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数字地名词典中的类型表达和管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在数字地名词典中恰当地表达和管理地名的类型知识,有助于数字地名词典快速、有效地处理地名相关查询.为此,该文首先从数字地名词典的应用需求出发,分析类型在数字地名词典中的作用,进而设计一个地名类型本体模型.该模型表达了地名类型之间的继承关系以及对空间关系的约束.在本体模型基础上,提出了相应的查询处理策略并进行了系统实现.  相似文献   

地名词典和叙词表不同程度上都包含了某些概念语义关系,这些语义关系对开展地名本体研究有着积极的意义,可以吸收到地名本体中作为地名本体语义关系的有机组成部分。本文正是基于这种考虑,分别从地名词典包含的地名空间关联与词典功能、测绘叙词表的词间语义关系、地名本体要素类型与概念间语义关系等方面加以分析,总结出等价关系、互斥关系、上下义关系、部分整体关系、属性关系五种主要语义关系,为全面、清晰描述地理概念奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

正重庆市立足于地名记史留影,强化便民惠民,多载体打造"地名文化名片",深化普查成果转化应用服务民生。编制地名图书"记史"。一是完成《国家标准地名词典·重庆卷》(第一部分)3700余条、71万余字词条、释文编撰,启动《国家标准地名词典·重庆卷》(第二至八部分)、《国家标准地名志·重庆卷》编撰。二是抓紧开展编写《重庆市标准地名志》《重庆市标准地名录》,编制《重庆市区划地名图册》,采用数字化工艺,编绘序图组、区县地  相似文献   

5月8日,《新疆地名大词典》首发式在乌鲁木齐举行,新疆维吾尔自治区党委常委肖开提.依明出席首发式。《新疆地名大词典》是新疆规模最大、资料最新、材料最全的首部大型地名工具书,通过解释地名的渊源展现新疆的悠久历史和多民族的地名文化。该词典由自治区民政厅组织,自治区地名标准化中心具体组织实施  相似文献   

进入20世纪以后,我国地名词典的编纂取得了长足的进步,成为地名学史上引人注目的重要成就之一。 在继承清代史地考证成就的基础上,民国时期,地名词典的编纂获得了显著进展。丁锡田《山东县名之溯源》(《地学杂志》1924年秋期)、陈铁卿《河北县名考原》  相似文献   

新中国地名机构几乎和国家改革开放同步,已经走过18年的历程。经过一代地名工作者的辛勤努力。地名论著、地名志、地名词典、地名录、地名图等一批地名编研成果相继问世,城乡地名管理在规范化、法制化的道路上取得可声嘶力竭喜成就,地名学作为社会科学的一个独立学科正在逐步形成。在社会主义市场经济的新形势下。在世纪之交,在机构改革的紧迫局势面前,地名事业面临着新的挑战和机遇。面对地名事业的现实,进行科学的分析研究,找准我们的优势,把一个充满生机和活力的地名事业带入21世纪,是当代地名工作者责无旁贷的历史使命。一…  相似文献   

由鞍山市地名委员会办公室和鞍山市地名学会联合编辑的《鞍山地名词典》,现已正式出版发行。 该书是辽宁省鞍山市有史以来第一部地名辞书巨著。搜集了辖区内的县(市)、区、乡、镇、街道办事处、村长委员会驻地及部分自然屯、工商企业、文教卫生、道路交通、居民  相似文献   

正重庆市本着"地名记史留影,强化便民惠民"的原则,以成果服务民生,打造地方文化名片为目标,多渠道、多载体开展地名普查成果转化,形成了一系列成果,受到社会各界的好评。(一)抓编研,存史留名一是完成《国家标准地名词典·重庆卷)》(第一部分)3700余条、71万余字词条、释文编撰,启动《国家标准地名词典·重庆卷》(第二至八部分)《国家标准地名志·重庆卷》编撰。二是抓紧开展编写《重庆市标准地名志》《重庆市标准地名录》,编制  相似文献   

目前,全国第二次地名普查工作正在展开,并建立了相关的地名数据库。本文介绍了城市地名数据库的相关概念以及地名数据库系统的体系结构,并提出了地名数据库的相关应用模式,并结合地名匹配对文本数据进行空间化。最后,对城市地名数据库的更新维护以及进一步应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

