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SMA负刚度双曲面隔震装置的试验结果表明:绕支座布置的SMA索在支座转弯处不能自由滑动,导致SMA索的受力与设计目标严重不符。为解决上述问题,拟提出一种优化升级的SMA负刚度双曲面减震装置。基于某一连续梁桥,比较研究了正刚度、零刚度与该负刚度装置的抗震性能。结果表明:该优化装置具有良好的耗能能力、自恢复性能以及强震下的限位能力。与正刚度装置及零刚度装置相比,该装置具有更好的抗震性能。  相似文献   

为完善大跨长联连续梁桥的减震和隔震技术,提出将负刚度装置引入某带有摩擦摆支座隔震的大跨长联连续梁桥中组成新型减震和隔震系统。基于CSIBridge软件建立全桥有限元模型,负刚度装置采用弹性多段线模拟,摩擦摆支座采用双线性恢复力模型,输入7条地震波进行了非线性时程分析,考查了新型减震和隔震系统下桥梁结构的地震反应,探究了负刚度系统对大跨长联隔震连续梁桥地震反应的影响。研究结果表明:在大跨长联隔震连续梁桥上布置负刚度装置后,梁体加速度及支座位移可被有效降低,近场地震动下的墩底内力也有明显减小。负刚度装置可有效提高大跨长联摩擦摆支座连续梁桥的抗震性能,负刚度装置也适用于大跨长联隔震连续梁桥。  相似文献   

The paper deals with the proposal and the experimental validation of a novel dissipative bracing system for the seismic protection of structures; compared with other similar systems, it is characterized by smaller size and weight, which makes it easier to move and to install, as well as particularly suitable to be inserted in light‐framed structures (e.g. steel structures of industrial plants). The proposed system consists of an articulated quadrilateral with steel dissipaters inserted, to be connected by tendons to frame joints; the prototypes have been designed and realized for the seismic protection of a two‐storey, large‐scale, steel frame, specially designed for shaking‐table tests. The paper, after an illustration of the system, and of its design and behaviour, presents the shaking‐table tests carried out. The experimental results have fully validated the proposed system, showing its good performance in controlling the seismic response of framed structures. A numerical non‐linear model, set up and validated on the basis of the physical tests, has been used to help interpreting the experimental results, but also to perform parametrical studies for investigating the influence of the design parameters on the performance of the control system. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对地震作用下公路桥梁的碰撞问题,采用接触单元法模拟桥梁之间的碰撞作用,并在此基础上研究了采用磁流变阻尼器的公路桥梁碰撞的半主动控制方法。通过对某公路桥梁的数值模拟发现,地震作用下桥梁之间的相互碰撞,将大幅增加桥梁的绝对加速度响应。采用磁流变阻尼器的半主动控制系统能够较好地降低结构的地震响应和消除地震作用下的碰撞。  相似文献   

为适应施工期短的严/高寒地区和近海铁路桥梁工程发展,提高铁路桥梁工程的施工效率和工程质量.文中提出了一种用于铁路桥梁工程中的模块化预制拼装实心桥墩,该桥墩不仅可以纵向节段连接,还可以通过多个可互连的模块水平连接.基于ABAQUS程序,开展了铁路桥梁模块化预制拼装桥墩在单调、往复荷载作用下力学性能数值分析,对该桥墩的承载...  相似文献   

