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在地球透镜计划15年项目周期的前十年中, 这个多目标的科学计划阐明了一系列北美大陆的构造、演化和动力学特征, 采集了超过115 TB的数据资料, 利用这些数据发表了超过330篇高质量科学论文, 取得了巨大进展和成就。地球透镜计划不仅仅是科学技术的进步, 而且对整个国家科学事业产生深远影响。地球透镜计划综合研究和管理模式可以作为其它国家科学研究的示范。  相似文献   

大陆岩石圈经历了40多亿年的地壳构造活动,北美洲是幕式大陆增生、变形和破裂的最完整记录之一.虽然在化学和流变学方面,大陆地壳和地幔与邻近的大洋岩石圈和地幔截然不同,但是,对于地壳和地幔是如何相互作用的许多问题仍然需要研究.  相似文献   

自1993年至今,美国地质调查局的科学家及其合作伙伴在美国西海岸的Monterey海底峡谷进行了针对现代浊流过程的一系列基础性研究,并成功地在世界上首次实地测量到高精度浊流流速及粒度参数.近20年来的数据和知识积累为解释海底峡谷内沉积物和其他颗粒物质输运的机理,以及浊流在维持深海峡谷中生机勃勃的生态系统所起的重要作用提供了直接依据.通过展示把海底观测应用于海洋沉积动力学研究过程中的成果、经验、教训,以及介绍目前还在讨论中的研究计划,以期达到以下宏观论点:在海洋科学里,只有科学与技术不脱节的科研团队才有希望获得成果和突破.  相似文献   

Review on Researches of Legacy POPs and Emerging POPs in the Arctic Regions   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The specific geographic location and natural conditions of the Arctic region play a significant role in the global climate change. As a result of perennial low temperature, simple ecological structure, and fragile ecosystem and weak stability in the Arctic, Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) accumulating from the region of middle and low latitudes may cause tremendous pressure in the arctic ecological environment. Therefore, the research of POPs in the Arctic region is not only conducive to more in-depth understanding of POPs distribution and transformation process in the global range, but to reasonably assess the harm of human activities on the arctic ecological environment. Thus, in the past 40 years, especially after nine new kinds of emerging organic contaminants being added to the list of Stockholm Convention in 2009, more and more scientific community and general public have pay attention to the research of POPs in the Arctic region. At present, the understanding of legacy POPs in the Arctic is limited, and the research of emerging POPs is in the initial stage. This paper aimed to summarize some conclusions and implications of the research, and focused on the occurrence level, historical evolution, bioaccumulation and source of POPs in atmosphere, waters, sediments and organisms in the Arctic region. Finally, the future changes and key scientific problems of POPs in the Arctic region were proposed.  相似文献   

The 1928 eruption of Etna, Sicily, although the largest such event this century, has not been studied in detail. In this paper the nature of the eruption, the destruction it caused – including the complete devastation of the town of Mascali (pre-eruption population 2,000) – and emergency responses of the authorities to it are reviewed in the context of fascist politics and planning priorities. It is contended that, although at one level the response to the 1928 eruption was successful, at another fascism merely continued and enhanced a reactive, propitiatory approach to hazard mitigation. We argue that this legacy was not successfully overcome until the middle of the nineteen eighties. Finally contemporary Italian moves towards a more proactive approach to disaster planning, both generally and in the context of Etna, are discussed.  相似文献   

Gold mining activity in the Sierra Nevada foothills, both recently and during the California Gold Rush, has exposed arsenic-rich pyritic rocks to weathering and erosion. This study describes arsenic concentration and speciation in three hydrogeologic settings in the southern Mother Lode Gold District: mineralized outcrops and mine waste rock (overburden); mill tailings submerged in a water reservoir; and lake waters in this monomictic reservoir and in a monomictic lake developing within a recent open-pit mine. These environments are characterized by distinct modes of rock-water interaction that influence the local transport and fate of arsenic. Arsenic in outcrops and waste rock occurs in arsenian pyrite containing an average of 2 wt% arsenic. Arsenic is concentrated up to 1300 ppm in fine-grained, friable, iron-rich weathering products of the arsenian pyrite (goethite, jarosite, copiapite), which develop as efflorescences and crusts on weathering outcrops. Arsenic is sorbed as a bidentate complex on goethite, and substitutes for sulfate in jarosite.

