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Upscaling in seismics is a homogenization of finely layered media in the zero-frequency limit. An upscaling technique for arbitrary anisotropic layers has been developed by Schoenberg and Muir. Applying this technique to a stack of layers of orthorhombic (ORT) symmetry whose vertical symmetry planes are aligned, results in an effective homogeneous layer with orthorhombic symmetry. If the symmetry planes in a horizontal orthorhombic layer are rotated with respect to vertical, the medium is referred to as tilted orthorhombic (TOR) medium, and the stack composed of TOR layers in zero-frequency limit will produce an effective medium of a lower symmetry than orthorhombic. We consider a P-wave that propagates through a stack of thin TOR layers, then it is reflected (preserving the mode) at some interface below the stack, and then propagates back through the same stack. We propose to use a special modified medium for the upscaling in case of this sequential down- and up-propagation: each TOR layer in the stack is replaced by two identical TOR layers whose tilt angles have the opposite algebraic sign. In this modified medium, one-way propagation of a seismic wave (any wave mode) is equivalent to propagation of a pure-mode reflection in the original medium. We apply this idea to study the contribution from an individual layer from the stack and show how the approach can be applied to a stack of TOR layers. To demonstrate the applicability of the model, we use well log data for the upscaling. The model we propose for the upscaling can be used in well-seismic ties to correct the effective parameters obtained from well log data for the presence of tilt, if latter is confirmed by additional measurements (for example, borehole imaging).  相似文献   

正交各向异性介质P波走时分析及Thomsen参数反演   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
对于包含有垂向裂缝的横向各向同性地层或含有多组正交裂缝的各向同性地层,正交各向异性介质模型是最简单的与实际地层相符的方位各向异性模型.本文对单层水平反射界面正交各向异性模型采用射线追踪法计算了全方位角变化的P波走时,时距曲线表现出强方位各向异性.采用小生境遗传算法,对三条成一定角度的测线的走时信息进行速度和各向异性参数反演.模型算例表明,此方法可以得到高精度的裂缝方位角、P波垂直速度和较高精度的Thomsen各向异性参数.  相似文献   

Certain crack-influence parameters of Sayers and Kachanov are shown to be directly related to Thomsen's weak-anisotropy seismic parameters for fractured reservoirs when the crack/fracture density is small enough. These results are then applied to the problem of seismic wave propagation in polar reservoirs, i.e., those anisotropic reservoirs having two axes that are equivalent but distinct from the third axis), especially for horizontal transversely isotropic seismic wave symmetry due to the presence of aligned vertical fractures and resulting in azimuthal seismic wave symmetry at the Earth's surface. The approach presented suggests one method of inverting for fracture density from wave speed data. A significant fraction of the technical effort in the paper is devoted to showing how to predict the angular location of the true peak (or trough) of the quasi-SV-wave for polar media and especially how this peak is related to another angle that is very easy to compute. The axis of symmetry is always treated here as the x 3-axis for either vertical transversely isotropic symmetry (due, for example, to horizontal cracks), or horizontal transversely isotropic symmetry (due to aligned vertical cracks). Then, the meaning of the stiffnesses is derived from the fracture analysis in the same way for vertical transversely isotropic and horizontal transversely isotropic media, but for horizontal transverse isotropy the wave speeds relative to the Earth's surface are shifted by  90o  in the plane perpendicular to the aligned vertical fractures. Skempton's poroelastic coefficient B is used as a general means of quantifying the effects of fluids inside the fractures. Explicit Biot-Gassmann-consistent formulas for Thomsen's parameters are also obtained for either drained or undrained fractures resulting in either vertical transversely isotropic or horizontal transversely isotropic symmetry of the reservoir.  相似文献   

对于转换波地震勘探中的转换点位置这个重要问题,提出转换点位置不仅与纵横波速度比,偏移距深度比以及源检距有关,还与地下介质的各向异性的性质有关,计算了忽略地下介质的各向异性影响对转换点的确定带来的严重误差,从而影响地下地质体的精确成像.通过对层状VTI介质中的转换点近似方程的推导过程,引入该方程不同于传统方程的导出是对层状各向同性介质而言,该方程通过引入各向异性参数,使我们对转换波可以有进一步的认识,拓展了转换波处理中各向异性的应用.该方程对于偏移距深度比小于3.0的情况是比较准确的,这对于大偏移距转换波勘探具有实际意义.  相似文献   

