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We present the first triangulation measurements of electric fields with the electron drift instrument (EDI) on Equator-S. We show results from five high-data-rate passes of the satellite through the near-midnight equatorial region, at geocentric distances of approximately 5–6 RE, during geomagnetically quiet conditions. In a co-rotating frame of reference, the measured electric fields have magnitudes of a few tenths of mV/m, with the E × B drift generally directed sunward but with large variations. Temporal variations of the electric field on time scales of several seconds to minutes are large compared to the average magnitude. Comparisons of the “DC” baseline of the EDI-measured electric fields with the mapped Weimer ionospheric model and the Rowland and Wygant CRRES measurements yield reasonable agreement.  相似文献   

A number of observations showing enhanced ion acoustic echoes observed by means of incoherent scatter radars have been reported in the literature. The Received power is extremely enhanced by up to 1 or 2 orders of magnitude above usual values, and it is mostly contained in one of the two ion acoustic lines. This spectral asymmetry and the intensity of the received signal cannot be resolved by the standard analysis procedure and often causes its failure. As a result, and in spite of a very clear spectral signature, the analysis is unable to fit the plasma parameters inside the regions of ion acoustic turbulence. We present European Incoherent Scatter radar (EISCAT) observations of large ion outflows associated with the simultaneous occurrence of enhanced ion acoustic echoes. The ion fluxes can reach 1014 m–2 s–1 at 800 km altitude. From the very clear spectral signatures of these echoes, a method is presented to extract estimates of the electron temperature and the ion drift within the turbulent regions. It is shown that the electron gas is strongly heated up to 11 000 K. Also electron temperature gradients of about 0.02 K/m exist. Finally, the estimates of the electron temperature and of the ion drift are used to study the possible implications for the plasma transport inside turbulent regions. It is shown that strong electron temperature gradients cause enhancement of the ambipolar electric field and can account for the observed ion outflows.  相似文献   

Data from the VLF Doppler experiment at Faraday, Antarctica (65○ S, 64○ W) are used to study the penetration of the high-latitude convection electric field to lower latitudes during severely disturbed conditions. Alterations of the electric field at L-values within the range 2.0 - 2.7 are studied for two cases at equinox (10 - 12 September 1986 and 1 - 3 May 1986). The recovery of the electric field is found to be approximately an exponential function of time. Values for the equatorial meridional E×B drift velocity, inferred from the data, are used as inputs to a model of the plasmasphere and ionosphere. The model and experimental results are used to investigate the post-storm alteration of ionospheric coupling processes. The magnitude of the effect of ionosphere-plasmasphere coupling fluxes on NmF2 values and the O+-H+ transition height is dependent on the local time of storm commencement, and on the orientation of the electric field. The coupling fluxes appear to have a maximum influence on ionospheric content during the main phase of geomagnetic activity that produces outward motion of plasmaspheric whistler ducts.  相似文献   

We present initial results from the Low-energy magnetospheric ion composition sensor (LOMICS) on the Combined release and radiation effects satellite (CRRES) together with electron, magnetic field, and electric field wave data. LOMICS measures all important magnetospheric ion species (H+, He++, He+, O++, O+) simultaneously in the energy range 60 eV to 45 keV, as well as their pitch-angle distributions, within the time resolution afforded by the spacecraft spin period of 30 s. During the geomagnetic storm of 9 July 1991, over a period of 42 min (0734 UT to 0816 UT) the LOMICS ion mass spectrometer observed an apparent O+ conic flowing away from the southern hemisphere with a bulk velocity that decreased exponentially with time from 300 km/s to 50 km/s, while its temperature also decreased exponentially from 700 to 5 eV. At the onset of the O+ conic, intense low-frequency electromagnetic wave activity and strong pitch-angle scattering were also observed. At the time of the observations the CRRES spacecraft was inbound at L\approx7.5 near dusk, magnetic local time (MLT), and at a magnetic latitude of -23°. Our analysis using several CRRES instruments suggests that the spacecraft was skimming along the plasma sheet boundary layer (PSBL) when the upward-flowing ion conic arrived. The conic appears to have evolved in time, both slowing and cooling, due to wave-particle interactions. We are unable to conclude whether the conic was causally associated with spatial structures of the PSBL or the central plasma sheet.  相似文献   