同一地名映射不同物理空间位置的地名歧义现象普遍存在,地名消歧是指为地名分配唯一地理位置的过程.欧美国家的地名数据库和相关知识库比较完善,提出一系列通用或适宜个别语种的地名消歧方法.由于我国当前缺乏类似的高质量数据资源,难以直接引入这些方法解决中文地名消歧问题.该文提出在地名识别和地名匹配的基础上,通过构建歧义地名行政隶属关系树状图,利用上下文相关地名在树状图中出现的子节点数,判断歧义地名指向的地理位置.实验表明,该方法简单易行,而且可以达到较好的消歧效果.  相似文献   

Nowadays, a huge quantity of information is stored in digital format. A great portion of this information is constituted by textual and unstructured documents, where geographical references are usually given by means of place names. A common problem with textual information retrieval is represented by polysemous words, that is, words can have more than one sense. This problem is present also in the geographical domain: place names may refer to different locations in the world. In this paper we investigate the use of our word sense disambiguation technique in the geographical domain, with the aim of resolving ambiguous place names. Our technique is based on WordNet conceptual density. Due to the lack of a reference corpus tagged with WordNet senses, we carried out the experiments over a set of 1,210 place names extracted from the SemCor corpus that we named GeoSemCor and made publicly available. We compared our method with the most‐frequent baseline and the enhanced‐Lesk method, which previously has not been tested in large contexts. The results show that a better precision can be achieved by using a small context (phrase level), whereas a greater coverage can be obtained by using large contexts (document level). The proposed method should be tested with other corpora, due to the fact that our experiments evidenced the excessive bias towards the most‐frequent sense of the GeoSemCor.  相似文献   

广义地名及其本体研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
提出广义地名的概念(指可以与地球表面特定位置或范围相关联的一段文本),基于广义地名组织的文本形式的空间信息通常更符合人们对于地理空间知识的表达。探讨广义地名的本体,并给出相应的概念模型和逻辑模型,从而有助于广义地名数据库以及智能化广义地名服务的实现。该研究主要从广义地名的发生学、描述对象、地理范围、信息团体和语境引起的二义性等方面描述广义地名本体,并用UML语言建立便于在信息系统中实现的逻辑模型。  相似文献   


Geographic text analysis (GTA) research in the digital humanities has focused on projects analyzing modern English-language corpora. These projects depend on temporally specific lexicons and gazetteers that enable place name identification and georesolution. Scholars working on the early modern period (1400–1800) lack temporally appropriate geoparsers and gazetteers and have been reliant on general purpose linked open data services like Geonames. These anachronistic resources introduce significant information retrieval and ethical challenges for early modernists. Using the geography entries of the canonical eighteenth-century Encyclopédie, we evaluate rule-based named entity recognition (NER) systems to pinpoint areas where they would benefit from adjustments for processing historical corpora. As we demonstrate, annotating nested and extended place information is one way to improve early modern GTA. Working with Enlightenment sources also motivates a critique of the landscape of digital geospatial data.  相似文献   

Local place names are frequently used by residents living in a geographic region. Such place names may not be recorded in existing gazetteers, due to their vernacular nature, relative insignificance to a gazetteer covering a large area (e.g. the entire world), recent establishment (e.g. the name of a newly-opened shopping center) or other reasons. While not always recorded, local place names play important roles in many applications, from supporting public participation in urban planning to locating victims in disaster response. In this paper, we propose a computational framework for harvesting local place names from geotagged housing advertisements. We make use of those advertisements posted on local-oriented websites, such as Craigslist, where local place names are often mentioned. The proposed framework consists of two stages: natural language processing (NLP) and geospatial clustering. The NLP stage examines the textual content of housing advertisements and extracts place name candidates. The geospatial stage focuses on the coordinates associated with the extracted place name candidates and performs multiscale geospatial clustering to filter out the non-place names. We evaluate our framework by comparing its performance with those of six baselines. We also compare our result with four existing gazetteers to demonstrate the not-yet-recorded local place names discovered by our framework.  相似文献   

