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The inland and offshore propagation speeds of a sea breeze circulation cell are simulated using a three-dimensional hydrostatic model within a terrain-following coordinate system. The model includes a third-order semi-Lagrangian advection scheme, which compares well in a one-dimensional stand-alone test with the more complex Bott and Smolarkiewicz advection schemes. Two turbulence schemes are available: a local scheme by Louis (1979) and a modified non-local scheme based on Zhang and Anthes (1982). Both compare well with higher-order closure schemes using the Wangara data set for Day 33–34 (Clark et al., 1971).Two-dimensional cross-sections derived from airborne sea breeze measurements (Finkele et al. 1995) constitute the basis for comparison with two-dimensional numerical model results. The offshore sea breeze propagation speed is defined as the speed at which the seaward extent of the sea breeze grows offshore. On a study day, the offshore sea breeze propagation speed, from both measurements and model, is -3.4 m s-1. The measured inland propagation speed of the sea breeze decreased somewhat during the day. The model results show a fairly uniform inland propagation speed of 1.6 m s-1 which corresponds to the average measured value. The offshore sea breeze propagation speed is about twice the inland propagation speed for this particular case study, from both the model and measurements.The influence of the offshore geostrophic wind on the sea breeze evolution, offshore extent and inland penetration are investigated. For moderate offshore geostrophic winds (-5.0 m s-1), the offshore and inland propagation speeds are non-uniform. The offshore extent in moderate geostrophic wind conditions is similar to the offshore extent in light wind conditions (-2.5 m s-1). The inland extent is greater in light offshore geostrophic winds than in moderate ones. This suggests that the offshore extent of the sea breeze is less sensitive to the offshore geostrophic wind than its inland extent. However, these results hold only if it is possible to define an inland propagation speed. For stronger offshore geostrophic winds (-7.5 m s-1), the sea breeze is completely offshore and the inland propagation speed is ill-defined.  相似文献   

The relationship between satellite-derived low-level cloud motion, surface wind and geostrophic wind vectors is examined using GATE data. In the trades, surface wind speeds can be derived from cloud motion vectors by the linear relation: V = 0.62 V s + 1.9 m s–1 with a mean scatter of ±1.3 m s–1. The correlation coefficient between surface and satellite wind speed is 0.25. Considering baroclinicity, i.e., the influence of the thermal wind, the correlation coefficient does not increase, because of the uncertainty of the thermal wind vectors. The ratios of surface to geostrophic wind speed and surface to satellite wind speed are 0.7 and 0.8, respectively, with a statistical uncertainty of ±0.3. Calculations of the ratio of surface to geostrophic wind speed on the basis of the resistance law yield V/V g = 0.8 ± 0.2, in agreement with experimental results. The mean angle difference between the surface and the satellite wind vectors amounts to - 18 °, taking into account baroclinicity. This value is in good agreement with the mean ageostrophic angle - 25 °.  相似文献   

Aerodynamic roughness of the sea surface at high winds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The role of the surface roughness in the formation of the aerodynamic friction of the water surface at high wind speeds is investigated. The study is based on a wind-over-waves coupling theory. In this theory waves provide the surface friction velocity through the form drag, while the energy input from the wind to waves depends on the friction velocity and the wind speed. The wind-over-waves coupling model is extended to high wind speeds taking into account the effect of sheltering of the short wind waves by the air-flow separation from breaking crests of longer waves. It is suggested that the momentum and energy flux from the wind to short waves locally vanishes if they are trapped into the separation bubble of breaking longer waves. At short fetches, typical for laboratory conditions, and strong winds the steep dominant wind waves break frequently and provide the major part of the total form drag through the air-flow separation from breaking crests, and the effect of short waves on the sea drag is suppressed. In this case the dependence of the drag coefficient on the wind speed is much weaker than would be expected from the standard parameterization of the roughness parameter through the Charnock relation. At long fetches, typical for the field, waves in the spectral peak break rarely and their contribution to the air-flow separation is weak. In this case the surface form drag is determined predominantly by the air-flow separation from breaking of the equilibrium range waves. As found at high wind speeds up to 60 m s−1 the modelled aerodynamic roughness is consistent with the Charnock relation, i.e. there is no saturation of the sea drag. Unlike the aerodynamic roughness, the geometrical surface roughness (height of short waves) could be saturated or even suppressed when the wind speed exceeds 30 m s−1.  相似文献   