针对目前桥梁结构横向防落梁限位装置损毁后修复困难的问题,提出一种新型的带可更换耗能段的桥梁横向防落梁限位装置。分别以可更换耗能段的腹板厚度、腹板高度及安装位置等为参数,采用有限元软件ABAQUS建立了10个不同参数的装置模型并对其开展拟静力仿真试验,探讨其工作机理,验证其可更换的设计思想并剖析其破坏机理,研究各参数对装置滞回曲线、承载力、延性和耗能能力的影响规律。结果表明:该装置可通过先可更换耗能段破坏再竖板破坏达到多道设防和分级耗能的目的,且整个加载过程中装置的滞回曲线饱满、稳定、无明显捏拢,表现出良好的耗能能力;随着可更换耗能段腹板厚度的增加,装置屈服承载力、极限承载力、屈服位移、极限位移以及延性系数逐渐增大,耗能能力逐渐增强;可更换耗能段高度对装置屈服承载力影响不显著;随着可更换耗能段高度的增加,装置极限承载力逐渐增大,装置屈服位移先增大后减小,装置极限位移整体呈下降趋势,装置的延性系数和耗能能力逐渐减小;可更换耗能段的安装高度对装置屈服承载力和耗能能力的影响无统一规律,但与装置的屈服位移、极限位移及延性系数成负相关。基于本析结果,建议装置在满足承载力要求的前提下,应尽量选取可更换耗能段腹板厚度较厚、高度较小和安装位置较低的参数进行设计。  相似文献   

将结构前两阶振型各自等效为单自由度,采用模态pushover分析确定各等效单自由度的屈服强度系数和延性系数,然后由反应谱计算各阶振型耗散能量需求,利用各振型能量分布曲线,求得各层耗散能量需求,叠加得到各层地震总能量需求,据此确定耗能装置的类型及设计参数.运用该方法对9层钢框架进行了设计,并通过非线性动力分析进行了验证,结果表明该方法精确度符合实际工程需求.  相似文献   

框架结构SMA阻尼器被动控制模拟分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了形状记忆合金(SMA)阻尼器的性能,引入其本构关系,建立其热力学方程。针对所提出的阻尼器及相关参数选择,利用ANSYS进行框架结构中的被动控制模拟。将所得的未加与加入SMA阻尼器下顶层位移进行比较,发现SMA阻尼器可以很好地提高框架结构的抗震性能,并提出进一步研究的方法。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results from unidirectional shaking table tests of two reduced scale steel models of a building frame, with one and two floors, respectively. These frames incorporate friction dissipators at every floor. The inputs are sine-dwells and artificial and registered earthquakes. This study is part of a larger research project aiming to assess the seismic efficiency of friction dissipators by means of an integrated numerical and experimental approach. Inside this framework, the main objectives of these experiments are to: (i) collect a wide range of results to calibrate a numerical model derived within the project, (ii) clarify some of the most controversial issues about friction dissipators (including behavior for inputs containing pulses, capacity to reduce resonance peaks, introduction of high frequencies in the response, and self-generated eccentricities), (iii) better understand their dynamic behavior, (iv) provide insight on the feasibility and reliability of using simple friction dissipators for seismic protection of building structures and (v) characterize the hysteretic behavior of these devices. Most of these objectives are satisfactorily reached and relevant conclusions are stated.  相似文献   

高架桥地震反应半主动控制分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
本文探讨了高架桥结构地震反应LQR(Linear Quadratic Regulator)半主动控制算法以及考虑刚度退化的桥墩非线性计算模型,并利用Matlab语言编制的程序对其进行了数值仿真计算。结果表明,将隔震技术与利用MR阻尼器的半主动控制技术相结合,能够有效地减小高架桥的地震反应;MR阻尼器的设置位置以及结构的参数对控制效果有较大影响。考虑桥墩非线性影响将能得到更为接近实际的计算结果。  相似文献   

本文以一实际长输管道悬索桥跨越工程为原型,制作了缩尺比例为1:8的试验模型,对试验模型的模态、抗震性能进行了白噪声和不同强度的El Centro波输入下的试验研究以及有限元分析。试验结果表明:试验模型的自振频率随地震强度的增加而降低,最大降低20%;试验模型的最大地震反应为塔架顶部的纵向振动,加速度达1.75g,折合原型为1.62g,动力放大系数为5.47。管道的地震反应以横向振动为主,最大加速度达1.21g,折合原型结构为1.12g,动力放大系数为2.63。试验过程中,输入的最大横向和竖向地震反应加速度折合原型均超过0.4g,但模型构件未发生破损,结构体系保持稳定,表明悬索跨越结构具有抗御地震烈度9度而保持使用功能的能力。不同强度的地震动作用下,钢索与管道的内力分配改变,钢索具有调节结构体系构件受力的重要机能,有限元分析结果与试验结果比较吻合。  相似文献   

