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The effect of inclined loading on the bearing capacity of foundations on horizontal ground surface is well established and both the exact solution and simpler empirical equations are available for the calculation of the failure loads. However, for footings on or near slopes complete solutions are available only for vertical loading. This paper investigates the influence of inclined loading on the horizontal and vertical failure loads. The finite element, upper bound plasticity and stress field methods are used to examine a wide range of geometries and soil properties. The methods are first validated against known solutions for two special cases and are subsequently employed to investigate the effect of the geometrical and material properties on the failure loads and the bearing capacity load interaction diagram. Based on this investigation an empirical equation is proposed for the load interaction diagram for undrained inclined loading of footings on or near slopes. 相似文献
Deepankar Choudhury Kanakapura. S. Subba Rao 《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》2004,22(1):59-72
Uplift capacity of horizontal strip anchors in soil embedded under an inclined ground surface has been obtained under seismic
conditions. Limit equilibrium approach with logspiral failure surface together with pseudo-static seismic forces has been
adopted. The results have been presented in the form of seismic uplift capacity factors as functions of ground inclination,
embedment ratio, angle of internal friction of the soil and seismic acceleration coefficients. The uplift capacity factors
have been worked out separately for cohesion, surcharge and density components. Effect of the vertical seismic acceleration
coefficient has been found to always reduce the uplift capacity whereas the effect of horizontal seismic acceleration coefficient
has been found to reduce the uplift capacity in most of the cases. The obtained results of seismic uplift capacity factors
are found to be the minimum when compared with the results available in literature on the basis of planar failure surface.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Vertical uplift resistance of circular plate anchors in clays under undrained condition 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The vertical uplift resistance of circular plate anchors, embedded horizontally in a clayey stratum whose cohesion increases linearly with depth, has been obtained under undrained ( = 0) condition. The axi-symmetric static limit analysis formulation in combination with finite elements proposed recently by the authors has been employed. The variation of the uplift factor (Fc) with changes in the embedment ratio (H/B) has been computed for several rates of increases of soil cohesion with depth. It is noted that in all the cases, the magnitude of Fc increases continuously with depth up to a certain value of Hcr/B beyond which the uplift factor becomes essentially constant. The proposed static limit analysis formulation is seen to provide acceptable results even for the two other simple chosen axi-symmetric problems. 相似文献
《Geomechanics and Geoengineering》2013,8(4):267-275
