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首先介绍银证通基本概念,阐述了集中式银证通系统设计的基本理念、体系结构,然后在此基础上讨论了银证通系统中双向交易的设计和实现,提出了两种解决方案,分析了最初方案的缺点所在,进而提出了改进方案,达到了预期的效果.  相似文献   

积极、认真开展"转变作风,提高效能"活动,给宁明县国土资源局带来了不少可喜的变化. "今年总的感觉,我们的精神面貌变了,各项工作顺了,内部活力增加了,而活力的增加,又使机关的行政效能得到了提高".  相似文献   

在分析P2DR2模型的基础上,阐述了发展网络安全动态防御体系的重要性,讨论了其功能需求,提出了改进的IDS分析响应系统模型,并以其为核心构建了网络安全动态防御体系,还讨论了实现的关键技术并给出了应用实例.  相似文献   

2012年7月26日,一个永伤青海有色地质人的日子,猝不及防的噩耗击溃了人们最后的希望,让人不能相信,生龙活虎、新任的青海省有色矿勘院副院长申勇胜同志不幸因公殉职了,永远的离开了我们,离开了他的亲人、同事、朋友……,离开了他的单位、他的事业……,驾鹤西游了。天可怜见,老天你带走了父亲的好儿子、带走了女儿的好爸爸,带走了妻子的  相似文献   

开发WebGIS的ArcIMS新技术应用分析   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:33  
本文论述了 Arc IMS的体系结构 ,阐述了 Arc IMS的运行机制 ,着重分析了 Arc XML在这一结构内的作用 ,并介绍了服务器端的逻辑和物理层次、客户端的基本功能 ,从而剖析了 Arc IMS的核心部分。同时从使用的角度 ,介绍了如何管理 Arc IMS服务器 ,并分别论述某功能部件。最后对站点安全这个万维网地理信息系统必须密切关注的问题 ,结合 Arc IMS平台的特点进行了分析 ,并提出一些解决方法。  相似文献   

1月22日,佳木斯市华侨公司的职工代表3人来到了市国土局,送来了由市书法家书写的条幅:“依法行政化解纠纷,案结事了和谐稳定”,标志着经历了十多年的信访积案,得到了有效化解,表达了企业职工对市国土局感激之情,赞誉之情。  相似文献   

人们说,二月春风似剪刀,剪红了花儿,剪绿了树梢。春暖花开的季节,正是捂了一个冬天的人们出去活动的季节,呼吸呼吸新鲜空气,活动活动筋骨,踏踏青,感受一下铺满新绿的山山水水,身体不觉间舒展了许多,心情也随之荡漾起来。我想,再没有什么,能比得上这样舒心的季节了!而我喜欢  相似文献   

河南的矿产资源勘查开发秩序治理整顿工作开展两年多来,由于各级领导重视,措施得力,取得了一定的成效,保持了全省矿产资源开发秩序的基本稳定。今年3月,按照国土资源部等九部门的部署,河南省全面动员和部署开展了全省整顿和规范矿产资源开发秩序“回头看”行动,取得了良好效果。3月30日至4月2日,整顿和规范矿产资源开发秩序“回头看”行动国家九部委联合督察组对河南省整顿和规范矿产资源开发秩序“回头看”工作进行了4天的督察后,给予了高度评价,认为河南省在“回头看”行动中,建立和完善了联动责任制,从上到下层层落实了责任制,宣传教育扎实有效,“达到了国家对‘回头看’行动的要求”。  相似文献   

正如雾似烟的细雨清润的杏花有了些许的兴奋,排着队,一片一片地洇红了由近及远的几条山谷。杜鹃很是深情的一声声的鸣叫,令舒展了枝条的杏树陡然收敛了放荡的思绪。该是唱一杯杏花酒的时刻了,就着这细雨、这杏花,和那唱着歌儿已经远去了的杜鹃。北方的春天,虽说少了江南特有的那一份烟的婉约和水的妩媚,却多了北方固有的山的刚毅与河的奔放。被春天反复熏染得或浓、或淡的远山,像极了白石老人笔下的丹青水墨。尤其雨后的山谷,杏树枝条的颜色较先前暗了许多,杏花却愈发明丽粉白。都因了一场春雨,再也寻不到杏花一  相似文献   

