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This paper evaluates the paraglacial evolution of a sediment‐mantled slope in a polar maritime environment. The intensity of paraglacial processes is estimated through quantification of erosion and dating of field sectors with the help of photographic archives. Gully erosion has been estimated using morphometric parameters and by surveys of vegetation cover. The rapid melting of dead‐ice cores controls gully formation. This leads to slope form modification: gully profile gradients are reduced from a mean of 35° to a mean ranging between 10° and 15°. Profile evolution results from the collapse of glacier lateral moraine. All data (mean slope angle of individual gullies, frequency distribution of slope angles, fractional distance to the apex, gullying index, volume of debris mobilized, vertical erosion rate) tend to increase with increasing deglaciation age and the duration of paraglacial activity. Vegetation colonization is a response to stabilization of the ground surface and the drying up of the ground surface due to dead‐ice melting. The full sequence of paraglacial slope adjustment (gully incision‐stabilization) may occur rapidly at the study site, i.e. within two decades. Finally, a lateral morphogenic sequence is proposed showing the importance of paraglacial processes at the onset of the deglaciation. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paraglacial reworking of glacial sediments by rivers and mass wasting is an important conditioning factor for modern sediment yields in mountainous catchments in formerly glaciated regions. Catchment scale and patterns of sediment storage are important influences in the rate of postglacial adjustment. We develop a quantitative framework to estimate the volume, sediment type, and fractional size distribution of legacy glacial materials in a large (1230 km2) watershed in the North Cascade Mountains in south‐western British Columbia, Canada. Chilliwack Valley is exceptional because of the well‐dated bounds of deglaciation. Interpolation of paleo‐surfaces from partially eroded deposits in the valley allows us to estimate the total evacuated sediment volume. We present a chronology of sediment evacuation from the valley and deposition in the outlet fan, based on infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and 14 C dating of river terraces and fan strata, respectively. The effects of paraglacial sedimentation in Chilliwack Valley were intensified through a major fall in valley base‐level following ice retreat. The steepened mainstem valley gradient led to deep incision of valley fills and fan deposits in the lower valley network. The results of this integrated study provide a postglacial chronology and detailed sediment budget, accounting for long‐term sorting of the original sediments, lag deposit formation in the mainstem, deposition in the outlet fan, and approximate downstream losses of suspended sediment and wash load. The mass balance indicates that a bulk volume of approximately 3.2 km3 of glacial material has been evacuated from the valley. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Changes in the properties and dynamics of tidewater glacier systems are key indicators of the state of Arctic climate and environment. Calving of tidewater glacier fronts is currently the dominant form of ice mass loss and a major contributor to global sea-level rise. An important yet under-studied aspect of this process is transformation of Arctic landscapes, where new lands and coastal systems are revealed due to the recession of marine-terminating ice masses. The evolution of those freshly exposed paraglacial coastal environments is controlled by nearshore marine, coastal and terrestrial geomorphic processes, which rework glacial-derived sediments to create new coastal paraglacial landforms and landscapes. Here, we present the first study of the paraglacial coasts of Brepollen, one of the youngest bays of Svalbard revealed by ice retreat. We describe and classify coastal systems and the variety of landforms (deltas, cliffs, tidal flats, beaches) developed along the shores of Brepollen during the last 100 years. We further discuss the main modes of sediment supply to the coast in different parts of the new bay, highlighting the fast rate of coastal transformation as a paraglacial response to rapid deglaciation in the Arctic. This study provides an exemplar of likely coastal responses to be anticipated in similar tidewater settings under future climate change. © 2020 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   

