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印度尼西亚北苏拉威西蓝碧海峡浮游动物种类组成及分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on oceanographic survey data in June 2012 in the Lembeh Strait, the zooplankton ecological characteristics such as species composition, individual abundance, dominant species and distribution were analyzed. The results showed that 183 species(including 4 sp.) had been recognized, most of them belonged to copepoda.Cnidaria followed with 43 species(including 1 sp.) were identified. The average abundance of zooplankton was(150.47±58.91) ind./m~3. As to the horizontal distribution, the abundance of the zooplankton was higher in the southern waters than in the northern waters. The dominant species in the study area were Lensia subtiloides,Sagitta enflata, Lucifer intermedius, Oikopleura rufescens, Diphyes chamissoni, Creseis acicula, Subeucalanus subcrassus, Temora discaudata, Aglaura hemistoma, Doliolum denticulatum, Canthocalanus pauper, Oikopleura longicauda and Nanomia bijuga. Zooplankton biodiversity indexes were higher in study area than previous study in the other regions. The findings from this study provide important baseline information for future research and monitoring programs.  相似文献   

吕宋海峡及南海北部海域的水团分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据1992年3月和1994年9月台湾海峡两岸科学家对南海北部两次协同调查的CTD资料以及由此计算的重力势资料,对吕宋海峡及南海北部400m以上海水的温盐性质进行分析。结果发现,调查海区基本可划分为两种水团,即黑潮水和南海水。黑潮水主要从吕宋海峡中部和北部进入南海,侵入的黑潮水向西北方向扩展,受到台湾海峡海底地形的阻挡而大部分集中于台湾西南海域,向西的范围基本不超过119°E。虽然两次观测所处的季节不同(分别为春初和夏末),但黑潮入侵南海的差异并不明显。另外,在二次调查的部分层次上,南海北部陆坡边缘都发现有一团水平尺度约百公里的黑潮性质水。配合重力势的水平分布形式,可以用地转流场的结构解释水团分析的结果。  相似文献   

根据1978—1980年渤海及北黄海70个测站的表、底层温、盐资料,用预先给定控制临界值的聚类方法,在该海域划分出5个水团。分析结果表明。1.渤黄海暧水团在冬季为高盐特征,夏季为中盐性质;其分布范围在冬—春季较小而夏—秋季较大。2.渤海水团为中温中盐性质:其温、盐度变化较小而冬—春季范围较大。3.黄海冷水团是一个高盐水团,它在5个水团中保守性最强,而从5月至8月范围较大。4.渤海沿岸水是一个不稳定的水团,其盐度较低,温度变化较小,春季和秋季范围较大而夏季和冬季较小。5.江河冲淡水是温度变化较大的低盐水,其范围夏季大而冬季小。水团的分布,在地理位置上是从该海区之东向西,一层套一层,而各水团在不同季节有自己的模式。此外,本文还探讨了水团消长变化和渔场的关系。  相似文献   

Water samples were collected in order to study the spatial variation of photosynthetic pigments and phytoplankton community composition in the Lembeh Strait(Indonesia) and the Kelantan River Estuary(Malaysia)during July and August 2016, respectively. Phytoplankton photosynthetic pigments were detected using high performance liquid chromatography combining with the CHEMTAX software to confirm the Chl a biomass and community composition. The Chl a concentration was low at surface in the Lembeh Strait, which it was 0.580–0.682 μg/L, with the average(0.620±0.039) μg/L. Nevertheless, the Chl a concentration fluctuated violently at surface in the Kelantan River Estuary, in which the biomass was 0.299–3.988 μg/L, with the average(0.922±0.992) μg/L. The biomass at bottom water was higher than at surface in the Kelantan River Estuary, in which the Chl a concentration was 0.704–2.352 μg/L, with the average(1.493±0.571) μg/L. Chl b, zeaxanthin and fucoxanthin were three most abundant pigments in the Lembeh Strait. As a consequence, phytoplankton community composition was different in the two study areas. In the Lembeh Strait, prasinophytes(26.48%±0.83%) and Synechococcus(25.73%±4.13%) occupied ~50% of the Chl a biomass, followed by diatoms(20.49%±2.34%) and haptophytes T8(15.13%±2.42%). At surface water in the Kelantan River Estuary, diatoms(58.53%±18.44%)dominated more than half of the phytoplankton biomass, followed by Synechococcus(27.27%±14.84%) and prasinophytes(7.00%±4.39%). It showed the similar status at the bottom water in the Kelantan River Estuary,where diatoms, Synechococcus and prasinophytes contributed 64.89%±15.29%, 16.23%±9.98% and 8.91%±2.62%,respectively. The different phytoplankton community composition between the two regions implied that the bottom up control affected the phytoplankton biomass in the Lembeh Strait where the oligotrophic water derived from the West Pacific Ocean. The terrigenous nutrients supplied the diatoms growing, and pico-phytoplankton was grazed through top down control in the Kelantan River Estuary.  相似文献   