Based on ion distribution function found from the dynamic equation, the density distribution of He+ ions originating from the polar ionosphere and up-flowing along the magnetic field line is studied during quiet and weakly disturbed geomagnetic conditions. The results show the following. (1) The ionospheric up-flowing He+ ions mainly reside in the inner magnetosphere and their density has a negative radial gradient. (2) The ionospheric up-flowing He+ ion distributions along the magnetic field line are mainly controlled by gravity and the geomagnetic field configuration. Larger the gravity, larger is the ion density. Smaller the intensity of magnetic field, smaller is the ion density. (3) If the geomagnetic activity index Kp is high, more up-flowing He+ ions will enter the magnetosphere and the region where the up-flowing ions are dominant will grow. This is consistent with observations of ionospheric up-flowing ions. Some features of the geopause can be understood based on our theoretical results.  相似文献   

It has been previously demonstrated that a two-ion (O+ and H+) 8-moment time-dependent fluid model was able to reproduce correctly the ionospheric structure in the altitude range probed by the EISCAT-VHF radar. In the present study, the model is extended down to the E-region where molecular ion chemistry (NO+ and O+2, essentially) prevails over transport; EISCAT-UHF observations confirmed previous theoretical predictions that during events of intense E×B induced convection drifts, molecular ions (mainly NO+) predominate over O+ ions up to altitudes of 300 km. In addition to this extension of the model down to the E-region, the ionization and heating resulting from both solar insolation and particle precipitation is now taken into account in a consistent manner through a complete kinetic transport code. The effects of E×B induced convection drifts on the E- and F-region are presented: the balance between O+ and NO+ ions is drastically affected; the electric field acts to deplete the O+ ion concentration. The [NO+]/[O+] transition altitude varies from 190 km to 320 km as the perpendicular electric field increases from 0 to 100 mV m−1. An interesting additional by-product of the model is that it also predicts the presence of a noticeable fraction of N+ ions in the topside ionosphere in good agreement with Retarding Ion Mass Spectrometer measurements onboard Dynamic Explorer.  相似文献   

The occurrence frequencies of dayside ion conics with various conic angles are obtained as a function of altitude from Exos-D (Akebono) observations. We made a model calculation of ion conic evolution to match the observation results. The observed occurrence frequencies of ion conics with 80° to 90° conic angle are used as an input to the model and the occurrence frequencies of ion conics with smaller conic angles are numerically calculated at higher altitudes. The calculated occurrence frequencies are compared with the observed ones of ion conics with smaller conic angles. We take into account conic angle variation with altitude in both adiabatic and non-adiabatic cases, horizontal extension of ion conics due to E × B drift, and evolution to elevated conics and ion beams in the model. In the adiabatic case, the conic angle decreases with increasing altitude much faster than was observed. The occurrence frequency of small-angle conics is much larger than the observed value without E × B drift and evolution to the other UFIs. An agreement is obtained by assuming non-adiabatic variation of conic angles with altitude and an ion E × B drift to gyro velocity ratio of 0.08 to 0.6, depending on geomagnetic activities.  相似文献   

The GLO-1 experiment measured the radiance of ambient atmospheric species and of meteoric metals, including Na, Mg, Mg+ and Ca+, along lines of sight with tangent altitudes between 120–350 km. The results confirm earlier observations of a strong dawn/dusk asymmetry in thermospheric ion density and the concentration of ion density near the geomagnetic equator. The data also show a substantial amount of neutral Na in the thermosphere, with a dawn/dusk asymmetry similar to the ions. We observe the presence of Ca+ and Mg+ in the relative abundance comparable to the abundance ratio in meteoric material and in the sun. We are also able to simultaneously observe Mg and Mg+ in a few cases, over a range of altitudes. We have developed a model in an attempt to better understand these features. The one–dimensional model realistically and comprehensively incorporates the deposition of cosmic dust, transport by the equatorial electric field and diffusion, and ion and neutral chemistry specific to the three metal species studied. The model is driven by a single source function for dust influx, so that it can be used to predict the relative amounts of one metal species to another. These features of the model allow for diurnal variations and variations in latitude, reproducing the observations reasonably well on average.  相似文献   

