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长江口和东海海域沉积物粒径对有机质分布的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用2007年11月采集于长江口和东海陆架区域的78个站位的表层沉积物样品,以及2007年11月、2008年4月采集于长江口东南和浙江近岸泥质区的悬浮物样品,对长江口和东海海域表层沉积物以及部分站位的悬浮物进行了粒度、有机碳和总氮的分析和研究,探讨了沉积物粒径对有机质运移和沉积过程的影响.结果表明:(1)水体中悬浮物的...  相似文献   

东海陆架HY126EA1孔有孔虫壳体的氧、碳同位素记录   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
东海陆架HY126EA1孔有孔虫壳体氧同位素组成具有明显的阶段性变化.通过与深海氧同位素组成曲线对比,可将氧同位素组成变化分为5期,分别对应着冰消期、末次冰期极盛期、末次冰期间冰段、末次冰期初期和末次间冰期.碳同位素组成的变化与氧同位素组成的变化基本一致.δ18O和δ13C的相关性在不同气候期存在明显差异,主要受陆源水和海水交换复杂程度的控制.  相似文献   

运用溶解动力学实验及活性连续体模型表征了长江河口至东海邻近海域表层沉积物中铁(Fe)和磷(P)的活性。通过动力学数据拟合得到了活性组分的理论含量m0和表观速率常数k。结果表明,Fe(Ⅱ)普遍存在于表层沉积物中,这应是高活性有机络合态Fe(Ⅲ)絮凝/沉淀到沉积物中后快速还原的结果。沉积物中黏土及总有机碳(TOC)含量对Fe(Ⅱ)的m0及其k值起重要控制作用。从长江河口至邻近海域沉积物中Fe(Ⅱ)均以FeCO3形态为主,FeCO3的溶解及与之相结合磷(主要为交换态P和自生P)的释放导致Fe(Ⅱ)和P具有相似的溶解动力学特征。与吸附于Fe(Ⅱ)矿物相的P相比,与Fe(Ⅱ)矿物相共沉淀的P的m0较高,但k较低。与TOC含量较低的粗粒沉积物中的Fe(Ⅲ)相比,TOC含量较高的细粒沉积物中Fe(Ⅲ)的m0值较小,但k值较大。以上特征是Fe不同的氧化还原过程导致的。Fe(Ⅲ)氧化物的含量(m0)和活性(k)总体上控制着与之相结合P的含量(m0)及溶解活性(k)。虽然传统活性Fe形态分析未能揭示出长江河口沉积物中活性Fe的富集作用,但溶解动力学表征结果表明,Fe的絮凝/沉淀导致河口沉积物中活性Fe的明显富集,且该过程主要发生在盐度明显增加的低盐度河口区。  相似文献   

秋季是处于夏、冬季之交的过渡季节,夏季风减弱、冬季风增强的背景下海洋水文泥沙环境有独特特征,关于该时期悬浮体分布特征的研究较少.本文基于东海内陆架2016、2017与2018年秋季悬浮体及温盐数据,分析该海域秋季悬浮体浓度的水平和垂向分布特征.结果表明:悬浮体浓度近岸高于远岸,浓度等值线大致平行于等深线,近底层悬浮体浓...  相似文献   

东海内陆架泥质区百年来黏土矿物组成变化及其环境意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东海内陆架泥质区是东海现代沉积的"汇",其中黏土组分是泥质区沉积物的重要组成部分。沉积物中黏土矿物组合是反映沉积区物质来源和搬运动力状况的良好指标。本文利用XRD方法分析了东海内陆架泥质区两根沉积物岩心中黏土矿物组成和含量变化,结合放射性年代标定,揭示了近百年来黏土矿物组成的演变特征,探讨了黏土矿物的来源及其含量变化的制约因素。结果表明:东海内陆架泥质区沉积物以长江来源物质为主,受黄河及瓯江等河流物质的影响;近百年来内陆架泥质区黏土矿物组合发生显著阶段性变化,它们是东亚季风强弱波动和长江入海悬沙减少的共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

