Multi-Frequency Observations and Theoretical Developments, held at Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg, F.R.G., 16–19 June, 1986.  相似文献   

We show the existence of a general relation between the parameters of periodic solutions in dynamical systems with ignorable coordinates. In particular, for time-independent systems with an axis of symmetry, the relation takes the form T/A=–/E, whereT is the period,A is the angular momentum, is the angle through which the system has rotated after one period, andE is the energy.  相似文献   

Transfer of angular momentum from the Sun to the planetary system has been found to be inevitable in all evolutionary models for the origin of the solar system. In cold theories it has been proposed to be achieved through friction whereas electromagnetic forces are considered to be the agent for this transfer in hot theories. In the present paper it has been shown that the required order of magnitude of angular momentum can be transferred by another mechanism based on the principle of inertial induction. In the previous theories most of the transfer had been assumed to have taken place during the pre-Main-Sequence period whereas in this proposed theory most of the transfer takes place during the Main-Sequence period of the Sun. The paper does not intend to go into the details of planet formation and the evolutionary process but confines itself only to the problem of angular momentum transfer.  相似文献   

The empirical evidence for a connection between type and relative angular momentum of galaxies is reviewed and some constraints for the theoretical explanation are discussed.

In 1970 the IAU defined any object'snorth pole to be that axis of rotation which lies north of the solar system's invariable plane. A competing definition in widespread use at some institutions followed the right hand rule whereby the north axis of rotation was generally said to be that that of the rotational angular momentum. In the case of the latter definition, the planet Neptune and its satellite Triton would have their north poles in opposite hemispheres because Triton's angular momentum vector is in the hemisphere opposite from that of Neptune's rotation angular momentum.The IAU resolutions have been somewhat controversial in some quarters ever since their adoption. A Working Group has periodically updated the recommended values of planet and satellite poles and rotation rates in accordance with the IAU definition of north and the IAU definition of prime meridian. Neither system is completely satisfactory in the perception of all scientists, and some confusion has been generated by publishing data in the two different systems.In this paper we review the IAU definitions ofnorth and of the location ofprime meridian and we present the algorithm which has been employed in determining the rotational parameters of the natural satellites. The IAU definition of the prime meridian contains some ambiguities which in practice have been specified by the numerical values published by the IAU working group but which have not yet been explicitly documented. The purpose of this paper is to explicitly document the algorithm employed by the IAU working group in specifying satellite poles and rotation rates.  相似文献   

We had observed the high-resolution H profiles of fourteen chromospherically active binaries which are And, 3 Cam, 4 UMi, 2 Sgr, Sgr, HR 7333, 33 Psc, UMi, And, UMa, 12 Cam, And, Aur and Dra from August 1990 to August 1991. The H emission and absorption equivalent widths, and the half widths and the radial velocities of these systems were determined. These data have a good supply for the information of the catalog of chromospherically active binary stars. The H profiles of HR 7333, 12 Cam, 4 UMi, UMi and And show marked emission filling in core, but 33 Psc, Sgr, Sgr and And systems show the H as the stronger absorption lines. The observed fourteen binaries presented very different activity levels.  相似文献   

, , , , ,S , , , S Mg. , . , . , ( , ..). B5 B0; (<1%).  相似文献   

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Transfer of resonance radiation in infinite medium is considered as a process of random walks of photons. Close relation is shown to exist between the problems of transfer of line radiation and the stable distributions of the probability theory. This relation is used as a basis of a new method for the investigation of the asymptotic properties of the radiation field far from the sources.

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A limiting case of the problem of three bodies (m 0,m 1,m 2) is considered. The distance between the bodiesm 0 andm 1 is assumed to be much less than that between their barycenter and the bodym 2 so that one may use Hill's approximation for the potential of interaction between the bodiesm 1 andm 2. In the absence of resonant relations the potential, double-averaged by the mean longitudes ofm 1 andm 2, describes the secular evolution of the orbits in the first approximation of the perturbation theory.As Harrington has shown, this problem is integrable. In the present paper a qualitative investigation of the evolution of the orbits and comparison with the analogous case in the restricted problem are carried out.The set of initial data is found, for which a collision between the bodiesm 0 andm 1 takes place.The region of the parameters of the problem is determined, for which plane retrograde motion is unstable.In a special example the results of approximate analysis are compared with those of numerical integration of the exact equations of the three body problem.
m 0,m 1,m 2. , m 0 m 1. m 2, m 1 m 2 m 1 m 2 . , . . , m 0 m 1. , . .