For the first time, the exchange coefficient of heat CH has been estimated from eddy correlation of velocity and virtual temperature fluctuations using sonic anemometer measurements made at low wind speeds over the monsoon land atJodhpur (26°18' N, 73°04' E), a semi arid station. It shows strong dependence on wind speed, increasing rapidly with decreasing wind speed, and scales according to a power law CH = 0.025U10 -0.7 (where U10 is the mean wind speed at 10-m height). A similar but more rapid increase in the drag coefficient CDhas already been reported in an earlier study. Low winds (<4 m s-1) are associated with both near neutral and strong unstable situations. It is noted that CH increases with increasing instability. The present observations best describe a low wind convective regime as revealed in the scaling behaviour of drag, sensible heat flux and the non-dimensional temperature gradient. Neutral drag and heat cofficients,corrected using Monin–Obukhov (M–O) theory, show a more uniform behaviour at low wind speeds in convective conditions, when compared with the observed coefficients discussed in a coming paper.At low wind convective conditions, M-O theory is unable to capture the observed linear dependence of drag on wind speed, unlike during forced convections. The non-dimensional shear inferred from the present data shows noticeable deviations from Businger's formulation, a forced convection similarity. Heat flux is insensitive to drag associated with weak winds superposed on true free convection. With heat flux as the primary variable, definition of new velocity scales leads to a new drag parameterization scheme at low wind speeds during convective conditionsdiscussed in a coming paper.  相似文献   

Analysis of profiles of meteorological measurements from a 160 m high mast at the National Test Site for wind turbines at Høvsøre (Denmark) and at a 250 m high TV tower at Hamburg (Germany) shows that the wind profile based on surface-layer theory and Monin-Obukhov scaling is valid up to a height of 50–80 m. At higher levels deviations from the measurements progressively occur. For applied use an extension to the wind profile in the surface layer is formulated for the entire boundary layer, with emphasis on the lowest 200–300 m and considering only wind speeds above 3 m s?1 at 10 m height. The friction velocity is taken to decrease linearly through the boundary layer. The wind profile length scale is composed of three component length scales. In the surface layer the first length scale is taken to increase linearly with height with a stability correction following Monin-Obukhov similarity. Above the surface layer the second length scale (L MBL ) becomes independent of height but not of stability, and at the top of the boundary layer the third length scale is assumed to be negligible. A simple model for the combined length scale that controls the wind profile and its stability dependence is formulated by inverse summation. Based on these assumptions the wind profile for the entire boundary layer is derived. A parameterization of L MBL is formulated using the geostrophic drag law, which relates friction velocity and geostrophic wind. The empirical parameterization of the resistance law functions A and B in the geostrophic drag law is uncertain, making it impractical. Therefore an expression for the length scale, L MBL , for applied use is suggested, based on measurements from the two sites.  相似文献   

The forcing mechanisms for Antarctic coastal polynyas and the thermodynamic effects of existing polynyas are studied by means of an air-sea-ice interaction experiment in the Weddell Sea in October and November 1986.Coastal polynyas develop in close relationship to the ice motion and form most rapidly with offshore ice motion. Narrow polynyas occur frequently on the lee side of headlands and with strong curvature of the coastline. From the momentum balance of drifting sea ice, a forcing diagram is constructed, which relates ice motion to the surface-layer wind vector v z and to the geostrophic ocean current vector c g . In agreement with the data, wind forcing dominates when the wind speed at a height of 3 m exceeds the geostrophic current velocity by a factor of at least 33. This condition within the ocean regime of the Antarctic coastal current usually is fulfilled for wind speeds above 5 m/s at a height of 3 m.Based on a nonlinear parameter estimation technique, optimum parameters for free ice drift are calculated. Including a drift dependent geostrophic current in the ice/water drag yields a maximum of explained variance (91%) of ice velocity.The turbulent heat exchange between sea ice and polynya surfaces is derived from surface-layer wind and temperature data, from temperature changes of the air mass along its trajectory and from an application of the resistance laws for the atmospheric PBL. The turbulent heat flux averaged over all randomly distributed observations in coastal polynyas is 143 W/m2. This value is significantly different over pack ice and shelf ice surfaces, where downward fluxes prevail. The large variances of turbulent fluxes can be explained by variable wind speeds and air temperatures. The heat fluxes are also affected by cloud feedback processes and vary in time due to the formation of new ice at the polynya surface.Maximum turbulent fluxes of more than 400 W/m2 result from strong winds and low air temperatures. The heat exchange is similarly intense in a narrow zone close to the ice front, when under weak wind conditions, a local circulation develops and cold air associated with strong surface inversions over the shelf ice is heated above the open water.  相似文献   