The results from the numerical calculations of the global distribution of topside ionospheric parameters such as H+ ions and ion and electron temperatures up to 1500 km height are presented for equinoctial conditions at solar minimum. Calculations are carried out using the Global Self-consistent Model of Thermosphere, Ionosphere and Protonosphere (GSM TIP) developed in WD IZMIRAN, and using a new calculation block for electric fields due to dynamo and of magnetospheric origin. A comparison of two sets of calculations of magnetospheric convection electric field for a given potential difference is carried out, one through polar caps and other through field aligned currents of first zone. It is shown that the distribution of the electric potential obtained through field aligned currents of first zone is more self-consistent than that through polar caps. The light ion trough in H+ ions is deeper and occupies larger region for the potential difference through polar cap. For a given potential difference through field aligned current, at 1500 km, the maximum ion temperature is 150 K higher, minimum ion temperature is 200 K lower and maximum electron temperature is 100 K higher than those obtained for the same potential difference through polar caps. It is concluded that for modeling the electric field of magnetospheric origin, it is necessary to use the potential difference through field aligned current of first zone instead of through polar caps.  相似文献   


In this paper a method for solving the equation for the mean magnetic energy <BB> of a solar type dynamo with an axisymmetric convection zone geometry is developed and the main features of the method are described. This method is referred to as the finite magnetic energy method since it is based on the idea that the real magnetic field B of the dynamo remains finite only if <BB> remains finite. Ensemble averaging is used, which implies that fields of all spatial scales are included, small-scale as well as large-scale fields. The method yields an energy balance for the mean energy density ε ≡ B 2/8π of the dynamo, from which the relative energy production rates by the different dynamo processes can be inferred. An estimate for the r.m.s. field strength at the surface and at the base of the convection zone can be found by comparing the magnetic energy density and the outgoing flux at the surface with the observed values. We neglect resistive effects and present arguments indicating that this is a fair assumption for the solar convection zone. The model considerations and examples presented indicate that (1) the energy loss at the solar surface is almost instantaneous; (2) the convection in the convection zone takes place in the form of giant cells; (3) the r.m.s. field strength at the base of the solar convection zone is no more than a few hundred gauss; (4) the turbulent diffusion coefficient within the bulk of the convection zone is about 1014cm2s?1, which is an order of magnitude larger than usually adopted in solar mean field models.  相似文献   

We present combined observations made near midnight by the EISCAT radar, all-sky cameras and the combined released and radiation efects satellite (CRRES) shortly before and during a substorm. In particular, we study a discrete, equatorward-drifting auroral arc, seen several degrees poleward of the onset region. The arc passes through the field-aligned beam of the EISCAT radar and is seen to be associated with a considerable upflow of ionospheric plasma. During the substorm, the CRRES satellite observed two major injections, 17 min apart, the second of which was dominated by O+ ions. We show that the observed are was in a suitable location in both latitude and MLT to have fed O+ ions into the second injection and that the upward flux of ions associated with it was sufficient to explain the observed injection. We interpret these data as showing that arcs in the nightside plasma-sheet boundary layer could be the source of O+ ions energised by a dipolarisation of the mid- and near-Earth tail, as opposed to ions ejected from the dayside ionosphere in the cleft ion fountain.  相似文献   

地球磁层中的电场是研究磁层物理的重要参数,目前常用的对流电场有均匀晨昏电场和投影电场.电离层电场可以看做磁层电场沿磁力线在电离层的投影,本文选取的电离层电场模型为Weimer(2001模式)电场.利用T96磁场模式,沿磁力线将电离层电场投影到磁层空间,得到一个新的磁层电场模式,并讨论了磁暴、行星际磁场(IMF)、太阳风参数和亚暴等对磁层电场的影响.利用该模型计算的电场结果与卫星探测结果相符.  相似文献   

We have employed 10 digital records and computed the spectral magnitude and the seismic radiated energy for 18 large earthquakes (M s≥6) occurred in Eur-asian belt during 1986–1989. The nine digital stations (CD-SN) distribute all over China and one in Germany. The spectral magnitudes of various period have different stability among stations. The stability is better for maximum spectral magnitudemi and seismic radiated energyE, their differences among stations are smaller, especially for the stations where the ray path main penetrates the low mantle. But the stability of corner period is usually not good. The relation between seismic radiated energy and seismic moment magnitudeM w is lg (E)=1.5Mw+c, wherec is a constant. The maximum spectral magnitudemi=M w+0.1, it is consistant with theoretical prediction. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 418–426, 1993. This work supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn, F. R. Germany. The support is grateful acknowledge.  相似文献   