The retreat of valley glaciers has a dramatic effect on the stability of glaciated valleys and exerts a prolonged influence on the subsequent fluvial sediment transport regime. We have studied the evolution of an idealized glaciated valley during the period following retreat of ice using a numerical model. The model incorporates a stochastic process to represent deep‐seated landsliding, non‐linear diffusion to represent shallow landsliding and an approximation of the Bagnold relation to represent fluvial sediment transport. It was calibrated using field data from several recent surveys within British Columbia, Canada. We present ensemble model results and compare them with results from a deterministic linear‐diffusion model to show that explicit representation of large landslides is necessary to reproduce the morphology and channel network structure of a typical postglacial valley. Our model predicts a rapid rate of fluvial sediment transport following deglaciation with a subsequent gradual decline, similar to that inferred for Holocene time. We also describe how changes in the model parameters affect the estimated magnitude and duration of the paraglacial sediment pulse. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We evaluate the paraglacial activity in Nexpayantla, a subtropical mountainous gorge in Popocatépetl volcano (Central Mexico), fully deglaciated in the 20th century. Glacial advances are evidenced by the presence of moraines. Fluvio-glacial terraces and an alluvial megafan resulted from the gorge deglaciation. Current reworking of the glacigenic material is done by landslides and debris flows produced on the moraines and terraces. To study the different phases of mobilization of glacigenic sediment, we used an approach based on the study of the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signals obtained from a portable OSL (POSL) reader in samples extracted from both glacigenic and paraglacial deposits. The luminescence (POSL) results obtained at moraines increase as altitude decreases, which is expected for deglaciated valleys where the oldest moraines are located at lower elevations. We evaluate the grade of luminescence signal reset of the glacigenic sediments during the proglacial stage, and the subsequent deglaciation phases. Our results indicate that there is a marked transition between glacial and fluvially dominated processes at Nexpayantla Gorge. We find that the grade of luminescence signal resetting in the paraglacial deposits is a good indicator to trace paraglacial stages and the beginning of exhaustion of the paraglacial activity in mountain areas. OSL ages confirm that the oldest fluvio-glacial terraces found at the middle sector of Nexpayantla Gorge are ~2 ka, which is also supported by an AMS 14C age. OSL dating was found challenging, since quartz grains have low sensitivity because of their volcanic origin; POSL signals, however, are in good agreement with the location and distribution of geomorphic markers. We propose that luminescence data obtained from the POSL unit can be useful to provide information about sediment mobilization in paraglacial environments during different climatic pulses – even for the case where mineral grains have low sensitivity, such as in volcanic sediments. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Increasing attention is being given to sedimentation hazards downstream from reservoirs as dams built during the past century accumulate progressively greater volumes of sediment. The sediment storage both decreases reservoir capacity and operating efficiency of the dam, and creates a 搒ediment-shadow?downstream where sediment-starved flows commonly erode channel boundaries and create long-term channel instabilities. Numerous studies have documented downstream channel change…  相似文献   

The morphological consequences of paraglacial modification of valley-side drift slopes are investigated at six sites in Norway. Here, paraglacial slope adjustment operates primarily through the development of gully systems, whereby glacigenic sediment is stripped from the upper drift slope and redeposited in debris cones downslope. This results in an overall lowering of average gradient by up to 4·5° along gully axes. In general, slope profile adjustment appears to be characterized by a convergence of slope profiles towards an ‘equilibrium form’ with an upper rectilinear slope gradient at 29°± 4° and a range of concavities of approximately 0·0 to 0·4. After initial rapid incision, further gully deepening is limited, but gullies become progressively wider as sidewall gradients decline to c. 25°, after which parallel retreat appears to predominate. The final form of mature paraglacial gully systems consists of an upper bedrock-floored source area, a mid-slope area of broad gullies whose sidewalls rest at stable, moderate gradients, and a lower slope zone where gullies discharge onto the surfaces of debris cones and fans. Some gullies appear to have attained this final form and have stabilized following exhaustion of readily entrainable sediment within decades of gully initiation. At most sites, paraglacial activity has transformed steep drift-mantled valley sides into gullied slopes where an average of c. 2–3 m of surface lowering has taken place. At the most active sites, these average amounts imply minimum erosion rates averaging c. 90 mm a−1 since gully initiation, which highlights the extreme rapidity of paraglacial erosion of deglaciated drift-mantled slopes. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Based on remote sensing information sources including B/W aerial photos of 1983,pseudo-color aerial photos of 1992 and JERS-1/OPS VNIR image of 1996, vegetation types ofYingbazha, in the middle reaches of the Tarim River Basin in Xinjiang, China are mapped usingARC/INFO and related software. The changes in vegetation areas and distribution conditions areanalyzed. As a result of natural and human influences, vegetation changes have temporal andspatial characteristics. According to the principles of landscape ecology and geographical informa-tion science, the landscape changes are indicated. Moreover, the remote sensing and GIS tech-niques are integrated to study vegetation and its landscape.  相似文献   


Based on remote sensing information sources including B/W aerial photos of 1983, pseudo-color aerial photos of 1992 and JERS-1/OPS VNIR image of 1996, vegetation types of Yingbazha, in the middle reaches of the Tarim River Basin in Xinjiang, China are mapped using ARC/INFO and related software. The changes in vegetation areas and distribution conditions are analyzed. As a result of natural and human influences, vegetation changes have temporal and spatial characteristics. According to the principles of landscape ecology and geographical information science, the landscape changes are indicated. Moreover, the remote sensing and GIS techniques are integrated to study vegetation and its landscape.