VTI介质P波非双曲时差分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
具有垂直对称轴的横向各向同性介质模型(VTI)是目前各向异性理论研究和多波多分量地震资料叠前成像处理中最常用的一种各向异性模型.VTI介质中反射 P波时距曲线一般不再是双曲线.基于不同的相速度近似公式会得到不同的时距关系式.文中对几种典型的非双曲时距曲线与射线追踪得到的准确时距曲线在不同各向异性强度下进行了对比,结果表明Muir等和Stovas等提出的非双曲时距公式由于过高地考虑了横波垂直速度的影响与精确的时距曲线有很大偏差;Tsvankin等提出的弱各向异性非双曲时距公式在ε-δ<0时误差增大;Alkhalifah等提出的非双曲时距公式在大炮检距任意各向异性强度下都具有较高的精度,适于在实际资料处理中应用.  相似文献   

一个近似的VTI介质声波方程   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
声学近似是提高各向异性介质准纵波数值模拟和偏移处理计算速度的有效方法之一.为了获得VTI(具有垂直对称轴的横向各向同性)介质声波方程,根据VTI介质的精确相速度表达式,用待定系数法简化其中的根号项,得到一个近似相速度公式,由此公式通过反Fourier变换推导出一个时间二阶、空间四阶偏微分方程.定量相速度计算表明,当Thomsen参数ε=δ(即相应介质为椭圆各向异性介质)时,由该方程所确定的相速度是精确的;当ε≠δ时,该方程所确定的相速度随ε和δ差值的增大逐渐增加.该方程所确定的最大相速度百分比相对误差当ε=0.1、δ=0.2时为0.13%,当ε=0.8、δ=0.3时为-1.65%.有限差分数值模拟算例表明该方程是一个纯准纵波方程,其数值模拟波场快照中没有准横波.  相似文献   

Dip‐moveout (DMO) correction is often applied to common‐offset sections of seismic data using a homogeneous isotropic medium assumption, which results in a fast execution. Velocity‐residual DMO is developed to correct for the medium‐treatment limitation of the fast DMO. For reasonable‐sized velocity perturbations, the residual DMO operator is small, and thus is an efficient means of applying a conventional Kirchhoff approach. However, the shape of the residual DMO operator is complicated and may form caustics. We use the Fourier domain for the operator development part of the residual DMO, while performing the convolution with common‐offset data in the space–time domain. Since the application is based on an integral (Kirchhoff) method, this residual DMO preserves all the flexibility features of an integral DMO. An application to synthetic and real data demonstrates effectiveness of the velocity‐residual DMO in data processing and velocity analysis.  相似文献   

傅里叶法是一类重要的单程波偏移方法.同传统的有限差分类方法相比,傅里叶方法不受数值频散和双向分裂误差的影响,但常因精度要求而计算量较大.在各种多项式展开中,切比雪夫展开与单平方根算子的最大偏差是最小的.我们对单平方根算子的切比雪夫展开,得到一种适用于非均匀VTI介质的深度偏移算子,明显降低了计算量且保持了精度.为了进一步提高算子的整体性能,利用模拟退火法对算子中的常系数进行了优化,使三阶算子的最大精确相位角达到60°.Hess模型的偏移结果证实了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

On anelliptic approximations for qP velocities in VTI media   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
A unified approach to approximating phase and group velocities of qP seismic waves in a transversely isotropic medium with vertical axis of symmetry (VTI) is developed. While the exact phase‐velocity expressions involve four independent parameters to characterize the elastic medium, the proposed approximate expressions use only three parameters. This makes them more convenient for use in surface seismic experiments, where the estimation of all four parameters is problematic. The three‐parameter phase‐velocity approximation coincides with the previously published ‘acoustic’ approximation of Alkhalifah. The group‐velocity approximation is new and noticeably more accurate than some of the previously published approximations. An application of the group‐velocity approximation for finite‐difference computation of traveltimes is shown.  相似文献   

