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孔亮 《地理教学》2021,(12):48-51
2021年上海中考改革增加了跨学科案例分析的题目,这就要求学生具备跨学科案例分析的能力.结合上海市中学地理、历史、生命科学课程标准的相关要求,文章尝试性地进行跨学科案例的教学设计,以求使学生能够应对跨学科的现实问题,能够运用跨学科知识解决问题,提高学生的综合素养.  相似文献   

项清  阚瑷珂  黄弘  于欢  何杰 《世界地理研究》2021,30(6):1320-1329
茶马古道作为西南地区重要的贸易线路和移民通道,长期进行的贸易活动和人口迁移促进了沿线地区商贸型古村镇的形成和演化。以茶马古道四川段为例,基于最邻近指数、Ripley's K函数、核密度分析、重心分析等空间分析和计量地理方法,探讨古道交通变迁对商贸型古村镇分布演化的影响及其作用机制。研究结果表明:①四川茶马古道的交通变迁过程可分为两个阶段,明清以前主要分布在岷江上游地区,沟通川西盆地和黄河上游的河谷草原,明清以后主要分布在川西藏区,连接着川西和藏东南。②四川茶马古道交通变迁影响了沿线商贸型古村镇的分布格局、演化重心和演化方向。从先秦两汉至隋唐五代时期,商贸型古村镇呈现出从雅安一带往都江堰,沿岷江北上向茂县、马尔康方向演化,直至宋元明清时期,转向川西地区集聚。演化重心呈现出从雅安往北、再回到雅安一带并往西迁移,Ripley's K函数定量描述了商贸型古村镇这一外向扩散和内向集聚的过程。③古道的空间路径、地域环境、贸易政策、古村镇居民等因素分别对商贸型古村镇的演化产生主导、驱动、调节和反馈的作用机制。  相似文献   

分析了滇藏公路角笼坝沟1998-06-20泥石流-坍崩灾害成灾原因,泥石流及坍崩的形成机理和发展趋势,针对其灾害发生特征,提出了相应的整治方案.  相似文献   

藏传佛教寺院作为藏区独具特色的宗教景观而成为宗教地理学的研究热点之一,其不同教派寺院的空间分异格局是反映藏传佛教不同教派势力时空扩散过程的重要载体.着眼于滇藏川毗连地区,以四大教派寺院空间分异为视角,探讨藏传佛教寺院的地域分异特性及其历史形成机理.研究表明:滇藏川毗连地区藏传佛教四大教派寺院集中分布,但集中程度与集中地域各自不同,其寺院盲区范围及分布也不尽相同;宁玛派、萨迦派寺院与噶举派、格鲁派寺院呈金沙江东西两岸悬殊较大的分异格局;噶举派与格鲁派寺院数量上呈高度负相关.这些地域分异特性是滇藏川毗连地区的区域地理环境、不同教派主寺的分布以及藏传佛教四大教派传播扩散过程中教派间的斗争、土司的态度等多因子综合作用的结果.  相似文献   

范晓君 《中国地名》2010,(11):31-32
沈阳铁西区是东北老工业基地的代表城区,工业遗产是工业文明的物质记忆和文化积淀,也是城市形象和地方感的浓缩。沈阳铁西区是老工业城市的典型代表城区,素有“东方鲁尔”之称,工业文化底蕴深厚,跨越了近百年的工业历史时期。本文将通过对沈阳铁西区工业遗产形成过程及文化内涵的梳理,探讨沈阳工业景观遗产化的过程,研究工业遗产的价值、保护和利用。  相似文献   

目前跨区域型廊道遗产尤其受到旅游者青睐,如丝绸之路、京杭大运河、茶马古道.但在旅游开发利用的同时,也对这些大型遗产的科学保护提出了更高的要求.笔者在美国遗产廊道和欧洲文化线路的理论基础上,通过对两者进行中国化的理论解读,提出廊道遗产的概念,作为大型遗产保护与开发的新理念与方法.该文重点研究廊道遗产旅游资源如何在地格理论、ASES模型、CBD理论和嵌套式三角模型等的指导下进行科学保护与合理开发.  相似文献   

