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The structure of atmospheric turbulence in the surface layer over the open ocean is examined under conditions of local free convection. The raw data consist of profile and fluctuation measurements of wind and temperature as obtained from a meteorological buoy. For near neutral conditions and for waves running approximately along the wind direction, wave-induced wind fluctuations can be described by a simplified linear theory based on Miles (1957). In this case, the spectrum of wind velocity is given as the sum of two parts; for the turbulent part, the parameterization as obtained by Kaimal et al. (1972) applies, while the wave-induced part is parameterized using a simplification of Miles' linear theory. For cases of local free convection, the measurements of the vertical component of the wind velocity are well described by similarity theory; as expected, w /(-uw)1/2 is proportional to (- z/L)1/3. In order to scale the longitudinal wind velocity component, it seems to be reasonable to extend the list of relevant parameters by the height of the mixed layer z i. We obtain u /(- uw)1/2 (z/z i)1/3(- z/L)1/3 with only a poor correlation coefficient of r = 0.6. Overall, the results of local free convection scaling obtained from direct measurements show good agreement with those obtained from profile measurements. A comparison between direct and indirect determination of turbulent fluxes of momentum shows an unexplained difference of about 20%. This discrepancy is mainly due to a gap in the uw-cospectrum at the swell frequency.  相似文献   

The relation between the turbulence Reynolds numberR and a Reynolds numberz* based on the friction velocity and height from the ground is established using direct measurements of the r.m.s. longitudinal velocity and turbulent energy dissipation in the atmospheric surface layer. Measurements of the relative magnitude of components of the turbulent kinetic energy budget in the stability range 0 >z/L 0.4 indicate that local balance between production and dissipation is maintained. Approximate expressions, in terms of readily measured micrometeorological quantities, are proposed for the Taylor microscale and the Kolmogorov length scale .  相似文献   

Horizontal diffusion in the surface layer is dependent on the standard deviation of wind direction fluctuations . Diurnal variation of this parameter in complex terrain was studied for the July 1979 Geysers, Cal., experiment using data from a network of 11 short meteorological towers in the 25 km2 Anderson Creek watershed Valley side slopes are roughly 20 ° and maximum terrain difference is about 1 km.Values of for wind directions sampled for one hour at a height of 10 m are about 35 ° during the daytime. They slowly decrease to about 20 ° by 8 to 10 p.m. as stability increases but wind speeds are still relatively high. After 10 p.m. the drainage flow sets in at most stations, with speeds of 1 to 2 m s-1, and average increases to about 30° during the period 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. In general, highest values of at night are associated with lowest values of wind speed and greatest static stability. This enhancement of by the terrain suggests that horizontal diffusion at night always conforms to that expected during nearly neutral stabilities. That is, Pasquill class D diffusion applies to the horizontal component all night in complex terrain.  相似文献   

This paper considers the near-field dispersion of an ensemble of tracer particles released instantaneously from an elevated source into an adiabatic surface layer. By modelling the Lagrangian vertical velocity as a Markov process which obeys the Langevin equation, we show analytically that the mean vertical drift velocity w(t) is w()=bu *(1–e (1+)), where is time since release (nondimensionalized with the Lagrangian time scale at the source), b Batchelor's constant, and u *, the friction velocity. Hence, the mean height and mean depth of the ensemble are calculated. Although the derivation is formally valid only when 1, the predictions for w, mean height and mean depth are consistent in the downstream limit ( 1) with surface-layer Lagrangian similarity theory and with the diffusion equation. By comparing the analytical predictions with numerical, randomflight solutions of the Langevin equation, the analytical predictions are shown to be good approximations at all times, both near-field and far-field.  相似文献   

The reactions of alkoxy radicals determine to a large extent the products formed during the atmospheric degradations of emitted organic compounds. Experimental data concerning the decompositions, 1,5-H shift isomerizations and reactions with O2 of several classes of alkoxy radicals are inconsistent with literature estimations of their absolute or relative rate constants. An alternative, although empirical, method for assessing the relative importance under atmospheric conditions of the reactions of alkoxy radicals with O2 versus decomposition was derived. This estimation method utilizes the differences in the heats of reaction, (H)=(Hdecomposition–HO 2 reaction), between these two reactions pathways. For (H)[22–0.5(HO 2 reaction)], alkoxy radical decomposition dominates over the reaction with O2 at room temperature and atmospheric pressure of air, while for (H)[25-0.5(HO 2 reaction)], the O2 reaction dominates over decomposition (where the units of H are in kcal mol–1). The utility and shortcomings of this approach are discussed. It is concluded that further studies concerning the reactions of alkoxy radicals are needed.  相似文献   

