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长江口及邻近海域营养盐四季分布特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用2006年夏、冬季,2007年春、秋季四个航次营养盐调查数据,分析了硝酸盐(NO3)、亚硝酸盐(NO2-)、铵盐(NH4+)、活性磷酸盐(PO43-)和活性硅酸盐(SiO32-)四季大面及典型断面(M1、M4、O6断面)分布特征.结果表明:营养盐大面基本呈西高东低分布趋势,NO3-、PO43-和SiO32-,在长江...  相似文献   

运用溶解动力学实验及活性连续体模型表征了长江河口至东海邻近海域表层沉积物中铁(Fe)和磷(P)的活性。通过动力学数据拟合得到了活性组分的理论含量m0和表观速率常数k。结果表明,Fe(Ⅱ)普遍存在于表层沉积物中,这应是高活性有机络合态Fe(Ⅲ)絮凝/沉淀到沉积物中后快速还原的结果。沉积物中黏土及总有机碳(TOC)含量对Fe(Ⅱ)的m0及其k值起重要控制作用。从长江河口至邻近海域沉积物中Fe(Ⅱ)均以FeCO3形态为主,FeCO3的溶解及与之相结合磷(主要为交换态P和自生P)的释放导致Fe(Ⅱ)和P具有相似的溶解动力学特征。与吸附于Fe(Ⅱ)矿物相的P相比,与Fe(Ⅱ)矿物相共沉淀的P的m0较高,但k较低。与TOC含量较低的粗粒沉积物中的Fe(Ⅲ)相比,TOC含量较高的细粒沉积物中Fe(Ⅲ)的m0值较小,但k值较大。以上特征是Fe不同的氧化还原过程导致的。Fe(Ⅲ)氧化物的含量(m0)和活性(k)总体上控制着与之相结合P的含量(m0)及溶解活性(k)。虽然传统活性Fe形态分析未能揭示出长江河口沉积物中活性Fe的富集作用,但溶解动力学表征结果表明,Fe的絮凝/沉淀导致河口沉积物中活性Fe的明显富集,且该过程主要发生在盐度明显增加的低盐度河口区。  相似文献   

根据2006年7月13日至8月30日在长江口及邻近陆架海区采集的小型底栖动物样品,对小型底栖动物类群组成,丰度、生物量的水平分布和垂直分布以及调查海区的环境因子进行了研究。结果表明:研究海域小型底栖动物有线虫、桡足类、多毛类、寡毛类、介形类、螨类、双壳类、腹毛类、动吻类、端足类和等足类等11个类群及无节幼体等。平均丰度为453.22±355.34 ind/10 cm2,最优势类群为线虫,占小型底栖动物总丰度的81.37%,次优势类群分别为底栖桡足类和多毛类,分别占小型底栖动物总丰度的10.13%和2.96%。平均生物量为622.65±505.07 μg/10 cm2,生物量占比最高的类群为多毛类,占总生物量的30.21%,其次分别为线虫和寡毛类,分别占小型底栖动物总生物量的23.69%和19.44%。水平分布上,从河口冲淡水区到东海陆架深水区,小型底栖生物丰度呈现由低到高的变化趋势,杭州湾小型底栖动物丰度为240.96±223.47 ind/10 cm2,长江口近岸区为442.91±304.16 ind/10 cm2,东海陆架深水区为865.42±553.88 ind/10 cm2。垂直分布上,小型底栖动物主要分布在0~2 cm层,丰度为290.28±250.03 ind/10 cm2;其次是2~5 cm层,丰度为132.81±128.74 ind/10 cm2;5~10 cm层分布最少,丰度为30.14±31.91 ind/10 cm2。其中线虫、多毛类、寡毛类与桡足类等主要类群的垂直分布与总分布趋势相同。与环境因子进行相关分析表明,调查海区小型底栖动物的丰度主要与水深、盐度和溶解氧显著相关,对小型底栖动物分布影响最大的环境因子组合为溶解氧和盐度。  相似文献   

