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地震前兆的象限性特征及其理论分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
在总结华北北部地区唐山、大同地震前地电阻率和形变前兆的象限性特征的基础上,分析并发现张北地震前的形变和地电阻率前兆也具有一定的象限性特征.说明前兆象限性的存在并非偶然,是与孕震体的存在有关.通过岩石实验与理论分析认为,在孕震过程中,前兆异常确实存在象限性特征.象限性的空间分布范围并不是固定不变,而是具有逐渐变大——最大——变小的过程.并且象限性的上升区与下降区(或压缩区与膨胀区)在近源区与远源区不同.如果基于对前兆象限性的认识,指导分析前兆异常不同形态异常的空间分布,对地震的可能发震地区预测将具有参考意义.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the precursors of large earthquakes in the eastern region of Taiwan by means of the reverse tracing of precursors. We discuss the parameters which are suitable for the seismic chains and intermedi- ate-term patterns in this region and obtain the threshold of the patterns. Applying the linear discriminate method to the intermediate-term patterns of seismic chains, we present an approach for exploring the precursors of large earthquakes. The results show that this method can reduce the false alarm rate for large earthquakes in this region, and the reverse tracing of precursors can be applied to the eastern region of Taiwan.  相似文献   

Based on the three-dimensional elastic inclusion model proposed by Dobrovolskii, we developed athree-dimensional rheologic inclusion model and theory to study the earthquake preparation process. By usingcorrespondence principle in the theory of rheologic mechanics, we derived the analytic expression of the viscoe-lastic displacement at an arbitrary point (x, y, z) in three directions of x, y and z-axes (i. e., U(r, t), V*(r, t) and W(r,t)) produced by a three-dimension inclusion in the semi-infinite rheologic medium defined by the standard linearrheologic model.  相似文献   

Based on the three-dimensional ela stic inclusion model proposed by Dobrovolskii, we developed a three-dimensional rheologic inclusion model and theory to study the earthquake preparation process. By using correspondence principle in the theory of rheologic mechanics, we derived the analytic expression of the viscoelastic displacement at an arbitrary point (x, y, z) in three directions of x, y and z-axes (i.e., U(r, t), V*(r, t) and W(r, t)) produced by a three-dimension inclusion in the semi-infinite rheologic medium defined by the standard linear rheologic model. Foundation item: Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation (101105)  相似文献   

On the basis of the theory of viscoelastic displacement and strain field for the three-dimensional rheologic model of earthquake preparation, this paper mainly studies the theoretical solution of precursor field for the three-dimensional rheologic model of earthquake preparation. We derive the viscoelastic analytical expressions of the ground tilt, underground water level, earth resistivity at an arbitrary point (x, y, z) in the rheologic medium, and analyzed the earth resistivity preliminarily, providing a certain theoretical basis for the precursor analysis of seismogenic process.  相似文献   

On the basis of the theory of viscoelastic displacement and strain field for the three-dimensional rheologic model of earthquake preparation, this paper mainly studies the theoretical solution of precursor field for the three-dimensional rheologic model of earthquake preparation. We derive the viscoelastic analytical expressions of the ground tilt, underground water level, earth resistivity at an arbitrary point (x, y, z) in the rheologic medium, and analyzed the earth resistivity preliminarily, providing a certain theoretical basis for the precursor analysis of seismogenic process.  相似文献   

Nucleation of earthquakes and its implication to precursors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IntroductionIn the middle of 1990s, the argument about nucleation phase occurred. Ellsworth and Beroza(1 995) studied the wave records of 30 earthquake events, which initiated slowly. Ellsworth, et al calledthem as nucleation phase. They discussed the relationship between their moment, duration time andthe relationship with the main shock behind. Scherbaum (1997a, b) proposed his different view andsuggested that some of the recording of the long period initial of seismic wave was misinterpret…  相似文献   

Introduction Based on the elastic theory of hard inclusion model proposed by Dobrovolskii (1991), we developed a rheologic inclusion model to study the spatial-temporal variation of earthquake pre-cursor by using the bulk-strain field resulted from rheologic inclusion model (SONG et al, 2000). Based on the elastic inclusion theory, the analytical expressions for the viscoelastic displacement field and strain field of rheologic inclusion model are derived (SONG et al, 2003, 2004). Further-m…  相似文献   

如何从卫星观测数据中提取地震前兆信息,是近年来一个跨空间物理学、地震学和板块构造学等学科领域的研究焦点.本文回顾和分析了近年来国外学者在震例研究方面的成果,并提出了进行震例研究的思路和步骤.  相似文献   

地震前兆台网的运行直接影响产出的观测数据质量。观测数据平均连续率和平均数据完整率可以反映地震前兆台网的运行质量。对中国地震背景场探测项目试行期间(2014年)及正式启动后2015年度的观测数据质量,从以上2个指标进行分析,并对比原有仪器运行质量,可知背景场项目试运行期间,各学科台网投入仪器运行稳定,观测数据符合相关要求,总体质量良好,观测仪器可以投入正式运行。  相似文献   

ntroductionThe rock medium shows mainly elastic character under low-temperature, low-pressure and external force of short duration, but it shows rheologic property under high-temperature, high-pressure and long-time external force. It is right that rapid earthquake faulting process of only about ten seconds is analyzed by the elastic theory. But for the earthquake generating process continuing over hundreds or thousand years, the rheologic property of rock must be considered (ZHANG, 1987; YI…  相似文献   

地震及其前兆的观测研究与地震预测   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
通过对地震灾害及预测观察研究现状的分析,解析了地震预测研究中存在的问题和不足,指出了地震及其前兆观测在预测研究中的作用,同时认为,地震前兆观测既不能盲目,也不能随波逐流也进行,其进展以决于地震孕育机理的深入理解和有效观测途径或方法的选择,并简述了20年来在震前准静电场观测研究中取得进展和体会。  相似文献   