Local Similarity Relationships In The Urban Boundary Layer   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
To investigate turbulent structures in an urban boundary layer (UBL) with many tallbuildings, a number of non-dimensional variable groups based on turbulent observationsfrom a 325-m meteorological tower in the urban area of Beijing, China, are analyzedin the framework of local similarity. The extension of surface-layer similarity to localsimilarity in the stable and unstable boundary layer is also discussed. According to localsimilarity, dimensionless quantities of variables: e.g., velocity and temperature standarddeviations i/u*l (i=u,v,w) andT/T*l,correlation coefficients of uw and wT covariance, gradients of wind and temperaturem and h, and dissipation rates of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) andtemperature variance and N can be represented as a functiononly of a local stability parameter z/, where is the local Obukhovlength and z is the height above ground. The average dissipation rates of TKE andtemperature variance are computed by using the u spectrum, and the uw and wTcospectra in the inertial subrange. The functions above were found to be in a goodagreement with observational behaviour of turbulence under unstable conditions, butthere were obvious differences in the stable air.  相似文献   

The problem of CO2 control in the atmosphere is tackled by proposing a kind of fuel cycle for fossil fuels where CO2 is partially or totally collected at certain transformation points and properly disposed of.CO2 is disposed of by injection into suitable sinking thermohaline currents that carry and spread it into the deep ocean that has a very large equilibrium capacity.The Mediterranean undercurrent entering the Atlantic at Gibraltar has been identified as one such current; it would have sufficient capacity to deal with all CO2 produced in Europe even in the year 2100.  相似文献   

The use of analytical solutions of the diffusion equation for footprint prediction is explored. Quantitative information about the footprint, i.e., the upwind area most likely to affect a downwind flux measurement at a given height z, is essential when flux measurements from different platforms, particularly airborne ones, are compared. Analytical predictions are evaluated against numerical Lagrangian trajectory simulations which are detailed in a companion paper (Leclerc and Thurtell, 1990). For neutral stability, the structurally simple solutions proposed by Gash (1986) are shown to be capable of satisfactory approximation to numerical simulations over a wide range of heights, zero displacements and roughness lengths. Until more sophisticated practical solutions become available, it is suggested that apparent limitations in the validity of some assumptions underlying the Gash solutions for the case of very large surface roughness (forests) and tentative application of the solutions to cases of small thermal instability be dealt with by semi-empirical adjustment of the ratio of horizontal wind to friction velocity. An upper limit of validity of these solutions for z has yet to be established.  相似文献   

Analytical solutions for the Ekman layer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The PBL equation that governs the transition from the constant-stress surface layer to the geostrophic wind in a neutrally stratified atmosphere for which the eddy viscosityK(z) is assumed to vary smoothly from the surface-layer value U *z (0.4,U *=friction velocity,z=elevation) to the geostrophic asymptoteK GU *d forzd is solved through an expansion in fd/U *1 (f=Coriolis parameter). The resulting solution is separated into Ekman's constant-K solution an inner component that reduces to the classical logarithmic form forzd and isO() relative to the Ekman component forzd. The approximationKU *d is supported by the solution of Nee and Kovasznay's phenomenological transport equation forK(z), which yieldsKU *d exp(–z/d), where is an empirical constant for which observation implies, 1. The parametersA andB in Kazanskii and Monin's similarity relation forG/U * (G=geostrophic velocity) are determined as functions of . The predicted values ofG/U * and the turning angle are in agreement with the observed values for the Leipzig wind profile. The predicted value ofB based on the assumption of asymptotically constantK is 4.5, while that based on the Nee-Kovasznay model is 5.1; these compare with the observed value of 4.7 for the Leipzig profile. A thermal wind correction, an asymptotic solution for arbitraryK(z) and 1, and an exact (unrestricted ) solution forK(z)=U *d[1–exp(–z/d)] are developed in appendices.  相似文献   