基于2020年7月洪水期间采集的长江口及邻近海域的温度、盐度、总悬浮物(Total Suspen-ded Matter,TSM)质量浓度、颗粒有机碳(Particulate Organic Carbon,POC)质量浓度和颗粒有机碳稳定同位素(δ13 CPOC)等数据,分析了洪水事件对该区域POC分布与来源的影响.结果...  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial distribution of biogenic (BSi) and lithogenic (LSi) silica were studied in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary and its adjacent area. The annual average BSi and LSi concentrations were (1.71 ± 1.79) μmol/L and (0.56 ± 1.41) mmol/L, respectively. Both BSi and LSi were high in the inshore areas, where they received terrigenous discharge from the Changjiang, and decreased towards the offshore region. BSi and LSi were most abundant at the near bottom layer due to the high sedimentation rates and resuspension of sediment. Diatom blooms occurred in summer with high Chl a concentration in the surface layer, which induced that BSi in the surface layer during summer was obviously higher than that in the surface layer of other seasons. LSi concentration was maximal in autumn and spring and minimum in summer, associated with the seasonal variation of SPM values. Drifting investigation and mesocosm experiments were conducted during dinoflagellate bloom, aiming to understand the effect of nutrients on BSi by changing the phytoplankton composition. The results show that the low dissolved inorganic phosphorus concentration and high molar ratio of N/P (dissolved inorganic nitrogen vs. dissolved inorganic phosphorus), were the important factors for decreasing diatom biomass in the study area, and it would subsequently decrease the BSi concentration in aquatic ecosystem.  相似文献   

利用2019年8月获得的长江口及其邻近海域表层海水pCO2的走航观测数据,结合温度、盐度、溶解氧等理化参数,初步探讨了该区域夏末表层海水pCO2的空间分布特点及控制因素.研究结果显示,整体上pCO2呈现近岸高而离岸低的特点,其中在长江冲淡水的中盐度区域出现了一个pCO2的极低值区.去除温度的影响,温度归一化后的pCO2...  相似文献   

潮汐河口断面悬沙通量组分模式及其在长江口的应用   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
断面泥沙通量估算的误差主要来源于计算方法、测点布局等,通量模式应该建立在通量估算统计误差最小的原则基础之上.在断面网格设计中采用统计误差最小的等面积单元网格,在泥沙通量估算中采用泥沙组分浓度,在流速变量插值上垂向采用对数函数插值,横向采用第一边界三次方样条函数插值.这样建立的潮汐河口悬沙断面通量组分模式较以往的任何模式更完善,断面通量估算的误差最小.将该模式应用于长江河口南港断面悬沙通量估算及其输移机制分析,断面泥沙通量表现为大潮期大进大出、大出大于大进;小潮期小进小出、小出大于小进;主要输移机制是拉格朗日输移和潮泵.  相似文献   

Dissolved selenium in the Changjiang(Yangtze) Estuary and its adjacent waters was determined by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry to elucidate the source, behavior in estuary, adsorption-desorption process and biological role. In surface water, Se(IV) concentration ranged 0.05–1.14 nmol/L and Se(VI) concentration varied 0.01–1.20 nmol/L, with the means of 0.76 and 0.49 nmol/L, respectively. In bottom water, Se(IV) content varied 0.03–0.27 nmol/L and Se(VI) content ranged 0.04–0.85 nmol/L, with the averages of 0.10 and 0.40 nmol/L, respectively. High level of Se(IV) was observed near the shore with a significant decrease towards the open sea, suggesting the continental input from the adjacent rivers. Large value of Se(VI) was found in bottom water, reflecting the release from suspended sediment. Besides, high value appeared in the same latitude of the Changjiang Estuary and Hangzhou Bay illustrated the effect of lateral mixing and the long-distance transport of selenium. Se(VI), more soluble, occupied higher percentage in aqueous environment. The presence of Se(IV) resulted from the degradation of residue and the reduction of Se(VI) under anaerobic condition. The positive relationship to suspended particulate material(SPM) and negative correlation to depth indicated that Se(IV) tended to be released from the high density particulate matter. Instead, Se(VI) content did not significantly relate to SPM since it generally formed inner-sphere complex to iron hydroxide. Se(IV) content negatively varied to salinity and largely depended on the freshwater dilution and physical mixing. While, Se(VI) level deviated from the dilution line due to the in situ biogeochemical process such as removal via phytoplankton uptake and inputs via organic matter regeneration. As the essential element, Se(IV) was confirmed more bioavailable to phytoplankton growth than Se(VI), and moreover, seemed to be more related to phosphorus than to nitrogen.  相似文献   