Large-eddy simulations (LES) are performed to investigate the entrainment andthe structure of the inversion layer of the convective boundary layer (CBL) withvarying wind shears. Three CBLs are generated with the constant surface kinematicheat flux of 0.05 K m s-1 and varying geostrophic wind speeds from 5 to 15m s-1. Heat flux profiles show that the maximum entrainment heat flux as afraction of the surface heat flux increases from 0.13 to 0.30 in magnitude withincreasing wind shear. The thickness of the entrainment layer, relative to the depthof the well-mixed layer, increases substantially from 0.36 to 0.73 with increasingwind shear. The identification of vortices and extensive flow visualizations nearthe entrainment layer show that concentrated vortices perpendicular to the meanboundary-layer wind direction are identified in the capping inversion layer for thecase of strong wind shear. These vortices are found to develop along the mean winddirections over strong updrafts, which are generated by convective rolls and to appearas large-scale wavy motions similar to billows generated by the Kelvin–Helmholtzinstability. Quadrant analysis of the heat flux shows that in the case of strong windshear, large fluctuations of temperature and vertical velocity generated by largeamplitude wavy motions result in greater heat flux at each quadrant than that inthe weak wind shear case.  相似文献   

A systematic comparison of wind profiles and momentum exchange at a trade wind site outside Oahu, Hawaii and corresponding data from the Baltic Sea is presented. The trade wind data are to a very high degree swell dominated, whereas the Baltic Sea data include a more varied assortment of wave conditions, ranging from a pure growing sea to swell. In the trade wind region swell waves travel predominantly in the wind direction, while in the Baltic, significant cross-wind swells are also present. Showing the drag coefficient as a function of the 10-m wind speed demonstrates striking differences for unstable conditions with swell for the wind-speed range 2 m s?1 < U 10 < 7 m s?1, where the trade-wind site drag values are significantly larger than the corresponding Baltic Sea values. In striking contrast to this disagreement, other features studied are surprisingly similar between the two sites. Thus, exactly as found previously in Baltic Sea studies during unstable conditions and swell, the wind profile in light winds (3 m s?1) shows a wind maximum at around 7–8 m above the water, with close to constant wind speed above. Also, for slightly higher wind speeds (4 m s?1 < U 10 < 7 m s?1), the similarity between wind profiles is striking, with a strong wind-speed increase below a height of about 7–8 m followed by a layer of virtually constant wind speed above. A consequence of these wind-profile features is that Monin–Obukhov similarity is no longer valid. At the trade-wind site this was observed to be the case even for wind speeds as high as 10 m s?1. The turbulence kinetic energy budget was evaluated for four cases of 8–16 30- min periods at the trade-wind site, giving results that agree very well with corresponding figures from the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

A numerical investigation of wind speed effects on lake-effect storms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Observations of lake-effect storms that occur over the Great Lakes region during late autumn and winter indicate a high sensitivity to ambient wind speed and direction. In this paper, a two-dimensional version of the Penn State University/National Center for Atmospheric Research (PSU/NCAR) model is used to investigate the wind speed effects on lake-effect snowstorms that occur over the Great Lakes region.Theoretical initial conditions for stability, relative humidity, wind velocity, and lake/land temperature distribution are specified. Nine different experiments are performed using wind speeds ofU=0, 2, 4,..., 16 m s–1. The perturbation wind, temperature, and moisture fields for each experiment after 36 h of simulation are compared.It is determined that moderate (4–6 m s–1) wind speeds result in maximum precipitation (snowfall) on the lee shore of the model lake. Weak wind speeds (0U<4 m s–1) yield significantly higher snowfall amounts over the lake along with a spatially concentrated and intense response. Strong wind speeds (6<U16 m s–1), yield very little, if any, significant snowfall, although significant increases in cloudiness, temperature, and perturbation wind speed occur hundreds of kilometers downwind from the lake.  相似文献   