南北水系中华绒螯蟹形态差异分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

基于WOD13(World Ocean Database 2013)的温盐观测资料,分析了对马海峡断面和日本海内一断面上温盐分布的季节变化特征,并利用水团组成混合比的方法探讨了对马海峡断面处的水团组成对日本海内断面上温盐分布的影响的季节和年际变化。研究表明:对马海峡断面上水团组成呈现显著的季节变化。冬季,整个水层被高盐水占据;夏季,对马海峡表层出现高温低盐水,底层为高盐水,次表层为表层低盐水和底层高盐水的混合水体;春秋为过渡季节。日本海断面上,秋季温盐分布最为复杂,表层为高温低盐水,次表层为高盐水,其下为低温高密水。两个断面季节变化对比可以看出,夏季对马海峡断面处的水团组成会影响秋季日本海断面上的温盐分布。夏季对马海峡表层和次表层水是秋季日本海断面表层50m以浅出现低盐水的主要原因;对马海峡深层高盐水主要影响秋季日本海断面50~150m水层,混合比可达0.82;其下为日本海固有水。夏季对马海峡处水团组成的年际变化也会影响秋季日本海断面上温盐分布的年际变化。长江流量较大的年份,夏季对马海峡表层和次表层低盐水的核心盐度值偏低,秋季其在日本海断面上的混合比就高于其他年份;对马海峡底层高盐水在日本海断面上混合比的年际变化则决定于其影响水层上的流场结构和温盐分布。  相似文献   

春季冷水团的强度,取决于冷水区的最低水温及面积。本文取该二指标的多年距平绝对值的平均值之半作为标准,划分1960—1980年四、五月北黄海西部冷水团的强度(表1)。 冷水团强度与去年冬季的气候条件有密切相关关系。去冬水温较低,则气温的负逐日累计值越大,北风也越多,今春冷水则强;反之则否。 本文认为,使用依上述因子建立的回归方程预报冷水强度,会得到较好的结果。  相似文献   

根据2018?2019年春季两个航次在舟山近海进行的浮游生物调查结果,对舟山近海的浮游动物群落结构(类群组成、优势种数量)年际变化进行了研究,利用典范对应分析(Canonical Correspondence Analysis, CCA)研究了两年春季浮游动物类群组成差异、优势种变化的原因,初步探讨了春季浮游动物群落结构动态变化的机制。结果表明:根据表层温度(Sea Surface Temperature,SST)、表层盐度(Sea Surface Salinity,SSS)的聚类分析,将该区域分为3个水团:杭州湾内水团(I区)、舟山本岛上升流水团II区)、舟山近海水团(III区)。不同水团对浮游动物类群组成影响显著,引起2018年和2019年春季3个水团区差异的主要贡献种(贡献率>10%)均为中华哲水蚤,同一水团两年间年际差异的贡献种如下:I区为捷氏歪水蚤(56.91%)和真刺唇角水蚤(12.34%);II区为中华哲水蚤(72.64%)、五角水母(13.35%);III区为中华哲水蚤(41.93%)、夜光虫(22.94%)。CCA分析表明,第1 CCA轴(CCA1)和第2 CCA轴(CCA2)共解释了两年春季浮游动物优势种累计方差的46.14%和物种?环境累计方差的97.82%。CCA1主要反映了空间(近海水团和湾内水团)的差异。CCA2主要反映了2018年和2019年站位的年际差异。盐度是影响春季浮游动物群落结构空间差异的主要因素,而温度、叶绿素a浓度是春季浮游动物群落结构年际差异的主要因素。  相似文献   

本文利用中国海洋大学极地变化重点实验室提供的2008年3月与7月白令海陆架水资料,对白令海200 m内水域温盐及水团进行了分析和对比,对白令海陆架区冬季水团形成机制做了初步的探讨。白令海冬季陆架水的温盐结构垂向均匀;夏季层化明显,存在垂直温盐跃层;白令海由夏季表层水和冬季水两种水团组成;白令海冬季残留水团在陆架区水深20 m处即出现,最低温度较大洋深处冬季水温偏低。  相似文献   