Summary A zonally averaged global energy balance model with feedback mechanisms was constructed to simulate (i) the poleward limits of ITCZ over the continent and over the ocean and (ii) a simple monsoon system as a result of differential heating between the continent and the ocean. Three numerical experiments were performed with lower boundary as (1) global continent, (2) global ocean and (3) continent-ocean, with freezing latitudes near the poles. Over the continent, midlatitude deserts were found and the ITCZ migrates 25° north and south with seasons. Over a global swamp ocean results do not show migration of ITCZ with time but once the ocean currents are introduced the ITCZ migrates 5° north and south with seasons. It was found that the seasonal migration of ITCZ strongly depends on the meridional distribution of the surface temperature. It was also found that continent influences the location of the oceanic ITCZ. In the tropics northward progression of quasi-periodic oscillations called events are found during the pre- and post-monsoon periods with a period of 8 to 15 days. This result is consistent with the observed quasi-periodic oscillations in the tropical region. Northward propagation of the surface temperature perturbation appears to cause changes in the sensible heat flux which in turn causes perturbations in vertical velocity and latent heat flux fields.List of Symbols vertical average - 0 zonal average - vertical mean of the zonal average - 0s zonal average at the surface - 0a zonal average at 500 mb level - latitude We now define the various symbols used in the model rate of atmospheric heating due to convective cloud formation (K/sec) - dp/dt (N/m2/sec) - density - potential temperature (K) - rate of rotation of the earth (rad/sec) - empirical constant - humidity mixing ratio - * saturated humidity mixing ratio - opacity of the atmosphere - 1,2 factors for downward and upward effective black body long wave radiation from the atmosphere - Stefan-Boltzmann constant - emissivity of the surface - D subsurface temperature (K) - a specific volume - 0xs ,0ys eastward and northward components of surface frictional stress - * vertical velocity at the top of the boundary layer (N/m2/sec) - P Thickness of the boundary layer (mb) - nondimensional function of pressure - P pressure - P a pressure of the model atmosphere (N/m2) - P s pressure at the surface (N/m2) - t time (sec) - U eastward wind speed (m/sec) - V northward wind speed (m/sec) - surface water availability - T absolute temperature (K) - heat addition due to water phase changes - g acceleration due to gravity (m2/sec) - a radius of the earth (m) - R gas constant for dry air (J/Kg/K) - C p specific heat of air at constant pressure (J/Kg/K) - k R/C p - L latent heat of condensation (J/Kg) - f coriolis parameter (rad/sec) - H s H 0s (1) +H 0s (2) +H 0s (3) +H 0s (4) +H 0s (5) (J/m2/Sec)=sum of the rates of vertical heat fluxes per unit surface area, directed toward the surface - H a H 0a (1) +H 0a (2) +H 0a (3) +H 0a (4) (J/m2/Sec)=sum of the rates of heat additions to the atmospheric column per unit horizontal area by all processes - H 0s (1) ,H 0a (1) heat flux due to short wave radiation - H 0s (2) ,H 0a (2) heat flux due to long wave radiation - H 0s (3) ,H 0a (3) heat flux due to small scale convection - H 0s (4) heat flux due to evaporation - H 0a (4) heat flux due to condensation - H 0s (5) heat flux due to subsurface conduction and convection - e * saturation vapor pressure - R solar constant (W/m2) - r a albedo of the atmosphere - r s albedo of the surface - b 2 empirical constant (J/m2/sec) - c 2 empirical constant (J/m2/sec) - e 2 nondimensional empirical constant - f 2 empirical constant (J/m2/sec) - factor proportional to the conductive capacity of the surface medium - a s constant used in Sellers model - b s positive constant of proportionality used in the Sellers model (kg m2/J/sec2) - K HT coefficient for eddy diffusivity of heat (m2/sec) - K HE exchange coefficient for water vapor (m2/sec) - h depth of the water column (m) - z height (m) - V 0ws meridional component of surface current (m/sec) - n cloud amount - G 0,n long wave radiation form the atmosphere for cloud amount n (W/m2) - B 0 long wave radiation from the surface (W/m2) - S 0,n short wave radiation from the atmosphere for cloud amount n (W/m2) - A n albedo factor for a cloud amount n - R f1 large scale rainfall (mm/day) - R f2 small scale rainfall (mm/day) With 22 Figures  相似文献   

Summary The electromagnetic radiation of cloud discharge known as atmospheric radio noise field strength (ARNFS) shows a gradual fall from a frequency of 9 kHz to 81 kHz as studied over a period of two years at Calcutta, very close to Bay of Bengal. The main characteristic features of ARNFS at Calcutta are that-(i) ARNFS shows that midday median value is smaller than midnight median value in all months, (ii) level of daily minimum is higher in February and monsoon compared to other seasons, (iii) sunrise effect and sunset effect are well correlated with local sunrise and sunset times, (iv) the magnitude of sunrise fade and sunrise fade rate are maximum in April and lowest during winter period, (v) the magnitude of sunset fade is higher in premonsoon and postmonsoon while it is lowest in monsoon, (vi) number of occurrence of both sunrise effect and sunset effect is remark-ably smaller in monsoon. The positions of the sun and of atmospheric sources are jointly the causes of seasonal and diurnal variations. The missing of sunrise effect and sunset effect are due to local cloud activity and variation of electron density during geomagnetic storms.With 7 Figures  相似文献   