波动特征研究对各向异性介质的弹性参数反演,速度反演、NMO,DMO、时间域的偏移以及地震资料的精确解释有着重要意义.本文由Christoffel方程出发推导出二维VTI介质中XOZ对称平面内弹性波相速度与各向异性参数的关系式以及慢度面的计算式并通过理论模型分析得出以下结论:1)ε值决定了P波的水平相速度的大小,反映了P波水平传播的相速度与垂直传播的相速度的差异;δ值决定了P波垂直方向附近相速度的各向异性程度的大小.2)VTI各向异性介质中纵波偏振方向不再与慢度面是平行而是有一定的夹角,且SV波的慢度面不再完全与偏振方向垂直的.3)准SH 波的波慢度面呈椭圆,准P波与准SV波慢度面为不规则椭圆.  相似文献   

In real strata anisotropy and viscosity extensively exists. They degraded waveforms in amplitude, resulting in which reducing of image resolution. To obtain high-precision imaging of deep reservoirs, we extended the separated viscous and anisotropic reverse time migration (RTM) to a stable viscoacoustic anisotropic RTM for vertical transverse isotropic (VTI) media, based on single generalized standard and linear solid (GSLS) media theory.. We used a pseudo-spectral method to develop the numerical simulation. By introducing a regularization operator to eliminate the high-frequency instability problem, we built a stable inverse propagator and achieved viscoacoustic VTI media RTM. High-resolution imaging results were obtained after correcting for the effects of anisotropy and viscosity. Synthetic tests verify the validity and accuracy of algorithm.  相似文献   


准确、快速计算水平层状VTI (vertical transverse isotropic)介质的走时和射线路径是实现VTI介质地震叠前时间偏移和微地震监测速度建模的基础.水平层状VTI介质射线追踪的常用算法包括打靶法和最短路径法.打靶法原理简单、实现容易,但在长偏移距时存在微小初射角度变化导致射线路径巨大扰动的问题;最短路径法原理直观,但需要沿射线群速度方向(群角)计算走时,计算特定群角对应的群速度值需要先搜索对应的相速度角度(相角),显著降低了计算效率.本文综合打靶法和最短路径法的优点,从震源同时出射一系列射线,以这些射线到达界面的交点构成稀疏的网格节点,自适应加密实现检波点周围网格节点间距高于精度要求,采用插值算法获得检波点的走时和动态网格方法获得不位于网格节点上的检波点的射线路径.本文方法严格计算已知相角对应的群角和群速度,未使用弱各向异性群速度近似公式,适用于任意强度各向异性VTI介质qP、qSV和qSH直达波和反射波射线追踪;以相角确定震源出射射线,不用遍历群角和群速度对应关系.同传统最短路径方法的数值实验对比表明本文方法具有高精度和高效性,非常适合于需要多次正演计算的地震叠前时间偏移和微地震实时监测问题.


In this article, under the assumption of weak anisotropy and weak attenuation, we present approximate solutions of anisotropic complex velocities and quality-factors for Kelvin visco-elastic transverse isotropy (KEL-VTI) media, based on the complex physical parameter matrix. Also, combined with the KEL-VTI media model, the propagation characteristics of the qP-, qSV-, and qSH-wave phases and energies are discussed. Further, we build a typical KEL-VTI media model of the Huainan coal mine to model the wave propagation. The numerical simulation results show that the PP- and PSV-wave theoretical wave-fields are close to the wave-fields of three-component P- and converted-waves acquired in the work area. This result proves that the KEL-VTI media model gives a good approximation to this typical coalfield seismic-geologic conditions and is helpful to the study of attenuation compensation of multi-component seismic data.  相似文献   

周嘉欣  杨锴  邵炜栋 《地球物理学报》2021,64(11):4134-4149



The influence of the vertical transverse isotropy (VTI) on amplitude versus angle (AVA) responses is first studied on the linearized formula of the PP-reflection coefficient. Up to medium angles of incidence, as in the isotropic case, only two quantities can be retrieved, the second with less accuracy than the first. These quantities are the P-impedance and the S-impedance multiplied by 1− δ/2, where δ is one of the two anisotropic parameters introduced by Thomsen. To extend these results to the exact formulae, the AVA analysis is then formulated as an inverse problem and a least-squares cost function is defined. A study of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Hessian of the least-squares cost function confirms these results. Though these results are dependent on the amount of data and on the maximum angle of incidence available, they are appropriate for small and medium angles of incidence. Thanks to this inverse formulation, this work can be extended to the case of multicomponent AVA responses. The addition of PS-reflection data further constrains the problem, but the S-impedance and δ are still coupled. However, the addition of SS-reflection data gives an estimation of both P- and S-impedances and δ. The last two parameters, the density and the second anisotropic parameter ɛ, remain difficult to determine, at least with small-to-medium angular apertures.  相似文献   