大跨度连续刚架-拱组合结构桥梁的纵向地震响应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以广州新光大桥为例,建立了空间杆系模型,利用动态时程分析方法,详细分析了大跨度连续刚架-拱组合结构桥梁在纵桥向地震一致激励和行波效应作用下的地震响应。研究表明除边墩外,行波效应对拱肋上、下弦杆以及V型刚架斜腿地震内力响应均有较大影响;随着剪切波速的增加主拱顶相对拱脚的最大纵向位移呈递减趋势,而边拱顶相对拱脚的最大纵向位移基本不受剪切波速的影响。  相似文献   

As part of a national research programme an experimental campaign was carried out on a real scale mock‐up consisting of a steel–concrete composite frame equipped with dissipative bracings, based on high damping rubber (HDR) devices. Free vibration tests, followed by force‐controlled and displacement‐controlled cyclic tests were performed. The experimental tests were aimed at studying the dynamic response of the coupled system in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of HDR devices in increasing the stiffness and dissipation capacity of the frame and investigating the ability of the constitutive HDR model proposed by the authors to predict the dynamic response of the coupled system. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

With the launch of the high‐speed train project in California, the seismic risk is a crucial concern to the stakeholders. To investigate the seismic behavior of future California High‐Speed Rail (CHSR) bridge structures, a 3D nonlinear finite‐element model of a CHSR prototype bridge is developed. Soil‐structure and track‐structure interactions are accounted for in this comprehensive numerical model used to simulate the seismic response of the bridge and track system. This paper focuses on examining potential benefits and possible drawbacks of the a priori promising application of seismic isolation in CHSR bridges. Nonlinear time history analyses are performed for this prototype bridge subjected to two bidirectional horizontal historical earthquake ground motions each scaled to two different seismic hazard levels. The effect of seismic isolation on the seismic performance of the bridge is investigated through a detailed comparison of the seismic response of the bridge with and without seismic isolation. It is found that seismic isolation significantly reduces the deck acceleration and the force demand in the bridge substructure (i.e., piers and foundations), especially for high‐intensity earthquakes. However, seismic isolation increases the deck displacement (relative to the pile cap) and the stresses in the rails. These findings imply that seismic isolation can be promisingly applied to CHSR bridges with due consideration of balancing its beneficial and detrimental effects through using appropriate isolators design. The optimum seismic isolator properties can be sought by solving a performance‐based optimum seismic design problem using the nonlinear finite‐element model presented herein. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a two-dimensional numerical study on the nonlinear seismic response of buildings equipped with two types of energy dissipators: Constant Friction Slip Braces (CFSB) and Adding Damping and Stiffness (ADAS). Three types of reinforced concrete buildings with 3, 7 and 15 storeys, representatives of the short-medium- and long-period ranges, are considered. Dissipators are placed in steel diagonal braces in all the floors. The sliding threshold (or yielding) forces for each mechanism are selected using two different criteria: (i) they are taken as 50, 75 and 100 per cent of those generated by the equivalent static lateral forces recommended by the UBC-91 for a ductile moment resisting frame and (ii) they are constant in the whole building (this constant value is chosen equal to the maximum forces obtained with the previous criterion). The input consists of ten recorded earthquakes (normalized with respect to their Housner intensity) corresponding to medium and stiff local soil conditions. Average values on the ten registers are given for the maximum horizontal displacement, the base shear, the energy dissipated and the interstorey drift. The possibility of failure in some devices has been numerically simulated to assess the robustness of the system. The obtained results show that both devices are useful to reduce the response compared to the bare frame and that CFSB is more efficient than ADAS; for 7- and 15-storey frames the lateral displacement with CFSB is even smaller than the one for the braced frame (rigid connections instead of dissipators). The conclusions are expected to provide simple design guidelines. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