For 390 ten-minute samples of turbulent flux, made with a trivane above a lake, the vertical alignment is determined within 0.1 ° through azimuth-dependent averaging. One degree of instrumental misalignment is found to produce an average tilt error of 9 ± 4% for momentum flux, and 4 ± 2% for heat flux. The tilt error in the vertical momentum flux depends mainly ons u/u*, and cannot be much diminished with impunity by high-pass pre-filtering of the turbulence signals. The effects of rain on trivane measurements of vertical velocity are shown to be negligible at high wind speeds, and adaptable to correction in any case.The normalized vertical velocity variance,s w/u*, appears to be proportional to the square root ofz/L for unstable stratification. For a wind speed range of 2 to 15 m s–1, the eddy correlation stresses measured at 4- and 8-m heights can be reasonably well estimated by using a constant drag coefficientC d=1.3 X 10-3, while cup anemometer profile measurements give an overestimate of eddy stress at high wind speeds. A good stress estimate is also obtained from the elevation variance; it is suggested that trivane measurement of this variance might be made from a mobile platform, e.g., a moderately stabilized spar buoy.  相似文献   

The hydrodynamic equations governing the water-level response of a lake to wind stress are inverted to determine wind stress from water-level fluctuations. In order to obtain a unique solution, the wind-stress field is represented in terms of a finite number of spatially dependent basis functions with time-dependent coefficients. The discretized version of the inverse equation is solved by a least-squares procedure to obtain the coefficients, and thereby the stress. The method is tested for several ideal cases with Lake Erie topography. Real water-level data is then used to determine hourly values of vector wind stress over Lake Erie for the period 5 May–31 October, 1979. Results are compared with measurements of wind speed and direction from buoys deployed in the lake. Calculated stress direction agrees with observed wind direction for wind speeds > 7.5 m s−1. Under neutral conditions, calculated drag coefficients increase with the wind speed from 1.53 × 10−3 for 7.5−10 m s−1 winds to 2.04 × 10−3 for 15−17.5 m s−1 winds. Drag coefficients are lower for stable conditions and higher for unstable conditions.  相似文献   

The two-layer system of an atmosphere over water bodies is reduced to a single-layer problem. Values of the interfacial quantities, such as the friction velocity, the surface velocity, the angles, and , between the surface shear stress and the geostrophic wind velocity and the surface wind velocity, respectively, and the surface roughness, all of which depend upon external parameters, such as the geostrophic wind and stratifications, are obtained. The geostrophic drag coefficient C d, the geostrophic wind coefficient C f, and the angles , and , of the turbulent flow at the sea-air interface are functions of a dimensionless number, mfG/kg, with S 1 and S 2 as two free stratification parameters. The surface roughness is uniquely determined from the geostrophic wind rather than from the wind profile in the boundary layer.Formerly Visiting Research Associate, Applied Physics Branch, Earth Observations Division, NASA-Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Texas.  相似文献   