周永博 《地理教学》2012,(11):F0003-F0003
束河,纳西语称"绍坞",意为"高峰之下的村寨"。束河是云南纳西先民在丽江坝子中最早的聚居地之一,是茶马古道上保存完好的重要集镇,也是纳西先民从农耕文明向商业文明过度的活标本,是对外开放和马帮活动形成的集镇建设典范,同时是世界文化遗产丽江古城的重要组成部分。当年徐霞客游芝山解脱林时曾路过此地,  相似文献   

河南省工业遗产保护与再利用刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
工业遗产作为一种文化遗产形式,因其具备特殊的价值而逐渐引起社会更多的关注.河南省拥有许多有价值的工业遗产,但对工业遗产的保护与再利用工作刚刚起步.通过对工业遗产保护现状和再利用情况进行分析,河南省还存在着诸如对工业遗产缺乏科学认识、近现代工业遗产保护相对落后、工业遗产再利用程度较低等问题,需要在借鉴国内外工业遗产保护与再利用的先进经验的基础上,采取一系列措施以充分挖掘河南省有价值的工业遗产,使其得到有效保护和合理利用.  相似文献   

世界遗产视野下的矿业遗产研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对世界遗产名录中矿业遗产的考察是认识该遗产类型、了解国际动向的有效途径。对ICOMOS颁布的《世界遗产中工业和技术遗产项目》名单进行分析,结合世界遗产委员会的项目评语,确定了24项世界矿业遗产。对这些项目研究表明:在登录标准上,世界矿业遗产主要通过文化遗产第ii项、第iii项和第iv项标准入选;在隶属区域上,欧洲北美地...  相似文献   

强化社区参与在我国遗产旅游地中的有效作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社区参与资源保护和旅游发展是遗产旅游地可持续发展的重要因素.忽视社区参与,将带来一系列不可调和的矛盾和冲突;重视社区参与,更能有效保护遗产资源并有利于目的地旅游业的协调发展.立足我国遗产旅游地忽视社区参与所导致的问题,从社区参与在遗产旅游地发展中的作用角度,提出了遗产地社区参与的模式和思路,探讨了社区参与的有效性问题.  相似文献   

在国家“一带一路”建设背景下,以丝绸之路甘肃段为例,对该区域文化遗产进行数理统计和描述,采取最邻近距离指数和区位熵模型对文化遗产空间分布进行测度,对文化遗产廊道空间范围构成和区域遗产要素空间分布特征进行了讨论,并借助GIS软件分析了遗产廊道的空间布局,从空间视角,提出了从“点、线、面”三个不同层次组合丝绸之路甘肃段文化遗产廊道,并依托不同项目、不同方法以及不同思路对不同层次的遗产分门别类展开保护,最终达到了丝绸之路甘肃段遗产整体保护的战略目标,以实现区域文化、经济、社会、生态等协调发展的多重目标,为甘肃省进行“一带一路”建设提供智力支持。  相似文献   