Since the average relation between the angular momentaP and the massesM of galaxies can be represented by a power lawPM , we can define a relative angular momentum =P/M (or a constant timeP/M ). For a random motion picture within protogalaxies, should follow a Maxwellian distribution and consequently the dispersion of log should be 0.210.For the reasonable range of ( to 2), the limited sample of galaxies with known dynamical parameters gives between and 1 times the Maxwellian value. For the plausible special case =2 the reciprocal of the maximum rotational velocityv m is already a measure of and the larger sample ofv m-values not only yields the Maxwellian but, moreover, shows the shape of the distribution.
PM , =constP/M . , (lg )=0.210. 7/42, . =2 v m- .

The first-order perturbations of a system of two triaxial rigid spheroids under Hori-Lie transformation are investigated. The time dependence of the configuration of the three angular momentum vectors, two rotational and one orbital, is studied. The problem is simplified by the introduction of a new time parameter , such thatt is the hyperelliptic function of . The projectionsH 1 andH 2 of the rotational momentum vectors into the direction of the total angular momentum vector of the system are then harmonic or exponential functions of . The trajectory in theH 1,H 2 plane is a part of an ellipse or hyperbola respectively. If this conical section intersects a certain critical contourC, the system is bounced back along the original trajectory. The motion of the relative configuration of the angular momentum vectors is periodical except in a special aperiodic case. The expressions for the periods are given.  相似文献   

The period of very high energy (E>2×1012 eV) gamma-ray emission of Cyg X-3 by using the data of observations of the source made during 6 years, 1972–1977, was specified. The value of the period is equal to 0.199 683±1×10–6 days. Phase histogram reveals two peaks, one lagging the other by 0.6 of the period. The averaged 6 year data amounts to 1.8×10–10 quanta cm–2 s–1 (peak intensity). It corresponds to luminosity of about 1.2×1037 erg s–1 if one assumes that an emission is isotropical and the distance is equal to 10 kpc.
- E>2×1012 Cyg X-3 . 1972–1977 . - T=0,199 683 ±10–6 . , 0,6 . 1,8×10–10 –2 –1 ( ), 1,2×1037 / 10 .

We develop a new thermodynamic approach to the problem of the last stages of star formation, when a collapsing fragment evolves adiabatically into its final state: single protostar, surrounded or not by protoplanetary disc, or binary system. In this context, we point out the crucial role of the angular momentum transfer: a very efficient mechanism tends to form double stars with small mass secondaries, while a total decoupling yields twin binaries. Intermediate assumptions allow the birth of both kinds of binary systems, as well as the formation of not very massive protoplanetary discs. Discs of larger mass, which would be required to produce protoplanetary systems as a consequence of dynamical instabilities, do not form under any circumstances. A representation of the outcomes as functions of the corresponding initial conditions on the usual – plane gives well definite regions for single stars, protoplanetary discs, unbalanced systems and twin binaries. On this ground, a preliminary estimate of the percentage of stars surrounded by planetary systems is possible. A particular numerical simulation confirms the bimodality of the mass ratio distribution as well as the main features of the – plane partition. A few suggestions about non-adiabatic effects are also given. Our thermodynamic approach, supported by the numerical one and by the analysis of the observational statistics, allow to define a first unitary sketch for the formation of binary systems and protoplanetary discs.  相似文献   

We study near-Lagrange collinear configurations in the three-dimensional three-body problem, with arbitrary gravitating masses. A general method, previously developed for Coulombian systems, which provides a unique formalism for treating few-body systems close to the breakup threshold, has been employed to study the motion of three bodies both for bounded and unbounded configurations. The dependence of the triple-escape function on the small total energy E has been evaluated, as well as rovibronic configurations for bounded motion. An approximate characteristic constant is found for symmetrical systems, /, where and are the vertical libration mode and rotational mode angular frequencies, respectively, and is the threshold exponent. For equal-mass systems this constant acquires the value 1.05288.  相似文献   

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