The drag coefficient C d (10 m) at the center of shallow Lake Flevo (20-km diam) is evaluated for wind speeds u between 5 and 15 m s?1 independently by three methods. Trivane measurements of eddy-correlation fluxes agree with eddy flux data available for moderate wind speeds from other sites, and can together be represented by C d(10 m) = 0.0007 μ0.3. Additional evaluations of water-surface slope give C d(10 m) ≈ 0.0024, indicating that the stress at the water-surface level may not be entirely accounted for by eddy-correlation measurements well above the waves. Neither the eddy-correlation stress, nor the water-surface stress appears to be accurately estimable from profile measurements of wind, temperature and humidity analyzed without regard to sea state, if u > 10 m s?1.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the boundary layer over complex terrain (Lannemezan - lat.: 43.7° N and, long.: 0.7 ° E) are analyzed for various scales, using measurements obtained during the COCAGNE Experiment. In this first part, the dynamic characteristics of the flow are studied with respect to atmospheric stability and the relief at small (~20 km) and medium scales (~100 km). These relief scales depend on the topographical profile of the Lannemezan Plateau along the dominant axis of the wind (E-W) and the Pyrénées Mountains located at the south of the experimental site. The terrain heterogeneities have a standard deviation of ~48 m and a wavelength of ~2 km.The averaged vertical profiles of wind speed and direction over the heterogeneous terrain are analyzed. The decrease of wind speed within the boundary layer is greater than over flat terrain (WANGARA Experiment). However, a comparison between ETTEX (complex terrain) and COCAGNE vertical wind speed profiles shows good agreement during unstable conditions. In contrast, during neutral conditions a more rapid increase with normalized height is found with COCAGNE than with ETTEX and WANGARA data. The vertical profiles of wind direction reveal an influence of the Pyrénées Mountains on the wind flow. The wind rotation in the BL is determined by the geostrophic wind direction-Pyrénées axis angle (negative deviation) as the geostrophic wind is connected with the Mountain axis.When the geostrophic wind does not interact with the Pyrénées axis, the mean and turbulent wind flow characteristics (drag coefficient C D, friction velocity u *) depend on the topography of the plateau. When the wind speed is strong (>6 m s -1), an internal boundary layer is generated from the leading edge of the Plateau.  相似文献   

The parameterization of friction velocity, roughness length, and the drag coefficient over coastal zones and open water surfaces enables us to better understand the physical processes of air-water interaction. In context of measurements from the Humidity Exchange over the Sea Main Experiment (HEXMAX), we recently proposed wave-parameter dependent approaches to sea surface friction velocity and the aerodynamic roughness by using the dimensional analysis method. To extend the application of these approaches to a range of natural surface conditions, the present study is to assess this approach by using both coastal shallow (RASEX) and open water surface measurements (Lake Ontario and Grand Banks ERS-1 SAR) where wind speeds were greater than 6.44 m s-1. Friction velocities, the surface aerodynamic roughness, and the neutral drag coefficient estimated by these approaches under moderate wind conditions were compared with the measurements mentioned above. Results showed that the coefficients in these approaches for coastal shallow water surface differ from those for open water surfaces, and that the aerodynamic roughness length in terms of wave age or significant wave height should be treated differently for coastal shallow and open water surfaces.  相似文献   

The momentum flux of stratospheric gravity waves generated by Typhoon Ewiniar (2006) is examined using a Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. In the stratosphere, zonal momentum flux with a positive sign by eastward-propagating waves is significant during the northward moving of the typhoon, while both zonal and meridional momentum fluxes with positive signs are significant during the typhoon decaying stage in which the typhoon moves northeastward. The magnitude of the momentum flux is greater during the mature stage of the typhoon than the decaying stage, and the phase speeds of the dominant momentum flux are less than 30 m s?1 with a peak at 10–16 m s?1. Positive momentum flux decreases with height overall in the stratosphere for both zonal and meridional components. The resultant gravity-wave drag forcing plays a role to decelerate the easterly background wind in the stratosphere. This drag forcing is relatively large above z = 40 km and below z = 20 km, and lower stratospheric wave drag is expected to affect the typhoon dynamics by modifying the background wind shear and inducing the secondary circulation in the troposphere.  相似文献   

Although the bulk aerodynamic transfer coefficients for sensible (C H ) and latent (C E ) heat over snow and sea ice surfaces are necessary for accurately modeling the surface energy budget, they have been measured rarely. This paper, therefore, presents a theoretical model that predicts neutral-stability values of C H and C E as functions of the wind speed and a surface roughness parameter. The crux of the model is establishing the interfacial sublayer profiles of the scalars, temperature and water vapor, over aerodynamically smooth and rough surfaces on the basis of a surface-renewal model in which turbulent eddies continually scour the surface, transferring scalar contaminants across the interface by molecular diffusion. Matching these interfacial sublayer profiles with the semi-logarithmic inertial sublayer profiles yields the roughness lengths for temperature and water vapor. When coupled with a model for the drag coefficient over snow and sea ice based on actual measurements, these roughness lengths lead to the transfer coefficients. C E is always a few percent larger than CH. Both decrease monotonically with increasing wind speed for speeds above 1 m s–1, and both increase at all wind speeds as the surface gets rougher. Both, nevertheless, are almost always between 1.0 × 10–3 and 1.5 × 10–3.  相似文献   