Recent in situ observations have revealed novel features in the polar wind. Measurements between 5000 and 9000 km altitude by the Akebono satellite indicate that both H+ and O+ ions can have remarkably higher outflow velocities in the sunlit region than on the nightside. Electrons also display an asymmetric behavior: the dayside difference in energy spread, greater for upward-moving than downward-moving electrons, is absent on the nightside. Here, we discuss the further development of a theory by Tam et al. that can explain most of these observed peculiar properties by properly taking into account the global, kinetic, collisional effects of the sunlit photoelectrons, on the background polar wind and the electric field. Quantitative comparisons of the calculated results with actual data will be described. In addition, transition from the daytime photoelectron-driven polar wind to the night-time polar wind will be discussed.  相似文献   

Pulsating of the generalized ion and neutral polar winds   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A three-dimensional, time-dependent model of the ion and neutral polar winds was used to study their dynamic evolution during the May 4, 1998 magnetic storm. The simulation tracked the dynamics of five species (O+, H+, Hs, Os, and electrons) and covered a 9-h period. During the storm, Dst decreased to −210 nT, Ap reached 300, and Kp was elevated. The IMF Bz component was southward at the start of the storm and for several hours thereafter and then turned northward. However, the magnetospheric energy input to the ionosphere exhibited a 50-min oscillation, with the plasma convection and particle precipitation patterns expanding and contracting in a periodic manner. As a consequence, the ion and neutral polar winds pulsated with an approximate 50-min period. The H+ and O+ ions displayed cyclic upflows and downflows in the topside ionosphere as well as a highly structured spatial distribution that varied with time. The vertical flux of the neutral Hs atoms was upward at the top of the ionosphere, but the magnitude varied in a cyclic manner in response to the oscillating stormtime energy input. The vertical flux of neutral Os atoms was downward at the top of the ionosphere and varied significantly with the stormtime energy input. For H+, O+, and Hs, the maximum total (integrated) vertical flux during the storm was upward at the top of the ionosphere, with values of 8–9×1025 particles/s for H+, 2–4×1026 particles/s for O+, and 2–3×1027 particles/s for Hs. The corresponding total vertical Os flux was predominately downward, with only localized areas with positive fluxes.  相似文献   

This work is devoted to a numerical simulation of the equatorial ionosphere, performed using the GSM TIP model completed with a new block for calculating the electric field. It has been indicated that the usage of the wind system calculated according to the MSIS-90 model makes it possible to reproduce the electromagnetic drift velocities at the equator, the effect of the F2-layer stratification, and the appearance of the F3 layer in the equatorial ionosphere. The calculations performed using the modified GSM TIP model made it possible to detect a maximum in the electron density vertical profile at an altitude of ∼1000 km, formed by H+ ions, which we called the G layer. If this layer actually exists, it can be observed during sounding the low-latitude ionosphere from satellites during dark time of day.  相似文献   


In this paper, starting from the spectral DIA equations obtained by Veltri et al. (1982), describing the spectral dynamical evolution of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence in the presence of a background magnetic field B 0, we have derived an approximate form of these equations (shell model) more appropriate for numerical integration at high Reynolds numbers.

We have studied the decay of an initially isotropic state, with an initial imbalance between the energies for the two signs of the cross-helicity. Reynolds numbers up to 105 have been considered.

Numerical results show that the nonlinear energy cascade behaves anisotropically in the k-space, i.e. in the spectra there is a prevalence of the wavevectors perpendicular to B 0 with respect to the parallel wavevectors. This anisotropic effect, which is due to the presence of the background magnetic field, can be understood in terms of the so-called ‘‘Alfvén effect''.

A different source of anisotropy, due to the difference of the energy transfer for the two polarizations perpendicular to k, is recovered, but its effect is found to be mainly concentrated in the injection range.

Only little differences have been found, in the inertial range, in the spectral indices from the Kraichnan 3/2 value, which is valid for an isotropic spectrum. A form for the anisotropic spectrum can be recovered phenomenologically from our results. Values of the spectral indices quite different from the Kraichnan 3 2 value are obtained only when we consider stationary states with different forcing terms for the two modes of Alfvén wave propagation.