陈玉香  杜建国  刘红 《地震》2007,27(4):99-109
有限元方法的基本思想是将连续的求解区域离散为一组有限个、 且按一定方式相互联结在一起的单元的组合体。 有限元方法是目前应用最为广泛的数值模拟方法, 由于能够将复杂介质的力学本构关系及边界条件问题转化成为常规问题的计算程序, 所以越来越多的地震学者将其应用于地震成因与前兆机理研究中。 该文着重介绍了有限元数值分析方法及其模拟在地震孕育过程与前兆机理研究中的应用进展, 并提出开展小尺度规模如岩石中矿物颗粒之间的力学行为的有限元模拟研究等几点建议。  相似文献   

Introduction Based on the elastic theory of the hard inclusion (Dobrovolskii, 1991), we developed an inclusion theory of rheologic medium, and applied the results of bulk-strain field of a rheologic inclusion model to explain the spatial-temporal evolution process of earthquake precursors (SONG, et al, 2000). In the former paper (SONG, et al, 2003), we derived the viscoelastic displacement field of the rheologic inclusion model on the basis of the analytic expression of displacement field o…  相似文献   

On the basis of the three-dimensional elastic inclusion model, the analytic expression of viscoelastic strain field is derived, i.e., the analytic expression of viscoelastic strain at an arbitrary point (x, y, z) in x-axis, y-axis and z-axis produced by three-dimension inclusion in the semi-infinite rheologic medium defined by the standard linear rheologic model, namely the normal strains εxx(r, t), εyy(r, t) and εzz(r, t), the shear strains εxy(r, t) and εyx(r, t), εyz(r, t)and εzy(r, t), εxz(r, t) and εzx(r, t), and the bulk-strain θ (r, t). By computing the spatial-temporal variation of bulk strain on the ground produced by a spherical rheologic inclusion in a semi-infinite rheologic medium, we obtained some significant results that the bulk-strain variation with time produced by a hard inclusion has three stages (α, β,γ) with different characteristics, which are similar to those of most geodetic deformation curves, but not the case for those by a soft inclusion. It is meaningful that these theoretical results have been applied to explain preliminarily the characteristics of stage variation of spatial-temporal evolution, the pattern and quadrant distribution of earthquake precursors, the changeability, spontaneity and complexity of short-term and imminent-term precursors. It offers a theoretical base to found the physical model of earthquake precursors and a reference to predict physically the earthquakes.  相似文献   

2009年3月28日山西原平ML4.5地震的地震序列余震发育,序列多个指标表明本次地震类型为主震-余震型。主震视应力值接近背景水平,推断震中周边地区近期发生更大地震的可能性不大。  相似文献   

江苏及邻区震群活动特征分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
系统地整理研究了江苏及其邻近地区36次小震群活动,总结了震群活动的参数特征,探讨了震群活动与大震的关系,分析检验了前兆震群类型的判定指标.江苏地区震群活动分布集中,强度以ML2.0~3.9地震为主,震群序列总频次在30次以下居多,持续时间在15天以内的震群占总数的55%;震群序列中地震总频次和震群持续时间与震群的最大震级之间不成正比;研究区78%震群发生后对应M4.6以上中强地震,其中500km范围内时间间隔在1年内的占对应地震总数的57%,具有一定的中短期地震预测指示意义;震群与未来中强地震的距离较为离散,但尚无在原地发生大地震的震例.震群强度大小与未来中强地震的对应率高低和对应的地震强度大小没有明显的相关关系,震群频次的多少与其后发生地震的对应率高低也没有明显的相关关系.采用U-p组合或者全组合判定震群类型的效果相对较好,检验正确率约占总数的50%,但总体而言效果并不十分有效,需要参考其它方法和手段综合判定.  相似文献   

强地震前兆异常特征与深部流体作用探讨   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
杜建国  康春丽 《地震》2000,20(3):95-101
根据华北几次强震前后地下流体和重力异常特征,结合大地测深资料探讨了地震发生前后深部介质的变化和地壳浅层应力场变化特征。地震发生前震中区地下水位异常主要表现为下降型,气体异常呈上升型,重力和形变也出现异常;在外围地区地震前地下水位异常以上升型为主。 海城地震和大同–阳高地震前地下水位上升、下降异常有方向性分布的趋势,呈 X 形分布,这意味着地壳浅层应力场是压扭型的,并存在垂向应力的作用。在孕震过程中,地球深部流体向上运移,使得震源区及其附近的岩石膨胀、密度降低,震中区地壳浅层应力场呈拉张型,造成地下水储容积增大,地下水位出现了下降型异常。 在特定的构造单元内,地下流体、重力异常的空间分布特征能较好地反映地球深部物质运动和地壳浅层应力场特征。  相似文献   

There are many reports about the abnormal electromagnetic signals observed before great earthquakes. In particular, the signals of electromagnetic anomalies before the Hyogo-Ken Nanbu, Japan, MS=7.2 earthquake on January 17, 1995 (Hayakawa, et al, 1996) and those before the Loma Prieta, USA, MS=7.1 earthquake on October 19, 1989 (Fraser-Smith, et al, 1990) are especially remarkable. However, what the above authors reported are only the phenomena of one or two observatories. In order to …  相似文献   

对东北深震震相特征和地震参数的对比分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对兰州地震台数字化和模拟记录并行期间,发生在中国东北的2个具有典型深震特征的中强地震,进行了数字与模拟(DK1)记录对比分析,以便快速、准确的速报其地震参数,提高兰州地震台对深震的快速反应能力.  相似文献   

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