For the thermal stability function h used to calculate heat and moisture fluxes in the surface layer, we choose a formulation which has the theoretically correct free convection limit % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafeart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaGaaeikaiabgk% HiTGqaciaa-PhacaqGVaGaamitaiaabMcadaahaaWcbeqaaiabgkHi% TiaaigdacaGGVaGaaG4maaaaaaa!3DFE!\[{\rm{(}} - z{\rm{/}}L{\rm{)}}^{ - 1/3} \]. We then use the experimental result that z/L Ri to deduce a formulation with an exponent -1/6 for the momentum stability function m. This formulation also resolves the matching problem at the interface between the surface and Ekman layers. The proposed functions are found to remain reasonably close to another formulation that is well supported by observations and has exponents -1/2 for h and -1/4 for m. The intent of the proposals is mainly to clarify and simplify the parameterization of the convective boundary layer in present day atmospheric models, without significantly altering the results.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse diabatic wind profiles observed at the 213 m meteorological tower at Cabauw, the Netherlands. It is shown that the wind speed profiles agree with the well-known similarity functions of the atmospheric surface layer, when we substitute an effective roughness length. For very unstable conditions, the agreement is good up to at least 200 m or z/L–7(z is height, L is Obukhov length scale). For stable conditions, the agreement is good up to z/L1. For stronger stability, a semi-empirical extension is given of the log-linear profile, which gives acceptable estimates up to ~ 100 m. A scheme is used for the derivation of the Obukhov length scale from single wind speed, total cloud cover and air temperature. With the latter scheme and the similarity functions, wind speed profiles can be estimated from near-surface weather data only. The results for wind speed depend on height and stability. Up to 80 m, the rms difference with observations is on average 1.1 m s–1. At 200 m, 0.8 m s–1 for very unstable conditions increasing to 2.1 m s–1 for very stable conditions. The proposed methods simulate the diurnal variation of the 80 m wind speed very well. Also the simulated frequency distribution of the 80 m wind speed agrees well with the observed one. It is concluded that the proposed methods are applicable up to at least 100 m in generally level terrain.  相似文献   

Standard deviations of concentration in horizontal andvertical directions i.e. y andz have been estimated by using fivedifferent schemes based on empirical(due to Pasquill and Briggs)schemes and sophisticated methods(due to Irwin, Draxler, Taylor, Hanna et al.). The fiveschemes are discussed atlength. The purpose of this study is to make use ofmeteorological observations whichare routinely available, to test all the above methods andintercompare the resultswith one another and observations so that the sensitivityof each schemeunder various atmospheric stability conditions could beassessed. It has beenfound that the existing schemes are good enough to providereasonable estimates ofdispersion coefficient (y) during highly unstableconditions (Pasquill stability classes A and B). However, thesame is not true for the case when the stability increasesfrom C to F and turbulencedecreases, specifically during stable atmospheric conditions,when the observedvalues were found to be much higher than all the existingschemes. This suggests thatwhile we continue to use the current methods of estimatingthe dispersion parameters,a rigorous search is required for methods which give predictionswhich are close-to-realityduring such conditions which are represented by lowlevels (in terms of magnitude)of atmospheric turbulence leading to higher levelsof pollution.As one of the sophisticated methods requiresthe use of v and w (standard deviationsof wind velocity fluctuation in y and z directions),these have been estimated andvalidated with observed data (field experiments conductedby EPRI at Kincaid).Statistical evaluation of v and wbased on performance measures indicate a goodperformance of the parameterisations adopted in thisstudy. In the case of w duringunstable conditions a comparison of three differentschemes with observations is made.  相似文献   