北大西洋45°N区是北大西洋冰筏碎屑(IRD)带的中心区,其海洋沉积物包含高分辨率沉积环境和气候变化信息,对45°N区沉积记录的研究有利于反演末次冰期以来古海洋环境的变化。通过对岩心Hu71-377中IRD含量的统计、浮游有孔虫组合及氧和碳同位素(δ18O和δ13C)分析,重建了北大西洋45°N上层水体水团性质演化历史。结合AMS14C数据和氧同位素地层学,在氧同位素3期(MIS3)和2期(MIS2)中识别出5个Heinrich层,其中Heinrich 1、2和4层具有明显IRD峰值、Neogloboquadrina pachyderma高丰度和轻δ18O值特征,而Heinrich 3和5层的δ18O值未明显变轻。Heinrich 3和5层与Heinrich 1、2和4层的δ18O 差异可能反映了上层水体受融水输入的影响不同。δ13CN.incompta和δ13CN.pachyderma差值也反映了Heinrich事件期间混合层和温跃层的变化,它们的δ13C差值在Heinrich 1和2期间接近零,归因于强风驱动的海水垂向混合。而δ13CN.incompta和δ13CN.pachyderma差值在Heinrich 4和5期间增大,反映了季节性温跃层变浅,推测与北大西洋暖流增强有关。浮游有孔虫组合进一步反映了海洋上层水团性质, 特别是N. pachyderma和Neogloboquadrina incompta的相对丰度反映了MIS3期以来海表温度(SST)变化。  相似文献   

Anthropogenic impacts and natural disturbances have been intense recently in the global scale, affecting the composition of coral reef benthic communities from coral to algal dominated reefs. However, this condition does not always occur considering corals are able to recover when the stressors falter. This study aims to investigate the change in coral reef benthic communities and the relationship among benthic categories. The study was carried out in 2014 and 2016 at five sites, three sites in the Lembeh Strait and two sites in Likupang, North Sulawesi Province. Underwater Photo Transect(UPT) was used at depth of around 4–6 m in slope areas. The result indicated that the benthic communities were slightly changing: the percent covers of hard corals, sponges, soft corals, macroalgae and substrate categories were not significantly different between the years but category of others, particularly seasonally growing hydroid, increased significantly, occupying the available substrates and overtopping other benthos surrounding. The study also found that there was a significant relationship between the change in benthic gradient and the number of hard coral colonies: when the composition becomes less complex, the number of colony declines. In contrast, the hard coral diversity remained unchanged, suggesting the coral reefs apparently have an ecological resilience(sustainable species diversity) against the change although ecological complexity declines. In addition, the hard coral cover was significantly correlated with soft coral and sponge covers, which did not change significantly among the years. In general, the coral reefs in North Sulawesi might experience a temporary blip due to the increasing percent cover of others, and be predicted to recover as there was no indication of soft corals and sponges to increase significantly. However, it is necessary to investigate the dynamic of benthic communities in different depth gradients to gain a comprehensive understanding as the communities respond differently to the light intensity.  相似文献   

The community structure of zooplankton has been conducted in the Lembeh Strait in Bitung and Wori Beach in Manado, North Sulawesi in October 2015. Sampling of this research was conducted in 22 sampling sites along the strait. Zooplankton samples were collected from 22 stations, by NORPAC 300 μm net that was vertically hauled from maximum 10 m depth up to the surface water. The samples were poured into the bottle with formalin of 4%as preservative. The results showed that there were 43 taxa of zooplankton. The abundance of zooplankton was between 21.216–4 193.776 ind./m~3. The dominant taxa were copepod, especially Calanoida. The composition of zooplankton was relatively similar in all stations. We showed the abundance, dominance, composition and distribution of zooplankton at this research. More extensive studies concerning zooplankton is required to understand zooplankton biodiversity as a whole especially on the geographical and spatial distribution to describe population and community dynamic in the Lembeh Strait and Wori Beach.  相似文献   