Pseudo-static approach is adopted in this paper to determine the seismic uplift capacity of an inclined strip anchor using upper bound limit analysis. Two different failure mechanisms are considered to obtain the magnitudes of unit weight component of uplift factor fγE for different values of soil friction angle, interface friction of anchor plate, anchor inclination, embedment ratio and horizontal seismic acceleration coefficient. The failure mechanism 1 consists of a triangular and quadrilateral rigid blocks; whereas the failure mechanism 2 comprises a logarithmic spiral failure zone with varied focus, sandwiched between a triangular and quadrilateral rigid blocks. It is observed that the magnitude of uplift factor fγE decreases significantly with the increase in seismic acceleration but increases with the increase in embedment ratio and roughness of the anchor surface. However, a mixed trend in the values of fγE can be observed for different inclination of the anchor, which is clearly discussed in this paper. The results are compared with the existing values in the literature and the significance of the present methodology for designing the inclined strip anchor is discussed. 相似文献
The ultimate bearing capacity of a number of multiple strip footings, identically spaced and equally loaded to failure at the same time, is computed by using the lower bound limit analysis in combination with finite elements. The efficiency factor (ξγ), due to the component of soil unit weight, is computed with respect to changes in the clear spacing (S) between the footings. It is noted that the failure load for a footing in the group becomes always greater than that of a single isolated footing. The values of ξγ for the smooth footings are found to be always lower than the rough footings. The values of ξγ are found to increase continuously with a decrease in the spacing between footings. As compared to the available theoretical and experimental results reported in literature, the present analysis provides generally a little lower values of ξγ. 相似文献
均质黏土中圆形平板锚的抗拉承载力分析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
基于网格重新生成和场变量映射的大变形有限元模型,探索了立即脱离和无脱离两种典型条件下均质黏土中圆形平板锚的抗拉承载力。与小变形有限元比较,大变形分析克服了锚周围土体初始网格畸变的不利影响,能够追踪平板锚整个拔出过程中抗拉力的变化。通过具体算例,考察平板锚表面摩擦性质和上覆土重等因素对立即脱离工况承载力的影响程度,指出有重土中深锚的承载力小于无重土中对应的承载力与上覆土重之和,其上限是无脱离条件下的承载力。计算结果表明:土重对无脱离条件下的承载力影响很小,进而给出了无脱离承载力系数与初始埋深的关系曲线。 相似文献
The vertical uplift resistance of two interfering rigid rough strip anchors embedded horizontally in sand at shallow depths has been examined. The analysis is performed by using an upper bound theorem of limit analysis in combination with finite elements and linear programming. It is specified that both the anchors are loaded to failure simultaneously at the same magnitude of the failure load. For different clear spacing (S) between the anchors, the magnitude of the efficiency factor (ξγ) is determined. On account of interference, the magnitude of ξγ is found to reduce continuously with a decrease in the spacing between the anchors. The results from the numerical analysis were found to compare reasonably well with the available theoretical data from the literature. 相似文献
E. C. Shin B. M. Das V. K. Puri S. C. Yen E. E. Cook 《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》1993,11(3):203-215
Summary Laboratory model test results for estimation of the ultimate uplift capacity of rigid metal piles embedded in a compacted near-saturated clayey soil are presented. The length-diameter ratio of the piles was varied from 10 to 15. The direction of the uplift load on the pile was varied from 0 to 50°. Based on the present test results and the results of existing model studies, an empirical relationship for estimating the pile uplift capacity has been presented. 相似文献