A Comparative Analysis of Transpiration and Bare Soil Evaporation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Transpiration Ev and bare soil evaporation Eb processes are comparatively analysed assuming homogeneous and inhomogeneous areal distributions of volumetric soil moisture content . For a homogeneous areal distribution of we use a deterministic model, while for inhomogeneous distributions a statistical-deterministic diagnostic surface energy balance model is applied. The areal variations of are simulated by Monte-Carlo runs assuming normal distributions of .The numerical experiments are performed for loam. In the experiments we used different parameterizations for vegetation and bare soil surface resistances and strong atmospheric forcing. According to the results theEv()-Eb() differences are great, especially in dry conditions. In spite of this, the available energy flux curves of vegetation Av() and bare soil Ab() surfaces differ much less than the Ev() and Eb() curves. The results suggest that Ev is much more non-linearly related to environmental conditions than Eb. Both Ev and Eb depend on the distribution of , the wetness regime and the parameterization used. With the parameterizations, Eb showed greater variations than Ev. These results are valid when there are no advective effects or mesoscale circulation patterns and the stratification is unstable.  相似文献   

Wind velocities within a plant canopy are much more strongly skewed than those of the air flow above. We have examined the governing Eulerian equations for the velocity products u i, u j uk using data from a wind tunnel study with an artificial canopy consisting of an array of 5 cm lengths of monofilament fishing line, and from measurements in corn (Zea mays L).Simple parameterizations for pressure-velocity correlations, and for the quadruple velocity products allowed reasonably accurate calculations of the third moments using measured profiles of the mean velocity, variance and covariance fields. Comparisons of individual terms in the rate equations for ovu i, u j u krevealed that diffusion (from above) and mean shear were most important in creating large skewness in the canopy. A drag term also contributed but was of lesser importance. These terms were balanced by return-to-isotropy and a turbulence interaction term. A quasi-Gaussian approximation considerably underestimated the magnitude of the fourth moments within the canopy.  相似文献   

The standard deviation of vertical two-point longitudinal velocity fluctuation differences is analyzed experimentally with eleven sets of turbulence measurements obtained at the NASA 150-m ground-winds tower site at Cape Kennedy, Florida. It is concluded that /u *0 is proportional to (fz/u *0)0.22, where the coefficient of proportionality is a function of fz/u *0 and u *0/fL 0. The quantities f and L0 denote the Coriolis parameter and the surface Monin-Obukhov stability length, respectively; u *0 is the surface friction velocity; z is the vertical distance between the two points over which the velocity difference is calculated; and zz is the mean height of the mid-point of the interval z above natural grade. The results of the analysis are valid for 20<-u *0/fL 0<2000.  相似文献   

The paper considers a puff diffusion in its inertial stage when particle separation obeys the laws of the inertial subrange and depends only on eddy energy dissipation rate . The can be determined in the surface layer by the turbulent kinetic energy equation. Similarity equations connect with diffusion measure .A simple analytical model has been deduced to estimate pollutants diffusion during calms.  相似文献   

Shear convection     
The paper discusses convection in the presence of wind shear, a condition analysed previously by Zilitinkevich (1971). This region (between the forced and fully developed convective layers) was also considered by Betchov and Yaglom (1971). In the present paper the author endeavors to develop a consistent analysis from the basic hypothesis of a very weak interaction between the vertical convective motions and mechanical turbulence, employing a new similarity model of the turbulent regime. Additional experimental data are introduced. Unlike the notation used in the references quoted above, this regime is termed shear convection rather than free convection. The latter is traditionally regarded as synonymous with the terms pure or fully developed convection.  相似文献   

This study details the observed effects ofatmospheric stability on characteristics of thesurface layer in a low wind speed (U = 1.5 m s-1)regime of tropical West Africa. Theaerodynamic roughness length, z0, anddisplacement height, d, obtained from profilewind-speed data at our bush land site (height 2 m)have values of 0.24 ± 0.10 m and 1.54 ± 0.04 mrespectively. In the unstable range (-2.5 < Ri < -0.1; Riis gradient Richardson number), thestandard deviation in wind speed fluctuations, u, increased from 0.57 ± 0.19 m s-1 toa maximum of 0.7 ± 0.2 m s-1 in near-neutralconditions, and in the stable range, the parameterdecreased rapidly to 0.41 ± 0.15 m s-1 at Ri 0.2.In the same stability range, the horizontal winddispersion, , decreased withincreasing stability from 19 ± 8 deg. to 13 ± 5 deg.The surface-layer integral quantity, u/u*, when plottedas a function of stability, is in agreement with theempirical results. The ratio ofsensible heat flux (estimated) to the net radiationranged between 0.1 and 0.2 at nighttime,increasing to about 0.5 during the daytime, and showeda strong dependency on season.  相似文献   

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