对2006年2,5,8,11月份长江口海域表层水体中的悬浮颗粒物(SPM)进行稳定氮同位素分析,根据不同季节、不同区域内其1δ5N值的变化研究水体中氮的迁移、转化等生物地球化学过程,揭示其环境行为,从而对该海域的氮循环机制进行探索。研究发现:该海域悬浮颗粒有机物的稳定氮同位素组成(1δ5Np)分布范围较宽,在0.6‰~8.2‰之间,具有明显的时空分布特点,反映了不同程度的陆源输入和氮的生物地球化学过程的影响。口门内,表层水体中1δ5Np的变化主要受长江径流的陆源输入影响,生物地球化学作用影响较弱;最大浑浊带,水体中的悬浮颗粒有机氮受微生物的降解活动影响明显,各季节均存在不同程度的颗粒物分解作用;外海区,陆源输入减弱,悬浮颗粒物的δ15Np值主要受微藻的同化吸收作用以及一定程度的颗粒物分解作用影响。  相似文献   

The isotopic composition (δ13C and δ15N) and organic carbon (OC) and total nitrogen (TN, organic plus inorganic) content of 37 carbonate-free surficial sediments of the subtropical Pearl River estuary and the adjacent shelf of South China Sea (SCS) was determined. The δ13C values indicate that the sediment organic material is a mixture from two sources, terrestrial and marine. Several of the sediments have extremely low (< 4) OC / TN ratios, which could be due to low OC contents and/or to a significant fraction of the TN present as inorganic nitrogen adsorbed on clays. In general, the spatial patterns of OC, TN, δ13C and δ15N are similar. Values are low at the river mouth and on the western coast, suggesting proportionally greater accumulation of terrestrial particulate organic matter relative to marine phytodetritus, which is limited by low productivity in the turbid plume of the Pearl River. Algal-derived organic carbon (al-OC) content is estimated to be low (≤ 0.06%) at the river mouth and higher (up to 0.57%) on the adjacent inner shelf based on a mixing model of end members.  相似文献   

厘清河口-陆架连续体的碳源/汇机制是认识海洋在"碳中和"中作用的重要基础.本研究基于2017年春季长江口-东海的走航CO2分压(pCO2)及温、盐等资料,分区域阐述春季长江口-东海连续体pCO2的空间分布格局,半定量解析水团分配、有机质生产及降解等过程对pCO2的控制作用.结果表明:水团来源是决定春季长江口-东海连续体...  相似文献   

1994~1995年间在东海外陆架获取370个柱状样,每个样长约为2~4m.对其底部沉积物作了磁性测试,发现局部地区存在SIRM异常高现象.由磁参数推断导致SIRM异常的矿物为硫复铁矿.将磁性异常地区沉积物作矿物磁选,对磁选所得矿物做扫描电镜、电子探针和能谱、X衍射及穆斯堡尔谱测试,证实了次生硫复铁矿的存在.结合本区新生代油气构造圈闭和残留沉积物可溶铁Fe3+/Fe2+比值异常的分布,用油气渗漏解释了SIRM异常及硫复铁矿的成因,从而认为SIRM异常对深部油气藏具有指示意义.  相似文献   