基于网格重分和改进的REP应力恢复技术,建立了三维大变形有限元方法研究拉力作用下方形平板锚与黏性土地基的相互作用。与常规的小变形有限元不同,大变形分析能够完整模拟平板锚的上拔过程,如果平板锚底面与土体始终保持接触,三维大变形计算得到的方板与圆板抗拉力相差很小;在无重土中的平板在加载初始即与土体脱离时,方板的承载力略低于圆板。大变形分析给出的立即脱离承载力系数与模型试验数据基本吻合,而小变形有限元与下限分析忽略了方形平板锚的长距离上拔过程对其抗拉力的影响,可能高估深锚的承载力。改进估计方形平板锚抗拉承载力的简化方法,方便于工程应用。 相似文献
利用极限分析上限法求解地基极限承载力问题的关键在于构造合适的破坏模式。当地基下方存在空洞时,地基的破坏模式变得相当复杂。通过分析空洞存在时地基的受力特点及破坏形态,将地基破坏范围划分成为不同的刚性区和过渡区,构造了空洞上方条形基础地基的破坏模式。利用上限法,建立与破坏模式对应的速度场,推导了破坏模式不同区域内的耗散功率和外力功率,得到地基极限承载力的目标函数,并采用数学优化方法进行求解,获得了极限承载力的上限解。通过算例分析,讨论了空洞顶板厚度、空洞大小与地基极限承载力的关系,并与无空洞条件下地基极限承载力进行对比分析。结果表明,随着空洞顶板厚度增加,地基极限承载力增加,破坏模式也由地基与空洞之间扩散到地基两侧;空洞顶板厚度存在临界值,当超过此临界值时,空洞对地基极限承载力的影响可忽略。 相似文献
The bearing capacity of surface strip foundations on geogrid-reinforced sand and clay — a comparative study 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Summary Laboratory model test results for the ultimate bearing capacity of a strip foundation supported by geogrid-reinforced sand and saturated clay are presented. One type of geogrid only was used for all the tests. On the basis of the model test results, the optimum depth and width of reinforcing layers and the optimum depth of the location of the first layer of the geogrid in sand and saturated clay were determined and compared. 相似文献
Presently, no displacement-based design methodology exists for helical anchors subjected to tensile or uplift loading. This study investigates the statistical and probabilistic aspects of the load-displacement uncertainty associated with a database of thirty-seven uplift loading tests of helical anchors founded within cohesive soils. Initially, an ultimate resistance model is identified, and the semi-empirical uplift breakout factor statistically characterized. A relationship between ultimate resistance and slope tangent capacity is established, and used to form the basis for normalizing the load-displacement response. Hyperbolic and power law models are statistically evaluated for use in serving as a reference load-displacement model; the hyperbolic curve was selected based on goodness-of-fit statistics. Monte Carlo reliability simulations are used to establish an equivalent-deterministic load factor that associates the selected load factor with a probability of exceeding a pre-determined allowable uplift displacement, given uncertainty in the undrained shear strength, ultimate resistance model, transformation uncertainty, uncertainty in the allowable displacement, and variability in uplift loading. A practical example is provided to show the intended use of this probabilistic helical anchor displacement model. 相似文献
从土塑性力学极限分析上限定理出发,建立了条形锚板上拔时条分式平移破坏机构。根据外部作用荷载和土体自重所做的外功率与塑性变形区的内部能量耗损率相等的条件,建立起虚功率方程,并由此得到了抗拔极限承载力计算公式,该公式概念清楚,使用方便。分析了承载力系数,表明黏聚力项受强度的响应系数m值影响较大,而重力项和超载项受其影响很小。通过与前人的试验资料和Meyerhof-Adams计算理论得出的结果进行比较,表明了建议方法的可靠性,对土体抗拔问题具有一定的实用意义。对比的结果同时也验证了强度响应系数m只对抗拔承载力的黏聚力部分产生明显影响的结论。 相似文献