Wildfires alter fluxes of water, sediment, solutes, and organic matter in ways that can be transient or persistent. Alterations in material flux then impact geomorphic processes and landforms in a manner that can also be transient or persistent and that can involve complex response. This themed issue includes papers that document distinctive geomorphic responses in the upland and channel components of forested landscapes in southern Europe, northern Australia, and the western United States. Among the themes that emerge from the collected papers are: (i) the importance of ongoing technological developments, including real‐time instrumentation, ground‐based and aerial remote sensing, isotopic ratios, and numerical models of landscape processes, for documenting and predicting fire‐related geomorphic processes; and (ii) the great uncertainties about future landscape change in a global environment of rapidly changing climate and growing human populations that encroach onto remaining wildlands in fire‐susceptible regions. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The results from three years of surveying and monitoring a dynamic foredune and dunefield restoration effort on Vancouver Island, Canada is presented. Complete removal of foredune vegetation occurred in three phases spaced a year apart in an effort to control invasive Ammophila spp. The collection of airborne LiDAR, orthophotographs, and bi‐monthly topographic surveys provided a means to quantify and examine sediment budgets and geomorphic responses. Three survey swaths, corresponding with each phase of vegetation removal, were established to provide detailed topographic coverage over the impacted beach, foredune, and dunefield landscape units. The swath corresponding with the first phase of removal recorded a positive sediment budget of 1·3 m3 m?2 after three years. A control swath, with data collected for a year prior and two years following removal, exhibited a distinct pulse of sediment delivery into the dunefield unit with a maximum gain of 0·03 m3 m?2 pre‐removal compared to 0·11 m3 m?2 post‐removal. Vegetation analysis zones, associated with each of the three swaths, demonstrate a range of vegetation responses due to variation in the vegetation removal and subsequent re‐invasion or removal methods employed. The first site to be cleared of vegetation, received ongoing invasive re‐growth control, and three years following removal vegetation cover dropped from 57% in 2009 to 13% in 2012 (?44%). An adjacent site was cleared of vegetation two years later (only one year of recovery) but experienced rapid Ammophila re‐invasion and percent cover changed from 61% in 2009 to 26% in 2012 (?35%). The data presented provides insights for improving the application of sediment budget monitoring in dynamic restorations and discusses the potential for detailed spatial–temporal survey data to improve our understanding of meso‐scale landscape morphodynamics following foredune disturbance. Overall, the vegetation removal treatments reduced the extent of invasive grass and increased dunefield mobility and dynamic activity. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Little Ice Age lateral moraines represent one of the most important sediment storages and dynamic areas in glacier forelands. Following glacier retreat, simultaneous paraglacial adjustment and vegetation succession affect the moraine slopes. Geomorphic processes (e.g. debris flows, interrill erosion, gullying, solifluction) disturb and limit vegetation development, while increasing vegetation cover decreases geomorphic activity. Thus, feedbacks between geomorphic and vegetation dynamics strongly control moraine slope development. However, the conditions under which these biogeomorphic feedbacks can occur are insufficiently understood and major knowledge gaps remain. This study determines feedback conditions through the analysis of geomorphic and vegetation data from permanent plots in the Turtmann glacier foreland, Switzerland. Results from multivariate statistical analysis (i) confirm that Dryas octopetala L. is an alpine ecosystem engineer species which influences geomorphic processes on lateral moraines and thereby controls ecosystem structure and function, and (ii) demonstrate that biogeomorphic feedbacks can occur once geomorphic activity sufficiently decreases for D. octopetala to establish and cross a cover threshold. In the subsequent ecosystem engineering process, the dominant geomorphic processes change from flow and slide to bound solifluction. Increasing slope stabilization induces a decline in biogeomorphic feedbacks and the suppression of D. octopetala by shrubs. We conceptualize this relationship between process magnitude, frequency and species resilience and resistance to disturbances in a ‘biogeomorphic feedback window’ concept. Our approach enhances the understanding of feedbacks between geomorphic and alpine vegetation dynamics on lateral moraine slopes and highlights the importance of integrating geomorphic and ecological approaches for biogeomorphic research. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Vegetation and soil properties and their associated changes through time and space affect the various stages of soil erosion. The island of Ishigaki in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan is of particular concern because of the propensity of the red‐soil‐dominated watersheds in the area to contribute substantial sediment discharge to adjacent coastal areas. This paper discusses the application of remote sensing techniques in the retrieval of vegetation and soil parameters necessary for the distributed soil‐loss modelling in small agricultural catchments and analyses the variation in erosional patterns and sediment distribution during rainfall events using numerical solutions of overland flow simulations and sediment continuity equations. To account for the spatial as well as temporal variability of selected parameters of the soil‐loss equations, a method is proposed to account for the variability of associated vegetation cover based on their spectral characteristics as captured by remotely sensed data. To allow for complete spatial integration, modelling the movement of sediment is accomplished under a loose‐coupled GIS computational framework. This study lends a theoretical support and empirical evidence to the role of vegetation as a potential agent for soil erosion control. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Based on remote sensing information sources including B/W aerial photos of 1983, pseudo-color aerial photos of 1992 and JERS-1/OPS VNIR image of 1996, vegetation types of Yingbazha, in the middle reaches of the Tarim River Basin in Xinjiang, China are mapped using ARC/INFO and related software. The changes in vegetation areas and distribution conditions are analyzed. As a result of natural and human influences, vegetation changes have temporal and spatial characteristics. According to the principles of landscape ecology and geographical information science, the landscape changes are indicated. Moreover, the remote sensing and GIS techniques are integrated to study vegetation and its landscape.  相似文献   