2013年4月,2014年5月,2012年6月和2015年10月在印度尼西亚北部苏拉维斯蓝碧海峡(Lembeh Strait)进行了4个航次的海洋生态调查,研究了蓝碧海峡的浮游植物种类组成,以及浮游植物群落结构的季节变化及其驱动因子。四个航次的调查中记录了5类浮游植物和416个种(类)。调查区浮游植物密度平均为2348cells/L,硅藻和甲藻种类最多。蓝藻种类最少,但丰度很高。季风转换期的4月份和10月份浮游植物丰度总量较低,东南季风期间5月份和6月份的浮游植物丰度较高。除了束毛藻(Trichodesmium)之外,常见种是浮游硅藻。浮游植物的丰度和多样性的季节性变化明显。海链藻(Thalassionema)、拟菱形藻(Pseudo-nitzschia)和蓝藻类的束毛藻对群落的不相似性贡献最大。由于蓝碧海峡南部营养盐浓度较高,南部水域的硅藻和甲藻密度稍高于海峡北部。虽然,南北两个水体中蓝藻的分布趋于均匀,但蓝碧海峡南部也有较高密度。与雅加达湾以及中国的一些海湾相比,蓝碧海峡的浮游植物丰度相当低。分析表明,SE季风期间上升流营养盐是左右浮游植物丰度月变化的重要因素。蓝碧海峡浮游生态系原始,且接近天然本底,人类活动背景噪声低,能够清晰地响应大环境的变化,是研究浮游生态系统的理想区域。  相似文献   

Intensive CTD observations that resolve the mean and tidal components were done with a total of 129 casts in summer of 2001 at Bussol’ Strait. Based on these data and all the available historical data, we have revealed the outflow from Bussol’ Strait to the Pacific and the significant diapycnal mixing in the strait. In the range 27.0−27.3σ θ , the water property in Bussol’ Strait is almost identical to that of the Kuril Basin Water (KBW). The KBW out of Bussol’ Strait forms a water mass front with the East Kamchatka Current Water (EKCW). This front also corresponds to the front of the Oyashio Current. In the lower part of the intermediate layer (27.3−27.6σ θ ), part of the water in the strait is characterized by lower temperature, lower salinity, and higher dissolved oxygen than that of KBW and EKCW, which can be explained only by the diapycnal mixing. The strong diapycnal mixing in the strait can also be shown by the density inversion, occurrence frequency of which corresponds well to the amplitude distribution of the diurnal current. In the density range 26.7−26.8σ θ , the water in Bussol’ Strait has the lowest potential vorticity, suggesting that it is a source region of the low potential vorticity water. Seasonal change of the water can reach up to a density of 26.8σ θ around Bussol’ Strait. This leads us to propose that the combination of winter convection and local tidal mixing leads to effective ventilation of the intermediate layer.  相似文献   

吕宋海峡附近海域水团分布及季节变化特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用2003年2月至2009年4月期间在吕宋海峡附近海域由Argo剖面浮标观测的温、盐度资料,对该海域的水团分布及季节变化特征进行了探讨.结果表明,在120.5°-122.75°E、19°-23°N范围内,水团特征介于南海水和北太平洋水之间,而19°N以南区域的水交换并不显著.北太平洋热带水(NPTW)和北太平洋中层水(NPIW)通过吕宋海峡入侵南海的趋势在夏季较弱.秋季,NPTW入侵南海的趋势增强,而到了冬季,受东北季风控制,北太平洋水的入侵程度最强,然而并无NPIW进入南海的迹象.值得指出的是,整年没有发现明显的NPIW进入南海,而南海中层水可以通过海峡流入太平洋,其强度在秋、冬季节达到最大.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionTheBeringStrait, with them aximum depth lessthan 60 m , isthe uniquepassagebetween the ArcticOcean and the North Pacific Ocean, and links twoshelfseas:theBeringSeainthesouthandtheChukchiSea in the north. The background flow field oftheBering…  相似文献   

TheclusteranalysisofthewatermassesinwesternTaiwanStraitfromhydrologicandchemicalfactors¥HuangZiqiangandJiWeidong(ReceivedAugu...  相似文献   

Several characteristics of water exchange in the Luzon Strait   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1IntroductionTheLuzonChannelissituatedonthewest-ernsideofthenorthernPacificandbetweenTaiwanandLuzonIslands.ItisthemainpassageofthePacificwaterenteringtheSCS.Therearenumerousdifferent-sizedislandsformingmanynarrowwaterpassagesinthischannel,sotheLuzonChannelisthegeneralnameofthesepas-sages(includingBabuyan,BalintangandBashiChannels,etc.).Customarily,theLuzonStraitiscalledtheBashiChannel.Itswidthis386kmandhasameandepthof1400m. Toagreatextent,thehydro-meteorologi-calconditionso…  相似文献   

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