该文给出了Q型聚类分析的原理和计算方法,并结合清凉泉水源地的污染问题进行了研究。通过长系列的水质监测资料,查明了清凉泉水源地水质动态变化特征,并对特征污染因子进行了聚类分析,基本查明了清凉泉水源地的污染途径,得到了较满意的结果。  相似文献   

Based on the hydrographic data in austral summer during the 22nd Antarctic Expedition of China(2005/2006),some features can be found about the northern margin of Emery ice shelf as follows.The heat content in the surface layer(0-50 m) at the eastern end and the western end of the ice-shelf margin is much higher than that at the middle.The upper mixing-layer depth and the seasonal thermocline depth at the middle of the ice-shelf northern margin are much shallower than those at the both ends.However there is much less difference between the middle and the ends in the bottom layer.The remote sensing photos show that the inhomogeneity in the surface-layer water is closely related to the spatial distribution of the floes and polynia in the area.  相似文献   

S 《山地科学学报》2008,5(1):63-72
Livestock behaviour in the Pyrenees includes free grazing and a long resting period that provokes the accumulation of dung and urine in some places,so-called camping areas. The aims of this study were (i) to analyze any change in floral composition,and in nutritional and chemical contents of plants in a livestock camping area; and (ii) to relate the floral composition with soil chemical properties. In a linear transect,five sampling zones were established,from the centre of the camping area to the surrounding Nardus stricta-dominant pasture. The above ground plant biomass and the topsoil were sampled in each zone with 6 replicates per zone. Plant species were classified and weighed to calculate above ground biomass,nutritional and chemical contents,and Shannon diversity and evenness indices. Additionally,soils were sampled in two periods,at the beginning and at the end of grazing period. Soil available nutrients (nitrate,ammonium,phosphorus,potassium,calcium and magnesium),total nitrogen,organic carbon and pH were measured.
Plant chemical contents (protein,lignin and others) were significantly related to the proportions of grasses,legumes and other plants; so,the protein content is positively correlated with legumes plant biomass while lignin content is negatively correlated with grasses. Both plant and soil nutrients increased linearly towards the centre of the camping area. However,the relationship among plant species richness,diversity and evenness relative to its position along the studied transect was bell-shaped. From the outskirts to the centre of the camping area,plants with low nutrient demand were progressively replaced by those with medium and high nutrients demand and by pioneers.
Nardus stricta-dominant pasture has low plant diversity and plant nutrient content as well as a poor soil nutrient availability. The presence of the camping area introduced patches with more soil nutrients and new species in the large spatial scale. However at a small spatial scale,the strong soil nutrien  相似文献   

近年来,全球气候变暖等原因导致海平面不断升高,人类对海岸带的开发也越来越频繁,海岸带的变化比以前更为活跃,因此精确快速地提取出海岸线并实时监测其变化对我国海岸带的开发规划与利用具有重要的意义。本文详细梳理了国内外利用光学遥感、微波遥感和雷达遥感手段提取瞬时水边线或理论海岸线的方法,对各种经典方法和一些近年来出现的新方法进行了分析和比较,并指出各种方法的适用情况和不足。最后,针对目前中国在此方面的研究现状给出了一些建议。  相似文献   

文章概略介绍了利用卫星进行定位的原理 ;由卫星信号传播、信号接收和SA政策等引起的理论误差 ;给出了多种快速、高精度定位的工作模式和观测点选择的原则 ;列出了将WGS - 84坐标转换为我国坐标的公式及解算参数的具体方法 ,供读者在GPS工作中参考。  相似文献   