Design of shallow foundations relies on bearing capacity values calculated using procedures that are based in part on solutions obtained using the method of characteristics, which assumes a soil following an associated flow rule. In this paper, we use the finite element method to determine the vertical bearing capacity of strip and circular footings resting on a sand layer. Analyses were performed using an elastic–perfectly plastic Mohr–Coulomb constitutive model. To investigate the effect of dilatancy angle on the footing bearing capacity, two series of analyses were performed, one using an associated flow rule and one using a non-associated flow rule. The study focuses on the values of the bearing capacity factors Nq and Nγ and of the shape factors sq and sγ for circular footings. Relationships for these factors that are valid for realistic pairs of friction angle and dilatancy angle values are also proposed. 相似文献
作为新型的深水海洋基础型式,吸力式沉箱基础被广泛地用于系泊深水海洋设施中,从而承受巨大的倾斜上拔荷载。在上拔荷载水平分量与竖向分量的共同作用下,吸力式沉箱的承载特性及其工作性能评价是海洋工程设计与建设中的关键技术问题之一。然而现有的理论分析与试验研究并不能满足工程实践的需要,因此,对吸力式沉箱基础的极限承载力分析建立了有限元数值计算方法。当沉箱基础在快速拔出过程中,正常固结黏土处于完全不排水状态,沉箱基础发生整体破坏时表现出反向地基承载力失稳模式,此时沉箱基础所发挥的极限承载能力往往最大。为此,在数值计算中直接假定沉箱基础及其周围土体处于完全不排水状态,针对不同的沉箱长径比,分别确定了在竖向上拔荷载和水平拉拔的单独作用下沉箱基础极限承载力。对比发现:竖向上拔极限承载力有限元解能够较好地与理论计算结果相符合,而水平极限承载力解与理论计算结果存在一定的差异。 相似文献
黏土地基中土体强度的非均质和各向异性是比较突出的现象。在已有工作的基础上,根据目前常用的不排水条件下饱和黏土非均质和各向异性强度模型,采用已被证实计算光滑条基极限承载力相当高效的多块体离散模式,编制了考虑强度非均质和各向异性时黏土地基上光滑条基地基承载力计算的多块体上限解计算程序,实现了非均质各向异性黏土地基上光滑条基地基极限承载力的多块体上限解法。为验证多块体上限解法的应用情况,将计算结果与已有的上限解、滑移线解等做了广泛的对比发现,该处计算非均质和各向异性黏土地基上光滑条基极限承载力的上限方法是相当有效的。为方便应用,基于多块体上限方法给出了非均质和各向异性条件下地基承载力系数 的计算曲线。探讨了 随土体强度非均质和各向异性的变化规律。通过分析非均质条件对地基破坏面的影响,揭示了非均质对地基承载力影响的内在原因。 相似文献
基于Hoek-Brown破坏准则的浅埋条形锚板抗拔力上限分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
现有的锚板极限承载力研究大多是采用线性或非线性Mohr-Coulomb破坏准则在砂质地基中进行的,然而Mohr-Coulomb破坏准则并不适合分析岩质地基中的抗拔结构。采用Hoek-Brown破坏准则构建了一个曲线型的破坏机制,根据极限分析上限定理求出了条形锚板抗拔力的表达式。通过变分计算,得到了极限状态下条形锚板的抗拔力和岩体破裂面的上限解。为了证明所采用方法的有效性,当材料参数B =1时,采用与Mohr-Coulomb破坏准则等效的土体参数,计算了曲线型破坏机制下条形锚板的极限抗拔力,并与已有计算结果进行了比较。结果表明,采用曲线型破坏机制得到的锚板极限抗拔力与直线型多块体破坏机制的结果基本一致,证明了所采用的曲线形破坏机制是正确的。参数研究表明:在其他参数不变的情况下,锚板极限抗拔力和破坏面都随岩体参数B的增大而减小。 相似文献
将极限分析下限法理论、混合数值离散思想和线性规划结合起来研究砌石挡土墙边坡的极限承载力。采用三角形有限单元离散土体来模拟土体的连续介质力学特性,构建土体静力许可应力场的约束条件,采用块体单元离散砌石体来模拟砌石体的非连续介质力学特性,构建砌石挡土墙的静力许可应力场的约束条件;同时建立有限元单元和块体单元交界面的约束条件;然后以超载系数为目标函数建立求解砌石挡土墙极限承载力的下限法线性规划模型,并使用内点算法进行最优化求解,获得边坡的极限荷载(或安全系数)和对应的应力场。通过3个算例的分析验证了所提方法的正确性。所提方法是将混合数值离散思想引入极限分析领域的一次尝试。 相似文献
Plate anchors, such as suction embedded plate anchors and vertically driven plate anchors, offer economically attractive anchoring solutions for deep/ultra-deep water offshore developments. The rotation/keying processes of plate anchors will cause embedment losses, which lead to decreases of the uplift resistances of the anchors in normally consolidated soil. In the present paper, the keying processes of vertically installed strip and square plate anchors are simulated using the 3-D large deformation finite element method. The effects of loading eccentricity and pullout angle on the embedment loss during keying are investigated. Both the development of the uplift resistance and the soil flow mechanisms are presented. The numerical results show that the loading eccentricity e/B has a much larger effect on the embedment loss than the pullout angle does. The anchor shape has a minimal effect on the loss in anchor embedment. The shape factors (square/strip) are 1.05–1.09 for loss of embedment and 1.10–1.19 for capacity. 相似文献
基于天津于家堡南地下车库工程扩底桩抗拔极限承载力试验,结合数值模拟手段对扩底桩抗拔承载特性、破坏模式和受力机制开展了分析研究。计算分析表明,扩底桩(有效桩长19 m)相比等截面桩抗拔极限承载力提高约50%,材料增加仅8.5%,扩底桩扩大头周边土体提供的抗力显著提高了抗拔承载力;荷载较小时抗拔力主要由等截面段侧摩阻力提供,扩头段抗拔力占桩顶加载的比值随加载近似呈线性增加;扩底桩等截面段沿桩土界面先发生剪切破坏,扩头段周边土体后发生受压破坏,抗拔承载力达到极限;扩头段位于同一土层时,不同桩长扩头段提供的极限抗拔力相差不大,桩长越长,扩头段抗拔力贡献率越低;扩头段抗拔力主要由自重、扩头段法向力竖向分力和侧摩阻力组成,其中法向力竖向分量提供了扩头段的主要抗拔力,占扩头段总抗拔力约70%。 相似文献