长江口及邻近海区营养盐结构与限制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过研究长江口及邻近海域溶解无机氮(DIN=NO3-+NO2-+NH4+)、磷酸盐(PO43-)、硅酸盐(SiO32-)所表征的营养盐区域结构特征及影响因素,在分析营养盐绝对限制情况的基础上,划分了潜在相对营养限制区域。结果表明,123°E以西近岸表层区域DIN/P比值全年均高于16,而Si/DIN除秋季外基本小于1,显示出长江冲淡水影响下"过量氮"的特征。春夏季河口锋面区(31°~32.5°N,122.5°~124°E)硅藻的大量生长可使DIN/P异常升高和Si/DIN异常降低。秋季研究区域北部DIN/P西低东高且Si/DIN西高东低是由于在高DIN、低PO43-的长江冲淡水影响下,近岸受相对低DIN、高SiO32-的苏北沿岸流南下入侵影响而被分割而成。冬季长江口门东北部存在的高DIN/P和低Si/DIN区则主要由于寡营养盐的黑潮水深入陆架,向东北输送的部分长江冲淡水和增强的苏北沿岸流共同作用造成DIN升高所致。利用Redfield比值进行了不同站位表层潜在相对营养限制情况的区分。近岸123°E以西受高DIN、SiO32-长江冲淡水影响,四季多呈现PO43-潜在相对限制,而在春夏季由于浮游植物的大量吸收PO43-,造成局部PO43-绝对限制及潜在相对限制。春夏季氮限(DIN潜在相对限制)一般发生在外海部分站位,但较为零散。秋季除了东南外海大部分站位外,受苏北沿岸流影响在长江口北部近岸也存在氮限。随着低DIN/P的黑潮表层水(KSW)的入侵加强,冬季外海氮限站位增多。硅限(SiO32-潜在相对限制)在夏季发生在赤潮高发区,而冬季南部存在较多硅限站位表明KSW中SiO32-相对较为缺乏。  相似文献   

利用2009年6月份和8月份(夏季)长江口及邻近海域的调查资料,分析了该海域硝酸盐、磷酸盐的扩散和输运行为特征,结果表明:8月份冲淡水对长江口及邻近海域硝酸盐和磷酸盐的影响比6月份大,这可能与8月份时长江的径流量大有关;6月份和8月份,该海域硝酸盐、磷酸盐的转移机制主要是物理混合稀释过程,但8月份时的硝酸盐、磷酸盐转移...  相似文献   

长江口邻近海域具有显著的强潮特征,除近岸海域外,离岸海域缺乏长期实测的潮汐潮流资料.本文分析了长时间序列的水位观测资料,结果显示长江口海域的潮汐类型属于正规半日潮,近岸海域浅水分潮显著;M2分潮是最显著的半日分潮,振幅具有从东面开阔海域向西面杭州湾口浅水海域或岛群增加的趋势.剖面海流观测资料表明本海域的潮流类型为正规半...  相似文献   

Surface sediments from the Changjiang River(Yangtze River) Estuary,Hangzhou Bay,and their adjacent waters were analyzed for their grain size distribution,organic carbon(OC) concentration,and stable carbon isotope composition(δ13C).Based on this analysis,about 36 surface sediment samples were selected from various environments and separated into sand(0.250 mm,0.125–0.250 mm,0.063–0.125 mm) and silt(0.025–0.063 mm)fractions by wet-sieving fractionation methods,and further into silt-(0.004–0.025 mm) and clay-sized(0.004mm) fractions by centrifugal fractionation.Sediments of six grain size categories were analyzed for their OC andδ13C contents to explore the grain size composition and transport paths of sedimentary OC in the study area.From fine to coarse fractions,the OC content was 1.18%,0.51%,0.46%,0.42%,0.99%,and 0.48%,respectively,while theδ13C was –21.64‰,–22.03‰,–22.52‰,–22.46‰,–22.36‰,and –22.28‰,respectively.In each size category,the OC contribution was 42.96%,26.06%,9.82%,5.75%,7.09%,and 8.33%,respectively.The OC content in clay and fine silt fractions(0.025 mm) was about 69.02%.High OC concentrations were mainly found in offshore modern sediments in the northeast of the Changjiang River Estuary,in modern sediments in the lower estuary of the Changjiang River and Hangzhou Bay,and in Cyclonic Eddy modern sediments to the southwest of the Cheju Island.Integrating the distribution of terrestrial OC content of each grain size category with the δ13C of the bulk sediment indicated that the terrestrial organic material in the Changjiang River Estuary was transported seaward and dispersed to the Cyclonic Eddy modern sediments to the southwest of the Cheju Island via two pathways:one was a result of the Changjiang River Diluted Water(CDW) northeastward extending branch driven by the North Jiangsu Coastal Current and the Yellow Sea Coastal Current,while the other one was the result of the CDW southward extending branch driven by the Taiwan Warm Current.  相似文献   