石希  夏军强  周美蓉  邓珊珊 《湖泊科学》2023,35(6):2036-2047
受三峡工程运用的影响,长江中游水沙情势剧变,江心洲生境结构发生变化,洲上植被密度、活力和分布情况也随之改变。因此亟需开展针对江心洲植被的长期观测以厘清其对三峡调控的响应机制,从而制定有效的洲滩植被保护和修复策略。卫星遥感技术是开展长时间、长河段地貌观测的常用手段。目前应用卫星遥感技术监测江心洲植被动态的研究,主要聚焦于三峡工程运用对江心洲植被面积和覆盖度的影响,而较少深入探讨植物长势和分布模式的变化趋势。因此,本文以长江中游4个典型江心洲为研究对象,提出了一系列可用于反演江心洲淹没范围和滩面上植被动态的方法,并量化分析三峡工程运用对植被动态的影响。结果表明:(1)三峡工程运用后,江心洲整体淹没频率降低,部分原有边滩逐步满足耐水植物的生长条件,促使江心洲植被面积呈现增长的趋势;原分布在高滩上的不耐水植物逐步蔓延至低滩,导致江心洲植被茂密程度整体上升;(2)三峡工程运行前,2002年含沙量较大的漫滩洪水有促进植物第二年生长的趋势;而三峡工程运行后,2016年具有同样规模但含沙量减少近80%的漫滩洪水则有抑制植物生长的作用;(3)部分形态稳定的江心洲,其高、低滩植被分布模式之间的异质性受三峡...  相似文献   

The increasing availability and reliability of satellite remote sensing products [e.g., precipitation (P), evapotranspiration (ET), and the total water storage change (TWSC)] make it feasible to estimate the global terrestrial water budget at fine spatial resolution. In this study, we start from a reference water budget dataset that combines all available data sources, including satellite remote sensing, land surface model (LSM) and reanalysis, and investigate the roles of different non-satellite remote sensing products in closing the terrestrial water budget through a sensitivity analysis by removing/replacing one or more categories of products during the budget estimation. We also study the differences made by various satellite products for the same budget variable. We find that the gradual removal of non-satellite data sources will generally worsen the closure errors in the budget estimates, and remote sensing retrievals of P, ET, and TWSC together with runoff (R) from LSM give the worst closure errors. The gauge-corrected satellite precipitation helps to improve the budget closure (4.2–9 % non-closure errors of annual mean precipitation) against using the non-gauge-corrected precipitation (7.6–10.4 % non-closure errors). At last, a data assimilation technique, the constrained Kalman filter, is applied to enforce the water balance, and it is found that the satellite remote sensing products, though with worst closure, yield comparable budget estimates in the constrained system to the reference data. Overall, this study provides a first comparison between the water budget closure using the satellite remote sensing products and a full combination of remote sensing, LSM, and reanalysis products on a quasi-global basis. This study showcases the capability and potential of the satellite remote sensing in closing the terrestrial water budget at fine spatial resolution if properly constrained.  相似文献   