采用多分量地震数据进行处理,可以得到高质量的转换波成像结果,进而为流体识别和裂缝预测等提供有效支持.本文在前人研究的基础上,通过求解各向异性介质qPSV转换波运动学和动力学射线追踪方程,获得转换波中心射线走时、路径及动力学信息;同时,通过修改动态聚焦型传播算子,构建出各向异性介质动态聚焦束,提出了一种各向异性介质转换波...  相似文献   

基于Born敏感核函数的VTI介质多参数全波形反演   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文基于VTI介质拟声波方程,利用散射积分原理,在Born近似下导出了速度与各向异性参数的敏感核函数,同时结合作者前期研究提出的矩阵分解算法实现了一种新的VTI介质多参数全波形反演方法.矩阵分解算法通过对核函数-向量乘进行具有明确物理含义的向量-标量乘分解累加运算实现目标函数一阶方向或二阶方向的直接求取,从而避免了庞大核函数矩阵与Hessian矩阵的存储,该方法同时可以大大降低常规全波形反演在计算二阶方向时的庞大计算量.为了克服不同参数对波场影响程度的不同,本文利用作者前期在VTI介质射线走时层析成像研究中提出的分步反演策略实现了多参数联合全波形反演.理论模型实验表明,本文提出的基于Born敏感核函数的各向异性矩阵分解全波形反演方法可以获得较好的多参数反演结果.  相似文献   

单斜介质中方位NMO速度Thomsen参数反演方法研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
采用启发式共轭梯度法,即随机爬山法 + 共轭梯度法,利用单斜介质中P波方位NMO速度椭圆轴向偏转角度接近于零这一特性,简化P波方位NMO速度公式,并利用多方位P波NMO速度,反演出某一初始CMP观测线与自然坐标系之间的夹角,作为进一步进行Thomsen各向异性参数反演的基础. 根据各向异性介质中方位NMO速度与Thomsen参数之间的关系,建立了利用三种波的多方位NMO速度及垂直传播速度反演单层单斜各向异性介质Thomsen各向异性参数的目标函数. 对计算的理论值添加具有一定标准差的正态分布的随机噪声,用以模拟实际观测存在的误差,通过对加噪后的数据进行多次反演的误差分析,表明了所建立的目标函数及选用的反演方法是有效可行的,而且相对稳定.  相似文献   

利用探地雷达频谱反演层状介质几何与电性参数   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
通过对地下层状介质探地雷达(GPR)回波广义反射系数的奇偶分解,建立了联系GPR反射系数序列频谱与介质几何参数、电性参数的代价函数,这些介质参数包括地下反射面的深度、层厚度以及各层的介电常数和电导率,从而提出了一种由GPR频谱同时估算地下介质多参数的全局优化反演方法.为了对多参数全局优化算法给出一个合理的参数初值,研究了不同参数对反射系数序列频谱属性的影响规律,提出了利用不同频谱属性分别估算不同参数的分步反演方法.以分步反演方法得到的结果作为多参数全局优化反演的初值,可以极大地提高反演计算的效率和反演结果的可靠性.用理论模型合成数据和GPR公路检测数据对本文方法进行了测试,结果表明本文方法效果良好,具有较高的分辨率,能较好的给出厚度小于调谐厚度的薄层的深度、厚度和介电常数等参数.  相似文献   

VTI介质起伏地表地震波场模拟   总被引:4,自引:9,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
起伏地表下地震波场模拟有助于解释主动源和被动源地震探测中穿过山脉和盆地的测线所获得的资料.然而传统的有限差分法处理起伏的自由边界比较困难,为了克服这一困难,我们将笛卡尔坐标系的各向异性介质弹性波方程和自由边界条件变换到曲线坐标系中,采用一种稳定的、显式的二阶精度有限差分方法离散(曲线坐标系)VTI介质中的弹性波方程;对地表自由边界条件处理时采用了一种修饰的差分算子来计算弹性波方程中的混合导数项在自由边界上的法向导数.兰姆问题的解析解与本文的数值解对比结果表明该方法可以有效地处理自由地表边界条件.模拟实例表明:起伏地表对地震波场有重要影响,各向异性导致弹性波波前形状复杂且具有明显的方向性.  相似文献   

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