Cultural tourism routes can reveal and protect cultural tourism heritage by means of cultural tourism in the “time category” and the “space category”. The construction of an evaluation system for cultural tourism routes and the evaluation, scoring and grading of existing and potential cultural tourism routes are the key to the protection of heritage, history and culture along these routes, and the key to encouraging the standardization, branding and sustainable development of various formats on the routes. Yunnan cultural tourism routes are diverse and rich in resources, and their developmental foundation is good. However, the tourism development and cultural development activities occur along separate lines and there is a lack of unified management. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research on information collection, information analysis, problem diagnosis and improvement of status in the local practices of Yunnan cultural tourism routes, and to guide the sustainable development of Yunnan cultural tourism routes. Based on the advanced experience of COE (Council of Europe), UNESCO WHC (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, World Heritage Committee) and ICOMOS(International Council on Monuments and Sites), this paper comprehensively analyzes the decisive criteria for line evaluation by interpreting and summarizing the connotations of cultural tourism routes, and determines that the evaluation of cultural tourism routes should include lines. Five aspects―the theme, the participating subject, the object itself, related activities and multi-party value―are used to construct a five-component model. At the same time, based on the consumer utility function, a complete route evaluation and hierarchical system is constructed. Then, taking the Ancient Tea-horse Road cultural tourism route as an example and using the expert scoring method and the analytic hierarchy process, the actual scores and grades of the Ancient Tea-horse Road cultural tourism route are determined, and countermeasures and suggestions for its sustainable development are proposed. The paper also verifies the applicability and practicability of the evaluation system, and promotes and improves the feedback evaluation system. The aim is to at promote and widely apply the evaluation system of cultural tourism routes, realizing the transformation from individual cases to joint cases, and promoting the standardization and sustainable development of cultural tourism routes.  相似文献   

非物质文化遗产是一种重要的旅游资源,有着很大开发前途。三峡区域非物质文化遗产丰富多彩,特色鲜明。对三峡区域非物质文化遗产资源的特点进行了分析概括,即多元性与丰富性,原生性与原创性,群众性和参与性,文化艺术价值高,濒危程度高。针对性地提出了旅游开发对策,即科学指导,持续发展;全面普查,筛选资源;统筹规划,合理利用;突出特色,打造精品;整合资源,创新开发。  相似文献   

工业遗产是社会工业文化的重要表征,承载着城市近现代化发展过程中的文化历史景观和记忆,为城市保留和建构了社会公共记忆的空间与素材。产业结构的转型和文脉保护意识的觉醒,使得滨水区遗存和集聚的码头、仓库、工厂成为近现代工业遗产。以杭州运河拱宸桥西工业遗产的博物馆化发展模式为案例,重点解析和梳理了滨水区工业遗产通过形态保护全面化、功能定位平民化、遗产展示活态化、运作机制创新化和展陈手法数字化等措施,有效延续城市记忆。最后,将杭州运河工业遗产的城市记忆延续归纳为“双层模式”,并访谈了多利益主体对其的评价,以期为未来类似研究提供一个比较参考。  相似文献   

曹帅强  邓运员 《热带地理》2018,38(1):131-142
根据景观基因及其图谱理论,探讨景观基因及其图谱和画卷式旅游规划概念,建立了基于三者之间内在关系的古城镇“画卷式”旅游规划技术;遵循“一目标、二意义、三功能、四特性、五要素”的理论结构,探讨以基因信息的遗传路线和文化故事表达为图谱形态的“画卷式”旅游规划模式。在此基础上,以靖港古镇为例,结合实地走访与历史文化特色分析等方法,探寻了该古镇景观主体基因图谱,构建并运用了“画卷式”旅游规划模式。结果表明:靖港古镇宜居宜业的生态文明是主体基因图谱表达的画卷模式;军事科教的活动体验是内在唯一基因图谱表达的画卷模式,地方性很强的民俗活动是外在唯一基因图谱表达的画卷模式;宗教文化活动是局部唯一基因图谱表达的画卷模式。  相似文献   

基于线性遗产廊道的概念和视角,构建由廊道资源条件、区域社会条件、廊道生境条件和旅游保障条件与发展潜力4个方面、8大要素、32项指标组成的评价指标体系,采用层次分析法对西北地区丝绸之路"黄金旅游线路"所涵盖的陕西、甘肃、宁夏、青海、新疆五省区的旅游价值作综合定量评价.结果表明:影响遗产廊道综合旅游价值权重最高是廊道资源条...  相似文献   