Language plays a vital role in the communication, sharing and transmission of information among human beings. Geographical languages are essential for understanding, investigating, representing and propagating geo-spatial information. Geographical languages have developed and evolved gradually with improvements in science, technology and cognitive levels. Concerning the theoretical progress from geographical information ontology, epistemology and linguistic theory, this paper firstly puts forward the concept of a GIS language and discusses its basic characteristics according to changes in the structures, functions and characteristics of geographical languages. This GIS language can be regarded as a system of synthetic digital symbols. It is a comprehensive representation of geographical objects, phenomena and their spatial distributions and dynamic processes. This representation helps us generate a universal perception of geographical space using geographical scenarios or symbols with geometry, statuses, processes, spatio-temporal relationships, semantics and attributes. Furthermore, this paper states that the GIS language represents a new generation of geographical language due to its intrinsic characteristics, structures, functions and systematic content. Based on the aforementioned theoretical foundation, this paper illustrates the pivotal status and contributions of the GIS language from the perspective of geographical researchers. The language of GIS is a new geographical language designed for the current era, with features including spatio-temporal multi-dimension representation, interactive visualization, virtual geographical scenarios, multi-sensor perception and expedient broadcasting via the web. The GIS language is the highest-level geographical language developed to date, integrating semantic definitions, feature extraction, geographical dynamic representation and spatio-temporal factors and unifying the computation of geographical phenomena and objects. The GIS language possesses five important characteristics: abstraction, systematicness, strictness, precision and hierarchy. In summary, the GIS language provides a new means forpeople to recognize, understand and simulate entire geo-environments. Therefore, exploration of the GIS language’s functions in contemporary geographical developments is becoming increasingly important. Similarly, construction of the conceptual model and scientific systems of the GIS language will promote the development of the disciplines of geography and geographical information sciences. Therefore, this paper investigates the prospects of the GIS language from the perspectives of digital technology, geographical norms, geographical modeling and the disciplinary development of geography.  相似文献   

Language plays a vital role in the communication, sharing and transmission of information among human beings. Geographical languages are essential for understanding, investigating, representing and propagating geo-spatial information. Geographical languages have developed and evolved gradually with improvements in science, technology and cognitive levels. Concerning the theoretical progress from geographical information ontology, epistemology and linguistic theory, this paper firstly puts forward the concept of a GIS language and discusses its basic characteristics according to changes in the structures, functions and characteristics of geographical languages. This GIS language can be regarded as a system of synthetic digital symbols. It is a comprehensive representation of geographical objects, phenomena and their spatial distributions and dynamic processes. This representation helps us generate a universal perception of geographical space using geographical scenarios or symbols with geometry, statuses, processes, spatio-temporal relationships, semantics and attributes. Furthermore, this paper states that the GIS language represents a new generation of geographical language due to its intrinsic characteristics, structures, functions and systematic content. Based on the aforementioned theoretical foundation, this paper illustrates the pivotal status and contributions of the GIS language from the perspective of geographical researchers. The language of GIS is a new geographical language designed for the current era, with features including spatio-temporal multi-dimension representation, interactive visualization, virtual geographical scenarios, multi-sensor perception and expedient broadcasting via the web. The GIS language is the highest-level geographical language developed to date, integrating semantic definitions, feature extraction, geographical dynamic representation and spatio-temporal factors and unifying the computation of geographical phenomena and objects. The GIS language possesses five important characteristics: abstraction, systematicness, strictness, precision and hierarchy. In summary, the GIS language provides a new means for people to recognize, understand and simulate entire geo-environments. Therefore, exploration of the GIS language’s functions in contemporary geographical developments is becoming increasingly important. Similarly, construction of the conceptual model and scientific systems of the GIS language will promote the development of the disciplines of geography and geographical information sciences. Therefore, this paper investigates the prospects of the GIS language from the perspectives of digital technology, geographical norms, geographical modeling and the disciplinary development of geography.  相似文献   

面向对象的区域规划空间信息时空数据模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
区域规划的空间信息具有动态性和复杂性,面向对象技术作为一种有效的空间数据建模技术,为区域规划空间信息整合提供了思路。本文以面向对象的基本理论和方法为基础,提出采用面向对象技术建立区域规划空间信息时空数据模型,并对所建立的主要地理特征类进行定义与描述。  相似文献   

Local search services allow a user to search for businesses that satisfy a given geographical constraint. In contrast to traditional web search engines, current local search services rely heavily on static, structured data. Although this yields very accurate systems, it also implies a limited coverage, and limited support for using landmarks and neighborhood names in queries. To overcome these limitations, we propose to augment the structured information available to a local search service, based on the vast amount of unstructured and semi‐structured data available on the web. This requires a computational framework to represent vague natural language information about the nearness of places, as well as the spatial extent of vague neighborhoods. In this paper, we propose such a framework based on fuzzy set theory, and show how natural language information can be translated into this framework. We provide experimental results that show the effectiveness of the proposed techniques, and demonstrate that local search based on natural language hints about the location of places with an unknown address, is feasible.  相似文献   

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