透明胞外聚合颗粒物(Transparent exopolymer particles,TEPs)在海洋中分布广泛,其沉降被认为是海洋中生物碳沉降的途径之一。本研究于2011年春季和夏季调查了长江口邻近海域TEPs的浓度和沉降速率,并且估算了其碳沉降通量。研究发现,TEPs浓度春季介于40.00~1040.00 μg Xeq L-1,平均值为209.70±240.93 μg Xeq L-1;夏季介于56.67~1423.33 μg Xeq L-1,平均值为433.33±393.02 μg Xeq L-1。两个季节,TEPs在水华站位的浓度明显高于非水华站位。相关性分析表明,TEPs与水体叶绿素a浓度呈显著正相关性,表明在调查区浮游植物是TEPs的主要生产者。TEPs沉降速率在春季介于0.08~0.57 m d-1,平均值为0.28±0.14 m d-1;夏季介于0.10~1.08 m d-1,平均值为0.34±0.31 m d-1。经估算,TEPs碳沉降通量春季介于4.95~29.40 mg C m-2 d-1,平均值为14.66±8.83 mg C m-2 d-1;夏季介于6.80~30.45 mg C m-2 d-1,平均值为15.71±8.73 mg C m-2 d-1。TEPs的碳沉降通量可以占到浮游植物碳沉降通量的17.81%~138.27%。水华站位TEPs的碳沉降通量明显高于非水华站位,这是由于水华站位较高的TEPs浓度及沉降速率所致。本研究表明,TEPs的沉降在长江口邻近海域是碳沉降的有效途径,在相应的碳沉降相关研究中应该被考虑进来。  相似文献   

李照  宋书群  李才文  俞志明 《海洋学报》2017,39(10):124-144
通过2013年3月和8月在长江口及其邻近海域进行的多学科综合调查,研究了枯水期和丰水期浮游植物的群落结构和空间分布特征,并探讨了影响其分布的环境因子效应。枯水期共发现浮游植物3门41属80种(不包括变种和变型),以硅藻为主,主要优势种为具槽帕拉藻(Paralia sulcata);浮游植物细胞丰度介于0.15×103~16.35×103 cells/L,平均值为(3.24±3.14)×103 cells/L;浮游植物细胞丰度在长江口外东北部海域形成高值,垂直变化较小,硅藻刻画了浮游植物的空间分布。丰水期共发现浮游植物4门67属135种(不包括变种和变型),甲藻物种数量和细胞丰度均升高,主要优势种为东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense)和骨条藻(Skeletonema sp.);浮游植物细胞丰度介于0.2×103~1 925.45×103 cells/L,平均值为(41.67±186.00)×103 cells/L;浮游植物细胞丰度在长江口外形成南北两个高值区,随水深增加,细胞丰度逐渐降低。浮游植物的空间分布受长江口冲淡水影响,与盐度和浊度有显著的相关性;N/P比影响浮游植物群落结构,随着N/P比升高,甲藻的相对丰度升高,硅藻的相对丰度逐渐降低。浮游植物在层化水体的上层大量繁殖是底层低氧形成的必要条件,硅藻具有较高的沉降速率,因而以硅藻为主的群落更利于低氧的形成。  相似文献   

To evaluate the controlling factors for coastline change of the Changjiang(Yangtze River) Estuary since 1974,we extracted the mean high tide line from multi-temporal remote sensing images that span from 1974 to 2014 at 2-year intervals.We chose 42 scenes to constrain the changing pattern of the Changjiang Estuary coastline,and implemented GIS technology to analyze the area change of the Changjiang(Yangtze) Subaerial Delta.Runoff,sediment discharge and coastal engineering were withal considered in the analysis of the coastline changes.The coastline has transgressed seaward since 1974,and a part of it presents inter-annual variations.The area of the Changjiang Subaerial Delta increased by 871 km2,with a net accretion rate of 21.8 km2/a.Based on the change of sediment discharge due to the major projects in the Changjiang River Basin,we divided the changing pattern of the coastline into three stages:the slow accretion stage(1974–1986),the moderate accretion stage(1987–2002),and the rapid accretion stage(2003–2014).Liner regression analysis illustrated that there is a significantly positive correlation between the area changes and sediment discharge in the Chongming Eastern Shoal and Jiuduansha.This suggested that sediment load has a fundamental effect on the evolution of the Changjiang Estuary.Construction of Deep Waterway in the North Passage of the Changjiang River(1998–2010) led to a rapid accretion in the Hengsha Eastern Shoal and Jiuduansha by influencing the hydrodynamics in North Passage.Coastal engineering such as reclamation and harbor construction can also change the morphology of the Changjiang Estuary.We defined a contribution rate of area change to assess the impact of reclamation on the evolution of Changjiang Estuary.It turned out that more than 45.3% of area increment of the Changjiang Estuary was attributed to reclamation.  相似文献   