Submerged mill tailings obtained by gravity core at Don Pedro Reservoir contain arsenic up to 300 ppm in coarse sand layers. Overlying surface muds have less arsenic in the solid fraction but higher concentrations in porewaters (up to 500 μg/L) than the sands. Fine quartz tailings also contain up to 3.5 ppm mercury related to the ore processing. The pH values in sediment porewaters range from 3.7 in buried gypsum-bearing sands and tailings to 7 in the overlying lake sediments. Reservoir waters immediately above the cores contain up to 3.5 μg/L arsenic; lake waters away from the submerged tailings typically contain less than 1 μg/L arsenic.

Dewatering during excavation of the Harvard open-pit mine produced a hydrologic cone of depression that has been recovering toward the pre-mining groundwater configuration since mining ended in 1994. Aqueous arsenic concentrations in the 80 m deep pit lake are up to 1000 μg/L. Redistribution of the arsenic occurs during summer stratification, with highest concentrations at middle depths. The total mass of arsenic in the pit lake increases coinciding with early winter rains that erode, partially dissolve, and transport arsenic-bearing salts into the pit lake.

Arsenic concentration, speciation, and distribution in the Sierra Nevada foothills depend on many factors, including the lithologic sources of arsenic, climatic influences on weathering of host minerals, and geochemical characteristics of waters with which source and secondary minerals react. Oxidation of arsenian pyrite to goethite, jarosite, and copiapite causes temporary attenuation of arsenic during summer, when these secondary minerals accumulate; subsequent rapid dissemination of arsenic into the aqueous environment is caused by annual winter storms. As the population of the Mother Lode area grows, it is increasingly important to consider these effects during planning and development of land and groundwater resources.  相似文献   

We assess the status of channel networks and pools of two tidal salt marshes recovering from more than a century of agricultural reclamation on the Bay of Fundy, Canada. A process of largely unmanaged restoration occurred at these sites since abandonment of agricultural activities during the first half of the twentieth century. Each recovering marsh was compared to a reference marsh that was never drained or ditched. We field mapped channel networks at all marshes and used aerial photographs to map the pre-abandonment channel network at one of the sites. The recovering marshes have hybrid channel networks that feature highly variable channel morphologies, loss of original channels, and incorporation of drainage ditches. Although channel networks in recovering marshes integrate agricultural ditches, the recovering marsh networks may not be substantially increased in length or density. Our aerial photograph analysis shows that channel density at one of the recovering marshes is comparable to the pre-abandonment density, but with reduced sinuosity. Field mapping of permanent tidal pools on the lower Bay marshes revealed that pools cover 13% of the recovering marsh, compared to ∼5% of the reference marsh. This study demonstrates that these essential marsh features can be regained through restoration or simple abandonment of drainage infrastructure.  相似文献   

区域生态地球化学评价思路及建议   总被引:25,自引:17,他引:25  
区城生态地球化学评价是在多目标地球化学调查基础上开展的一项区域评价研究工作,其目的是为国家和所薪究地区的国民经济建设、工农业结构调整和社会可持续发展提供基础地球化学资料。区域生态地球化学评价以异常元素的来源-成因-迁移转化-生态效应-预测预警为研究主线,以生态系统为研究基本单元,查明异常元素分布、分配、成因及来源,研究它们在地球表层备大层圈中的迁移转化规律,评价它们所产生的生态效应,应用地球化学和生态学的基本原理和方法对污染的生态系统进行预测预警,井提出治理建议,为国家区域性经济战略调整和工农业可持续发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Although polyculture or interplanting is a dominant production method used by traditional cultivators in the tropics, there has been increasing emphasis on monoculture in agricultural development planning. Analysis of the economic and ecological consequences of these two cropping alternatives in a densely-populated area of eastern Nigeria suggests that a focus on monoculture as a panacea for increasing productivity and food supply is questionable. Polyculture is held to be ecologically superior to monoculture and, in the field area examined, economically more productive as well. Thus further investigation of polycultural approaches to agricultural development would appear to be warranted.  相似文献   