以北斗仿真星座为对象,探讨UHF波段与Ka波段的不同星间链路建链条件下GEO、IGSO及MEO卫星的可见链路数及PDOP值的变化。此外,还针对不同星间链路构型方案,分别采用其对应仿真观测数据进行60 d自主导航解算,通过对解算结果精度的分析,探讨星间链路测距模式及星间链路构型对自主导航的影响。结果显示,星间链路测距模式对自主导航精度无影响,而星间链路构型则对自主导航精度存在cm量级的影响。在星间链路设计过程中应综合考虑导航精度、链路负荷及建设成本等因素,以达到最优效果。  相似文献   

帝企鹅是南极生态的指示器,其种群栖息地分布变化对研究南极气候具有重要意义,但传统的人工实地调查难以获取全面、准确的种群栖息地信息。本文依据帝企鹅种群排泄物在卫星影像上的蓝、红波段和近红外与短波红外波段的反射率差异,提出2种可以有效判别种群排泄物的光谱指数(NDII、EI),据此精确识别帝企鹅种群排泄物并确定其种群栖息地位置。根据2009年195景时相合适、质量较好的Landsat 7 ETM+卫星影像,获取了南极共计38个帝企鹅种群栖息地,其中新发现7处(Bowman Island , Dibble Glacier , Auster, Point Geologie , Cape Crozier , Brownson Islands和Rupert Coast),消失2处(Amundsen Bay 和Ledda Bay),另外25处(除Thuston Glacier, Luitpold, Sanae, Gould, Ragnhild和Beaufort Island外)位置未发生明显变化,实现了全南极帝企鹅种群栖息地的识别与定位。种群栖息地提取的正确率为94%,提取结果受限于影像质量和种群规模,且随着种群规模的提高,该方法的提取效果也越好。帝企鹅种群栖息地的分布与气候要素息息相关,种群栖息地往往倾向于气温较低和海冰密集度较高的区域,气候变化对每个种群栖息地的影响不同,因此气候与种群栖息地变化的具体关系需要长时间、区域性的观测进行研究。随着气温持续上升和海冰密集度的变化,南纬70°以北的种群栖息地面临较大的威胁,帝企鹅种群呈现向极点逐渐收缩的趋势。  相似文献   

城市建筑迎风面积密度(Frontal Area Density,FAD)作为重要的城市形态学参数之一,对其定量分析与制图,对城市微气候研究有着重要意义。为了找出高效可靠的方法分析城市建筑FAD的分布情况,本文以福建省晋江市为例,选取了矢量计算模型和栅格计算模型对FAD进行模拟,从计算效率、不同尺度和不同土地利用类型上,对结果进行对比分析。研究表明:计算效率上,矢量模型比栅格模型高。在城市尺度上,栅格模型与矢量模型模拟结果与宏观建筑分布特征一致,二者皆适用;在街区尺度上,栅格模型模拟结果比矢量模型更符合建筑分布规律。栅格模型的计算结果较矢量模型稳定,受分辨率影响小。在不同土地利用类型上,对于建筑分布稀疏区域2种模型皆适用;而对于建筑密集区,如商业区、城市住宅区等,栅格模型计算结果更优。  相似文献   

现有的面实体多指标几何匹配方法在计算综合相似度和确定最终匹配实体时面临着指标权重和阈值难以科学量化的难题,集成学习算法通过构建并结合多个机器学习器来完成学习任务,在解决分类问题时体现出了较为明显的性能优势。为此,本文提出了一种基于集成学习算法CatBoost的面实体匹配方法,将匹配问题转化为分类问题。选取形状、面积、方向和位置4个几何特征作为模型分类特征;利用过采样与欠采样相结合的混合重采样技术减轻原始训练样本的类别不平衡度;借助贝叶斯优化算法确定CatBoost模型的最优超参数;引入可解释人工智能领域的SHAP解释框架从全局和局部两个角度解释各输入特征对匹配结果的影响。在青藏高原的面状湖泊数据上对本文提出的方法进行了验证,实验结果表明:对模型预测影响最大的特征是位置,然后依次是面积、形状,影响最小的特征是方向。CatBoost匹配方法在实验数据集上的查准率、查全率和F1-score分别达到0.9937、0.9753和0.9844,相比于直接使用样本不均衡的原始样本进行模型训练,分别提高了约5.8%、0.6%和3.3%。与传统的面实体多指标双向匹配方法和逻辑回归、K近邻、决策树、神经网...  相似文献   