During the spring tide period in November 2005, continuous observations were conducted over 25 h (approximately two M2 tidal cycles) at 12 stations within the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary; and among them nine stations formed a closed rectangle. The observation items included current, salinity, suspended particulate matter (SPM), and nutrients. By establishing a simplified model, physical and chemical hydrography data were used to calculate the net and tidal-averaged budgets of seawater, salt, SPM, and nutrients in this rectangle. The results showed that the inflows and outflows of conservative seawater and salt, as well as SPM, matched well with deficits less than 10%; whereas the outputs of the five nutrient species were only 52%–86% of the respective inputs, suggesting the study area acted as a nutrient sink. Processes that might contribute to the nutrient budgets in the study area were discussed, including phytoplankton uptakes, exchanges at sediment-water interface, atmospheric depositions, nitrogen fixation, and denitrification.  相似文献   

应用荧光显微直接计数法,研究了2006年夏季长江口及邻近海域浮游细菌、浮游病毒数量的分布特征,探讨了它们与环境因子之间的关系.结果表明:(1)浮游细菌数量为(6.92×105~5.54×106)个/mL,浮游病毒数量为(2.22×106~9.97×107)个/mL.浮游细菌和浮游病毒数量的平面分布特征较一致,均为近海过...  相似文献   

To understand the dispersal pattern of sediment plume and its controlling processes, a field experiment of concentrated slurry dispersal created by a dredger was conducted in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary during the 2002 flood season. An acoustic suspended sediment concentration profiler and an acoustic Doppler profiler were deployed to simultaneously observe suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) and tidal currents at the pre-selected sections shortly following the release of dredged materials. Water sampling, grab sampling and shallow coring were simultaneously carried out to obtain the SSC and grain-size texture. High-resolution SSC profiler observations showed that two distinct sediment plumes (middle level- and near-bed plumes) occurred during the intermediate tidal phase between the spring and neap due to differential settling of the sediment mixture, whereas only a benthic plume occurred due to rapid flocculation settling during the neap tide. Three subsequent stages can be identified during the dispersal of the sediment plume: (1) initially stable stage before the release; (2) unstable stage shortly following the release as a settling cloud; and (3) stable stage after the formation of a primary lutocline or a benthic plume. Enhanced mixing due to oscillatory shear flows could raise only the elevation of the lutocline in the slurry, but could not enhance the transport capacity of suspension. In the presence of high concentration, the fate of bottom sediment plume was controlled by the bottom stress, independent of the interfacial mixing.  相似文献   

长江口滨岸潮滩柱样沉积物与孔隙水中氮的垂直分布特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对长江口滨岸潮滩柱样沉积物及孔隙水中NH4^ -N、NO3^--N和NO2^--N的剖面进行了分析。结果表明,沉积物和孔隙水中NH4^ -N,NO3^--N和NO2^--N剖面分布基本一致,其中NH4^ -N含量最高,这说明有机质的降解反应主要是在缺氧或无氧环境中进行的;沉积物中有机质含量与NH4^ -N含量线性相关;NO3^--N和NO2^--N在剖面中以0~20cm变化剧烈,说明表层和深层有机质的降解程度发生改变。  相似文献   

长江口及其邻近海域水螅水母纲新种和新记录记述   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
长江口及其邻近海域水螅水母纲有49种,隶属于26科,34属,其中有2个新种:瓣高手水母(Bougainvillia lamellata n.sp.)、单管玛拉水母(Malagazzia monocanalis n.sp.)和2种我国新记录:橙黄高手水母(Bougainvillia aurantiaca Bouillon,1980)、玫瑰太阳水母[Solmaris rhodolma(Brandt,1838)],此外,我国记载的束状高手水母[Bougainvillia ramosa(van Beneden,1844)]订正为鳞茎高手水母(B.muscus(Allman,1863)).  相似文献   

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