Eutrophication has become an overwhelming phenomenon in the coastal environment off the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary, illustrated by an increase in nutrient concentration, frequent red-tide events and hypoxia in near-bottom waters, while the open East China Sea Shelf and Kuroshio waters remain oligotrophic. Observations made in the Changjiang Estuary and the East China Sea in 1999–2003 cover a broad range of hydrographic and chemical properties. The concentration gradients of nutrients across the shelf indicate that high levels from land-sources are constrained to the coastal and inner-shelf region by the complex circulation regime. In surface waters, nutrient species gradually decrease from eutrophic coastal to oligotrophic open shelf waters, depending on the hydrographic stages of the Changjiang, although biological uptake and regeneration in the upper water column can produce patchy character of nutrient distribution. Taiwan Current Warm Water and Kuroshio Surface Water are devoid of nutrients. Remineralization of nutrient species takes place in the near-bottom waters in the inner-shelf following extensive bacterial demand for organic matter. Hence the burial efficiency is low with regard to the biogenic species, either allochthonous or autochthonous, or both. The Kuroshio Sub-surface Waters are rich in nutrients, and their incursion into the East China Sea can be tracked by salinity and temperature, reaching within water depth of 50–100 m at mid-shelf. Relative to shelf waters, the Kuroshio intrusion is characterized by high and DIP/DOP ratios. In the water column, the ratio of DIP/DOP to is higher than the Redfield P/N value, suggesting rapid regeneration of phosphorus relative to nitrogen in the East China Sea. The results of a box-model suggest that the East China Sea Shelf do likely not export substantial amounts of dissolved biogenic elements to the open Northwest Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

对东海内陆架杭州湾附近的季节性水体悬浮颗粒物和表层沉积物中的主要藻类生物标志物进行分析,如菜籽甾醇、甲藻甾醇和长链烯酮,分别对应于硅藻、甲藻和定鞭藻,分析探讨水体颗粒物和沉积物中藻类生物标志物的分布特征及控制因素。研究结果显示,东海内陆架表层沉积物中藻类生物标志物空间分布特征明显,由杭州湾近岸向海,含量随水深增加而增加;颗粒物中生物标志物含量的季节变化突出,夏季样品的含量最高。生物标志物的时空变化主要受控于藻类生产力的变化。由于营养盐丰富,高初级生产力主要分布在远离河口的冲淡水和外海海流交汇的水域;夏季由于长江冲淡水携带营养盐影响扩大,近岸浮游植物生产力最高。此外,结果还显示表层沉积物与颗粒物中优势甾醇有显著差异,颗粒物中菜籽甾醇占优势,而表层沉积物中甲藻甾醇占比更大。除了通常解释的颗粒物中有机质主要反映局部地点的瞬时性,而表层沉积物中有机质反映更广区域的多年平均性,我们认为沉积物中可能发生的菜籽甾醇后期氢化作用改造有巨大影响,导致沉积物中菜籽甾醇含量相对甲藻甾醇大量降低。本研究结果强调沉积物中生物标志物沉积历史的复杂性,理解表层沉积物中生物标志物的相对变化对于沉积记录中生物标志物的准确解读具有重要意义。  相似文献   

沉积物碎屑矿物组分既受物源控制,又受水动力影响,单矿物分选应首先选取适当的粒级,细砂粒级经常采用,但不是固定在这一粒级; 控制重液密度是重液分选的关键环节,不同目标矿物,可通过调配不同的比重液进行分离分选,并可使用离心重液法提高分选效能; 磁选是分选不同磁性特征矿物的简单便捷方法,钕铁硼强磁铁的使用,可部分代替电磁分选仪的功能,对样品量少、矿物种类多、磁性变化大地矿物组合可起到重要的分组作用; 化学分选采用不同浓度的各种溶剂在不同条件下处理试样,有选择性地溶掉妨碍矿物,留下目标矿物; 手工分选单矿物重点在于剔除其他方法难以分离的杂质,保障样品的纯度和代表性; 角闪石和石英分选流程,代表着单矿物分选的基本技术路线,不同方法合理的前后衔接,使单矿物分选高效、快捷、准确,但还有一些矿物分选难题尚未解决,需要深入研究和实践。  相似文献   

1Introduction TheChangjiang(Yangtze)Riverdrainageba sinliesbetween25°and35°N,andbetween91°and122°E,withatotalareaof1.81×106km2anda populationof4×108.Itpassesthroughadensely populatedareawithwell developedindustryandag riculture,includingShanghai,the  相似文献   