The comparison of our results with the observations of the v and B fluctuations in the interplanatery space shows that the anisotropy found in interplanetary fluctuations might be attributed only partially to the result of a nonlinear energy cascade.  相似文献   

This work follows the paper titled “Spatial transport and spectral transfer of solar wind turbulence composed of Alfvén waves and convective structures I: The theoretical model”, and deals with the detailed physics and numerical solution of a two-component solar wind model, consisting of small-scale Alfvén waves and convected structures. In particular, we present numerical results which qualitatively reflect many of the observed features of the radial and spectral evolution of the turbulent energies, the residual energy, the cross-helicity and Alfvén-ratio in high-speed solar wind streams. These features are the following: the formation of a characteristic “inclined eye”, which evolves between the energy spectra displayed over the frequency axis and tends to close in the radial development of the spectra, a steepening of all spectra towards Kolmogorov-like f-5/3 spectra, the development of the normalized cross-helicity towards a constant not much less than one and the formation of a “trough” form of the Alfvén ratio with a z-shaped left boundary, By weighting special terms in the equations differently, we can also cast light on the physical role of parametric conversion model terms, wave-structure scattering model terms, nonlinear terms, spherical expansion terms and their effects on the radial evolution of turbulent energies in high-speed solar wind streams.  相似文献   

This study compares the measurements of electron density and temperature and the integral airglow intensity at 630 nm in the SAR arc region and slightly south of this (obtained by the Isis 2 spacecraft during the 18 December 1971 magnetic storm), with the model results obtained using the time dependent one-dimensional mathematical model of the Earth’s ionosphere and plasmasphere. The explicit expression in the third Enskog approximation for the electron thermal conductivity coefficient in the multicomponent mixture of ionized gases and a simplified calculation method for this coefficient presents an opportunity to calculate more exactly the electron temperature and density and 630 nm emission within SAR arc region are used in the model. Collisions between N2 and hot thermal electrons in the SAR arc region produce vibrationally excited nitrogen molecules. It appears that the loss rate of O+(4S) due to reactions with the vibrationally excited nitrogen is enough to explain electron density depression by a factor of two at F-region heights and the topside ionosphere density variations within the SAR arc if the erosion of plasma within geomagnetic field tubes, during the main phase of the geomagnetic storm and subsequent filling of geomagnetic tubes during the recovery phase, are considered. To explain the disagreement by a factor 1.5 between the observed and modeled SAR arc electron densities an additional plasma drift velocity \sim-30 m s−1 in the ion continuity equations is needed during the recovery phase. This additional plasma drift velocity is likely caused by the transition from convecting to corotating flux tubes on the equatorward wall of the trough. The electron densities and temperatures and 630 nm integral intensity at the SAR arc and slightly south of this region as measured for the 18 December 1971 magnetic storm were correctly described by the model without perpendicular electric fields. Within this model framework the effect of the perpendicular electric field \sim100 mv m−1 with a duration \sim1 h on the SAR arc electron density profiles was found to be large. However, this effect is small if \sim1-2 h have passed after the electric field was set equal to zero.  相似文献   

Using EISCAT data, we have studied the behavior of the E region electron temperature and of the lower F region ion temperature during a period that was particularly active geomagnetically. We have found that the E region electron temperatures responded quite predictably to the effective electric field. For this reason, the E region electron temperature correlated well with the lower F region ion temperature. However, there were several instances during the period under study when the magnitude of the E region electron temperature response was much larger than expected from the ion temperature observations at higher altitudes. We discovered that these instances were related to very strong neutral winds in the 110–175 km altitude region. In one instance that was scrutinized in detail using E region ion drift measurement in conjunction with the temperature observations, we uncovered that, as suspected, the wind was moving in a direction closely matching that of the ions, strongly suggesting that ion drag was at work. In this particular instance the wind reached a magnitude of the order of 350 m/s at 115 km and of at least 750 m/s at 160 km altitude. Curiously enough, there was no indication of strong upper F region neutral winds at the time; this might have been because the event was uncovered around noon, at a time when, in the F region, the E × B drift was strongly westward but the pressure gradients strongly northward in the F region. Our study indicates that both the lower F region ion temperatures and the E region electron temperatures can be used to extract useful geophysical parameters such as the neutral density (through a determination of ion-neutral collision frequencies) and Joule heating rates (through the direct connection that we have confirmed exists between temperatures and the effective electric field).  相似文献   

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