The object of the paper is to provide an insight into the changes in livelihood strategies of the people in the Garhwal Himalayas over time. From sustaining an economy based on transit trade and subsistence agriculture, there has been a shift towards tourism in recent times. This shift has been due to the tradition of pilgrimage to the higher reaches and also due to promotion by the state by developing infrastructure and providing incentives. The paper is divided into four parts. In the first part, the policies of the colonial state and the events leading to the destruction of forests and the impoverishment of the self-sustaining semi-pastoral economy in the Garhwal Himalayas are outlined. It is argued that the destruction of forests and subsequently, the economy of the Himalayas were directly responsible for the large-scale migration to the plains. This also led to further exploitation of forests by the people who were unfamiliar with any other form of livelihood. The paper also discusses the policies of the newly independent Indian state and sees them as an extension of the British policy of large-scale exploitation of Himalayan forests for the purpose of development and economic growth. In the third section, the growth of ecotourism as a direct outcome of the orocess of deforestation and as resulting from the need of society to conserve and yet to earn a livelihood is discussed. The case study of the Gangotrir egion examines the dilemma faced by the people of Garhwal in sustaining their livelihood, income or the development in the area. In addition, tourism has fostered monopolies of groups external to the region thereby contributing neither to the income or the development in the area. In addition, there is an added threat to the environment-deforestation, and erosion-a direct outcome of increased and unplanned tourism. Such problems demand state intervention and management of t.ourism. The conclusion to the paper asserts that in order that the requirements of the society to progress and to sustain itself in its natural habitat are not compromised, it is essential to increase the process of democratization by strengthening local structures and by vesting the community with the autonomy to determine its future. The paper therefore argues that ecotourism in the Himalayas undertaken without local involvement is not desirable. The constant need for local monitoring of external agencies or even of the State‘s participation and the need for re-evaluation of environmental standards are cumbersome details that add to the costs of promoting low-impact tourism. To be viable, ecotourism should be community based and the needs of the community, their ideas of conservation should be given prime importance and local community must be encouraged to review the standards governing conservation. Local structures should thus receive patronage and promotion, so that ecotourism becomes a dynamic facet of economic development.  相似文献   

对象间的关联关系可视化主要是通过图的连边进行表达的,但是对象间的关联关系纷繁复杂,大量的连边交错会造成严重的视觉混乱,图布局和边捆绑都是解决复杂连边造成的视觉混乱问题的有效途径,然而某些节点的地理位置具有实际的含义,只能通过边捆绑方法来减少幅面载负量,进而揭示图的潜在关联规律。以往的边捆绑算法是在边的两端节点固定的前提下,调整边的中间控制点的位置,这样会使得大量边被聚集在一起,不仅会造成二次视觉混乱,且难以在节点级别揭示图的关联趋势。针对这一问题,本文提出了一种以节点为中心的关系边聚类与可视化算法。首先使用方向聚类算法实现隶属于同一个节点的连边的聚类,本文提出的方向聚类方法速度约是K-means算法的13倍,约是DBSCAN算法的6倍,然后对各个连边实现控制点的内插,在此基础上使用FR模型使得控制点位移,并通过弯曲度控制防止“过度弯曲”情况的出现,最后调整边的透明度,使得可视化的结果突出显示边靠近端点处的部分。实验结果表明,本文NCEB算法的幅面载负量L和中点距离变化量△d的约为FDEB算法的二分之一,证明本文算法可以将捆绑位置从边的中间部位移动到节点端,不仅解决了传统边捆绑算法造成的二次视觉混乱问题,而且使得节点周围的连边分布趋势清晰可读,且视觉负载大大降低,有效减少了视觉误差和信息误判。  相似文献   

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