长江口及邻近水域氮、磷的形态特征及分布研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据近几年大面调查的监测资料,对长江口及邻近水域氮、磷营养盐的形态组成、时空分布及氮磷比的变动规律及其影响因素进行了分析研究。结果表明,长江口及邻近水域中硝酸盐是水体无机氮存在的主要形态,其约占总无机氮的90%,无机氮含量河口高,向东南方向愈来愈低;从该水域总磷的形态组成来看,磷营养盐主要以溶解态和颗粒态共存的形式存在,TDP略高于TPP,无机磷的平面分布与无机氮十分相似,春季无机磷含量高于夏季;N/P值变动范围大和平均值较高是该水域的主要特征,N/P值与长江径流量的大小有关系,夏季N/P值比春季高,综合分析来看,磷营养盐和光照都有可能成为该水域浮游植物生长的重要限制因子。  相似文献   

Total suspended matter was collected along the Yangtze River (Changjiang) and in the East China Sea in April to May and in September 2003, respectively, to study origin and fate of particulate organic nitrogen. Concentrations of particulate organic carbon (POC), nitrogen (PN) and hydrolyzable particulate amino acids (PAA; d- and l-enantiomers) were higher in the Yangtze Estuary than in the river and decreased offshore towards the shelf edge. In the coastal area, higher values of PAA were observed in the surface layer than in the bottom water. Stable carbon isotope ratios (δ13C) of POC increased from − 24.4‰ in the river to values around − 21‰ on the East China Sea Shelf. Dominant amino acids were aspartic acid + aspartine (Asx), glutamic acid + glutamine (Glx), glycine, alanine and serine. The proportions of Asx, Glx and isoleucine were higher in the marine than in the riverine samples contrary to the distributions of glycine, alanine, threonine and arginine. The proportions of d-amino acids were highest in the riverine suspended organic matter (6% of PAA) decreasing towards the shelf edge (1.5% of PAA). d-arginine, not reported in natural aquatic samples so far, was the most abundant d-amino acid in the river. The amino acid composition of the particulate organic matter (POM) in the Yangtze River indicates an advanced stage of degradation of POM. Highly degraded organic matter from soils is probably a main source of POM in the Yangtze River, but the relatively high δ13C values and low C/N ratios (7.7 ± 1.6) also indicate contribution from anthropogenic sources. The degraded riverine material was a dominant organic matter source in the estuary, where aquatic primary production had only a small overall contribution. In the East China Sea, gradual settling of riverine organic matter and the addition of fresher phytoplankton impacted the amino acid composition and δ13C values, and on the outer shelf relatively fresh phytoplankton-derived organic matter dominated.  相似文献   

The hydrocarbon gases in the L1 gas field of the Lishui-Jiaojiang Sag have been commonly interpreted to be an accumulation of pure sapropelic-type thermogenic gas. In this study, chemical components, stable isotopic compositions, and light hydrocarbons were utilized to shed light on the origins of the hydrocarbon fluids in the L1gas pool. The hydrocarbon fluids in the L1 gas pool are proposed to be a mixture of three unique components:mid-maturity oil from the middle Paleocene coastal marine Lin...  相似文献   

东海陆架浙-闽沿岸泥质沉积研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较全面的回顾了关于东海浙-闽沿岸泥质体以及其形成前的沉积演化历史、泥质沉积的物质来源及其东亚季风/古气候记录等方面的研究进展。分析了目前关于浙-闽沿岸沉积研究中所存在的问题,即,泥质体的物质来源与形成,长江入海历史的陆架沉积物记录,8.2 ka冷事件,年代框架调整及区域对比,代用指标指示意义等多方面问题。提出在东海浙-闽沿岸泥质区,我们需要更多高分辨率的钻孔进行综合研究,其中应该特别加强对泥质沉积物的研究,以期对海陆交界敏感地带的"源到汇"以及全球变化研究取得突破性进展。  相似文献   