The action of organisms in shaping landforms is increasingly recognized; the field of biogeomorphology and the conceptual framework of ecosystem engineering have arisen in response to the need for integrated studies of the interactions between biotic and abiotic components of landscapes. Pathways by which organisms influence landscape development may be complex. For example, primary change initiated by one biotic element may initiate a cascade of other changes that eventually produce a significant landscape modification. Mound‐like landforms in North America and southern Africa are widely cited examples of biogenic structures, yet there is considerable controversy regarding the processes responsible for their formation. Heuweltjies (Afrikaans for little hills) are circular mounds ranging from 10–30 m diameter and 0.5–2 m height and are widespread in western South Africa. Colonies of the termite (Microhodotermes viator) are typically associated with heuweltjies and some investigators have attributed heuweltjie formation to the direct action of termites in redistributing earthen materials. However, rather than being directly responsible in this way, termites simply create nutrient‐rich islands, which support denser vegetation, thereby inducing the localized accretion of aeolian sediments and upward growth of mounds. Contrasting soil features in heuweltjies in one locale indicate these processes have occurred throughout the late Quaternary. Geographic variation in sizes of mounds is explained in part by the local availability of sediments that can be mobilized and redistributed by the wind. Recognition of the operation of aeolian processes in the formation of heuweltjies has important implications for conservation. Any land use that diminishes the sediment‐trapping effect of vegetation on heuweltjies truncates the very process by which new aeolian materials can accrue and may promote irreversible erosion and landscape degradation. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

白洋淀位于雄安新区腹地,是雄安新区重要的生态屏障与后花园,生态补水与植被恢复是白洋淀生态修复的重要内容.本文运用遥感影像资料,对比分析了雄安新区设立以来(2017年和2020年)白洋淀挺水植被、沉水植被、陆生植被、开阔水域、建设用地和裸地6种土地利用类型的变化趋势,深入剖析了挺水植被、沉水植被和陆生植被的时空分布格局、生长期内逐月生物量变化及其演替规律,探讨了水位变化对挺水植被和沉水植被生物量的影响,分析了雄安新区设立以来生态补水对淀区植被恢复的整体效果.结果表明:白洋淀水生植被主要分布在淀区北部、西北、西南和沿岸水深较浅的区域,相比2017年雄安新区设立之初,生态补水作用下,2020年淀区水位平均上涨0.63 m,沉水植被、陆生植被分布面积分别扩大了7.5%和21.4%,挺水植被和裸地面积则缩减了19%;挺水植被在8月生物量达到最大值,其分布面积和生物量随水位的增加整体呈减小趋势,同时受季节演替影响,温度升高则会显著促进挺水植被生长;与之相反,沉水植被随季节演替,其年内生物量最大出现在5、9和10月,但分布面积未有明显变化,且其生物量变化受水位影响不明显.总体而言,雄安新区设立以来,白洋淀年内植被生物量明显增加,为淀区水环境质量和水生态安全提供保障.  相似文献   

Shuo Li  Ming Xu  Bo Sun 《水文研究》2014,28(22):5573-5582
The long‐term hydrological response to reforestation is critical to regional water management, especially in areas where large‐scale reforestation has been practiced. In this study, we investigated the long‐term hydrological response to reforestation in the 579 km2 basin in southeastern China through ground‐based monitoring of water yield, sedimentation, vegetation cover and climate in the basin. The vegetation dynamics were also examined by remote sensing data (MSS, Landsat and AVHRR NDVI). We found that forest cover increased 23% or 13 593 ha from 1975 to 2002. Meanwhile, annual water yield decreased 86–88 mm from 1971–1983 (i.e. pre‐reforestation) to 1984–2009 (i.e. post‐reforestation). These decreases were significant statistically according to both regression and double mass analyses. Time series analysis demonstrated that there was a clear decline in annual sediment yield and an increase in annual evapotranspiration (ET) over the period from 1971 to 2009. We concluded that reforestation could significantly reduce annual water yield and sediment yield in the basin because of the forest cover change and forest growth. This conclusion is consistent with findings from widely paired‐watershed studies and literatures published on the impact of reforestation in large watersheds. Our results also have important strategic implications and provide insight into more sustainable forest management practices for the future. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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