於崇文 《地质通报》2005,24(10):F0005
1国内外地球化学历史发展概况地球化学作为一门科学,是在西方和前苏联形成和发展起来的。它的发展大体可分为3个时期。(1)地球化学的孕育时期(史前至19世纪末)这一时期以17世纪中叶化学分析的出现,特别是1859年分光镜的发明(R.W.B unsen,G.R.K irch-hoff)、嗣后光谱分析法的使用和1869年化学元素周期律的发现(Д.И.Менделеев,L.M eyer)为标志。此前德国化学家G.B ischoff于1845—1854年完成了《化学地质学与物理地质学》3卷本教科书,J.B.A.Elie deB eaum ont于1847年发表了岩石和陨石中59种元素的定性分布频率表,G.F.Sch …  相似文献   

This paper reviews the magnetotelluric (MT) method with emphasis on recent improvements and the emerging applications. Recent improvements are in recognition of statics effects and their treatment, and in analysis of impedance tensors in 3D structural conditions. In spite of substantial progress in the analysis of the tensor, there are still unresolved questions regarding its information content, in terms of degrees of freedom. There has also been slow but steady progress in inversion, with the development of methods of downward continuation in 1D, 2D and 3D, in time, depth and frequency domains. An improved understanding of the limitations of MT is leading to more joint use with other methods. At shallow depths MT has become an accepted weapon in the arsenal used to explore for petroleum, geothermal resources and epithermal gold and deep base metals. Improved understanding of the relations between conductivity and rock composition and fabric will make MT more useful for engineering purposes in future. Progress in understanding the cause of conduction in the deep crust and upper mantle has been less rapid, and the many anomalies remain enigmatic. Whereas MT is now a useful technique with some unique applications, there are obviously important and difficult problems remaining to be solved.  相似文献   

古地理学研究和探讨的是地质历史时期的地表环境,是构造—环境(气候)—物质相互作用的产物。传统的古地理学及相应的构造古地理、生物古地理学等对大地构造演化及古大陆重建、油气勘探等起到了重要的作用。随着地球演化的深入研究,在多层圈的相互作用,特别是古气候、古环境等研究基础上,需要有机地把地表环境和构造环境相结合,并且综合考虑深层及浅层地质过程对古地理格局的形成和演化的制约。在传统的古地理学基础上,提出一个新的学科——年代古地理学,用以研究和探讨地质历史时期的地表过程。该学科是精细的同位素年代格架下的不同动力学—运动学—物质迁移—环境变迁形成古地理的研究,或者物质—力学—环境(气候)相互作用下的古地理格局的研究。旨在研究和探讨地表过程,亦即形成地表环境的过程,强调同一时间的多元性、不同空间的差异性和不同尺度的穿时性。文中以近年来研究的台湾、扬子及华北克拉通等地区的精细时间尺度下的古地理环境为例,进一步剖析年代古地理学对于重新理解和认识古构造格局演化的重要性。  相似文献   

Fact and fiction: Geography and literature   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Main epistemological reflections in Geography developed since the 1970s emphasize holistic perspectives in which intuition has an important cognitive. Bringing forward the ideas lifeworld and espace véçu important currents in this approach put in relief the sense of place, the affective ties with the environment, the aesthetic and landscape symbology, the genius loci and the spatial-temporal rythms connected to personal experiences. In this context, literary works (tales, novels, or short stories) are important because they provide authentic and indespensable testimony of the influence of human experience on place.The analysis of the vast bibliography on geographic interpretation of literary sources reveals typologies: studies on the links between real and literary landscapes, understanding of the sense of place, the concepts of rooting and uprooting, the definitions of inscapes and territorial consciousness. These five thematic foci allow the interpretation of the relationship existing between geography — regarded as landscape and place — and literary works —considered as the expression to define and fix the culture and feelings of a human group with respect to its own space and place.  相似文献   

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