Volcanic rocks both from the northern East China Sea (NECS) shelf margin and the northern Okinawa Trough are subalkaline less aluminous,and lower in High Field Strength Elements (HFSE).These rocks are higher in Large Ion Lithophile Elements (LILE),thorium and uranium contents,positive lead anomalies,negative Nb-Ta anomalies,and enrichment in Light Rare Earth Elements (LREE).Basalts from the NECS shelf margin are akin to Indian Ocean Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt (MORB),and rhyolites from the northern Okinawa Trough have the highest 207 Pb/ 204 Pb and 208 Pb/ 204 Pb ratios.The NECS shelf margin basalts have lower 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratios,ε N d and σ 18 O than the northern Okinawa Trough silicic rocks.According to 40 K– 40 Ar isotopic ages of basalts from the NECS shelf margin,rifting of the Okinawa Trough may have been active since at least 3.65–3.86 Ma.The origin of the NECS shelf margin basalt can be explained by the interaction of melt derived from Indian Ocean MORB-like mantle with enriched subcontinental lithosphere.The basalts from both sides of the Okinawa Trough may have a similar origin during the initial rifting of the Okinawa Trough,and the formation of basaltic magmas closely relates to the thinning of continental crust.The source of the formation of the northern Okinawa Trough silicic rocks was different from that of the middle Okinawa Trough,which could have been generated by the interaction of basaltic melt with an enriched crustal component.From the Ryukyu island arc to East China,the Cenozoic basalts have apparently increasing trends of MgO contents and ratios of LREE to Heavy Rare Earth Elements (HREE),suggesting that the trace element variabilities of basalts may have been influenced by the subduction of the Philippine Sea plate,and that the effects of subduction of the Philippine Sea plate on the chemical composition of basaltic melts have had a decreasing effect from the Ryukyu island arc to East China.  相似文献   

东海陆架盆地的前新生界   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据东海陆架盆地周边地质、地球物理和钻井资料,应用岩石学、古生物学、同位素年代学、层序地层学等分析方法,研究东海陆架盆地的前新生界.陆架盆地广泛发育中生界,其中盆地南部发育最全,以三叠—白垩系陆相碎屑岩为主,中部隆起带以发育侏罗—白垩系的陆相火山岩为主,以台湾海峡为中心的盆地南部有海相—海陆过渡相的中生界.在盆地南部钻遇的年龄为1680 Ma的黑云角闪斜长片麻岩和在北部钻遇的糜棱片麻岩分别为浙闽东部前震旦纪变质岩和浙北晚元古代变质岩在海中的延伸.陆架地区晚古生代可能属于亚洲大陆东缘优地槽带的冒地槽,在盆地内尤其在东部坳陷带可能有晚古生代浅变质岩.  相似文献   

长江冲淡水区细菌生产力研究   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
为了解细菌在长江口冲淡水区生态系营养动力学过程中的重要作用,笔者于1997年10月10日至20日,1998年5月14日至6月1日在观测海区以及在绿华山海域设置大水体围隔生态系实验装置进行细菌生产力的现场观测研究.结果表明,秋季观测海区平均细菌生产力(C)为(1.44±1.30)μg/(dm3·h),高值出现在测区中部的A3,B3和C3站.春季测区表层细菌生产力(2.43±1.22)μg/(dm3·h)高于底层(1.01±0.43)μg/(dm3·h),高值出现在测区中部的A3和B断面诸站.秋、春季平均细菌生产力相当于浮游植物初级生产力的23%.秋季和春季表层细菌数量分别为(5.22×108±0.88×108)个/dm3和(1.97×108±1.10×108)个/dm3.1998年5月18日至6月1日在围隔实验点的自然海区中细菌生产力变幅范围为0.13~5.79μg/(dm3·h),平均值为(2.47±1.60)μg/(dm3·h).围隔装置内加可溶性磷(PO43-)实验,春季细菌生产力由1.28μg/(dm3·h)增长至32.20μg/(dm3·h),其增长幅度低于秋季1.43~43.47μg/(dm3·h).油污染实验中细菌生产力由6.61μg/(dm3·h)增长至37.97μg/(dm3·h),呈逐日上升趋势.  相似文献   

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