测风激光雷达和风廓线雷达作为L波段探空测风的有效补充,均可以提供高时空分辨率的大气风场信息,然而由于工作原理和适用条件存在明显差异,在探测性能上各有优缺点,单一设备的探测数据已不能满足精细化预报的要求。本研究使用2020年1—5月北京南郊观象台的L波段探空资料对同址观测的测风激光雷达和风廓线雷达进行了数据质量评估,结果表明测风激光雷达与探空的一致性较高,U、V分量的相关系数分别为0.97和0.98,均方根误差分别为1.1和0.95 m·s-1,然而在2 km以上数据获取率较低且偏差较大;风廓线雷达与探空相比,U、V分量的相关系数分别为0.94和0.93,均方根误差分别为2.94和2.91 m·s-1,风廓线雷达的探测距离虽然更远,但在0.5 km以下和6 km以上的测量偏差较大。考虑到两种测风雷达在不同探测高度上的性能优缺点,提出分段曲面拟合法对两者的水平风资料进行融合处理,并选取个例对融合效果进行验证,结果表明,融合后的风廓线与融合前相比,风向和风速的一致性均得到明显提升。  相似文献   

Summer weather conditions along the west coast of Africa near 34 ° S, 18 ° E are investigated using doppler acoustic sounder profiles. Case studies were selected from a two-year record to form composite analyses over the diurnal cycle. The SE trade wind exhibited a low level jet at the level of the temperature inversion due to a sharp reversal in the thermal wind vector aloft. Mean wind speeds reached 14 m s–1 just before midnight as the surface and upper inversions strengthened. Seabreezes were categorised by the supporting gradient wind and found to have mean depths of 400 m, speeds of over 6 m s–1 at the 200 m level, and advance/retreat times of 09 hr and 16–20 hr. During seabreezes and weak on-shore gradient flow conditions, the thermal internal boundary layer (TIBL) was monitored with sounder transects in the first 12 km of the coastal zone. The growth height was observed to be 1:20 in the first 5 km and 1:50 farther inland. The sounder climatology, together with surface network and aerial survey results, illustrate the four-dimensional characteristics of trade winds and seabreezes near Cape Town.  相似文献   

A long-term record of surface currents from a high-frequency radar system, along with near-surface hydrographic transects, moored current meter records, and satellite imagery, are analyzed to determine the relative importance of river discharge, wind, and tides in driving the surface flow in the Fraser River plume. The observations show a great deal of oceanographic and instrumental variability. However, averaged quantities yielded robust results. The effect of river flow, which determines buoyancy and inertia near the river mouth, was found by taking a long-term average. The resulting flow field was dominated by a jet with two asymmetric gyres; the anticyclonic gyre to the north had flow speeds consistent with geostrophy. The mean flow speed near the river mouth was 14.3?cm?s–1, while the flow further afield was 5?cm?s–1 or less. Wind stress and surface currents were highly coherent in the subtidal frequency band. Northwesterly winds drive a surface flow to the southeast at speeds of nearly 30?cm?s–1. Southeasterly winds drive a surface flow to the northwest at speeds reaching 20?cm?s–1; however, there is more spatial variability in speed and direction relative to the northwesterly wind case. A harmonic analysis was used to extract the tidally driven flows. Ellipse parameters for the major tidal constituents varied considerably in both alignment and aspect ratio over the radar domain, in direct contrast to a barotropic model which predicted rectilinear flow along the Strait of Georgia. This is a result of water filling and draining the shallow mud flats north of the Fraser's main channel. The M2 velocities at the surface were also weaker than their barotropic counterparts. However, the shallow water constituent MK3 was enhanced at the surface and nearly as strong as the mean flow, implying that non-linear interactions are important to surface dynamics.  相似文献   

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