直接针对大型振动台模型试验,建立液化场地桩-土-桥梁结构地震相互作用数值模拟的二维分析模型和计算方法。根据桩基平面应变假定,将空间桩体转换成平面板桩,并考虑桩的尺寸效应;基于桩截面节点位移协调条件和平衡力系等效原理,建立四结点梁单元刚度矩阵且对Timoshenko梁杆单元刚度矩阵进行增广修正,以考虑桩的横向尺寸影响桩周土位移场分布的尺寸效应。根据有效应力原理进行土动反应分析,采用满足M asing准则的修正双曲线模型描述土动力变形的本构关系,同时考虑因孔压上升造成土体软化而对土动力性能的影响,由迭代法处理土的动力非线性。采用并联弹簧-阻尼器模拟计算域人工边界,以考虑边界波的反射作用对体系动力反应的干扰和土粘滞阻尼的影响。采用W ilson-θ逐步积分法计算体系的地震反应。通过与试验结果的对比分析,评估数值模拟的建模途径和计算方法的可靠性。  相似文献   

本文考虑曲线梁桥在竖直方向的弯扭耦合以及水平方向的弯曲、轴向变形,导出了曲线梁单元竖直方向和水平方向的传递矩阵.给出了用传递矩阵法计算曲线梁桥竖直方向和水平方向的振动频率、振型、地震内力和变形的计算公式和步骤,并运用传递矩阵法对单跨简支桥进行了地震反应分析.算例表明,本文方法简单、具有较高精度和效率,可用于曲线梁桥抗震设计.  相似文献   

Studies have shown the effectiveness of providing supplemental energy dissipation in base‐isolated structures to reduce displacements at the isolation level. A previous analytical study demonstrated the benefits of providing this energy dissipation at a specified gap larger than the design displacement. The gap before engagement allows the base isolation system to meet performance criteria in varying levels of ground excitation. Use of this ‘gap damper’ device eliminates undesirable effects often exhibited with large amounts of supplemental damping at lower intensity motions. Using results from an analytical study, the primary purpose of this research was to develop devices for practical implementation. Development of the devices demanded simplicity, feasibility, economy, and reliability to be an effective option in building design and construction. Multiple designs were proposed, and a final design was chosen based on selection criteria and finite element analyses. The device was designed and tested in Auburn University's Structural Research Lab. Experimental results were compared with theoretical models to verify behavior and make necessary adjustments for a shake table experiment. The design parameters were selected to accommodate re‐use of the device for the shake table test. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了全面研究工程水泥基复合材料(ECC)加固桥墩的抗震性能,对采用聚乙烯醇纤维增强水泥基复合材料(PVA-ECC)加固的桥墩进行了拟静力试验。并基于有限元分析软件OpenSees建立了数值模型,通过对比数值模拟结果与试验结果,验证有限元分析的有效性,在此基础上对PVA-ECC加固桥墩进行数值参数分析,探讨轴压比、新旧材料厚径比及体积配箍率变化对桥墩抗震性能的影响规律。结果表明:数值模拟的滞回曲线与骨架曲线和试验基本吻合;与普通混凝土桥墩相比,新旧材料厚径比为0.10时,即可获得优异的延性性能,ECC加固的桥墩变形性能显著提升,极限位移提高,滞回曲线更加饱满,抗震性能更加优异。对于高轴压比情况,为了确保ECC加固桥墩的延性性能,应根据实际情况增加新旧材料厚径比;ECC材料可部分替代箍筋作用,适用于箍筋配置不足的桥墩加固,PVA-ECC具有较好的工程抗震加固的作用。  相似文献   

液化场地桩-土-桥梁结构动力相互作用振动台试验研究进展   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:20  
本文在全面归纳与总结液化场地桩-土-桥梁结构动力相互作用振动台试验及与之相关领域的国内外研究进展基础上,直接针对我国桥梁工程中的主要震害问题,提出在我国开展液化场地桩-土-桥梁结构动力相互作用振动台试验研究的必要性,并阐述作者对液化场地桩-土-张桥梁结构动力相互作用振动台试验中若干问题的认识。  相似文献   

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