With the emergence of the concept of cultural routes, researchers have increasingly turned their attention to the sustainable development of tourism along cultural routes. The needs for community participation and the ongoing provision of benefits of stakeholders are characteristics of cultural routes. Therefore, the importance of cooperative relations and systematic development among stakeholders in tourism activities along cultural routes has become a subject of interest. This paper selects local government, tourism enterprises and local community residents, all of which play a key role in the Ancient Tea Horse Road cultural route in the south of Yunnan, as the main stakeholders. We use game theory to construct a model to trace interactions between local government and tourism enterprises, between tourism enterprises and community residents, and between local government and community residents. The paper then analyzes the different interests of the three parties and key factors that influence them in the game process. This provided a certain scientific basis for the win-win decisions regarding tourism development made by the three parties. Our results show that the final decision choices of the three parties depend on the initial payoff matrix of the game, and the influence of key parameters. When making decisions about tourism, the government should respect the wishes of local residents, strengthen protections of local traditions, manage the unreasonable behavior of tourism enterprises as they develop tourism, and develop appropriate penalties for violations of regulations. When tourism enterprises carry out tourism development, they should let community residents take the initiative and fully participate in tourism activities, and be sure that income from tourism is fed back to local residents, to ensure that tourism is mutually beneficial. The study shows that conflicts among the three parties originated mainly from differences in interests, but that the three parties also shared common interests. With a goal of coordinating interests, we can establish relevant mechanisms, follow the principle of interest realization, attach importance to supervision and management, strengthen community participation and decision-making, and realize win-win results for the three parties.  相似文献   

依据近期发表的古丝绸之路沿线若干地区(点)的温度重建序列,结合干湿变化等代用记录,分析了过去千年古丝绸之路沿线温度变化的基本特征,以及这些地区(点)在“中世纪气候异常期”(MCA,约950-1250年)和“小冰期”(LIA,约1450-1850年)的干湿特征异同。主要结论为:①过去2000年古丝绸之路的温度变化经历了1-3世纪温暖、4-7世纪前期寒冷、7世纪后期-11世纪初温暖、11世纪中期-12世纪初偏冷、12世纪中期-13世纪中期温暖、13世纪末-19世纪中期寒冷和20世纪快速增暖的百年际波动过程;但不同区域间的年代至百年尺度变化位相不完全同步,波动幅度也存在差异。②各地干湿特征在MCA和LIA也存在一定差异:中国的关中平原及河西走廊在MCA间的干湿变率较LIA大;中亚干旱区MCA期间气候偏干,LIA期间偏湿;欧洲中北部以及斯堪的纳维亚半岛南部等地在MCA间气候较LIA偏干,且中部地区LIA间的干湿变率较MCA大;芬兰和斯堪的纳维亚半岛北部以及俄罗斯等地MCA间的气候较LIA更湿润。  相似文献   

Drought is a worldwide natural disaster that has long affected agricultural production as well as social and economic activities. Frequent droughts have been observed in the Belt and Road area, in which much of the agricultural land is concentrated in fragile ecological environment. Based on the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Satellite (TRMM) 3B43 precipitation data, we used the Precipitation Abnormity Percentage drought model to study the monthly spatio-temporal distribution of drought in south region of N50° of the Belt and Road area. It was observed that drought during winter was mainly distributed in Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, and South Asia, while it was mainly distributed in Central Asia and West Asia during summer. The occurrence of historical droughts indicates an obvious seasonal cycle. The regional variations in drought were analyzed using the Breaks for Additive Season and Trend tool (BFAST) in six sub-regions according to the spatial distribution of six economic corridors in the Belt and Road area. The average drought conditions over the 18 years show a slight decreasing trend in Northeast Asia, West Asia, North Africa, South Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, and a slight increasing trend in Central Asia. However, it was a fluctuating pattern of first increasing and then decreasing in Southeast Asia. The results indicate that the total drought area in the Belt and Road region showed a general decreasing trend at a rate of 40,260 km2 per year from 1998 to 2015.  相似文献   

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